Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1898, p. 4

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perhnp grippe or a hard cold you may be recovering from malaria or a slow fever cr possibly some of the chil dren are lust getting over the measles or whooping cough areyourecaverlng n3 fast as you should has not your old trouble left your blood full of impurities and isnt this tho reason you keep so poorly dont delay recovery longer but also a tonic of immense value glvo nature a little elpokioehes3md byrenioviiiiau the products of disease from your blood if your bowels are not uat right ayers pills will make them so send for cur book on diet in consti pation mmtete w have tat eotetaslve ssrvlees otiotna of ujlnmtenailaantvfaysf clin id the oplte state writ xrmly and neetfa a dr j 0 at shafts shot at the drink demon be xtwt tie f mis thursday september 29 1898 ije onng folks atschoo at bomb my toacttor doesnt think i road so very apodal well bhoe uwyi saslag what was tbat last word 4nd makea me ipoll and then pronounoe it af tor ber ab alow as alow can bo youd bettor tako a littlb care tbavavrbat enosays tome or olio im roally f raidyoull find some one of these bright days youre way behind tho primer olaea thats what my teacher bays dut when imatiny erandpaa bouse ho bauds me oat s book aud iota me obooao a plaee to read aud thou hell tit and look at mo and llatenjuat as pleased i i know it from nifl faoo i and wbon 1 read a great ions word hollaey why little once i youll have to teaob bar deeatrlotuehool boma one 6 tbese bright daval mother yon coma and bear this child i tbata what my grandpa sayt sliiabtlh loam in st hkhouu it will not int prohibition will not interfere with per sonal liberty ii will not hinder any person who requiree spirits from obtaining tho required quantity it will provide for the sale of liquor onder all needful olream stanoes whenever it is required for med icine mahnf notnrlog or mediolhal uses tile law will make ample provision for its purchase all the restriction prohibition will lay on will be that the tise of aloohollo drinks will not be allowed at regular drink ing plaoes or in an idle and dilllpated mariner prohibition will not interfere with the sale of the prodnot of either field j tree or vine until booh tlrno as by prooeae of fermentation or dlitillatian snob prodnot has become ajooholio and consequently dangerous new older arid unfermented wins may be freely sold under prohibition not only this prohibiting the sale of strong drink should tend to make far greater demand for harmless bevsrasos prohibition will not interfere with the keeping of a good hotel it will dose up thoio places which depend for existence upon debauching their guests but any man whose hostelry is a publio want will find as muoh legal eoantenano ander prohibition as undir lioenae prohibition- will not interfere with any safe business or good work it will pro mote every thing that it is well to maintain in the community tod will enhanoe public morals on the other band it will prohibit drinking and oaronilng prevent orime and almobt abollah poverty prohibition will riot- interfere with any thing god has designed for the benefit of mankind it will prove a great help and no hindrance in doing hiar work it will bless ns with sober minds olear beads and industrious uvea it will holp us to do his will royal templar plehty of beer in the sunimer means llttlo fire in the winter what maintains one vloe would bringup two children benjamin franklin chicago it is said spende annually for beer 3booo50o the man who gelrdronk without suffer ing injury is not overburdened with brains borne babies are brought upon trie bottle and a good many men are bronght down by it tbore is nothing elevating or refining about drink or drinking places their whole tendenoyjs downward in tnobottledlsoontenlseeseforcomfort bowardloefor oonrsgoand baihf ulnebafor confidence johnson prink neither wine nor aironir drink so long as by it you make keakor caiuti to atnmble and tempt into rain or rnlsory the soul of a brother a drnnkenmen is like a drowned man a foolnndi madman one draft above beat makes bim a fool j the etoond makes elm maovand the third drowns him shakespeare there are quite a number of people who drink intoxicants in winter to keep themselvee warm those aro the same people who in lbe6ther three seasons of the year do not fail to find exonsei for their inclination to drink miss willard when asked what was the greatest need in the temperance cause replied tbat it was to keep pounding on the nallv she said ibeveoo new reve lation i know no magical method bntlard honest work inhere be a nation that exports its beef and linen to pay for the importation of beer and olaret for consumption wherein does it differ from the sot who lets bl fam starve and hli clothes to why uat1n is used by phys1- cians -bny-drlnfcfranklinrr- what will you do your life is precious- save it i paines celery compound can restore you yb sfj v v- tls folly and madness to defer the use of the great medlolne ifloutbco bald the man icatiidk on tlie drui8toro coiinmr why b doctor dont writo bio prenoriptions in ktifilibb inntoacf of iu latin tbo drojfgidt stiil yiu think i buppqse thktttuo dtiotor wiilea his presorlptloua io litioteo it oiint be road ho euaily bo tho laymeu cauc ntuhlhla trade and learnwliat ho is itivioft mm but ilia id all wrong iu tho flrat plooe ldlin 1b a mora oxaot and ooncioa lftnruao than ling in h and beioff a dead langoaco doea not ohaot ttb all living unguageii do then bfjin ainoo a very largo part of all tbo drugs in uie are botaofoal thoy have in tho pbarmaoopela tbo aamfnmca tbat they bave in botany the eoientiflo nomeo twotbirila of euoli dragb havent ady english naroeh and bo couldnt be wrhtenineiirlihl- buteupposoa doetor did write a pea- orlptton for an a u educated paliont tbe patient reads it and then trlea to- get it filled jrom memory the beoond 11 me suppose for inataocp it oh11b for iodldo of potoaiqjm and he gels confubed with cyan ide ot potabuiuiri ho could oafely take ten rainaof the flrat bat one graia ot the eecond would kill him as deadas a maak- eral thats an exaggerated case bat it will serve as au illuatvtvtlon don you lee bow llio latju is a proteotipo and e aafeguard to the ptttient t prokoriptions id latin he cant read and coubcquenlly doesnt try to remember now for a final reaaon ltta ia a langaige tbat is naed by eoientiflo men tbe world over and no other langotgo is yon oam get lalin preeoriptiona flllod in any oo an try oa the face of the earth where there in a dragstore we had a prescrip tion come in here the other day which we bad originally and wbioh had ainoe been fttamiied by druggiatb in jjonaon paris berlin coustantfooplo cairo and oaloottft what good would an english pfoaoription be in bt petersburg mm is am tired and weary of this continued life of misery and buffering i this is the heart wail of thonsaods of foor nervous and sleepless men and women crazed with headache rheumatism neuralgia dyspep sia and blood troubles btioh people usually are filled with gloom and despond enoy memory fails and tlaer are often found on tho straight path that leads to tho dark grave have courage suffering brother and aisterl paines celery compound has cored thousands of oases in the past far more desperate and terrible than yours it has proved an agent of life to others and it will oerlalnly do as mnoh for yon in this your time of adveraity and dialrosa what will your decision be snfferer will you- allow the many symptoms of disease and death tp mora fully develop or will you by the aid of natnres medlolno paines celery oompound strike jast now at the root of your trouble aud be made sound healthy and happy the ablest physicians admit tbat palnes celery compound is the only true nerve food and medicine tbat has ewer been given to suffering humanity it strengthens and bolide up the nerves tlsioes and musoles it purines the life stream oaau out disease of every form giving a fresh eilstenoe and a long a hap life a trlsal of one bottle will convince you tbat fsinoa celery oom- poond is a lifesaver and a disease banlsher the bane of many a womans life- a berlin lady tells ho to g hid of it doans kidney pills the remedy mrselliareiu33 wellington st berlin ont jpi ucr ton years i have been afflicted villl kidney and back trou ble surteringr greatly from dizziness ner vousness weak eyesight loss of sleep and appetite and an almost constant tired weak feeling in february last i got a box of doans kidney pills and receivedso much benefit from them that 1 continued their use until iliad taken three boxes in all and was completely cured they removed every vestige of pain dixzlncss and nervousness and en abled melo get restful sleep so that from being a sick woman i am now strong aiiuweu again doaaa kidney pills are the bestremedy in the world for brigtits disease diabetes dropsy baokacbei gravel sediment in the urine and all kidney nnd bladder dlseanes sold by droffbtlsts or beat by mail on receipt ot price 5ocnta a box ort boxea lor tay tbo doan elcjner pu1 co toronto ont castorio 1 dr snmuol pitchers prescription for infanta nnd chlltlron it contoinis ucltlicr oiuuui morphine nor otlior harcotlc snbstnnco it ia a ltarmlcss substituto fqrbtixjognrlcs drops soothliiff syrups and castor oh it is rioasnrit its guarantee is tlilrty years uso by mllllonij of mothora cnstorla destroys worms and allays teyorlslinosb oastorla prevents vomiting- spur curd cures diarrhoea and wind colic oastorla relieves toothing troubles euros constipation and flatulency castorift assimilates tho rood regulates tho stonincli and bowels trlving healthy and natural sloop oastorla is tho oliildrons panacea tho mothers friend castoria csstorla la rn excellent medicine for children bfothera have repeatedly told uie of lis gopdcfltecl upon their children da g c oboood loiilell man cagtbria castoria is so well nilapted to children thnti recommend itas superior to any pre- ncrlptlon known to me ii a axcuurmd brooklyn ny the facsim1le signature of inches wide special 25c 35c 40c ten new designs in illnck silk and jiffecl 44 inches wide 50c silk department plain and fancy silks in great varieiy blouse silks upwards of a hundred patterns placed in stock this week newest shadings and designs specials nt 50c 65c 75c 85c black sllkstbe value surpasses any thing we have shown heretofore see our special numbers of black peau do solo 75c 8 si when a married man hai to use a nail to connect hia troaaers with his edppendera its a eureslga tbat he drew a li ink in tbo matrimonial lottsry nearly all infants are subject to diarrhoea and auobi complaints whileteeth ing and as this period of their lives is most oritioal mothers should not be without a bottle o dr j d kejloggs dysentery cordial this medicine is a npooiflo for such complaints and is highly bpokon of by those who have need it the proprietors olaim it will curs any oase of cholera or pummer oomplsin t horses slsep ffltb one car pointed to the front butwhy no man oan tei doau cures a manltohft irun mr alexander fraser miami man writes i cannot refrain from reoom- mendlng doans kidney pills to pereonb troubled with kidney disorder for i believe if they could onrs me they could ouro any oase lots of girls named graoe are as awk weird as a hippopotamus xlver troubles biliousness sallow com plezlon yellow eyes jsanaioe eta yield to the curative powers of laialivor pills they are sare to core a man is firm wbon he acts aocordlng to your wishes and obstinate when he acts otherwise clara when i wab out on my wheel this morning i cracked my onamel qnite badly maud you mubt learn not to smile llartyr to heart tronlilc mrs selina e core amherst n s says at times i suffered intensely from palpitation and fluttering of my heart i was weak and my nerves shattered mil- burns heirt and nerve pills bave regu lated my heart toned my nerves and bnllt up my health for intornal or external nse hagyarda yollow oil cannot bo atcelled as a pain relieving and soothing remedy for all pain many persons cannot take plain codliver oil they cannot digest it it upsets the stomach knovirjrig these things we have digested the oil in scot t v emulsioir jqf cod- liver oil with hyppphbs- phites that is we have broken it up into little glob- ules or droplets we use machinery to do the work of the digestive organs and you obtain the good effects of the digested oil at once that is why you can take scotts emulsion socand tlo all dmailso scott a dowhe ditmultoroiik dont attempt to train np your children in the way they should go unlesb yen are goiog that way yourself could notturn in bed terrible suffering of an elora lady from rheumatism fifteen yeorso sufferer but cured by two bottles of south am er loan rheumatic cure trie path to duty is the path to pleasure milburns sterling headaobe powders are easy to take harmless in aotion and buro to cure any hoadaohe in from 5 to 20 minutes the ber john ball of new york died on saturday morning at bangor county down ireland vhenoo he had gone on his annual visit tohls old bumo no family living in a bilious oonntry ahould be withoat parmeleos vegetable pills a few doses taken now and then will keep the liver active oleahse the stomach and bowels from all bilious matter and prevent ague mr j l prioe shoals martin co ind writes i bave tried a box of parmeleea pills and find them the bebt xnodiolne for fever and ague 1 have ever ubedv aman never realizes the wortblessneeb of his earlbly pobbssions until he trigs to pawnthem men oau endnrepaln with much less fuss than a woman perbspsbat they donl tbero can be a dlfterenoe of opinion on most anbjeatp but there islonly one opinion as to the reliability of mother graven i have noticed aid the oamrainsville sage that tho man with the narrowest mind is prone to make the broadest asser- tionsv sores flealed bores and ulcers of the worst kind are readily healed by burdock blood bitters take it internally and appiy i externally according to dlreotione and see how qoiok- ly a onre will be made no pen can desorlbe the intensity pf suffering that may come from an attaok of rheumatism for fifteen years says mrs john beanmont of elora ont i have been more or less troubled with rheu- matlsm whioh took the form of paitas in the back often oonqniog me to my bed and rendering me part of ibo time wholly unfit for my duties at times i suffered so intensely that i oould not turn in my bed and lbs dissase was fast reaohiag a point where both myself and my husband had tbeoome tbcrongbly discouraged of recovery a friend noommeuded south american rheumatic onre and after the drat bottle i was able to alt up and before four bottles were taken i was ablo to go about as nanal and have been in excellent health over since sold by a t brown worm exterminator effectual it la safe sure and tj probably the reoion a woman always oonhdea a eooret tp another is beoabae shs ie afraid she may dio and there will bo no one olse to toll it a broken d l not a flnanolal but worse a physi cal wreokpaet doctors skill but cured by soutr amerl- oan nervine prostralod by nerroua debility mr e errotl lumber merchant and mill owner of merriokviue ont was foroed to with draw from the aotlllty of business he saya i tried everything in the way of doctors skill and propristary medicines but nothing helped ne i was influenoed to use south american nervine and i oan truthfully say that i bad not taken half a bottle tutors i found benenolsl effeots as a reaollof several bdttiet i find myself today strong and healthy aud ready for any amount of busfnsiet where before my nervous ajttern was so dhder- mlned that i oould soaroely elgri ray ritme with a psn or penml x syfsjlfiisr aodknowlnglyget abottleof tblswonoer lujmdjoinev yblilf very few people oan go on being eoouomlqal if they happen to strike a streak of look no use of his lech dootors ociulot not help him but t kidney cure removesti the pipeaearthsj story of a wlng far kidney disease can be oured mr john bnell a retired farmer ot wingiim ont ays for two years i suffered sutold-tnls- erjr and at times oould not walk and any standing position gave intensa pain ths result of kidney disease tjoou physicians mold not help ma and i was continually growing worse whlob alarmed fsoblljr and hsnrte seeing booth amor loan kidney cure advertised i graspd at ii aiadrown- ing man will grasp at anything resolt before half a bottle had been lakln i was iptally relieved of palnanel two bottles sntfrely enred me to i ew kjdnsy dlseassa liquid medlolne musk w taken and one that is a solvsnt ana can thus dunelva the sand like particles in the blood boldby at brown if a man is able to swim he sbogld never beoom a pauper swlmmsra ars sslt iatatabaviv rji iiii holts when dr lows worors uyrop is ussd 35 all dealers just as soon as a man acquires his ideal he begins to look round for a superior one colic and kidney diffloulty mr j w wilder j p lafargeville n y writes i am aobjeot to severe attaoks ot colic and kidney diffloulty and find farmelsea pills afford me great relief while alt other remedies have failed they are the beat medlolne i have ever used in fact so great is the power of this medioins to bleanse and pnrlfy that diseaeea of almost every name and nature are driven from the body three years ago i was troubled with boils and tried several remedies recommended by friends but they were of no avail i had fiftytwo boiis in all and found nothing to give rne relief until i tried burdock blood bitters the first bottle i took made a com plete cure and proved so ery satisfactory that t have recom mended bbb to many of my friends who have used it yith good results a j mustard hyder man any one troubled with boils pimples rashes ulcers sores or any chronic or malignant skin disease who wants a perfect cure should use only blood when a women says she oant do this or that beoaase her husband will not let ber how nloe and old it sonnds mmmmt- for weants and obildnu half the misery in the world oomos from training after happiness a min of irregular habits will find one of milbnrns sterling headache powders taken lu tho morning dear his beajl steady his nsrves and put him in shape for his days work pries loo and seo you may have sn attack of cramps and diarrhoea after eating them just keep on hand a bottle of wild strawberry and yonroeafo it onrea cramps oollo diarr hoea dyaentory and all bowel oomplalhts labt week before justloe osier and ferguson gharleioalder who was elected on march 1st by a majority of 00 over hon john dry don was unseated for bribery by agents the stomaobs woes are pleasantly and positively hailed by dr von stana plnaanpla tmnll thy ns nphr n tho man who thinks he can do it all gen- erally never tries to do any of it thoro never was and never will be a universal panaoea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh is heir the very natnre of many outatlvea being enoh that were this germs of other and differently seated dlaesseb rooted in the systorn of the patient what would relieve one 111 in turn would aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine wben obtained in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its jradual judlaious use the fraileateystoms are led into con valescence and strength by the influence which quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronio state 61 morbid aeapondence snd lack of interest in life is a disease and bytranquilizlng the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the aptlon of the blood whloh being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening he healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening tbo frame and giving life to the digestive organs which naturally demand inoreaaod substance result im proved appetite northrop k lyman of toronto havo given 110 the publio their quinine wine at tho usual rate end gnagsd by tho opinion of soientiatsj this frlne approaohea nearest perfection of any in the market all drngfilits sell if a sad acoidont is reported from ttankin- lownabip friday q radke iost histwln sons aged three years thoy were found drowned in the well e onse cyvnev king and huglisqii sts eamilton our preparations for your fall needs are on a scale that we think has been- approached in our entire history later wc shall tell you more today we content ourselves with the following dress goods 5 ahadca 54 inches 43 inches wide inches imperial ultlngs wide special 40c fancy bouclo suiting special 40c doc 75c vigerous suitings 5 shades wide 40c arm lire suitings 54 inches wide special 75 cents blnck auwool coaling serge 44 42 to 48 wpol staple department flannelettes 36 inches wide fineriuality extra weight assorted stripes special 8ac dark shirting flannelettes btrong make assorted checks 27 inches wide special 10c canadian flannelette 31 inohes wide light and dark patterns very special 5c new wrapperetees and molleton cloths in great vari6ty of patterns black and red blnck and grey- and assorted fafcys decid- edly he finest range we have ever shown prices 84 o 12j 15 and 20c new shirtings best grade heavy cotton shirtings fnst colors checks or stripes 30 in wide izc other rradcsat 5 7j 10c english oxford shirting best make double warp speolal 150 cottonades we keep only he best makes prices xi is 18 20c union shirtings flannels best english make unshrinkable soft finish 25 35 40c uailwat time taiiu i grand trunk railway c101no wkht ooino ba8t mail 10 02 a in i gipresq d 35mra exnrosb a 25 jiin bxpfodi loooatd mail 7 1cri mall olphi i mixed loospw r tilib opclohinil m a 111 going woet li to am aritl 0 so pm oolna kaat 10 15 tun una 6 so p in tiiib tlmo tnlilo want mto effect on moada may 10th iboh aaents- book bunlnoh9 tsbottor than for your iptat alho uavo bettor and fanuir bolllnff booki akoutf oioarlnrjfroid to to 910 weekly a for loadote qroquoon victoria llfo of mr gukdatoijo my nlqttmrb iiiblo btorloi pro- ftrobblvo flponltor klondiko gold flla woman ulitniibos of tho u nation prfumk- fait dinner and suiipor uooltb on time this bradleyaamtetbon coi toronto llmltl samples on application freight or express prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario on au purchasers amounting to95 oo and upwards tixomas g watfcin s- if yqti wfat a situation a seryant a salesman an apprentice a boarding place work of any kind to find anything lost to find an owner to rent a ho8e to rent a robrri to rent a farm to sell house and lot to buy house arid lot to borrow money to loan money to save money to go into business to sell a business or anything at all advert18c in itatfri mmmmmmmmmm 8mt rjtjr tw iivtsi v rvlaln street plaiminc mills aconontv john clameronir architect and contractor manufaoturor of sub doors frames alddldlogi in b11 styles drxssino mjltcing and moulding to order on khort notice wnll assorted jtook on hand at prices to stilt tbe tlxnob john ca proprietor the modem crocer being iho larg- est makers of refrigeralors in canada wi make seferal lines of grocers and household refrigerators is many styles and jj sizes modem in design with li best prfnciple of dry cool air clr- culallpnbestln aulatlonand zinc lined why huv a homoi made or poorly made article when you canset an nplolale refrigerator for less money for prices and description send for catalogue knowlea ham nott co limited brantforrl for sale by john m bond si co guelph galvanized jitciw the ready-to- wear and pnmpq infwjtaja ternaloovared qeor patent roller asjtah biupenrikgs maple leaf is what gives shoreys clothing its prestige that idea should suggest anotherto you the saving of half your tailors bills- it does not matter what your shape is tall and slim or short and stout shoreys clothing will fit you and to all appearance you will still be a tailor made man see that shoreys guarantee card is in the pocket of each garatent it is worth remeinbering that it means satisfaction or your money back oococooooooim0400ookhoooeoioxeoem new hats 99 wyndham st ndersl two s12ss or any power no i has iofocb reversible bam i mb 2 has 8inch 3 single burrs both have ball- bearing bu rr plates roliel 3 springs and shake r g feed grind sne 3 and fastlth least p owe r alwaysh iruaranteed a trial given hundredsinuss wo make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills of ollklhdsthe finest in the market bes material llgbtea running send for illustrated catalogue brantfordcah digest the food pmvent fermentation and all- distress of the atomaoh eminent physicians have imed their sterling merit and the wonderful onres nronght right in their own praotioo and presoribe to relieve and onre 05 mots bold by a t brown the ohild tbsat really loves to go to aoliool is too dolloate to go grand bemedy for coogbs u i have nsid pagyards feotoral balaam and found agtsttl remedy- wcooghs ahd bolds ana highly reoommsnd it omdo out moderation is tho foundation atone of v-ii- rt rlohea have wings but poverty has to be hoisted by a blook sod taoklo there ia not a more dangorons olaas of disorders than those whloh effect the breathing organs nullify this danger with- dr thomas eoleotrlo oil a pnl- monlo- of acknowledged effloaoy it onres lameness and areness when applied xterhauy si welt as swelled heck and orlok in tbo bawk and as an inward speolbr posftsses most sabslanlial olalms to publio ooofldenoe yee renjarked tile press agent to tho reporter smionly one dry eye in the anaenoean4 that was a glass one qood sootis emolslon abloiiiakli and strengthproduoldd fowajl removes that elingbfntlerlslrjesn roeseselon ot i ope hen eufferldg from gen dshlltjv y- weak neflvous women satttring from palpitation of the heart dirry or faint aptlls watery blood etcj can be readily cured a manitoba lady tells about her que ttbrlb noneod wlistavcr for so many women to be tho subject of faint spells heart and nerve weakhesb anaemia or any of those health destroying ailments rallar to her sex mil s heart and nerve i regulate tho heart ana mnko it strong and full tone the nerrcs enrich the blood relieve tho pnln woalcnoss from it ek many women tjiuter mrs alex- ander setter of pigeon blnff man writes an of her- oase as follows i havo groat sleasuro in giv- lg my exporl- t- enoeofolllbnms stfttt- heart and nerve pills torabont ten years i was troubled with throbbing ahd fluttering of tho heart i tried five doctors and several remedies but nono of tliorn did me much good lately i beard of milburns heart nnd nerve pills and bought two boxes before i started using tlierra i could not do my arouse work and gavo mysolf up to dlo ns i thought i would never- in oured new i feel reafly splendid inoe taking tho pills do my work enjoy my meals and feel as if there was soms- tlilnp in life worth living for mjlbnrna heart nnd nerve mis sold by all drujpwlats at 60o a boi or 8 boxes for flis t milbuan tt co toronto ont justin the latest uptodate english and amer ican hats range of prices i s1i50 2 225 250 our 1 stiff hat is a leader new suiiings the very newest imported suitings you should see them new lines of neokwoar just in meiclmftailor atutns earnislieiygiiolplf on9 erilce 6nuy johk mcqueen agent for the above has changed his ware rooms to building on w e smiths property john street where may be seen fdst a wood binders and mowers 1 and a complete line of farm implements i and nit kinds of repairs tn my absence mr john t elliott who 1 resides on the property will attend to thowants of customers j6hn mcqueen j2 shops and warerooms foot of willow st esssst eiiia calls attendeld day or night to i j a speipht sb co undertakers and em latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furnlt iv- a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited tco orders left with j h will receive j n mm rqmta it tw4i

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