Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1898, p. 2

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animiihon in naeiagaweya on tuesdfty nov lkt to mr mil mrs adatn andenon t daugu- tor joittd manxati home lot 88 oon 4 hiciueilns ir anton on bupdey 18th novenabor rater muim br ftfiod 63 yoare and 8 montoi mhttatt fit ffraftg thursday november 17 1808 notes and comments the detirxnlnatlon of the ontario gov ernment to eoforoe the lumber manufao- luring reflations of lbs province appear to give groat batisf aotion to the thinking pooplo ol the province tea wdndor la that this itep was not taken ions ago j-w- st john exmp p ot hum- her pigbofyfamo77hvi7tmh naraedea i probable opponent ot mr john e barber in the coining ooneat in halloo mr st john disclaims any iateutlon of proaelng bwotds with mr barber in this county there are thirty ajjiplloauts tor tho gait poalmaaterabip the member for tho county has the giving of the job he will no donbijolly theboya sdoog for s while and then tsjte it himself the pnltlon la worth about 83000 per annoro brampton coi9crvatar mr st john aaya he was never aaked to run in hilton no one ever suggested to him that ho ehonld and moreover if he were asked he would not tbinkof accept ing tbe invitation mr st johns hestd is lovol for onoo the strongest lopsl oonaer vative who oan be pot np will loevd a forlorn hope io haltori mrbt john would be bnowed under guelph mercury conrespoadents-may-debireto-wrltotlja- new governorgeneral the following la hii offiolal address bii exoelltnoy the bight honorable blr gilbert john elliott mturay kynnynmond earl of mlnto and viscount melgond ot melgond bounty of porfar la the peerage pi the united kingdom baronet ot nova sootls gover nor goneral of onn ada onr confrere mr robert holmea of the new bra clinton haa received tho unani mous nomination of the liberal party in west huron a their elandard bearer in the oooalnf byeeleotlon for the house of commoni mr holmea haa ban mayor of clinton for five year j ia president of the canadian press association and of the huron county sabbath school auoolation he is a ion of mr e holmea formerly assistant provincial librarian now of s oatharioee where mr holme waabotpds years ago mr holmea father pnrohaeed tho a in 1886 it the byword of west horon a clinton goea ay goes the riding la well founded mr holmea will undoubtedly be elected and hip frieoda throughout the province wish him thia anoceaa death op an- esteemed pl6n eer peter mann baa suddenly sum moned on sunday evanlm i manly well developed form a picture of rngked health a cheery word for every one he mot such waa peter mann br oven aa the stranger viewed him bat thia good rpana place in the home in the community in tbeoburobofnu aboiceis now vacant- suddenly be was stricken down in bis home while convening with friends in the quiet of tho sabbath evening and bis kindly voice will be beard no more he bad reached a good oldage had enjoyed a long fife in tbe tnlasl of happy and comfortable surroundings and god called him homo at the evening of life wfttont the endurance of ilokrieaaor long continued boors of pain petor mann waa born in the pariah of ltggan inverneaahire bootlanov in the year 1816 andin jnnel8s with hl wlfo and firstborn aon left the old home to hew pot a new one in distant oeoada hi parents and brotbera alexander hugh and john arrived with them in esqaeeing on the 12th september following tat a low weeka they domloiled with the lata john minn sr ait their homi near the creek a few weeks later mr maun set tled on the farm jnet east of aoton whloh haa been the homo of himself and family for oyer flf iyflve yeara he olaar- ed the farm and tilled tht virgin oh- mr harin waa a highly aeteemed and useful member pt the oommnnlly bat hi greatest activity in pnblld life wail in the the piaii to the corporation by the buautea committees p up the tiohtino byl passed a bury ad important aeaalon ol the municipal ooonoll waa held on mmdsr evening tbe tleotrlo lighting bylaw waa flnnlly pmaerl and varl matter pertaio- iog to the new enterprlae were debited an intertating feature ot the proooedlnge waathelormalpreaeotatlon by the orok- ioole olob of the reoenily purohaaed piano to the corporation through a neatly worded addreaa various other matters were die- ouased oonnoll met at eight oolock a1i the members preeent reeve pearson in the ohair the committee on finance proatnted their twentieth report recommending payment efau atooont of tho fnte pdib ofja701for printing and advertialpaj moved by i franolaaeopnded by j a murray that be report of the finanoe committee jott read bo adopted carried the eleotrlo iighl bylaw no s4 waa read thathird time and paasod moved by joo olarko aooonded by j a murrayi that the reeve and coanolllor jamea clark be authorlred to parohaae all nembsary building material eo for the ereqllon ol the power house for eleotrio lighting purijoioa carried the eogaftemenl ot w r reynolds ot stayner aa- aieotrioal engineer for tbe municipal electric lighting plant waa reported the puaagt ot the following reaolntlon at a iptolal haeetlng of the oonnoll on monday 7tb lnat waa also reported t moved by j a murray seoonded by i francis that the beeve be authorited to enter into an irreemont with w storey forthepnrahtaaot hia propert ana epworth lb c the fourth annual qatherlnct of the leabuoa of duelph district to loe meld here next woefc the fourth- annual oon veutlon of the epwcttll lijiguea of guulph diatriot xhtmllton oonlerenae will beheld in tho methodist oharoh aoton next tuesday annvwedneaciftyr waterprivilege on river btreet kootrn aa the aoton plow companya property carried the purpbase of the property from mr storey waa rtported and also that poaaea- alon had been given at this jonotore preeident william williatna of the crokioolo club introdooed meadamea 0 b smith i francis and a a btoortl and measra hb holmea mod councillor murray membere of the boaineta committee and requested that mr murray who ia seoretary ol tbe olob read the following address xo the reeve ud ooonoll of the uaulolpallty of aoton aairrxaaoim onuabalfoitbe oroklnoleolnb wai tb boalneaa oomnaittee of aatdolnb tali sleeanre in preaentlbft to the oorporatlon the viand lately porohaaadby us andatthlaianotnrewlah to atatatbat to the ladle of toe oommltiee by their inoraailng efforta abof psraevaranea la largely dne tbe credit of baviig accomplished the prurroae tor wblot tbeoinb wa organlaed that ofparobaa ing and pteaeitug to the town thla htanoaoma planohiohobeutlaaoiditto tit place itnowbecoplas we trust that at all tjaoa the membersof thia obuneli will take thw preoan- ubntobave the aeme6eretullyprptaoterl ahd earadfor we take thla dppnrtunlty to tbank the membera of toa tmieufwibaobrirtatsbovm and tii aaslaunoe randered the oomnaltteo by the free ttse of tbe town ball and pmiktbe oomniltteo troarthig that they have performeol theobllgatlonswbioh devblad ota tfaina will now retire wlui whatever honor la doe liai o bsk1th vaaj fauiaa llaa a a baaoan wnwiuum y committee it s hoil jaoaaat i aoton hovlltliibbfl beeve paanon very graelontly reoelved the depntatlon and in behalf of the ooonoll aa repreaerrtstiye of the oitlaena auoepted the valuable preaentthoa donatedi to the town he oompllmeated the comnailtee and tendered ithanka to all maaias speoial reference to the effort ol the ladle in the enterprlae boy had aosuoooaafnlly oonanm- mated with an eye io practical reaalta and the plaolng of the matter upon fcuis of undemanding at the outaat the following jreaolotjoh wu then paated moved by jame clark aaoonrled by i franols that the rate par night tor uae of the town etll piano be two dollira for local organiiationa and three dollira for ontlde orgaobiatipna carried beferenoe waa mad to tbe snow bylaw and its provision and the mnnlolpal offloer waa inttruoud to enforoe it in all eise counoll adjourned at 10 oclock the programme ia a very interesting one and will no doubt prove protablo to the league workera and their frienda who attend tbe ftret aeealon opens bo tue- day evening ot 780 and the program mo ia aafollows barvleo of song oonduotod by uisa lottld g bpolgbt presldonta address words of welcome by h p moore address ohriatiancitlaonahlp in relation to questions of moral reform ie prohibition of tbe liquor tratllo rev av b harvey j addross missions jtov j 8 itois d d ouelpb tbe aosalon will open at 845 on wednen day morning with a prayer and testimony ervloes the forenoon will bo taken up with the following lootldn of nominating dbminlttee seoretary and treasnrera report foryard moremept in bvangellstto work twormlnnte written reporta fromeaohspffortb- xeagueprealdent a tluinber who read gospel of john b meotinfivholdoonvorslons and cloneral reaulta empoworod for sorvloo miss piokerlug boulwiuniub quallqoatlons keod of per sonal earnest work ulsa dudgeon ouelpb saved to serve j fred kay b a guelpb relatlob of bible stndy to tbe deielope- mentot spiritual life and obrlatlfks charao- tor itev08mltbermari urln introduotlod of visitors opportunity will be given for alionssion at the oonoluaion of each paper in the afternoon bev a o crewe general secretary ofepwortn uesgnes tdrdntowillttieintroduoedhpho follow- log ia an oatlloo pi the afternoons prooeed- inga- forward bloveuient in mlaaions twomin ute written beporta from mlsstonary vloe prealdenta of eaob league a number who jolnodtbo movement and contributions b amoant of money your league expect to raise o qsneral remarka aa to how you eooduot therwork committees report of campaign work and selection of nhsalonary for district report of the mlalonary work of the league on tbe diatriot mlsa snyder mlsalonary vice preei tbe monthly pnbllo ulsslonary meeting and bow to hake it a suooess mrs r w boanlan haaiasaweya bound table talk bev a o grows ooneral secretary of bpwprth xteagnea report of uterary vloeprosldent of eaoh iieagueon iteidlngxlonrae this years reading course bev a 0 crews- tbejjlterary bvantng miss boys the boolal work of the league mlsa featberstone aoton repqrtpf nominating committee and eleo- uonof offloers the evening aeasion will oloae the oon- vention and aoveral aplendid addreaaea will be delivered it will open with a ssrvloe of song under the leadership of bev j fred kay b a guelpb and addreasea will follow on motive by bert w b smith victoria college toronto and on elemente of suooesa in league work by bey a o orewa the people of aoton extend a cordial welcome to the delegatee who will attend tbe ofttosryot the coriferenos leaugea iaaa follows ij- i oiboerepreaident f w h jaoomb b a goolpb seoretary xtsv b w soaulan ph u- naasagawoys vico- presldentbo e dept bev j a molaohlan m a missionary dept mlsa ella snyder slloam literary dept mlaa josio dowler guelph boolal dept- miss r madill junior dept mlae lottie e speight aoton told by the editor durinc a holiday ramble he visits the old hofdestead he found chnnaeo that astortlahed him one of whloh deaefves the wldeot publication for trio benefit it may prova to othora from tho loader tfanetkrrr and reoordor toronto provincial pat stocrc and dairy show jdhnrsb ot hla ohpica r riepoi knox churoh ahow that during the greatar portion of it history be took an active and oontinaon iotereat in it ptooeeding in 1b0g be wa ordained to the aldorsblp in company with the late john kinoalra and as buoh attended many moetlog of the presbytery and sypod aod alo nnmber ol meeting 61 the genaral aembly eight year ago he wa present st the annaalgatberlngot that important body inwinnipgjill dooeised and hla partner in life who survives him were bleasad with tjarga family and ilje membera thereot will rla np and calr tbelr father wtsaed the surviving member ar john of isrln james of gneipb dunald mr jame quaotio duncan anole arohlbald and lizzie margery william aleiander and peter- hive ileparted tbla life i the funeral leal tuesday was attended by an immense oonooorse ot frlendp and nelglibora the eervloes were bondtioied by rovi h a mappberspn and b b cook a memorial aerviosi will be con- duoted in the ohorph next flondsy mprnlng his fbisw 8erloue hunting expedition r j coiikxi k6v7tvryiitol ing aooldeot lirepoiliobjpbertj t mh ffvih f tlflh- ardson took a jinniiiila0mtoim father ana wept to lb wpods op hnnting upedition mtsqilll in tryioi w ltiat a bird ontbe wing iwungwpqbdffm a to bring mophee within jtha raojfedt hla n re ftrsd and mcjphe fell wltli hla tobeheldatbrautfordnovenraber 0th sad reoenabsr lat and sod tha follow ing jnopiiojtht prlxalui wul be of interest to oar agrionltural reader gen erally cattle in tbe fat cattle olaatta the priietar as followa bhortborras h10 spaclsla 1s0 sot 1880 hereford and polled angus and gallowaya and davona llmlo aoh elaaa- grades 88bealdee rala by d smith oompton que rlheep4ih7 am offered in eoli of th following posre brad olfsiuavpld llnoolpaioeeier oxfords bbjron ana for dorset horn end merino anvdoamp- hlras abd bnffolk 188 in each claa bpeoiila in the bbropabirsr olaial jlio oradeimwi v bwlne1w are offered in eaob of the followog olsaae improved berkajhlrea improved yorkahlrea cheater whltea polabd ghinae boffolka and esaei tam- worlhs arid ijoroojeraey total ims for grade snd oroeaet 188 fp export baoon hogs m7500 dairy bhorlhorna ayrshtree hol- steinsjeruyguordaeye grades 1100 eachwoo in addition there are epeolal ptlaet tor bnorthoroa lloo ayrahirw mo holatelnfrealana tee add lijs open to pnrere worthy moavvalaable exhibit in thsbalsrytjepartriientarainorihjer im tiy in addition lothta there are ovtr j60 offered as special prists in the vsirlone s jiparibients there are a number of varieties of porn hollowaya corn cure will removo any of them call on your druggist and get a bottle tho editor of tbe leader onei recorder during a rtcent holiday trip tbroogh the oounliea of york peel dufferln and grey apent a few daye at the old parental home stead where he vraajbbrn and apent many happy yetrs thoold homestead la in the township ot eophrasla gray covjntry about one sind a bait miles south of tbe village of heatboote and about ten miles from the town of meatord it la occupied by the writers youngest brother george j fawoett the latter waa the pfotore of health bharememberipg thaxwhen be came from detroit where ho bad been living for several yearrand took poeseaslon of the homestead he waa lu anob feeble health that hla life was despairtd of the writer antgeated that the braoing climate of the northern region must be the best medlpine in the worid for m afaaitered oonstltntlon the reply made contained tatement ao remarkable that ere eohatder it a pleasure a well as a duty to give them as wide publlolty aa poaaihle throngh the oolumns of the leader and recorder a very aevere attack of malaria contracted while lb detroit brought the writer brother to death door from which he hoovered only to find himself the vlotlm of a oomplioatlon of irdpbles wbiob unfllted him for work he wa attended by some of the moat eminent phyajoiana id detroit bnt be reoelved little or no benefit from their treatment change of air wa recom mended mid be removed with bit family to thooonntyotgroy a alight ohadge for the batter was noticeable at ftrit but be apon relanaed into the old condition and again sought help from the leading dootora of the district in turn bleeplessxieea took pbaaeasi0qot him and soon he was waated away to a snera akeleton then- the doctors declared they oould do nothing for him and stdvlaed him to go to califor nia curing all these weary month ho read in the paper from time to time- and laughed at what he termed tho miraclea wronghiby dr wllllamaplokpilla ho tatdno faith in auoh remedies and it waa only when the physioians toidblro they oould do no more for- him than that like the drowning man who oatohea at a atraw hethooghthe would try a bold the pill to hla great aatooiahmenl hi aloepleaanoaa had vanished before ha had been nslng the pills a vfoehvadd ho alopt like an infant gradually his atrength returned and hla appetite improved and aoon he fait like a new man a fewmontha after taking tbe drat dose ho waa a well aa aver for more thia two years past he has not taken any medicine whatever and today you will not find a oturdlor apeolmen of man kind in qroy than george j fawoett what do 1 think ot fink pllla ho quer ied with a amlle why i think there is nothing like them on earth for building up the ayalom but for dr wllllinis pink pills i do not think i would be alive today the experience of years basxproten that there il absolutely no diaease doe to a vitiated condition ot the blood or shattered neryeauthatdrwilliamajinkjpuu not prompty oure and those who are suffering from enoh trouble would save muoh mlaery and save money by prompt ly rpaorting to this treatment got tbe genuine pink fills every lime and do not be persuaded to take an imltatloo or aomo other remedy from a dealer who for the sake of extra profit to himaelf may aay ia just as good dr wi llama pink pills euro when other rpedloines fail skeptioisro thla la udhappily an age of akeptlolann bat there ia one point about whloh persona acquainted with the subjeot agree oamely that dr thomas eoleotrlo oil is a nuedlolne which pan be relied upon to outp a opagh remove pain beal sores of various kind and benefit any inflamed portion of the body to which it is applied biswar iron ngrve was tbe result of his splendid health indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomaob liver kldneya and bowel are out of order- if you want these qoalltlea and the snooees they brldg use dr kings new lite fills they develop every power of brain and body only 25o at alt drug stores about catarrh we have no hoaltatlon n aaylng thai dr j d kellogg dysentery oordial i witbool doubt the best rnediclne aver introdooed for dysentery diarrhoea pholera and all summer ootnplalnts eea sroknesi eta it promptly give relief and never fall to l effect a jrjoaitlv cure mothers should never be without a bottle when their phlidren are teething itlsoaoied by a oold or enccesslou of polds oonoblned with impure blood its ymptoma are palo lb the head dlsobarge from the nose ringing noises in the oars itsjraredyhoxjd pprifle and enriohes the btocd soothes sind rebuilds the tisane and rslieyea all diaagreeabls aansatlona hood pill cure all liver ills mailed for sep by 0 1 hood co lowell masa a dinner fulpmany penons suffer exornolsting agony after partaking of a hearty dinner the food partaken of la like a ball of lead upon the alcmaoh and instead of being a healthy nutriment it bepomes a polsion to the systsm dr farmeless vegetable pills sire wonderful oorreuvmofjnohtrouble acidity open secretions and 00m vert the food partaken of into a healthy ntitrimrnt they are just the medicine to take if troubled with indlgeatloh or dyspepsia gtiat noirember is bound to be a success if reliable and worthy mrcehandise and wonderfully reduced prices are any inducement to the buying public of this vicinity every department is participating in this event deterihined to make this month of november the banner montti of our history read this list of bargains tory store shmhhaw it should set the whole country buying at this satisfac- t gpldand pl big price saving on every piece bttered a ryan demonstration of grand bargain offering bargains in all departments 7 40 in wide striped 45 in 1 piece brown wool serge was25c for 15c 1 piece greenwocl serge 40 in wide was 25c for 19c 3 pieces union cashmere 42 in in navy and two shades of brown was 30c now 19c 2 pieces brown aqd green serge all wool 41 in wide was 35c now 23c 00 yards creppn 42 in in cream pink light blue buttercup and nlle all capital ing shades f yards fnnci wearing shades from 40 to 50 c now 25c 75 yards fancy silk strlj pink cream and heliotrope silk stripe crepon was 60c 35c z piece 44 in bedford cord dress goods all wool in- brown was 60c for 25c 6 pieces 42 in scotcht weed dress goods stripe arid check all new goods good colors just tbe thing for ladies suitings was 6oc lor 37jc 2 pieces 42 in fancy dress goods good shades was 50c for 37a1 7 pieces 43 in fancy di ressgoodsall vyobl shades was 75c for 45c x niece black and white dress goods all wool 43 in was 75c for 45c 1 piece black satin cloth all wool 42 in was 40c for 29c 1 end black satin cloth all woolrwais 100 for 50c 1 piece black solid cloth all wcol 44 in was 60c fpr 42c 1 pleceblack fancy 42 in all wool and very handsome was 8150 new half price only 75c 1 ail wool scotch tweed costume was 800 now 8350 2 all wool scotch tweed costumes was fcoo for 8450 1 piece black ladies capes jackets etc was 8150 now piece black worsted 54 in suitable fpr 8100 8ilk8 positively tho greatest bargains in sllka that we have offered in many months 2 pices cream surah silks was 60c now 39c 6 pieces colored surah silks was 75c now 39 j ends meroe and surah silks were 8100 now 59c 7 ends colored silk bengallne all good shades was 8100 for 75c feaudsole silk was feaudeaole silk was j 8235 for 8170 ij yards black 250 for 9145 1 skirt length 8 yards black silk moire velour was 95c for 75c yard for the end 1 skirt length 8 yds black silk molfe velonr was 8135 for 95c yard for the end 1 black silk broche all silk and rood pattern epedal value at 62c 1 black broche silk velvet was 75c for 5c 2 black broche silk velvet was 9175 for 50c 4 ends black broche silk velvet was 8250 to 9400 for 7 jc- miulimkry fancy colctwlngartegnlar price 15c to 25c for xoc each fancy ostrich mounts regular price 50c to 7sc for 25c felt turbans in black brown navy cus- tor cardinal and royal was 9xoo lor 50c ladies walking hats in black brown navy green and royal was 9135 for fioo felt shapes assorted suitable for ladles and children at ha if price we do what we say 0ly ne jprice cuelph berlin and owen sound isq0ab tm qparsi mxph h avinq received many exprosbions of good will aqd en- coutagement from a large number of bayert nnd yibitow from town and cotry nirice opening tip the friendship shown gives encouragement to foel fttat i am the right person in tho right place and that my presence in acton willprove mutaally hene- flcial i earning myliyiiig you ojetting tho tallest value for raoney required to be expended for noceasaries the strict adherence to the grinoiples that govern my business dealings will in timomake the quake the bebt patronized and thought of business place in the county i again ask yott to come and form my acquaintance and kindly ask those whp are already my friends to make known to their f rienob that i would like them to come and look at the store see the goods and prices the reasons for beingwrle to bell goods oheap 1 personal knowledge of manufacture etc of clothing 2 methodsof business- no sweatshop inferior goods strictly cash sales ono price that marked plainly on all goqdb no misrepresenta tion quick sale small profit prompt courteous attention to ousto- mors goods taken book money refunded 8 my uncle is a wholo- sale jobber in dry goods etc iu toronto and wwhing mo rhkce6s he ib assisting by sending up goods that be as a wholesaler and always in the niarket looking for bargains can get that tha ordinary store keeper can not lonqfeilow to be illu8- trateo is this plain enouorh 7 faqe ani debk fdllpfjihojwprbrli ejtraotel 25 pellets but sbrns of tbetn csnnot he looated moths is lo preoiar- iopaopndatlpn j v canada for the canadians r fy7 hots la no ned for oapulaut readt to pstronlse araerioujonrisihw hsveinporrhidtiabpmfniipjotfnw tbetisffpiiitfm twoiamo ipsao jsife lallpljnrtslblnr proflsiwfsey ohroaitaafi ha wi nhmber if yon hive a nagging oounb sod era loalngfloahgoto a dr6g stors and gets bottle of sshoha couahrnption cure take twothirda of la and then if yon sire tbfagtsjwwtwd rat tttabowlsscthe sjjivvxidd lip irtmtjfnibiijr isnt that sr f e pie iiiiitvri snore awflsisjtsallle rrfwr oilayii- i 3- r bbmab r mrs mlobael curtain flainbeia iii makes the statement that sbe csugbt oold whloh aetlled on her lunga she- was treated iter a month by fcr family physician bat grow worse he told ber she wa a hopeleaa vlotlm of oodnmptlbn aqd that no medloloeopnld onre her her drnggist toggeated fir kings mas dlsoorery for consumption she bought a bottle anduo her delight ifonntjhorlelf beoented from brat dose she pontlbded ite use and if ter taking six bottles found heraef soond and well r now doss hr own honsewor b aud is aa well aa sh svir was at ail drog stores large bottle 0 oentk and irwr thkkk weeks in agohr- inflammatory itheumausm so aente he oould net attend to his daily dntlesidved three week lb aronhung imlltllieriuiat oooa kqnaritn of all owes spnth aroerlean buenroaue cdre pasted hla way 11 helped ip a few hours and speedily ouredoost 75 cents last year cbarlea dana gibson illustrat ed che feople of dlokena for thclailet borne journal the plolourea were ao anooesslul that thia year apd- during- next year w li taylor thp new england artlat who has made ooh rapid airldes in bis art will illustrate tbre looplo of longfellow alap fpr tas julit home journal- the poem selected are tha psalm of tjite blawittbat evspgo- line tbe courtabip of miles slwdlibi vtb ohlldrana hoar in village blaokamlabvapd other clothing boots shoes aff d ci iitjsvt dryco0d8 a terrlblo railway oollliipu ocporrad near trenton sst 40 tuesday mornlogt by which twelve persons were killed and many more serionaly wounded an open awltoh iteiu buiriisemetits wanted fbebn miloii cows apply to jab bannr aoton wanted ndu8tkioub man of character to travel and bkadleyajtltetsoncoupanv limited toronto agents iamjuititartlns tbo belt thing for money- making you bave ben for many t day yonr name and iddreas will bring tbo golden information t h lin800tt toronto cattle wanted to winter i antedafawbeadof eattta to winter tv apply at once on tbe premises lotas eon a gauuesfng or to b or a wobden artton p 0 wb pyitrjabt woaaly tittles of from io to 90okuokto lability for oantaaura 60 iafi an woikf mr damuid for tbla wondotfnl tolome la kaatstodaii band working wly and lts tbo only can- by tbe boyel family aiid 1 a wg obop book thid bbadletgarbktson co xlmlted toronto pnblfhod bqdbnred leading pnbllo man xaljbu8lne8scha j c hill ttafl dnrobaatm tbe coal boilneia of blr jojjd xj moqneexiuxd la prepared to seilver flret- oitm8orutonoo and nnt elsee prpmplrwidto the aeuifactlcn of ooato- mera generally i ba alao parebaaed tbo weigh males and will give prompt attention to all orders for their nee j chili -agents- houdt books now reedy ono proepeotns npratsntidgt four boolti range id prloo from one dollar ap oheepeit end lieet bollday books pnbueiaed0beiieet books bound in aotnel olotti s bile other pablliben use lltbo cloth wepaylteaghtgltepremlaiii joa pey u after yon make delltery oepatal and ex perience not neoaaiary so doat let tbls obanoe goby bbadleyoaubbtson ooupaky limited toronto iffipcmlta n01scb tho celebrated indian doctor rieobafl hilt and partnor will be at vdt agnowe houl aoton on tbe lart wed nesday of orery month nntil f ortbax notloe commencing tilth wednesday 9sth ootober tion eettrrbp utot c rfaenmftuimt4iabetes mn eemedjea medicines edfd by i v atlente gtran np as inenreble i invited pattentannder treatment tootnetdoo- tors era not aotloited oonsoiutlonfree ter- manentaddresi- bbantford p o ont tbe qnentttj the mwi bliiaw tee readout of tbl munuslpalitr are hor- by notltted that tbe provufone at the saow blaw mast beoompuet witbasd all sidewalks boleandof jncrwnot laur tian loarn after each storm wa have no dpstre tppnsj any du- aana toeosts bat namercnisjeorxsplsjiitsbave been made and hereafter the pen of the bylaw will t enfoned upon ell who tall to eomplyaa reqnastsd yy j b peabbort ebkvb aoton rov mtb 1b88 administrators notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of robert waitabri late of the townstiip dfesquesirig in the cbunty of hafton gentleman deceased notiobuoi ibproap tuksttbebs ven pnraaaat toll 8 0 us that all persona bav- bstat ot h said bobert prabcattbaistb day ot arsraqntred to send by poatjirmd4ortoaeuverto dea- erallxtaataoorapany tc 0 aanunla- bobsrtwuon rmbsr1808uiir fog claims watson wbo died beptember ad1t ortt iropany toronto batecsel the saiata ot she said oqprbeforatneohbdayotsm nasnsaadarasaasan4 daaeripnosxtand a fail staaamanaostpaartienlaapctftbelrolalssiaaadtba naturaoltna aeenritrru any bald by them duly eartlsed and tnavaftsftthe said day tbo administrators will proeeedfto distribute the aasets ef-tti- daal- among toa vartu entttlad- therete-navlost- rscana only to tha elalma of wblen tnaar sjbalttoen have aotiea hoeb atfar motiban sollolsoraforiha toronto oeneraltrrrut company dateil tbl 9th day o hovembaj ap mst aottvb bolloltor wanted evarrwhara for atorto ulpr4nesf br alorat jlsbortasstpitho elkjopnbieln wiofflkr in thi nps wiu yxong in she sbe lnanrjnt eekof the etptt4tle eaxpps at the- fall jafa3ulskeosuavter brlmfol otorlbal tlotnres iaketl by atorern- mentppotostnpbsr on tb spot ijaif a book lowr- flfjgproflu pissolsrjjald credit war books rlvpn crop outfit hreeti starlnsorasm oatem t t babbbb bmj i bojloubkohlaago- -vf-j- that is what ive call it ond that is what yon will call it vrhen oa have seetf thfthrainb that will lie offered at our viroader salewe baywo lrgeheot epread to tho wind andinaiiuig advjurteinenfepf g yon know that they are noyor better and beldom flqiial qnriwljjiiiyftj mm to gell yon goods at all times ablowandj6werthaiod sale batnr exteimive purchw with the mild weathor oorapela us to saorlfice ont- preaent stock at the wholeaale cost we want money arid to get it wo intend turning over years repairing watches apil clocks mre a norton a wellknown olllsen of grimsby oat was severslt attaoksd with inflammatory rheomatlem some 0 years agbaiter a time he reocrorad bnl flveoralk weeka ago the dremeddlae retorned eovlolantly that be bad o give upwprk porneairly thraewsaika bs lay in bed isittehng terwble houy annlher rsjldeljtoube town who bad bstt pared 6eaivatiierian bhptatlee cars nahlio fer- are determined to keep up thtlr old repu tation for repairing watches and clocks they hnvo engaged one of the ndest watchmakers in the country and have sent their aon albert to tho school of watch making in toronto to get the latest and best methods of repairing watches albert is taking after his grandfather the late david savage who wasomeof the finest watchrnakers in caaada you may look for good work if you bring it to p nvvwjjjwjftvaooti jpnsvrieverearj ot in ithe vtuttoftitwouaer bale and asifeimitt syt pricl wpw liarovjrtlftt yriijrtgotsdiirtgnr untivyeiiiiee the goods mm mms for ten bentb bnt we aa c will l5ave prices un01yeu8ee the goods tr- i onr stwkoorrapriafw tho latest iii droas goods dress oobtnmes fine tailormade waantlos taeaatvbtiyle hoth iiiqerrnan atid doraeatio manufacture r of flheietotiery to be sacrifiood during this sale gloves smallwear woollen goods 8hajrl lauies tjuderwegr to- l- v fi great saorlfioe in clothing both ordered and readytotwear speoial iline of 20o boys touthsvand merte overooata also boys yoathsandlidensl 1 oddpants overalls horseoovers robes oto the above gcodb pdsittvely hftvewbe olewed pat no matter whnt the saorifioo also a lot of ue neokwear06luni cnfto can toll you at once tho artistic meritaof a picture and vro solicit a sluirsg front vou iandaakyoo to sub mit the result to any true critic and hear bis verdict aside from a natural disposition to value to the fall your cbarrns wo believe he will tell you we have taken a good picture which i exactly what we advertise to do jtiiqs- andibhirtb of nil kinds an iramense stookof mens tlndervvear to ijw tiitrjwipdst dont mlsa thia great wonderbaltt it will be to your beneat if jtij wj09im early wantosuppliedi tl6ti4 wftw xxwmmmmm cash jwddphglb sale m krf met ty1iotbeu mtsff copkws how of rnttki rntlk mi x fsimm jwy makes tie us- lt la a refreshing ti flb and tone tot to throw off use twaybe yjj jtprpduceav licaativeud t jwssfj fflviim i

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