Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1898, p. 3

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che bank of hamilton head office hamilton cabltal all paid up i 25000000 reserve fund 77800000 total assets 11 eol4400 neafly tod millions of dollars board op directors sorn stuart a o itahbay fralleae vicolroaldont uso itolon joum pnocton a t wood ab las toronto wh gibbon up j turndull cashier h b btevbm astt oaahlor h it watson inspector georgetown agency a genoral banking business transacted notes of re8pon8lblearmersdlcounted mid special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada ancj united states draffs on great britain bought and sold savings apartment deposits of trtfill upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added 0 principal every year whether pass book s brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums the news at home mostly of alooat charaoter and overv item irttarestlnhr j p bell agent georgetown ont t juton fxtt firm thursday november jo 1898 little local brieflets vhtoh caught ttiebyea or ears of f preaabeport this we o changeful time of gloom and abino thy obarm my heart wilt long remomber in all the year x hold most dear theoold and ooiorleertovemberl snow flurries its becoming wintry get on your storm windows thanksgiving day in two weeks theres foot of enow in manitoba thanksgiving visits are being arrang ed mostly off the trees the leaves are now every wide awake farmer has his roots nnder cover now christmas and new yearo day fall on sunday this year auton public school will have five departments next year the early sown winter wheat is nuasaally strong and rank in growth the skaters are wishing for ice so that their favorite pastime may be indulged in a society of the daughters of the king is about to be organised in st albans ohnroh we are delighted with the fnbb peess it is a paper to be proud of w q toronto a home paper like the fbii phebh is worth 8100 for fifty two numbers leas than two cents a week i rcltlsens will now consider how many eleotrio lights they would like in their xatidesoaa or places of inertness r t b forbes nest to georgetown on monday evening to address the members of the baptist young peoples union tax collector qrahim was at home last saturday a considerable amount of the second instalment ol taxes was paid the chronku says that durham has beta vastly improved by the new perma nent sidewalks and now it yearns for sflmtrlailgbt milton has jnst pasted a bylaw com pelling the owners of buildings to provide nob eavetroughlng as will prevent water from dripping on sidewalks there was an attempt at burglar in r b nelsons store at gaelph on sunday morning the burglars were alarmed before any goods were cakes there will no donbt be a large attendance from aoton at the third lecture of bar 3 e tjnawortb at ohurohlu subject aoton in ims ad notwithstanding tha governments imposition of postage uponr newspapers next yssr ths fins fbjus will be sent to any swtdrsss nnul jan 1st 10oo for 1100 farmers i order your sale bills at the vumtefiaa offloe we give free nolioe of nit and exeoute posters attractive to look upon and in favor with voot auctioneers v4a una saw allar fiaa jmt been put in be pt peters obnrcb ouatio rev father feeny and the congregation there are muoh pleased with the workmanship the firemens oouoert on thanks giving night will have an attractive pro- gramme and will provide a pleasant evening for onr oiubsd and their visitors ltsrlffgtoniluge ooooll hsapassed a byivvftolevy a rate forwatering certain stnetsot aw mnnlolpallty one mill on lbs dollar is to be provided for this purpose a young ladyvwho wae going to aoton ibis morning for a short vacation was so taken np with the bridal parly at the depot that aha mlseedher train gnelpb advocate rloo ratepayer will vote 00 a rksbjlw en tha 21st jiandtbtynaxon vmooo by- knox clntroli vp s cs anniversary the christian endeavor society of knox ohnroh will oelobrato their anniversary on sunday special sermons will be preached by rev j monair of waterloo and the ohoir will sing mpslo suitable to tbo oooabion the pastor rev mr maopher aon will oooupy the pnlplt of tbo prebbytorln churob waterloo the social at st albaa0 personate a largo company abbeaibled to eujoy tbo hospitality of itev and mrs godden at st albaua parsonage last wednesday evening a very enjoyable evening was bpent all present being made to feel perfootly at home a very attractive programme of musioal and literary num bers was rendered and there was a game in every corner to aid those present in passing the timepleasaotly theprooeeds whioh were in aid of the parsonago fond were most qatiefaotory st albanb brotherhood of st andrew a chapter of this excellent organization was recently founded in st albaua ohnroh and a number of young men of the congregation are taking an ootive interest in its success itev j k godden m a the incumbent is director geo statham president and wat btewart jr beoretary tho balance of tbo officers will be eleoted and metalled at the meeting on 8t audrews day 80th november the new- organization will be known as st albans chapter of tbe brotherhood ol st andrew the distinctive featnrea of tbe society are prayer and service gaelph fat stock show we have received the premium list of tbe sevenceentb anneal christmas fat stock and ponltry sbow to be held in guelph out december ctand 8 thirls the oldast and moat sncoeibfnl institution of its kind in canada the famous stock- raising district o which guelph is tbe hob giving it a recognized preeminence as a fat stook centre with it will be held the annual meetings of the ontario beekeepers association and the ontario agricultural and experimental union reduced rates on all railways prize lists can be had by dropping a card to 3 mocorklndale or mercury office gqolph obitaarythci late john s coot the remains ol the late johnr cook of the t flth line enqueuing were interred at the iilmehouse cemetery last thursday afternoon mnoh regret is felt in tbe community at ibedemiss of this estimable young farmer he was a native of tbe township and enjoyed general esteem or some montba bis health had not been very good and recently be suffered a good deal bis brothers are adam of aoton wm of tho civil eervioe and dr george h of toronto his sliters miss cook wbo resided with him at the old home 1 mrs arthur cook clinton mrs f somerville and mrs b s henderson neighborhood news news items supplied by corres pondents and exohansob limehouse d m nfodormid ia advertising for oull apples rqv wm bryore of aoton ooonpiod tho pulpit of tho prebbytoriau cburob lust suuday tbe remains of the late john r cook deqoefling were interred in the burial ground here last thsraday afternoon na8saqaweva mr wm roberts nabbagaweya andhib family attended tho foresters oonoert in eden mills last week on arriving borne and about to put bis horses dp he was surprised to mod tho stable door open and a lantern horning on the loft besides one of his tnrkeys tiedup and in sbape tobe carried away mr bobertb thinks that the parties were af cor his peas and that arriv ing borne sooner than was expeoted he die- turned tbem in their designs mr koberta is by no ways mean and he will imve great pleasure in banding over the lantern to tbe owners if they oall ae he does not desire to retain property wbiolv does not belong to him coming jand going visitors to and from aoton and various other personal notes tytv of gaelph spent a during ibe weak i ihoir everton rev w 8 holcteo ot rook wood will protoh r missionary bermoq her sunday evening nov 20th at 7 oclock the servian baa been arranged for lovea daring the winter instead ot oevaa thirty us it bab been daring tbe eammer months the stewart oonneotion this weou have a bride and groom in their midit ivfr bobett stewart who was married last wednesday to mies page of toronto before be went to study for tbe miniatry hie home was in eraraona now hi father david btewsrtttcsideu iirrockwocd miss ada mcoair of colhngwood has spent a couple of weeks with mua mary blaok last week misa eoborlboo of orange vjjie vieited her brother mr george robertson buokanntb in tbe village on monday mr and mrs n barclay of nasaagweya spent tbe day at her elsters mra hanbridge rockwood tbofcukk phkbb invite all it roadori tooon trlbuto to tlili oolutuu it you or your friends are going away on a holiday trip or if yon have triondi visiting yon drop a curd to tne fan pabbb mra w u storey visited her da ugh tor mrs dr drydon quelpb this week mr w li tvordon br who was very ill a few dys ago is able to be about again miflb jordan of orangevllie for some l itou resident m autod ia visiting friends bore the misses oonple of daye home hero mrs a mcnubb and her little grand- danghter jcau viaited friends in gaelph last week miss aafcanta v lamb goes every weekr to gnelph togiva lessons to a nanober of papils in mubto mr luther lyman of toronto was in town tbls week je was welcomed by nnmerous frjeada mrjobn it forbea who has been laid up thropgh illdbua for the past four weeks slowly improving mr and mrs j l warren and ohildred of aoton are vinlting at mr t j moores perth street gaelph ifercury mr asa hall left last week for penetan- gaisbene ho will spend the winter there with tbe family of his son ex mayor z a hall dr muorirntnon of palermo was in town on saturday he made friendly calls open his medical confreres and other friends here mr and mrs joe m moore of the georgetown herald bpent a day or two this weak tha gaesuofpriaoipalt t moore mra marshall of brampton is spending a few daya irith her friend mrs alex bowell who has been bo sorely bereaved in the loss ot ber husband this week mr allan mann returned from brandon man where he had been since aagaat on saturday evening she has tnaoh to say perfectly cured weak and low spirited nervous prostration appetite poor and pould net rest i take great pleasure in recommending uoods ooraaparllla to others it has been the means ot restoring my wifo to good health she wall stricken down with sn attack ot nervous prostration bho suf fered with headaches and her nerves were under severe strain bbe became very low spirited and so weak she could only do a little work without resting ber appetite was poor and being so weak she codld not get the properresst night 8he decided to try hoods sarsaparills as we had heard it highly praised and 1 am glad to state that hoods sarsaparilla has perfootly cured all her ailments o bbxlasrr 321 hannah bt west hamll- onfontario kemember saraa- chas l nelles cuelph it pays to buy at bollcrts partus is the bert- in fact the one true jnoodfnrl flor audjngtfsts tlslxforlc pet hood hnnrls plllo aretastelessrnlld erfee- 111wu8 rhis tlve alldrugjlstt me wall paper bought in quintltles means low pbiclh for 1858 we havo purchased 45000 rolls equal to x 610000 square feet or 2000 miles j d mokee tbe acton druggist has the aarnples and will fill all orders at same prices as lu guelph 11 pajs to buy at bollert blizzards are on the way and will be here shortly you will want an overcoat we invite you to see the really good depend able and wearable overcoats we sell at a very moderate price many of them are our own tailor made coats some of them are readybought but all bear the btamp of good money worth on the face of them m btrattord had vof laying the fc4bwi handsome wiser ijfjorwwrr entered dpon its tfomrteenlb year last week by oarefnl penoasl effort this wslisnotm journal has 1 built up piufltabl bualui a gain a cof ro puluug in wfatfm atutatfve lines in farnitore apd reducing tie orloes of nnder a j waged im present with bcswprpt- atitmof alecteletl manaf loturing oonoerns ani there whohavesomtlhlog to sell wblofahlswrloelo that offered by any jrnvirnflorjroan laatruatlro meeting on wednesday eveninguext the baptist y p u will spend an evening in the etndy of nature as foaud in our woods a paper will be given by the pastor on tbe geologic history of plant ie bev te forbes will give a paper on the tjebsone ot the seasons followed by another by the pastor giving a descriptive sketoh of cur forest trees these papers are full of valuable information as well as being highly entertaining there will be exhibits of wood showing bark grain and leaf a rich troat ia in store for all who oan be present the publio is very cordially invited key j a btoznohlnn m a at hamilton tho hamilton herald says zfon tabernaolo was crowded at yesterdays servioes tho oooasion being the sunday school anniversary bev j a motion ian m a of adon preaobed morning and evening and in the afternoon bev t albert moore the pastor addressed the sohool ohlldren mr motiaoblsn preached in the tadfnlbg frofa second corinthians ill 8 bis sermon being illustrated by praotica demonstrations of living letters inthe evening his text war search tbe scriptures bjtbbrrjdns being earnest and helpful thar timet says inspiring sermons were preached yesterday morning and evening at zlon tabernaole on tbe oooasion ot tbe anniversary ot the sunday aohool rev 3 a mclaohlan ot acton was the preaoher a jn4 tor the pnillo sohool the 23rd of may will hereafter be itvled empire say when tbe ordinary studios in the schools will give place to a palrlctio f unotlon to whioh parents and friends wil be weloomed tha pupils will sing and reoito selections oalonlated to inspire patriotism and to impart knowledge ot the british empire this will be a day wbsn tha union jack will float above school- houses all oyer the pomlnlon and it occur torjs that the aoton foblio sohool hie not eva a flag pole tbe fnxs pass soggests that a fund be started at onoe to purchase a sag for the scbool to be holslad on holidays and anniverasrles of great oventa in the history of oauada apd the empire let tbeshlldrefi haft an enteruinniint or originate some other scheme for getting a flog otherwise the sohool board might make the pnrohan tha sohool should have aflag itvhumw thmsana of generating loyalty on tha part ot the sohplars and add to tha interest in the events canadians should delight to honor a very saeeenfnl concert the benefit oonoert tendered aoton cornet band in the town ball last friday by the entertalnnunt committee ot bef orokinole olub atlraoted a very large audience svery leai in the ball was filieo the programnne evldentlypleased tbe auditnovassklfan number was enoored pfcaoiesimsappeared to vis with aaolfawrlnnuhhauan j r atilawftcii3 j to talmstjfi the oomio wonld hue nifflot woefelt- mr d stewart and his family attended the wedding of hie son robert last week the bride was misa bertha pager of farkdale the yoaag couple will set oat shortly for kentucky where robert has been stationed since obtaining bis degree at lexington miss edna pasmoro left for her home at winnipeg after spending tbe past year with relatives at toronto and in tbla place tbe wo yqarold daughter of thomas gertonhad her leg fractured by a beam falling from a building that was being moved the other day tbe widow of the late john weluford died here of dropsy on friday 21st october- she was a native of devonshire england and oame to oauada with her husband forty- two years ago tbe family have resided here for many years tbe funeral was conducted by rev j e godden aoton rev mr wilkie who hab been pastor of tbe first presbyterian oh a rob isramosa for the past four years having accepted a oall to tbe pastorate of the presbyterian ohnroh at uinto north dakota left mon day morning for ilia new field of labor together with mrs wilkie on friday last they were tendered a farewell octal by the congregation rev mr wilkie wbb pre sented with a gold wateh and mrs wilkie wafl made the reoiplent of a beautiful dinner and lea- set favotable tohsottuweat aa a plaos for settlers but admits there are numerous drawbaohbto contend with the ulnae a hall whe hod been spending a few days m the city after conducting a very buooessf ol series of eervloes at dun- das left on saturday evening lor toronto they commenced special servioes in the gerrard street methodist cburob there on sunday gaelph herald a well dressed man is a credit to the tailoring department of the store that fits him out never have we made to order as many suits and overcoats so early in the season as this yesur our reputation for turning out perfect fitting and the best tailored clothes in western ontario accounts for this boys blizzard coats materials deep storm collar at 2 50 vouthu long ulsters heavy cloth and lining at v 4 50 mensjieavy ulsters- wool material inside and outside 675 mens wool beaver dress coats elegant tailormade 6 00 mens wool cheviot good business coatr 8 5a- mens fine kersey coat in black navy and brown at 8 50 mens fine moscow beaver an elegant coat 10 00 mens finest beaver equal to the best tailor- made 12 00 e k bollert fe co 25 and 27 wyudham street guelph price and quality always satisfactory when may we have your order demacdonald svbro the golden lion guelph the riglxt house corner king and huglison sts hamilton biilm mnoh of a good thing mr e b jack sons baritons solos were muen enjoyed sad be was also obliged to do double ssrvioe owing to repeated recalls mrs dr dryaen ol onslpb was as usual period la bers koompaajmepts h jljarmoniq orchestra of nine plmiw rendered 4 number of flections most ortdltably fir anmjifffr vised organisation their success tny tbe mean ot formica the members lotoav permanent orchestra kxbeevs a e niomint the orokinole olub presided and hrnado a modal chlrrnfcfeiooeeqnfthei oonoert weral tttlsf strr nd aotoncornet bandveaiuy will be considerably aug- mented inopntfquenoe 1 1 jthe anhual- sports ot ouslph pro oounlry and bomt baa astoolatt6n ojo from ajpf ftit nmfe tfaras raoeuct knnningihosdbiosl milleajytmtrtmrwalkluij be prises to aba vatna otvs w r ossrtd lot eaoh tvent milton quarterly communion service were held in the methodist oburoh on bunds in tbe evening bev mr snider preaobed the first ot a series of sermons on the prodigal son the shoe factory reports business as booming more than aver before mrs diokin has sold her beautiful and commodious residence on martin street to mr w a lawrence for 1600 county plowing match at alex ohio holma farm tomorrow the receipts from the fobllo bohool oommoooement exerolaea emonntod to 80 tha meeting of tbe bnral deanery of helton was held at graos chdrah lobool- housetmllon7monday and tneejay of last week the following clergy were present bova bural dean fennell j- k godden 3 seaman p h fait and tho beotor of milton among tbo more im portent matters brought before the deanery was the resignation of the bural dean after very warm expressions of apprecia tion of tbe baral deans service arjdof his irreproachable example a resolution waa unanimously adopted expressing these sen timent and accepting tbe resignation ths position has not yet been ttlltj it was alaodeolded by the deanery to bold a sundaybohool convention for the schools of tha deanerv in jnne next and a oom- xnitteewueppolnteato arrange tbe pro- grantme tjastweekmr johnfeatberstooeaaliin- tnent pf stook was valued at about 13000 00 consisting o 25 bogs 80 sheep besides some steers and calves onampion knox ghuroh will celebrate the pistors indootlon on tbe 27th inst when ths bev jphn nell b a of toronto will preaob aitbtbssrrieea on tha following monday evsblos ibe be dr milllgan ot toronto will lecture on the eubjeot how to brighton life e fills they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dizziness nausea drowsi ness bad tastein the mouth coateottongue pain in the side torpid ltver they regulate the bowel purely vegetable small phi small dose small price substitution tho fraud of tho day sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills new goods new goods new goods mens and boys fleece lined shirts and drawers ladies vests and drawers black and colored cashmere gloves ladies and childrens hose all sizes mens arid boys hose and onehali hose wool and cotton blankets flannellette checks and stripes black and blue serge for boys wear ladies cloth white cashmere and a lot ol laces and ribbons come and see them the emphasis of this store is in having what you want wheq you want it at prices you can afford to pay theres nothing sensational about our methods nothing merely spasmodic about anything we do we use these days not by idly waiting for tradeuut by striving with all our might to serve you better baying liberally that we may divide liberally and making lower prices wherever we can today tells of some of the better values ask to see the goods the prices represent gltia bbalistmtnts agents men glance at the past if sho who passed li youpg apd pretty aa farmelees vegetable fills contain imandrake and dandelion they oore liver and kidney complaints with unerring certainty they also oontaiu roolf and herbs which have epeclflo virtues truly wonderful in their action on ibe stornaoh and bowels mr e a ualriorosst shakespeare writes i consider par- taefees pills an excellent remedy for billousnei and derangements ol the liver having need them myself for soma time its always hard to please a man who doesnt know what ho wants what to eat and enjoy it and feel oom- fortabloaltet it is the all day everyday vramo ihejudlgestlon patient adiice tat all wholesome things dont worry and take pr voq stans pineapple tablets to aid nature ia doini the storniobs work theyrs a wild tonic aot gently on the byll ttybrwp abd havailrese plaaatar bold by iaujuititartloff tbo bapt thing or money- making yon bare seen for many a day your name and addnsa will bring tha golden lnformatfod t h linsoott toronto agents wis pay ilralsbt itaekly salaries of from 10 to 90 soaordlng to abiuty for ooiittsaers on life and work of mr gladstone tb demaqd for tbla tronderfiuyolumeukeaplng all hands working early and late lbs only can adian and british work pablltbod bndorsed by the boyal family and leading pabllo men a big ebeap book xhh bradletaarubtson 00 i4mlta ironto important notice the celebrated indian doctor geohcib w hixd and partner wlli bs at agnews pot aoton on ths last wed nesday of stery month until jnribsr sotloe oomtnenolnb with wednesday suhvtober mobah ofiropigiiemm jpbjlonjmmir- tlon oatanh liver oopiplauivwairsya rbenoiamsm diabetes an drodby indian bamadles ue31olnj sold by tb qtiuitlty patients given up m inodrabla an aapsolally invited fstlanta ondes treatment to outer doo tors aro not solicited consultation free per manent address brantford p o ont since coming to gnelph pririftle the jeweller i has done over woph of watch and clock repairing suet a number df customers can only be kept by doing iho work well and giving prompt attention tq it the above amount i positively correct c f goodeye co rcton special a ladies button boot j d king maker 150- splendid value all sizes 8 stores weill the shoe man 3uelph artiatio photography a thing of beauty wbatlt uoreplaaalnc to the ere than a irtakenr the making of a good negative is a dimoult task unlms tha photoafraph vrelf oendltlons are right should understand posing lamllau with tbe art tsnanoes should be class first aba operator igsno seobnotjuavlensest baekgroud and be thoroushly of photography round and appnr- wj have just ppened up seven pnekages of french english and german fancy china we have some beautiful articles very suitable for wedding presents dinner sola abd toilet sets a specialty we cordially invite you to call and examine whether you want to buy or not qoblph j a lowrwyndharifst t for pali and winter now is your time to get a nobby suit r fall and winter ns we have just or a fine selection of imported twe1 for fall and winter ns we have just opened up a fine selection of imported tweed serges and worsteds and are prepared to take your order a right prices tit and workmanahlp guaranteed first- olaaa and nptomlata overooatlngs a good range of fall overcoatings call and inspect our stock before leaving your order cooper akins main st aoton toot itjstmbrjfllrtffiffariottr to travel and i arnt ata66rsaait an expanses cajit bbadjbtklwbt6wootljmy umlm toronto under thsaa eondlttons a geood negative and a elsar print la bound to result our gallery is fitted vvltb all of the above our work speaks for itself browns egg emulation of puro cod liver oil comdiked with jrlyrophotfnitbs ov llme and soda mid flavokbd with a fine quality or shesrv wink we claim the following points of superiority for our product perfect emulaificatlon remarkadle nutritive properties the absence of inert emulsifying agents portability permanence strength t the elegance of the preparation ladies j aokets bouole oloth jackets in urecu blue doublebreasted etornt collar pearl bnttoub 18 00 ladies blaok friezeand souolo oloib jackets pearl bnttone storm and velvet collars 8 60 ladies covert oloth jackets in brown and greettr storm oollkr 15 00 ladies black beaver cloth jaubetu ailk lined pearl buttons 0oo ladies black and colored beaver cloth jaokets double breasted braid trimmod 1800 ladies beaver cloth jaohelb m fawn and navy silk lined braid trimmed 0 0 fup department mink raffs 17 76 18 and hi 75 alaska sable cross tie collars 0 60 to 910 60 alaska sable marlborough lioffp 88 75 alaska sable co lore jo 60 columbia ssble roffn 8 to 16 beaver cross tie buffs 19 75 stone marten ruffs six tails 828 00 ladies underwear fleeoo lined vest for ladles 86o turnbuir knitted wool vests 60o health vests all wool fine thlah 91 00 health vests for oblldron 26o heavy ribbed cashmere hose special heavy flain cashmere hose special 86e infanta croohet wool jackets coo infanta bootses 26o millinery department jnat to baud a case of alpine and sailor hata in all latest shades and ebapeb 000 ohlldrcu a bonueta in velvet with silk faoing auo silk and wool bouoetb from 8100 large assortment o children velvet tame woolon lloodd and toboggan caps all sbtadee special value in velvet irimmcd hate 83 60 86 beasties grey lamb beasties 82 68 sablo beasties 84 00 obildreoa white wool beae 26c childrens while wool muffs uoo silk section special pnrobase coo ysrda of black birds eye armure silk every thread pnre regular 81 speoial price 60o black feao de solo rpeoial value regular 81 speoial 65c blaok surah silk heavv bright twill regular 76o special 50c dress goods covert snitingb all wool it in wide 55 and 06o covert suitings all wool 51 in wide 75o sedan cloth au wool loading shades 06 and 75o moreen skirtings vory special 88 inches wide all colorb 85o moreen skirtings 88 in black 85 40 and 50o thomas c watkins nisxaz goods prices 30c and 00c prepared and sold only by a t brown new fall deess goods new fall hosiery underwear flannels gloves yarns blankets floor oil cloths shoes and rubbers extra value in groceries mill street ocumey fe co acton k8ljboliollbjtuo5ub8p8s8 8 8 0 8 6 5 6 6 8 otfotnnn leys ready-to- wear rigby waterproofed freize ulsters nfade from pure wool 33 01 to the yard frieze five pockets deep flaps six it ch collar with throat tab double stich- od edge raised seams length 54 inches mine colors mack blue mid drown diab claret heather oxford blue mix ture and olive mixture waterproof vvindproof frostproof comfortable 1 lil by all reputable dealers fmm tc nora scotia to british columbia foijui l7 shoreys guarantee card in the pocket f course insist on seeing it it is 11 good inare guarantee 9 slsltjlajvlislslijias isu

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