Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1898, p. 4

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bribin 8pur tbo autobiography of the late bev oharles h bpurgeon oontainb an account of what may bo termed an oarjy businosa ventnro and its influnnoo on his obaraotor spnrgeon was brought np on watts hymnd bus not altogether willlntly hl grandmother coaxed bim with money to laarn them at first she save him a penuy bat when ahe saw how eaiitly it was earned the old lady reduced the prioo to a ball penuy and then to a farthing there in uo telling how low tbo amoant per hymn might bavo foloo but jnat at this time hia grandfather made a dtsoovery which eoom od more desirable to bpnrgooo he dieoovered that hia house was over ran with rata and offored bia grandaon a hilling a dozen for all ho ooold kill the oooupation of rat killing gavo him more money tbin learning hymna bat mr bpargeoa oharaoteriatloally sajs i know wbtab employment baa barn the more permanently profitable to mo how to cloud glass to olond a kins for the sake of protec tion pnrpoies ai in a batnroofo and yet to ptoierve the light a man wbo works with glaia aaya that it ia done with a solution of epiom baits and vinegar applied with a brueb tbia should give a frosted look that beoomei darabla1tit ia gone over at onoe witb dapntr or white varniah mr asbury peppers ever notice that a trombone aolo alwaya makea a hit aaked tbe boarder who frequents vaudaville honaee a trombone aolo aald aebnry peppers ia bound to be a anoaess it oanuot oome out the little end of the horn cincinnati enquirer he maddened them what are they daokiog thatpoor fellow forf he deaervei it sinoo hes been in oamp bea talked of nothing olao bnt the way hia mother need to bake pan oakea and fry liver cleveland plain dealer for tires and run down wives and daughters paines celery compound gives them new life- vigor and needed strength thb secret of success i have aoloiowqjot a jjqpjp atrlkdg tdfittvnoe of the aeorot of buoooaa than in theoaao of a lad who waa aotiqk as olerk and general helper in a utore whero some spkdiab trado was done ho noticed that wben tbe spanish ooaalgomettfc of goods arrived the senior pfttior always dot the lottore and waa kept for two or tbroo nifilita later oheoklug goods and answering tbooorrcbiiondonoo the senior was tbo only man in the buuso who knew bpauisb and all thld extra work fell on him tfao yonnf fellow began to learn hpanleb and after horiq month a astonished tbebonlor one day by eaying give mo tbelmcicoof that spanish consignment sir and i wilt attend to it tbo senior looked up do yon know spanish a little air when did yon learn it just rooenlly well young mun you aetonibh mo you are the only olerk 111 at has been in tbia etore for thirty years who baa had the gritaud gamptlon iomjo anything extra there if yon can work tot mo you shall bavo if alwaya i ia needless to say he did it and paved the way for bia futuro aaoceas hia learn ing spanish was tbe extra winning inoh in life 6 raoo it was the proof that ho could jump higher than tbo other bo8 in the store still a standard her rival of coarse yoa cant measure hie heart by tbe size of tbe diamond in yonr engagement ring 6be of the ring no hat 1 oan measure bis pocket by it jtioclert weekly tour best interests castoria is ir samuel pitchers proscription for iniunta aad children it contains neither opium morplilno nor other narcotic substance xt is a harmless substitute for paregoric irops soothing- syrups and castor oil it is pleasant its guarantee is thirty years aso by mill o mothers cast destro worms and allays fcvorisliness castorla prevents vomlttiifr sour curdy cures diarrhoea and wind colic castorla relieves toothing troubles euros constipation and flatulency costorla assimilates the food regulates the stomach and bowels giving healthy and natural sloop castorla is tli childrens panaocatuc mothers friend castoria caatorla la an excellent medicine for cliudrcn mothers have repeatedly told nic of it good effect upon their children br 0 c osoood lowell matf castoria castoria is so welt adapted to children that i recommend it an superior to any pro scription lnown to inc h a abcuuk m d jdraoktyn jv y the facsimile signature of will bo served by making euro of health uwiulbsj luafloulmo jnjm9ieyto be atrloken with serlona illness tako hooda rariaparilla and purify your blood ia tbia way all germs of diaeaae will be expelled eiokooss and asrtsriug will be avoided and your health will bo preaervod iant this a wise coarse eoods fills are the only pilla to take with hoods sarsaparilla prioe 25 ceuta thomorbfrlenara bmrnessl fflarttiabt the mors tbidga he has to sell below ooat my wlfo and i at tbe window one day blood watohing the organ man s monkoy wben a cart oariaolong in wblob a boy sat driving a long oared donkoy bald i to my wife by way of a joke thoros your relative in thatoarriagd buo glanood at tbe donkoy and mado reply ab yea we ro related by marrlago chicago daily neuii itpurifie8 the blood and braces the nerves it gives bright eyes and a clear and healthy complexion he knew papas weakness willie say papa cant i have a dollar for borne more fireoracksrs slimaon bat i let yoa have 85 tbli morning willie i know it bat i used them all np on mammaa pet dog slimaon here my boy take 85 more life are yonr corna harder to remove thftu those wbioh others have had have they not had the same kind have tbey not been cared by using hollowaya corn core 1 try a bottle wbon we bave something from the are or waste basket we forget the next tlooa wo see it what we saved it for dr lows worm syrup is a safe bare and reliable worm expeller aots equally well oo children or adults be aura yoa get lows a boy went to bis father orying and told bim that be had kicked a fly that had a splinter in its tail indesorlbable suffering from rheu- matlam my wife was so bad with rhsamatistn that for weeks we bad to tarn her la bed with sheets i had read that soatb ameri can bheamatio care would give almost iflstsnt relief i had so mach faith in it that i prooored six bottles in 24 boars my wife was out of pain and oat of bed well on to tbe way of recovery for two years sbo has not had a pain thoa orobbie lisle p o bold by a x brawn ho fanny isnt it tomorrow lody will bo yeuterday she yes bnt not so funny as the faot that yesterday today was to morrow dr j d kellogga dysentery cordial is a speedy onre far dysentery diarrhoea cholera summer oomplalnt sea sickness and oomplalnts incidental to qhlidreo teething it gives immediate relief to those suffering from tbe effeots of indiscre tion in eating anrlpo frait oaoambers eto it aots with wondsrfol rapidity and never fails to conquer tbe disease no one need fear ohoiera if they have a bottle of tbia medicine oonvenient miss mabel jenness whose wondsrfnl system for tbe oorreol pbysioal training of women and glrla is ao well known all over the north amerloan continent is a firm believer in the virtues of paines celery compound- when overworked by her multitudlooaa datiet she alwaya reoa derates and atreoftthens her system by oalog paines oelery compound in a letter to wells biohardson go pro prietors of palneb celery compound she tays i was todacad to try paines celery compound at a time when i was buffering from overwork and the effeot of an aeoident i began immediately to realize tonic and bloodnoarlihlng effects i take pleasore in saying that although opposed to medi cine in general 1 really oonsider this an sxoellent preparation i have not been able to take one days rest sinoa i returned from my long hard western trip i una anre were it not for paines celery compound which ha a tonio effect i should not be able to keep up and work hard i reoommended paines celery com pound to a friend who dined with ns yester day and on leaving here she went and bought a bottle i shall do all i oan for it for i believe in it in matters of conboienoe first thoughts are beat in nutters of prudence last thoughts ara best put your firiser on your pulse if it is weak or irregular dont heal- tste to star the uao of mllburna heart and hens pills at onoe tt chide i the children i dont scold jh the little ones it y the bed ia wet w m tins morning- jk it iati t the childs fault weak y kidneys need strengthening v thats all you cant afford to risk delay neglect may entail a lifetime of suffering doans kidney pills strengthen tht kidneys and bladder then all trouble mr john cnrson employed at m s bradt si co s store ham ilton ont us uy little boyssven yeora of airo has been troubled with his ktdnoja ilaee birth and could not hold his water we spent hundreds ot dol- tare doctoring and tried many dif ferent remedies but tney were of no avail one box of donns kidney pilla completely cured him a simple pooket niter whioh may save oyollsta and travellers from disease germs is aehort rnhhnr tnhn val a mnnthplnnn at one end and a wire netting at the other inside the netting is a small portion ot powdered oharaoal in a little not cell when the oharooal end of the tube is in aertfld iu tbe water tbe germs are not allowed to pass and tbe oharooal frees tbo waiter from all impurities wbioh may bo contained in it the tnbs aotb bb a straw throdgh wbioh the water ia drawn pare andolear it ia a bandy way to drink from a brook in taking a ride through the oonutry one eannct be sure of the purity of tbe water in strange places and tbe niter ia a safeguard against all possible trouble a great many people would know more if they thought tbey new leas weak limes j was troubled with a sore throat and weak longs and was completely aared by dr woods norway pine syrup frank jennings coldwater ont we all waste too muob time in figuring on bow to earn money without working for it new hope for the dyspeptic dr von stani pineapple tablets are the dyspeptics haven of feat and cure they contain no injurious drug or narcotic wont hurt the most delicate and sensitive atomiob aid digestion stop fermentation ot tbe food good for the blood good for the nerves good for ths brain make flesh inorcase onre tbe etomaoh 85 oents sold by a t brown with a strong steady regular pulse re may expect vigorous health an atohison irishman recently teused an offer of an increase in wages saying he would lose too maoh monoy wben he laid off mrs david labor waterfard out says i can reoommend bagyards follow oil for pains of any kind ik oared me of a distreaaing pain that the doctor could not euro a man will unbluahingly oomb bis hair over a bald spot on ibe top of bis head and 3i s a f to p b im appios on the top layor ot a barrel or tox if you cannot get beef mutton will answer you iray choose between milk water coffee or tea but there is no second choice for scotts emulsion it is scotts emulsion or nothing when you need the best codliver oil the best hypo- phosphitcs and the best glycerine -all- combined- in7 the best po8siblemher you have ontyowgmmm it bringsiprowtlalt in all ca8c8 wastingtfg loss in wefaht4jt cott bovwji with a weatc iiegiilar intermittent pulse we can tell at once the vitality is low that dizzy- and faint spells smoth- ennfir and sinking sensations and similar conditions are bound to ensue by their action in strengthening the heart ibrtlrte ttio nerves and enriching the blood mil burns heart nndncrve tills relieve unci cure till those distressing- conditions just enumerated mrs b croft rciiding- on waterloo street st john nbati for some timo past i have nuftcred from pallor weakness and nervous pros tration i had palpitation and irregular beating of the heart so severe as to caiine mo groat atanri i was treated by physicians but got no permanent relief i am glad to nay that from milburns heart and nerve pilu i derived ih we find plenty of people who dont average well tbey know too much for one man and not qalte enodgh for two btack to lows we have tried a goodmny worm medl- olnea bat daring the paat five years have fltaok to dr low an it proved to be the best samuel t sargeant brookville oqt tey men are open to conviction bat tbe majority of men are open toperenablon good times coming under the nee of soottn emulsion all the orfjanb and tisane tako on new hfe the mind sots with more vigor the hear i beat stronger and be blood ia greatly enrlofced appears oneerywrat pocket filter for cyclists no drunkard can marry id waldeok a little german principality a deoree haa been procl that a hoenie to marry will not be granted to any individual who hae been in tbe habit of getting drank if anyone who has been a drankard applies for buob a license be must prodaoo naffloient proof of reformation to warrant his receiving it marys mule mary matthews a olae lttth girt lived sofar from tho hohoolhoaeo that she rodo a little bine eyed confldior roalo to the hall of learning tbe teaoher thought it unwise to allow tbe animal to graze about unharm ed so he attempted to olab it away the rest of tbe story ia told in theeo expressive little hnea mary bad allttlo uiulo it followed bor to oohool that was against tho xulo jthotoaohor llko a fool got boblnd that jenulo and kit blm with a rule aftor that thero wis no school human nature watts tbe most ardent advooates of war are thobe who never saw a battle pot la and the moat ardent advooateb of the beauty and dignity of work are those who never saw a btiok of firewood indian apolia journal ribald repartee he tell tbo truth and shame the devil yoa know she 1 dont know whether it- would shame him for yoa to tell tho truth bat it would surprise him muob babys smn diseases from the increst pimples to the most obstinate eczema salt rheum running sores are quickly pleasantly and permanently cured by drv agnews ointment 35 cents who does not envy a baby its soft velvety panlon until past middle life and pr agnew s ointment has cured speedily and permanently it is a boon to mothers because it is a boon to babyland scald head and its irritations which are accom paniments to the tee thing period are quickly skin how many suffer from distressing skin diseases do you suffer have you tetter salt rheumscald head ring worm eczema ulcers blotches on the akin chronic erysipelas liver spots and what th e right xxousq corner king and hnglison sts hamilton staple department english oxford shirtings in taney stripes and checks izc tine soft finish oxford shirtings 15 and 17c zephyr shirtings new shades 20c special value in dark prints suitable for wrappers comforters etc regular price i2lc special price 10c special line of prlnfs in light and dark colorings regular price iajc clciring price 8jc 36 inch apron ginghams with border or plnin ioc io inch apron gingham with border c ipecial value in unbleached canton tlannel 5 6 7a j 10 to 18 cents all roaites in white cotton every piece special value prices ranging from 5c to 25c we sell hruitof the loom find dwight anchor for 8jc dress goods department fancy dress goods preltu mixtures all new shadings 40 50 65 and 75c ranging in width from 45 to 54 inches special lines in fancy tweeds 30 pieces at special prices 44 inches wide 25 35 and 50c per yard 52 inch covert suitings very stylish for jacket and skirt costumes 75c sedan cloth special values 44 inches leading shades 40 65 find wide allwool 75c yard blankets 100 pairs job blankets in all aires slight ly imperfect sizes 68x86 regular 94 50 far 93 25 sizes 68x83 regular 93 25 for 2 go sizes 64x84 regular 63 25 for te 60 sizes 54x70 regular 82 50 for 2 00 sizes 54x72 regular j225 forjms clove department childrens ringwood gloves in fancy colors 20 25 30135c ladies fancy uingwood gloves 20 25 30 35 and 40c i black wool gloves in black brown and navy 2501 children s cashmere gloves in brown block and navy 25c ladles 4 button black cashmere gloves 25 apd 35c ladies 4 button black cashmere silk lined gloves 50c ladies white wool gloves i530 25 and millinery department it is a perfect worlds fair of interest now the beautiful hats and bonnets displayed aro admired by everyone new things striving dally from all fashion centers samples sent on application purchases of 5 and over prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario thomas crstatkins artistic photography a thins f beauty pleating to the oye than ftskozr thbmmwnbofa what li more pnotabrbptntetl good negative is a difficult task vdiah tbe coddlttoiib are right first ibe operator iboold understand posing and be thorpuflhly fsmllar with the art of oaotogrspby stmond bia lenses background nd appur tensnoe should be up todeto and fint- olais under these condition a good negtvtlvo and a clear print is bound to result oar gallery is fitted with all of the above our work speaks for itself wherever the free press coes it is always a welcome visitor because it contains the latest local news along with a large amount of uselul and interesting mat ter then it is clean no doubtful or un wholesome advertising matter being accept ed hundreds of dollars worth of adver tising offers which many other papers accept are thrown into the waste basket annually by us why because e value the good opinion and confidence f to public above the profit therefrom that we enjoy this confidence may be seen by our subscrip tion lists which are constantly increasing and are always open to inspection notelseof these distasteful tuid aggravating drhqn off and restlessness passes away disorders which disfigure and discourage dr agnew ointment allays tho dis tressing itching burn ing stinging sensa tions which are part and parcel of such troubles and in a thousand cases where internal treat ments have failed to heal and eradicate then it has worked wonderful and perman ent cures and no skin ease no matter of how standing has baffled its curative ji and whero torture reigned with baby this bajm brought rest and a euro it affords in stant relief from tho itching distress to you suffer from plles itching blind bleeding or ulcer ated no remedy has brought soqiuck lef spared painful surgical operations as dr agnews ointment it has proved itself an absolute cure for piles all forms and at all stages illcatlon will relieve the itching tbe one redeeming feature of a pawn shop is the moket for infants and children first real benefit that i ever got from any medicine my appetite is improved my entire system toned up and i can do no less than cheerfully recommend these pills to all requiring- a reliable heart and nerve tonic miss maty b hlckaftoulh bay ont says laxuver piiu cured her ol sick heidacho j oat which ib bd ufer4 for ay oat a husband is at ill a lover when be thanks hie wife for a christmas present that he doesnt went and wblolt he knows is charged to him out of chaos he camehls whole constitution set to right by south amerloan nervine tug years ago 1 bid a severe attack of wpfflfetpb ooditlpfttlou followed mwmvouvwis and nerve became m igle without mveim ijbo bfamsriosh x tsst of ism a fool and his fathers orioney are soon parted hulls banished mr o j murray charlottetown v e i writes aboat sl months ano i was i it cases of chronic eczema it has proved irritating sensations in an instant and its great worth and coses are on record long standing cases disappear after from where this dread affection has been the three to 6ve nights treatment the pain and birthright of its patient and constant com soreness quit you and the tumors vanish a tahr living ih a northern county town writni that forjflvcntccnyoarsihowtis troubled with salt rheum tho baby of another locly living an fjielga ave in toronto wu terribly afflicted with scald head and she look doctors trealmentn and used many lotloni eexoma she tried washes prescribed by her phyil tho cures clan and soaps advertised for i v- jcdtplrv dlneaie remnlnedidr agnqw the first nppllcalton allayed the irritation anil rood hand hlf a box cured tbo baby and cured he continued using l tho disease rapidly dlt herself of tratiblcsomepllcswnlch bad been tho bona without any permanent rctlet rending of thn cures clan and soaps advertised made by dr agnew ointment she decided lp try dlnenie remnmedj n tuchpurposesbut the dr agneyn ointment wa her ippearcd nnd now for two yeant there has been no i return of it of her life alnco baby s birth ippearc sigdofa draonbws curb for thb hbartcurcs palrltatlon fluttering ihortncu of breath and all heart disorder relief in 30 minutes dr aonbws catarrhal powderhdj cured cases of catarrh of 50 years slandlnj relieves cold livthn head la loinlntitea dr aonbws liver pillfrstop sick beajacbe cure constipation bllloumcs anj liter troubles 0etsarit little doses 40 in a box 30 cents h p moore editor publisher sold by a t brown troubled with uluful bolls and got ona bottle of b b b wbioh oomplotely oored ns kudlad how oatna yoa to loso ons oyo trsmp looklo for work fovtr and asuo mnrt billons dotadge- mant are posltlvsly onrod by tbe naa of firroeloes pills they not only olaanss ths atoraaoli and bowels front all billons nattcir bat tbey open the ezorstory vessels oausfug them to pone copious suasions from tho blood into ibe bowels alter whioh tbe oorruntcd mass is thrown off by the natural psaaaks of the body tbey are aaed aa a general family medlaine with the best results a man who is a ootonlste fsilore is nasrly always particularly fond of giving advloe little ikey fadsr vol ish ontoldt vsaitb old bwinaiebadrn dot vioh der ta assessor dondt flndt ondt abondt msln iobn pud thero never was and never will bo a dblvenaj panaoea in one remedy for all ills to whlph flesh is heir the very nature of many optatives being aaoh that were tho germs of other and differently seated disease rooted in ths system of the patient what wonld relieve one ill in turn would aggravate tbe other we have however laqolnine wine wben obtained in a sound unadulterated atato a remedy for many and grlnvoae ills by its grkdaal judiolous rias ths frailestejstsms are led into con valescence and strength by tbe influence whloh quinine exerts on natoree own rsstorativea it relieves the drooping aglrlta ol those with whom a chronlo state ot morbid despondent and laok of intoreat in life is- a disease and by tranqnlllzlng the nerves disposes to sonnd and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood whloh being stimulated oonraea ibroogbont b velni strebyffhening the healthy animal funotlons of the system thereby snaking aotivlly a necessary result slreosjlhaning the frame and hiving life to the digestive organs whloh naturally demand inoreaaod sqbstartos result im proved appetite northrop lyman of toronto have given lo ibe pnbllo their qolnlne wine at ths uaoat rate and gosgodby the qplnlon of icientlsts this wine approaohesneartnt petleotion of any in the market all drngsisti sell it editor what price have yoa put on thut poem foot a dollar and oifibty oenta a thouiand feet the same as tbe gas oompanles charge hula liver fills onro constipation and bllioosnons they work without a grip or a gripe and never fail to do good frioo 25o if a man aots natural ho is saro to aot hooeif bib oonacienco nover roado bim dishonest irvrvuuvruini shoreys clotjitogr tot roilhs boys and etnldrea iscutsadtailored-ir4- the best style sewn imth linen thread and gives your boy just that appearance you would most desire it is a mistake to as sociate style with higli jfj prices it does not cost any more to cut a ginnent to fit than to cut it badly it is sold by all up- to date dealers nnd has a shoreys guarantee card in one of the pockets of each gar ment lyhich means satisfaction or your money back see that you get shoreys make and take no other jutjtnrtnnnnniiruirumnjtnjtjinnruxnjuiruuutnjuinruuuti bailwat time tablhj crand trunk railway ooino wubt ooino kart 1 mall 0o2im exprois q 85 11 m mall 7 10 it m exproqa lxprosb mall muod ejua m 10 coa hi q lip in 10 03 l m t1uk ov clob1nu ua1lb oolne wotd 40 a m and 0 50 p m going dabt 10 25 am and s 00 p m this timo tablo wont into effect on monday maylotb 189a brhntford galvanized r steel wnd mills and toners for fowax and furnj- tug -within- ternml covered qear patent jtoherna ball bearings maple leaf inders two sizbs for any power no x has i o inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8 inch single burrs both have ball bearing burr plates relief springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use we make patent roller and ballbear tag steel windmills of all kinds the finest in the market best material high f et running send for illustrated catalogue r brantford cart john mcqueen agent for the ibove bas changed his ire rooms to building on w e smith property john street where may bo seen rnost wood binders jlnp mowirs and a complete line of tarm implements and nil kinds of repairs t my absence mr john t elliott who resides on tho property will attend to iho wants of customers john mcqueen k nobby suit for fall and winter cooper akins the tailors now is your time to get a nobby suit for fall and winter as we have jubt opened up a fine selection of imported tweeds serges and worsteds nnd are prepared to take jour order at right prices tit and workmanship guaranteed tot olasa and up todato overcoatings a good nnge of fall overcoatings call and inspect ourtock before leaving your order cooper akins main st acton latest and best designs of 7wonv7yents in granite and marble at 20 to 30ptrcentredijctlon j h hamilton proprietor granite marble works gublph is the only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton conie and see the largest and best imported stock in the dominion priced for granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite ottice and wortcaba aftttoirsbroclc woolwich ni nortolksts qu9lph owt bnutoh wormajtowbrmburf oat 11 x shops o shops and waferoonu foot of willow st calls attended to day or night j a speight co heflrtbim thajrsial art in getting tloh is not in ssvlps monoy bat inowlng bow to spend ii koooomyjsstsindot nttors wealth it h nojosiy aver at intirsst lt mukws starling ilssulaahs fowdsrsj oorttln worst bsadaobs in fromflvs to ifsnfynjdls andleavs no bad tfwr- sfols one powdr f o s powders 10a 10 bowlers too in the spring of 1s97 1 was attacked with dyspepsia and heartburn so sovcro was the puih hint i could not sleep or cat and i vas troubled with hcadnchc most all the time 1 remained in that statq for thrco montlis and tried ever thing i could think of at last one day i rind in the pnpir about burdock blood diltcis and tlioiiht i would try it great uas my surprise on finishing the first bottle to rind i could eat better the headache left me and before i had usedllio aicund bottle i was completely cured i cnnnot adviko too strongly all sufferers fioill stomnili troubles to try b bii mrs vm grattan in- diantown nb the universal testimony from all pnrts of canada gives yjepnlnvj of victory over all diseaseai tjfg stomach liver bcjyjlr j undertakers and embalm er8 latest styles experienced attention firat hearse ag1snts t am jutt atarung tbo best thing for montr- lag yon bare seen for manr a dir yonr name and addnss kill bring tbo goldea information t b linsoott f oronlo moderate charges ofakt a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j n tiyjnltoolvvood t

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