Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1898, p. 2

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harried nkaiirinoiron at tborosldonoo of r itoo imoruutowti ou wednoflilivy10tbrjov liyltov wh moalpino b a waitornom to isiiua iiiuxmon both of georgetown electi0n d barber and ksrnt ainln sejeoted by their respepuve parties mr re ctoit-jfmms- kerns has mot vet accepted jtuubsdav november 21 1808 thanksq1vino m this day haa been proolaimed and ut upart aa a day for national thanksgiving to almighty god for the bountiful harvest and numborleab blessings of the year dd you over atop to think what makes this day enjoyable it is tbifl if you observe tho day at all yoa contribute to the enjoy ment of bciae pne that some one may bo your own daughter bod bosband or wifo parent or friend or even tho atranger that may bo within tby gates it is doing roodto s0nieonolbat manes uatjappy7 tuia day should b8 observed everywhere even if we oan not make a big spread and havoall tboltuarieb of thelaoci upon bur board e vonf a etmple moil shared with a neighbor or afriond and a social time after tho pnea1 brlnga joy to ones heart and mattes thatgood feellog como that should exist and will cause ui to feel well paid for the extra time or trouble it may cobt wo shoald make it 6nr bqiineas to look ulcer the poor and needy at his time sibo the siokand afuloted it u making otherb happy that oaubes oar own hearts to over flow with happiness and how little exer tion on onr part causes others to rejoloo mid give us prnotioal and heartfelt realiza- tionofwhat thanksgiving really means notes and comments tho writs are oat for the byeeleotion in tlifsroonnty thenomloahonr willtafce place next tbnrsday lit december and the elootlon on the 8th the oodlest will be a short one and will bo fought between the previous contestants john b barber and col jtorna sheriff clements is acting as returning officer a short and incisive eleotlon campaign ii before the electorate of the oqnnty of haltou the writs have beta is for e plaoe next ihnra- epworth l in session tha district convention held here on tuesday arid yesterday asuooesb rlr i t ltlnn li latpr thn jlohmndtlmiwi u conventions have been aeldt and the candiditei chosen for the contest the cooservatlvei met it milton on tuesday after the preliminary arrange ment had been disposed of the president of the association mr wm oiemenls asked for nominations dr wobltor of georgetown in a short speeoia then pro- posed ool kerns as the candidate the motion being seconded by w o fettit of nelson the chairman ca ot norolntone and there being none asked for the opinion of the delegates when the whole audience rose to their feet with loud cheers expressing their hearty and nnsni mods approval r the nomination waa then tendered to qol serbs who who was reoeived with great applaueo and made a short address thanking them for the confidence they reposed in him ho had often carried their elindard to victory he then slated lha owing- to buiineii arrangements he badentered into he oonld not definitely aooeft the nomination at once bukwoutd give bla dselsionon saturday morning nut which the oonventlon reidily allowed him and there is little doubt that he will be the candidate the meeting was then thrown open to the general pnblio and the hall- was com pletely ailed mr d henderson m pr mod a brief addressjbjtbirjahjaenrj the court of appeal- in england haa decided the first important case ondermr chamberlains new workmen compensa tion aot it related to the explosion of tho manitoba at the albert cooks in london in july last the owners appealed against the judgement of the county court riving the widows of the tiro unloaders 300 pounds each and to each ot the five injured men 1 a week for life the conned for the bompany argued on the appoal that a ship unloading in dock did not obnje within the meaning of tho act bis contention was rejected numorooa electors tnrogghout the provinciihaveboendieqnaliflodfor corrapt praoticeaattbereoenteleotions obancellor boyd sod jaellce ferguson have reported john siqnden s 8 montgomery and h mbnok for corrupt praotioes in connection with the kingston eleotlon juatioe osier and justice irlaclennan the 7udgea who hoard the hojion election trial have re ported the following for corrupt practices robort bherwood a e cross 0 ebyan gcorgo storey thomas a- dentjnn vfm elliott jan wlohael quinn patrlpk lyons wm dowdlei thomas dowdle john weeloy wallia or wallaoe hngb henry ilonnab john evans and wm halltday municipal enter pay alexandria waterworks and eloo- trio light yield handsome revenues being informed that the village ot alex andria in glengarry bounty haa a system of waterworks and eleotrio lighting in operation under msnlcipal oontrol the fuei pmib addressed a letter to mr a or f mcdonald cduas o ik y liy tho way is member of the manloipal council seeking information as to the suacebb brothetwissof the inveitment for these improvements a comprehanilye and very encouraging reply baa been rebsived from which the following interesting faots are gleaned alexandrias total assessment is twlr 000 571415 ioia than aotoni their debentare indebtedness is w800o cost of waterworka system 28000 opit of olcotrio lighting plan t nearly w00o the revennea from these socroes is 13600 oaah per annum and freestreat lighting erjnal to about hoo the town has u inpandu- cont light 6n the streets and abont 600 commercial and doniuuo lights nnder contraot the bchedule of rates for eleolrlc lights in alexandria is stores and hotels u00 por light for first three and300per light for each other light for houaea 18 00 per light for nrsttbraer and 1300 afterwards cliarcheaind pobiio halls have a special rate ranging at abont 1100 per light iiatoaurooolleottd monthly and five per cent extra is oharged if aoooont is not paid by the 101b of tha month aotons rates htve been fixed at a sohed- dlobomowbatnorev favorable to the oiti- xenu than the aboye c m p p of hamilton mauie a vigorous speech of an honr and a half in whioh he oored the government in the flerooit terms with obsers for tha queen and col kerns the meeting closed yesterday the liberal of tbtecounty had their innings the oonventlon was eijaally enthneiastlo with that ot the other party the day previous dr mocrimmon preiidenl took the ohalr and when nominatlone were called for but ope name was mentioned that of john b barber the late menober there was the utmost nnanlmity in this nomina tion and the enthusiasts wbioh followed sir barbers aooaptanoe of the nomination proved ccnolnaivaly that ho enjoys the entire oonfloenoe of the xlberajl of haltop in accepting the nomintlon mr ivarber expressed bis regret that owing to the over- zealous effort of soma of bis pblitlostl friends in the late oonteat over wbono ho bad no oontrol and for whose acts he was not in any way respqnsible in f aot although held to be so by law tho oouoty has once more to go through the trouble loot turmoil of an eleclloh contest having perionally acted nnder the strict letter of thai law he said and having been eleoled by the hand some majority of one hundred and twenty- three over bis opponent he feit it to bethe wish of the majority of the voters of the connty that he should be their represent ative in the provincial legislature he therefore considered it bli duly to again place hlrxnelf in the hands of uh electors ready if elected to carry ont the policy ontllned and the promises mado daring the- campaign last febraary avnd felt satlifled that he would beeleeled at the coming vote at the mass meeting whioh followed able and enthusiastic addreaiee were delivered by hon g w eoss mlnllter of ednoatloc and hon r harooorl provin cial treasorer on the qneillons of the day earnest interested and practical were tbe-repreaeutaiive-membersoftheflpwprth- lflaftuea of the guolph dietriot who met here in their foarthannnal convention on tueaday evening and throoghont vester- day the nnpropltions weather did not why ahorjldnt one exptot to find ticks hn ratnh i people in thbno know from eiperlenoe that patnams palnloas corn extraotor is the only remedy to be relied upon for the extriotlon of ooms this is the cate everywhere tbrooghoat the dominion be srnte to get patnsme surepop born bare t dealers everywhere toll the deit mr j f kellook druggist perib writes a onitomer of mine having been oored of deafttns by the nee of dr thonnis eoreotrio oil wrote to ireland telling bii friends there of the bare ia obneeijne joe i reoeived sin order coaend half a doieo by express to wexford this week no ono has yet been able to ipawtbo ublvcraeprfatbanm the avsrags nolitiolan ouonmbera and melons are forbidden fruit to mlny persona so oonatltated that lha loaal indnlgeoioo is followedbyattaoks of oliolora dyaonlery griping o tbesa pchons oin indulge to their hearts content if they have oh hapd a bottle of dr jtdkelloggs dysentery oordlal a medloloe that will ivo immediate relief and is a anre oore fur a it is said that sv bornod ofalld dreads the fire probably thats why the newly married man tries to avoid his old flames chloago jfftei what a train of aiimints follow in the wakeof the itomswh that is but f klitsr what a aloryof apherlng can be lived lo tho timely umofsmplessantandpoiltlvs a cure for dyapspiia and indlgsstlpn as dr apple is a varyyertlbie onntaln of vegetable pepsin natnres lonlo for people oot of aorta ooejjpamsi rsllevss m cents sold by a j brod whdowiis2i foot a blllsjmjjjmisjm t mwvkc- why dont more people follow the advice they give to others f bleeplsssnoss is due to oervooi exoite- ment the dolloauly oonstltnted the finan cier tha bnisness man and thoie whose oocnpallon necessitates great mental strain or worry all anster mors or leas from it bleep ia the great restorer of a worried brain and to get sleep oleanu the itomaoh from all impurities with a few doaes of parmsleea vegetable pills gelatine coated containing riej meroary and are gnrnteed to give satlifaction or the mpney will be refnnded v looted both from the oivio and rural aeotions the convention waa in all reapeets a anooese there were many praptlbal and intereating addresses and papers upon subjects of deep interest to the young people in this important organization the diioaeaions maxiiieated an intense desire to arrive at the beat posalble means of ancoesbfally accomplishing workfor god jtndlooaringperaonal qaallfloations r ubofal ohriatlan uvea the presence of rev a c crewbttie energetio general searetary of epworthleagnesand sunday behoolb for the bhuroh was very mndh appreciated and proved a benediotion the dblegates were also pleaseti to havo with them a namher of the other members of the conference notably bey j g boott chairman of the dlilriot and bey- j s boss d v secretary of the general dbnferenoe the oonventlon opened shortly before eight oolock on tuesday evening witha long service pondnoted by mibs lottie e bpelght and bev j fred kay b a of quelpb in the absence of mr f w h jaoomb b a of qnelph the president who a few weeks sgo reoeived an appointment on the professoriate of pickering college bev j q scott wai appointed chairman pro tarn the presidents addroes wai read bykevja moiiaohlan a it gave an interesting sammary of the yeari work pointed out the changes in the const totion effected at the recent session ct the general conference and exhorted the leagues to give the best possible service to the work of god and the church in the futnre cordial worda of weloome were spoken by mr- h p mooro in whioh the freedom of the homes in town was extended to the visiting delegates bev w h harvej b a of fergus delivered a stirring addreaa npon christian olllssnibipin belaticnto moral reform the subject was treated with special reference to the prohibitlun of the itqnor irafbc and most timely and inspiring prohibition ia by no meane a dead issue was the eloquent speakers first declara tion temperance and right have grappled with imparity and wrong and vre have now a great national question initeadof many looal lunei thank god that in-the- rsoflntplebisoite vote the majority was on the right iide let m how iannoh bar christian oitlaensbip against- the ugnor traffic and brbwd it ont of par fair land it is a- traffic more baneful than slavery or any oivtl war oonld be the subject was axnpiified en the following divisions 1 followero of jesas chrial should rise soperior to party spirit in combating this evil men may be party men bnt not partisans 3 every men should value his franchise and use hie vote 8 always cast out citizenship on the right aide 4 help financially if the chorobof obrisi i be felly organised it pan snooeiaf oily pope with every moral reform the anbject of miiiiom was ably dealt with by bevj 8 boss d d in view of the fiot that the question was to be oonsldored in detail at the business seulon of the oonventlon dr boss devoted himself to the laving down of principles which sboold govern young people in their relitibn to this important matter the importancb to the futnre of the work now tlnj lut erfnrf anf nllv insfirfnrtrl hfrlha nnablo to do any work at all with my hinds i resorted to all the doraeatlo cores i oonld hear of but the disease kept on its courae gelling woraeand worse until the ptlms of my baadi and my flngera wer a mass of oraoki o borcaand we render hideous soaba i then got medicine from the dpotor whiah i heed for several weeks wltb no benefit whatever my bands still beouui m crippled by the dliease my general fmt tnt thai time was poor and i got dlaoouragid altogether believing there was no help for tho terrible complaint that was gradually spreading over mybands and up my wrists towards my arms it happened bnt day in conversation with an aoqaalnt- anee that dr wllltana pink pills ware meptibned in connection with some other oaie in the neighborhood and- it wib suggested that i try them for salt rheum i had hot much faith in the trial bnt cmnoludod toeva boitar7d see what good they might do to my great delight after nalng the box i fennd an improvement in the condition of my bands and i got ill boxes more i did not nee all these for before tbey were gone the- diseaeo hld tahisbed and myhands wora as sbnncl as over the new tkln dame on fresh and smooth ss if nothing baid been the matter i took no other medicine while using iho pills and the whole pralie of the onro la dne to them umygeneral health was alio greatly benefitted by their use and i attended to my work with more energy and in better spirits than i had done for a nnmber of years i have been in expelleqt health ever sinpe for a min of my yean and no sign of salt rhenm has einoe appear ed the box or two of pink pills which i left unused were liken by my wife and did her much good ioannol speak too high ly- of dr williams pink pills and am pleiaed to give my te to their rqerit hoping others may thereby be indnoed to nse tbem in oaiea like my own hutax cnssiizx the editor of the knttrprik ban add thit mr ohesley is a repreientatlve farmer living abont three miles from the town of brldgewator ms and the utmost reliance pan beplaoed on his statement dr willlsms pink pills create new blood and in this way drive disease from the system a fair trial will oonvlnoo the most skeptieal sold only in boxes the wrapper around whioh bbira the full trade mark dr williams pink pills for pals people if your dealer does not have them they will be sent poat paid at fifty oenti a box or two boxei for fa60 by addreiiing the dr wllllami medlolno co brookville ont qoods why will men chew bos mice pie and eschew ordinary hash r soon left her i waa taken with a swpllipg my feet andllmu i waspptjibiotpiwalkforfour months 1 read abonvhoods sarsioarilla and procured a bottle before i iaad taken it all the swelling left me rtfxjk jhrse bottles ot hoods and hate not been ironbled with swejiing since itebeoca seeveirs obstbsro qnt hooda fills enre all lvpr ills easy to take stay to operate reliable aure zoo why does the desire to mike a fool of ones salt spring eternal in the hnman brsasnr t7- 8pain8 qrbatb8t nbeo witwbiipispitijb ofvarmjhs- cigsfsbifrfbli h- trdlan helped for arpfo4r bruiht borni mr b p olivia of baroela splin spendahls winters at aikan b c- wsak nerysa had bansed severe palniin the biok of bis head onuang bittersi americas greatest blood and tierve bemedy all pain soon left him be savs this grand madloine is wha hia coomtry needs all arrjerloa knowa ttiat it ourpf l fcldu tiuuu purlfltitlleftlw tones op the stomach atreoglherjs the aarbntismylspr and new life ti every muioie nerve and organ of tbe body if weak tired or ailing yooneel it bwery bottle guaranteed only 60 oenta bold iy all drcgglite ybpog people in the leagaes was impressed the vslne ot the peralstenpy of systematic giving learning to give to gods came so that it becomes a luxury and a means of grace to oontrlbnte waseloqoently argued and vividly illnstrated in the extension of miaiiona and the complete evangellz lion of the world the yonng peoples orginlrations are among the great forces to be hied by god andyosth with iti zeal aptilbde and oonseoration will insure success the proooedings were interpersed with anthems by the oholr and a solo vi love to hear noy saviours voloo was rendered by m1b jessie nicklln in her aweeteat tone- tetlerdays sessions commenced bright and early with a prayer and testimony aervioo at 8a5 conducted by bev dr bosnian the day sessions were devoted to praelical topfoa and embraced a number of valuable pipenand helpful dlionssions the orowning session of the oonventlon was that of laatsvenlngwben splendid addrenes were delivered by bev w b smith on motivea and by bev a o crowe on elements of bnooesi deuiled referenoe to the proceedings will be made in next issue the oonventlon being in session at we go to press we are now better prepared than ever to test the eyes according to scientiiip principles we have nbvy a new stock of gold and gold- filled sfec5t2t6lbs -ftisid- suitadle for presents commercially we have great reason to be thankful a large harvest has been this stores portion during the past year an appreciative public have more and more bestowed their confidenpe and patronage upon us we have striven consistently and honestly to deserve the increased number of friends the wider circle of customers and the largest and best business we have ever had we have jlat reason to be thaiilv we will do it in a practical way and accord to our many custorters purhearty thapks by making this thailksivihff week in this store and making the last part of the jiteat banner kgv13mber sale a week of specially good value in allkinds6f merchandise including mantles millinery dressgoods liriens- jottons blankets flannels carfiets oilcloths rugs gloves hosiery corsets shoes how much nicer it will be tb have the stove which cooks the thanksgiving turkey placed upon one of our very pretty oilcloth squares i thanksgivins prices reign in our oilcloth room b irfcitl 00 only one price guelph berlin and owen sound ths dt since opening up there rtverbeeirsany enqnlrlesforarooerios and other goods kept in a general store friends have advised that it would be better for me to keep snob linos believing the advice rood i have decided jn tbe near futnre to sell groceries etc alltbo money i bad is now invested in the stook on hand and to get new lines of stock wpnld necessitate going to wholesalers who would credit take any goods offered at what soever prloe charged that way of dping is all right for the old stylo of stloklnrthernt btbrekeepers the new wiy my way la to havo tho cash buy what you want where ever yoa get the best goods at cheapest prices in order to get hie oash for new atooka having over 800 worth of newttoolr winter boots and shoes i will beginning saturday nnlll the stock is sufficiently reduced sell them sll at absolute wholesale ooel the the snob money realised nut in other stocks will pay better than to wait for the slow sale in ordinary way dont neglect ibis opportunity foranpplylng your shea wants as a dont offer only onoe in a groat while bemember your money bank if not satisfied with tbe bargains bpngbt shoos for men shoes for women shoes for girls 8boes for boys shoes for children shoes all kinds shbea all styles shoes all prices mens genuine calf top boots 8260 grained leather top boots 250 cowbldetopbootb 160 working bhoes oowhldo 100 working shoes grain leather 125 fine lace shoes 125 to 200 womens iiow ahoea gaiters heavy laoe fine button 65 100 100 b6p to a 00 girls pino button 76o 85c and 9100 100 boys cow hide lop boots ne lan grain leather laos ghildren girls fanoy button boys lacs and button infants fancy button m35 5 80 k special bargains in clothing and underwear workino nioht and day the busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is dr kings new life pills every pill is sugarooa tad globule of bealtb that changes weakness into strength llilleainesi into energy brainfag into mental power only ate per box sold by all druggists wbj will people go into society to gat bond when it can bo dona just as wsll at home t a narrow e8capb jbroptl thankful words written by mrs alow e hart of qrotbn 8 d ws taken with a bad cold which settjed on rpy longs j bpnglivts 1nwdot1iyflimlnmsl conanmrlontfbbr dmiors gave srii op aayibg phtli wilwp t as fe4atirfe mvtrffw- wliy dope a woman alwayi make an excuse for her bread wheqsbeknows its the belt sbs ever made t ahb v mar y arc yon married- to- the oldtime belief that oonanrnption is inburable 7 if so you are wedded to a mistaken notion sbiloha cough audi consumption cure bas oyer- oomeniany a serions oaie and it never falls when taken in the early etirl ori bottle will prowa more to yon than i whole column of argomenl try ft every bottle guarjintoed 35 pis 60 pis and ii0q why are pot two bootblaoka a pair of rubbera tells hovhlta8 cured op salt rhbum hie flnaers hands end wrists wersalvlassof crapksend sofas by rssasonof wkioh ho was unatili tp tothse4ltorottti98ntrprlie- 1 hate reavd from week to week in your pf jiytistlnponiall from the nse of that medlpllpvimyaoljto let others know thsy nan be rsllsytd jrom avry xmas w- aiuclv canadian english and american order now to be sure to have in time to send- to your friends louis cur0f8ky clothinc boots 8hbe8randcbneral dry goods to the eleutorsl county of hauon gentlemen i rtgrot very muct tbal owing to the overzoalbus effort of some of my political friends in the late contest over whom i had no control and for whose ac i was not in any way responsible in fact although held to be so in jaw the cpunly has nco more to go through the trouble aridturraolv of an election contest having personally acted under the strict letter of the law and having been elected by the handsome majority of one hundred dad wentythree over my opponent i feel it to be the wish a of the majority of voters in tho county that i should represent them in the ontario legislature i therefore consider it my duly to again place myself 1n your hands and if elected to carry out the policy outlined and the promises made by me during the campaign i of february last hoping that your good wishes and kind assistance will have the effect of returning me again to tbe legisla ture i remain yours very ipectfuliy v johm r barber jtit fjtieriisftttftttb cattle waited to winiteb wanted a iow bead or cattle to winter apply at once on tbe premisei lota oon 8esquesfng orto hor it w0bpbwrseton p o s accounts tote setf m aavlno dmlded to ntlre from the ipoowrm boilneu 1 am azuuoai tolikte ill wseonaws ottledbvttaoshidof thtynr thoie lndobtaa till ifte mejmpttatlyedaotwuyofgtriiihmtttst matter their prompt attention vvhdbotnrr voting bt aoton a hopse to iiem tint comfortable nverbomed hotue with inmmer kitchen tmad wood bodliiua and in oft wawr good atable and oxoellent arden apply on the premua to hb8 qabdinbb coal business mngel i has purchased tbe coal bnsinesa of mr john hoqueen and is prepared to deliver nnt- j class soranton coal in pomace store and nat alias promplyand to the sitlsfwtlea of easto- lerasenerally i bare also parehaaed tbe weigh icales and wul give prompt attention to all orders for tbalr tenders mted for dpbentures yillageiof acton cbaiibd tendsnvniibsreeilyad by the oplar- jj signed lap to saturday mtb december laes psrsentrsentyyear bieebrie ires cf the village c bljbest or any tender not nieessartly accepted full particulars with copy of bylaw ate upon plication to ttuoorb village clerk j- ifotonpoiont aotonnovmtb18lie jmysiweeks tvvithiqo fascinatino study opthb international 8undav 8oho0l lessons fori8q0 now readv no christian espeelally 09ergymanertaaeb- yrsnonld i without it beauturullj botind in elotb of twpoborsfui tstlh boards prleeodlw 8s oents- btrpnafyreeonimended by lalldooler8jmnoo sale bran book sellers or not postpaid on rmellil 6fthe prloe by ths bnadlbyaibebtboit co muirbd publlsbom torontaoanada cain tell you at once ihe artistic merits of a picture and vie solicit a sitting from you and ask yoa to sub- mil tboresult to any true critic and hearbja verdict aalderrcin a natoral dlspoaiiion to value tbi the full your cbanns we believe he will toll yon we have taken a good picture which is exactly what we advertise 16 do photo ristist ptqn that is what we call it an tbatwihbe offeiedatonrwtindersaie we iay wonderjbole for youmaddaify in iargesheeti spread to the i and in flaming adverfe6mente bi great sales artd yon ltepojoblthegmg and seldom egaaloflrl every defc price w aim h seuftigoodiaeatrttimebt sale butanr extensive purchases of goods for the jpall ncl winter seteoni cotsljlbed r with the mild weather compels as to sacrifice our present stook at the wholeal cost ve want money and to got it wo intend turning over indtliie a pripes never henrd ot in the d17 goods and ciothjdg business before this will be r kewppportunity to proedpe seaaohiftble gopds at titis great wonder sale and wewill boglfa thibs on is wo prefershowing yoa the goods and telling yoa the that wo will give yon 0 gold dollar for ten cents bat we gnient would be inclined to doabt so we will leave prices utaeeitaii- ith- st in dra8 floods dross costumes fine tailormade mantlea iffiwrf jtylt both in german and domestic manulaotura speoial prirotiaae of mwttjfs 8ofificed during this sale gloves smallwear woollen ooode shawls laui underwear eto ohtsl h nobbv suit 20ss5l7iiiiijvi fob ataliuan vrsitbri co titv now is yodrtlme to get jttvjfobby suit for fall and winter as we hi vojuat opened up a fine selection of-inipottedtweeds- sebces and worsteds and are prered to take your brrffir at rjghtpricee pit and worstnanahip aroaraiiteed flrst- olasu and uptodate ov agpodrongepffuio cali and inspect bur stock before leaving youx order oooper akins main st acrtq w great sacrifice ia clothing both ordered and readytowear special line of 200 boys youths and men- overcoats also boys youths nd mena beadytowear suite oddpante overalls horsecovors bobes etc the above goods positively haye to be olumqtoatnjoaiitttor what the werifloe also a lotofe neckwear pollare luflb and shirts of all kinds ah immense btock of mens dnderwear to be sold at iosb thfin ctnal cost y- dont1n1iwthifri sbih it will be to your benefit if it jg our loss come early aryou can and got all your wants supplied womean business weva got s nm the money- our loss is your gailii nothina bookediat out jws sale 098hqppij6cuoe isli ls4s vr w jowritv-llvest- 8top

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