Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1898, p. 1

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voluao xxrv noj6 acton ontario thtjrspay octokee 20 3898 price three cents- 18 rubmbiibd every thursday mobning l truriraa free fresbsteam printing office uilii 8tbeet acton out tanuaxit bobboitxnnok one dollar per-yoar- triotlyln advanoe a11 subscription dlaoon- tinned when tho tint for wlohtbey have boon paid has okplrod ihe date townloh- every abtorlptlon la paid is denoted on the address label advubtibimq ratss transient advertlie- tnete 10 oente per nonpareil una for aral in sertion a oenta per lino for eaoh iubaognont aaartlon obktbiot bitb tho following table sbowa or rates for uio insertion of advortibementa for specified periods parlor dining room andhall spao 1 1 y 6 mo b 110 1uo bolnohoe i toinohee q lnohes 1 mo00 1 ss0o 1 9o00 pb0o 9500 s3 850 aoo 1100 700 s0o 70o aoo 950 100 advertisements without speelne dlreotiens will be inserted till forbid and charged aooord- ngly transient advertiaomenta romt be paid p advanoe advertisements will be changed once eaoh month if desired for changes oftener than enoea month the oompoaltlon mnst be paid for at regulai ratea ohangeaforoontravetadtortlionionumusii be n the offloe by noon on tuosdsys accounts payable monthly hpmooeh editor and proprietor imintsxixtttotrfc medical we have a nice lot in stbek arid prices ape very low fall fancy glass and china goods opening daily big value for the money days bookstore j -thb- traders bank of canada capital authorized 1 000000 capital paid up 700000 cuelph branch wo are now iaaalnn monoy orders payafala av ar at any branpli olobarton excepting tho yukon district chartered bank in canada at tho following day sells cheap mills everton and eden the place to go for the best flour bran mlddlln chop feedy veretready nsw john m maceonald m d c ml bcockbsob to j f urkn m d o m offloe and residence corner mill frederick streets aeton d 1 j r forster hdocesaon to dr a b elliott late resident physibun and bargeon to vic toria hospital for fiiok children toronto omcamul btreotlately occupied by jdr elliott ttir dryden- byb bin rhboat and nosb meleans block doofilaa bt near p 0- gtjhivph omoi houflfl 10 am to 1 pm and 3 to 8 pan bdmdats 10 am to 1 pm c for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit tjtidor 10 eioto s20 t90to 630 eao to ew 1 8 cents 10 cent laoonta h co tit 8 ctttq wltv suo w weep why sbouldwoweepforhhoaehodle7 tboy fall their dust returns to dast tbelrsoultf iball llro eternally within tho mansions of tbe jnst highest current rate op interest fiald on sums dopoilted o 1 and upwards otorott allowed from datr i withdrawal yearly of deposit to date of and paid or compounded half advances in ado to responsible farmers on tbelr own names at the lowoet current rates no oharflo mado for col looting solos notes f payablo in luolph a general banking buslneia transacted a f hjones monncr with legthening evenings come need of lamps henry hiortop dbzwtaz i bennett ddb dentist chobobtowtt 0xtabx0 j p coghlan d d s i j- s pentibt work cabsroxlt dons pnioba if odbjiatb office oviabaownsdbuafltoab hodbb evkbt dat took 9 to 6 j m bell dds lds dbntibt bbooxvub hompb obaduatb of tobonto ukin work made satisfactory vibitimo data mouda vxaitiho pats modday afternoon uana hblltllle tuesday ac ton office clarks hote friday book wood frlooa uodoratei afternoon camp iti db ghcook dentist cor college st and spadlna ave toiwhto will visit ao ton on thuflrot and third bator days of each mbatb ornoi- mr adam cooka realdonco majn street m ole an 4 mole an birrutor solid tor houriei oontojmcon o prlrto fundi to loa ofsoflltowd eftu aoton wi a moidu jo a moliim jrmaoklnhon babbistjui fiouoxron gomnstikoxft oirnob mill btroot in uttliow blooll upitkln jb moiieod babr1stbb bouoxtob oonybtlhoxb hklnstrot qoorgetown money tolofcntlowfltcarrontrliti tjj monabb tsirltisonrth dlrliloo ooort county of hi- onoonveyanoorabentfiirobndlilfeainnnoa boal eltato agent vs onoy to lots eto oio potryinenbioolc aoton oht lasamlursous hbuby akrar oixawa ftykvi solloltor of fktentt tot invention to prepexm appllcetlone for the cuiedun lvenvndbarop4nptntoieoi ena for t bsltlonot trd uuk bend for pun- pmt thlrjttwo yem eiperionoo pibakoifl nunak bookbindbb wvn4hm st qnelpta ontario aooonnt booki of ejl idndi mdo to order ferlodleele of every deaerivtlonoenrallyboaad bnlllivefttlyeklproisiptlydone tfabriaoe xiobnses jfrf- h p hoobe jwrcntgoy miwntnb lidehnta frlirete offloe no irltneeieareqqired leiaed reildenne lo tlio etbilns flo prew offloe aoton mhembtkebt llobd aootiokk for be ooantlm of wolllngton end belton orderiefltlfieluipee ofbee aoton or itmyroeldonoelnaoton will be pnrmpuy et- ended to pee dned to alio money to loen on th moitfetormble omitmnd ei th lewn of intarat in nmiofsoomid pwrde wellington mntnl fire insurance company ijliry inbditanob on 6d end ijotael plee any oouurmnleetlon fonrerdod to my eddreai h0ijb or telephone 88 will be prompu mt- john tatlob aient i iiaoton- mlime aid repair shops hbhbtobiinjbdlftorletol abb well mnlpped wltb imhe mnt necreieroeiilejvtplimnjonio ery endejrlooltonainiplementeead ti do ejl bteol ine meeblnedrr tmnralaffma allzepsln to neebln ement eadtido ejl ifltuniftorelboelngejidnoml j woodwork repeirt rmctprmad tory runner we sen remir eny t implemant of eny lain be jk c iiwtffaonnoni otn ituain- tumber ith 6tlnlle wood jbo 1 all kind ol wood in toolc end promptlj hardood and slabs nt stots ibogtb ilways en baao1 xelapbont aopunnalotilod rerndved waters bros pictujies ekames wallpapers fancy goods now nextpringles guelph main street planinc mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor mennfaotarorofsaih tjoors frame moaldlogei lnellatylea dressing matcbwo end moulding toordaron ihort notloe well eeaortod took on band et prlooa to ini the tlmei john cameron proprietor mckeoa dyspepsia pomdors mokeea emuklonof cod liver oil mokeeo carolina pino ealflam mokeoi linlihont mokeea kidney pllla mokoes anublloub pills vegetable mokeea blackberry cordial mokeea compound syrup of hypo- phmplutos mokeea livorpulfl looa box ittokeea fragrant anuseptlb tooth wash mokeea plavoiidg eaboncefl vanilla lemon peppermint pineapple fear orange raspberry btrawbarry mokeeo baking powder the above are a few of the many sterling preparations we manufacture each prep aration has made on its tnerf ts a wonderful reputation if you want reliable family medicines use mckees they speak for themselves and once tried they become before all others the household remedies see the grand sensen display in our window we carry full lines of stationery and school supplies wall paper etc latest and best designs of mortiments in granite akd warble at 20 to 30 per ceritreduction jhhamilton proprietor granite marble works gublph is the only direct irhporf er of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton como and see the largest and best imported stock in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for ihe commonest- can adian or american granite ottlaeiuul vrorksjuattltoirs block woolwich and if out olksts cuslph ont brmnoh workaxavir hamburg oat hnobbv suit for fall and winter ooogmmmm thktjiitojis now is your time to geta nobby suit fall and winter as we have just opened a fine selection of imported tweeds for fall and winter as we have just opened up a fine selection of imported twei serges and worsteds and are prepared to take your order at right prices fit and workmariahlp guaranteed flnt- olau and optodats overcoatings a good range of fall overcoatings call and inspect- ourstock betorek leaving- your order cooper 4 akins si ac i un 4m4mlrji sasslv photo taken before the fall of your residence and lawn by h ramshaw photo artist he has all the latest improved methods in finishings h bamsflcvw iphotoartbnv actoa- beautiful stock of latest new york styles stand haiigiiig hall tltoy dlo to llro thsy slok to rlso tboyloayo t wota mortal l shore ilut brlgbtor mne and binor nkles sliall smile on thorn fornvormoro avbysbonldwo sorrow or tho doad dur hfo on ortti ii bat a span tlmy tread tlio pntli tbst all mnst troad tbey dio tho common doatb bt man tlib noblost ibngbton of tho dalo muatooasowbon winters frowns appear tho reddest roso is waii and pale avjion antumntlnts tho obanglngyear ilia fatroat flowor onearth moat fado tbo brightat hopes on earth mast die why should wo mourn that man was xnado to droop on eartlbut dwoll on htgh tlio soul lb otemotion maatrolgn in worlds doroldl of palm and strife tlion why eboald mortal man complain of deatb wllob leads to happier life 7 tl7tbp ditt jfantilff jteafiing the v jrid flnfei4brary ynps to suit all tastes some reasonably high priced others lower in price to suit those of moderate means and simple tastes prices start as low as 25c for lamp complete and every price notch up to 1000 j m bond co hardvare agents cu6lph j d mckee dispensing manufacturing chemist acton ont telephone correspondence boots and shoes made to order and repaired ftoyf5l practical shoemaker has opened a shop in the premises lately occupied by w h adams tailor he has had large experience in city work and is consequently able to fill all orders in the neatest possible manner- fine turned work and patching receive special attention orders filled on shortest noiice call or send your order to george stovel cor mill and main streets acton and loan co head office toronto ont authorised capital 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid in montftly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 86000 paid in maturity value 10000 money to loan at 5 utvaight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to ft j mojmabb afient aoton acton livery busline thenndersledresptjtjtfnllyiotioltathbpatrod age of the pnbllo uillnformi them tfit well bqaipped and stylish rig eon al waysbesfloximl atblbbtafalbs a oomorttl bns meets al trains between 0 am and 816 p m oarefnl attention gleu tosreryorder tbe wants of oommanlaj travel- lers folly met john wjlltams pnopnibtoii pttptis wniarebonttolave i uxilvo pqblio or nja0 behool m shonld not overlook the frremtadvant- euofe ipiwetleal aoor of irutrae- onatthe ciub1h ltaiaa8inofwill oommwoa tnbtdajfltemmrctli wrim or ell if interobted trotilarf vree i j wm1u prlnolra ii ii tf t uzerer dy j08ephihk oetes darrink an oeoasionsl bill or adtertielng oirooltr georgo mortlrnera mail bad as a rale- consisted maiol of eertsln darling little notss wbloh sweetly tbanhed blm for flowers on candy or told blm tbit the writar woald bs dellgbttd to aooept his invitation to tbo theatre- or els thst she bad a cold and oooldnt go bo woald he come aronnd inbtead fancy then hii dismay one ml sty rnolstjr morping m tho nursery rhyme rooff upon flndlpg beaid bis breakfait phti in the ehabby- bbardiogboase dipinfl noom a letter ad dressed in a femlnlnohand to be arebnt nut ft t all the band vblbh bad penned the darling notes above mentioned when mr mortimer bad muteired its obnteott he was so apiet that ha forgot to eat bis breakfaitbat set forth doirn town to the office whore he enjoyed tbs prond position and p lender ssltry of aisf stant bookkeeper with a mind fall of conflicting emotions tbe acooants most have done themselves that day for mr mortimer bag no recol lection of rendering aoy assfbtance what ever and when night arrived ho got through hie dinner with a speed that was simply frlghtf ol and stirtsd for the abode of lila hearts treasure ia a violent harry if only beilv grandmother he tbodfilit as be wilked along ooold have held on to her bit of property jnut a little longer they mlht have preaented quite respectable appearance in the eyes of anct van tjazenor bat as the old lady has gone broke and bella insists on going to work im afraid thingswill look rather rnaty to my prond nlatfon in a bhort time mr mortimer was seat ed in the ebabbiibt cosiest little sitting- room in town pouring into the girl of hfs heart tbe most crazy incoherent account of the content of the it tier that ooold poiaibly be imsflfned finally be wound np with its insnfleravle now isnt it bella brlua pretty faoe looked anxioas if one 000h read it for ones self george certainly and heprodnced the let ter with an air whloh plaiulj eald we are one after reading it oarefolly fchronfth bella handed it back baying as i aodertand it the position is this yosr annt mrs van dnzener who has been living abroad for three years for the benefit of her invilfdaon isabonttoretarn home oq aoqondtof ber sons deitfa she aeki yoa to have her floe honae pat in order servants hired and sp on and f qr- thernaore to relfeve ber loneliness she begs yon to make year homo with her while she lives and you shell receive a jait portion of her worldly roods when she dies now i ahopld think that qnlts end arable fine bt11 ai far aa it goes only yon eee said the young man with an apologetio air fl of mine is as proud aslapifer famous for dragging ip the van dozener pride od ell occasion s and in fact sad btlla trying to langb yoa think a bbmble piraon like me wonld not bo qoito intooohwlth thevandomner prido eh george candidly said mr mortimer i dont so i flhsll decllco my andts offer immediately x wont do any spoh tbiegt laid bella promptly when yon are so laoky as to have any relation dont be so uo- gratofol as to turn yoor back on tbem yonradnt is an old lady and perhaps bar heart is aohing with lonellneif if yoor bompanlonsbip will be any oomforl to her it ii yoar dnty to give it as for ns we oooldnt marry stpreaedt anyway yonr salary is top sra ill to tike in grandmother too comfortably and i roost stay and work for her at all a tents 1st m eaoh do what seems right and aarely some day fortane will smlls oni when mr moftfmisr laid goodnlgbt to hlo sweetheart hewaaqaite oonvlnoed that she wai little short of an angel she bad natwlfislily insisted on bin doing bis dnty by his annt and only to think said he to himself that sbebby bill rand mother offered almost insisted id fact on going to tbe old peoples home to that odi marriage mlgbt be mare potilble or so that bella might find more i a era tire erppiotment away from home what do yoo think bella did bhe jast bogged that ababby pld grandrnotbsr and told her never to dan to aayenoh a thing again tea sir she did 1 and mr mortimer in tha wiolenm of bis admiration stamped bis oane down so bard on the sidewalk that he broke it bells when ihesnnotrnoed that she mntt go to work to maintain her grand mother and herself found that the oboloe of an occupation to amy nothing of procur ing tbe employment wfaio the choice was made was no eaiy matter a 1 1 cant typewrite thought the dlsoon olately one morning soon after mr mort imer bad taken op hie abode with hleannti and i hate teaching and x know i ooold- not taw all day long and as to oooking wblob seems to be goifc tne kit nowadays for nice bat imptwanloaa yoonfl women like me why that wont do be- caoie there lr saoh an awfal weeittjbty abentroy eolinary prforoanoee i never oan tell until h diib tm done wrlethii it will oa really good or not well ill take a psep at the advertisements in this morn logs paper and perhaps ill find some body who etinds inneed of apoh a porpon as i am lcte sea now gbambermalda waitreeeseeb sawing cooks clearly those wont do bat ah 1 now ive got it or my name isnt bella ill have to pat myprfdain mypookot thiaumo iguoab tbe advertisement read to the effect fchi tr a ladywanted apereonofreflnoment to do np uces and floe lawne eaob week the person of refinement was to oallatno 12 periwinkle place and ask for mr goodman hoasekeopor and as true sb i live erolairned bella i believe thats where georges aunt llveav well she oaot ert rae thats certain and i might ois well do ap her laoes as any body elses even ifehe beppenst see nae ebe wouldnt know me 1 only hope i ehall get apeek at hor if no more than tbe end of her proud nose one mqaf have some enjoyment in life if one is poor queer that i never thought of getting laces to do ap for really when i aome ti think about it what is oalled fine wash ing ia my only aooomplibhmout i sap- poie when i go there that mrs goodman the housekeeper will go to t madam and say if you please m the waehworaana 00 me well i gaesa i can stand it ill ask mrs cordova and the montagues- on tbeavenne ifthey have an yoft hatkind o work me and perhaps they may know of othora and so bell with a brave attsmpt to make her debtlny her choice dressed to gb to periwinkle place 1q ten minntes after ebe had rung the doorbell tbe interview was at an eod sbehad been politely treated by the house keeper who after a close eorutlny aoked wbat ebe 000h do and t dor addreaa and finally g her qaite a parcel of laces fine handkerchiefs and some delicate ellk uadtjrwear to bo dode np and the intsr- viow had passed and nothing had hap pened and praywhat did yon expect de eded bell of herielf savagely did yon think yon wpnld ice georges aunt and that atorined by yoar charms she wogld inamediateiy ezcliim gome to my arms you poor strioben dear 1 dont forget the van dnzener prido bella nor your owa and eo six months paseed bell bad all the work she ooold do and conseqdfltit ly was eo busy that ebe had no time to waste in wishing that tbe patron ealnt of lovers woald tarn hie attentton to that little affair of here in fact jast about thie time the coareo of true love didnt ran at all it stood rtookstill it happened that during one of those rare brief visits whfoh bella now permitted mr mortimer to make ber the aubjeot of that ladys employment was brought under discussion belli with a moot becoming flash on her cheeks and an extra tosa of her onrly head explained the sort of work bhe had foapd to do for heavens sake belli couldnt you find anything in ttuvbig town to do but that gasped mr mortimer what if that should come to my annts ears wby bella it woom be the deathblow to sll oar hopes hamph i saidbflla coolly though her heart beat angrily iab for that the mte- ohiec sa done if it can be oalled- mischief l marched right into the enemys oonhtry thofiret thing in fact ive been doing up the enemys laces and things right along i mr mortimers despair was too deep for words he ooold only gaze blankly at his companion and wonder if womans boasted tact wasnt an unknown qnacttty alter all oeitiiuly bella hndnt any i havent seen mrs van dnzener even once said bella after v whiles with a view to placating her lover oh said mr mortimer brightening jn tbet oase perhaps we are sll right yet i dare bay she wouldnt know you from a hole in the ground cobtlnned he inclo- gantly but hopefully now of ooorae yoa will give up this business imrried lately something elao will soon torn up something more anitible and proper of course i shall not do any each a xhing replied bella indignantly in the flrat place grandmother bae so many poor tarns that i do not dare nndertike any work that may not be done at home and tn the second place thia work that i bayjo cjhtpjen is tbe only kind that i oan do well ooo bad better be a good laundress than an incompetent teacher or a poor beanstress tears stood in bellas eyee bhe had tried ao bravely to du ber duty and in stead of sbropatby she roe t only with eon damnation but she was a plucky girl and til the blandishment and coaxings of her lover failed to more ber in the least then tbey quarreled and aa only people who are very fond of eaob other can quarrel at the end of fifteen minutes he said i good evening mln wakefield and she with a corresponding flouriih of politeness said good evenlpg mr moitimer and the door closed between them and so they parted with sore hearts and the belief that eaob was responsible for the unfaappy ending of their love btlla however kept right on in the path whlbh she bad fleeted to follow but ahowai thankful that mrs van puzener ssut ber things to her every week and also bent after them live re tons whien tatt duzener railing ber hands impatiently pride i what urea tar pride oan anyone feel than in doing her whol doty and the more distattef ol and difficult tho duty tbegmatortbehanortbat8thobortof pride i believe in bat aunt alammered ber nophow rdepreoatihgly feeling -eure- that he was dealing ihe final blow to bis nowly raised bopeer bellrdpeerapiaoeb and thirrgbfbr a living in fact bhowaebcs yoa know well and what has that got to do with it if she ie boned and brave and pretty did yoa eay 7 boautiul r exclaimed- george ec statically and will have yonoontirrdedhis annt vi advise you to 1 000 no time ia eeoaripg yoar treasure in addition to yonr salary at the office i will pay you well to look after roy property eo i tbiolcyon can afford wife grandmother and alii mr mortimer 1000 made h in peace with bella and of ooaree the wedding wasnt long in coming off inoredible tboagh it may sound the rich aunt tbe shabby grandmother and tbe yoong couple all lived together as harmoniously as doves and to think said mrs van baxener that george was sostopld as not to know what my pride about whioh ive talked bo mooh reallyroodbistedof but porhape it isnt bo odd afteirsltfbere are no many ehoddy sorts of pride nowadays that ihe roalhoneet kind ie apt to be overlooked entirely helpfulness of sympath v a minister while visiting a prison ae one gigantio fellow oroqohed alone in a corner bis feet chained to a ball there waa an unhealed wound on bis face where he had been shot while trying to escape the eight of the dumb gaqnt figure touch- ed the visitors sympathies v how long has he to serve he asked the keeper for life may i bpeak to him yea but only for a mlnnle the minister hesitated what coo id ho eay in one minute he touched tbe mans torn cheek i am sorry he said i wfah i ooold help you tboconviot looked keenly at him the hard linos of his face softened and he nodded to indicate that ho believed lu the sympathy expressed iam going away and shall never sea yon again perhaps bat yon have a friend who will stay here with you the small keen eyes wereou him tbe prisoner dragged himself up waiting and eager you have heard of joene yes he is your friend if you are good and true and pray to god to help yoa i am sore he will care for you dome air callod the keeper tioioa tip- the clergyman turned sorrowfully away the prisoner orawling after himandoatoh- ing his hand held it in bis own while he conld tears were in the clergymans eyee fourteen years- paseed the ponvjot was bent to work in the rnlnea the minister went down one day into amine and among the workmen saw a gigantic figure bent with hardship and age who is that be asked the keeper a lifer and a steady fellow the beet of tho gangl job- then the lifer looked np bis flgnre straightened for he had reoognixed the clergyman his eyes shone do yen know me he said will he come soon ive tried tbbe good at a single word of sympathy the life bad been transformed the convict re deemed the spanish captain and roosevelts rough riders the spanish oaptainhaltod hie squad bohind tho taller moeqalufbqehes hissflt 1 bo said and nangbfe wae to be heard save the asthmatic breathing of astoat oatalonian v 77 the oaptain let his roatlesa little eyes oamjkrouffdnnotirorr were the faraway walla of havana to his left was the eea the bide hills undulated away at bis right and ahead of him the wtste of sandy beacb ajretobod- rhonoton- ouniy hieebtl repeated the captain his yes jihatoued like two be ad a 1 hbrrrsemen he muttered horrrse men opmicg zeca way ooo two tree fodr five seek aeez horsemen j suddenly he obuoklod till ho shook again i reoognize them he eoorted zty are zee dudei from now yorkzee kdiokorboskairoolub dudes ho ho zeos is top good 1 read in zee paper how asay enleest in see bavalree of zee noisy teddy boosevailt bat i deed not expect to evaire see aem ha ha ho ho look at zee dudes 1 he rolled in the short grass in a con vulsion of mirth theuhe straightened juze 1st john a wlilttlftlt give fools tiielr oia and kbavoa their power ot fortunes bubbles rlbo atiafall wliosowsa flold or trains n tlowor oriilaptaa treola mbrotlian all fqt i10 that bloosoanioet is bloot and qou antl liiaphall oyfti hia worlli wliotpllbto loavqaobfa boiiost an ftdjed beauty to the oartli and boon or lato to all that sow tho tlaiool barvost shall bo blvoii tho uoweraahall bloom tbe fruit shall trow if not on oaxtb at last in hoavon her confession wlahxs and measures act tbe dominion weights apd meaaurea aot beotiop 10 which was assented to jane 18th 1s98 isss below in oontraota for the sale and delivery of any of tbe nnderrnentioned articles tbe basbel ahall be determined by weighing unless a bushel by msasnre is epeetally agreed upon the weight equivalent to a bnahel being as follows wheat eiity podnda zlme eighty pounds indian corn flf tysii pounds rye fiftysix pounds peas sixty pounds barley fortyeight pounds sdalt thirtysix pounds oats- thirtyfour ponnds beans sixty pounds clover seed sixty pounds ti 010 thy seed fortyeight pound a bookwhtat fortyeight pounds flax seed fiftysix pounda hemp seed fortyfoar pounds blao graia seed fourteen pouddb castor beans forty ponnds potatoe turnips oatrots paranlpaadd boots sixty pounds ooyons fifty pounds bituminous coal seventy pounds every person who vlolaieaaby provision of thia section shall be liable for aflnt offence to a penalty not eioeeding twenty- five dollars and for eaob subsequent off n oc to a penalty pot exceeding flf y dollars in the asylum gaard theres tbe saddest and moil violent oaie we have here listen to him taxi downers bifib station and big bank aoocnot brought to bar she found nono ao satiafylog and entertaining as watching from day to day the changes in the inren- aonaooantinaubo of her nephew that be was in love the bad long slnoeguebbed as he grew moody and quiet and left his favorite dishes on tinted she decided that she roust know what troubled him bo one morning at tjie breakfast- table ebe suddenly said in her guiok snappy way oome george satisfy an old womans ourtosityr who is sbe7 oo mortimer was at first very maoh oonfased but being very young and very unhappy and noticing that hla annt look ed particularly amiable be soon unbosom ed hltniflf of a tew of his woes and why asked his aunt dont on marry bsr t why i exclaimed mr mortimer who labored under the fond delusion that he had explained every point in the story because she has a poor grandmother that sbs wonld stay and work for and became eh thoogbt yon needed me and because wrelljijtfaers u tbe van duaener pride you know 811 ta a working girl r dieis my heart texclilmed aunt van rarwei r f 7 patient dye a j a dean no i dont ha ha i cbllkoot pus- nil s mich aels not yet maokaoaie rlverobj not visitor poor fellow i did hunger in the ktondike bring him to this guardno about a year ago lie decided to go to tho goldfleuia and every one he asked told him a different answer is to tbe best route to take np woveel be qolet be said anill zeo dudee ride close to ns zen wo will all jump put qaeeofrj and yell ho 1 and when zee frightened dndes turn eoqueeok to run awayvte shoot em down oarrarnba was there evaire snob fan bat oaptain bald tbe bhrivelod old seargeant suppose they fight the jp tain looked at the sergeant with sovereign contempt budes do notflgbt my mend ho bald dudes all ways rrrup beatdee are we not twenty to seex 7 silehoel then nothng was to be beard save the approaohlng thudthud of the borsea hoofs nearer and nearer tbey came nearer and nearer and then now i shrieked the spanish oaptain six minutea later the oonfiiot was over twelve dead spaniards encumbered the grbund live spaniards were legging it over the nearebt bills and one half dead spaniard wearing the ioalgoia of a captain was on bis kbees bofore the half dozen abhorred dqdes meroy raeroy i he ebriekod what shall wo do with the infernal old beggah inquired the leader weoawnt kilt him in oold blood you know said one and we dont want the bothaw of a prisonab eofd another the eye of the youngeat man brightened lets kick him all around and let him go he said ho they kicked him and let him go cleveland m plain fyaltr raising a submerged ship if the eunken abip lies more than fifteen meters under tbe aarfaoe of the water the possibility of rescue appears very doubtful as the pressure of the waiter flowing over the wreok ia eo powerful that the aides are pressed in in which oaso the wreck is worthless if tho wreok lies less than fifteen meters under the surface of tbe water then tho divers first calk the leaks and close all openings aa well as possible except one through whlph a tube is con- dnqted from the pomp on board tbe salvage bhlp through this tube all tbe water found in the room is first pumped op and then through a second tubo as much air is driven into tho wreck aa is necessary to move il and force it to the surface of tbe water whenever it is hot pobblble to make the submerged wreck airtight or incase it has been sunk ia a river or canal or on a very quiet coast then wire ropes or chainsare used for raising it they arc let down into the deep from the prams lying over tbe wreokdrftwn down under the keel of the sunken ship by the divers and hoisted on tbe other side so chat- both ends of the ropes or ohalns lie around the wlndlabaes which oonnegt with- the engine on the prams in tbii way the oonneotlon be tween both the lifting prams are made and the interior of the wreck pumped oat so while the ropes or chains aro being woond on tho windlasses tbe wreok is ralaed ioob by inob if it la considered tbat such a chain is nearly twentyfour centimeters in diameter and that in raising a wreok from four to eight must be employed then it is easily estimated bow great is the weight brought up and also what expense of time and labor the rescue requires fctabmerg- ed ships and their salvage by fred hqod in the ghautaitqudn for october one merit in red hair it la a oariotra faot that redhaired people are far leaa apt to get bald than a liberal supply needed therob one thing dear george she wrote tbat yoa mas nt forget 8tandcn tiptoe when those great guns go off and staff your ears fall of cotton dont forget the cotton when yon pais through the loutb get two bales while you are aboil it and dear george robbed bis ears and wondered wbat she meant cleveland vols dealer those with other colored hair the average orop on the head of a redhaired psrson is- only 39000 hairs ordinary dark hair is far finer and a red hair will oake up tbe space of three dark ones the orop of dark hair is about 100000 fair- hatred people are still better off 140000 to 100000 aro qaite a common number of hairs on the soalpof a fairhaired man or woman a oarloosi baloulation haa been made to the effect that the hairs on a fair- haired person it they oould be plaited together wonld sabtaln a weight of somo thing like 80 tons equaling that of 600 the girl laid hor fair bead on the mans breast and heaved a tarriblo bigb of angaith oh george murmured she 71 really have not meant to deceive you i deoolvb mo fluid he in gentle surpriso l i have kept things from you ono in pardoutaf that yoa ought to know timband ofjain i intended to niako a clean breastofit and tell yoti everything but somehow my resolution failed and here the speakerooinpletely broke dovn and tho youny man did bia bfist to nootbo the bpontaueons agony of bin fnir companion there there he baid roaseariogly nevermind i dont want to know i can trubt you- oh george v she spbbod you bao been sogpbtl to mo i yon have given mo your undivided love while i all tho time have been ooucealing a most awful secret theman laughed elightly it waa m- tended to enoonragu tho girl dont tell me yoa have dieoovered my seoret no noiio fluid quickly am totally ignorant thank heaven 1 alio exclaimed bat i will yes a little nervous laagh hero tell yoa via have been engaged for three months the man- nodded all this limo yoa have kept nothing from mo all your thoughte projects hopes ambitiana you have unburdooed to roe while 1 havo been harborioc up this awful faot that haa been eating into my heart the man gives the rentle flguro a re- eponbive oarcgb tell me now darling all about it aro you prepared georgo yea i oan bear anything ho replied resolutely and you promise you wont hate and denpiee me you mast trust mo ho roplied af tor a paaeo j georgo yes dear i i i cant ride a bioyolo the speaker burarfntoa7torrent of tears that the yoanjj man took pioabare in etom miugaud tbon tbey were both very happy for they know there were no secrets bo tween them pclet7u a scotch printers hobbv somo men have queer hobbles and a remarkable ono ie that of a glasgow man who has spent the leisure of four years in rewriting tbe scriptures he ia a corn- positor with a wondeful gift of taming oat beautiful writing and iu the time mentioned bo has managed to reach the middle of tho fbalms in two years he anticipates tbat the concluding verses will have been written a featuro of this remarkable bible at ill bo its illustrations each chapter baa ite artistically designed initial letter and eaoh book a piatotial heading illustrative of the context tbe writer ia a nalivo of dumfries and iu his boyhood days ran errands for carlyle to whom he carried the local morning paper in o ihe mans lifetime a statistician haa estimated that an average man 50 years old baa worked 0600 days lias slept 0000 baa amased himself 4000 has walked 12000 miles has been ill good days has partaken of 86000 meala eaten 15000 of meat and 4qo0 pounds of fish eggb and vegetable and drunk 7000 galtonu of flaid to draw salt from meats- to inaaro the proper drawing ont of bait from meat or maokerul soak it over night in milk iueteud of water sour milk will answer as well aa aweet perfect satisfaction in every province diamond dyes are true home favorites i find great ploabore jo dyeing mtll tfae wonderful diamondxyob tboy mako old olothe drcsbob bilk featbnrs and wcol goods look bb ifood sb now mr m it b people true hospitality in a new haaapahlro villago many stories are told o re former resident who had a warm heart bat a tongue that did not alwfhy litter hi real meaning on aoldwlntor day ho opened bie door to see the mlolator looking ohlll and tired wading home thrpagh the enow after an hoar epeat with a noody but anpleaaant parlahloner oomeln pareon oome right iu 1 he oalled obeerlly mving his arm with hoe- pilable intant my wife will meie a roubing bra to ffarm yoa op it well started already pareon shell make il o hot yon oant lay in the home fifteen minntes vvtttlia companion- courtinar bxpenee my girls father b me a bill for tbelr parjor olook i rltfisjpstejrto with lf 1 ml ii bank every nlgbt aod gat it sll ont of order detroit trte prtu dreaded the enoore jack wlh not marry miaa johnson lmrah why j lb telle him that ovary super lenoeot bar life haa happened twloe the best wky to arold alokneaa is to keep yooreelf halihy by uking noods barsp- arllla thai gnat blood purifier viotoria harbor out have used tho diamond dyes for many years and tboy liavo proved iruo and lure to color every timo they arc without donbk the boat of all dyes mrs j g walker qoebco p q i am a farmor-e- wifo and havo ueed diamonddyeb for year- and am well eatiallbd with tbom i highly recommend diamond dyaa thoy aro the most vain- able and aureat of dyeatoffs mra a hodgea nicholbvillo n b 1 havo used a great many oftbo diam ond dyes and find them tho boat for all kinds of dyeing will havo no othor kind for my work mrs jas harris robineonvlllo n b i have and tho dia d with great sucoea 1 recommend tbom to all ladiea who nlab to do their own dyeing for coloring dross goods they are juat perfcot mre monclll stanley bridge i b i the diamond dyes aro a groat snooeas i have used them beveral times and they always turn out lovely aolore i am delighted with thorn mrs johnxowo west selkirk man we uso ihe diamond dyss and find themfast and beautiful colors they are the beat mrs cnaa johnston montgomery n w t the diamond dye are the beat void in tbeooontry they always give me satis faction and i will always praise tbem mary a stoadmnn vancouver b o ivihjrii

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