Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1898, p. 3

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tee bank of hamilton hdad o stick hamilton canltal all paid up 1 26000000 reserve fund 77000000 total aaaeta i l i 9014400 noarly ton minion of dollars board op directors tohnstuxbt a a rambay rroslaont vibolroeldout uxo boaon john iaooroii a t wood a b luta toronto wx quiaon m p j tu1inbull cashier ii b steven ant cshlor h m watson inspector george agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally the news at home mostly of 4 local chnraoter and evorvitom interesting drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united stntes drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of it and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added o principal every year whether pass book a brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown ont passed la uib clients tbe well known spaniel bpol belong tug to agent holmes of the g t it whloh hna been a familiar and petted oanino fnond around the station for the past thirteen years died on tuesday he was sixleoo years of age and mr holmes brought im to aoton with lilin rcquieacat in pact entertainment by key k uaddotr jb a rev b haddow b a of watford formerly of milton will give an entertain ment ooobisiing ot a leoture with musical selections on monday evening 2sth imt in kuox church under the aubpioes of the ladies aid society rev mr haddows entertaining mosioal leoture given here e years ago is etill remem with pleasure by those who heard it neighborhood news news itoms supplied by corres pondents and exchanges coming and coing milton mr robe hume trafalgar has purohaeed from mr w g ijoblie arboll a farm 0 100 aorea for 85 ooo oasb mr humo tabea possession on the first of tannery limehousb slw uttm tte prm thtjhbday november 17 1898 little local brieflets whloh caught the eyes or eara of pre press reporters this week five weeks till christmas zjook at your faxs pbxss label gold fingers for the builders now thinksgtvlng day nut thursday new families continue to settle in town get down to business if yon wonld be uptodate snow attovela were 10 demand last thursday and friday aniltreating olnbs are being organized throughout the provlnoe do not stop advertising people may think you are hibernating the eleo trio lighting service will require about 175 poles on the streets ground was broken for the new electric power boost en monday morning a convention of the conservatives of halloa will be held in hilton today the snow storm last thursday oame upon the same date as the first snow storm last year now oillasontl commence at the ontsot to shovel our sidewalks and keep them dear ol snow daring the winter boeve pearson gives notioe in another solemn that the provisions ol the bnow by law will be enforced in all oases the boys and girls have had a jolly time tkatiog the past week saturday was a ivaly day on hendersons pond all lbs local news of ibis section appear from week to week in the fan pasts ton may seonre it to jan 1900 for 1 00 the sleighs and cultirs ran very well foe several days after last thursdays now atoms the sleigh bells were joyful and welcome again mr robert holmes drover shipped a owtif hogs and sheep to the toronto market on olondty and will ship oar of lamb to buflalpon saturdey thais where i draw the line said the hired girl as the head of the family harry mg across the clothes yard almost snapped hit neck off against it in the dark oar neighbor the erin advocate will horlly take op ita quarter ip a fine new stout r 44x60 the fin pasts rejoices in its evldenoea of prosperity citizens generally art a trifle jealous of those who have th granolithic walks in bout ot their premises these- walks are so muoh mors easily keep free of mow it those who have ihe use of tho method tsi ohuroh sheds free ot oosl week day and flbndey would meet together and spw4ajiy in needed improvttnsutt they would arid comfort to their horses and show thatthay appreciate the favor they enjoy ytitf3 c hill hat pqrohased tbe coal botuw of john mcqueen together with tneifntcs set of platform soalea and tbe eosutorahonts mr hill will givs personal attatlotr to the business mr mcoqueen wjliyoontlooe himself to the agrlooltore implemsnland general agsnoy mrjasford trafalgar is tbe owner of the hsivesrayearold turkey in amtrioa it tookiflrst prists at lbs kentucky state fakjudursi at the paris and covington fair with a blending of 88 points oat of 100 hswonut prise at the ontario poultry show weighing i6 lbs the heaviest weight vstreooraed a dssrwstseon on the 8th line ot oafatrtxay on l snnday it probably was driven from the luther swamps dosing the prssent open season nd was seeking shelter fbtneolearanoe it was gracing peaoefolly nd op bijigdlatarbed went over the fences with a graoe and ease which waa lovely to bshoii tergot nensihecord of the whloh almost ready fatclty aire tbo population of berlin inoreased by 837 daring tbe past year and is now 0632 the total vajue ot real property 52704 b05 of persons property other than income 8374600 of taxable income j55o00 making the total assessment 48131005 an increase ot tll8o70 overlaat year berlin will probably reach the round 10000 in population nest year and he elegible to rank as a oity jnteieetlne c s services the anniversary services ot knox young peoples society of obrislian endeavor last sabbath were well attended the bermona by tbe rev mr monair of waterloo were able and impressive and ooold not but be helpfal to all attentive listeners at tbe evening service tbe members of tbe sooiety were present en masse and oooopied the front oentre pews the discourse was based npon the text jiquenoh not the fipirltlitheas 5 10 uid was an eloquent exposition of the paesags selected the endeavorers feel that their anniversary was moat helpful and profitable halton couatym jqaibryo teachers tbe examination of the students of the county model school last week gave the standing as follows e chapman 889 t deaoon824 v norton 816 u thurston 881 k barber 778 l bales 781 w albertson 753 1 norton 758 w mogregor 739 k byan 728 p stone 727 e shepherd 718 l prentiss 795 h holmes 70s w bono- erville 080 g steel 680 j cole 078 j brady 608 m bennet 640 e brown 634 e mogloaghlin 683 e burger 027 d wilson 621 w benton 608 m campbell 596 j manson 516 ihe standing ot each student it determined hy bit or her ability to teach and the resells ot the written examinations in psychology solents of education physiology school manage ment methods of inttrqotion etc marks possible 050 the new klectrlo tower house gronnd was broken on monday lor tbe new power house en tbe nmlyaoqolred property on willow and river streets the building will be 24x60 with 18 foot walls the walls will be built of stone 18 inobes thick stone beds will be laid for tbe engine and dynamo a large force ot workman it engaged on tbe building and it will be rushed forward with all speed consistent with a antclass job mr w r beynolde who has been the electrical engineer at stayner for several years baa been engaged to superintend ihe work of installation and will run the plant when it goes into operation ha comes recom mended at fully competent for the duties reqniired is much interested in mousing for aoton a firstclaas outfit and engages to operate it with profit to the corporation and satisfaction to all who use the light cmlmed to toronto bev h a macpusrspn the popular pastor of enox oburch hat received a call from toronto tbe qlobe gives the particulars at follows tbe ocngregatlon ol oak street presbyterian ohnrah has extended a unanimous eall to rev h a maopberson of acton mr maopborson is an able and eldqpentreaaber and in bis pastoral workbaa been most successful it im the earnest hope of tbe oak street congregation tbathe will see bis way dear to accept thalr invltatlon to come to toronto bev mr maopberson did not preach for this call and we believs is not inclined to aooent it he baa just entered upon bis fourth year at pastor of enox gburob and tbe most cordial relations exit between uitosslt and all the people of course oak street church with its congregation ot a thousand and its larger spheres for osefui- nett offers an attractive field for a rising young man and it would not be unnatural for mr maopberson to accord to tbe pressing invitation to go thenoe his largo oirolo ot friends in knox congrega tion andout of it aineerely hope hororer ba wilj not feel called to sever the pleasant relationships existing here mr john mooro mausgcr tororito limo co attended a meeting of tbe wellington lime go at guelph on monday owing to the unuaua amount of building this fall the demand for lime and ontario cement continues a meeting of the directors of tbe toronto lime oompany was held at the office of the oompany here last thursday messrs thoa gowdy president guelph w in scott seo 1 george farqnhar j damp toronto and john moore lianager atrlimehouse were present mrs mfoore entertained the gentlemen at dinner and made tbeir meeting ae pleasant as possible visitors to and from aoton and varlousother personal notes rockwood madame de boothaw the distinguished magnetio healerias arrived in town and is tally prepared to demonstrate her power 1 to prodnce poaitlve and permanent cures of troublesome and obronlo diseases by meant of the wonderf nl gift of magnetio healing for particulars address her at tbe railway hotel bockwood a wily stranger did np two ol oar aitizens lsst week in a borse trade isaving a horse and harness stolen from gait in exobange for another horba aod set of barnest and a small som of money now tbe owner ot the ontfit has claimed at and onr citizens are op the track of the sharper the school concert will be held on thanksgiving night and will bo just at good as ever nas8agaweya mr b w wilson of enatohbull la having a clearing anotion on wednesday 23rd inst thanksgiving day next thursday there will be some big shooting that day mestrt samnel and george agnew have purohaeed a new brampton engine for their threshing ontfit the roads are in a bad state at present there will be no more good roads until it freezes np mr and mrs fletober of nottb dakota are visiting relatives and friends in nassagaweya dr l b wilson d d s wire and ton of armada michigan are visiting rslativea and friends in nassagaweya at present tbo pans pnase invltos all its readers to ooh trlbuto to this oolumn if yon or your friends aro going away on a holiday trip or if yon bavs friends vlaltlng you drop a oard to tbe pass pnaas mr a t brown and dr forster spent sunday with friends in georgetown mr george viooent has been seriously iii tbe past week but is slowly recovering the misses marlatt of waterford are guests at the home of their uncle mr alex beoord mrs frank arnold left yeaterday morn ing for johnstown n y to join her hubband misb auuie mahaffy ot brtmpton was in town tbis week she waa the guest of mrs w t smyth mrs thos oowdy of guelph was down yesterday to see her brother mr thos 0 moore who has been very ill mils bella stephenson returned home on haturday from a tisit bf a nsontb or so at hamilton and waterdown the friends of mr wm i brain of hornby will bsglad to bearlbal be bat recently received the degree of b a at trinity university toronto mrs david mills who underwent treat ment in st michaels hospital toronto for several weeks returned home last friday and is rapidly recovering mr willie monabb went to toronto general hospital on tnesday to have an operation performed for sn internal growth it was tucoesstolly performed and be is doing well mr and mrs alex robertson of water- down were gueatt of mr job n harvey over sunday mr robertson was a member a tbe bisley team and waa very auooessful mr thomas 0 moore baa been very ill ihe past week he was aeized last week with an illness approaohing apoplexy from wbtoh he suffered some months ago he is slowly recovering acute rheumatism fains in the root sand limb a complete cure accomplished by hoods baraaparllla for a number of years i was afflicted with acute rheumatism in my left side and all tbe way down my limb into my footi i live nvo blooksf romniy work and had to stop and rest several times in going and coming ioonldgot no relief from my trouble end was on the point of giv ing np my job when i happened to hear of hoods baraaparllla i purchased a bottle of this medicine and a vial of hoods pills and begin taking them before i had half finished them i was relieved and it was not long before i was completely cured i never lose an opportunity to praise hoods sarsaparllla for my onre meant a great deal to me as i have a fam ily and must always be at my post wnxtaflt haatarr yardman grand trunk ballroad depot brantford ontario hoods sarsaparllla it the bestin fact the one true blood purlner bold by all druggists unix tor as chas l nelles bookseller guelph has an enormous stock of sunday school and prize books at clearance prices that he will forward to schools for selection and pay charges on returns it pays to buy a bolle it pays to buy al bollerts write forparticulars blizzards new books prepaid to your address hoods pills rw the castle inn weyman the red axe crockett the day s work kipling battle of the strong parker corleone crawford 2 vols 76o 7bo 76a 75o 100 if you go to guelph it will pay you to see our immense stock chat l nell 68 are on the way and wiltbe here shortly you will want an overcoat we invite you to bee the really good depend- able and wearable overcoats we sell at a very moderate price many of them are our own tailor made coats some of them are readybought but all bear the stamp of good money worth on the face of them crewsons corners tbe weather of the past week baa been decidedly winter like a meeting of tbe trustees of the methodiat gburob waa held on tuesday evening and steps wore taken to repair the chnroh here mr john murray haa greatly improved the oomfort and appearanoe of his reel dence daring tbe past few weeka mr j doff was awarded the contract for tbe building ot a new bridge over the oreek near here on monday afternoon mr b h allen moved from this vioinity to aoton on monday mr jaa momlllan it seriously ill at present from an attaok of grippe mr w lamb was confined to the house for a few days labt week through lllneas miss a leiobman who has been in toronto for ever three months returned to her home here last week xaavsw surprise party therell be another surprise party at the golden lion this week those who attend will be surprised at the low prices efhave before na a copy of new tort ttrtlou ot considerable interest iijhv tsjr gnrolskv tbsiiew who oon trols the destines of tbe itth mr gnrofsky has for a i3viii anions suojjatjorclrolet ifsrlwtrgraph okntjow tb lo jgavs a pleasing ttsreoplloon mnatis losmball last wednesday ilmjlware a ooopleofvmryjljoe w o mu s hut the iribltrito jhb radiance ipijfeeen previously exhibited oeoornpan or at wmrrdctnms vejn in lbpujer rnagaslnes celebrated tbetr oounn wedding r mrantt mrarjothna norritb ot lake avenne who were for half a oenlury esteemed residents of naatagaweya ctlh brated tbeir fifteenth wedding anniversary on monday evening jhey were married at the home ot ihe brldea father tbe late john sherwood nassagaweya op the 14th november 1848 by the let be j bronnao then new concexton methodist minister at waterdowfj mr norritb was born in tbe forest ofnarbnoor devon shire england in 1831 and mrs norrish in yorkshire in 1827 mrs norrlsht father oame to canada jn 1882 and mr norrishs in 1848 both families aettled in nassagaweya eight children blessed ibelr union but only three are now living mrs aooree at devils bake north dakota enos who is professor of mahe matlos in a bejjilnary it santa anna california and ernest who resides oh lbs homesjtead in naasasaweya both mr and mrt norrisi- are errjdylng good health and though tbe former is partially blind be is ons of the moat active men iq town ht la the anther of a very reliable and interesting history of nassagaweya whloh is regarded at authority on all matters ch notwithstanding the disagreeable storm last thursday tbe funeral of tbe late alex bnssell was very largely attended tbe ohuroh being crowded tbe aervice at tbe residence was conducted by bev t k tjnswortb b a and at the ohuroh by bev t b forbes the pastor and bev h a maopherson the ohurob waa draped with slaok a very fine floral wreath was tendered by tbe congregation on sunday nfternoou a memorial tervioe was held when the psutor preached from the joint text isaiah 64 6 and pa 1 1 8 we all do fade as a leaf his leaf shall not wither bev mr tjnawortb and mr h gibbons rendered suitable solos and duets during tbe ssrvice the storm last week found tbe farmers generally prepared for winter a pleasant time la anticipated to morrow evening when bev m tjnswortb delivers hit third leoture 1 aoton in 1948 latueflus they also relievo distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dizziness nausea drowsi ness badtaslointhe mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegttsbvs small phi small doe small prloe substitution tho fraud of the day sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills we ask for such a high grade of goods as we sell we however must confess that the great multitude of new comers attracted by the low price we put on the highclass gooda we deal in boys blizzard coats material deep storm collar at 2 50 youth long ulsters heavy cl6th and lining at 4 50 mens heavy ulsters wool material inside and outside 6 75 men wool beaver dress coats elegant tailormade 6 00 850 mens wool cheviot good bu6ineascoat mens fine kersey coat in black navy and brown at 8 50 mens fine moscow beaver an elegant coat 10 00 mens finest beaver equal to the best tailor- made 12 00 18 a surprise to ou brussels carpets four pretty designs with border to match at 77jic a yard is one of our surprises for you theyre worth a dollar demacdonald bro cuelph e r bollert cfe co 25 and 27 wyndham street guelph 1 big reductioxx in undertakinc this goudgn lion rubbers rubbers justkp9u ttbovtt thr66 thousrnd f7cirs 6000 deer hunters bverton auinonsy on an mantra wnere dates 01 local events are oonearntd the thirtyfive guests who were made np ot relatives frlendsand neighbors on this amplofoos occasion enjoyed the evening very muoh with ibis hospitable oonple ba the snow makes as think that winter it near ai band mr g graham haa been reengaged at teaober at balllnafad we wish him oontlnned tuooett mrs q campbell has returned home from visiting her sister id st pan minn wa are sorry to say that mitt baity campbell it confined lo tbe house with tsvtr we regret to learn that edith camp bell bat mao cbnfluod to the house for some weeks anfftring from a severs attaok otgulnsy mrsvpstar oolspressnttd her husband yi uh baunolog irl last week vfmlwmltthtt him wbttbas been living inboatod htt is bonrsy again jmr g tbompionloi aftqt horse last jpsawi peter portion bad an operation performed on monday evertoo folk art glad to have a good trapper in tbe person of john blount who can save their ohlokens for them xiast week there were five taken from one roost and three from another when mr bimoni was told of it he set his trap and bsvd a mink in tbe toila in a few hoars after mr alex mophail moved last friday into mr a coopers house lately occupied by piovasoonl mr mophail formerly lived on a farm near oaprlnge we are glad to have tbe bouse oooopied there are no vacant houses in the village now and some have been much improved last thursday mrs forester waa favored by a call from mr wm elliott of heapeler mr elliott tpend tome years on a farm a mile but and wa all were pleated to tee him around again bev mr holden of bockwood preaohes in jbe methodist ohnrob next sunday evening at 7 80 the nsual time it waa considered not wise to ohange the time as stated last week bad been done every newspaper in csnsda irrespec tive ot polltlos is extending oongratula- iioos to the family herald and wakly ptar of montreal on their enterprise this year in teentlntt that famous battle picture ot the numbar of deer is annually ln- oreaslngr in the northern district toronto nov s fully x thousand sportsmen have ranged the northern hunting aronnda in cbaae of deer thia it the estimate of chief game warden tins- ley based upon jbe number ot lioenses issnsd thlt season to hunters and settlers this official further oalculatet that each of these 6000 sportsmen kills at isaal one deer on an average warden tinttey says that contrary to general eipeeeatlon the deer are increasing rapidly tbe clearing of large limbec traota and their replace ment in tbe course ot natore by thlok undergrowth la one ot the prints faotora in thlt increase for it not only affords pro tection lo tbe deer in plaoet impenetrable by huntsmen but alao rivet them a better supply of food nobody can suage the vast number of deer in the north at ibey are scattered over suoh a wide district 8 stores neill the shoe man guelph owing to largely increased discounts for cash allowed us by the manufacturers of undertaking supplies and belngin a position to take advantage of this we have decided to reduce all goods in our undertaking department from ten to twentyfive per cent notwithstanding this large reduction the same careful personal attention which has been givea in the past wilt be continued embalming in ordinary cases free where special vyork is required price to cover extra services and embalming requisites caskets and coffins delivered in town or country and ill preparations completed for burial furniture we have added a number of new parlor suits of latest designs which we are offering at the following prices which any home can afford no i parlor suite 5 pieces solid oak 315 00 no 2 parlor suite 5 pieces walnut 92500 no 3 parlor suite 5 pieces walnut j500 instalment plan on furniture if desired all goods delivered free j a speight go acton nbw goods must have room great dinner set sale the maglatrates court at godarioh haa acquitted mr cox onarged with the ahoot- ing of fred seattle bis soninlaw ten co soft corns oorus of all kinds removed without pain of sore spots by putnams painless corn extractor thousands testify that it ik pertain painless and prompt bo not be imposed upon by substitutes offered for the genuine put nams extractor bore safe harmless wolves are reported plential in the townships ot bsglan and badolmnv north renfrew county about four hundred aheep have been killed br von stans pineapple tablets for the stomach new convenient positive pleasant harmless aura sow stomach distress after bating weight in the stomtob wind on tbo stomach tioss ot appetite dlssinese nausea imporarishsd blood sick headache and all otbsr stomach troubles directly tradable to indlgeetlon os eenta bold by at t brown tbe spanish oroiser infanta maria teresa wblob waa raised by the ameri cans at santiago foundered in a storm w be lo l lb pu c noxhinq likeit to make room for large stock of fancy china for holiday trade arriving next week i will sell 25 dinner 8et8 at cost remember for one week only see samples in our window we have only room to quote one line s only 97 piece seta white antf gold china cups and saucers at 6 bo noted tea store end china palace j a wccrea ghtelfh- since coming to guelph prin gle the jeweller browns efirg emulsion of pure cod llvor oil combined with hypqvhosphites of limk and soda and flavored witii a pine quality of sherry wins we claim the following points of superiority for our product ferfectemulsificatlon remarkable nutritive properties the absence of inert emulsifying agents palatablllty permanence strength the elegance of the preparation prices 35c and ooc prepared and sold only by browjst sngffihj wt manufacturers of rady dynamos xucctbic mc0to8s wjtito motors aasotarsamd oas xxaaixsbrabsniox castorasro orbxr repairing promptly done georgetown ont new fall dress goods new fall hosiery underwear flannels glomes yarns blankets floor oil cloths shoes and rubbers extra value in groceries qtuvney co mill street acton new goods nlfll goods nfeivt goods mens and boys fleece lined shirts and drawers ladies vests and drawers black and colored cashmere gloves ladies and childrens hose all sizes mens and boys hose and onehalf hose wool and cotton blankets flannellette checks and stripes black and blue serge for boys wear ladies cloth white cashmere and a lot of laces and ribbons come aid see them c f gboqupyb fe coea hcton corner king and hughsou sts hamilton ouse november 1898 jltfrojiucan jhynuv jeweller of aoton is iswoonesthar he baa induced toronto leading optician f e luke olfivd of the toronto optloal nvi 8 yonge st kvvlsll aoton at his jifore ontoetdty hovsand da ejt ihe beatcbanon etooisver bad pi pelnsture 1 tuesday great britain the thin bed line at a premium for their subscribers wa notice too tbe family herald and ivedcly star this week is u pagea how it it done a twanlyfour page paper like tht family herald and weekly star and a picture like the thin bed lice for a dollar a year it one ot the wonders of the century no wondsr the publishers offer to return tho money if the subscriber is not sstltflad for none oould feel otherwise than that they have a unique bargain xon thoald remember that no other medlolne is like bbllohs oonanoapuon cars in any respect it other remedies have failed to relieve yoor ecogb or oold thai it all be snore reason why yon should trybblloht always sold under s positive goarantee if it docs not help yon lbs druggist must give back yoor montjr 860 so els and 100 a bottle has done over s6oo00 worth of watch and clock repairing such a number of customers can only be kept by doing the work well and giving prompt attention to it the above amount is positively correct mrs celeste ocen syraouae n 7 writes for years i could not eat many ftjnds of foods witfioal producing aborning exeoroouitlng pain in roy stomtob i tooc parmeleejs pills tooording to directions underljbbad of dyspepsia or iddlmt- tlon- pn tm entirety oorad msv xmtr now sat anything i choose without dleirat idgmsin the least tbtte bills do act canes pain or orlplov and should be nstd when a oalbartlo it required to curb a cold in one datf amlaxatlv b tsronhijt refqsat j gsnnjstf onto se money tovi on saturday judge mooturrjr sited jamtt clark ot blmadale 10q and ootts and p month in tprltoo fof sattpiog an illioil ifqaor thil oollsotor straltotj nd offioer floody of the toronto revenue offloe were there on th oiuw voloaniotbbuptlons art gwefbul bbtj ofjtjy boirtlsnf them alt old bondi le fp wstft m almuippslme st thomas ont- lootedinethtereprk in centra ol city 11100 lababltantifcmtt t au- wsnandloeal rimtitstystanii twlstedlstlnot- ens fluett m wj twifwfbcsraamanwiwlrs fro ta fte toajumtmit mwfrmb tkimmed thla esn wehavo millinery l3joandoo hat in many cases they would be good value foi half as much wore short back sailors walking hats various aty let tome in velvet trimmed with wings birds etc others- in felt trimmed with velvet birds ospreys ornaments elc special price 13 50 to 9500 each ladies lallm black and col- tr a tiirivitno nd friers boucle cloth juojnjljiifib jacket double breasted large storm collars 13 80 ladles black beaver or frieie jackets volvet collar and cuffs half silk lined double breasted 8 ladles black and colored beaver ladles heavy black curl cloth trimmed with cloth etrappttu buttons large storm collars ladles sealette jackets jotaicf lined with qnilted tatln extra l colur r vil00 ladies sealette capes dollied sttin flped high storm collar 1100 to 1400 dbe8s for y p thl3 alore flairao naa or common consent uuulbo been the principal dress goods kore of this section styles helped to that fame but prices did much to hold it to pieces 44 inch allwool tweed effects regular value 50c and 65c special at 35c 9 pieces 44 in allwool tweed effects regular it 00 special 50c 15 pieces 44 in tweed effects all wocl reg ular value 43c special 35c for tailormade gowns suitings in sedan or covert cloth 75c navy or black coating serges allwool 4a in wide ay 44 in wide 33 40 and 50c silk pearlwhitesatlnnneface jackets double breasted storm collsuvd rumme nm bnd finish regular 85c pearlbnttons 77f3j depart- spectal uje mknt ivor satin twill back rr t fine face faat weave reg- hlar value f 1 95 special at i 00 colored tattets silks all colon ai in wide j special at 03c ti inch check and figured tafletas special 6jpvwktioo womens somens black cash- rs- vcq mcm oloves small sizes jajv vxtio repu1ar 50c now 15c womcnb while fleeced lined gloves reg ular 60c now 40c children s rlngwood gloves special at 20c and 23c womens ringwood gloves special at 25c 35c and 55c kid gloves to match any color in suitings trianon czarina or brdadway embroidered backs pique sewn special at i 00 falstaftembrolderexl backs pique sewn 3 clasp 1 1 35 dagmar piqua sewn embroidered points 33 samples on application freight orexpress prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario on all purchases amounting to j 00 and upwards l p4 s-

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