Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1898, p. 2

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xoxti oaitninhn in acton 6h saturday 23r10ctobor to mr and mrfl uorru qardlner anon died wtuhvono in itookwood ou friday 81st ootubor unrtlta widow of tho lato jolin volhfofdiiiud7c yoara ilhnkm at ilia homo in erin near churchill on tuttnday htli novombor aloxandor huiaell nijod 19 yuatn ytiliusth in acton on sunday 6th novombor wlltnot horbort son of john willi cms igod u months ami 1m 3tys our little horblo iloeplog beneath the oold cold aod ah how badly wo will inlublm butwe will nob ootuplala god it wti who gave u him and blm be oltlmi again momma there s be light so the people said at the ballot box last friday b a la majority re the electric lkjht bylaw 1 it retail 3fmetf thursday ifovembeb 10 1b08 n6te6anbdbmmentsv revolutions at the election trials are ouloulated lo make the honest canadian blnab lor bis country politico during campaigns is a dirt buaineae toronto star tho paris oaulois announces that hence- forthi the motto qod proteole eraqoe will bo stiioken from frenolrcoln the paper remarks sarcastically that it la a rood thing since foreigners might bo led to believe from seeing the inscription that frenchmen still have faith in providence poor france 1 for genuine pluok and well diteoted offort to keep the town abreast ot the limes stayner takes first plaos on tbe 18th december tbe property owners will vote upon a bylaw to provide waterworks at a coat of 921000 the towns total assess ment is only 1210025 here is evldenoeof enterprise oiobjratellqjallefytoej most ardent enthusiast for municipal im provement tbe northwest territories elections last friday resulted in a sweeping vlotory for the hanitainrbes government the opposition and independents seem to have alike fared badly both being all bn wiped oat the premier mr haaluln has been almost continuously in power sinoe 1891 when ho was elected chairman of the first executive committee the committee was defeated in august 1893 and mr hanltaln resigned bat only to retorn to power in december nl the same year prohibitory legislation asked of tho government by an influential deputation ottawa hov 8 an influential and representative deputation wailed open a committee of connoll composed of sir wilfrid lsurler sit riohard oartwrlght mr fisher mr fielding and mr blfton today and laed a request on the reaglt of tbe plebiscite for the in trodaotion at nest session of parliament of a bill providing for tbe prohibition of the liquor traffic the deputation spoke on behalf of the dominion alllanoe inolodlng iu several branohes in the provinces of canada tbe methodist preskyterlan congregational and baptist cnurohes the womens christian ternpernnoo wnion the sons of temperance and the royal templars of temperance the case of tbe prohillllon- ists was ably put bybev dr oarman who introduced as speakers mr f s spenoe toronto secretary of tbe domln- ion alliance major bond montreal who spoke for quebec dr moleod new brnnswiak mr firman moclure m p nova bcotla be v james hogg d- d manitoba mrs rutherford toronto president of the dominion w ot xt and mr d j odonoghne of toronto tho ministers gave a careful hearing to the representations made after which sir wilfrid laurier replied he promised that tbo decision of the government would bo announced at an early day the free library membership contlnqee to increase as well ab trie number of volumes issued tbo monthly meeting of aoton free library board was held on monday even ing in the library j b pearson esq ohsirman presided the committee on finance in their flrth report recommended payment of an acoonnt for 18c lor bound check book for ohairman the report was adopted tho report of the librarian or october jihowod that ibo popnlarltydf the continues to grow new members are being enrolled nearly every eyening the library is open and tnetiumberot volomes lasned is gradually increasing tbe mem bership at the beginning of the month was 110 13 new members were enrolled during october 824 books were issued in the following daises blatory s3 1 biogra phy 1q vojagee and travels 46 aolonoe and art 8 general literature 88 j poetry rellgibns7 llotion ibs oomplaint was made that oer lain read ers wero in the habit of eiohanglng books with eaob other this is oontrary to the rules andthere may bo trouble for those ooqesmed it tbe praotlae is oonliooed moved by tt moore seconded by jos a molaohlan that the report of the librarian be reoelveacairied tbo board thon adjonrned from tho hour of the presentation of tho report ot tbe gomraittko sent by tho munlolpal council lo investigate the eleo- trio light eysteme in operatlothn aeysral of the towns of the provincea month ago those most interetted have felt that an eleotrio lighting system for aoton was assured the large and representative gatherlbg of oillsens who heard the report subsequently supported a reio lution requesting tber council to take the stops neoeesarytobecorc so eleotrio plant to be controlled by the muni- olpality unanimously all available information touohing snob a system hastboen teonrerrbrnari6u8rellsbler eourcee and from time to time published intbese oolomnb so that the people might be thoroughly informed upon tbe siibjeot the result arrived at laat friday at the eleotlohupoo the bvlaw is consequently very satisf aotbry- tbe vote of the properly owners not only assures ns a flrstolaaa electrio lighting syetem nnder the control of the town but the very large majority more than a twothirds vote gives an enoontagibg moral support to the enter prise the election waa conducted vary good- naturedly and tbe result may reasonably be termed an unbtated expreaaion of the wishes of the people of aoton loasmnoh as oomparitively little oanvaiilng was done by either the friends or opponents of the bylaw the vote was aa follows forbyxiaw jtgainst no 1 town ball at 10 no a speights shop m m it s u tmajority fer tbosyiwjrr there were 185 votes oast of which over adozen were lady property owners no ballots were spoiled since the passage of tho bylaw tbo connoll has been- very aollve in ihaugnrat ing operations with a view to erection of the power house and installation of tbe plant at tbe earliest possible date after carefully jnveatlgatiug available sites they have oompleted negotiations with mr w a storey for the three lots and waterprivilege on willow and river sireeta nntil reoeritly ooodpied by- the planing mill of tebbage and glove leather tannery ot councillor franols in the selootion of this silo we think it will be generally admitted that tho aolion of the connoll waa wise and in til respects defensible in the first plaoe tbe site is oentral in its location and commodlona in extent a aeoond consideration the imporladoo of whloh will be belter under stood whan regarded in all ita bearings la the securing of this waterprivilege for all time beyond peradventnre within the control of the munioipality tbls is of primary importance because the gravita tion mains leading to the ore proteolion tanks in tbeoentre of the town and whloh are so necessary for an nnlimlted aopply of water are fed from tbls pond the use oflbewatsrop to ibis tiros bsu been opon eunrbooe and has only been permitted through the kindliness pf spirit of she messrs storey and ebbage who controlled the privilege tbe property waa in the market for aale and this valuable water franchise might not have been ao freely granted lo the municipality by the possible purchaser then again by baying control of the privilege the water to the pond will never be redooed in he hot summer montba to a point where the decaying vegetation left uncovered la likely to breed malaria or bthardiaeasea aa has beenexr perienoed in the past forlher the pur chase of this sita by tbe town will ensure the property owners of tbe nelgnborbood against the location there of any business of an objectionable or bszardoua charaoter and a point might be added that if at any lime in the future a new and desirable manufactory could be secured- to the town by aiding ihem in securing a alto for tbe same the unoccupied portion of tho prop erty will be available the eleotrio lighting enterprise of the municipality starts but very auspiciously and oitlxens generally feel oonfldenoe in its ultimate snocess and profit to the town fifth room fifth teacher lnorease ri publlo sohool pupils neoesaltateemore acsoom- rnbdatlon the pobllqbohool board met on tuef day evening ah tbomerabcrb vrktb proseut chairman jatneb moliam protild- iug the elsth report of the oommltteo on finance recommended paymont of tho following acoounte jobn mooonnell oleanlngelobota 8 ai 00 a t iirown aupplloa 13 la andrew bbarp latldors a as t t mooro slating blaoli boards a 0 9 sots therepbrtwaa adoptod moved by george hynds aoconded by h bwaokhammer that awing to the crowded condition of the junior room there being over ninety names ou ihe register the board deems it advisable in the interests of the sohool to open by the first ot january next a flftli room the large room iu the old school building now vacant to be used for that purpose carried moved by robt wallace aeoonded by jtobt bel mee that the property oommitiee is hereby instructed to have the baid- room fitted up at bnoe and put- in good order and thsttbe supply committee purchase subb fcrniabingu and supplies- as are nebessary for the proper equipment of said room carried the secretary was instructed to procure catalogues and price hats of sohool desks moved by georgo hynds seconded by dr xjren that tbe tsacbing staff and salaries forthe year 180ube sas follows t t mooro principal a km 00 miss 0 mopbail bnd dopt 900 00 ulas ha b patterson 8rt dopt s 270 00 mlaaiuiodafeatberstnneu sept 979 00 itlaaslisab mcqueen tuidept aso 10 carried at4beoouolusionoftna7tiiineibjri f tjren tendered his resignation as a member of the board owing to his removal to toronto he expressed the pleasure be had experienced as a member had great satisfaction in the high standing of the school and wished it all possible sabbees in the future the ohairman reciprocated tbe kind words pf dr tjten and the resignation was accepted with the following resolution moved by geo hynds seconded by bobt wallace that this board accept with regret the resignation of ir tjrcnv a valued member and that the board places upon record its appreciation of dr urens servloes while a member and extendsto bim bar beat wishes forauocess in bia now homecarrled the board then adjourned to meet on friday evening mlh inst churchill some will be disappointed ills soaroely oonoelvable thai the pub lishers of the famitp htrald and wttkly star ot montreal will be able to supply all obmora with their bulifalpreniinnt picture the thin bed line the most thrilling and ufa like batllo piotore in the annals of tbe british army tbe piotnre is reaervod for family herald iut wtetiy sor readera none others can have it it la eald by those who have seen- the scramble that the rath for the picture is phenomenal i 00000 f1be atcollinqwood r steamer paolflo and a t freight sheds destroyed bclmmawood now 8 fire broke cot at about three oolbok this morning in the grand trunk railway freight iheaa hers and the buildings and wharf are now a total wreck tiajawjajhorthjttaimll gos steamer pacme wsi silao horned the tire it supposed to have been caused by a live wire the taclfe was lying close alongald of the freight sheds and bad cornmenoed to load for her trip to the ftia flanies spre ao raiiia- ita the inoome taoka that renders ihe bidycle kit lndiapenalbla rrj7wfri hundreds are klllsd in war bat hundreds of thousands are killed by ooniomption there wonid be no deaths at ul from this terrible disease if people oould be rnade to understand that sbilohs ooogh and oon- aumptlvo opre ia a sure remedy if taken jtoiyaita lloo a bottle druggiats will refund the money it scare ie not afftoted- ly that it waionpoetibie to aavelhe aleam- ereapeciallyas theris wiia no boats in tbe barbor with steam op the pacific waa a genoral favorite with the travelling public and was valoed at j8600o she waa insured for t35o00 in different coin- panier there waa a large quantity ef goods in the f rdight shed whloh was entirely destroyed the grand trunk companys loss will be in the neighborhood of fso000 all the books records and papers were also destroyed a youn tad on fire a can of bainrlne bxplodee and severely burn a omeloh boy gsxpo nav8lul levelling ibopi 9 oclook a young lad named thornaa mortis waaworkibg in- bavsgev jewllry hop dear a wn ejn4 iziiij mr iuo rh pawibgivp braniiat it isnt always the flghllng parson who puts his congregation to sleep chronic derangements of ihe blomaob liver and blood are apeedlly remoted by theaollvo prlncipat of lbs ingredients entering into the composition of parmeleee vegetable pulstheae pills act spoclncally on the deranged organs stlmglatlrig to aolion the dormant energies of the ayatem thereby removing disease and renewing life and vitality to the- afflicted in this lias the great aeoret of the popularity of j v p one of natnrea noblemen in the person of alexander busaell died at his home let 9obh 4 brih ontnesday rnorning after an illness extending over a period of several months about haying time mr buaaell waa aftlioted witba peooliar tronblein the leoond jbnger of bia right hand thio otuabdhim exornolatlng pain at timee and incapacitated him from workiog during the whole of haying and harvest at times he seemed to improve ichsalth but never- regained bis strength and obaraoteristio vigor a diagnosis a few weeks ago re- vealed a oanoeroob affection of the liver and fas gradually declined until tuesday morning when death gave him relief alexander russell was ihe son of tbe late alexander bubsell and was born on the farm now occupied by mr edward cleave lot 1 con 8 erin a mlleabove aoton in his early munbood he tookpoflsebbion of the farm where he died and has spent the laat twentyfive years thereon xe waa married in 1875 to miss jane wright daughter of the late daniel wright esquesing mra buaaell and twodangbters miases minnie and dna both in young womanhbod bur- yivehiui for years mr buasellhas been regarded as the maintay of ibe congregational ghnroh at oburohlil he waa early in life elected a deaobn and waa most aotive in ohuroh work attentive to the duties of hie offioei and consistent in bis christian life he waa energetfo when olbera were in different always reliable and faithful he was treasnrer of the ohuroh ait the time of his death and oh the occasion of his laat attendance at ohuroh three weeks ago he publloly appealed to the oougregation to be loyal to their mlnlater and to pay promptly into the troabury as tho lord had prosper ed thorn his place will indeed be difficult tirflll itiisrchmoryilltbetevek held no other publio offices during bis life the only ambition apparently being to be a usefdl member of the ohuroh of god the funeral will take plaoe this afternoon at iwooolook service will beheld in the ohuroh and interment take place at the cemetery adjoining a ocnaiderably larger audience greeted rev j k tjnswortb to hesft his eeooud lecture the back streets of new tork last thursday evening it was a highly intereatlngleotoroand waa ofa more serious and possibly more instructive airaln than the first one very vivid description of the uonatnral and unhealthy modes of life in ihe slums of amerioas metropolis were rehearsed v attractive detaljs of soanea in the brighter aide of this great- city were alao given with an impraiatyytfyiymn mingled with humor and mr unsworths wellknown veraatility added to the keeh interest in every part impove blood a con djtion that frequent ly causes much 8 mra henry- qlffordivof kentvllle proves the value of dr wllllamo pink pnia in this condition from the aeedleo woirvllio nb tbe oaaeof mrs henry glttord of kent- ville who some time ago was oured of sa distressing malady through the medium of dr williams fink pills is of psonllar value as illustrating tbe rapidity with whloh this remarkable modloine operates a representative of the acaditnytho oalled upon mrs qifford the other day to elicit information oonoorning her cure found hor to be a very intelligent lady and a hearty advocate of the use of dr williams pink pills upon learning ihe object of his call mrbgiffordeipresaod herself a pleased at the prbspeot of having an opportunity to give publicity to her remarkable cure i have told all my friends about il she said but have often felt that it waa my duty to have aatatemeqt ofnpy oaas publlahsd in the papers three ysarsjigo this spring my system way in a badly run down state in ihia oondltibnl yyat sttaokcd bya heavy bold and an enlarged tonsil of great size and extreme painf olneias was the result for nine weary months 1 was unable to turn my head and my health became auob that i oould not exert myself in the least several phyaiciana were oonanlted bat without the slighteit bebefit the swelling woe busily lanoed bnt the operation only aggravated the matter aa my blood was sx impoverished that the inoision did not heal bul developed into a running sore des pondency seized me and at times i alrnoat wished that i was dead at last by a happy ohanoe i waa advised to me dr williams fink pills after bsiug a tew hoiottho awellldg dilppetedandeerfoot health and bnoyanoy of spirits returned since that time mcrs gifford has hsad implicit confidence in dr williams pink fills and has used them for any pbysioal disorder jit herself or children with the same happy results dr williams pink fills oreate new blood build up the nerves and that drive diaeasefrom theeyatera in handrede o oeaea they haveaured after all other med- iolues bad failed than eaublisbing the olaim that they are a marvel among ibe triumphs of modern medical aoienoe the genpine pink piiu are sold only in boxes bearing the f nil trademark dr williams pink fills for pale people protect your- ell from imposition by refuting any pill that does not bear the registered trade mark around the box if in doubt send direot to the dr williams medicine op brookvlue out and they will be mailed to yon post paid at mo a box or six boxes for 1260 do not delay in getting relict tor the htlla folks mother oraves worm exter minator is a plsaaanl and safe cure if yon love your obild why do yon let it suffer when a remedy is so near at hand hoirfember is bound to be a success if reliable and worthy mrcehandise and wonderfully reduced prices are any induceineht to the buying public of this vicinity every department is participating in november the banner month of our hjstory read this list of bargains tbiy store r this event determined to make this month of it should set the whole country buying at this satisfac- v- icirtieataaieior b big price saving on every piece piffered offering bargains in all departments a ryan demonstration of grand bargain x piece brown wool serge 6 in wide wa335c for 15c x piece green wool serge 40 in wide was 25c for igc 3 pieces union cashmere 42 in in navy and two shades of brown wsb 30c now 19c 3 pieces brown and green serge all wool 4 in wide was 35c now 25c 90 yards crepon 42 in in cream pink light clue buttercup and nile nil capital wearing shades from 40 to 50 c 7syardsjfnncysllkstripoj pink cream and heliotrope 3sv 2 ml in now 2 yardsjfnncysllkstripocrepon m waa 60c for x piece 44 in bedford corddress goods all wool in brown was 60c for 25c 6 pieces 42 in scotchtweed dress goods stripe and check allnew goods good colors just the thing for ladies suitings was 6oc lor 37jc a pieces 42 in fancy dress goods good shades was 50c for 37ic 7 pieces 42 in fancy dress goods nil wool shades wits 75c for 45c 1 piece black and white dress goods all wool 42 in was 75c for 45c t piece black satin cloth all wool 42 in striped 45 in allwcol 44 in was 40c for 29c 1 end black satin cloth all wool was 100 for 59c 1 piece black solid cloth was 60c for 42c- 1 piece black fancy 42 in all wool and very handsome was j150 new half price only 75c 1 oil wool scotch tweed costume was 800 now 9350 2 nil wool scotch tweed costumes was 9900 for 9450 ipie blackworsted 34ln suitable jbr ladies capes jackets etc was vx50 now fioo silk8 silks positively the greatest bargains in that we havo offered in many months 2 piceacream surah silk3 was 60c now 39c- 6 pieces colored surah silks was 75c now 39 j 5 ends meroe and surah silks were 9xoo now 59c 7 ends colored silk bengallne all good shades was ftxoo for 75c 15 yards black feaudc sole silk was 9225 for ti70 15 yards black peaudesoie silk was 9250 for 9145 x skirt length 8 yards black silk moire velour was 95c for 75c yard for the end 1 skirt length 8 yds brack silk moire volonr was r 25 for 95c yard for tbe end 1 black silkbroche all bilk and good pattern special value at 62c 1 black broche silk velvet was 75c for 25c jjilocjtjbrochesuilyelveujwas f r75 for 50c 4 ends black broche silk velvet was 9250 to 9400 for 7jc millinery fancy colored wings regular price 15c to 25c for toe each fancy ostrich mounta regular price 50c to 75c lor 23c felt turbans in black brown navy cus- tor cardinal and royal waa 9ioo lor 50c ladles walking hats in black brown navy green aid royal was i133- for 9ioo felt shapes assorted suitable for ladies and children at ha if price webowtwesai one price guelph berlin anc owen sound -v- ijjvmvv one o thous big orders and words of praise prore tbe worth of dr agnews ointment kindly fill enclosed order at nnoe or agnews ointment has given tbe greatest of satisfaction here it is one of the best sellers we have ever bandied and is magic al in the cure of bkin dfseabes and piles tours truly eureka drug co mauoh chunk fa orders like ibis aooompan- led by just suoh words of praise are tbe oommonost occurrence at headquarters for this great remedy proves the peoples faith in it and proves ita power to relieve and oure piles sod all itohlng and torturing skin tronblss sold by a t brown that throbbing headache would quiokly leave you if you used pr kings new life pills thpnaanda of suf ferers have proved their matchless merit fpr sick and nervons bsadaohea they make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health easy to take try them only 25 cents money haok if not cured sold by all druggists a friqhtful blunder tht- isquars mbjmmm still 7lft3vlm last saturday our opening day we riiade the acquaintance of a number of the townsfolk though not so many as we would have had the weather been more pleasant wei want yoa to visit us saturday we want to make the acquaintance of the country folk therefore we repeat last saturdays specials adding some es pecially suitable for the country trade will of ten cauee a horrible burn acald out or brplte buoklsna arnloa salve the belt in the world will kill the pain and ptornptly healit cores old sores fever sores ulnars felons bolls oorns and all skin eruptions best pile oure on earth qoly 2s cen a box onre guaranteed sold by all druggist for th vbar 1896 no better resolnllon can be made than to resist buying any of the tnbstllotes offered as jubt as good as the great only surepop oorn onre putnams painless com exlraotor it never fails to give aatlsf action beware of poisonous flesh- eating substitutes luck sometimes goes op in ths elovator and ihem falls down tbe shaft still another triumph mr thomas 8 bnllsn sunderland writes for fourteen ysars i waa sfflioled with piles and frequently i was noable to walk or all but four years ago i was cured by using dr thomas eoleotrlo oil i have also been subject lo qnineey for over forty years bnt electrio oil cored it and it waa a permanent ours in both esses aa neither the filet nor quinsy bave troubled me since 1 on ev bq lb of shllohs oonsumpllon core is this guarantee all we ask of yon ia to use iwotblrds of the contehts of thla bottle faithfully then if yon can aay yon are not bflnefittsd return the botifoto your druggist and be may refund tbe price paid price 35 ota 50 ots and 9100 it ia a wise barber who never illustrates his stories with opts a girls conversation is naturally flowery when shs talks through 1 tier hat a hu i was vary weak and hardly able lo walk my wood was ihio and i was aa j4mi abottt hoods j8arlibiantkdir and in a few 4t fcrf y oty- vpandat its jjia jtwjr tbf llla draaislm werebadiybrjrpi lt ykftffl very many persons die annually from oholera and kindredaummer complaints who might havo been saved if proper remedies had been uaod if attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of dr j d kellogus dysentery cordial the medicine that- neverfafla to effeot a orire those who have used it say it acta promptly and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease a unanimous nomination ia a distinction without a difforanoe a thou t oould not express the raptnre of annie e 6 springer of 1199 howard st phila delphia pa when ahefoaud that dr klngaf new discovery for cdnsoroptlon bad obmpletely cored her of a backlog oongh that for many ysarahad made lite a burden all other remedies and doctors dbuld gle her no help but she says of the boyal cure it soon removed the pain in mbhmt abmtlhlnf i can aoarcely remmbir doing wforeil mobdlnbltinraleei tnrb4btttijbiverts bobbe tub g a startling incident of which mr john oliver br philadelphia was tho snbjeol is narrated by him at fallows i was in a most drsadf or oondltloo my akin sal alrnoat yellow eyes sboken tongue coaled pain continually in back and sldts no appetite gradnally growing weaker day by dayrthree phyaiolanabaocglven me up i fortunately afrlend advised trying electrio bitters and to my great joy vnd surprise the flrsl bottle mads a deoidod improvement i oontloued their use for three weeks and am now a well man i know they saved my life and robbed the grave of ahotlier viotim no one should fall to try then only 60 cts it bottle alidrog stores the confirmed baohelor prefers to settle hie affairs oat of ouurt fqrglrls solid leather laced winter knockaround boots regular 9ri5 v for infants two dozen fancy winter hoods worth from 50c to 9200 to clear at fancy leather button bootbr regular e for home use all woo washable woollen blankets regular 65c lb fancy striped elinellette regular 5c v and 6c yd checked shirting regular 12 jc yd roll towelling regular 6c and 7c yd smiths lari seamless grain bags each argi regular 92 to 93 a dozen horse blankets well made worth 9150 for leather horse halters worth 65c for 90 25 50 50 vi 13 loo 46 for men good canadian tweed working pants vorth 9150 to 9175 cottonada overalls copper riveted pock- els regular 90c woollen gurnseys and drawers regular 65c solid leather lace working boots worth 9135 dressy laced walking boots regular ti75 125 75 5b i 00 125 for boys jfteto bbertibementa rubber stamps for fino rabbor stamps padi ink oto wrlt to goo gurry co king st etut tort d to wanted cull apples h v p m maseruid ijitaohouso p o attention all momberi of no 6 company loroa ihflm and ny eligible vouup moo who are intanitvd to tliodtwcomontorth6oompdy edtoiiifietktthedrlubauon friday ovotiliig not utu w j aloore color borgt farm to rent 1r aobbalotsoooo 8 bsquesfng within iyj a mile ofuie flourishing vtllae of aeton about sixty sores nnder cultivation comfort- ablseoserate bouse good bank barn and borse wlh we and sprib creek will be rented for term of years fosusafon given tmmealately for particulars applrto mib8 augusta lamb aotonpo h0u8hmii0t f thai desirable residential property en bower wilbur streets opposite tbe methodist parsonse on whloh is erected s ooxnfoartablssts roomed reuiglioast bouse with woodshed detached good olbtern excellent gar- den a number of fruit trees wall feneerllbe whole in a good state otretjalr- idbenu terms to salt purobuer for particulars apply to hpmoobb fau pxusa offloe aoton alma ladies cellege st thomas oat xeeatetaelstacrepar in 13000 inbabltants four transoonunental rail ways and loeal eleotrio systenai oollegedlatlnotr ly ohrlstlan and patronised by all oomlna- tlotuu finest bulldmss superior facilities in collage oourses and in muslotlne art bualbses elocution bookery boms boraforts strong staff bates for board residence and tuition range from 439s to 9000 aweek aooerdlng to studies pnnned for catalogue and loll information address prinoipal vfabitebm administrators notice creditors to in the matter of the estate of robert watson late of the township of iesqiaesing in the county of halton gentleman deceased notice la hereby given pursuant to b s 6 ib9toaplsabeesbtnalallperaonsbav- iu claims against tbebstata0f tbe said bobert watsota who died on or abool tbe hb day ot september a d wee araraqnlrsd to seaetby pel jjrepsjd or to deliver to the toronto- oen- eral trusts oompony toronto p o adm txttors of tbe estate of the said bobert wal on or before the th day ot december lsbsttlisl namea addresses sad dsseripuonb and a- full auterdenb of partlcnlars of their claims end iba- natureottba seourity lfany bsld by tbsm aulyeerttaeaana tnaramraaaiadsyuis administrators will proceed to distrlbutstbs aassts ef the dsoeased axnooii tbe parties entitled tbento bavino regard only to tbe blauns of wbleb they shall then have notice mclhan a met ban solleitorajortbe toronto oensral vrust oomi dlledthlsothdayornotemtxr ad notice to cre in the of alexander mcdonald late of the township of esquesing in the county of halton de ceased all aloxandsr tbstwanueth rroimahlp of slsqi iawno died on br about ulya d 1809 ottio mmjtiux ttu aaldocnntr of galton aretmufred la deliver to a j mao- klnnon aoton solid torf or tbs stxseutora et tbe old estate her a- ft dsseaiptton all wool three piece suits well made and trimmed worth 9 oo woollen gurnseys and drawers regular 55c solid leather laced knocltarouod boots regular 9i6o orpmen winter vests and drawers extra regular oc solid lealher heavy laced winter boot regular 940 dressy pointed caped dongola walking boot worth 9 aoo t5 25 ilib iso clothing boots shoes general dry goods the large brick house next door to tho square main st to let enquire at the store t- tna1 aouafi jijsrjjg -e- lv 3 wide awake and always at it tiy tbeyn exeool roponslble for the sssets of- tbo said suurpart tbereotto any person or persons of whose elatms they shall not then have reoeived nouoe and that tbe said exemotorsfwui uotoe notice aoton oct lotb 1808 a j mackinnon bclioltor for the bxeorttors by f metal historian to the war department tbe hoolt yrawi1ttentnsinyjbont nan- fran- olooii uefaelflowiwaexisnsljsrrlttlntbe hospitals at honolnlu in bong kong tbe amerdeu trenebes at tfanlls la tnelnsurjant camps- with ajralnaldq on the dsear of ttbe olympu with cewabd in the roar of battle at tbe fallofaiaolla bouansa iforasents brlmfnlof original pleturee token by bofsrn xarge book j trashy unomeior war books p t babbbb iseev igtcbleago raeot pbotogranbers on tbo spot xasga book jwprijes btaproflts rritaht pr alien erop oil trashy nnotoblar ontnl tree addres btor lasuranos bulli weltch the dollar v toa v a uii r blggtjr load than it eyeriorew- before our entiak stock op years repairing watches and clocks are determined to keep up their old repu tation for repairing watches and clocks they have engaged one of tho finest watchmakers in ihe country and have sent their eon albert lo ibe school of watch making in toronto o get the latest and best methods of repairing watches albert is taking after his grandfather the ilate david savage who was one of the finest watchmakers in canada you may look for good work if you bring il to this stores business keeps growing thie reputatioiri of oar goods is- the highest they are the newest ipost reliable and uptordate in the jnarket our business sofarthis fall has been larger than ever arid has enablea us tpbiiy many lines at big bargains for spot cash arid our patrons will get the full benefit of it specials in new dress goods comprising all newtailormade mantles capes the latest styles and perfectfitting new gloves hosiery underwear etc fine class tailo the averagi in the clothing 1 rondareffiyadfst we also have tho largest stock in town to select from comprising all the latest and finest imported and domestic cut price 38j special line of f what we are doing in the clothing business we havo luat purchased at sgreat bargain overboatsw this vdll be the great est snap oyer offered raihe overcoat line ul early and get your choice of a fine overcoat at a price unheard of before in georgetown a complete assortment of boys youths and mens suits at very close prices ew- new- w vvw neokwear hats oapri tut will robes at uowest prices to cash buyers xyffislit x 8took complete while others burn the midnight oil in mklhgup prices pte jparing for a sale our prices go scoot ing down the toboggan elide of genuine low and reasonable- prices i boots and shoes acton g we invite you to call and inspect bur stock we are satisfied that you can buy your fail and winter outfit here at closer prices than at any other place buying here is a safe guarantee that you are not getting the best and are paying fr too much for what you do get irj iiv -ji- hnliinm v ietv- i hj i not iikhwi rob v i- viir i

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