Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1898, p. 1

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cv voiiltmb xjv yo 21 acton ontauio thtjbsday november 24 1898 price ttttttcr htikts ib poblibhed every thubsday morning at tub free proas steam printing ofllcc uill street aoton ont tstnus or snoscniptiohono dollar per year itrlotly in advance all subscriptions discon tinued tvhen the timo for which thoy bavo boon paldyhas oxplred- the date townloh every lubscrlpttonis paid is donoted on tho address ubel auvhutihina it atbs transient advertise ments 20 aonts por nonpareil lino for first in sertion 8 cents per lino for each subsequent iiiertton oohtzuax iutbb tho foltarwlns table shows nr rates for tbo insertion of nsvortfo omenta for spsolnbd periods bpaob 1 yi14 6 w s ha imo ulaohea lolnohoa olnahes lraeh 0000 3500 uo00 000 3300 2000 190o sua aooa 1900 700 900 700 800 am 100 advertisements wltboat bpeolno dirootions will be irtsorted till forbid ana charged aooord- obly vransloat adverttioraents mast be paid 0 bavanoo advertisement will bb changed once eaoh mouth if dealred for ohanaob bttener than enoe a month tho aompoaltlon mast be paid for at regular rates ohangesfor oontraot advortiaoraenta must be ntbe ofsoe by noon on tueadaya- accoanta payablo montblr hrmooke editor and proprietor uainefiji btrcrtorp john m macdonald mdcm buccebb0h to 3 f tjbbn m d o m oulcoandroaldonoo gornerhill frederick streetaaoton the oxford self pronounc ing teachers bible with 28c pages revised teachers mat ter to june 1896 red under gold edges leather bind ing yapped edges printed off new plates size 8 x 5j jnches weiglit z pounds binding very flexible good value at 4 to 5 i will mail at 125 ia stamps quantity limited send your order early tj day days bookstore guelph after receiving this bible if it does not please return it and the money will be re funded -thb- traders bank of canada capital authorized 91 000000 capital paid up 700000 speight brady manufacturers of j k fj r forster buccesson to db a b eii10tt itito rosldont physician and surgeon to vic toria hospital for sick children toronto onrioe mill btroot lately occupied by dr elliott t r dryden era eab tnnoat and nobb motjoans block douglas st near p o qdelph omce hours 10 am to lpno and 3 to6pm bdnpjltb 10 am to 1 pm ii ennettxids oentisx qbobobtowh ohtajuo j p coghlan 0 d s- l d s dentist woiuc cabbrulily dokb pricks uooehatb ofpiob ovbb bnowns diuja btobk notmbvehydatpjlouato fi jm bell dd6 lds ft dhktibt bnookviixs uohon goaduats op toronto unitxhsitt work mads satisfactory prices moderate visirma datb monday afternoon camp- ixllvulo tuesday acton ofllco clatks hotol friday book wood tr q h cook mj dentist cor col logo st and bpadina avo tooonto wu vlaltaoton oh theflnt and third satur- dsiyi of esvob rnonth office mr adam cooks residence main btrt leo ah m clean 4 mclean ilutliterisouoltori nourioa oonyoyancer am pzitatefandbtoloan oinoe town hall acton wil a molbam jmo a iiolkah y j mackinnon baubistsb sorjoiton contxtamoeb onlos mill btroot in ustuhewb lilock upitaltb rbmcleod baoautxb souoitob contbiauoxb a main street georgetown moaettoloartatlowoatoarrentratea fi j ijonabb our fourth divlalon oonrt ooonty of hal- ozoonveybnoeragentflranrl llfeaaanranob udalelbtate agent money to loan eto orriok perryraababloek aoton ont miscllaxe0i7s m jenby gbjso ottawa canada solicitor of patents for invention eto prepares applications for tbei canadian amor- ltikijnd european patent oiucas svnd for tbs btsoutration of 05f ado marks bond for pam- pntet thirtytwo yeara oxporlomoo 7tgiaanpisntjnan r bookblnden wjnflliambt qnelph ontario otor willlamistoro aaeotint books of all kinds made to order parlooucau of eterydeioriptlon cavref oily bonnd banns nolt mi promptly done m abhiage lioenseb h p mooue iphtifji ormanntaol xjiceksbb private ofllee nowltnaaiebrel0lred iabood roildonce in the eveninb free preu qinco acton rjrrmi-hbmbtbbbt7- ltosxiiu avononk fortbeooantiea of wellington end helton ordleftatnefmluis olloe aoton or at nyrmldenoelnaeton will be proraptly at eadddto faesredneto liiboobiaeil batjbb alto moner to loan ontnb moaifatorablo lanvatndl af the loweet ratoa of lntereat in atunl oftfjoo and pwarda waillngton mutroil ff i co amabknnifjapisid- imbitbanob on oaah and u atdal plan any cornmnnloatlonaforwarded to my addreaa ilox mb or telephone 00 will be promptly at- tenda o johm tatlott agent qnelpto afirjpux mlaftmne and beptur shops hbniltanlnpbrj proprietor ann well eanlpped with all the maohloerr naeeaaarjr to oieonte all rapaln to maohln- erv andafltnoaltnrallmplamenbiandto do am aibmfllunbhorbeboelpg and genera luiliig woodworll rbdeara prrrprmed rfaetory manner we npairany -ijaaibjji- larjwoi on hirrd otlflindnh eenuntlblewuoti dynamos electric motors water motors aasotnreamt axs engines brass iron castotasto order repairing promptly done georgetown ont cuelphbranch7 wo are now isaalna money orders payablo at par at aov branch oicliarcerod bank lo canada aroeptldg yukon dlitrict at tho following rates under eio 8 oouta sloto 20 10 con u eaoto 8j0 12 conts 30to ioo w conts oeirg niahbbtourientaate of interest i aid on boms doposltcd of sx and ujmardi dttireet allowed from dato of dopoalt to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yavrjy- advance mado to responsible farmers on tbolr otfii names at the lowoatourrent rotes noobarffe mado for oollootldg aalos notes f payable in- quel ph a general banking business transacted a njones manager lifiqleums alrria ladies gellege st thomas ont located in olshtacre park in centre of city 19000 inhabitant fonr tramoontineotal rail way and local olootrlosyitem collebe distinct ly obrlttlan and patronlcod bj all donomlna- tlodb flnost bulldlnrii superior facilities in college courses and in miiale flnp art basiness elocution cookory borne comfort strong staff bates for board residence and tuition range from 325 to 000 a wook according to studios paru od for catalogue and full information address pmnotpal wjlenijr mj- w babber bros paper makees aeoboetwni hau a spioulti 0 machine finished book papers high or ade trvkekxy nkw8 tho paper used in hit journal is from the above mills wm babber bros guelph g sa the entire stock of w a christies picture and art department bought by us at a low figure bigbhrgjtins in all lines waters bros new store next pringles we hitch the dollar toa bigger load than it ever drew before our entire stock of footistear at lowest prices to cash buyers fall- d stock cornpleto whilo oiherb burn the midnight oil in marking up rpriceb pre- paring forataleouipriceigbikjot- lng down the toboggiui slide of genuine low and reasonable prices 7 wwiimmsv boots and shoes acton bring your cuaton in and yalce the llfflber home with you shvers lumber rjaning mills nassagawoya p sayers proprietor jhuconllanlly on hand fpll line ol lumber lath bhlnglea cedar potts wood kto cuilom ilgb and bill stuff cut to order on abort notice planing and matching done to the beat ol satisfaction prices very cheap and made lo suit the customers pocket p sayers ptiptth who are about to ibbto rujjljo pablloor hih sebool iboald not oyerleok tile great aadvant age ota nraotloal ooorao el untrue- lion at the fi business college aiid ijj3lies0iit falvci rjvoslok win oornmenoe jneday beptemberulb write ormlilubtwteted olrdolar- nteoreaiiriinnretwa rdolararray jf ia- ijji iftiiimrnrtimts i good as we know how to buy and that means good as can be found anywhere prices as little as 35c sqr yard and all the between prices up to 100 special department for these goods with excellent light entrances st georges sqr and wyndham st j mbondco mckee8 parisian balm for the hair a perfect tonic hair dressing for promoting the growth and beauty of the hair and preventing it frorn falling out cleanses and invigorates the scalp thereby preventing dand ruff try a bottle 25c prepared only by j d mckee acton ont c the name vmckce on every bot guarantees its fine quality sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont autnorlibcl capital 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease ftfjooo paid inmaturlty value 810000 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appll- cationto r j mcnabb agent aoton boots and shoe9 and repaired george stover praotlcal shoemaker has opened a shop in the premises lately occupied by w h adams tailor he has had large experience in city work and is cdnsequentlyabie to fill nil orders in the neatest possible manner fine turned work andrpatching receive- special- attention orders filled on shortest notice call orsend your order o i n george stovel cor milland main streets acton latest and best designs of onvments in granite and marble at 20 to 30 per cdrit reduction j h hamilton proprietor qranite marble woiksy cu13lph is the only direct tmporler or marble and granite west o torohco and north of hamilton come and see the largest and best imported stock in the dominion price lor granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granlle orrloe ant torlabjlmiiorrs block ymolwicb and nortolk sts guaafh oist branch works new btmburg oft vonvaa bolloltora winlod uierjwhera for a tbebtorjotthanjillpplooa 1 iturat rauuidy eomrolaaloned by the aottrnmant aa offlelal b latorlan to the wir pmiurtranl tb homhlal a liqnplnld in ban kong in the 4metaoeatmlltnernb5man eamn with iljrnlna do en lis daek of tb plynjpllll t na in tbe roar of batu ra aia llodajita foabnl thilf- ifjrw a thanksgiving fable tbanksrlflnb naorn bad just been bote while thtongh tbo bafnyard straying a gobbler proud witb gobble loud was to his yardmatcisiaylns i am tbe peer of aohantibieor you can bank upon my ward that sereeehluff thing is no longer kins for tm tho only bird with eonulotii jorlde andatatetystriete ills ijobleta strode alonetr y with well pound head apd nieasurodtrefcd oobblldgaturkubscbtf- said the bantam cock to the fijmoaua rook hft on to his goblets hjobblel excuse my mlrtta but yond think the earth oro his to hear him gobble said the lofibom bold as baboratched the mold wolliadttilrehligall bat oerlook bit vrays for the old taw asys trido goeth beforoafall tberes uaiter l ax wltbasllttrldg axe ho must bo going to work avoil dash myipun 1 great obestnntburrs 1 hes gnlilotlued the tnrk what did he ray thanksglvldg day will bo dead enough in a m inn to to say tbo least a glorious fonst auj boll bo strictly in it hoiul dont got tooloucl dont bo too prontd roprcss undue elation dont think by birth youreboirto earth and guard against inflation dont grow wboae oer neighbors woei wlion you have what ho jaoke mlafortunei snara may eatob yon where tbo gobbler got tbo aw cimcinoui tribune sited family ktbinq sorrie s tliaqfsgiing the tarboy yoato got lbat down got it dp two dollars tbooldobaps a ten pounder ooddib laughed at him over tbe ltd of her mwiogbabkefc why den she cried we werent dolofi to have sooh a whopping big one as- that t lttflt tbanksfilvidra only weighed a little over eight pounds that all well roiim this ooos a ten pounder ik looks bo veil on paper yoa know thou they both laughed well agreed bonnienow lets see what else there are tbe potatoep sweet and soar ae honey banoh woo id say potatoes it is mem hill we do have potaloei other times i tbooflht this was to be an extra list sare enough cross oat she soar ones then i wont yield tbe sweet theyre lozuriee and celery bon pat that down celery two bnncbei forty cents and cranberrief no birree im going to havemyoran- 4wrry joll mnsio box or do mnsio ejaculated ben i wout bs tbankfal without bat poor boy answered connie be shall have it bo he shall els good wife shall cool it in the ears o corn no old bat be cant have any eoalioped oyaiera bless me no i nor any obioben pie nor any a ny dinner sopplemented sen gloomily dinner yoa wait and see sir i cried connie yoa shall have a rfgalar little dnolc of a dinner if it iaota tbanks- givlog dinner i ive got it all cooked in my mind now cant yon smell the onions in it ben miffed and noddrjd gravely i could be thaukfol on odloni he m ar mored then went on conitaaoe well have joat one simple pqddiog on know a delicioua rioe i gaess thats lovely and wont hart honey bdoob aad yoare fond of it ill make it look likssa dream with the froeting in little wary pafliall over it and little- jelly oaeos every onoe in so ofteo ai mrs boggles ijiyi one padding instead of a plam one boiled in s bag and warranted to kill within twsntyfonr hoars and five or six pies well call the pies and the plnms extras got em down dear7 i dena pen tripped oyer tbe paper briskly down- v and the nnts and raiiiaa tbey made little honey banou elok itifc year i bad to indqlge her onoe in the year now reason tip connie dropped her work mad leaned forr ward wltlvcager f nternt bhe did not look like a miser either fonroinety i said ben call it an ovfinnwer and ibey are five dollar ob ben 1 connie cried delightedly of coarse they are small bat the masfo lit i- its big- it i beautifall well do it wont we dear beu letned forward with bli big warm band held out for condios little white one well do u little frao he aiid heartily and i reckon itll be a mighty good thldg rf r connie held the big hand nnnembsarlly lodg strokiog it with her ire angers gent ly dsirboy it will bs tisttly she said i feel it in my bones im io glad yoa approve of the idea too 1 was most afraid yoad banker after tbckfleab pots a wee bi ben not a banker given lime onions and the cranberry sanoo abd the desjeert with oases in u i ill give up all the rest like a dear old martyr i andiron see dear we shall bo thankfol all of m year and a day loetead of jost the day youre so fond of music eind yon web t to worst yoa big blaodered and married t wife who oooldnt make any for yoa now wmiave it i v they bad made the plan together a day or two before to be iorsj qoanli9mkfir tbankiglvlog shodld b bted by some- v pm0 dyipejla np ite sleeve bt they obfltidwtb ilbv they fmltiii lj- down town to bonneye to see it the luxury in the showwindow aod we heard i too honey bunch had told aunt hannah afterward it waa playing something beautiful that made your toes wiggle mamma bald it was aa poker and she let me dance a little easy to it oat on the sidewalk papa wanted to bat mamma aald oh no ban i real shocked eoho hod wait till- his thauksgiylog dinner five dollers tbe emaller music boxes were bat tbe dnejn tho window was twiae five and ben privately resolved to have that there was a orlsp folded bill in a rebervtd corner of liis vest pocket that he bad been keeping thcro for a littto luxury sit of liia own and well if he ctbose to use it for something else what then oonnie neednt know but that the thanks giving dionerdid it all if aunt hannah wasus going to be at helens to dinner we wouldnt do it boh never 1 wed have the turkey and tho flxiuv as qbual of course queer wasnt it we divided her up that way at helens thanksgixing and her christmas before we ever thoayht of swapping our diuoer for a masiobox they were talkiug ft over another even ing and conriie was dbdding over at ben again between stitches in her own nooittl little laahlon u lots of things lire queer aaid ben were queer suppose flomo folks would say baying a year o tunes with a thanks giving dinner 1 let em say i who caree 1 laughed oonnie then her britjht face bobered a little i do believe in thanksgiving moat of it- she aaid seriouely its a beaut if nl olafaehioued day and the idea of it of families getting together round the old hometable to be thankful all together is juet per feat i like to think of all the young mothers and f tuhcra and little grand eablea that go harrying home the day be fore than keg i v in g ob ben think what lots of tittle blessed new grandbabioa there are to show the dear old folks 1 oonbles faoe wan wistful poor little woman mnrmared ben eoftly if id only hid some folks to give her t then wed have gone home witb the rest of the fathers and mutbera and showed them oar baby ben onr ltoney bunch 1 there waa a little silenoe then and ben knew oonnie waa dreamtog a aad little dream of ehowing her baby to tbe mother that had died just too soon bens mother had died when be himself was a baby bnt weve got aunt hannah connie said suddenly subduing the jolt in her voioe so we have cried ben obeerfolly and the talk drifted away from esdneas again the fault i find with qnr national thanksgiving is the way we abuse it connie remarked thougbtfally perhaps were the ones to find fault with then not tbankigivfng day u coarse we are we neednt abase it we could use it seneibly and comfortably aad eliminate all the abuses altogether i suppose yon mean we eat too muoh for dinner tjaughedben well i suppose i do thobgh i didnt mean to menttpn it 1 laughed connie that really and truly is the trouble ban we nearly starve ourselves beforehand to get good and hungry for the fcreat feast andthep among so many many delicious she rattled on gaily getting them bested and nnrapped this is our thanksgiving dinner tho ooutinned with a laughing nod at ben im so glad you came to partake with ob i dont mention thanksgiving dinners 1 murmured diok edging towards the door in alarm call it something else call jt a high tea or or a jow- sapper or eomo- thlbgr- it was quite late before tba little concert clpeed and the gnests went home and hooey bunoh was snugly stowed into bed then conniearid ben had a little thiink- fal timo all by tbemselveb in the little bright parlor to the gentle plaintive tuco of bonnie doon anil ive just begun to ba thankful naurranrod oonnie therell be three bond red and bixty four morethinksgiving days i annie iialiixatos donnell supply and demand alphabet of thanqsq1v1nq- ism8 tblqga heaped ap and running over how oao we help being intemperate we think wemnst eat our way right through to the nuts said raisins and then were lust 1 all thereatof that day and all tbo next we wish we hadnt theres something kind of gross about being as thankful as that bent bens eyes were laagbing over at her bat he nodded agreement with her words sound doctrine little preacher he said vi believe in it we do eat too muoh and we do wish we hadnt ive been there but what i want to know la why in the world they dont give us oar three meals a day on thanksgiving day as welt as other days whats the use in starving a fellow till the plum middle o the afternoon isnt any ase thats the abuse im talking about the biggest one people will periiet in having a late breakfast and then waiting waiting till its time to eat an overwhelming dinner la it any wondor thehttle thankful- folks eat their blesoed little stonaaobs orowded full and have to suffer for it afterward i say its abasing thbdear old thanksgiving dayi jtwell3ea sad meekly we arent going to have any thanksgiving to our house dont boold me 1 on thanksgiving evening helen and dlok and aunt hannah and the boytomsy went over to connies they were a little lata in starting as helen and aunt han nab had so many dishes to wash and tamsy so many fiuta to arack there now well go helen said that terrible stack of dishes is oat of sight and tomsy has fitted a unt into the ry last mpty corner of hir poor little stomach he couldnt get another one in 1 feel as thobgh my corners wouldnt hold many nnts groaoed dlok in mock dutreas tbanksgiviog coraesbotonoeaye ar sang xomsy witb hla mouth full of raisins and looky for you my de ar ii chanted diok there was a bright light in connies sitting jrouni and strains of sweet music d o lbs lltrts pm u gumf uu tbe doorsteps tomsy peered into the window through his scooped hands theyre adancin be reported annt connies a dsnolnv an sos honay banoh everybody i hi dont they go it i thats real lively muio i feel most like dancing too annt hannah amid with her plaaiant langh her toes were beating time on the plaxxa boards then suddenly the tone changed to a sweet oldtime melody they all kuew it came oat to them fluly dear and soft dick whispered helen vyou wooed me to that tone aunt hannah was thinking of some one abshadmng cbat tone lo halt a tie n tar y sgb oonnie harried to answer the ring bhe held ont both hands to welcome them i knew it was yon by tomsy ring be polls so irilartafmt 1 she cried vwsre baying our first obnoerk aud yoa shall all havs iwiirvw wav ypapyby it very djaowitaybjiil glys jpa atsbo hpkets isut thu old tone sfislob ben baa stompiii mftym yonif jilifiiiik qiavlha reel of the boys in ijlns kssplog tine who are the authors of the following rjaotationb a a grateful thorfght towards laoavon is of its- self a prayer b host of all is it to proservo evorythlng in a puro still hoar t and lot thoro bo for every jtalaoa thanksgiving and ovary breath a song could wo forbear dispute and praotlao love we ebould agree as angola do above d do not waltfor aepocialday in which to bo thankful howho waits for tbantcaglviur day will not bo thankful when it connoa every ono that aakoth rocelvolb and ho thataoekoth flndoth f for tbo llftldg np of moonlaida in brlghtnoss and in dread for tho peaks wberoioow and sunshine alone have dared to troad for tho dark of silent gorgei whore mighty cedars nod for the magosty of mountains 1 thank thee o my god l o god baa two dwellings- ono in toavon and the other in a moek and thankfol heart bt bo enjoys much who is thankful for llttlo a fftatef ul mind is both a groat and a happy mind it li tbe puritans thanksglvlnsovo andgatberod homo from fresher bo in es around toe old mans children keep the holiday in doar now england alnoo the xatliors slept tbeiweetost holiday in all the year j- jobtice is a constant and perpotual will to to render to every one that which is bis own jt klndbessfby aooret aympatfiy la tied tor noble souls in nature are alllod x lots and lots of jolly fan games to play and raoes ran all as happy as can be for tis bapplnesi yoa eeo makes tbankiglvlng m ilany favors whlob god glvoth qui ravol ont for want of b omitting through oar own nn thank- fulxaeu iv- how- 1st us tbank tbe eternal power con vinced that heaven but tries our virtu o by affliction that of t the aloud which wraps tbo prosont hour serves but to brigblon all our f juturo days q oar thankssbould be asfervont for merolos reoelirod as our potltious for merolos- sought p frslao god from whom all blessings flow o- qaonoh tbo timbers fallen embers iloary ritttondvobillytiprayr but the hearth shall kindle oleairer bonseholdweloomes sound bluoeror heart to loving heart draw newer r isemembomow thy creator iu tho days of thy youth s- some bae meat that canna oat and some would eat that want it bat we bae moat and wo can oat sao lot the lord be thankot t tbangsglvlng makes acruit sweot ttio waot of it a turkoy blttor v tjbo thy yonth so that thoa tnayost have cbmfort to remember it wbon it bath forsaken theo v viow not when boaveu ordalaa with reasons eyo for bright tho objoot is the dlstanoo is too high syrapped in his sadoolored oloak tbe day like a puritan standotfr btorn in the joyless fields rebuking tbe ling ering oolor iinffiibotiironbatwrnr irtror the asters hearing perhaps tbo croak of a orow on the desolate treetop jr xamplo is a living law whose sway idea more than all tbe written laws oboy y vet i doubt not through the ages once increasing purpose runs and the thoughts of moo are ffldond with the process of the suns z 2oal and duty are not alow but on oooaslons forelock watobful wait canadian mute tit- bit8 whats tbo usoof worrying of hurrying and scurrying everybody flurrying and breaking up their rest when everyone is teaching m preaoblng and beseeching qs to settle down and end the fuss for 4ulet ways are best xho other day in a sunday bobool class of boys between the ages of six add ten a question was asked bow gvod punished adam for disobeying blm there was a o seabev t ens brighf boy said pleais air god took away one of his ribs and gave bin a wife satorday evening pott smith brown isnt worth oiaob this sdnrnner is he jones why he told me the other day that be had bterj working for all he was worth smith well h ambubts o the sams thing chicago new v mr oriasly seems to ba a very deep thinker remarked the impressionable young woman yes replied miss oayenae he cant talk hva minutes without getting away beyond hie depth washington afar jimmy didnt you hear tbe sunday sobool teaoher say yonr censolene is what tells yon when yna do wrong t tommy its a good thing it doesnt tell your iqotliir pitch mcn bmiux henry i really bsllsvs freddy is going to be a doctor w ben he growl up i beard htm all nf sry that she moat be careful of her liealtb and pie was 6onsi3risd hurtful t mriiniilaxitikatom as though he is motb likely to be a lawyerlvn6toed tbavhs had twqpieoeb of vie sat sapper last the wandoring vendor of books espied a farmer who was occupied in a barnyard the vendor hastened from the highway opening his bag as be went and approaoh- ed the anticipated vlollm you are a ldcky man he cried it waa only by ohauoe that 1- saw you here had i not seen yoa yoa mtht have gono dbwntb the grave withoula cbanoe to buy this opodhraabiug work this prioelees volume this lifaof nsjpoleon which i oan sell to you for the intflgnitioant eum of lflshillinga boa tho ptoturen the book merchant displayed the tome unveiled the magnifiooooo of the illustra tions aud for live minutes o ban tod a houg in praise of tljo work the farmer ceased from hi other labors audhiatenedapathet- ioally when at last tbo vendor pxnaod to taho breath tlio jljood man remarked terrel i dont want vour book the tfifeot of this tumple announcement was to arouse tho bokmlii to a state of apparent horror and he discoursed fluently on the opportuuities of life which onoe paat never returu to wit this waa the chance of a ufetimo to buy the life of napoleon he then launched into a philippio against the raiierlineai of- tbo illiterate and wound up hie oration by asserting that evury true patriot elioiild purohano tho lifo of napoloun he uhiu paused to oxygenate himself where upon the husbandman declared rtoloally idout want yoar book the peripatetic seller of the book now warmod to bis tusk and rapidly sketched a history of the wholo world including by tbe way full details ad to the lost atlantis and three theories as to the martian after this he d eel aimed with great vehe mence against the errors of buddhism andnuiahed byexplainiug that tbe life of napoleon had brought about tho peace between the tjuitod states and spain he then offered to rob himself by letting the farmer have a copy of the buperb and monumental work for loe 3d the farmer now became more commnnloative he said 1 dont want your book wont have it this seemed to encourage tho other who began an epio concerning the o diverse at large when the farmer interrupted him by saying ive got a calf whats that to me tho agent exolafm- ed in exasperation qaoth the farmer btolidly ivegpjtftbplondidcalfand ill well him tb you oheap pooh i i dont want a calf answered tbe vendor in disgust i want to bell you this beautiful book and i dont want your book returned tbe farmer i want to sell you my beau tiful oalf but i dont buy calves ehoutod tho book agent and i dont buy books replied the farmer at least not tbia boob but this is a remarkably fine book expostulated tho unhappy traveller and my calf is a remarkably flue calf rejoined tbo farmer iznperturbably if i bay bo which i shouldnt im only wasting time compuiacd the bookman as he hurried oat of the barnyard right you are wore the furmrs last words yours and mine bnt itje a great oalf v an elephant and a baby theros an easygoing citizen of this town who says that a certain newspaper published iu ibis city will uever cross hie threshold- as long as he lives tbe proprie tor of the paper in question and tho afore said oitlzen were bosom friends until a short two weeks age wheu anertaiu some thing happened which made them strangers audit was alt on account of a wo old- bo facetious newspaper man heres bow the etory runs this easy going citizen whom for ooiivenionoo sake we will call robinson attended some sort of an entertainment about a fortnight ago at whioh a toy baby elephant was to be raffled off and glveu to the most popular man in the community ko bib sons friends were at tbe entertainment in full force and towards ten oclock in the even ing it beoame apparent that tbo baby elephant would io either to robineon or a prominent npitownbr6werwbo at the hour mentioned led robinson by nine votes just at this timo and when the voting was going merrily on mr hobinaon was handed a telegram qalokly tearing open the envelope be soanned the oontents and then with an abrupt good night left the hall at 11 oolook tho voting ceased robin son had won the elephant by six votes on aooonnt of the lateness of the hoar it was determined not to send the elephant to robinsons mansion until some time tho next day a newspaper man who was present volunteered to take the toy around and with the remark that hed facetiously mention in the morning paper the fact of robinson winnjdr tbe elephant he departed before hr robinson had reaobed home summoned byths telegram mrs robin bo n had given birth to a boaooiug boy and robinson too delighted to sleep stayed np the entire night celebrating going into the breakfast room the next morning be picked ap bis paper as waa his wont and scanned the columns in a second his face beoame red then white a hi lo ja d a th small items of news sir robinson read the following put there by the facetious reporter who thought only of the raffle of tbe night before mr robinson of north street had an addition to his monagerlo last night a you wonder mr robinson was angry 7tixchanpc a pair op bulls shfv a very quaint reason lays a writer in the london telegraph was advanced by a dorneatio servant for thinking that the place she was lo waa in every way desiro- able are yes in a good place mary asked one of her friends 0b a mighty foine place entirely she replied share me mistress is so rloh that all her flannel petticoats is mads of silkl look at that now i exolalmed the other in amassment sere is a bull from tbeoorsery thats a terrible poise in the harsvry molly said lbs mistress whats the matter oant you kiepthe baby qnlet shure maarov replied molly i oant keep him qulst unless i let mm make a noise all forms 6f sorofttls aorsw bolls pimpteaaod ruptious are qalokly and permanently oared by hoods sarsaparllla tmie ozd tiiangsujvinq days sitting ellcnt by tlio whitlow whilo tlie ovon- ingh fudlug buam turna to lovoly gray tho winters allvorod sky noravoloo to brook tlio rovorlo or thoughts too ponsivo droain nota footstop only uininory and i trona tbo past tho vojifloom8 liftod and i am a ohlld onco more on tbo hearth again tbo old timo fugotb blase tluah i gain tboa thqviidos of t giios ts arduhtltlfpdbor in thogrco0ag8 o tho old thanksgiving dttjs all thoairoutsltiu is frosty aqd in gusts tho blltlto wlnda bow anj i hoar tho thatant sloighbolls falutly ring aud against tho rlmotoucbiu windows comes tho purring stirring snow liko tho brushing of a paesluk nnguls wing hut wlblu o soo tlio fuoob tlint nro euilllug round tho bdard i how they stiluo with lovo aud gratititdo and praise i huahcu tils voioca arori mouiput for tbo thank ing df tho lord in tbo blusblugu- of tbo old thanknglviug days that vita years ago and curfuvrn for tuo lovod have ruug bluca then astouifibt i watah tlm dawnluf ovoulpg star in my droaiua i bqo tlio iiiaumoiib christ pro- irod in hovou for tnon it is thoro toiilttit tlio absoiu klndrod are itistboro tbo fuast is roiuly aud i hold tho fancy doar that t ofton turn to onath thulr loving fiazo and perlidpb thoy too uro drouming as tboy boo me ultliug lioru as tho ewuolnoea of tlio old thungagiviog days philadelphia lcthjcr 1 truk couurage the btah that heroes are mado of 1b a mixtdro of fortitude resolution and gump tion tbey are all common sonso mater ials which every ah woman ought to culti vate and cheriah not only because they aire bo indibpebaible iua oriels bat becauee they are bo exceedingly handy for every day nee most of us are familiar witb fear and know what sinking of tho heart moans and bow it feels when tho knees knook together tkoeo- sensations are mere cpbysloal bymptoms that indicate not the absence of courage bat tho occasion forit it is the habit of looking out intell igently over a eioking heart and of oompell- ing a pair of bhakinglegs to btand still or carry you forward that develops the forti tude which is so ubeful in all human con cern b and eo essential tb personal comfort we ought all of us to have the courage of our particular calling very few of as will ever be u lire or on a burning ship or will staud in the tenth btory of a burning building or will meet a mad dog or even have to stop a runaway horse thote adventures are not a part of everyday life bnt very mauy may feel i bhaking of the heart whea accident befalls or under long aoxletxea of siokneoa or iu the faoo cf fiaoal etntaraaamentfl tho spirit that mcetb the ordinary vicibaitudcs of life with tranquility and energy ought to find its strength egual to calamity too if that should oorae life ts pretty troubleaomo anyway wo have to live in more or less peril we cannot afford to liyo aleo in fear the folks who have the best of it aro k who have- trained themselves to realize that their bodies are something theyll ve in that their bodies are an envir onment and that both aro liable todamago from without bat that thoy themselves are spiritual creatures who cant bo hnrt anleaa they oonbent to it and who are master a of their fate ha rpera bazar carrots i a birmingham physician has bad an amusing experience tbe other day a contemporary tells usa somewhat distract ed mother brought her daughter to see blm the girl was suffering from what is known among many people as general lowness there was nothing muoh the matter with her bat she waa pale and list less and did not care about eatiog or doing anything tbo dootorafter duo consideration per- ebribed for her a glass of olarot threo times a day with her meal b tbo mother was somewhat deaf bat apparently hoard all he said and bore off with her daughter deter mined to carry out tho prescription to tbo letter in ten daya timo tbey wero book again and the girl looked quite a now oroature bbo was roaychceked bmilldg and the pioturo of health the doctor congratulated himself upon tbo faeouinblght he had displayed nliiiidragnoaia6f the cbbo i am glad to seo that your daughter is so muoh hotter ho said yeb exclaimed the exbited mother thanks to yoa doctor she has had just what yoa ordered sho has eaten carrots three times a day slncp we were here and soinetimos oft nor and once or twico uncooked- and now look at her 1 its easy to dye home dyeing vvith dia mond dyes is pleasant and profitable beautlftal and brilliant colors tttfttwul notfadepisunond dyes have speolal colors for cotton and mixed goods- how- wise women economize in hard times a ten cent jprxokage of diamond dyes often saves ten douars in tbobo tlmea ol cnlorcea ebohomy li bhould bo a pleaanro to any woman to learn bow abo oau adve tho ooab of a hew gown for beraolf or anit for tho little one or how aha oan make her huabandb faded olotbiujf look like new diamond dye nhiph aro prepared especially for home nat will do all tbla they are eo eimple and eaay to aae that iiven a child oan ret bright and lovely oolora by following the dlreotiodb on each package there la no need of aoillnr tho handa witb diamond dyea joat lilt and atir tho goode with two btloka whilo in the dye bath and one will not et any atalns or apqta in coloring dresses jaokeu ooats and all larro arliolea to sot a fall and aatia- faotory color it ia abiolulely necetaary tq tobavsa apeoial dye lor cotton and all allied goods and a different one for all wool goods tbia is done in diamond dyta arid before buying dyo one ahonld know vtlistharthe arllole to be colored ia all wool or mired onion good and get tho proper dye do not buy dyea that claim to color ayery thing with tbe larne paakare for thrir aio will reloti in tall are the dumood dye alono can do yonr work aoooesafnlly j they are the only roaranteed dyea

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