Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1898, p. 1

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volume xxiv no 19 acton ontario thtjksd at november lo 1898 price three cents is fcbuaaxi every thtjbsday morning at tim freprebbstcamlrlntlnk office hixl sojibbt acton ont taaua or sonaonrption oao dollar por year itrlouylii advance all bubiorlptlonn diaoon- tlniiaot whon the time for whloli tbey tnwo been pud baa expired the date to whlob ovory tnbioriptlodlipalil igdonoted dnthaaddrear label i adysbtibraa bates transient kdtortliev edbdu lo oanta por nonpareil lice for first in artton e oonta per line for oaoh subsequent aserttoa ooxtaaotbit the following table shows nr rates jijr the insertion of advertisements for ipeolfled perlodq paos 1 til fl uptys mo i imp 9000 ss800 00 700 8500 9000 hoo 1100 800 aooo 100 200 000 s50 ioo 100 adtertlaements without apeolno directions wlube jdaerted till forbid and obsrsod accord ngjj transient advertisement molt be paid jtmltujo advertfmmenta will be changed onoe each month 1 desired for ohanflea oftoner than noaamontbrthfl composition must bo paid for at rcffolax rates change for eontraot advertliomenta tnnat be nthe offluby noon on tuesdays aoooanta payable monthly h p mooed editor and proprietor business jitrtorp tohn m macdonaldm ecm hdcoe8bob to j f uren m d c m ofsoearidrealdeno corner mill frederick streets aotoa touch the pocket book alf11i you touch the heart wo have strong and goodlooking pocket books for ti small price wo show a fine stock of purses and dainty card cases we have the beat value in town days isbokstore 1 voubt-phvv- day sells cheap removed ishatersbros pictuees walljpapees fancttoods d r-f- j r forster bocce880b to db a fl elliott late roeldcnt physlolan and surgeon to vic toria hofpltalfor bipk children toronto ornck mill street lately occupied by dr ttvr dryden etn bab tqboat and nobb uoleana bloek doaalaast near p o guelph omn horns 10 aim to 1 pm and 3 to 6 pm suhdats 10 am to 1 pm dental lbinuettldb dentist asoncutomr ohxabio j p coghlanp d d sl d s e dentist wohkoabbitrtit dohb phicbs kobb1utb oman ovbb browns dnco stoiu boubs hvejm dat fbom fl to 6 jtf bell ddb ldb dknt18x bbooxvixxj hohob omidoatb ov toronto unrvbbsitx work inada satisfactory prices moderate vibittno pats monday afternoon camp- bellylllo xtuaday acton officerclarka hotel bellvlilo xoeaaay act friday ilookwood dr g h cook dentist cor col logo 61 and spadlna ave toronto wllltlelt aoton on the first and third satur days of eacfci month orncb wr adam cooks residence main street juj clean molean barrliterasbolloltora nqtarlea conveyancers o frltatbfutdstoloan offleo town hall acton w a mnliaw jmo a molbak a j mackinnon babjaurxn boxjottob cohvbxahckb ofiiob mill street in matthews block dpitaln x bmcleod j babbabtbut soiaaitob coktbtahobb itaia streot georgetown monertoloanatlowestearrentratei r jmcnabb clerk fonrth jdlvlslon coort county of hal- op conveysuioor agent flro and life asaunanoo beal bitate agent money to loan etc r owrjobperrynjansbiocki a0ton ont miscellaneous cxbnry obist v ottawa- canada solicitor of patents for invention etc prepare amplications f or the canadian amer- lcnandbuv5opean patent offices and for tne befilstratlon of trade marks send for pam- phlet thurtrtwo years exporlonoo tfjlbanoifl nunan i bookbinpeb wyndhams qneiph ontario coraxwlhiamsstore aocoont bcokb of all kinds made to order erlodloalbofrarydescrlptloncarefdllybonnd tnllnealtni promptly done period ftnlin s arribe licenses h p moobe imnicfi 6m uabbuqx zixoxmhb- pxitoiboe no wltnwm required iisned in tbe evening froerree oooeaoton hbkfltbbbt xiionnao asoxiqnui forwl cocuille ot welllnetbn n3 blton or4erillitbftunfbam offlo aoton or etmrreimenu in aeton wille promvtlr et- epdeto- v l8 ybm balks almaonmto loenan tbe moitfatormble ami na tb towel rt ol intarutln am ohmond pwril wejltagton muttml fire irisuranoe company j iw 180 inbimmpb on oatb end itnta pln auj eouamaolmilone forwefded te mj addre nox 098 or ftelepbone m lrni be promptlr et tended t j iitu b ajint qnelpb machine and eepair shops nbnbtabindbli proprietor abbvll qblieawitb ellib meblnerr beoewuri to exente ell repein to murilii enrndurlpnltdnllbrp1mentflendto do ell ndi ol iteunlmneboneboeuif end auenl mkenlflblnt woodwork repein vmonata cleemm lamuil t tf menner we erne tepmir aor rneeblne r inpiement of eny meu guniplldll qd loi done sew mhnrwumtam up jnuuie nj tumter tttt shingle wood jjo all kind o wood in ftoek end promptly dellrend to eny pert ol tb town t rwednabm prion j s rtf eat itore length elwajt tmepnooe qommnnletlon now next pringles guelph -acton- livery bus line the undersigned respeotfnllyiolielts the patron ago of the publlo and lnformb them that wall equipped and styllih bigs onl ways bs seonred athlastsbles a eomfortable bos meets ail trains between 9 a m and 818 p m careful attention given to erery order tbewantaofcommerelaltratel- leraf ally met john williams pnopnixton bring your custom logs and takotho lumber home with you in lumber planing mills nassakaweya p sayees proprietor has constantly oh hand v a full line of lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood jcto custom logs and bill- stuff cut to order on abort notice planing and matching done to tbe beat ot satisfaction prices very cheap and made lo suit the customers pocket p sayers evertof and eden mills thejplace togo fortho flour bran mtckltirirs chop feed oec for salo chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit- henry hortop ijyiyjr head offic 7 toronto ont authorised ctpiul 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease- paid in maturity value sioooo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation lo t j mcnabb agent aoton boots and shoes mario to orde anbrepalrdd -thb- traders bank of capital autriorlzed 1 000000 capital paid up 700000 guelph branch yta ex now imh1dj honey order myblo et par et aavbrencbol chartered dank in oenuto oxoeptlog the yukon dletrlot et tne rollowlns ret- uuderiblo seonu i 10toeo looenta to lacanti eso to u oenu jjoetrg nlqnebt otjiuient bate 0fintebe8t peld oa ami dbpoltod or el end npwerdi intareitelsowck lrom date ol dapoeit to deteof wlttadrawal end paid or compounded belf yearly advaaoes mllde to responsible ftrmerf on tbolr owu nomoe et the lowest ourrent rates noohirge iuado for oolleotldb slei notes- f payabloinqusipb a general banking business transacted a p ar tones snider eifles the-thirdlot- justin imj they are going with a hop step and a jump at the price s300 if you want one youd better buy soon they wont last long practical shoemaker has opened a ahbp in the premises lately occupied by w h adams tailor ho has had large experience in city work and is consequently nble to fill all orders in the neatest possible manner fine turned work and patching receive special attention orders filled on shortest notice call or send your order to george stovel cor mill and main streets acton tare 1 qool m ant- m pit pi i j3 who are about to mare jtu rjjjo poblloor blsn school nonldnotqyerloektehriatadvant- tl egsor praotleal eourae ot lestruo dm tfoo at the ej au lph business college and m a1 r aaj m shorthand jnstitate faiibsbbfarwitwui oojbmno tesdl4ptmnber0tb m wrll oil jsbaljpprlnolpal in r in in iii iiitiiiiiiimitiiitiifl j j m bond co hardware gu6lph mckees parisian balm for the hair a perfect tonic hair ressjrig for promoting the i growth arid beauty of the hair and preventing it from falling but cleanses and invigorates the scafp thereby preventing dand ruff try a bottle 25c prepared only by j d mckee acton ont f the name mckee on every bolt guarantees itsfine quality speight brady manufacturers of dynamos klsctric motors water motors aasolomiiw oas kncmncsbraszboir castings to orbbr repairing promptly done georgetown out main street planing mills acton omt john cahieron architect and contractor uaqnlaeturer of sash poors frames m onldlnge in all styleir drxssnro auttuotrlbina toprderobshortnotlco sell aeaorted stook on hand at prices to sol tnotirnes john caimeron proprlstor siztvnlnth year 1831 th y 180 country centleman theonliagrlco indispkhbabrib to all country residents keep up wth tjfc timkb single subscriptions 8 two subscriptions 8 so jtour subscriptions 0 t t i flprntatf imdpmbntbto nalflhlah off iiajiaeb clubs writs for psrtianlms on this point free till jan 1 to new subaorlbere fo lefl ik will bo bmd cliftt the dlffaranoo between tba oost of the ootnstir qbntlstuam and that of otnor sarloqltanu weeklies nono of wblob ayan ttampts to ooyar tba sarloahonl nswa of tba dsymiy rstdlly ba reduoed by msunt up a smallofabto t leaa than a cent a week 1 4 difference as ttast initlly yon onsalf pubioma other paper in- does iaoh a difference as ttast initlly yon in oontantinf yonsalf with some oil- stead otbavuig the bait sand for 8 pool man coplea wblob till be nulled free aodoomparetfaem with any other rural weekly i it will not take long to sea the dliteranoa addrees luther tucker a son albany my baojv titj8 ohnbr p ito mult not walk bis rounds for foar bis xntlodutblblrbimtkwr and dourly do tboy love to ise a oatrriage at tbotr door aod if bla bone is f at ho muit have llttlo work to do i and f fits lean tboroasoa is he starves tbe poor old soro w bhouldbeeajl upon bla patients every deyj whon they aro ill his motive plainly jsto msko a sroat pig doctorablh if he vlitta them leas troquontly tlius jeas- ulna their esponae the onincea are hell be moased of willful j negllgenoe ho mnii work all day and half tbcnlfiut and nerer say bos tired for tbe pubjlo look upon him aim ply as a svervavnt hired and should be take a holiday hell dad when he cornea back gome pattenta have resented it by giving him tbeaack oonoerainsmopeyfaemnat teem indifferent tobe aadfolhi will tbink he praotlces for pore pbil antbropy when we bear aboat blm boastlot ot the guineas that he earns wo wonder if they all appear in hla inoome tai returns about hliown afflictions he mast never say a word tbo noiuonofrddctor being 111 is so absurd i and when perhaps froth overwork boalald- upon tho shelf bla aymptblaing patients iy pbyalolau bal thyself lancet sfehct jfamuri 3uaiktng fry orjeyrqooq celia is slront minded ton woald not think so to look at her she is whet i asjl a flaffy girl she ha a snoot faoo with large blae syes and a raatohleis dimple in her left ohcek but oella lsslroorrrilndl isomeusnse even think mamma it a little amid of ber she has ortalnly managed ne both all her life oelia hie parfeot talent for mansning people when she told us she watenrsged to be married to sir vernon branitone mamma said brit cells darling yos hardly know him yon never know any man nqlsss yon are aotnally married to him answered oelia who is possessed of an extraordinary amonne of worldly wisdom then x pot in my word i dont like him oolia i said dsoldodly landyon havent got o marry him replied celk in her most pnttiog down manner eo yon neednt tronblo about that mamma orierl a little and finally gave faerconsent whioh was after all only a matter of lorm as oelia hoe money of ber own and it oyer twentyone we tat ouattiog over her fire ths night before the marriage supposing he is unkind to joo oelia i said 0 oelia darling whatever would you do if he were unkind to you do answered oelia with ti air of great astonishment i shonld leave blm of ponrse and come baok to yoa and mamma i gasped you oonldnt leave a mao you were married to i said oonldni i she replied qeite calmly youd see dot im afraid he is rather selfish oelia i said presently all men axe selflah replied the wise colls if tboy are encouraged i shant enooorage vernon then we went to bed i awoke tbe pext morning feelins de- preased i hated parting with my faworite sister and i did riot oars about my future brotherinlaw i mutt own ho seemed devoted to oelia but be looked so rougb and big beside her i was dreadlally afraid ha might bally her bot the wedding went off very well in spite of my misglvlnge my sister looked delloionsly prett in her white satin 2owd and i thooght veroon looked prood and happy a friend of bis had lent them a house in bootland for their honeymoon arid vernon was to have some spring fishing i saw them oft at the station this was i know a dresdfolly onoonventional thing to do bnl it was just like cells sod she insisted on ii bbe said it would prevent people from knowing they wore oowly married wblob wis absurd as her hst was oovered with rioe ttast before tbe train wss doe to start vernon looked at- bis watch- and said to mo well goodbye dot i mutt be get- log in now i shook hand with bim and oelia leaning forward moved the ladies plotorlal from the seal opposite er saw the movement dont bother to move anything cellar ho said genially i am going smoking iataredhnoredpooslytbiinr tbsin i glanotd at oelia to aee bow she woold take it lo my surprise she only smiled and aid all tight oo and tell denlse to oome to me a minute 1 want to apeak to her he went off in a borry for ber maid who oamenp jnst at the train was starting here jurjap in debtee i want to speak to yon oricd oelia i oan psy the extra on yoor ticket at the other end denite wis bundled in and the train starwd wilhoot my having time lo ez- oharge another word with my sister i stood wiving my hand onlll the train nearly oofof sight allhonah cellst did not look onoe out of the window t then i turned away reeling dlsoonsolate i felt furiooaly angry with vsrnon how balefnlof hlmu lb go smoking and leavs oelia to travel by herself jail when she must have been dying to talk over the wedding and everything i how lonely sbs would be on that long dull journey i they were going to atop at york for tbe night bnt abs would have nearly ave hours alone with her maid poor cells i i bed warned ber lie was selfish bot it is no use warning people who are in love ihey are always so pconllar i felt a little disappointed in my aiattr to tell tbe trolb for i never thooght shs would haws surrendered so saslly bbe hadnt even looked cross but bad smiled at vernon how dreadfully soon marriage obanges tome people i i round mamma still rather watery abool the etst shs liked me a grtptt many antatlont and was most in dignant atvsroona eelflebpas t ffooy sllihrtiogroydsrilnglrlllke that that i tbs nltl angrily ad fanoy her taking ii so ealmly i added i with she had nsvsr left ot sobbed mamma i know hs will bully her i never beard of a man doing snob a thing in my life my poor neglected ohlld i we oonld talk and think of nothing else and ait down to dinner feeung lonely tnd miserable at about half past 9 as i was felling quite worn out wjth exoitement and faligoe i thooght i would go to bed i kissed mamma and begged bernot to worry aboot oelia what nho isdolng 71 she said tsarfnlly i do hops tboy will not cnirrel dot i i taid 1 was tore they woordt sb oelia hid never quarreled with anybody in ber life i was jnat going npitalra when i jieard the front doorbell ring violently i eanl tee any one bot mamma tilled out to me i arts loo tired and upset tonight wero out james i bald to the foot man and added reassuringly to mamma it will only be what oelia osvlla a post- bomoiis weddingpresent i waited a moment to see suddenly 1 heard a permplory voioe asyipg here james take in this box peniseis bomiog on with tbe others in a four wheeler where is miss dot i simply flew across the bill ob oelia darling whatever it the matter i orled oat exnitedly oelia stopped to kiss mamma who bad rmhedintqtbe hall at the- sound of her voloe then the alipped her arm into mine oome along into the diningroom dears she said and i will tell yoo all about it bat do order me some dinner first i am dreadfully hungry she spoke quite brightly butberfaoe waa pale and 1 dont think ber tears were fir off then the told oa what tbe had done at toon as i left ber she arranged with deniso to get ont at peterborough and caton the next express baok to town vernon had luobily never teen her foormsmma looked rather daged aa thoogh she hardly under stood whet bad happened it serves him right oelia i said angrily bnt whatever will he do wont he be fearfully angry t i felt nervous bnl0elis only shrugged her shonldera likely be will- shereplled oooly but after all what can be do exoepting swear yon tee i have begun as t mean to go on dot and i mast await developments i expeot be will soon oome and take me bsok ahe added cheerfully and try to hush it op no man lilies being made a fool of but it was really more than i ooald stand she yawned and raised her pretty arms above her head and now lets go to bed im eo awful ly tired ite neeess to sit here and speo- ulate as to wbat bo will do i am all right in tbe meantime as i have brought my tronsseao baok with me the next morning oelia received a frsntio telegram from vernon and in tbe afternoon he arrivsd mamma and i thooght it kinder not to see bim oelia had a long interview with him in tbe dining room after whioh aberin op to us and giving qteaoh a hasty kiss whispered be woqi tell ua sllabobt it tomorrow then tbey drove off together and dehlso followed with the luggage 1 believe they stayed at a hotel for tho light and oaogbt thexpresa to scotland we did not see oelia again for aeveral weeks and when ehewroteallshetbld us that vernon was a dear tbey- teem happy now and i sometimes think i never taw a man more attentive to hie wife cells j seems devotedly fond of him of opurse i always knew she was strong mind ed but x mast say i have often wondered bow the managed vernon wtttminsttr budget some facts about canadas products figurea from the rjomlnlon statis tical year book for 1807- exports and products of themlhes waitinq for heb boy a few years ago in one of the growing oitiea of i7ew york state there waa a homo into which the sorrow of a fathsra death had entered the eons of whom there wore several were of a nervous tempera ment full of animation and exposed to aytergptationswhohendanger the youth in large bitiet the widowed mother realized the vaat importance of her responsibility and many a lime did shs look upward toward tbe heavenly father for divine aid in the guidanoe of her fathorlosi boys she made it a rult never to retire for rest at night until all her sons were at home but aa the boys grew older this became a severs tax both on her time and health often keeping the f aitfafql mother walohlhg until the midnight boor one of her boys displayed a talent for muilo and beoame a skilful violinist ha drifted among the wrong blast of people and waa soon at balls and partita that seldom dispersed until the early hours of tho day ijponono oooaaion la was nearly seven oolookio tbe morning before he want to ml home entering too house and open ing the door of the sitting room he saw a sight never to be effaced from his memory in the old rooking chair sat hla aged mother fast asleep but evidently the had been weeping her jrllled oap aa white aa snow covered her gray hair the knitting bad fallen from her bands while the tallow from the oindle bad too over the oandle atiok and down her dress qolug up to her the young man exolaim- ed wby mother i what are you doing here his voloe startled her and npon the question tiling repeated she attonjpted to- rl n pllitnhaly tint nh n mjldnrly innlr- ingbp into his face said am waiting for my boy tbesad look and those wordssp express ive of that long nights anxiety qalte over- oampths lid and he said dear mother you shall never wait again like this for me that retolntlon has never been broken but linoe then that mother bas pasted into the world beyond where she still watohea and waits bnt not in sorrow for her boy identified tourist who calls at village poetoffloa for registered letter but wby eanl you let me have it voitraaeter have you any proof of your identity 1 tonrlst no postmaater dont yon know anybody in ths village totristno foitmaalr have you a photograph ol yoorielf or anything sowiiittss 1 pottraatter oomparlng photo with original oerteiolyalr ltt yoa ill gel you at letter pedtiohi weejsly canada last year prodnoed 239001 tons of gypsum valued at 9314681 tbe limestone for llnx produced in canada last yeaxwasvslaebvst 910000 valuo of the-raioa- produaed in canada in 1897 was 7c0oo canada produced last year 8905 tone of oahres yslued at iis560 mineral water to the value of ho000 waii produced in canada ia 1807 the moulding sand found in canada last year totalled 685 tons valued at io08i the value of the natural gia produced in canada isit year waa 9835873 canada prodnoed last year 8000857 barrels of petroleum valued at tl 011510 fbosphalea amoodtlnn to 008 toot were produced in canada last year tbe valne being 98984 in 1897 canada prodnoed 88010 tons of pyrites valued at 1110780 jjaat years salt output in canada wit valned at 100000 canada prodnoed iset year 206213 barrels of cement valued at 375278 flag stones to to the valne of ff100 were prodnoed by oinida last year the slate product in canada last yeir reached a value of h2800 canadatmlsoellineous mineral product laat year reaohed a value of 114512939 tbe value ot tbe export of domratlo asbestos by canada last year was 1510910 canada laat year exported 98880017 worth of domeatio ooal the domestio oopper exported by caoda last year was 550402 canadaa domestlo gold exported last year was valued at 12804101 the gypsum domeatio exported by canada last year was valued at 188876 the iron ore of canada exported last year was valued at 126079 canada last year exported domeatio iron and steel valned at 1622188 the value of the domeatio mioa exported last year by canada was 181098 ths nlokel exported by canada laat year was valed at 9408610 canada exported in domestic phospatee valne amounting to 1275 the domestic silver exported by canada labt year reaohed 1201817a in value in 18sg canada exported 947771 worth of itone and marble misoellaneoai articles to the value of 9756847 were also exported the total valueof the exports of cana das mineral production last year wat 111900918 of thii oroat britains portion was 8582570 the tjnited states took minerals valned at 910701824 british possessions took canadian minerals amounting tar932567ft germany took 997101 worth the ooal areat of oanada are attimated at 97200 tquare miles not including areas known but as yet undeveloped in the far north the coal areaa of nova scotia obver about 035 equare miles they are divided into the cape breton tbe piotou and tbe oomberlind basins it it estimated thai nova scbtla oontains 7000000000 tons of ooal aritbraoite in 8feet and 0feet teams comparing favorably with that from fennyslvania haa been fpnnd in queen charlottes island nova scotia laat year prodnoed 3406887 tons of ooal british columbia in 1807 prodnoed 088790 tods of ooal manitoba and northwest territories in 1806 prodnoed 335808 tons of coal new brunswick in 1890 prodboed 7600 tons ol coal the total ooal product of canada for 1807 was 18876201 tho highest onjteoord of tbo ooal prodnot of nova scotia 2555031 tons was sold sod 210850 tons assd jo colliery oonsumption as it sometimes happens boone dining room of suburban resi dence family party at dinner dramatis porsonio mr henry kydd mrs henry kydd freddy kydd aged eix bestie kydd aged four lwjlliekydi agedtwo fhosr of the ooal prodnot of british columbia last year 679751 tons were sold for export and 309045 tone used at home in british columbia the only collieries at present in operation are on vancouver island and are situated at nanaimo wellingtob union ana waal wellington and axe four in number oanada fait year imported 1467298 tons of free anthracite coal valued at 96605100 the quantity of dutiable bit ominous coal imported last year was 1603470 tout vataedait 18254217 canada last year exported 1103067 tons of ooal valued at 98880017 the quantity of ooal dntt- imported into oanada last year was 325562 tons valued at9590o1 the imports of gat coke for use in canadian mahntaotqres only laat year waa 88880 tons valned at 307640 oanada prodnoed last year 78811 tout of ooke yalued at 309020 tbe consumption of ooal in cadada in 1807 waa 5074560 tons an average of 1162 tons per head nova scotia laat year exported 884188 tons of coal tbe northwest territories exported 8774081 tons now brunswick exported 107880 tons ontario imported lost year for home oontnmption 3804891 tons of ooal qoebeo imported and oomaroed 408882 tone nuvtbuutla imported for uuu 46841 tons new brantwlok imported and oonaumtd 00628 tons manitoba imported and qqnaomed 35367 tons british columbia imported and oon- snmed 5490 ions prince edward island last year imported for home consumption 1870 tont her pretty thbth in a vina street oar the other day taya a oluoinati daily were an old gentleman with an eartrumpet and a vary pretty young woman eooompenled by a pretty little boy bbe tmlledal intervals to the boy and showed her pratly teeth in a bawltob- ing way all at onoe the old man in lbs way so psonliar to so many deaf people who da not knew how to modsrate their voloes to loud at to be aadlbls all over the oar i only paid 5 lor my upper ttl of teethvjvybaldldjoari ooatf j tojtay that tbt trmjr woman was nilui ifipgiting fluafipfangtiibuxing in herojietks and signkiltdtlleoonauotor to let bar out at the nsxt etosslng mr bsnjamin byrd7guest7 ellen the maid the apup hat been removed and mr byrd essayi tbtellbpe of his goodstoriea there was a tingnlar thing happened to me tble summer said he wblle i was travelling from ellen put the babye bib on yes darling let ellon pdt your bib on naaah i have your bib on sir or ill go aheid old man these youngsters you know 1 i was travelling from kansas city to denver and bad to freddy put your plate down 4 had to 1 top off at a small plaoe oalled dinky ville to see ellen bring the childrens milk chorus idont want no milk i if you wont drink your milk yob cant have any cake bxouae me mr byrd yon wers saying- i had to see an old fellow down there who hadrbeen aonatomerbf being 1 bang i bang 1 qive mamma the spoon darling bang i bang i bang i bang 1 sllen take the apoon away from himl dear me what a obild 1 and wbat did yob do then old dont toooh it again do youhear 1 getting badly rattled well ier where was i oh yes well i got off this train at dinkyvllie and found there was no mammal hsaeh j no team to be had and nothlug to do bnt to foot mammal hsa8h 1 darling mr byrd ie telling auoh a fnnny ttory listen 1 let me help ybuto another pieoe of the beef old man no well go on with yoor yarn ofa it doesnt amount to anything jubt one of these qneer thinge tbat well go ahead were all listening psuie the bread ellen i jost left my grip with the btatipn- agent and started along it was about 8 oolook in tbe afternoon and i eaid to myself beaele dont put yoor knife in yoor mouth i erwn i eaid to myself youre doing a foolhardy thing young man of ooorao 1 carried a revolver but look out for your glass freddy i there it goes i oh you naughty boy ellen bring a towel quiok bit up in yourohair air ive a good miod to tend youupataira you ought to be thankful you- are not married mr byrd what would you do with a boy like freddy henry cant yoo pull the baby a obair a little nearer the table he bat dropped bis sirvsr rung on tbe floor 1 want yoa to look at that mug mr byrd his god mother tent it to him from paris the mug is examined andpraitedr the snbjeot of the childrens respective birthday comes up and the story isnever finished never even asked for e s in triitli it gllttors lutho uioadow it silvers all tha morn it spsrkloa on tha itutnitklu amoofi tlio stacks of corn it glistens 011 tho window throng wliloli tuouituhhluu hows to turn it into jowols oflilso grocn nil rose although its vory pretty xfloduiiiounioro dollhlit ariiiiiibabura ib tbo frostwork thfttmakos the nlumoako wbito dont be soft some people dont know tho dldferonoo between meeknese and weakness there ia a good deal a- meek man is not au asa that lets everybody saddle and bridle trim bor adoorroat tbat lets every blodhopper wipe his boots on hlmvthe breeplng wobbling areatpre that adapts bis looomo- tion 10 every newenrrounding ia not a meek man but a weak man a meek man baa backbone stiff enough to keep his head straight and pliantonongh to get through an ordinary doorway no one admires ths sggresblve nnslance who diaturba and demoralizes everybody and everything with whlchbecorjaee in contaot but we bave no patienoe with the simpleton who basnt enough confldeuoo in himeelf to wpo bis own noee without being let dont goaronnd apoligizlng for being on the earth if yduarearmahthytlip exbbee enongh stand ont for the treatment a roan ehould reoeive and get it beware of being made a tool of by those who will- traflio in yoor innocence and boftnesa if they get the least obanoe bemember the eimple believeth every word bnt the prudent man looketh well tb hib going tbis does not mean that yon bhould be ensploioue of every body bnt keep your weather eye ojpen for your own interests dont be fooled with sogsr atioks or fox talk bo meek in the sense of being above or receiving wrong but beware of being weak there is all the differeuoe in the world between the two new books we have betors na the advance sheets of anew work on ontario munlolpal law jost coming from tbe press judging from these pages it is an admirable condensa tion and ohissiflcatfen of our munlolpal code given in blear opnbibe and plain language with all tbe important features and special points thrown out prominently by meant of tobheadings in blaokfaced type whioh makes it easy for the eye at onoe to catch ths exaot point required without spending timeandiarinviidintg half a paragraph to find out whether that it what it wanted or not this is a great consideration for busy men as well aa an indiipebtabje requiaite for a book ibat should alwaya be on the table in tbe connbil obamber for reference not only by the hsstd of the 0onooilbut also oy mena- bers during council meotiogs it is just tuoba work at every municipal offioor and atplraxit to munlolpal office in ontario abould possets the olosfog obapter obri- lalns our parliamentry rriles of- order the laws governing debate in the council chamber and the lodge thlb will doubt less be appreciated- by the thousand of aooiety and lodge mon and women too for tbat matter at well as by munlolpal and polltioal offioers this book is to be sold by aubaorlptlon and- at- a popular price intereated parties oan get allinformatlon by addreiiing the publisher wh anger b a 41 rich mond street west toronto a hint to wideawake agentt is soarcely neoessary but it seems to us many ahekela might be qnlokly picked up between now and new years bay in handling this work a hard shot among ths stories told of dr emmons a wellknown clergyman of a former day and gensrat ion there are many whioh show his keen wit in the town wh he waa paetor there lived a phyalaian who was a pantbeiti and who took paint to 1st everyone know it he had made frequent boast thai he ooold easily cooqaer dr emmons in argu ment and one day oamo bit ohanoe he and the dootor met at the house of a tlok man how old are you air asked tbe phyaioian brusquely sixtytwo replied dr emmons quiet ly although hit tyea showed hla surprise may i ask your ige in turn ive been alive since the orsatlon in one form or another said ths physloian curtly ab then i suppose you were with adam and eve in tba garden of eden 1 inquired the dootor certainly oamo the reply cm i said dr emmont placidly meditating on tha othert faoo i always thooght there was a third person there bat some have differed from me youth companion soooesi oome to those who persevere if you take hood sartaparllla falthfolly and penlttently yon will surely be benefited even with her cross ex aminer now eaid tho lawyer who waa-oon- duotiog the oroae-examinationi- will you please stato bow and where yoo first met this man i think said the lady with tho sharp nose vthat it waa never miud what you think interropt- ed tbe lawyer we wont facts here we dont oare what yoa think and wehavent any time to waste in listening to what you think now plesse tell na where and whou itwhb that you firat met tbis man the witness made no reply oome oome urged tho lawyer i demand an anewor to my question still no response from the witnesa yoor honoreaid the lawyer turning to the court 1 think i am entlllod to an answer to tho question i have putl the witneea will please answer the question said the oourt in improeeive tones cant said tho lady wby not the court doebnx care to hear wbati think does it no then theres no nao questioning me any further i am not a lawyer ioabt talk without thinking so they called tho next witnebs new literature a new volume by eov john madongall son of rev geo modongall the pioneer missionary to tbo northwest hie jnst been published its alliterative title is patbfinding on plain and prairie dike forest lafte and prairie and saddle sled and snowaboe tbia volume it a inoootslon of vaniable history of the early days of the canadian northwest it rehearses in most interesting detail all the events whioh went to makeup the exper ience of the pioneorsxileaionarie and early settlers and their relations with thevariona tribes of indiana wbo freqnented tba prairies and woodlanda of these wonderful provinoenaperusatlrof its well written and vividly illustrated obapters gives a luold insight into the commendable and tuboettfnl plana adopted for the clvllisubg and ohlatianlzing of the indiansa con trast indeed to the treatment of the red men on the united states side of the line the volume 1b well adapted for the sunday school and poblio library and will be read with avidity and profit by the boys of any oommnnity it ia woll bound in cloth 800 pages- fries 91o0 wm briggs publisher toronto november dyeing success proflt and plea- sure when diamond thoaflkufjb of city and country wornon and glrla will rlyo during the month of uovomber old dreasoa ooeturoett caps jaoketb wrapb buawls and oloiblnje for men and boya will bo brought from attics closets and boxes and prepared for tbo dyo it is sate to assort that overy wife mother and daughter wbo baa heard of the wonderworking diamond will use them in preference to any other make of dyee it is unneoeabary to dilate apou ihamany lqrand retiulti that naera of diamonrf ryr obtain a few words will tell the story the diamond dyes will make the old things look as frcah apd as rood as now and wil rive colors that son or washing cannot fade tho unfortunate women who are induced by some dealers to bny imitation and adulterated dyes will dertainly anffer loss of money time and no ate rial a there is profit id homo dyeing only when the diamond dyoa are used see that yoa get the diamond from yoor dealer refoie all imitations perhaps she had notioed that the leading lady didnt have hor sunburnt wig on straight donver post catarrh ia a constitutional disease and oan bo acoeasfolly treated only by mean a of a ooabltutiooal remedy like hoods saraap- arilla whioh thoroaghly parlfles the blood and remotes the aorofaloae taints whioh caqse catarrh tbo groat number of teatlmonlala from those who have been on red by hoods bariaparilla prove the ouequalled power of this medldlne oytr catarrh

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