Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1898, p. 4

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every cough makes your throat more raw and irritable every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs cease tearing your throat and lungs jn this way put the parts at rest and give thlem a chance to heal you will need some help to do this and you wilrflndiriii from the first suiet and rest ibegin ckllng in the throat ceases the spasm weak ens the cough disap pears do hot wait for pneumonia and con sumption but cut short your cold without delay torsi plaster should be over the lungs of every per son troalled with a cough write to the doctor ttnwotl ppbrtaniue and lent mine ml sa1 bean with vr chertypoctm tfoa porlenoe oxnlnentlr qualify- ni for ig yon medical rdtlee jmuttmdfeetlanltralnyc tell ui what jonr experience hu wtfl zeceiv prompt reply without coifc addroil dr j o atjeik btim wvtevtb thubsdat november 10 1898 8rje gating jfoifm tj5w difference a dear little boy wbo was bard at play sat down on the lco one day ono day sat down on tlielco ina luddon war his hands new ap and his feet new oat and ho felt very sot i havent a doubt j but ho swallowed hard and be winked fjalto fast till as rnnok as aminntoor two had passed and hover a tear did he abed not ho for ho wai a hoj with a big big b forho voaa boyyou see thon a dear lltfclogirl wont down koethuxnp and up oamo the ground with a fanny jnmp and gave hor forobaad a web little bamp thon oh the railing thatfllled the tlr and nuutio and xniroma were hurrying then and as many as fllz olg tears cams oat to nnd what the noisowasali about andsho ran to becnddled and kissed did she for sliowol a glxl with a small small g for bho was a glxl yon see clara waterman bronton in youtoi com panion a princeof his dionity there ii an amusing story at the utile german grown prince who seems to have inherited some olthe pleasing qualities of bis lather the prince waa driving out with the governess as osoal the germane cheered the little one or lifted their lists to him an he paiied to which the young prince replied by railing his bonnet at last the orown prince got bored with having continually to acknowledge the salutes ol the populace flinging himself back in bis carriage he laid to the governess i nn tired now and shall not lilt my bonnet any more to them no matter how mnoh they obeer yon are a naughty boy replied the governeis andnnleii you acknowledge the salutes of the people i shall not aontinae to drive with yon the itttle grown prinoo sat up immediately coaobman aid be 3heooaobmarj -looked- around ibtifp the carriage ooaohmaj continued the little one this lady will get cat he added wllha lordly wave of bio band towards his governess f womans aim ay jjj a woman iaid the burn fed philoso pher gets niadl at ia man if he be awkward in making love and gets madder it he makes love as if ho had lots of experience indianapolis vonrnal in the anxiety to misb none of the groat action the worlds stage it should not be overlooked that a denver woman threw atone at a man and succeeded in knocking off his hat denver jlepublican an ohio mil waa struggling with a thief when bii sister ran to his assistance and striking it the thief with an an killed her brothir and yet we speak of the aim of the new woman blbhmond times a lbuisvillo wornan laughed so heartily in a beater that ihe went into obnvulsloni mrs david labor waterford 6ht bays i can recommend hagyards- yellow oil for pains of any kind ii oared me of a distressing pain that the dootor could not cure alwaybtake tbo part of an absent peraou who is censured iri company so far as truth and propriety will allow nothing- like b3b for healing sores and ulcers ho matter how large or how chronic they may be b b b applied externally and taken internally according to direc tions will soon effect a cure it sends rich pure blood to the part so that healthy flesh soon takes the place of the decaying tissue i had been troubled with sore fingers and sore toes around the nails the salvo i was using did not help met and i was getting worse i was advised to try burdock blood bitters and after using nearly two botues my soreawero all hcaledt up i consider bbba wonderful bipod purifier bnbch ghorst bloom- ingdale oat never ooart be favor of the rich by flftttering either their vnnitiu or vices buetunatto flnflerers i have tried f ilbarna rbeomatio pills and find they do all that ia claimed for them i cannot say too much in their favor a swift 109 simooe street toronto oat one ton of ooil waa imported into tbo northwest territories last year for con sumption one laialiver fill every night for thirty days mikes a- complete care of biliousness and constipation that le ftist twentyfive cents to be onred nevershow levity when people art en- gtged in worship about rea n i see hst bishop von in his address to the class aeokltir admission to conference advised the youfag oi4ier8 to give bounty attention to thoduily newepapere but i mnqt certainly disagree with ihla episcopal dictum fori think the wise read ing of the daily newipapera ib a symmet- rioal edaottiloa while things slip in sometitnod whloh oaght to be passed by tlio editors of greai newspapers have the midas touch and know the gold of promise from the brass of profession there is no noble sentiment no true atrain of poetry po aonorons word fit to roll round tile world no gem of thought bnt finds its way at last into the columns of the daily presb the newspaper ia a fresh photograph of human life oh has it not depth of meaning for the noblest sermon i read often the advertisements of the paper and find in them tbo wit power had ulsovbopathoiijf life i thank the daily press for the living sermons it lias given me as on autumns day the wind shakes the trees and lhe leaves fall down and mako an mmethystine and golden iloor so this great tree the press shaken every day shakes down its white leaves upon the world leaves of knowledge leaves of heftting when laeeayonng minister who wjeljr reftde the daify paper i am snre he is grow ing in graoe at least oh that spot where it ia thonglit the average minister is bidly deffoient why he quit a swede who was one of a gang pt men employed in a large planing mill in av northwestern town went ono day to the manager of the mill and remarked that he thought johnson tbo foreman had quit what 1 said the manager johnson quit why man he baa been in oar ataosjm tweirtyyeare7 well i tank he quit said the swede he has never complained bald the manager and besides he was the beat paid- man in the mill why bhonld ha quit has he a better job i tank he qnit replied the swede doggedly then motioning to the manager to follow him he led the way to a place in the boom from which the logs bad been removed the water was olear and deep and on the bottom of theriver lay the body of johnson the foreman there said the swede triumphantly pointing to the drowned form yon tank johnson he quit mad to tell someone if youd been halan hour later she said i dont know what i ehonld bave done whats happened he asked why mrs gadding next door baa been in here with saoh an extraordinary tale which she made me promise i would never breathe to a living boo i that it has seemed aa if i positively oonldnt wait fpr you to oome home to tell yon abouuit obfosgo po9t tie heart and news are often affected and canse probation of the entire system a kingston lady testifies to hcrer- pcrlcricc in the use of mil burns heart aud wcrvc pills ciroiiia for infiantra and ohildreu the germs of consump tion are everywhere there is ho way but to fight them if there is a history pi- weak lungs xi the family this fight must be constan t and vigorous you must strike the dio- ease or it will strike you at the very first sign of failing health take scotts emulsion of codliver oil with hyppphipsphites ttgives the body power to resist the gerrris of corisumpr don 50c and 106 atl druniita scott a dowmb oiemlau torenu -fttfu- tuaus- yi urn vnppm never judge a persons oharaotcr by di- tarnal anpeirance bolls banilbcd mro j morrayv charlotte town p e i writei about six months ago i was troubled with painful boils and got one bottle of b b b which completely oured me fightinahqt btuincm said willie as he read about the reaimento fint thlnij they got peppered at by the enemy and then thoygot mustered out by their own gotmbnt- r dr agnews bare for tbo beats gty relief in 80 mfnateiin most aoate ossei of heart disease one dose is all that is need ed to oonvinco the molt skeptical tdoub- ands of lives bave btsn saved through itl timely nee it iaoneof the wonders of modern raedioal aoitnoe bold by kv brown- say as utile as possible of yourself and lhosewhosrenear to yoa weak lnnrs i was troubled witha sore throat and weak lungs and was completely oured by dr woods norway pine syrnp frank jennings ooldwsleronl neveraffeotto ibe wluyvor jelt so oa to woaod tbe feeling of soother there aro no coal roeaenres from new brunnwiok westward ontil the province of manitoba is reaobed the coal areas of manitoba are roughly estimated at 16000 e uiil r r iifr iiieri eaclcnchc end kidney trouble niako a lliifax indys life mit rabe coans klbhet pixls cored her- it would bo well if every lady in cnnada understood that pain in tlio back and backnche were hoi lilnjrmore nor loss linn f cr of tlio disordered kidneys for holn iliindreds of ladies have found doan kidney pilljbblcssing riving them relief ioin all their sulterlng and sickness among- thoiie who prize ihorn highly s stanley 8 comwallli st r i inllfax ns she say that she was troubled with a weakness and pain across tlosmnllorhcrbackwblcliwasaointerise nt itmes that she could hardly stoop henrlng- of doanskidney rfutsfogoi completely removcrtjthajsjmmrt- d enva tons hfiift fisrf back and gnve tone- arji entira ayatem- mnfsl that her husband m witt icro are many people who catch cold casilywhoo luncs seorn to need spectnl enrb nnd strengthening such should take broo wokwfir rine 5trjr it so heals and invipornlcs the lungs arid bronchial tubes as to render thehi capnble of resisting colds 4i was troubled for years with weak lungs lays k j furling werwoodlock n b and could not get any relief but on trying- dr woods norway pine syrup it acted splendidly heal- 4 infrnndjlrenglheningmyluntfs price 35 and joe at all dealers pcoplo whosufferfrom any discaseof disorder of the henrr- nprvous system such aa palpitation skip beats smother ing or sinkmgsonsaiions sleeplessness weakness pain in tlio head etc can- riot nffprd to waster lluiq- trying- various remedies wliiih unve nothing- more to bnck up their clninislhnn the bold osser iions of their proprietors these diseases are too serious to per rhit of your experimenting with untried remedies when you buy- milburns heart atjd nerve pills you know you have behind thorn the testimony ofthous ands of canadians ivlio have been cured by thiiir use oil v of these is mrs a w irish 92 queen street kingston ont who writes a fnlloivs i have suffervd for some years with asmothcring- sensation caused by heart disease the severity of the pains iri my heart caused me much buftcring i was also very nervous and rny whole system was run down and debilitated hearing of millmrna h il nerve pills being- a specific for these troubles i thought i would try them and therefore got a box at mcleods drue store oiji they afforded me great relief toned up naywyftein ahd ujeirtoved the distressing symptoms from which i suf- fered 1 can heartily recommend these wonderful pills to all sufterers from heart trouble thevii of all it is commonly known as grippe paines celery compound the only medicine that can cope with the dread visitor the old eneny grippe ia now prevalent in many seotiouh of tbe land and as in the past it is the same old insidious foe ornel and deadly the late eminent english physician sir morrell maokenzie held that grippe was the resnlt of poisoned nerves sir morrell compares it to an extraordinary disturbanoelnthoteleraph prodnoed by a thiinderatorm which 1a nqtbingrcompared with the fresks played by the hiring oondgotdre in the human body when the governing centres are ont otgear it is certain thai the majority of medioul men now agree about tbo tbeory of poifioo- od rjerveb wbiuh explains the almost infinite variety of tbe attaoka that mark the disease the profound impression made on the nervous dybtem by the poison explains all the after effects of the malady and more especially that our lone loss of vital energy experienced by vidtimb of la grippe in past seasons when grippe waa epidem lo- the most able and tbooghtfnl doolors prescribed painos celery compound a medicine that dots directly on the nerves of the body cleansing them from all dead ly poisons toning and bracing up the entire system in this way fresh vitality ia jniokly bebtowed and sound health restored the mysterious visitor grippe may pass mtnyof us this autumn and winter we have however no gnarantee that we shall beapared so that it baboovoa as all to be prepared for the arob enemy to those who are run down weary tired steaplesa7nerv6ub wholia7ve periodidar headsiobe and- debility we bay use palnes celery compound to fortify tbe system for all emergencies v practically strong men and women are not readily attnokeid by disease the balfwell aod weakly tnortala aro the qrst viotlmu a 1 the time precaution and prevention are alumportant the ban iah moot of nervoub- biejs sleepleesnesp langaidrieis debility kiidneadaoue should bo first tboufihts with old and young to safely guard against grippe and all com moo diseases paines celery com pound ie the one effealive raedioine the only eure preventative of danger do not be misled by dealers who attempt forthe sake of large profits to substitute aomethiog they call just as good wbere betfth ja oonoerned there is no other modi- clce that oantake the place of paines oelory oomponnd and give satiafaotipn to those who are anxious of aeoaring a new life that the lies th5a5ks jpsiafsrsjtr fitvrtv latest use8 of qtass lsxallver pllli con blllouanlm byi- pepslssnd conitlpallon every pill perfect the latest nse of glisiii initetd of gold as a materialfor stopping- decayed teeth it apswers splendidly and is far lesa oonepiouous than the yellow metal 01 obtuse itianot ordinary glass bat ia pre pared by some new patented process wbibh repdera it bolt and malleable glass too ii being extensively used for ohuroh belle it- oan bo toughened so that there is no risk of it orank and the tone is slid to be ibeypnd anything boft andidnoroni yefinvonted perfeot where was the squint an ill uat ration of the ridlcalous and annoying way in wbioh a obareh choir will sometimes ran together the words of a hymn jb afforded by the remark of a small boy in oxieof the front pews of a largo and fashionable charob the hymn being the ooneeoratod cross id beat had just been sung and in tbe momentary quiet wiiioh followedthe small boy tnrfed to bis father and asked in an earneit whisper a and visit onr store and showrooms during this week whether or not you are supplied with suitable clothing for the coming cold weather is the question we have to consider during the next ten days we will show some exceedingly good values in ladies childrens arfti mens clothing ladttes note ladies mantles 9300 to 81000 ladles mantles special range at 500 mibaej coats from 9250 to 9375 the most complete and nattyrange of dress g00ll we have eversnomn ioa our counters at rock bottom prices gentlemen mens tweed suits 9356 to 9xbw mens fine filack suits 9 1000 to fr 1250 mens jfirie beaver overcoats black and navy 9750 to 81150 hi mill street acton r blaerbrownand blaclrbeavers blue and brown fiieltons fancy curleacloths all shades venetians and fancy cloths all shades all new cloths and uptodate made to order firatoioss from 16 to 30 a coat see our special blue and black serge suiting at x6 a suit one price onlv renelson merchant tailor and mens furnisher wherever the free press coes it is always a welcome visitor because it contains the latest local news along with a large amount of useful and interesting mat ter then it is clean no doubtful or un wholesome advertising matter being accept ed hundreds of dollars worth of adver tising offers which many other papers accept ire thrown into the waste basket annually by us why because we value the good opinion and confidence of tbe puttie above the profit therefrom that wo enjoy this confidence may be seen by our subscrip tion lists which are constantly increasing and are always open to inspection h p mootre editor a publisher i lay pa where do they keep the conso crated oroiieyed boar oasst4jr there must be a woman in the moon i instead of amaii otherwise it wouldnt i ohange so often milburns sterling headaoho powders i onre the worst headaoho in from five to twenty minutes and leave no bad- after effects one powder 6o 8 powders 10o 10 powders 26o instruction in elooution may tacb a man bow to talk but nofortonalely not what to sy oatah ha will be bountiful iftli blmple oold in the head is kratlerted now dr ainens caurrbal powder is natures believer ths is tbe eedine i lm for that dread mwyifstsv lbs gas trasltrmay not make tnettrorld any better but theyluikeit allttle brighter there never wis sod never will be a universal panaocaioonoromody ilj ills to wbioh flesh is heir tho very natnre of many cniatives being snob that were the germs of other and differently seated diseaoesrootedin the syitem of tho pationt what would relieve one ill in tarn would aggravate the other we- have nowaver in quinine wine when obtained in a soahd anadolterated slate a-reroedy- for many and grlnvoni ills by its gradaal jadloioai aie the fr ajlestsyatemb are led into ooq valescsnce and strength by the inflaenoe wbioh qainine exerts on natures own restoratryes it relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronlo state of morbid despondence and lack bf intoreit in life is a diseaae sort by tranqalllzlnb nerves disposes to eoand and refresh- ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of tbe blood whloh being illmnlaled ooorsei ithrougboot the veins strengthening the jbsaltby animal fanetionk of the system tthrrsby making activity a necessary resnlt strngthnlnb the frame and giving ufa lo shi digmliv organ wbioh naturally damand incrsawd sntxlance reanlt im- rovad appetite northrop a lyman of loronto have itiven- to tbe pabllo tbeif iqoinlne wins at tho uinal rate and taotesd by the opinion of aolenllats ibis jsim spproaches nearo1 perfection of any n tbe market all druggists sell it sswiit- the isiwrtepiffla riiwortbseursonm attmbutsrthelr atiut south amsrloan kldnsty cure dubstes corva au bladdep aumants kidney diseases the most in sidious of all diseases common to humanity within tho past few years medical science bas mode wonderful strides in coping with ts ravages south american kidney cure has proved rich in healing power and every day testimony is piled up for its great curative quali ties where ludnoy disease exists it is generally indicated by certain chutasesin the nrine such as mucus sediment albumen brick dust acid arid blood paia is not necessarily an occprnpaniment which only aggra vates theinsidious nnture ofit test ing and experimenting hoe disclosed tho fact that the passing through theso organs of the sollcl particles in theordinary course ofclrculatiori do in n remarkably short while clog up grind out and impair them so that tbo functions of those organs aro not performed and diseases lays hold on thepatlcnt witharuth1ci3 hind kidney disoafios require arollm south american kidney cure is a solvent it a kidney sjiecific claims to be no moreit has lcen lestcd by eminent medical authoritlsb on kidney dlrcahcs and proved and testified to by thorn nsthe surest and safest cure fornll diseases of tlte kidneys and bladder its a purifier- a healer a health builder efficacious allko to man orwdman qoed new from the north country bcfnnto rcatlie for himself that his cake was a young machinist ih a lartte manufaeliirtnic con- hopeless ho took his case lit bis own hand io- sm in njrihrn finmrin fn- a v n ir tli trnnlnrrl fo fii fnr h hf hn rirmr ropsleal form of kldnay dlaoah through at- satisfaction or 9wm your money back there is a difference in guarantees some are only vague promiscsmode by salesmen with nothing back tf them we put a guarantee card in the pocket of each partnent which is as strong and binding- to a notarial contract here it is at l this card is a guarantee that the cloth in thla garment lma been thor oughly sponged anil sftxirjfk and the workmanahlp it fully guaranteed jt shore y a cc montronh shoreys ready-to- wear clothing can be purchasedfrom at least one reputable dealer in every town and village in canada ask for shoreys rettdytowear clothing and insist on seeing the guarantee ticket railwat time ttlf jjh grand trunk railway ooino wkbf q0iho baet mail 10 0 btcl bxprosi s 26 pm mall 7 15 pm bzpreia 6 sfiizn express 10 ooitn mall 0 14ptx mixod 10 osiixq time ov 0xo6imtl mailb qolqg west d 40 am nrl 6 60 pm going east 10 s3 am and 8 60 pm thla time talilo trout into offect op monday may lfltb 1b98 w barber bros paper makers geoegbtowqstv- onl hub 1bfs0luttov machine finished bdok papers r hiohoeare wbeklznews the paper nsedl in this journal is from the above mills tim babber t buos empire typetzsrriter price 5600 visible writing h addition tool the advantages of the iao oo raachinejs the only typewriter manufactured in canada pullv cuhrknt99d circulars them and testimonials write for the williams mtg co uakori of oolebratod new williams bewuir machlnob llrhlted m brhntford calvanized steel for fowar ond pomp- infiwithlu ternml govbttd demr patent roller too bmubtmriegs imaple leaf jlfeells two sizes for attv power no i has xo inch reversible burrs wo z has 8inch single burrs both have bal bearing b urr plates relief springs and shako feed grind fine and fast with least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use we make patent roller and ball bear ing steel windmills of all kinds the finest in the market bos material light es running send for illustrated catalogue brantfpri jhmih mospheria changes in followirihhlidailyl taiwoirtioiiiniahilctl iraiiaii ftt- ylnbora he coniimiodttitf wftrktiflui loqtiit by hephjrtlolanfrotn whom hhdbcn recelvlnr troatmenf ha tialtssd toronto and consulldt an eminent authority off kldnry ctu- oasct- tbodoclortentblmhomewlthtishopcrul a atory of hlmulf qb he eculd fflve but wrolo privately to ilia young nuns physician that it wmm only a mailer of tlmo with hlnj until dcnlh wbuu elrft another kldny vlcum vben ho hmenhre forehtnnra of nerroua coiibipk south american rheum ayic uta who have rtr- dr aonr fire nlghta j5 etc m h pn wttb tnanyaocallcdcnroa ulthoutroflcf south atnerlcin kldrmycure waa brought to bli notice t 1i1a a- ii j lit llia itr slops and warerooras rootoi wuiow st calls attended to day or might j a speirjht fo co john jtcqueen agent for the above has changed his ware rooms to building on w t smllha property john street where may be seen rnost s wood bntvkss and mowxrs and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs n my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueem atnerlcin kidnoyclire waa brought lo hlmotlce and like everything eliorherrll1tftohll aatonltlimenthebngan lo feel belter under its use lie canunnodto galnstreniiih hatooksti boltlei and toay that aame rounarnnn can bo found it ihntrsaine- ulhe worklnx for tiat nino concern hate and tieartya lha lint day he went thora rlaslvolall ilia credit io south amurlcnn kidney cure cure lluuftctllon and all stomach trotililoa llflcil men on a bed of pain nfttr a tow da- mwijrrlmbrican nbltvinlji a nerve hosier tunneraof mbricar whonavenotbasajreflfrotnstillerlnrtfor tears dr aanbvvs olntntimt euros blind bloedlnff llchtns or ulaeratlng pllas in from three la people like lo listen to advioe only when tttroflrmi thelrownoploioni sold by a t brown most people neglect dolnsi tomorrow whit they oan have put off doinj today good times coming uodsr the nie of scotts erooliloo all tin organs and tissues take on now life twrmlnd act with more vigor tbe beart beats stronger and the blood la greatly enriched the hog may bsarnuealer but be never osvti aiiytbinx away flr lows a safe sure isssdrgiiahls jsorm expelltr acta squally jwironlldrsn or dolts be surejoii psklimv thsra lino insurance against tbe flame kindled by a womans eyei 8tuck to lows undertakers andewbal latest styles experienced attention mtciasslhearse moderate charges a wellassorted stockatreasorialiieipri vour inspection invited orders left with j n eliniorjymilww receive m i m ii we bata tried a good many woriu medl- cinea bat during the past five yeara have stuck lodr lowvai it proved to be lbs best bamuel t sargeont broekvllle ont i f min doeiut always the painstaking suffer the moat lasilier pills cure eonitipallon andfi iilllonioesi they work without grip 0r il gripe and naver fall 4n do good prlos to alilixl t- 1 ili fs fer4vhiioi blssmtssssshiismswil 7jiimtitfw va

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