Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 27, 1898, p. 3

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x tee bank of hajiqlton hxad obtiob hamilton capital all paid up 1 2bo0qooo reserve furid 77booooo total assets 111 9e14400 neerlyten million o dollr the news at home mostly of ti looal character and every item interesting direotors aq bambay vloorrosldont board op john stuajrt president gao itbaarr joun fpootoit a t wood a b lbb toronto vfu gibson mp j tuhndotili ouhlor hs8tevbn asitoeslllor h m watson impostor ce0bcet acency a general banking business transacted nbtesofxesponshlefannersdi6countedr and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at ail principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of tt and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added principal every year whether passbook jrougnt in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown ont mjdattjxzt xess thursday october 37 1898 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or eara of frae press reporters this week ilauoa plowmen will compete the holton plaaghraeuja abbooitttiou ir- tmd holding their anneal plowing matab oo or about tho 11th of novomber- a que field on tho farm of mr alex ohiabolm near milton haa boon beanred and the bboieby lotond puttiog ap odo of tbo beet matches of tbo season killea with a uotboclteistnttt a ad mmed rub sell cool of brampton aged nine years was at met on the hoad with abebtqdt thrown at him by a companion on saturday the boy died on 8 and ay very suddenly altar re tarn log from sun day sobool thooaoioof doath was pro- noanoodhemorrbbgbroftbebrain7tbo result of the blow from the chestnut very low prices for pork two months ago today jilb per 100 was paid on acton market ur bogs tbfi woek he rniing price laifowo to j875 a farmer wboaold a number of hia plga in september adld the balaqoo onmondayand the ret notion id price made a difference of so 00 per boglower on thoao diapoaed of on monday pnrlorsoclul tamorrtiw evening the fine residence of ooasoillor and mrs fratyils on willow street wll be the render- fons tomorrow btcnfopiof til cieanewbo desire to bpend an enjby4ble locial otonlng a parlor aooial embrablog nnmerons attractive features will be given by the ladiev aid society of the metbodiat oh arch there will be a programme of maeia and literary aeleotloaa and refresh ments will albo be in evidence a cordial invitation haa been extended to oitizeni generally xxe tev u atmacphorson preaqbed annfr versary sermons at maytleld for rev mr farqnharbopon3nndaysealaodeiiver ed an address at the annual teameeting on monday evening kooi choroh pulpit was ably filled by mr stephen a student from knox college mr stephen was a missionary among tie minora neighborhood news nowfl items supplied by corres pondents and exohangeb na8saqaweya mr adam anderson of knatabbul had a very auqoesbfo1 nale on thursday jaar everything nold well mieaea m taylor and amelia husband of aoton spent sunday in nasbagaweya misses mar a haw and lin io haw of aoton spent sunday last with tboir mother at knatohbull mr wm edmiaton ofaaau ppent sunday with friends in nasaagaweya mr and mrs daooan oampboll of kin cardine are visiting relatlvoe and friends in nassagaweya rev b w holdeo of itocuwood will preaoh to the young people of the epworth xieagae on sunday next bb tbey are oele b rating that day youug people sunday coming amd going visitors to and from aoton and varloubother personal notes tbo fiuch pases invitee 11 itrroadors to oon irlbuto to this oolutnn if you or your friends aro gplng away on holiday trip or if you lme irlonds visiting you drop a card to tlio fnbb lltgea mr hj hall of berlin waa in town on thnraday pobtrnaater henderson of georgetown was id town on monday mr jamea warren of walkertoo pout a day or two in town this week mrs w t smyth- visited frioud in brampton on monday and tneaday miss mellon ofoustio spent a few days during tbe weak wltb friends in town mr jaokson anfl mlsa joe ahern of crewson8 corners odfober is on the wave halloween next monday ooqnoll meeting next monday evening roe roads are now in pooroonaitlobr missionary among na i miners at uoseland stoves axe going np with a rash now i lutsomtner and his sermool were render- indian sntftmer weather is now being talked of brnilsiateortaxahonialbnilla on the dollar bevers ftroets are freqacnt with the prevailing ohjily nights epworth league day last sunday was an ooomsion oot ronoh intsjesl mr b hoimes drover shipped a car of oatlle and logs on monday wheeling haa been vary little indulged in by ojolllta the past week or ao the faaa psiss to the end of the oentnryfor100 order ii today oshawa is hating its pavemento built ky the guelpri pavernent company sandy the old capital ot oeylon and singapore ar about to install the eleotrio viigha quarterly oommnnlon bexvioea will bs held in the methodist ohuroh next bandsy the continued wet weather of last week retarded the gathering of the root crip considerably rtb harvesters who went to the northwest a ooopls of months ago are rstornlng home again the oooler weather which has pre vailed of late has had a stimulating efleot upon the fall trade of the country v mr alox orlops and bis gang of workman are engaged ibis week in roofing the new iheda at knox church councillor and mrs franole invite you to be their gnest at the parlor soolal rld evs thaxyilbeatgpodrp ramms a oonslderable number of oltiaens bavo been invited to goto milton today tksywul be at the oonnty ctoott house at ten oolook sfc b j momabb has disposed of his callgraph typewriter and his offloe is now adorned with a fine smith frsmlsr of the latest pattern the farmers appreciate the fine dry weather this week it has enabled them to advsnoe the harvesting of the root orop very materially go and iar miss ethel webb the elooatlonlst and mr w graham hoasdon the tenor in the methodist charon next monday eveuing the annnal convention of the epworth leagues of guelph dutriot will be held iov aoton on taesday sad wedneiday wotimpdatta tord iber j bi 0ns worths first exourslon will be uken at thscongregauonal ohuroh chnnill thla virining subject with a taiy msu in california evangeliello services in oonneolion with the forward movement of the epworth league are being held in the hetbodiat oboroh each evsning thla week optothorsday the old gpy fanlkei oobplet ran v bsnismbsr remsmbee ths- fifth of november our oltisens will remember ths fonrlb of moveinber and oast theft vote on that day for oleolrlo lighting tom ebbage is a plooky fellow was the expression of a citizen to aoompanlon whijo passlns up main street the other hliitijii rpumllludnu cmrwaraiiam hodsdon the well- rswlit wbb is to tslpart in 14 rikqah at the morning and ed interesting and impreasiye with iuustritions from experlsnoes gleaned during his work there ameetlng in theintereet of hon j m gibson was held in leslies sobool boube on taesday evening and was well attended qnite numnerfroot thlavioioity intend tajsing inrev jbluii8worths tecturet obnrohili this evening the rev mr holden preaches anniver sary services on the nassbgaweya circuit next sabbath rev dr 8canlon will preaoh here l a dumber from here will attend the lome sobool conoert next friday evening mr and mrs jas ramshaw spont sun day io lowvillo miase horoby of acton spent sunday at mrjas gambleif the many f rienda of mrs b watkins were very sorry to bear of her sudden and eerioas illness while an a viuit to on thursday last she is still vsry ill but il5stobehoneahsvtbbsnixyboonrecover her former strength evebton xbe epworth league meeting was well oondooted last weekby joseph raddeil he did his part well and brought his friend mrrparkeralodgtoapsistrthisweekthe ihjwljate ihitlr r jsaifsv tbelr names and addreesss printed on vtliajpoioaio department is orawicg the yarlous poit offioes ask our prioes forjbenwelopes ana letter bsack tpisverage woman spends xndre time 7vpllftnalullw albauv ohuroh rectory- on wednesday evshln lovarnber sod in aid of the bonding fond ijbyorisr mmiiiikubkrruubhx nbc- i fahlautjeihawerslgne vdsplaoedin other bandsilor pa a s- emjott v avijpriiu i f illnai obaausa rwsskaess tha sand concert jtjhe concert jn tbo intereits of acton cornet band to be heldbubtldny ovoning tb november will have a galaxy of talent james fax and w ebamsay bothoomlo rooaluti of toronto and in maob favor with aoton sudlenoes will be present e b jaokson bsritonewh6 la one- ordan- adaa best vboalists is on the programme and mrs dr dryden qutlpb one of our most tilented pianists will play the aooompanlments aoton barmohio or chestra will disooarae sweet strains in- numerotta selections durlngtne evening zojoy in jbvoniagofbotti sufcffltorjr- it will be given on hallsween night the epwortb league has mads the arrangements the prograname will oom prise a variety of seleotloni alternately of song and story miss elbsl wsbb a ths popular and versatile elocutionist and mr w graham hodisdon the talented tenor soloist will provide tbo various numbers which those who attend are to enjoy the methodist ohuroh is the place where tha entertstothsnt is tobe held it is oommo- dlqub and has room for al ton may bring the whole family for 40oenuor your wife or sweetheart fqr a quarter baohelora and othsr single persona will be given good seats for 16 oentseaab be present and enjoy a refined stud enjoyable evening domimoofm wellknown bmqncalnimn after a painful illness extanding oyer a namber of months mr william harding ollot6ror bar last wsdhesdayl for nxshy years he bu been an esteemed resident of tbls township to whloh he came from the vicinity of palermo on pundas street mr harding was of a quiet retiring dispo sition bat a friend to all wlthr whom he came in oontaos bfe was a naemberof st georges ohurob georgetown where the f antral service was htld on saturday afiernbon at 3 oelpok mn harding died several years ago of the family thomas e of aoton john whoiives wltb his family on the bomsstesd and uxs robert prloe the bnly daughter aurwive mr rsrdini waaln bis 70th year wht wmttim ever since the meeting of ritepayers to oontider ths question of eleotrio lighting for aoton a namber of those who were present have been pnssled to know what the electric watti referred to in tha deputa tions report res4 by reeve pearson really la sohe have beep cqesnemoagb to in sinuate thst even ihe reeve did not nndsr- stand the term they are totally astray in thle however as he had folly informed himself before preparing he report for the beniflt of thoss citlmus who do not know what awat 1 tbo fsas pniaa sx- piansgoolrfng fromv volume- 81 s eleo- trioltybrvariblnihefroellbrary tba it is onbsevenhundredaiidfortytlxlh part bfaxhorsspower that ii there srs 716 wajtta in a horsepower if apraotical dimonstratlon is desired vote for ths eleotrio lighting bylaw en the 4th kovember and then go to tho power bouse of aoton mnoloipal elmlriollght plant some day between obrulmai and now yearstud ths sleclrical engineer will give yon fqli explanation throoghoal the bounty of balton john husband was known svsrywherssw honest john husband vsniliii deaths ms horns inoakvllle lsst friday will be gsnsrauy regretted mr- husband had been in poor health for some time fleceaeed was a iietsnjjni ritvaln the year john husbsnd ireland jnov meetlng will be led by miaa beatrioe wetherall we are pleased to learn that the neigh bors aqd friends honored mr and mrs tvieub ohheownllnyerwilhtsreweir gathering and a remembrance we with thorn well in their new bdme their suooessor mr tbos- wilbon nasssga- weya moved in monday mrs simpson oorwbib drove up on friday to visit her daughter she returned on saturday mrs bmlth h60atoheon of guelpb spent monday here wltb her slater mrs j evart mrs edward toltou is not recovering very fast wo hope she may be spared to her husband toronto visited aoton friebds this week mr martin mocinn of the toronto irorfff was home several days this weefc mr dan mann wbo haejust returned- fromthe boast was in torootolislwbbk mr sud mrs andrew ford returned on monday from a visit to friendsst durban miss ida monnbb retorned to her duties at toronto qeneral hospital bn toesday mrs elizabeth thnrtolf of hirrlstoo is visiting relatives and friends in the old home mr and mrs william gurnsy apent a couple of days this week with friends la toronto mr a e garney epent sunday with mr fred nixon at hie father home at asbgrbve miss minnie mitchell of georgetown spent seversl days this week at the home oi mr wm noble rev t albert moore of hamilton bai hten elnntf rl hmreiatfynfhsniilton ministerial association mr patrick kelly srof buffalo n y irmly qrounded upon real merit they know hobde anraaparllla absolutely and permanently ouroa whan all other fall hoods barssparlua is nof merely a simple preparation of sarsaparllla dock stll- llngis and a little iodide of potsssinm besides these exoellent slterativts it also oontains those great antiblllons and liver remedies mandrake and dande lion it alto contains thoio great 1 kidney remedies uva ural juniper berries and plpslsauws nor are these all other very valuable curative agents are harmbnloublyoom- blqsd in hoodie barssparilu and it is oarsfolly prepared under the personal supervision of a regularly educated pharmacist chas l nelles cuclph pays to buy at bollerfa ft pays to tty at bollert knowing these facte is tho abiding faith the people ha vo lnhoods saraaparilla hoods sarsaparllla xsthe nesttn faetthe one true blood puriflor bold by au druggists si llrlorta hruoi dlllo neatsfterdloner 1uuu fills bin alddigestlon ao wall paper bought in quantities means lowpntces for 1898 we have purchased 45000 rolls equal to 1 1620000 square feet or 2000 miles j d mokee the acton drugglsti hosthe samples and will- fall all orders at same prices as in guelph was in town tbtis week his- many old friends were pleased to ses him again mrs mceee of teeswater and mrs uomaster of guelph were guests this weehratthg-horob-of- j d m eduitfcnj tbthletd good eletaenury tralnhjg in the common school at home he hlredloot oaref nlly saved bis earnings and tfcm wont to baldwin clleganphloj and took aoonrse there bobaequsntly he returned l home- aba spent a number of yaara in teaohlng school in naaasgawsya and hellion he ihsn jbobglii timjh f isifsliiairi near oakvllle where ths later years of his life wfesnti hstnbdlif in whloh he ocntinpsd an honqroiana ilfjtmiiai antot rniuok n olli6 la- ttrstriuthrcomninnitytik for anaoabtr lawasel6o wkkw wi fisvs t milton the town will be flooded with people ooartiag today the electiontrial will be opened this morning mrw fanton editorof the champion is epjpyiog himeelf hnpting deer in mua koka he is aooompanied by his son kenneth at an adjobrned meeting of the- town father last week hia worship mayor dice with reeve earl and councillor deaoon were sppoiblad a oommatteb to meot the geo tilliams shoe co people and report upon tiielr scheme for an additional in dustry in the town the company wants abonnsof 000 matt e mitchell exlandlord of the wallace house hasieli milton for toronto john featheratone ihippedby o p r during the past week coo hogs valued at abont000 the annnaluia mealing of thg mountain ohurob ssnday school will be held this evening a suitable programme will be rendered dr and mrs robertson of milton are enjoying a two weeks visit to friends in western ontario the doctors many friends are delighted to learn of bit recovery oeorgetown a large congregation of townspeople of all denominations attonded st georgea ohuroh last sabbath morning to hear the jtev joseph fennell preaoh hia farewell sermon the text was other men labored and yeareentsred into their labors every one spoke in the highest terms of the sermon and deep regret is felt in tho town at loalng a ollizen and clergyman so highly etteemad and otaful iu this locality for the last twelvo yeari mr an mrs fennell were at home to their friends at the deanery on friday and saturday evening of last week the bevt fenuell and moalpine are attending the sqndoy school convention at peterboro this week the bev l perrln goee to port elgin for sunday to preaoh for the bey a h drnmin who officiates at the raopsnlng of the presbyterian ohuroh here next sabbatb the morning servloe in the methodiat thurcb and the evening services in lbs other ohurobes will bs withdrawn in favor of the reopeolug- the bev g a mitchell is at carlisle this week assisting the rev- t w kelly in evangslitllo soriow mrs mllohell returned this week from klpgsion where she was attending the womkna missionary gathering theladlesof the eniushohnroh held a social at the homo of mrs bradley on tuesday evening andab sxosllsnt pro gramme wasglven thsbsv w f brytra a missionary to the lepus in india preaohed in the methodist ohuroh last babbatb eyenlag ho war assisted in the lervloo by hie wife and a little natlvo girl miss m agio forster tang a solo dating ths evsning she will aooompany mr and mrs dryers to india next month to uka obarga of a allhonar hfiool ih ihm oodnlry miss forsur is a great favorite in this locality snd every one wiihea her great anooers in ber mlaaioniarf work miss hutt spent last sabbath with her brother prof holt of qoelpb 0008e whbat brinq8 hiohb8t phfceb until lately goose wheat has been re girded as an inferior grada and has been quoted at the loweit flgares in all mstktt qnbtatlons it it now bowsver bringing mott satisfactory prices the hamilton htrali says that lst week goose whaat was ths hlgheet priced wheat on ths hamflton toarket 70o a boahel being paid for it 1 andwuits wheat which wsw op a cent in prloe were 080 to oooiir bdahel thj oanse of the upward teftdraoyf goose p henderaon m p baa been stampinij east wellington for dr coghlan the oonservstivs candidate ihe paal week coontytrsasnrer mtnxlss who- wait very ill for a week or ao has recovered and is able to attend hli dalles at tho court hoaas again hcessrs g o wilson of dundai and vviikle lawreeon q c toronto were gaeats this week st the residenoe of councillor clark ur and mrs 0 p proton of hornby who had been on a driving tour to kia- osrdine spent a few hoars with friepdo in aoionon tuesday miss katismoogk who- has resided at the parsonage since rev and mrs molachlan bams to acton returned to her home in waterloo on tuesday bev b j m glataford of guelpb ia favored by the session for lbs vacant psitorate of st andrews ohuroh toronto a deputation from toronto will go to ooelpb to hear hlrn next sunday and report mrs david mills went to the hoipital in toronto laatweek to have a aerione operation performed sbeia gradually reopvering from the effeata of the operation mr mills haa beed down several times to ses her 1 what more can you desire than warmth and comfort ivjutf durability and style dpnt gcet tlie idea for a moment that because prices hero aro so much lower than you have ever seen them that the standard of quality jhich characterizes every part of this business is lowered you aro as assured as ever ihat you get tho best at bollerts though prices rule lower than ever before our store never presented such an array of beautiful goods as you see piled up on every hand if pur buyer has erred in anything he has perhaps been over sanguine he seems to have had an exceptionally good tiriio on hia european trip we have heard reports from buyers that sounded very much like a wail or whale whichever you prefer from the sea our buyer had a most happy experience goo health and g wea made his ocean trip one of the most pleasant qlthe jnany lie has made he ate his soupdally and never once got into it whilo in europe everybodyand everything conspired to make his business operations of the most pleasant and profitable character manufacturers and dealers everywhere were ready to respond to his demand for prices and quotations not secured lower by the largest buyers of this western world and yet there was perhaps nothing to stimulate a robust and sanguine buyer into largo operations more than the excellent prospects for incroaslng business in our own mldsl asa result our store has never been so crowded and to make sure- that pur prognostics will come out right we have cut our margin vbt profits hiconer and closer than we have ever done and ihe beat goods obtainable are not necessarily- high priced we solicit your inspection and comparison with others strictly one price terms cash e h bollert co 25 and 27 wyndham street grtjelph 8 ours have all of these qualities and we show garments of undoubted merit and most approved style at mm 96 sgsrslvfloandnptols were sure that you can select from our stock a jacket to suit your style fit and figure and yet be within the price you want to pay try and see if you cant they also relieve dlstrem from dysprpsht indigation and too hearty eating apcr- ect remedy for diiilncssi nausea vitmh nets bad taatom me mouth otod tongue pala in tho sjdv torpid ijrver they rcjulate the bowels puxthvegetable small pill small dose smiallprloo substitution tho fraud of tho day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills mr f w thompson mansger of tha ogllvie milling company estimates uat despite the unfavorable weather of the past few weeks manitobas orop of good wheat will be larger than that of last year what i a grand old remedy for coughs oode and ooniumption used throughout tha wotld for half a cntdry has onrsd innumerable cases of incipient ooniump tion and relieved many in advanoed augas if yon are not satisfied with ths results wa will rafnnd your mousy prioe 25 els so ote and 1 00 street oar accident mr thomas sabio says my elevenyearold boy hal bia foot badly injured by being- ran over- by a car on the street railway we at oace oommenced bathing the foot with dr truants eoleotrio oil when tha dls- ooloration and twslllhg was removed and ib nlns days b uuula us l f w alwaya keep a bottle in the bouse ready for ady emergenoy fagged opt none bnt those who have beoome fsggod ont know what a depressed miserable feeling it is all strsngth haa gone and dsspondenoy hm tvsb hold of the infferer tbey tesl as thooglf thtrs ta nothing io live for then howsvsr la a orjre one box of parmeleea vegetable palls will do wondsra in natoriog naaltb and atranglh mandrake and bandllon are tyfo of the articles entering into tha composition of parmeleea pills all are enjoying lbs mild fall tha winter 1 long enough always even if it lemlnlate some persons bava periodical attacks of canadian oholara dysentery or diarrhoea snd bave io nss gnat precautions to mold the disease change of wttsr cooking and green fruit is sore to bring oq tha at ticks to anqh persons we- would reconamend dr j d bllrujmiittry cordial as belong ths beisedwtosfi tha aatkat for all summer amaafjuf at favwjajrop in tlfmtk tyojptoma are notioed nofmhr uoabl willbewperlenotd l d e vi acdoim ald 8c bro the golden lion guelph otlse corner king aud hnghson sts hamilton accident insurance the cheapest insurance is a pair of rubbers guelph neilla the shoe man gents storm rubbers 60c 8taple department english oxford shirtings in fancy stripes arid checks xaic find soft finish oxford shirtings 15 and zephyr shirllngs new shades aoc special value in dark prints suitable for wrappers comforters etc regular price i2ic special price 10c r special line of prints in light and dark colorings regular price 12 jc clearing price -sjc- 36 inch apron ginghams with border or plain ioci 40 inch apron gingham with border special value in unbleached canton flannel 5 6j 7 8j 16 to 18 cents all makes in white cotton every piece special value prices ranging from 5c to 35c we sell fmltoi the loom and dwlght anchor for sc dress goods departmont fancy dress goods pretty mixtures all new shadings 40 50 65 aqd 75c ranging in width from 45 054 inches ltrfj 50c per yard special lines lit fancytweeds 30 pieces at special prices 44 inches wide 25 35 and 52 inch covert suitings very stylish oy cket and skirt costumes 75c sedan cloth special values 44 inches wide allwool leading shades 40 65 and 75c yard blankets zoo pairs job blankets in all sizes slight- ly imperfect sizes 68x86 regular 9450 for 325 sizes 68x83 regular s3 35 for i290 sizes 64x84 regular 325 for t26o sizes 54x70 regular s250 for 9200 sizes 54x72 regular 3225 for ji75 clove department childrens ringwood gloves in fancy colors 20 25 30 35c xadies fancy ringwood gloves 20 25 30 35 and 40c black wool gloves in black brown and navy 25c childrens cashmere gloves la brown black and navy 25c ladies 4button black cashmere gloves 25 and 35c ladies 4 but ton black cashmere silk lined gloves 50c ladies white wool gloves 15 20 25 and joe millinery department it is a perfect worlds fairof interest now the beautiful hats and bonnets displayed are admired by everyone mew things a 1 riving daily from all fashion centers fitba 3vbbiismttttts wantedt 1ndubtbi0us mm ofobursotar to trfo1 nd appoint agents bsvlary and expflnae paid bbadlbyaarbetbon company limited toronto tfobsale trouble brlok hoaw v by 36 seven rooma mj in moii good oallarai hard tvnd aof t watr jakielotnoiousla street aoton alio good table terms easy apply to john oamaron arobiteot or to the owner oeweiilb bvertonp o farm for qale west san lot fl otmoesslon 1 town line of biin 100 acres 66 under entmtlon balaaoo wooded iurge stone bonw wltb wood- kbarn en addition bukbani40xoovltabeda well ojstaza and asvotraulng slroatn good orohara of apples pears and plomft pair mils from poat offlee snd oborch good aoboola wube old on bis owirtajmstortuiavblo pnrebaaer dttokoay lbmeroorbtrmt toroato agents holiday books now ready on proapaotna awprflsairntlrig faor boaya tsuigsi in prtflta from one dollar np obeapea and beat holiday books pnbllahedt eheapeaa books bound in actual olothv while other pabllaben use lltbo olotb we pay fralghl atva prtmluma you pay tua after yon make delivery capital and ex perience not necessary so don m this obanoo goby bbadley ga11bbts0n oompany limited toronto h0u9e aud lot f bal that dealrebla nsldsptlal property on bower annas sad wilbur brreets opposlt the acsthcdlst farsonais on whieh la rooted a atorsablssui roomed roaitttessl bona wltn aoahsd detached sped elstero sxoellsnt iaaombarof frail trsas well fsnesd the whole in a md stata of mpalr libera terms tosnltpurensssr for paruoulan apply to h v hookb fans prose qfrjet acton important notice the celebrated indian dootor gbobob w bill and psrtnsr wui bs at absws hotel aston en the last wsd- aujoum vall oen eatirrh astb ootober sssdsyofsfsry amtbnbtufaruiwiotlosv oolnnfnelos wu wetossotsr hon rbsnnii tarrn htst oomplalnt kidnsr dueases ltlsn diabetes dto an onrsabr indian ssmsdfss afedletnas sold br the qnatautr bsttenla iritsn np u lnesrable are mpklaltr basltsd paumt undertwatmnl to other doo- tces art not snltoltat onnenltatlnn frss par paaaant address bbamtfobd p o ont wedqew0qd dinner atjsixiet ware just received one crate of wedgewoods dinner and toilet ware direct from the manufacturers in england the dinner seta are printed and illum inated in gold we cordially invite you to call and ex amine tbe goods whether you want to bny or not v special prices in oem jars china palaoe second tuocm the notab tea store yre wifiter price 6600 k the advantages of ths 12000 machines tbe only typewriter manufactured in canada fully cuhhknt99d circulars and testimonials them write for the williams mtg co makers ot oelebrated uabtisaalv ii ii bbubh- mpi pq latest and best deslgna of 7ionu7wrnts in granite and marble at 20 to 30per oentwkluctlon j h hamilton propkletor qrnnitfl marble worksv cublph is ihe only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton corns and see the largest and best imported stock in tbe dominion prices for granite imported stock leas than others ask for the- commonest can adian or anwrican granite moes aaut worlamamzltoirablocx w0olwlcbalrxkobrolxsts guslph ont jbrsugeb ptariairwbtaradbr osc wbi obol high oead ymekly k 1wb the paper nssd io this jenrnaria frosn samples sent on application purchases of 5 and over prepaid to your nearest railway station n ontario rooini8wttedns a and visit bur store and showrooms during this week whether or not you are supplied with- suitable clothing for the corning cold weather is the question we have to consider during the next ten days we will show some exceedingly good values in ladies childrens and mens clothing ladies note ladles mantles i300 to iooo ladies mantles special range at ts- misses coats from fa50 to j-75- the most complete and natty range of dress goods we have ever shoaan is oiitbur counters at rock bottom prices gentlemen mens tweed suits 13 5 10 mens fine black suits iro 00 to 812 50 men s fine beaver oiercoats black and navy 7 jo to i 1 50 henderson st oo mill street acton has some one told you what a stock of crockery glassware and china we keep it they havo not just take a look for yourself as wo aro certain thoro never was such a ntec in ac tho p lamps sealers jelly glasses at the lowest price but liigho9t quality trouble to show goods or quote prices no artistic photography a thing of beauty what la mora pleating to tbe era than a photograph wall takan ilia mutiog of a good negatlro u a tufllenll task ttnleaa tha ootidltfona ari right pint the oparator ahouldundaraundpoalngaadsxstboronbbly amllkr vitl tbo art of photography flooondrbla lomea baokgraunix and apnur- tenapoea aboald be up todat and nrat- olaat snder tlioaa oonditlom a good nogatlvo a dear print la hound to roault our qawsry is fhud wltb au of the abors our work speaks for itself iffiiis

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