Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 27, 1898, p. 2

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isi jtuachan at bt jolmu mouso hrookvllle on hnturdaytlioaimlqotobor to itov aim uw d furacmu aton hied himiianp at oakvliioon fridfiy ootobor slut jolm iiuhlmtut lu bis ilhli yaar llatininq iii kotuobiuri on wflclnobly october mill wiuiiuh llardttik aaotl 7h youra 7 moutlia t xtmi xzz frieas tuubsday octobetl 27 189b the electric liohtino bylaw ou friday 4tkn9vomber the propotty owners in acton will vote on the electrlo lighting bylaw and the matter is uor- rent topio of conversation in ill bircles that actoirieblitetterlightan4 most bnvn it if wo are to keep abreast of the times is admitted by oitisods generally bat whethsr it is more desirable for the municipality to own and operate a plant than to onoonrsge an outside flrtn to establish a plant here is perhaps not bo tnliydooldeain thomlnda of all who are interested it borel atands to reason without any lengthy argurhenttbat it wiu be pf tnooh greater advantage to the manloipallty and to citizens individually to own and control tho plant retain the profit of tho- con cern in the municipal treaenry treat those who use tha oleotrio light for their basl- nobb plaocb mannf notaries residences etc liberally make oar own arrangements aa to plan etc for lighting the streets than to place the flranohlbe into the hands of outsiders andbe snbjeot to their terrns and arrangements in the operation of a system horo investigation orittoal and in detail has proven even to those at first opposed lint7tbatthereiahandeoraerphflttijltbe oparation of an electric lighting plant electrio light most oome why not make thrprollt onrselvob beokleei enthusiasm on the one hand and fchiobheaded obstruction on the other should not influeooe a vote either way hot tho intelligent report of the keen practical buoinoaa men who oarefolly investigated thib u influonoe property ownere to regard favor- ablv the bylaw proposed and vote acoord- ingly lifit no voter-he-alarmedby-tbo- forebodings of any bppoeitionibts regarding the debt to be incurred abonld the bylaw pass as it undoubtedly will on the 4th nov the leading men in town the men who have made euooeaaea in their private affaire and the heaviest taxpayers are the men who are moat enthusiastically in favor of a municipal eleotrio lighting syetom these men aee that we mobt have electrio light they have looked into the matter smd understand it they will have the heaviest of the bnrden to bear if tho introduction of electrio light prove bnrden it la the experience of other townb however that instead of being a burdonj a nranlolpal lighting system is a aclfbnppcrting institution and snakes money by which the taxation l reduced it mast be borne in mind that when we borrow money to establish a system of electrio lighting wo will not be merely incurring debt we will be negotiating f orfunds to make a paying investment notes and comments englan vs france great britain ready to flsrht if flbhtlnar is neoeeaary to control the nile british warships alu ready lonuon octjjo tlicro can bo no doubt that the opinion of the notion is over- whehnnlugly in favor of war unless tho british oocteiitlou is oonoftded by ifranoo without ressrvo every warlike rumor la welcomed and exaggerated any sign of weakness or even a move of oonoilation at che present tnovement by lord bsllabury would ronse a storm which would speedily work his politlosl destruction- moreover more than one member of the cabinet itrongly favors war with france at tho present jnnctore i am able to record ae a fact what i oabioa on saturday aa a rumorlhat colonial bedretsry chamber lain before the presebt oriels became acute said openly to bis friends war with franoe is inevitable before long for my parti believe that the sooner it bomeo the better for ibis oountry a great majority of his countrymen sbsro his views on the other hand the fronoh side of the sit- nation lsvery difficult france docs- not want war and does not expect wan she is almost indifferentin regard to fashoda if franoe was a sane oountry sanely gov- ered this would mean a apeedy end of the crisis unhappily franoe today la neither lokdok oct 25 all interest today is centered in the marquis ol salisburys addition to the fashoda oorrespondenoe contained in the publication ol tho british blue book on that ssbject the conservative nawspapers express themselves as being highly leased with hia rejoinder to tho frenoh yellow book on thesamertbbleotr thsy declarotlibrtrrf dispels the idea spread by the despatoh of the frenoh ambassador here baron de the british admiralty has issued a nhmbor of significant orders the dook- yarda at fortemoutb bevonport and chatham have each received instructions to prepare six 80knot torpedo boat destroyers for commissioning so that ihey will be able to pat to sea in 24 hours overtime has been ordered began on the firstolasb crntsera europa and andromeda so ae to hurry them io sea service soverdf gunboats in the different dock- yardb hays been ordered to post unnecessary refitting the latest event in the history of the f uel rjneatlon in winnipeg says the frte prtu baa been the arrival of a carload of coal shipped by the crows nest pass coal company from fernie b o its quality has already been tested and the record of the results ia to the ftteol that it is undoubtedly the best of bftamlnons coals known the average ashes is 260 arid of fixed aarbca 80 there is no snlpbnr and cpneeqneblly no ulinker tfae shippers olaim that it will revolutionize the bitandl- noua coal trade in the west speaking about the opposition of some perbona to pablfo improvements the stavoer sun says when the eleotrio light was intrpdnaed there were klokers in plenty and the idea of lighting the streets was recpived in certain quarters with- frantfb bhonta of disapproval gorabead people will demand with a good deal of satiafsc- tion where are these klokers n6w they aro silent ohtbese mattersowlng ttt the satufaiouon eleotrio llgbt has provsn butthoy are with as still and are making themselves equally rldibnlons onths water- works queitionv according to the muoiolpal antendmsbtt act tho lection- of depntyrreevss is dona away with by section 4 of tbs munioipal amendment act 18db section 72 was amended by striking out all the words after the word cbanoiilors in tbs second line thereof and substituting therefor tbs words who shall be eleotedby general vote so that the section now staods thus tho counoil of every village shall oprotist of one reiavs who shall be the bead thereof and four counoluors who sball be elected by a general vote section 78 was also by tfae samo act amended by strlklog ont all the words alter the word oouncillora in tho second line thereof and sobstltatlng therefor the words who shall bseleoted by a general vote so that seotlori 78 now stands thai the oounoll of every town ship shsll eonslstot a reeve who shall be the head thereof and four councillors who s be fl by a g v oouroel that the british premier waa willing to negotiate on the whole question but the iilbersi and badioal organb still consider that the martinis ol bslieburys attitqdp admits of negotiations promisiqg idlyarrangementr therentlre preaa however aoonts the idea of the possession of fashoda oomiug within the sphere of the discussion the st jamee qmette thla afternoon sayb wo are prepared to negotiato the question of- the weetern frontier of the babrelqbazri district bet we must control the nile both banks and water sheds from the sonroe to the mouth t the globe thinks the harqnls of salisbury has mads il oloar that major marbhanbt most quit fashoda without conditions adding until that is done there can be no diboneslon of the fronoh olaima in africa continuing the olobe points out the significant announcement in gen kitcheners report that he sent gunboats sooth from bobat towards moshraorreek tbe principal trading centre of the bahrelghazel with instruo- tipna to establish necessary outposts and that before ha left sobat he completed arrangements for tho maintenance of these sutiods the glate then adde thla movs brings our poshion down to tbe eighth parallel of north latitude and the valley of tbe bahretghazel at this momeot ia under the rule of the khedive it will be- interesting to see the effect of this revelation upon the french govern ment tbs pall mall gazttte concludes from the publication of the blue book that the frenoh government has been given to understand that wholly apart from the fashoda question its title to the territory abutting on the left bank of the nile is rejected aa atterly untenable and franoe musk aocept the position or take- the consequences tha westm gateuesojitieetsai solution that the french be granted way leave and enolave for oommerolal purposes in the bahrlghasol dlitrlot way leave is the right of waiy over anothers grodnd enolave 1b to shut in to enolose a territory within tbe territories of another power the frenoh papers today are more hope ful and believe that a paolo solution of the dispute will be found the english newspapers are fall of naval particulars bat the only fresh development is an order received at portsmouth to pre pare all the ships of the fleet and the reserve or immediate mobilization eight additional warships there in eonsequenoe oommflnded loading this morning and working parties ware placed on board the other reservs vsssels at portsmouth althbngh not connected svltb the war preparations mnoh attention has been attracted to a request received by the clyde ship builders from tbe british admiralty for tendera for four new firstolase -battle- ships a flratolasa bruiser and twelve tor pedo boat destroyers the distinguishing feature is the increased armament whiob it is believed will make the battleships when ready for sea the most powerful vessels of their class afloat they will have a speed of 10 knots the cruiser wilt be of 14100 tons and will be destined to atesm twentythree knots all tbs vessels will mount exceptionally strong qniok- flrlnftgans latest plebiscite beturn8 over 10000 majority xhrouajhout the dominion montreal oot25 completo nnofdoial returub bave now been reoelvod by the israrfrom every oousliuonoy in the province of qnoboo except qaspe whloh only voted on tho 18 til instant tiiobo biiow an antl- prohlblliou mnjorlty of 93180 on this basis the final result throughout tho dominion would bo bb follows for againbt quoboo ontario 1111280 nova scotia 211100 new brunswick 17872 0t180 p e island n w territories manitoba brltlsli columbia 8u15 2260 0201 2800 208400 05480 02480 domliiion majority for prbliibitwn 16080 partial returns only tobonxb october 21 oouonlefb returns of the prohibition pleblioile for every constliuenoy in ontario show a total ol 200770 vales cast j 154603 for and 116 273 against majority for prohibition 80280 a deputation from all the provinces will wait upon sir wilfrid lanrier and hit collesgues early in november to ask for prohibition lecisiation new governorgenerals re ception lord and lady minto to toe cordially welcomed at quebec 0bbo7 ootr 26y the arrlvafbere of lord minto canadas new governor- gener is to be ma tbe occasion of an imposing military demon8tratfon all of the iooal corps are to be ordered out lord and lady minto who are expected to reaob here early on tbe nabrning of saturda nov 12th will breakfast with lord and ljadyanerdeen wbo will be here to greet them at the oitadel alterwardb tho viceregal party will go to spencer- wood where lord minto will bo sworn in as governorgeneral after lonoh at spenoerwood lord and lady aberdeen with their staff and household will sail for england on hoard the xdratfor lord aberdeen leaves canada in a can adian btearhhip and lord allnto arrives here also by a canadian line of eteamers for- yenra this trouble bafflod prvotsfclane 8klllnow under- etiosjpr bind enblly cvjradtho resqrt of solentlflo researoh itroli tlio ailvailao kouiiitvf llo out there- is a popular idea that rheuma tum is cansod by ozposurb to cold arid that some tooalitlos are iufcoted with it more than others soientiets say that euch conditions frequently promote disease but from the fact that thia ailment runs in oortain families it ie ahown to be hereditary and consequently a dlbbaseof tho blood frequently an individual in whoee f slinll ythenmtism has notoconrred develops the disease and when a diagnosis of the case is made it generally foand thai the ailmont is duo to a derangement of the blood onosnph sufferer who has been ouredjs captl wbeoket who lives in tbe town sbip ofoxford grenviue county capli beoket is the owner of 26 sores and lives in a beautifulfarnvkome ob the banks of the rideaueome three miles from kempt- ville in addition to being a thrifty farmer mr beoket has taken an ehtbusi- aatloiotereat in our volunteer foroe and hat graduated from the military college at toronto with a first olasa certificate whloh entitles him to the rank ol major to a reportor of the eeniptvillo advance capt beoket made the follovving statement four years ago i was tawken snddenly with rbenmatlbm iu botb my elbows and tbigh joints the pain at times was something terrible i took medlolne and doctored for over six months but oon tinne to grow worse and worse- my arras fromtheelbow joints to the tips of tbe fingers became numb and had apriokly sensation a i w anable to do any work in faot lcoald not lift my hand to my head the pain i suffered in my hips was almost unbearable and zny legs were nearly as useless as my arms i bad frequently read testimonials where dr every thursday round the year in more than half a million homos the itmoit companion comes every week tbe welcome jguest of young and old read with eqaal interest by- every member of tbe household the best of notion poetry aketohes of travel instrnotlve articles obmmsnt on oarrentsvsnts and seleoted miscellany and anecdotes fill its columns from week to week and from year to year the publishers promise that the volume for 1800 vvlu surpass oil former ones in variety interest and value among the two hundred distinguished contributors already engaged are poo john d long secretary of tbe navy edward everett hale henry m stanley sarah orne jewett w d howeln poultney bigelow herbert b hamblen hon carl sohurz bt hon james bryoe john burroughs bobertbarr thomas nelson page bret harte william black alfred austin andrew lang and dr william a ham mond all subscribers to the 1890 volume will receive tbe companions new- calendar exquisitely colored with a border of stamp ed gold tbe paper will be given free also frbrb the time snbsoriptiop is received until january 1 lhoo then a foil year to january 11000 a handnome illustrated annouboe- ment and bample copies will be sent free to any one addressing the yotuavccmpanion 211 columbas ave bolton mass literary notes the local markets the present prices current on acton market are as follows gooes wheat 70o red wheat 8o white wheat 08o peas 0o oata 20c barley 46o rye 48o very little grain is offering ths farmers generally appear to be holding their grain lor higher prices a year ago thla week from soo to 1000 bushels a day were coming in to tho market hfre at present there is not onetenth that amount brav men fall victims to atomaob liver aud kidney troubles aa noil as women and all fool the reaullain loss of appetite poisous in the v baokiohs nervousness headache and tlrod llitless ruudown feeling but theres no need to feel like that listen to j w gardiner idavlllsliud he says v bleolrlo bilterb are jost lbs thing for a manwhoit its is all runv down and dou oare whither be lives or diss i did more loglvs rrieusir strength and good appetite snavaoytmnvf take i n now bniy drug bsriatv b very pottlegusiwle obopm 84 1 br 24 a weddlnb with prlnoldats of above- agesat oia last week oiusdnxtui oct 17 alexanderj wigg ing who shot charles hare at a charivari in mulmur township one nltthl last week has left the country while hia viotlm still lies in a precarious oopditlon at xavender ths oooaslbnthat provoked the ohariisrl was the marriage of robert wiggins 24 yearold daughter margaret iunetd john surgin m yoars oftigewihf faftnel of vork towbsblp a oonditloh of the deal so it is reported was tbe transfer of 10 seres of land from the grboni to ths brides father notwithstanding the serious wounding of hare by yotmg wiggins who was urged by his father to do lbs shooting tha charivari party renewed ths attack the following night tbe mob is said to have numbered several hundred they were anally bought off with a to bill froseootloos will follow the death of the erapross of austria brings into pronoinenos the oountry wbioh bss recognized heras us sovsrelgn so many years anation whoss composition is its greatest foe and oonetant menace this danger the diplomacy and wisdom of emperor joseph in averting it the past and presentatatus of the empire and its probable fotaro are all graphically delin eated by sydney brooks in the november number of tbe chautauquan the aptodata oharacter of tbe mttho- dut magazine it ehown by the timely article on denmark and the danes with portraits of tbs late queen and of the royal family and by an lllnstrated article on hongkong oneof britains keys pf- empire in china theroare also illustrated papers on various subjects and high class literary artioles a blevernow story a princess in oalloo by a new writer is begun tbe novembor and becerxtber numbers are offbred free to new snbsarlbevs for 1800 ths twentyfifth year of this magazlno toronto william brlgri montreal c w ooatea hali fax t 8 f btueatls 1200 a year j100 for all months a hew volume has just been issued from the presses of wm briggs toronto on steam navigation by james droit of montreal it treatsof the origin develop ment and triampbs of steam navigation that mighty combination of inventive gsnfns and mecbaoibal force that has bridged the oceans and brought tbe ends of tbe earth together the history of steam vessels is related in terse and interesting sncceulon from 1888 when tbe aral vessel orotsed tbe athtnllo by steam power and jsrbjtoljjvstaiwbpljy oonslruotbd in oansda as the pioneer of those mlgbty flseti of ocean steamers by whloh paasengers and merobandise of all nations are now convey ed on every sea throughout tbe world ten chapters deal minutely with thla cause of rhe hovvtme piseasbiabeveloped and can be avoided williams pink pills bad cored tbe disease and at last i thought i would try them as an experiment before i bad oompleted the first box i felt they were helping me and after i bad taken the pills a little more than a month the pain bad entirely left mo and i felt an altogether different man i feel satisfied there la no other medlolne could have wrought suoh a speedy onre and i oan trathfully say met tfae enemy and defeated blm through the aid of dr williams pink pills br wllllama pink pills are peoiflo for all diseases arising from an impoverish ed condition ol the blood or a shattered oonditlon of the nervous forces such as si vitas daooo locomotor aajrlo rbeama- tiam paralybls bolatloa the after effeots of la grippe loss of appetite headache dizzlnpss ohrbnio eryslpelai scrofula eto tbsy are also a specific for the troubles peooliar to the female system correcting irregularities suppressions svnd all forma of female weakness building anew tho blood and restoring the glow of health to the pals and sallow cheeks in the base of men tbsy effeot a radical enre in all caees arising from mental worry overwork or exoebses of any nature proteot yourself against imitations by insisting that every box you purchase hears the full name dr williams pink fills for pale people mrs ballinoton booths ex periences sirs balllngton booth ol the ameri can volunteers is writing oat her experi ences in american prisons and in tbe blnma of new york for tfae xadla home jou mrju booth- h perh come closer to the lives and oonfldedbea of the men and women iu prisons and to know tbe poor better than any woman living she will not only tell what abb has seen bat the will point out what her experience has shown her to be the most effective way in dealing with tbe people of the prisons and the slums millions given away it is oertainly gratifying to the publio to know of pneeoooern in tbe land wbo are not afraid to be generous co the needy and suffering the proprietors of dr kings new discovery for consumption congbs and colds have given away over ten million trial bottles pt this great medlolne and have the satisfaction of knowing it has abablotely cored thonsands of hopsless oases asthma bronobitls hoarseness and all diseases of the throat chest and lana are surely cored by it at all drakgiets begalar size 60o and 9100 every bottle gnaranteed or prloerefunded nlss simmons of beserooto arrived at gpfcourg by boat from charlotte n y soffsring from bmsllpoi she was immed iaibtly isolated and every prooaotion taken to preyept tbe spread bftrre disease you try it if shiloba oough and godbumptloo onre whloh is sold for tbe sruall pricsof 25 els soots and tl00 docs not cure take tbe bottle hack and we villi refand your money sold for over fifty years on this guarantee price 2sctt and 0 ots the habit of buying at a b jrr ah ggb is a good habit it is a rapidly growing habit with all guelph and vicinity it is a habit by which thousands save in their weekly monthly and yearly expend iture it is a habit that becomes more fixed the oftener people buy here vand the broad jteason is satisfaction ipeople re satisfied with ryansmerchandiser people are satisfied with ryans prices people aresatisfied with trie waysof the store its manners and methods stocks were never more richly full and inviting ready for all guelph and vicinity is an immense storefull of splendid goods trustworthy goods reliable gppds- fashionable goods direct from the makers and all so moderately priced as to riiake them the best value in this city your monev back if gbods are not satisfactory fieto mbeitrnmsntb bubbeb staif f 8 foil pino itqbbor btampe pvdi iuk attr writo to goo jourry co king 8t jsuti frame barn for sale the framo barn on tbo dr johnion bomsr toad yflxsa frarao biding and alsmpon in good oontlitlon to bo sold at a barbaiarfor particulars apply nt jot 33 con a kkjuosldgi to wallace a la6by owner fim brick residence fo sal tlb-anderafsdod-offera-for-ialo-tliat-eom- modioai tvwotofey brick rosldooco and lot on willow btreat tbe baildlag u voll flnlihod tbrousboat has modem oonvonlonebsvu in flntvolmb oonditlon 1 oantlly iootod ud u m ery oomforulo liome the gardtsn u w itockod with obdloo fruit troe and bailies and tbo premises mako a moat attraotlvo jiroperty terms rouonable and madq known on appfl- cation i francis aoton sept mtb 189 notice to cfi in the estate of alexander f mcdonald late of the tpwnship of esquesing in the county of hal ton de ceased- monties and furs business is booming in this depart men 1 and there are reasons for it immense assortment stylish and relfable roods and prices that only the direct importer can sell at are the inducements that bring lots of buyers to our mantle pjlrlor inspect our mantleiand furs we will not press you to buy dress goods and bilks exclusive fabrics that are not shown in every store in the city is what you will find in the dress goods section and the very newest and most fashionable weaves bought by our foreign buyer in the old world the fact that they are hew exclusive and fashion able does not indicate that they are high- priced an inspect ion of them will prove the reverse carpets and houwftiriubbingb our fall importations have all arrived and we have a choice assortment of car pets curtains oilcloths linoleums rugs mats window shades curtain poles draperies muslins furniture coverings rag fringe carpet sweepers etc- yoa can save money by buying your house furnishings here- 85spssassiss5h5ss595 tsa x ik wipmi t3x only one price guelph berlin and owen sound wide awake and always at it this stores business keeps growing the reputation of oar goods is the highest they arethe newest most reliable and uptodate in the market our business so far this fall has been larger than ever and has enabled us to buy many lines at big bargains for spot cash and our patrons will get the full benefit of it specials in new dress goods comprising all the latest colorings trimmings to match new tailorrnade mantles capes the latest styles and perfectfitting new gloves hosiery underwear etc fine high- class tailoring the average man it is safe to presume desires to have his apparel nest stylish and wellfitting our reputation in the clothing business is second to hone in canada every garment turned oat here is perfection in style filsnd finish and is positively guaranteed we do not do a catch trade as some do and turn out ordered clothing that ia not equal to second class readymade stock our gnrrnentsareall stylishly cut welltrlmhied andwell tailored we also have the largest stock in town to select from comprising all tie latest and finest imported and domestic tweeds fine trouserings overcoatings in montagnacs beavers viennas whlprds etc some o our leading specials fine english whipcord overcoat regular price20oocutprlceti7oo fine english black clay worsted regular 2joc- cut price 1830 special line of trouserings regular j500 to 1650 cut price 385 special line of black trouserings regular j5 50 to 6 00 cot price 3 50 this is only a sample of what we are doing in the clothing business readytowear clothing we have just purchased at a great bargain aoo overcoats in boys youths and mens this will be tbegrest- est snap ever offered in the overcoat line call early and get your choice of a fine overcoat at a price unheard of before in georgetown m a complete aiuortmenlofboysijy-outhblandedjsslt6-at-vefy-ciose-pricea- new neokwear kew hats now caps nw fan and robes we invito you to call and inspect our slock we are satisfied that you can buy your fall and winter outfit here at closer prices than at any other place buying here is a safe guarantee that you are not getting the best and arepayingfartoo much for what you do get not rob blobcv 7vtin st o50q produpetakt3ri in exchange every day bargain qay hare inlsrsatinsx lubjeot and sixty lllastriationa ofearlvandniodern steamships are given this valuable work is dodloalsd by per- mlaslontpxordandxiadyabsrcleeo prlos bonnd p oloth ji80 wm briggs pub lisher toronto snow has fallen ihroogboul european basils tbs navigation of tha volga bss been psrlial if suspended bot tha baltic porla are still open edraond beusteaa of sandwich aged 14 6t iii arh esught in a feed caller at his nnclex fartn maiden road and before lbs nuoliliie oould bs stopped it was hack ed almost off up was taken to hotsl dien windsor for treatment but never rallied from the hhook and died shortly allerwards rttd hot from thtf oun was the ball that lilt g- b bleadman of newark illoh in the civil war it oansed horrible cloera that no irtatment helped for jo years 7isn buokleos arnica balveourod him otlros cats braltss btirfls bolls yelpni sporw bkln p thi olilldrsn jsrbiwiotwiivjliaarwswlbw w f lif jml pv worma or all dttits a bsife i jaatsi gaarsoteed bold by b p- io byrop pries noithsimooeprohibillonlsts will meet at stayner nt ofonday to ohooss their rep- resebtatives in tbs byeelsctlon for the honse of ooaampns safe sureand painue88 what a worlds msanlng this statement embodies lust what you are loomnit for is it not putnams painless corn extractor lbs great auropop corn core aots id thla way it makes no sore spots 1 safe aots ssssedlly and with certainty sure and mildly without inflaming tbo parts painlessly do not be imposed upon by itnllatlons ot substitutes miss ida bmltb the wjrritboaaohool teacher who displayed spall heroism daring the reoenv oyblone has taen grabtsd ia medal by tbs boysl canadian humane association ballet in a day ths read latter promise that never fails in oases of tbe severest and most obronio stomaoh teoablsa in using dr von stans plnaappistablsts natnrs daoreed the plnsappls aaorm of humanitys great panaoeaa mtdloal aelsnos bss spanned it oat and now its ak the door of every sufferer a plsassuit aud positive onre 15 cents bold by a t brown aj rarely brings wlsdoai about the beat it oan do is to tetoh ns what partloolar brand of folly wp ilka best 4 ctivb soltdtors wantpcl srstrwhera for a lbs btesrc thphttlpplss by marat huauadeommh4donedbrtbsovarnmant as pmeullvaihrwarpsciena tb eampi with ulnaldo h tis eek of ttba olyrapu with deway ana to alii roar of battle at toe fall of ifanllai bonuaa for aienu tby awrera books wunui sstm auurip vjltndbdi sooj star ioannqo italldti ohlof 6 20a3ctf le15 twi u a ffood mmnyi bul b it it wyeths jsdlaitt basttr act wont last long 7 jjvwimttti wothbrgl itlalhebeil tonic vlroducea a copious flow of milk and srreosithens the whole system cbilaphew i makes the lltue ones besltliy and stroog jtjtpsakjipslt itlsarcfrealiiostonlcbever aaegivtag strensui aad tone to the syatiem auusfielpfnn to throw oo the illness of u produces a rclub for no sets as a dlgesuve and fortlfiea aod strejngthsap the system 1 tult dozin v3bo a tbrownohemlstadrugglsl rwiasaisy browns earg emulsion of pure cod liver oh combined with hvrophosprfitbs or lihs anosopa ano flavord with a fine quality of sherry wins lijtppya we claim the following points of superiority for our product perfect emulsification kemarlcable nutritive properties the absence of inert emulsifying agents palatabillly permanenco strength the elegance of tbe preparation prices 35c and soo n otiob ti bereby gwen paraaant to obftnter iso bsrlxed btalatei ot ontario tbt pononi htlns otalmtswldit ths ttto of th ld aloxkuidor hodouftid wbo diod on or aboat tbe twenttsath day of july a d 1808 tbe towmblp orksqaealng in tbe tajd ooootv ol haltod kvra roqalred to deliver to a j mao- klnnod aoton jolloltor or the exeoatora ol tbe amid mtato on or before tbe 88rd dy of korem- w hylr namea ftddraiief and bar a d deaoriptlon tun olalmi and uotiritlea full particalw of their aud a l terifled and sifter the aald ssrd day of notem- 1808 tbe mooatort will proceed to dlatrlbnto tbe auete of the aald estate amonnat tbe partte entitled thereto havlnn rasard only to tbo elauma of wbjob tboy tball then hare notice aod tbat tbomdmwrttarmwbr6tbr- rwpqdjlblo for the aaaets of tbe aald estate or any part ttaereof to any praon or paraoni of wbote olalmi they ahall not then bavo received notice actoo oct idtfa 190 atathibkiniit6n solicitor for the kioonton village off a htrin vlhshr no bylaw to provide for manufacturing and supply- ing electric lighting with- in the corporation limits of the village of acton and to create a debt pf six thousand dollars on and by the issue of debentures for such purpose w onil of tha oorporatlon ft ths jiuago of aoton oonauer it er pedlsnt to mako provision lor the maadiaetnre annsnpviytor the ose of tbe corporation and others oiolmtrto light within tha said monkl- pautranatortheiaane and sale of dobenturos to raise mone to pay for same v v and whbmabitls esumatod that it will be niesaarf lor thoaaid corporation bf the village of aoton to borrow for use dttmoaa aforesaid six thousand d0iaiib aneflor that porpoas to issue its debeatnras for thai sum and soon dsbt and tbo dabentoras to be issned therefor shall bo made payable in twenty years from the day on whloh this bylaw shall ks street and wbebka8 it will aire tbe certain foiilabs to e raised annually for tbs pay ment of laterest during tbe ottrreaov of vhi salddetiedtqraaandalsoaeertairi spaelfle snm tjissa of two bundbed and two be raised annually for the pa principal money of the said debt oiilabs to be ialsedannualy the paynienl of tha vdebr r 1 iatai pnosos atforeaald and in settling the snm to be nerof the said debt pttlsd aa belnrsumcti wbleh earns lent for the raised annually for ths i payment of the prlnal- pal money ef the said- debt the rate ol interest on invettmesta has been estimated at no more than four per cent per annum to be oapitasied arehareby sptilad aa bplnj aid fori oh inveatrdenta has than fool yearln and whebka8 the toul amonnt rpqulrad to tx i lajsed annnally by ape r for pay mentorsallrlebtrisornuwdbed and bobi wo poltiamj am and whbbbas tha whole rateable property in the upnlelpallly of the vuisgso tcvonwai aeoordlng to tbe faat mlsed mssasmsf tbe s one tbvstnxtot twobilnbbbd amd biohty andswo hdndhbq and nimetx doe- and wbebbas there is no part or such last mentioned sum or of the interest thereof in sy5 ifw reoalred the assent pi tbe eleetors of the aald monlelpauty before tbe anal paaalng thareofj ofaotonbythooonnoiltnereofby virtue of the powers in tblm in that behalf vesul enaett as follows i tbatths aald corporation ahall manofao- tnre and aupply fpr the use ot ihvoorponiuon and others eleotrio light and lor suohporpoia thaydeem reqoifit prepared and sold only by tlieevacaiatiouof the island of grate by the turks is now in lull awlog the number ql foreign troops on tha lilaudwill be increased to lsooo men all drogglsts i 250 alldaalers i iiifsyi afilma liadies college 8t thomoa cn loeitedinelghtaereparli iaoatttre pf olty ls00o inhabitants four trenawntlnonlej rmilj waya and iooal else trio sjitetn ojsllssjs dutlnot- ij etirlstlan and patronised tr ail aenocnlna lions finest bullalngssnpsarlor aillluep in oolahiecbarimsmainmusleflnssabtulbm eloenllon oookery home somrorls strong staff rutea for board rssldenee aad tuition range from sms to 900 a week aooordlng to studies pnrsom for eaui0tsb infprtnauon adorets frimoifat wlamatva bteii it is the most acceptable of gifts and will encourage hab its of punctuality at school and elsewhere a boy is more apt to be on time when he knows what time it is we sh9w a splehdid variety of sterling silver patches or boysrthe cases are of the same design as the gold ones prices 275 to if 900 ah accurate timekeepers vi kn a t bjrowjst since comiogto guelph j the jeweller em ip bent 1 fill iobbs let m own a bsojneslng within lyv amlleoflbefloelrljsblngtaiacsolaetoq about slaty acres ondr onltlvauon opmlort- ableeonorate bouse sod bank ban and horse sis j fltb wan anettprtaj eraei will be rented for a term of jaara possession given immediately for partloulani apply to mibbacqubtalamd aotoap o iaujuatatartloi mavslng yol your name and information agents rtld tba best thing for mono yon bars teem or many a day ad address will brief the fomen t m tlnboott toronto worth of watch and clock repairing such a numner ol customers cam only be kept by doing the vvork veil and giving prompt attention to it the above amount la positively correct mjngbysuit for paui and winxbr rotnbircetsfflawssss lsrlr said lmlpojrfjojandub unwpal oorporatlon ma the oorporate seal of the said rounleldoordor ass4pebshtnres shall bo made j s 1 iansuras snail bo made pay nmaof aomass than onb sunpbsd douisn i putlorroftwanty isis village of aotonu 22ias5 jf erplstlon ot env sneot attheoffloe of the sreasntar of tho f oeoentnrea ahall baa lateriak at vpv v oentam per snnni myvbli halt yearly trtna the dale tfirtoio7 day of juno and gist dayof baoenibsv year at the oooaot theaaid trmsarwr t b andfor thap rand dbbdandftvvollousafeamiorftiial sanelst themtaroqh ta ti begin irt waeaetteot vvijciat ofaotopanc oa r polling subdivision no lat th tawfljiuh lollln8ulavliloh no 2at ihi shopofcharleaspalght j c hill deputy returning officer s the olark of the village ooonoil abau shm n fotmorasalnat this bylaw on tbs nrth day pf novtobertlsge at ths boor of slaves pwook i- 5sv- sui7t ins nowlsvourtlmo to gel a nobby suit for fall and winter aa wa bave fast opened up a fine selection of imported tweeds sergjbs and worsteds and are prepared 19 tsko y onr ordpr at rjglit prices atjt ajittl walrlrriiariahlp guaranteed first- vv a good range of fall overcoatings call and inspect our stock before leaving your order cooper a akinb plaos for the appelotmant of rraona to at the verloua milling plaoea aid aa fdiauit jabsbd after asssntofiai ths dayof id theyear ofs one thousand algbt hundred anllnlnetj- fmsjsbf- vlllssjsoiertl notice vjrhllswil motbr from tea nral pnblloauont aiaiaras thondiynei w dated october igtplwe kins ii e thsj ttho iisisiiiiii

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