Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1898, p. 4

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8k- ihconfltaatpainwh jvourfectr is that dragging puhing sonbution with you from morn till night why not put the memome exactly on tie disease why j knot apply the cure right to j jthe spot itself you can do id with self praise a mau onoo walked along tho banks of tho mighty enpbrateb blver its waterb moved softly aud silently along why dp not thy waters euruo and roor asked tho man and the rivor rrplied 1 need not nhoat aloud my nairio la known widely euongh thetgreim meadows which wat- h iho lofty irecb upon m bapha theao toll who i am tho man camo afterwards to the- tigris river its waves dashed along wildly with clouds ot foam holloa how loud you are said the map mah said tlio river my shoaliug doss not help m6 at all i till am not praised like other streams however loudly 1 proclaim that i amsodae thing in the world the man went further he saw treea with the costliest and tnosl beautiful halt why bo still rood trees he asked wbyrnot raatlsjibeyouroompanlonbin the wood wo areknownthey replied by the fruit we bear however silent we are soon the man came to a wood whose treea towered to the skyand whose empty crests- sept up a constant roar van theyreplledwe have shpnted iond and long and yet we are not treated si we deserve plav 8awin wood the cnnarfta li an opening for a good ycffihg niau in hat portage basing 11b opinion upon the following advertisement wantbda youug niau to look aftor goneral store on ltsluy ivor mutt bo aolior bonost aud a practical lookkoopar will bo oxnsoted to distribute autl to makoalp mail tbroo tlmoa n wee in t summer and to conduct prayer mcotlngs proabytoriftn ou wodnobdayovoii itics apply byjottor itiolofling toforoneoa and staling wbkob oxpeoted to a l none olnco hat portota i 14 ab tho armor aaid to hia son i thoros nothing to do today bo you may go out and play awh ile and what aau i play sawing wood of course new england grocer immediately after the kplaster- is applied you feel jits wanning soothing in3 b fluerloo its iioalingremediesl quickly penetrate down deep into the inflamed tissues pain is quieted soreness is rev i lievedaindstpengthimp no plaster th9 ever made flko it no platter ever acted bo quickly and thoroughly no plaster ever bad such complete control overall kinds of pain placed oyer the chest it to a powerful aid to ayera cherry pectoral relieving i congestion and drawing ont all inflamroatdqn jobs 8flt jictiiit fxtt fres thursday november 17 1898 ije fjihtitg jalka takiso medicine tlituootoriifrlnblng tbobollrmydobr ah 1 boro bo comesin tbo door what jobnnloblck oomo abbw ino your touguo you rauat not cry any moro jubt sbut your oyes and opon your moutb and bwallow fast as you ban this wqdloino i know it is bad ilut tako it all lilto a man lires battlos are savor fought and won iiy tboso who alt down and cry 8o glvo i cant a very wide berth and conquor with braveftll try time improves everything but women they of coureo have been perfeot from the beginning ungyarda yellow oil cares sprains bruises boref wounds frostbites chil blains stings ol insects burns soalqs contusions etc price slio over one hbndred miles of telegraph wires run throngc the sewers of paris tkero never was and never will be a univoreal panacea in one remedy for all illbto which flesh is heirrrthe very nature of many cutativeb being- snob that were tho germs of other and differently seated disoaeea rooted in the system of ths patient what would relieve one ill in tarn would aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtainedin a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judicious use tbefrallestsystomsare led into con valescence and strength by the influence which quinine exerts on natures ovm restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom achronlo state of morbid despondence and laok of interest in life is a disease- and by trsnojuiusidg tho nerves dispoias to sound and refresh ing aleep imparts vigor to the aotion of the blood which being stimulated courses throngnoutthe veins strengthening the healthy animal fanotlona of tnesystemj thereby making activity a neoessaryresalt strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs whioh naturally demand lnoroaaod sabstanoe result im proved appetite northrop lyman of toronto havo riven to the puwio sjbielr qnlnine wine at the usual rate and guagedby the opinion of scientists- this wine approaohea nearesfe perfection of sny- in tho market all druggists sell it no one has discovered a sore cure for laziness sfivltengp n an taltalysia shattered noryes seveloped nervous frostnt- tlou nervous proitratlon developbit total faralyali of one side qrcat sonth american nervine in the teeth of most adverse and tompllcaudcireriraitanees overcomes ah and restores wife suid- mother in good health to her fttmlly tlietbnro the written words of edward parr snrry centre b 0 my wife was taken bad last augntt with nervous prostration which later on developed into paralysis of one side we tried many remedies but all in vain 1 thought i wpnld try sooth american nervine having seen it advertised inrtho new westminster bo papers add i am glad to bo ablo to say that the result after takibs thrco bottles was an sstonlshment to mynelf and family it worked wonders for her and wb can not saktoo highly of una areat remedy tho man who preaohes revolntiou is the worst kind of a crank thin in flesh pcrhapsits natural if perfectly well this is probably the case but many are suffering from frequent colds nervous debility pallor and a hun dred aches and pains simply because they are not fleshy enough ii- scotts emulsion pf c6i liver oh phites strengthcni5inajtf tion gives hew terce nerves and ignakej bloodi mm life insurance is no doubt a good thine but what some men need moat is insurance against fire huscular bheumatlsin- mr h wilkinson stratford ont writes i ezperisnoed great relief from mutoular rheumatism by using two bottles ol milbarns bheamatio pills they are a splsndld remedy prion 50c all drng- glets nearly all tbo good indians seoui to have a mania for loafing around in front of cigar mores dr fowlersextraot of wild strawberry onres diarrhoea oramps oollo cholera and is the saieit and most reliable remedy for ohiidreh or aduu bat few people worry themselves to death because of other peoples hatred tcus how mbnrns heart and ndrve rills conquer disease like the conquering armlesof britain which are itsarchinf to victoiy in every quarter of the globe milburnv heart and nerve plll are every where triumph- inovcrsickrtrriawcakneii9andsurrering mr david walsh of carloton place ont n man who has served with dis tinction and credit in tho british army mid u now- an employee of the c p riilvnysnyji while in the army iffot broken down and my nervous system wis comptotcly sh jittered i was much troubled with liver corn- ptnint loss of appetite etc my rest be en nie broken and was disturbed by vivid drtn ms this had been going on for 14 yoars nlthpugh i took a reat many rimndirh to escape from the tioubies which afflicted mo iiwver i got no relief until i artiil to tnko milburns heart and nitvo pilh which i used together with lixriuvcr piln and now arterhaving used a few bcfxeh i am better than j have been for rears my nerves are- restored to full force and vigor i eat and sleep well and my entire systern has been toned and strengthened milburnu heart and nerve pills coc abtx or 3 for 8135 at all drugrgists laxnlvsr pills says john doharty 3lnnrhstrec st john nb cured me of constipation and distress alter eating ttieir action u natural and effectlvo tenoenta in your pocket will parohase more than the dollar some one owes yon mil burns sterling headache powders once the worst headaoha in from uvo to twenty ml oaten aod lesvo no bad after- effeots one powder co 8 powders 10o 10 powders 25c maistuy a native are yon a native of this parish sbkcd a bootoh ahorilt of u witness who was tutmmonbdto in caaoof illicit distilling maislly yor honor wab tho reply i mean were yoq born in this parish v na yor honor i waana born in this parish bat im maibtftnativo for a that u oame here when you were a ohild i suppose you mean said tho sneriuv no air im joet here tvbout aax year bin i jubt weighed eiahfcatatie an im 17 atano uoo bio ye see that aboat nine btane ovmo bolongato this parish- and the uher eight comes frae oamlaobio lion- donywfito poisonous cosmetics fsed to hide disease a women who use therri eun terrible eisks palnes celery compound quickly removes the troubles and diseases that women now try to hide it giyes new health and good looks a queer incident a chicago marj acoordlog to the trldune of that city ueedthe telegraph the other day in an odd way a visitor whom he had met frequently in new york stepped into his office it was business as well as inclination to be exoeedingly cordial to the new yorker bat for the life of bpi be oo no reoall the viauors name in the midst of the converaation the cbioago man was remindedof a telegram he bad forgotten to send falling out a blank ho sent the following to his new york honee whats the nameol tonkins head mano reoall it be is here they chatted along for half an hour when the answer oame it read simpklna and now mr simpsini it ib abont time for lunoli remarked the chicago man well go otcrtoolub i want yon to meet some of my friends there slaugand baaebu talk are the neareat some people ever oome to apeakiug the english language laxatjiver pills qqts jjonsflgatioa and biliousness tov work without a grip or a gripe and never fail to do good price 25o physloians are called npon to presoribe for the imagination ottener than anything else dr lows worm syrup is a safe sure and reliable worm oxpoller aots equally well pq obilctron or adults bo saroyou got ijowb fame is the goddess who keeps ber favorites names in the papers path atany good examples are set but fen of them are ever hatched aik your doctor be will tell you that sootts emnleion oures poverty of the blood ana debility of the nerves es will say that it is the beat remedy in the world for delicate ohillren uen never overlook a chance to take a vacation bat its different with gas meters spelis lastsqmmcr i was troubled with -itn-tbw-5- ksiok headacheand bilibiisres and could hot sleep at night i tried several doctors tjitit to no effect and got com- pletcly discouragredi at last i- saw an advertisemqnt tellinff about burdock blood bitters my hus band induced me to try it and to- d a using the third bottle andean truly say it has clone rrio a wonderful amount of good i feci belter than i havo for years nnd am con- fident i ojvo my restored health to b b b mrs edward beck riverside nb bbb is the best remedy for biliousness gonstipationsick headaches coated complaint jaundice scrofula blooi humors and a diseases of th s live kit heysapd bowels no man ever thinks sooagh of fats motherinlaw to mske bis wife jealonl kidnky pain john 8nellof wlnxham ont- mi in a ifael strom of rain and aironylrom blieased kidneys south american kidney cure wna the- vrescntbo mis prtiijrvet- it believes ibitantl j and cures sorely o five years ago i had a severe attack of la orjpps whlob affsotsd my kidneys and oaosed intense pains in ray baokjand urlnarj prnani i suffered qntolctojaejy st times i oonld not walk and any stand- a sharp ettfifjinfr pain in iho back you thinlt it doesnt amount to any thing- be all right in a few dnysrbut it dopsrit got all rightidneys are not doing their duty nnd the poisonous matter that they ought to remove is going all through tho sys- tem cnubing rheumatisip gout dyspepsia head aches backabhes all sorts of ills doans kidixey mils cure tho disease by removing the cause wdpopliiimtalbotstfltthornniionf aays i ntava for ri ion t time nnl wrltins back and kldny troublemy bnck wbhho tin and painful that whan i ttatdown t ha1 tohavahoinethtna toattfrit malooetup i have taken four boxen oe donnv ki nrv pi lit and xiitf havo akn tba ntlffnea uti1 pain from lnjr back and enablpd mo to tralghten up without pain or difficulty prica soo a boxa for 1 as all dnifrsta tho doau kidney fill co toronto onu tho tnte call to proa oh is backed by the peoples coil to bear flams horn when the children rrind their teeth have a raven one appetite yet dbat leam to ihrlvo nive thorn dr lqws worn syrop it will clear ont ever worm with out harming the ohild prioo 2go cftstqiirm kate field a prominent and honored american lady and a writer of note declares that alter a most oampleto investi gation she finjjthat 802000000 worth of polsononi ooametlob are- eold annoally in the united states it is dlfflonlt to give with any degree of acouraoy ibe amount of money spent yearly in oanada for oosmet- ios but the ogurea moat bo large it is well acderslood that tho people who pnrohaso oosmetiob nee them with a view of deceiving those who oome in oontaot uosmstlos cover a multitude of evils they are employed to oover hp faoial blotbhei ernptlocs and sklntroableb that always resalt from impure blood they are also used as a covering for wrinkles or orows feet brought on by fast living latehonrb andimperfeot digestion thons- ands of women from day to day cover op and dlegnise traoas of djbcaie and early decay idatead of wisely and boldly attaok ing the osoier- an old and wellknown druggist asserts that tho introduction and popular use of paines celerj compound hai of late years greatly lessened tho bale of all oosmoticb wiso and prudent women well know that palnes celery compound when need goes direolly to tbe root of jitioaeo qaickly removinf all poisons and imparitiea from the blood giving tbo norvoub eyiitepv fall tone and vigor and giving that regular and petfect direatioa that malntainb health ahd phyaioal otronth by the 080 of natures reniedy al faoial blotobes pimploa and wrinkles are boon banished the floah is oloan the akin soft and clear and the eyes sparkle with bright ness this ia tbe true work of paines celery compound aa thousands have deolared who have tested the great medi- oine to uboru of cosinotiob wo flay oast aside at once tho health destroying agents that you are now using and try what tbe wonderful paines celery compound can do for yos coametiaa mean continued dooeptipuand iaoreasod misery i the use ofpaines celery compound guarantees a epeedy baniahroent of yoar troahles a return of new and fresh health and good looka and visit our store and- showrooms during this week whether omot you are suppliedwithsuitable clothing for the coming cold weather is the question we have to consider during the next ten days we will show some exceedingly good values in ladies childrens and mens clothing ladies note ladles mantles 300 to tiooo ladies mantles special range at ssoo misses coats from la50 to iyjs xhttfiiiost cbrnpletti ari d nattyrange of dress goods vve haveevershoami is on our counters at rock bottom prices gentlemen merfs tweed suita 350 to tiooo mens fine black suits tiooo to 1250 a mens fina beaver overcoata black and navy j750 to ir50 railway ti mb tasbujid mai grand trunk railway ooiho west aoino kasti exprcba mull mall 10 02nrn exiirqmnrtmanpm ilf 1 1g puj 0 00 bll 10 6oan1 6 hpiii 10 os ittji mill street acton castoiltv is lrr samtjiiapitexiors proscriptloi for infltnta anuv oliiltlron it contains neither opliuii morphluo nor other harcotlo substance it is a lrarnaless suhstltuto for paregoric drops soothinff sjtups and castor oil it is pleasant its sjuarantco is tlilrty years use by mulloni of mothers oastoria destxoys worms and aliass feverishness castorla prevents- vomiting sour curd cores dlnrrbcea and wind colic oastoria relieves tcotliiny troubles cores constipation and flatulency oastoria assimilates tbo food regulates tbo stomach and bowels giving healthy and natural sleep castorla is tbo childrens panacea tbe mothers friend gabtoria caitorla is an excellent medicine for children mothers have repeatedly told mc of its good effect upon their children da g c osgood xapell mass gastoria cantorla iaso well adapted to clitmren that i rccomraetid it as superior to any pre scription known to iiie i h a akchbr m d brooklyn jv k the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper fm 1 ttmmwswtmgrf wwyowmitv 80mb rlbeb op kifb nob to ob trade any advioe unasked to tlm at obeerf altteii without levity never to dispute if yon ban fairly avoid it never lo dispute with a man moro than serenty yeanof gayoxaworian not an enthuiltat never to think tbe vfoiuom mother on aoooant o bii differing from yon in politios or relfglobs opinions never to resent a supposed injury tiuyou know tbejbjowf andmotivei of tbe author of it nor any oxjomiou to retaiiato a recent fjovornraont oonaoo sbows tbat in india there are 5810759 filrle between the agea of flvo and nino yoara who are wives aod over 170000 who are widows nearly all liaseian leather ia tanned with biroh bark thia pivoa it tbe peon liar pleasant odor wbioh is so admired and at iho same time proteoti it from ioacole the oaotomhoaao of anoomarca pero is 10000 feet above sea level and in said to be the highest iahabited place in tbe world the grave of an unmarried woman in tarkey is often indicated by a rosebarved in a fltaae for infanta and children ir vtu chaps anil clillllnlno oomo with tba told wealhir but oan ba oorad by iha appllostlon ol hiagyards veilow oil lbs best remedy for asternal wod intarualaso tpads h vbo rsrttbllsrns his argansnl by nolss bd ogmmsiiid shows that his resson is vsjntlt- rr frit- m l no matter what voiic expt co has been with iocalle stanb remedies your iihlib we corriplele recovery irely and posltivdy bo effee 6ttt bufierany longer dontfj irlflc with a distressing and dahl kirns disease when a lurecureial kinyour grasp thousands of t iffoiew whose oondilion wni 6raeilon yours have been cured tnd are now in ptrfect health i their enthusiastic andunsollcitcit ltrtlimoniw show beyond the 1 rshadow of a doubt thm dragn8ws cataprhal powder jitthe moat wonderfully effective j reniedy ver compounded ii rcr illgveaiho most rwnscaie in from t io to 60 minutes iiettccts a full i cure in a short time the most lemfnent nose nnd throtit special- irtltiinthe worlilhnve given it their i iinqualiiscd enloraeitient in all 1 cniest of catarrh oblds tore fcvtrhi u0 use it never foils to do precisely wlint is cluinnl fur il in less itiiih m liotirl a prbniinunt evnngcliki 1tbroiit nsthmii tiny fcvir ntitt inftitrnzu t icts like limbic hi luousc it never foils to do precisely wlint is cluinnl fur idt will prove lis worth if you will hut giveit ftclmncu y imtiiilsntsj blue brown and black beavers blue and brown melton9 fancy curled cloths all shades- venetians and fancy cloths all shades all new cloths and uptodate made to order firatologs fni li to 30 a coat see our special blue and black serge salting at 9i6 a suit one price only r e nelson merchanttallor and mens furnisher artistic photography a thing of boauty what la more jpleatjog to the eye than a pnotooraph welf taken the maalng ol a good negative is a dlttoult tsak nnless tho condition are right first the operator faouia understand pldg and be thoroughly d bis lansetv bat aita ihonia tia 1 elan under tbeta eondltlousr a good negative and a clear print is bound to result our gallery la fitted with all of the above our work bpeaki for itmlf sbonld nnderstana peeing and be thorough famllar witb tbe art 61 photography baoond bis lansetv baokgrouua and appni tensnoes sbonld be uptodate and flrtf you want thtbat aria thet cheapest ttaontafiiowirt cen0ino co l slatauoataiia mcm aliens fendnjs nnd ntetilngs com k blno these two qualities no others do hog fenclnasat special low prices al other varieties cheap mcwullens are tbe only good nettings sold in canada tbe y n unequalled for poultry yards trellis 1 lawn fences ask your hardware mer chant formcmnllens soods iyou cannot buy or him write to the manufacturers at plcton ont or to tas b gbesning wire co limited hamilton and montreal general agents jamu cooper montreal general agent for railway fencings boots and shoes made to order and repaired george stovel practical shoemaker has opened a shop in the premises lately occupied by w hadams tailor he has had large experience in city work eind is consequently able to fill nil orders in the neatest possible manner fine turned work and patching receivo special attention orders rilled on shortest notice call or send your order to george stovel cor mill and main streets acton son savings and loan co head offic toronto ont aafjoartasiz cajutai 411000000 00 tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments 0500 per share for 120 months when payments cease tobpo paid la maturity value 10000 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli catlonto rjmonabb afient aoton htw fglves cstiniony rwr vrurrcn immtlfiy writes whi10 in ncwnrk n j cnihlncllrik rellklon nor tivleca i was troubled wlljicatsnb and used dr akiuvb cntrrlnt iowdtt it itnva mc knat rcllof and 1 havo recommended it to many anions whom i linva liibire hom ihvlcl mills minister of jnsllceof cnnnila lias used tills reinady and lilutily recoup lblendsltovor his own signature at all druggists dr aenews cure for the heart cures nil cases of orgnnio nnd sympnlheo asfloftno heart relieves in 3ominutos dr- aenews liver lillsnrenf n mild catharte nntl an invlgonttor system tcnovnior nnd blood maker ni vuj uiw a oihlnieht relieves in a dhy niid w abtliwojrt enem is the wotuojman who ipn work j wi fmm annl aillesph prllu onv ffhtjes ji fid r badoola vnre rnsn maybe riftrifflia the lerjead mil 03 timk of cloaind mailh goingwoet 940 am undo go pm going east 10 25 am and 5 go im thu tlmo tablo wont into effect oil monday msy 16tfa 1608 evz i zta t rr za 2t brkntf0rd calvanized s ileal wind jtfi-ur- mills and towers tor powtt and pump- lag within ternjtl covered qor ptont roller ana bu bearings maple leaf jnders vxwo sizes kor any power no i has xo inch reversible burrs no2 has 8inch single burrs doth have ball bearing bnrr plates relief springs and shake feed grind 6ne and fast with least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use alent wo make roller and ball bear log steel windmills of all kinds the finest ia the market besi material lig fates running send for illustrated catalogue john mcqueen agent for tbe nbove has changed his ware- rooms to building on w e smiths property john street where may be seen rsosr a wood bimdxiis ainaitowjois and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs n my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueem fob twjbrtttf bxb87 by the people who buy hy the people who havo money to buy with by tbe people who pay cash for their purchases by the people who make desirable custo mers by the people whom the advertiser is in quest of by ihe people who know a good thing when they see it by more people in this section than are reached by any other two papers daily or weekly by everybody in the town and county who wants the largest amount of rood fresh crisps spicy news and reading natter for tbe money by everybody who is possessed of enter prise who is progressive and who be lieves in a bright original progressive newspiper rihat keeps lis constituency sidlusnterw that is why the fsek press receives such liberal advertising paironige jootgd loraome tipieaflo oeultlofbev rxv vvr j l j iy av 7

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