Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1898, p. 4

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the size of the sea hero ate a few tots about the eoa jot your borapbook- tho paolflo covers 08000000 tbo atlan- tio 80000000 and the indian ooean arctic and anlarolio 42000000 square mllos to atow away tho contents of tbo pacific it would be necessary to fill a tank ono mile long one inilo wide and one milo deep every day toe 440 yean put in figures tbo paoifio holds io welgbt 048000000000000- 000000 tons it would take about 1000- o00 years lor all its water to pass over the falla ol niagara the avenge depth ot tbe atlantio ia not quite three mllos its waters weigh 835- 000000000000000 tons and a tank to contain it would have to have eaob ot its llddmmniwu other oceans are in tbo same startling pro portions it woatdtalieairitie7seawter in the world about 2000000 years to flow over niagara a tajik to hold it all would have to measure uoarly 1 000 miles along eich ot its sides wash h it has reoentlyboen olalmed that bases o infection that oould bo aooounted for in nil other way have been explained by the fingers aavhioli i h m especially of paper doorknobs banisters oar straps and hundred things that every ono mast frequently tonob tbero are chances innumerable of picking up germs of typhoid oarlalinadipthsrla smallpox etc yemome peopleaotuallyputsnoh thinga in their months if not too large before eating or touching that wbioh is eaten the hands should be immediately and hprnpolously washed we hear muah about general oleanliness as next to godli ness it may be added that here in partic- rteieovrahs tbe jews made bo mistako iu that exoept they washed they ate not it is a sani tary ordinance ot decency new york zedgtr proof for sick men palnes celery compound makes them well and strong thuksday october 18 1808 8je fjmmg alhs smze axd teaks you bid mo slug a gay refrain win trout my lyre a note moro glad and whan i ohote a brighter strain suilstilt yon told me it was bad i did not moan it should be so norwumywisn hot you are young and do not know how ioy and grief together ho thoro oyer la a minor obord struck somovbero in our earthly lays everasuadow on tbe sward of brightest icenoa wheroou we gaxo and wbllo we may not heed tbe one nor hoar tno otbor oach la there yet lurking in the blltheat tono yot darkening tbe landscape fair thus often scarcely knowing why wo cannot look without a tear andaoltlswesomotlmes sigh though joyosa by tho song we hear argosy he managed it a cortain wealthy man has ieibla nephew up in bniineaa three times but the young man lacks something essential to euocesa- ittrthe mercantile direction and failed with each effort when he oama- witb the fourth mju68tfor financial back ing the nnole demarred you must learn to lean on yourself be said i cantaarry you all your life would be an onkindness in me to kesj supplying you- with money to- oarry enterprises that invariably end in falloj ill tell yon what ill do yon owe a gt deal as tbe result ot thai last pep pli in on your own book and go it alone till yi pay those debts of when youve doni that ill filvo you a oheok for all tbi amount to boob an experience would you more good than all the money i oonft give you now three month later the nephew walked in with every olalra receipted in fall and the ancle was dslighted as he gave the promisod check tbnts something like it now and ii warrant you feel all tbe better for the bard training bow did yoo manage tom i borrowed the money ancle now the old gentleman is telling av ono that there isthe making of a greaj financier in bis nephew tilblu the one reliable medi cine fob young and old mr brown saya i give your medlotne all the credit for my restoration at bedtime junction 0hauge cars for dreamland 1 boy roused up a little ho moved bis hand and it touobod the arm of the low rookor ho foltfor his piaturo book it wan gone ho thought it had dropped on the floor still ho did not open bin eyes passengers for drbanilaud ohange carol boy knew the voloo lie wanted to answer be trtcd tolift tals head but it wae so heavy bo could not move it bis lipa parted and after a while be said wbat this ib tbo plaoo where we obango oars- said thevoioo bodtiroo junotion we roach hore at 758 the gontleman called mr charles albert baa taken the dreamland car i came baok aftxr you audwemuatgbat ouoov boy feltbimselfllltedbyetrongarms tbe next ho new bo was laid in a eoft bed and a soft baud was drawing a white sheet over bim while a soft voloe said this is the dreamland oar you do not obango again till morning i will let you know- i look after all the passengers i am the conductor boys eyes opened wide youre mamma i be said mamma kissed boys plump piuk cheeks his eyw okaed agirinjanovllie dreanaland car moved on ojjgjying boy with a through ticket in his nightoap- mary elizabeth btftrje4lr panlon youths com- 7 a pinch offalt added to the white of eggs will make them beat up quicker and lighter friok a nutmeg with a pitt and it it is fresh and good oil will instantly spread about tbo punoture ttoldcir hiart tjave yon been omot ins a good deal lately and feel an oopasibnal twinge of pain roundyourhearb arp you short of breath nervos unhinged aensa- tioh of pins and needles going through your arm and fingers better take a box or two of milburns heart and nerve fills and got cured before things become too serious heres what air john james of caledonia out well dt richardson go gentlemen t am truly thankful for the good results 1 have obtained from the nae of your palnes celery compound for a long time i have becna sufferer from gen- oral debility and indigestion and have made ass of many medicines bat none have given me the grand results as far as improved health is concerned at has your wonderful palnes celery compound it baa done wonders for me and though i am 65 years old t have been able to do light work for the paat six months and gave not lost a day x give your medioine all the credit for my restoration jounh bbown truro n 8 there ia only one real failure in life possible and that li not to be true to tbe beat ono knows canon farrar to say about icm i have had aerioub heart trouble for four years caniebl by excessive xse of tobacco at timea my heart would beat very rapidly and then seemed to atop boating only to oornmenoeagain with unnatural rapidity this unhealthy dotion of my heart oansed shortness of breatnwaaknessand debility i tried many medibines and spent a great deal of money but ooald not get any help xiast novernber however i read of a man amioted likemyself being ourod by milburnb heart and norva pills i went to bopers drug store and bought a box when i had flnishod taking it i was so maoh bettor i bought another box and this completed the euro my heart has not bothered mesinco and i strongly recommend all sufferers from heart and nervb trouble caused by excessive use of tobabcq to give heart and norvo pills a fair and falthf al triau price 60o a box or 8 boxes for 9125 all dragbjats t milburn it oo toronto ont laxalivbr pills core constipation biliousness and dyspepsia price 2ffc there is a world of difference between lounging in books and nsjng them as instruments of research insomnia sub rosa bub rosa means literally under tbo rose tbe phrase dates from 477 b c when pausanias the coinmandor of tho confederated fleet of spartans and athe nians was engaged in an intrigue with kerxes to betray greece to tbo persian ralec and to obtainin marriage ttie hand of tbe monarchs danghter their negoti ations were carried on under a root which was covered with rosea and were matured literally under the rose pausanias however was betrayed and to esoape arrest fled to tbo temple of minerva tho banctity of this place forbidding intrusion for violence of any kind tbo people walled up tho edifice with stones and left the fagitivo to die of starvation his own mother laid the first atone it afterward beoame a onetom among tho athenians to wear a roao when tboy had confidential oomplihfent stbmakb tho up wer implying strict aearooy it was aleo customary among the anoient gormans on the occa sions of festivity to laspend a rose above the table as a token that nhatevor was said during the feast should be kept seeret amodg themselves in 1520 a rose was laced over oonfidentlala in roman calh- olio oborobeb floral names dandelion ia from the prencb dent do lion lions tooth ihe dahlia was named in honor of andrew dab a bwedibh botanist ihe f naoia was palled after leonard fachs a famoos german botanist the magnolia took lie name from pierre magnol an eminent writer on botanlaal aubjepts xnlip is derived from tbo persian word dnlband meaning tqrbap btibbeak a german traveller brought the first bulb to europe in the sixteenth century xiilao is from lilaj a persian word signifying flower the plant was intro duced into europe from persia in the fifteenth century by a german traveller namod busbeok blue brown and btackbeatvbrs 3lue and 3rown meltons fancy gurjed cloths jj shades venelians and faneygioihs all shades all new cloths and uptodate made to order flrntolaaa from 415 to 30 a coat see our special blue and black serge suiting at i6 a suit one price only remeusom merchant tailor and mens furnisher ground flat ja young man from a country village when sightseeing in edinburgh was greatly astonibhed on seeing mr smith tailor ground flat insoribed buadoorand after a oaref ul btudy of tbe plate exclaimed great scott sicadeathl bhalrly hes been run owerwi a steam roller i lon- donun the british poitoffloe makes lioooo year by qnolaimed money orders oratlfyl impro my face was covered with pimples and blockheads when i began taking hoods sarsaparllls but alter the nteof ihlsmedl- oino a short time i waa entirely oared i oannot reoominemd it too highly atuot it has donesb muohfbr mb may bjan north street oonftah ontario hooda pills are tbo only pills to take with hoods sarssparilla 25o peoplo who drown their trcublea usually preserybtbeni in alcohol v dyspepsia or indigestion is occaaloned by the want of action in the billiary ducts lossotvitallty in tbe stomach to secret tho gastrio jnloee withont wbioh digestion cannot go on also being the principal cause of beadaobe parmalma vegetable pills token bofowr going to bod for a while ill lylif jffjit pn three months without sleep waeted in flesh and given up to die but theqreat south ameri can nervine soothes to rest with one dose and effects a rapid and permnenrt cure mrr white ot mono township bcavor- tou p o was dangerously illfroin nervbaa tronble she was ao nervous that he had not slept a night for three months bhe was so low that her friends despaired liof her recovery in faothad given her up to toils bhe was persuaded to try bouth american nervioe her relief was so- inatantanebns that after taking one dose she slept soundly all nlsht she persisted initheaseof this great cure and gained in health rapidly so that now there is not a sign of the- nevdusnees and sshs feels she is entirely oured if yon donbi ii write and ask ber v- j hate a thing done by halves if itbe iright do it boldly if it be wrong leave it inndone qllpin natures own dyspepsia iirl natures remedies nre not llse mans thoy nei vjail qf tbe many romedics intended to cure dyspop mfe ouf ntomocb distress oftor eating weight in tho atomachl it wind on the stomach loss of appetite dizziness nauseamr tpppvorlehcd blood eatarrh of the stomach sick headache c pshnllar results of indlgeeuofl only srjo is uniformly and uni gly saccontul that lo natures own re rnedy fcjupcj only la dr vpn stans pineapple tawstfli the pineapplb a large amonnt of vegetable popsjn attires most potent aid in digesting food mix meat and plncappu rid agitate the mixture at a temperature of 103 and the plncnp 11 oamnletely digest thorhcot tiio we of jjr von stans pineapple tablets after yourmm hand they will digest your feed without aid from tho stomach tw t course rests strengthens ruid heals tha gtomacb the tablet 11 curejje rnoet pworuc case of dyspepsia hy kive bedlateftllef take them for r short time and your axe rill be as strong- and hearty as that of a farmers boy they areas pleasant to thopulnto as candy at nil dirigts 35c a bcutor cureet tiora the von stan heoldw cartard bgfiadiiif the season for adver tising says the penurious merchant oi slowville the season for advertis- ing isalmosf here delnded mortal i the season for advertising is always here it never ends the success- fui business man never stops adver tising he simply makes a change frqm the qld fqrm to something new but the ad in one fqrm op anothef goes on and on ayers sarsaparf la was being advertised when i was a babe in arms there has been no cessation during the progress of the years it is still before the public in black and white printers ink did the work forayer and will do the workfor every otherman who will use irjudiclously and persistently- s ebtle miller keep an ad representative of your business constantly in the free press sisfectipii or your ividit there is a difterence in guarantees some are only vague promises made by salesmen with nothing bnck of them we put a guarantee card in the pocket of ch garment which is 34 strong and binding as a notarial contract here it is mr p w ashdowd asbdown ont writes parmelees pills are taking tbe lead against ton eiber makes wbioh i have inetook the germs of consump tion are everywhere there is no way but to fight them if there is a history of weak lungs in the family this fight must be constant and vigorous you must strike the dis- a olearjrtrbng traimwit ilea oharaour oultare position attainment of wbatevsiraortrt t munsor a com expe ma 1 mr johoson is obliged to give np work remain in the house and care for himself on account of a dread- folsorofolods mm on one of his limbs soeno ii mr johnson reads a testimonial whlohtelli of aorofolous troubles oured by hooda barsaparllla hs resolves totrylt jiztz trzizz soens iii mr johnson baa taken six bottles of hooda barsaparllla his scrofula sore is cored he l feeling stronger baa a jjobd appetite and is able to attend to his work hs writes a testimonial telling of his exporienoe with hooda sarsaparilla and reoom- mends it to others i find nothing so singular in life as this that everything opposing appears to lose its substsnoe tbe moment one actually gratpples with it hawthorne slok headaobe however annoying and distressing is positively cored by laxa- liver pills tbsy are easy to take and now gripe ii has been estimated that ii wonld take a man 8000 years to read all tha standard works cholera motbpa orampa and kindred oomplalnts annualj yrnako their appsaranoa my little boy aged jears and 15 months was a vicllui of scrotula on the face which nil tba doctors said was incurable to tull the truth be was so bad that i could not bearto lookathim atlast i tried a bottle of burdock blood bitters nnd before it was half used be was gaining and by tho time he had three bottles used he was completely cured 1 cannot say tod much in recotn- mendation of b to all vho sutler as he did joseph p labelle man- wake po que there can be no question about it burdock blood bitters has no equal for the cure of sores and ulcers of the most chronic and malignant nature through its powerful blood purifying- proper ties it gets at the soutce of dis- 2fciivl ease and completely eradicates it from the pystem its an easymatter to master tbe grief of another its so pleasant to take that children dry- for it but its death to worms of all kinds dr lows worm syrop price 2co ah dealers whoever pays yoo more ooort than he is aoonstonaed to pay either intends to dacleve you or find you necessary to him ooortenay hagvarda yellow oil is prompt to relieve and sure to cure ooogbs oolds sore throat pain in tbe ohesl hoarseness quin sy etc price 203 h girepppjh3g resistthgcrrii8wifntoi tioni yriwimwmssi dont let your heart grow oold and you hall have your youth with you into the teens of your second century gladstone worms oanso fevorlshness moaning and restlessness during sleep mother graves worm exterminator is pleaasint sore and ffsotoal if- your druggist has none irf took ret him to procure it for you i tba only sure tbiug aboot life is the end thereof how huch do you weigh 1 thinosa is wasting wabtlog is tearing down sootlo emulsion builds np it never makes waste it will jivs yoo rich blood and bring baokyoar weight its easier to earn money than it is not to frond it instant relief guaranteed by ualng mll- burna sterling powders aftorefteot ho depressing weathneys always cured by doans kid p mr i patterson croft st amy horat ns makes the following statement having boon trou bled for some time with distress ing backaches and weak kidneys i decided to try doans kidney pills they acted promptly and effectively ip removing the trouble with which i was afflicted and re stored me to niyoldtime form it is a pleasure for me to recommend tltem to others poans kidhey phi pre thempst sffiw in the world for orierht s disease dinbetemidrobsv tl iin4 kidnejr diid trpu wprhni box there is nbsearet of success in business all yoa have to do is to attend to yonr business and go ahead cornelius vander- blu this card is a guarantee that the cloth in thla garment ima been thor oughly sponged and btlrvlfk and the workmanship in fully guaranteed ji noiier co jtoirirrfa ashorey ready-to- wear clothing can be jiurcliascd from at least one reputable dealer in every town and village in canada ask for shortys readytor wear clothing and insiston seeing the aarantee ticket csftstor srhf for infimts and chiliie xhore never was and never will bo a uni panacea la uu iaumjy fui a ills to which flesh is heir tbe very nature of many car stives being snoli that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient what vrbald relieve ono ill in turn would aggravate the othor we hare however id quinine wine wben obtained in a sound tmadnlterated stale a remedy ior many and grievous ills by its gradual judicious use the frallestsystomi arc led into con- valeaoenoe and strength by the inftubiioe wbioh quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping plrlta of those with whom a chronfo state ot morbid despoudenue and isack of interest in life is st disease and by tranriuilizing the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the sotlon ot the blood wbioh being stimulated courses throughout tbe veins strengthening the healthy animal funotlbns of the system i thereby making aotivity a neoeisary result strengthening tbe frame and giving life the digestive organs wbioh nalnrall demand inoretsbd substance result rij proved appetite northrop lyman c toronto have given to the pnbllo thel qolninswino at the usual rate and mkm for rower axtd pump eraaicorared oatr pttant holler sua maplo leaf rinders we make patent roller and ball bear lug steel windmills of all kinds tbe finest in tbe market besi flptitrt no 1 has 10 inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8 inch single burrs both have ball bearing burr plates r e 1 1 ef springs and shake feed grind fine apd fast will least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use send fcr illustrated catalogue jofcjf moqueen agent for the above has changed his ware ropms to building on w e smith s pioperly john street where mty be seen rjtosta wood bffrtctfs and mowxaa and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs tn my absence mr john t elliolt who resld s on the property wit attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen ire typehsrriter price s5500 visible writing addiuon to al the advantages of the 912000 machines the only typewriter manufactured in canada pully oukbknteed circulai s them and testimonials write for isieiii shops and warerbcms foot oi willow st jbhi fe co undertakers and em b latest styles e attention the williams mtg co limited montreal pq utucan ol oolobnted nowwuhuna bowing lfmeblnfm w barber beos papbr makers georgetown ont sunabrioxiltio machine finished book papers hiob grade weekly news the piper used in this journal li from the above mills wm bbbtib bbob firstclass hearstj moderate charges furn a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited v sleligrht co orders left with j n 8tin8on rqolw6od wilt receive immitisbiaitel6 i 4i3fc p8p mcmullenaeerr v these iwavl bm 4iv

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