Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1898, p. 1

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voltjmb xxiv iso 20 aotolit ontario thubsday novjembeb 17 18jt8t price tniljejs cests sij rtnir jfm press ib fususnbo every thursday morning at ths free prcsahteam rrlutidp ootco mill street aoton ont tanue of sanaomption ono dollar per year strictly la advance all auhiorlptiona disoon tinned when tho time for whloh they bavo boon paid has oxplrod tho dato to which every ittbiorrptiotrlsiiaidlb denoted onthe address ubol anrxntisbta iuthb transient advertise tnenta iqoenta por nonpareil line or flrat in sertion i pants per line for oaob subsequent aaertlon ootftbiat rates tho following tsvblo bbowb ur rates for tbo imiortion of advert homo nts for peolfled periods avion c l ts 1 a no a mo i mo m inches lolnobes sloshes linah 60 00 85 00 90 00 600 99 00 90 00 19 00 dm 19000 is oo 700 900 7 00 800 aw 100 advertisements without speolflo dlxeotiona will be inserted till forbidand ebaurgod accord- ngly transient advertisements must be paid n advance advertisements will be obinged once eaoh month if desired for changes cmtener than nae a month the composition mast be paid for at regnlai rates ohanseiforoontractadvertlsomonts mast be nthe office by noon on tuesdays aoeoants payable monthly hpmoobb editor and proprietor vtsstlttjqsi wtt tttotq mstncxr tohn m macdonald m d c m bdcce8bor to j f tjrkn m d g m offloe and residence corner mill afredertok btreeta anton tr rjr torster bocceaaob to gil a b elli0tt lite roaldont physician and burgeon to vic toria hospital for blok children toronto omcbmill street lately oooupltd by dr euott tr dryden era bar tuboat and nosh mclean block douglas fit near f o quelph omoi hotraa 10 a ra to lpm andato6pni buwhats 10 amtolpm dental l bennett lds denxibt j oaoaoirowtf ontabio j p coghlan ddslbs dentist wonxoabrrrtaydons pniobb moderate omcb oven bbown dona brews houns bvbby dat vbok 9 to 6 jm bell odd b ldfl m hbktx8t bbooetixiut homos qraimatb or toronto uwivbbbttt work znada satisfactory prices moderate vibtttno datb monday altcrnoon camp- bellvilloj tuesday acton offlceolatv hotel prtday bookwooa dr g h cook dentist cor college st and spadlna aie tobonto will vialt acton on tbo first and third satur days of each month office mr adam cooks residence main street leoal m oldajn mclean barrlsteri bouoltors hotarioi conveyancer so frivato landi to loan offloo town hallaoton wm a mollis jho a itolsih a j maokinnon bablubtxit bolioitob convsramobb omicsailu street in mattbews block upstairs rb moleod v abkutzb bolicixob 0ohv3tasobd mala street georgetown monty to loan t loweet oarredt ntee ttj j monabb olmkbourtidivialon court county of hal- dn oonveyauoor agent flreudluf e aeauranoe beelbstate agent money to loan etc a ovylcxferryman ibloolt aoton 0nx joscellanxovs henet qbibt otxawa oahasa bolieltor of fatente for intentlon eto prepares anpilonuone f or tie 0dkiiio anier- 5snini5boropn ptent offline ajil for the ltj3tttl0e of trade maik send for pun- pmlt tjilrvr wo ye elporlenoe 1ctban0i8 honan bookbindeh wnahm8t onelpu ontario w otarw aooonnt booki of all klndi made to order parlodleaiiof erorydeeerlptlonaarefauyooqda btdlncnoailtnnrt promptltdode m abbiaai3 licenses n p moobb imincn o minnnna licman prkatsoiboil noiritnenea required luned ref idenca in tlie evening freo preu omoe acton w bthbmbtebbt iiiomsid aootioiiim the oxford self pronounc ing teachers bible with 280 pages revised teachers mat ter to june 1896 red under gold edges leather bind ing yapped edges printed off new plates size 8x5 inches weight 2 pounds binding very flexible good value at 4 to 5 i will mail at 125 in stamps quantity limited send your order early t j day days bookstore guelph after receiving this bible if it does not please return jt and the money will be re funded for the coomloi of wellington and balton ordotloittthefmlrioim offloayaotort or atmrrmldidoaln aoton will fee promptly ended to peesrodaoedto tgoo fob farm saubb- alas rdonay to loan on the moatlatorablo umit and it the loweet rate of lotsrmtfn noofvmoand pwarde walungton mutual company fra irmuranoe w barber bros paper makers georoetown ont vax a bpiouln of machine finished book papers amd- high 6 bade weekly news the paper dsod in thia journal ia from the above milla wm babbeb blios acton liveey bus line the andorsignod robpootfally loll oltathepatron age of tbo public and informs tbem that well equipped and stylish rigs can al ways bo secured at his stable a qomfortablo baa meets al trains between 9 am and 18 p m carofal attentjonsltentoeteryoraer the grants of commercial travel lers folly met john williams pbopbiktob everton and eden mills the place to go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed ac for sale chopping every day at everton mllla and every tuesday thursday nnd saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop k ngbby suit for fall and winter cooper akins thetailor8 now is your time to get a nobby suit for fall ana winter as wo have just opened up a fine selection of imported tweeds serges and worsteds and are prepared to take your order at rfgbt prices fit and workmanship guaranteed first- olasa and up to date overcoatings a good range of fall overcoatings call and inspect our stock before leaving your order cooper st akins main st acton latest and best designs of mon vw6nts in granite and marble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction j h hamilton proprietor granite marble works is the only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton come nnd see tbelargest and best imported stock in ibe dominion prices for granlle imported slock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granlle otoot ud noibbatnitoirsbxxck woolwich ahd nortolksts qu8lph ont bnaoh wonkwiw hunburz oat t5- brlng your custom logs in and take the mmor home with traders bank of canada capital authorized capital paid up 1000000 700000 guelph branch wo are now lamina money ordon payablo at par at any branch of ghartorod baot in canada exoepttng the yukon dlatrlot at the following rates tjuderfilo 1 b conta 10 to eao 10 cants 30 to 930 13 conta 30 to 0 h cents highest current bate of interest fiald on btjms deposited of 91 and upwards dturoit allowed from datp of dapoilt to date of withdrawal and paid or compoupdod half yearly advances made to xospoiibibjo farmortf on their owu names at tho iowoat current rates noohargo made for collootlog sales notes f payablo in quelrh a gouoral banking buslnosb transaotod a fitjonb9 alan niter snider rifles the third lot just in they are going with a hop step and a jump at the price 300 if you want one youd better buy soon they wont last long j m bond co hardware guslph mckee8 parisian balm for the hair a perfect tonic hair dressing for promoting the growth and beauty of the hair and preventing it from falling out cleanses and invigorates the scalp thereby preventing dand ruff try a bottle 26c prepared only by j d mckee acton ont the namo mckee on every bott guarantees its fine quality cuelph sa the entire stock o w a christies picture and art department bought by us at a low figure big bhrgkins in all lines waters bros new store next pringles we hitch the dollar u-toa- blgger load than it ever drew before our entire stock op footwear at lowest prices to cash buyers fall- winter stock complete while others burn the midnight oil in marking up prices pre- pariufr forasaleourprlcesgo scoot ing down the toboggan slide of genuine low and reasonable prices w williams boots and 8hoes acton 1831 1899 0frg when tho voloo of our thankislvios turkey rolls spouting and bubbling ooohng against tbo novonabor tide murky aa wator leaps opt of a jag- no wondor with drpoped abashod pinion canada s mapio gives way irato and throwi up its dominions to the popular fowl for a day what glory to rolffnon tho platter proud creature- while greatest and least of ton goes of all people bespattor thy form with tneir praise t what feast to feel youre the real inspiration of every sharp soltltlllaqt thing that falls from tho month of a nation imsd bird laorlooial and singl fov thiok youiro tbo actual power that f liahes the big social car up tho holghts there our souls for an hour tholr promised land vlows from afar whore tinged in holy daysplendor on top of a mountain of self our hearts can fladt time to grow tender away from tbo lowlands of pelf tho wholo of oor future youro storlnfi with food of say laugbtor and sopg o or moments unseasoned are pouring tbo gravy of mirth rich and strong at memorys haartli wo will taste you wo vow as we taste yon today while blest reoollootlon will baits yon and tors you forafor and aye elal jamily taut country c tale of an pen joor there really was no telling how long the had been hvioa there all alone raoept for the two servants even the sonants fthem- belvee could not have told flosaa the 000k if yoa had asked her about ft would have said law chile dont ask me seech ques tions ise been ssliet up id diiiher house eo long isa ftot pi am moldy and if the years had not left mold on the mindi and the heart of the lonely old woman in the upper rooms it was not booause the time had been too short people wondered what kind of woman ehe could bava been when aha was young bat that did not really matter they all know very well what kind of woman she wao now not that she was eo very old either she had bimply made herself old by siltinff alone and shutting ont the sunlight and thinking hard bittor thoughta and getting wrinkles in her face and gray fn her hair any one can do that who trieb very hard bat whether it is tho beat thing to do that is the question imaginative people bald that ehe bad been imblttered by a groat disappointment long ago and that h had turned ber into a aoar gloomy old reolaae bating the world and everybody in it bat after all when yon oame to ask about these stories they were all hearsay of the two servants in the kltoheo one was sanaa who knew just when to do everything and jaet how to do it because sho had done the same things at the same time ever day daring all those years when she waa growing moldy the other was jane the hoasemaid jane had been there only six years and susan told bar every day that itabe didnt quit dlsreaaenabor- in everything that she was told she woald oertainlygit her walkin papers perhaps the threat bad been repeated too often and had lost ite effect at any rate jane went on disrememberln with tho oalmnesb of perfect confidence in her safety and left doors open and forgot to look gates and was altogether a trial to the method ical susan year after year this old woman bad been alone she bad a great fine house bat she lived in a little corner of jt she had great quantities of money bat she peed very little of it she had no friends or if she hadi ehe never saw them in all susans recollection of fcor she had never done any body a klpdnobs the servants bad orders never to feed a tramp and as for giving money to beggars why dear mo such a thing was never dreamed of bat it was jane tusttended it jane had gone oat to the ooalhouae and had oome in with a scuttle of coal and perhaps it ts needless to state knowing what we do of her that she left every door open on her way np etlrs aaahe set tho scottte down in the corner she heard tho wellknown oommand shut the doors as yoa go back jane and she gave the stereotyped reply yea mia a mam i top to it so she went baok shutting all the doors bat it was too late then the mischief was done something had whisked into the room before yoa oould tbiak and be fore the eubo of janes footsteps had died out of the room there was the roundest funniest gray kitten running np bliss ar- nams dress and scrambling into her lap onoe there it looked her in the eyes atretahed ont ite soft little paws and rnewed in the most wheedling caressing manner known to mttenhood ibe old womsn did not throw the kitten down orpuph it down or shnt it outside the door she started to do all three bat instead she only sat there looking at the little ball of gray while it closed and en closed its paws 00 her folded hands well what do yoa want t she said presently the sound of her own voice startled her it bad been 10 iodr since she had heard it ezoept in giving orders to the servants there never was so oh a kitten the moment she spoke to it op it want hand thoroughly at home there this was that kitten when jaue went up stairs to anoounao the next meal as was ber oaatom aho ro turned to the kitchen almost tottering and with distended eyoa i bloebo mis arnam done gone crazy 1 ebo oried sheaottin up derewlf a kitten in ber lap an she say foryou to fotob ber dinuer np toer an a bosaer o milk for do kitten i g way from here nlggahl aried susan and she harried to ber mistress room to disprove janes story sho returned with flower footsteps and a frightened faoo mrs arnam bad said to her jyesi i want my dinner hero suaao until the kitten gets need to the bo use i have never hd kitten before i dont know why i have never thought of it deys somefln wrong wif alia xjfea- hetb said susan when ehe had gained the saored precincts of the kltoheo and jane had assured her that the sbojy did look pale longas i been atayin here she aint never et in her room jit and now she gwlne ter eat dere on account ob a measly little oat on the seoond day a queer thing happen ed the kitten had performed what it considered a great feat and mxa arnam laughed tbe sound of the laugh frighten ed her and it sent the kitten soarrying qnderfbe bed it came oat presently and growled at her a a gentle intimation not to try that any more and that made her laugh again jane swooping in the next room heard it and left her work anlioish 4 to tell sasen bat susan boornfally warned her not to come tellln her no eech trash there were bounds beyond which sasaas credulity could not go of coarse jane left the doors open again before a week was oat she declared that be shot ebery one ob em bat she mait have left thorn open for how else did the kitten get oat at any rate before any one knew it the kitteu was gone and was not to be foaud anywhere abont the house when mistreus and eorvante had search ed everywhere iu vain mra arnam shot herself up in her room again and bat down before the fire the little areata ro that had distracted ber thougbta for a few days and had made ber forget herself was gone and onoe more abe wae a lonely old woman more lonely and miserable than she had been before she eat there looking at gloomy aoanes in the glowing aoals until bhe could endure it no longer and then she arose and walked abont tho room and finally threw up a window to get rid of the choking pain in ber throat and when she leaned oat into the cold air what do yoa think she saw 7 jaat below her eeated on the doorstep was a ragged httje boy with her kitten in his arms in a moment she was down stairs and had frightened tbe child so that be ooald do nothing bat stand and stare at her what are yoa doing witb m kitten little boy she demanded grimly taiat your kitten 1 its mine 1 ho replied clasping it olober how did it happen to be yours i should like to know asked tho angry old woman it was horned mine was the eimple explanation and then tho womans heart sunk she had never once thought that tbe kitten might be homebodys property beforo it came to her and now behold sho had had no right to it from ihe first bhe was about to go in and cloeo the door bnt she paused to aak ooldly what were you doing on my dooretop we was awartmn ourselves said the child and this reminded him of his own discomfort eo that he bogan to ehiver and to shrink together truly it was a bitter day even in that sunny nook tho cold was intense the ohild was blue with it she bad not notic ed that before come in and warm at my fire yoa and the kitten she aaid now what had come over her what magic spell bad been working on that hard old heart she sat in her armchair watching the ohildjhaw and grow rosy red in the grateful warmth as he sat on the hassock before the fire there was no sound in the room bat the soft oraokjing of the horning ooal and tho gentle purring of tbe kitten and after awhile tbo ohild began to nod ovoroome with drowsiness he slipped down to therng at last and stretoh ed himself out there and when the kitten orept into his arms ho murmured it always sleeps wid mo to keep mo warm after awhile tbe old woman arose boftly and covered both the sleepers with blankets and slipped a pillow under the ohildshead poor little toqied onrls how pretty they woald be if they were brushed i the withered hand touched them softly when had tbat band ever been laid on a childs head before and then as though asham ed of soob weakness she eat down again and resolutely looked into the fire what was this child more than any other there were hundreds of buoh children in the streets bcrq thieve a every one of them ready to repay kindncba by stealing anything they ooald lay their bande en bat it was no use she couldnt keep from looking at tbe ohild and somehow it did seem pleasant to hear his soft breathing in that room that had been silent so long and after she had watched and listened awhile she went ont into another room and opened a drawer that had beon shut i dont know bow many years and took oat a childs cloak a long warm cloak that wonldsnrsly ooverthatuttlsflgnia jnlhn him how he laughed at that a thlo little laagb that brought tears to her eyes ob it wsb wonderful how those eyes of bors wero improving i and yet she did not say a word exoept to ask him where he lived and then she told jane to take care of tbo boy and the kitten until she came back and bho wrapped herself np and went out she was gone a long time when ehe returned her eyea were bright and moit and looked almost like a pair of new eyes she sat down and took the child and kitten both in her lap little man bhe said ive been jo aoo your uncle and aunt theyve had biokneea and havent been able to take care of their own ohildren and so im jtoing to send them all the whole family out to a great big farm of mine where theyll get well dud make a living and you are going to live with dip and be my little boy tbe child contemplated her with serious oyes after a while be asked doubtfully an the kitten too ob yea indeed oried the old woman tbe kitten too they bad cupper there together after ward all three of tbem and eaoh a hungry boy as tbat waa and what a pleasure it was to aee him eat i why this rioh old woman shut np in hor gloomy thoughts had never dreamed there ooald be a ohild aa hungry as that in all ihe world 1 and afterward when the little fellow insisted upon wearing his new shoes to bed jane and susan bad to bu called up to see that and they made a regular holiday of it i dont know how many years it is blnoe those old walls bad echoed to snob laugh ter when suban saw the grim austere old woman actually persuading the child to jet the shoes lie in a chair where he coald touoh them and when she saw her put the kitten into bis arms she remarked to jane in an awestruck whisper hit do pear to me like de merlennium mua be jea roan de oorner and that wasnt the end of itl no indeed 1 why the vory next day a certain minister whose work lay among the poor and destitute received a bammons to call on an old woman who had refased to bee bim when he had called at ber door onoe before and when he went there she was with a small boy and a kitten and there was a radiance in her face that did not oome from the fire light as she said i have jnst found out what poverty is yoa see a great deal of it i am told next thursday will be thanksgiving i have cot observed it for many years bat all that is changed i want yon to take this money and aee bow far it will go in giving all the poor yon know a little supply of fael and a good thanksgiving dinner and will you oome baok to me whon that is gone i want tho dinner to bo a good one mind a regular generous old fashioned thanks giving dinner oh it was a great time in that old worn ads life bat that was not all for she sect for an arohueot that very evening and began to talk over plane for a home for homeless children and while she talked the child was leaning against hor knee and aho fondled his thin little band after tbe architect was gone ehe still sat there musing late ab it wae she aaid to her self ehe might still atone for her idle bolnsb lonely life and that was not all yet for when jane oamo to the door and said with a broad grin spreading all over hor face bome- body to see you mis arnam she did not hear until the somebody came in and stood beside her and asked mather can you forgive me yet she must have been dreaming of bim for ehe looked at him as though he were part of tbe dream this handsome man with a mouth ab firm aa her own but in a moment she had wakened and was in hib arms orying out to him while tho tears rained down her cheeks ob dick my little boy my own little lad dont ask forgiveness of mo i i need it bo mnoh morel and there wab susans face in tbo door way illuminated with a radiant grin for had she not known where mas dlok was this long time and had she not gone to him tbat very morning anuftold bim maa dick nons yo time to make frions wit yo ma for sho eholy is like anodder omen 1 and there was tbe little boy in dicks arms before yon coald think and friends with him from the very first minute and there was the kitten running op the table oover and t ambling down again and making a perfect whirligig of itself in tbat nemd pursuit after its own tail and altogether there never wsb each a happy time susan began that very evening making preparations for tbe most delightful thanksgiving dinner that ever wae oaten and wbilo ahe worked she ohcokled with delight and took all tho qredit to herself booause ahe had bronght jlae dick home in the very nick of time bnt then there waa the little boy who had melted tbe hard old heart ready for dicks coming and there was the kitten which had bronght tbe little boy and there was jane who had left the doors open for he kitten and so bat what does it matter how the thanksgiving got into tbat house so that it oamo philadelphia times gunboats shipped by rail fishing por sponge6 while tbe british army is pushing its w up th nil vall i is auhi a most wonderfnl naval exploit this is the carrying of gunboats along with tbe soidtorsby railroad to take war ships ashore and overland seems like a comic opera campaign at first glance but it is really a very sew6oi and lolenttfid method of waging war these ganbeata which are oat info sections and loaded upon ireifiht oars will- be put together after the fashion of a portable oanoe and launched upqo the upper nile tfala is done to over- corn tbe oldworld obstacle the oataracta of tbe nils but these gunboats are no woodep scowuse affairs they are up-to- date steel vessels to carry one of them requires a whole train of a dozen flat oars when put together they are 140 feet long with a beam qt 21 feet each one wll carry an armament of at least two three or sixpound guns and several smaller machine gone yet with thii battery formidable enongb to tarn loose oa the arabs along ihe river banks these boats wludrawbut one foot ten inobes of waur they are flatbottomed with ourved sterns and turbine propellers hua employing avow kqown device for operating in ahal low water philadelphia record the sponges of commerce and the dried specimens of other species are not the actual animals but merely their skeletons or framework that which constitutes their vital parts is removed in preparing them for market sponges do not have he power of motion possebaed by moat animau they arc nearly ajwavs attnahod to submerged objects stnceib isimposstble for them to go in searah of food they can grow only in placea where there is plenty of food such ie they requre they are more active in fresh than in stilt water and die m a short time if exposed to the air the surface of srhving sponge ia covered with rninuto poroa through wbioh wator is imbibed oarrylng with it both tho air and tbe partiolea of organic matter necessary for the aupport of life sponges are distributed through ull aoas and are classified chiefly according to the structure of the skeleton the mediterr anean add the red aeaa are the sponging grounds of tbe old world the grounds of the new world are the bahamas southern and weateru doridti and parts of the west ladles the best sponge of commerce iu fouua in the mediterranean and ia known us the turkey or smyrna spongo it ia obtaiued by divers who go clad iu armor when diving sponges are usually obtatued by fishing for them when a sponge vessel arrives art tbe fishing grounds in the baha mas it ib anchored and tbe crew immed lately get to work the eponge ttaherd on tub consists of a email boat oalled a dingey a long hook and a water glass tbo sponge hook 10 a three pronged iron fork attaofaed to the end of a very long pole the water glass is bimply a wooden wator bncket with a bottom of common window glabb- to use it the glass bottom is thruat into the water the fisherman puts the ball around his neck and then buries his head deep in tbe bucket to exalado tbo light there are always two men to eaoh dingey one to act as aoaller and tho other as hooker while the ecu her propels tbe dingey along very slowly tho hooker in a kneeling position keeps his bead in tbe water glass looking down in tho water when a good sponge is sighted tho hooker gives a signal and the dingey stops together the adulter and hooker throat the sponge hook throngh the water and down under tbo sponge the roots are thns palled loose from tbo rocku and the game ia hauled into the dingey the work thns goes on until a boatload ia obtained and then they are taken bhore and placed in orawls to be cared tbe crawls are built by sticking pieces df brush cr stakes into the sand just out of tho water or where ft is very bhallow they remain in the orawls while uncer going maceration and the refuse ia carried of in the flow of tbe tide usually they are left in the crawls for a week then tbe fishermen remove them and give tbem a beating for tbe purpose of removing all chance impuritee after tbe beating they are thoroughly cleansed and are ready for market philadelphia jpresa he used slang sly bon said tbe old gentleman who very properly objects to slang 1 bavo been thinking over yoar request this morn ing and i am inclined to thins i may have been a little hasty io my diclaion thank you governor i believe in dearly anderstanding a case beforo re opening it now aa i remember the conversation your oall at the ofeoo wjta prompted by a desire to raise the dough yee tbat is to say- never mind i asked for no explana tion i do not seek to inquire into all tbe trivial whims of youth i accept them as i do the wild flowers among the grain they are naelons hut tboy are ohecring to contemplate there are many thinga i do not understand among tbem being golf lawn tennia and football but i do not assume to interfere with yoor innocent diversion any more than 1 undertake to keep track of the current fad if yon want to give up experiments with tbe ohafing dish and go to work with an oven i have no objootion to offer nor will i let tbe mere matter of ox poo bo stand in yoar way i was rather basy when you spoko to me about raising the dough thia morning i know that i epoke shortly but my heart la in the right place and x am too generous and indulgent to deny your slightest request here my boy is two cente go and bqy yourself a cake of yoaat washington star a lesson in patience when the eminent botanist professor ait man of glasgow was a small boy he had tbo present of a silver bit whereupon his mother was so worried with questions as to what he should do with it that ahe exolaimed really you had better go to thorn aa elliotts a woll known phar macist and bay sixpence worth of patience down the atreet marched the lad and demanded of the oherniat mr elliott please give me sixpence worth of patience mr elliott taking in tho situation at a glance said certainly my boy theroa a oh air jast sit down and wait till you get it professor ail man a endeavor to purohaao patience was a great aaooeas it has never b fuigutt hj e h cr h ju5 ah pa an mother when i wub a llttlo olmp i eat at tb tablo twoari niy mother iiu my pap latoll i lu ablo pap ud feed tnu from quo bicio mapiwy from th tothor l toll yo wo was chums thorn days mo an pap an mothor sundays wo d tako groat long walks through tli woods nud pastors pap he al ttytfhed acane mothor an me d ilck abtors somutliqos tlioy s ablator oug bomotlmob thoys a brother dut thoy alaya nuz us throo mean pap- an mother pap ho itovor gabblod much hold is bead down tldnkln dmntpbir tor hoar us talk north oow boll clinkln lovo btrtujkfi all poared worrlpdout flout one lhlas ernuthsr didn t al aye understand fapthatb me an mother i got bl an want away loft th farm bohlnj mo thlukla o tutt partln yet pears tochoko an blind mo count 1 d bo all safe and good witt my married brother but wo hod t part us three mo an pup ud mother hurried back ouo day found pap changed an palo an holler boon right off ho d haf to go whoro wo couldn t foliar lovin streaks all showed up thou stuck riuht to oach othor tnlkin justto keep back toars pap an mo nn mothor pap hes doa3 but mother ain t boon will be i reckon claims already alio can mo pap a foroudjer beckon life haln t long ill go mpsulf sorao tlioao day a oruthor thou wo 11 bovo good tliuo agin mo an pap nn mother purtior bills wo ii havo to climb gauntorln long old fobhfop iloar tho wild birds biuriii roucd boo tho river splashln b qodudouly lotus thrto ho lone hlco wod ruthor iloaoud bo a groatol placo fr mo nn pap an mothor 5 k gtlhlan m indianapolis journal ironical ifs if yoa are happily married it isfooibh to despair it a man ia able to cam jam o he gains everything if yoa get lost you can recover yourself at a clothing store if a man is windy bo ia apt to make others pneumatically tired if the tongue is less deceptive its booause tho heart is more so if a man is ignorant it io impossible to defeat him in au argument it out of eight ib really out of mind then all blind peoplo must be insane ie a girl advlbes a young man not to lend her brother monoy then eho is in love if somo play rights would vaccinate their playe before staging then they might take if a man ia a coward he is scorned and abased if a woman is a coward she is petted and encourgod the maid was cautiou8 the othor day an aberdeen minister was visiting cue of hla look who waa a domes- tio servant in a wellto do merchants family in the west cad qe satd i m euro youll like yoar situa tion mary tour master is such a nice straightforward ohnetlan man in abort a man that always calls a bpade a bpade servant weol air to tell the troth i oouldua eay i over heard bim onywise out o theet wi tho spado bnt i widna like ta mention what he whylos caa tho lawn mower gladstone and ireland only a stern sense of duty induced mr gladstone in hie seventy seventh year to endeavor to bring about the potficatlon ofj ireland i shall win ho said when he appealed to tho country or be hunted oat of publia life what do yoa tbiak of mr gladstone now v askod a liberal m p of mp healoy at the aloao of mr gladstones speech introducing home role i think replied mr llealy that he has elected to bo cruciued forireland birmingham cngland post a midnight mufider only a cat in tbo moonlight only a oat that a all only a song at lulddlght only a wild wleid waul only a man impulslvo only a reason down only a olutoh uuiiuibivo onl a bootjack thrown only a nuddou sally only an uttorod scat 1 ouly a corpaoln tlio alloy only a poor dead cat chicago kvemng post home dressmaking how the whole family can dress well at small cost mo need of looulntr shabby even though times are hard easy to make old qowna and bnltb look like new when one knows how it ia astonishing how ranch can bo roada from beomiagly uroioss fjarmonta by tho woman that knows how tho old faded fl t i o of s ran hn rn insubakob on cash and motn1 plan any ooininimlouod forward to mi addrai box 69 or telophons 68 will d promptly t- was tatwm j aoton machine and repair shops nesnby qbindbltj proprietor abb wall oqnlpptfl with all ih naoblnnr umsnry townsuta all repair fc maoblii- r andacrlaultaraliniplinonuandto do all kinds of asun flttlns honssnotlpe najeiioral blaoksmlablnat woodwork rspalra performed s aaasststorr mannw w o repair any maodln or implement of any raako baw ainninilf and flllxm don psaxeks proprietor has constantly on hand a fall line of lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood bto custom logs and bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done io tho best ol satisfaction prices vory cheap and made to suit the oustomers pocket p sayers 1ndi8pbnbablb to pusmmtmtvmm ai mum xtf lumbal ff tli shingle wood jsta all kinds ol wood in stool and promptly 7hrdwoodani slabs eat lore lonstli alwaje tmuend ili dtt p t i s who are about to lear r urxiio robiio or aiih sonooi a should not overlook the grist adwnt- an of a jpraotloal ooure of loetrue- oublph business college and hhftbafjttftute vaiitj bb88ion will eonuneno tneidstv beptsmbar fltb clroulauivne f r stjabp principal all country resident8 po wish to susp tjp wmh th slaglt sataorlpttoxu 2 two subscriptions 3 bo tour subscriptions 6 bpe0ial imduobmekts to raisers op bahqbb olui1b wrlta for pertloulars on tbl point free till jan i to now subscribers fo 1 89 it will bo seen tlist tho dlfferenoo between the aessoltn oooktar gbhitsuam sod ttal of otter issoouarej wekllji on of btoh em attempt to oover tbe ses jfskli day nay rmdu ba radnosd by sntung rip a l8mthan a cent a week dots wotaj dlxteronoo m jji j ou in oonunuos vonsell with some olum papox in- jtsaifbatipgtbe c5flaai idootnparotbem ont hand orwtba bosom of tbe blaok dress and before tbe old woman oould move a finger it was aotnall robbing lla pink nose on ber very ehln not only that bnt it mounted upon her shoulder and pomd io bsrataademootned4isilltyaii against ber obeek and aotaatjy clawed at bsr hair ami tumbled down into tier lap and ran baok id ber aboolder again aa tbongh it were ths greatest fan in ihe world i something stirred in the tern silsot grim old woman the totiob ol st living oroatnrs agalnel that withered face went doeper than the face bhe raised st hand and stroked the kitten and spoke to it gently suob a frollo si that kitten bid i bow it osaght her band and pretended to bite her bngen with ila rldloolont little teeth and to sorstoh then with all its olsws at onoe i how it scampered about playing hldoond leek wllb ltsowutilj jhow it swarmed tip ths enrtains and thetable covers snd looked itself ia th glali and rolled itself np in to persian nig sua en joyed eysrymlqataii thetlmt i in short ii ever there war a klttsnthit just limply took possession ol a room and made itself other room from bead to- foot bbe looked at the oloak a long time and once the roled it np and put it baok again bn then she took it ont in a hurry and went and tat down with it on a ohair unlikrriek a eurelyrtrni w a g fire that ioy old heart of here was thawing before it as the snow thaws on the southern slopes in spring and in a little while sho bad made another journey to the long ihut drawer and bronftbt ont piles and piles of olothos- good ones too that might have been for tbe ohild by tbe fire and shoea too wrspped in oiled silk as though tbsy wero msde of gold and tbe jsnnilest little hat you ever itw and then awhile liter ahe touched her bell and oommouod 5ne and disregardlor janee amomd liar laid qlve this child a warm bitb jsoe and pat tbeae ololhes on bim and then bting bim here the little fellow wae pretty in hie now olotbe despite tbe thin face that had been blue with oold that morning and what pretty outle those ware jgil as ibe had thought they woald be i tbe kitten took bint for a per tot stringer and growled at friends di a finished rebuke eodqeorge bnnell in bis iiecolleo- tloni and collections telle the followinn atory of jowelt tho fatnuuh uiastei of- balllol college tbe scene was the matters own dining room and tbe moment that tbo ladies hid let ihe room ono of ths gadits began a moat outrageous ooversalion every ono sat flabbergasted tbe master wlnoed with annoyance and then bending down the table tpward the offender sold in his sbrllleal tone shall we continue this con- vereition in the drawing room v and rots fronfbls ohair it wae really a atroke ol geuloe thns both to terminate and io rebuke tbe impropriety without violating the decorqm due from hut to guest if you have oalarrb dont dally wllh local remedies bnt purify and enriob your blood with h btranparllu tbe beet pineapples grow in eastern ooba they arovery itey o aaltlftj only little oapltalli repaired sud previous ezptruuae i not sbiolalely esuntsl dyed with diamond dyea to a taahionsble oolor aud then mdo over so that it will look quito ae well as new suits for boy a oan be mode from tho old onos discarded by tbe father and a bath in tbe wonder- wotkiogdiatnoddxjyoa will mako t look like now dreeset and cloakb for tbe littlo glrlq oan be cnado with but little trouble and sosroely any expense from oait off garments of tho oldor folki and wlionlbeobloriu changed with diamond dyes tbeimade pvere mil look as though they ffesh from the dressmaker oiamqnd oytb are made ospeoially for homctnae aud the plain dirootions on eaoh package mako it poseibe for even tho most iihxjpvrieuoed to nave poor look with thtte dypo jthoy oolor auyihing from ribbons feitbere and iparfs to heeyy ooats jackets ana gown and make colors that are fast to wssjog eolora oven htndl- omer qisnithoqo rriado by tho professional dyer tiae wesf woman in the south mrs jjjuglrjuo colored died recently at iltlm loolfitk jler ago wao ihlrty and she

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