Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 6, 1898, p. 2

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r sn7hr arkkaniiinion sunday sept 25th to mr and mru wmaloicautler uutouaion harried wiiltkhluilwkilli at poplav avouuo parol ihiirlimiion wednesday soiitembor slat by llov mr kolly luoy uaool wobl to ltobort whltouldo of mlouiuau cuomoiib oiunnon at tlio proabyterlan mauohoruby on wednesday mat tjjlitow- bur by tho uov 0 t toiujb mr o v ood inoro to mlaa jano cameron both of oraagb- mimxtonh vioitbrman at the metbodiat iar- sbs mlffi by bovd w snider on wed- sy 8 1 tombsr slat 1898 w h bimmons lo aiiuiodauahtor of mr d vlokorman botb of oainpuollvtllo died itawwok iunaeaarawoyaon friday 30tb bop tumbor oliarloa iuwaon aged 68 yeara laisoat arkell on tuoaday ootobor atb hollon graham boloved wile or andrew lalug ogod 01 years wahutasat bla sonalnlaw robert onut krln tuwoablp on friday beptoniborlo joun wanlobbarod iwyoara- luaumwat llio homo of bla parontr peorgo- towu on sunday and october bui a belovod eon of tbotnaa and katotmanibbaw agod b inontba aefl 6 day a wt tfmmxis thursday- october 0 1898 widenin mux street a petition slsned by over 1 30 property owners and rata- payaraabk it tlio paopleof aotjri have always booh alivo to the adoption of improvements caloulitsd t3 edvanoo the interests or add fr tha appearance of the town improve- ments whioh from time t time have boon advocated slnoe the ipoorporatloa of the uianioipality have invariably rooelved the generone support of oitlzena and the cotfnoil bai been given to fetl that they have bad the moral support and approba tion of tho people thjofittisloo tyrnvroferenoetotlie suggestion that the section of miu street from john to main twoblooka wbioh ia some olx orelght f eet narrowe than tbatf part of the street- from john street out ward should be widened uniformly with the other the matter waa referred to in ooveral issues of the fbu press and the attention of the people called to the fact that as there are no expensive or perma nent buildings at present on that section of the btreet steps bboold betakenwithont delay to have the street widened with a view to ascertaining the feeling of the people in tbe matter a couple of property owners volunteered to make a canvass of the town with a petition praying tbe connoil to take action tbe result waa moro unanimous than the most arduous supporters of the sobeme ooold have hoped and at tbe connoil meeting on monday evening the petition waa presented and found to bear tho signatures of upwards of 130 property owners and ratepayers the oauvaesere explaining that with halt a dozen exceptions every person ti whom tho petition waa presented had affixed bis signature the goqdoil has consequently taken the initiative towards the passing of a by-liw- boitring upon the matter in question it may be as well to state that the council has no intention of diaturbing at proaeot those who oooopy buildings whioh may oncrciob a tew feet npon the proposed new streetline the thought is that as new and perma nent buildings are likely to beereoted on tbe properties on that section of the atreet referred to it would be a calamity to have them built oat to the present line then as the old bandings- are rebuilt or replaced with others of new and modern style tbe width dobired will in time be socured it is likely however that until all tbe build- ings are back to the new line no permanent pavementawiirbojaia there and this may induoo the property owners to comply with the provisions of the expropriation by law sooner than they otherwise would bc inclined to do the statute provides for the payment of arbitration prioesior- the land expropriated and tha removal of the buildings effected all who oarsfnlly examine the street as it at present exists will commend the connoil for the wise action in taking steps neoessary to tbe complying with the prayer of the petition electric light assured tho doputatlonareport presented to the ratepayers who unanl- mouaiy vote in favor of a monlolpal syatam the bylaw to be prepared thois who have for many months been sdvooating the adoption of slcotrio lighting lor our streets could not bat feel gratified with tlio reanlt of tho pnbllo mooting at ratepajero bold in the town hall on tues day evoniug tho question has been a live lisue io municipal otrolcs the present year and the jonuoil bas from time to time taken steps to seoure intelligent and praotioal information on tbe subject mr it j parke oonsullina eleotrioal engineer ot torodto wasiutervlewed and prepared statements of boat eto baeed upuii aoious requirementb for atreet and private use the municipal council subseejuently appointed a deputation to visit towns which have the eleotrlo light io operation o that occalar doraooatralion of tbe benetils or otherwise of an eiectrio plant might be had i public meeting toracelve their report and discuis the question was ceiled tor fuesday evening aud arereaeht- ative gathering of ratepayers responded beefe pearson presided stad at the ontaet recited tho history ot the present move ment and the action taken by the counall el this year he then read the following report of the committee of investigation totht reeve and council of hie village of acton qxatrciaiairsyonr oormnlttas of invest igation re eiectrio light leg to submit tho following report aocording to lnetruotlon we proceeded to btayxer on thursday 22nd september where we arrived abont one oclock we stqbeema for aomethlngao itantlal and satisfying to the inner man and aqooeeded admirably well with mine host of the cameron house at present ranntogtnrirttmiwrsnorlitiase we foand very comfortable we then pro ceeded on our mission of investigation we fctrad stayner to be an incorporated town ot about 1200 population having mayor beeve and six ooapolllora with an aastssed value of ai8508 rate 18 mills the town ia virtually ill on one street 00 feet wide well graded with some eight or ten blooks of from two tofoar storea each built of briok with lateglass fronts a good sohool which costs about 92000 per year four or five good oharohes four large brink hotel j park and cemetery and a debenture debt of j 16700 whioh ia the last debenture inaurred by the purchase of a steam fire engine a generalair of thrif t and oontectmont permeates the whole places atathittb xxtkoizkck ir tha absence of the wayor we first paidoor attention to the reive who met m cordially and gave us all the informa tion be eonld he stated that fbe munlol- pality wau well satisfied with their eleotrlo ilghtlaecsioe bothas regards the qnalltyof- tho light and also the cost and- assured tjs- tbst lis knew no person who would be willing to go back to the old order of thinga we tbm oalled on several membera of tbe counoir and were met with theaame courtesy and with the same resnltv all apeakiog in tbe highest praiae of their eiperieaoe with eiectrio light none would do without it now we next visited the olerk wbo etated that hexpeotbd ua as he bad seen in a oopy of tbe acton fass faebs that a deputation was to go oot he thought few papers in ontario oonld equal it in iti artiatlo get up and that a village that ooold send ont saoh at paper would naturally send a lot of decent delegates and aa he did not often m a lot his aatlsfaotiou with tho gencrotia and gentlq- mmly treatrnenl uooordod to them by mr kiiox under tho efflolent management of mr lleynolds after bidding mr reynolds diau wo retired fuullng aesurud that thoro are worse places than stayner and its hoipitablo and dourteaus poopto to spend un afternoon with vaiuaul1s loiftkns atnkwmauhbt the next point we vi4ltod waa new- mirket where wo arrived about 10 oolook friday morning in a delightful shower newmarket ia a town of about 2200 popu lation and rnns its eiectrio plaut under muniuipal ausploes the town being owner dlhoplantwedidiiotjcolleolidgrea here of ooat being aaburod that tbe btate- mant published in the aoton fiisb pnss a few weeks sgo was absolutely aorreot they having an expert accountant gooverthe atatement after it had- been prepared upon ooquiry we found tbe mayor waa at bis plaae of bueioesa about halt a mile oat and tho weather being rather tnoist for oar health we decided to oall on mr jaok- sonof the lira kopwlng that editors are supposed to know evory thing and wo met with no disappointment here again the fnits pness had installed us as mr jok- eon etalod he cxpeoted ns we found the editor the right- man in the right plaoe anosjibf eleotribai ehergyho imroed- ialeiy donned hs ohapoau and said i aappoae oar first polntwill be tbe power hoase to which he oonducted us and iolrodooed ua to their electriolau who kindly gave us all the information ho could andmuobumoretbanwe wereabls tbre tain their power house la largo and airy and bears evidenoeof being preilded over by an efficient band it oontaina a wbeelookenglne 100 h p capacity coro- ponnd condenser also one stanley jnamoaapableof running looaqdesoont fareligbts andmotorpoweratlh s time newmarket ia now running 28 aro lights on the atreols and 1250 incandesoent commsroial and domcilio lights oodneoted it has a boiler of 110 b p they give an council net in regular session at eight oclock- members all present the committee on finance presented their seventeenth report recommending payment of acoonnts as follows b swaokhamor labor 9 0j8 j m bond glass for town ball 3 90 tboonelpn paving co 167 iff hartbiddeuauuonery a 00 john barvey frelsht and eartage s so bamilton or toronto 8ewerllpe co 108 is d mills teaming gravel as 90 jbpoarabnexpenseaondepbtation 1095 jamos olarit do do 10 85 ifranols do do 10 25 wd anderson sand 7 sbo- a hcpberson teaming 1 m william smith work on drain 25 00 john arthurs do 18 18- 11 2 grabam freight on bewsr pipe 18 00 time was at our disposal we bored him allwe ooald in the tims at oar dlsposaland got from him many of the facts given above infeferenoa to the finances of the town he also is an enthualaatio inpporter of eiictrio light having it in his residehoe the question asked him was had you any kickers on tha start wo had bat wo have none nowho at onbe replied stob83- tlio report was adopted ii an appeal was reoeived from the oltlzsns oommittee of mcrrltton for aid to- rebuild the homes of the people destroyed by the recent tornado in that village tbe ijueitlod of supplementing the amonoti paid by rnerohants and business men on mill and main streets for atreet watering waroonsidered moved- by j clarke seconded by i pranclt that john williams be paid tbe sum of 926 to supplement the street watering arraugoment carried mr h p moors presented the petition praying tbsoadnbil j to take the action neoossary to have mill street widened from main t john streets to a width equal to that section of the atreet east of john street the petition bore the signa tures of 182 owners and ratepayers the first of whom waa asa hall bsqonr oldest ratepayer and tbe last that of thomas ferryman ar who bas resided horo about hslf a oentnry mound hy john clarke seconded b j a marray that the petition of asa hall and 181 others bo reoleved and thathe reeve and coonoiller james olark be a committee to have a bylaw prepared and survey made for the purpose of- widening mill street as par the prayer ot said peti tioncarried the oommittee on eiectrio light presented tbelr report oonoerning the investlgatlona of tbe deputation to stayner newmarket and aurora and recommend ing that if tbe matter is received favorably at the meeting of the oitlsena to be held on toosday evening tbs action nocsssary to eooure an leotrlo plant for aoton be taken moved by j a- murray ssoonded by james olark that the report of the eleotrlo light committee be reoeived and presented t the mmtlrig of ratatyswowrisa moved by janes claras ssoouded by i i frauds that tha oletk scjtaowledgs rsoeipt of tbs letter ot the msrfltton cltlssns ccmmlttee and in reply beg to say that the matter will hate das ooneidsratdd oerrled y council sdjoarnod it 018 rtb wl1ioyrtfvshotlj nets will jw joisttti hy yqoro golnjaflxfc3 lights at a boat of 1800 per year alto gether some 700 lights are used in the town wo failed to find one dissatisfied person we next visited tha ebnrohes and were shown how the lamps wire placed our next objective point was tbe power hoase whlob we found was situated in the mill owned by j knox co- we did not have tbe pleasure of- meeting mr knox mnph to oar regret as ho waa away from home bat we were taken in charge by mr beyaolds who has sole charge of the elictrlo plant whioh is sitoated in a sep- erateroom attached to the mill and oon- slstisf awheelookonglneof 40 to60 hp the boilir is 100 hp itnd sopplies power to both the eiectrio plant and the flour mill they use soft wood at a ooat of mo-oora- bilngsj bcrdribr a fl ott hoar sertlbe the eleotrlo engine is now t ti ili bapacity and jvpnlol advise a larger hp engine the djoamo is for iuoandesoant light only we nexrpro- oeeded chaperoned by mr key noids to view the light in operation we found the street lights 82 op sltnabed above the centre of the street probably 20 feet high about 225 feet apart in the baslaess portion and at a greater distance in the suburb we were pleased wlthtboir appearanoe end tbeir clear white light free from all flicker and glare each lamp has a refliotor above whioh throws the light down on lbs street no inoonienlenoe in driving against their rays snob as is experienced with an arc light we were next oondaotod to the freabyteriau and melhodiit cborohes when mr eoynolds deftly touohed the button and we were immdlateljr surrobhdsd bylalboaciufnl light over whlob he had perfeoa oobtrol being able by tonebing apartioalar button to light any lamp desired tho presbyterian oburob has oily lamps distributed over the ohnrob at ia post of iso per year tho methodist oburoh has all night service and use 800 lbs of soft slack coal at a cobt of 250 por ton for rates see schedule attaohed mr jaohion kindly oondaotod ns around town to view the public buildings church es oto all being lighted by elootriolty here they use metres ooating abont 916 eaoh whioh register tbe quantity of bnrrent used there is a little dissatisfaction as yet respecting the metres aomo claiming tbe metre fate of 12jo per watt to be top high in oornpirisnn with tbs flat rate however this will probably be satisfac torily adjusted after your delegation bad partaken of a generous supply of dinner etc mr jadkson kindly took us in oharge again and obndnoted na to the mammoth wooden mannfaotnrlng establishment of william gulo sons which is about as baiy a bive of industry as it is ones privilege to ever enter mr cain is tha major of the town genial aiid frill of sleotrloity we exceedingly regret that our time was so limited that wo bad only a feitnilnutes to oonsult the mayor who was able to givo ua many usefnl pointers he is a strong advocate of inoaudesoent street lighting and said we wore loyel- headed it we adopt that system and that if he had had his way they would have used inoandeeoout lights for the streets in new market after bidding him adioo mr jackson dondnoted us to the atatioa and after placing some ot ub under tbe caro of the oondnotor bade a long farewell and wo proceeded to aurora 01111 visit at auboila flere they evidently took us for plebis cites as we were delagpd with water and we bad to remain more than an hoar at jbestatton beprewe idare venture ujp town we foohd things eleotrioally in a somewhat onsatisfaotory bhapo a dispute bavlnarlaen between the town and the eleotrlo company the reanlt being no atreet lighting the commercial and domestic lights were in operation with fairly satisfactory results the whole trouble waa in trylpg to run the lighting machinery above its capacity tbey do not ho informed us that they ran 27 atrnt apparently appreoiateeleotrlolty as well in fifteen lights at a ooat of 25 per year alltfiose were 10 o p both eharobes were beanllfully lighted ws also inspect ed the oommerolal lights and found nearly all business places hare eleotrlo lights varying from one to twenty saoh one store has seven lights at a cost of 75 cents per week and tbs proprietor stsled that he had more light than ho really reqolred that bo had had the lights in three yssua send bad not broken a lamp yet he would not do without ihom we saw several shops with only one light and were aaknabad with the effect the plaoe being briulantly lighted all tbe hotels are lighted theatams way at a ooat of 2 oents per light yjr night all lights ran op to 12 oclock ws haws atlaohsdsohedoleol rates 1 light 45 ob per year sllgiats 1000 mghts 1c0 i moo 1j 00 1000 all over that at flm par year prlo o p bedroom llgxils of o p attj ot above lattv an ohusarr roomed house atwis about iwwar aarora in the other towns wo waited as they bvo only abonk 400 lights rannirfg now we csmlled opoa mr s h landy otlhe jlartner and foand him a rtsnlu editor alio olerk of tho town who gave as a lot of reneral information ihe weather being too moist for him he oould hot do tbe amiable as ba desired how- overiib did his beat next morning to show as the town and wo wore pleased with ila apprboe we mandereddown to tbe power homo avoiding bo floods as well as wo ooald ia the darknnm and foand tho eofilneer in ohargo liko all tbo rest a genial fallow willing to give us alt tbo iof ormatioa he ooald tho capacity of his engine is 45 h p and boiler wj- f those being too light for the work tboy expected of them having to ron the plant oyer its capaoity we thanked him for hie valaable buggei- tloni and told him everything pleased na except bla etreot lighting and wo ooald not oonflratoltito him on tbatand started for the hotel he replied i willgivo yon a sample of that ho touohed a ballon and at onoo thoatrbet was brilliantly lighted and wo assure yoa it was appredlated tho qaoena hotel has so hghtb of 10 o pat a ooatnf im0 per week we were advised by all parties if wa oontataaplated patting in an oleotrio plant by all meiqi to have plenty of power one eleotrlolaniold ua a 75 or 80 h p wheolook oomppond oondonier engine and a 1000 uht stanley generator would ooat aboot 1700 and a 100 h p boiler wpnld poet from 1800 to tlooo the oon- earner pays for wlridg and lamps and owns theniuie ooatbelng aooordiog to umps andolroarnitanoos ont party wired lor 7 lights in hia residence at a oost of tioo cost tor lighting same 117 per year yoar oontnoittee wish testate that while ths os ew matter and llio in formation gleaned by tho oommittee all of whioh addod ioterrst to tlio question and created impressions very favorable to the immediate introduction of an eleotrlo lighting aystorov oonnoillora franc in and olark alio added remarks touohiuk thoqueation the mom- hereof the deputiuiun ware individually onthuiifsutio iu their advocaay of the iutro- duotion of aa elooticlightlpg system here aud of inbthliidg it under municipal con trol itufereiioe was mado to the expert aoooliatnutu report of newmarkots first years- axperictioa of oleatrlu light managed by the municipality by whioh it was shown that a plant oould be ran most profitably by the town arid alaolb the eleotrioal experts htateraouta preparod for tho ooodoll doh of tbeoq statements were publiebed by ilo fhku puree tho oobbrosiddb of the malnbera of the depata- tion were 1 that iuaandesoent atreet lighting is a complete euaoea 2 that if a oompany can aomo ip aud- install an eleotrlo plant and mabo btoooy oat of it a plant can be put in and ran profitably by the mnntoipalltybqd the qitisena receive the benefit f 8 ewd the enooaragement received slnoe we returned from oar trip we believe the people of aoton want oleotrio light and we think the time haaoomewhon aoton should fake this step ia wo have now gono as far as ia possiblo- without yoar cooperation and the point for the town now to dcalde is do yoa want eleotrlo light or do yon not do yoa wish to give the franchise to an oateider or to havo thojgjojajjpanpdmtakfl-jthe- matter and savo the profit to ttie town numerous questions were then propound ed by ratepayers and satisfactorily answer ed after which tho following resolution was presented vovod by hp mooro seconded by a f flmitbrthatttriimeoting otthoratopayers of actenberebjr epsoar oordialtbanksto beeve foarsoxi and oounoluors franols and olark tbs electric light delegation or their very intoroiung oomprebenslve and intelligent report as well m tboii- lucia replies tottho qtfest uons whioh havo thib evening boen propoanded and wo hereby roqawt tbe municipal connoil to take buob suipfl as aria legally naoesoary to put into operation an elootrlo light plant ol the capacity wniotx in tbolr judgement is sufficient for tbe requlreinomtsot aoton the same to be installed aod operated nnder the oontrol ot tbe municipality the resolution was auppoitad with briofapeeohea by the movers and by d henderson w p exreeve nioblin ex- oouuoillora cameron and oorry reve h a maophersbn and j a molaoblin m a messrs james moore a t brown and p eurris as exbeeve and member of the oounoil in its earlier days days mr henderson reviewed at sonjo length the history of the various roanicipal undertakings tho gen eral satisfaction and pride of onr oitlzena in our town hall pnblio sohool park beautiful oecmtery fire protection eto he showed how the debentures were being paid up and olnking fands ostabllahedi and declared himself to be heartily in accord with this movement and of tbe resolution tioioreto meeting ho had no fear but that aoton can inetsll a plant and in a short time be able to have the streets well lighted at no cost to tbe municipality and he felt that tho time bad come when the reproaoh of oar badly lighted btroeta shonld be removed the resolobiodwas thon pot and carried nnanimoaily tya ttnding vote tho enqoarajjemont reoeived by the connoil bioco tbo dejputstlong return has been of a very proctloal oharaotar the mannfactarerein town alone having already applied for about 260 light the proba bility is that plant will btirt with 000 or 700 lights as aeon as it can bo ioetalled the connoil will take immediate steps tohavo tbebylavr pat7beforrthetpepple and the vote will probably bo taken about the end of tbo present month a canadian medicine are you prepared f the chill autumn evenings and the intense cold of winter ve have made great preparations for you hundreds of beautiful wraps to choose from all the latest and most stylish direct from the head centres of mantle manufactory bought in quantities and bought for cash and at the lowest possible price and heed this we went to the factory for them in order to let you have them without you paying the wholesaler a profit then we exercise great care in selecting them knowing that we have a most critical public to please this elegant and exclusive collection of capes mantles iackets sc comprise garments to suit everyone the low price the medium price and the igh price but all bought in such a wayas to ensure thevery best value to the purchaser quality considered you cannot buy as cheaply as we are selling them the swell golf gapes handsome flounce capes dashing military capes everything thats new is at ryans wont you let us show you how well prepared we are neednt buy but you should see iherri anyway you are welcome to look we are confident you will be pleased atbt bbtxtibtmtnte you should be extremely careful when buying furs cant be too much so an inferiorgradc may cost you just as much money as a reliable one and also much vexation of spirit you take no risk in buying furs in this store you not only have ah immense assortment to select from but they hav b bought wjthgreat carefrqrn the most reliable and trtratworthyinakers weassure you ifyou buy your furs here you will secure a satis factory article and at a moneysaving price electric seal lamb and astrachan jackets capes in great variety a beautiful assortment of caperines muffs ruffs gauntlets caps and fur trimmings of all kinds we will be delighted to show you these goods 9 only one price cuelph berlin and owen sound corner king hughson sts t3ae gl hamilton october 1898 printed french flannels 10 patterns new designs pure wool aa irion on yrldo for laadibswrappert druilng jtokets etc rogular value 43o poclsal prlco only sso ceylon flannels bs pieces assorted plaldi and chooki in pino ceylon flannels extra qnality snitoblo for childrens dreosoa rog- nlar valne aso special piiee ufto printed flannelettes co pattorni assorted oolorn plain and reversible oolors for wrappers speolali bsjro joo isjo and 15c flannelette skirting feploeosaifnab whlto grotted and oolorod border in ffrerplnkandblueregalaxjaluehscspoolal 15o grey flannel bpeolal nnallty atlflio kfo 18o and soo best grade oampbolifonl groy 88 inobea wide apodal price s5o navy flannel sooiad ileatnoallty snpor navy fast colors uriahrlnkablo ajo flannel sheeting 73 ideb union sbootlnff special nrloo soo tsvlnoh assorted quality ditto 65c 72inoh bnper allwool 75o ladles 8ultlns pine tweed saltings m inobm wide ibo and elo0 viroranx twill buttings 45 inches wide special 40c bedan cloth all wool inobea wide 40c 65c and 75o extra 8peclal allwool dross tweeds at tery apeeiml prices 15 plecea regular rains 40o peoial price per yard sso as pieces regolar talne 85c apecial per yard 85c 10 pieces regular ralae 7sa to 9140 special par yard 60c ladles wraps ladles beaver cloth jackets new colorings black bine fawn and tan double breasted itorm collar specials 6375 800 860 6700 800 and 9000 ladles capee made of black carl special value 75 and 500 childrens reefers in beaver coating and tweed doable breasted sailor oollarlargobottons fit oblldnq from to is years eajtff 630 40i5 bjid 4jsa millinery oar stock of trimmed hats and bonnets is unnsnally largo and attractive very desbable being offered at t4o4adaa00 a trimmed sailors and uc trimmed felt hats in great varioty sgfrs sai mail order department samples by mail on request freight or express prepaid to yoar nearest railway station io ontario on all parcels amounting to 9500 and upwards jehiyois which hasmadeawonderful reputation throuqhout thbwobld every cure published is ihvestlsat- ed by a responsible newspaper the aovsrtlser has looked intoandolvos below the part lo- ularsof one of these cures bis so alsfstbr7 sod position on olsotrlo light prsvlons to this invesilgatlan we aro now all oblliuslastlo supporters of it and think with tho snoooragemsat ws have had slaos our rstocp thai wo ara justiflud in rooommoad- ing that steps be taken for tho immediate preaentatlon ol tho qaestlon to tha people and ii endorsed by them that the ooonoil take lisp io pat it in operation after explaining oar position as regards power eto all parties wo interviewed recommend ed aa to hare the plant pot in and owned by the municipality this yoar oommittee ananlmonsljf endorse in closing wo wish to express oar thanks to tha parties interviewed for their uniform kindness and oonrteay and especially to he reynolds stayner mr jaokson oltie bra nswmarkol anamr landy st the banner aorora for their igehiallly sari kindness in apsndlog so moflh of ihslr valgabls tims antl imparling so mtjoh valaabkt information wabave tha honor to be ysur obedlstal ssrvacts j b psabsox ioaio faiiiqn committee prom the advertiser hartland n b the adixrtutr has ooma soroas still another instance of the remarkable onra- tlve powers of the fainoas canadian remedy dr williams link pills for pale people mr william tediie of lower brighton a prominent lninberman and farmer came vary near helot a orlpplo from rhsamatlam that dread disease so prevalent along tbe st john blver mr tediie is now 05 years of age five years sgo he was taken with the first symptoms of rhenmatlsm over exposure the stream drives and- the general bard lift of tho lumbermen paved the way for the lodgement ttf this exoro- olating disease the symptoms first manl- fsat were pains throngh the legs arms and bands gradoallyoondltlons grew worse at intervals there would be an abate ment of the malady bat for months esob year he was very nearly helpless the pain was so agonizing that sleep was bat of the question and work was impos sible the afflicted man bad so often road of tbe wonderful effloaoy of dr williams pink pills in eases similar tor bis own thai he resolved to try them ho says however that he was not hopelol of repeiving mnoi benefit as he had tried many medlolnsa withotit any good reanlts following he began the nso of the pills and by the time a oonple of boxes were used he foand they were blplog him thas encouraged be oon tinned tbe nse of tbe medloine aod uradaally the pains and soreness left him he was able to sleep soundly and enjoyed an siosllentappstite in fact aflertulng dr williams pink pilla for less thsan two months mr tediie says he found himself in the best of health he is now a warm friend of this great medlnlna arj mn imll nffrr nt tn better prepared tto store and dwelling for sale stojik and dwoiiiiir on llio west corner of mill mad klflu fitroou for valo apply to mlth j fyfk aoton agents iau juitttartina tlio belt thing for monny- making you have ucon for many a dt yoar name indaddrogs will bring the golden information t h linhcott to foit sale doukie brlok houio at by 36 bcvtin rooms in each rckmi cellan hard nd o6 water uro lot no 10 main btreet aoton alio good table toraibottjy apply to john camoron- arcliltoot or to tbo owner o weltis evtcrtonp0 farm fob sale jr for isle lot 81 con flnasiftgwoysoonfcn- ina 10b aerm adjolnlnb bden uflli ilx mlln from onelpb in a good itate of cultiva tion well watered and fenced will sell obmp terms to stjlt pnrobaier apply to b j monadb acton or w o pi a rum or on tbe premlsei kden mllli po agents holiday boolu now ready one proipectaa repreientlnif fonrrbooki range in price from one dollar up cheapett and bett holldny books poblisbod obeapesl books bound la actaslalotb wbllo otbor pnbllsbers me lltbo elotb we pay f ralgbt sito premlnmi too iy ui after jqxx make delivery caplui and ex perience not nocowiery io dont let tbli obnco go by bbadiieyaauretspy company limited toronto agents w e pay tralgbt weekly salaries of from 10 to 420 according to ability for canvassers on life and work of mr qladetooe tbe damand for this wonderful volumo la keeplncr all emrlyandlatetliooaify bands world adlansttd1 by tbe boysl family and a big ebesp book the dradleygaiuiht60n co toronto usbworkmibilabed eadoriatl leading pnbllo moo limited house and lot f sal that desirable residential property on dower avenue and wilbur street opposite tbe mothodiat parsonage on wbicb la erected a comfortable six roomed roughcast boate with woodshed detached gocd cistern excellent kir- den a number of irnft trees well fenced tbe whole in a good state of repair ijberal tertns to salt purchaser for particulars apply to n p moore fbju pbsss office aoton farm for bale west half lot 2 concession 1 town lino of erin 100 acres 88 under cultivation balance wooded large stone bouse with wood- on addition bank baroaoxbo with shedf well cistern and neverfalling stream good orchard of applos pears and plums half mile from post office and church good schools will be sold ou bis own terms to reliable purchaser mbbdookbat 18 mercer street toronto farm to bent t aa acres lot 90 oon s esqaeslng wluiln 1jj amueoftbeflonrishinrvillageofaoton abont sixty aoros under auluvatlon oomfonv able concrete house good bank barn and hone stable well watered with well and spring crsalu wlllberentedforatetm ofyesm possession given immediately for particulars apply to miss augusta lamb acton p 0 card of- thanks the undersigned desires to express his beat thanks to the business men and otbers wbd were so generous in tbelr contributions taod regular in their payments for watering tbe straets for tbe sixteen weeks to october 1st alio to tbe connoil for their supplementary grant in aid of tbe work 1 have endeavored to satis factorily fulfil all conditions required and i proelau tbs treatment i h 1 ooneemed in the matter acton oct ub 1898 john williams pine bkick residence fo sal the nnderslffned offertfor sale thu com modious twostorey brick residence and lot on willow streel tbs building is wall flnlsh ed throughout baa modem conveniences ia in firstclass condition is centrally located and la a err comfortable home tbe garden is well stocked with choice fruit trees and bodies and the premises make a most attractive property terms reasonable and made known on appli cation i franoib acton sopt 26th 1b06 for this falls trade we have one of the most complete and uptodate stocks of drv goods gents furnishings etc ever shown in georgetown among our dress goods ib found a complelo assortment of priestleys black goods both in plain and fancy our creponsarbjhe admiration of oil who have seen thein ai1 ladles needing anything in the lino of dress goods wonlcl find itto tbelradvantoge to exanilne one stock before purchasing elsewhere not much use calling your attention to the tailoring department as it is an acknowledsed feet that we lead in this line but we might just here say that never- to onr know- isdgo hatf such a magnificent stockof suitings trouserings overcoatings etc been shown in georgetown it js a pleasure for lis to show these goods and judging from the number of orders already placed they mutt be just what the people want if you have a few minutes to sptre drop in and we will be pleased to have a look through them all departments are the height of excellence for flannels flannelettes sheetings cottonades shirtings in fact all staple goods wo give the best value for the least money our furnishing stock is an array bfnoveltlcs also comprising the best imported hats underwear and all requirements of man in readytowear clothing and overcoats we have a inrge stock of the very best quality if you have not already seen our slock we urgently request you to do so as early as possible ns we feel sure we can interest you it is not our habit to quote a catch price list but we give the newest goods that cannot be beat furnish the feet we do the rest thats all we ask you to do furnish the feet we will not only do the rest but we will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have we been able to offer better shoes for the money in mens andwo- mens tans and blacks any shape any style any quality you desire w williams boot and shoo dealer mill street acton experiment wltb other medicines but at once begin tbs nse of dr willlama pink pills nheumatlio olatloa neuralgia partial paralysis looomolor atlaxia nervous head- aohe nervous prostration and disease depending upon honors in the blood snob as sorotnls ohronio erysipelas ete all dtssppsar before a fair treatment with dr williams flak ellis tbey glvo a healthy glow to pale and sallow oomplsxlons bold by all dealers and post paid at 60 esbts a box or six bans or 1350 by addressing tbe dr williams medlolne oo brookvllle ont do not be psrsuaded to take some anbstlluu iimmss0 robbtiofekotrin st pfoduoe same as oash hvsi every da bargain day hnrft john mcqueen an bditobs daughters dolls the editor of harpers megailne mr hsnry m altohsp a dangbtsr who has rnitds a oolleotlon vpvsrlwjjol1b doll reprwslilloial a diffnl nation wd being taimiaiktq09ttrrr ni-foim- tlonis jim and flnsstofllisklrafnttiunvnuse aldeo is vpnii oiibflwlswrldberdoila uaoes abih show tbe otbeni leave your orders now for your winters supply nona bat the iiarybsst sormnton core rhvered 1 tn supply egg slove nnd nntslses the liberal patronage accorded roe inst season was much appreciated icatiglve even better service this year and solicit a continuance of orders trunks and satcli0ls trunks from 150 up to 960 satchels from 50c to 800 the largest stock in the gity ouelph iimsmi0iwimmmli price 5500 visible writing i addition toal tha advantages of the liaooo machines the only typewriter manufactured in canada fiullv ourrrntasd testimonials write circolars and them for ihluama 4wiui ljkmk v v wm m av ili ivs i4

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