Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1898, p. 3

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me hank of hamilton hbab ctpfiok hamilton capital all paid up 1 26000000 reserve fund 77600000 rotali86tbirr i 171 bor44fo ntwljrronmllllonbdrdollbrk board of jshhsrbabt- directors auclbambav prosident vloofrosidont obmpaootob anwooiy a b zisis toronto wai gibbon mp j tubnbutil cashier hb bthvenasatcaanlor h at watson inspector ccohcet agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper g drafts issued payable at all principal paints in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold j savlngsdepartmont deposits of ti and upwards received i interest allowed at currohrtates and added o principal every year whether passbook tbrougrit in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums p bellaborit georgsrown ont the news at home mostly of a looal character and every item interesting flhyfourth anniversary peolalaerviooeonfcdbdftyijeoenber 4th will mark the tittyfourth anniversary of ho methodist ohuroh aoton rev j jljtoisd dguelpbwlu be lbenreaob or of the day and this announcement is sufficient in it t gits-bwrnnraca-hhat- the occasion will be one of interest dr boss wlupreaoh morning and evening eateitainmont by rev ie izaarfdtoiv ba rev e haddow d a ol watford formerly of milton will give an entertain ment oonsisting of a lecture with mueioal selections on monday evening 28th lost in knox cnnrab under the auaploei of the ladies aid society rev mri haddows entertaining mnsloal lecture given here iomeyearago is etllimmern bored with neighborhood nevvs news items supplied by corres pondents land exohanses evehton mr ja orl has opened up a 1 tthoptohotruiiainbrf6rrrferlyoooupledby the shoemaker mri d abbott his morgan crowson engaged drilling for water a good well will be a comfort and convenience on the thdrbda1 novembers 1808 littli local brieflets hlojijtubhlltlifiqr2riof free press reporters this week a trvin uturlrsytwsjro tall m telegraph poles aitd ten times broader and fatter whod do the carving to keep as from starring and whetooold wo uio for a platter natioebl thanksgiving day haitbh byeeleotlon deo 8th nomination a week from today iwloter seemknow to be here in earnest praise goajbm whom airblessloga flow- bnrliogton 1b now talking eleotrio iirbi- barber and kerns have horns look- e merehsntb make yoar christmas annohoements rhal tons high and pubiio sohools employ os- teachers v bed roadsbas been a oommon 00m- plalntthe past week there will bo skating for everybody on the ponds today remoriber your poorer neighbor today lumjt9lmpi- i the rjolltiolans are bard at work in the short sharp boniest tneaaavs cold snap hardened the feoe of natorei with a sharp turn indeed tlisf ztexsvoseting of the township ckonl will behef a op monday ith inst rthe byseleotibn campaign will bo the shorteil on record for haitian just two wbimtofaay- ar darham bnli the other day to john olark twssfotlw y ttf kpworth league convention and the tha asgllrihg holiday hu filled the lowitottliitotsi thewwn ofbothwell out will vote on a byiavttcrauio the sam of 11000 to mstall in eleotrio light plant pleasure by those who heard it flrpmen0 coneeri t tho fire brigade baa oomplotod arrange- mente for ad attractive entertainment on thursday evening 1st vdeoenober they have engaged for the oooaelon 0 robins eleroy ventriloquist and musloal mimetic and herbort pleroy humorous and musloal entertainer of the great eastern lyceum bureau both gentlemen are recommended as blfioolssa artists intddilion to these mr harry benbott humorous tooallst and oarloatorlst will occupy a prominent place on the programme the firemen hope to have a houseful of guests that evening an impressive memorial service a large congregation assembled in knox ohuroh on sunday when the pas tor rev h a maopherson pursuant to announcement made speolal reference to the late elder fetor mann the sermon was aaintereai- ing syno of the life and de of ol moses and was based upon a double text sent 82 at 60 and dent 84 5 6 tne wonderful life death and brrial of the leader of israels hosts bis meekness in relation to god and his general atrength of obanoter were all appropriately ampli fied the sterling oharaoter and useful ness of the deceased elder were flttiogly referred to and words opnoernlnj him were spoken wbioh were oaloulated to inspire others 0 live lives of usef nlness and loyal- ijrtfrood ballon farmers ipntltnto areetfntfs the meetlngsoi halton farmers in stitute for the oomlng winter will be held as follows at milton on january 7th and georgetown 00 the otb to be addressed by j b woodward lookport n y wm bennie farm superintendent ouelph and b glenuinning manilla supplementary meotingi will be held at bronte on febru ary 14 th nelson on the 16th and brookvillo on tho 10th to be addressed by j e orr proilland and simpson rennie uilliken elohof the persons employed as a speaker at the lostltote meetings is praolical and uooossful in his or her respective depart ments interesting slndlci in mfuresrealm those who attended the baptist todpg peoples union last wednesday avening received an intellectual treat ray mr moalpine explained in a very interesting paper she origin of plant life giving the history and uses of the various woods that grow in canada rev mr forbes gave a most interesting paper on the lessons of the beasons showing in beantifol peoetlo iidgnage the effect ol each season in socoeaeion on plant life the object of this series of natn studies now being oarrled on by thetjnion under ihedireotion of mr moalpine is that information oon- oernlng the groat works p natura nday be imparted and that all who partipipate may be led to see more of goct aa be has thus revealed himself votes of thanks to the speakers i wars moved by mr john wsrrsn srarl ms t molnlosh is sea prexnli we were very muoh pleased to hae a visit on monday with ba hall of eingatbn who some ten or twelve years ago worked at painting with the forester bros here he is now on a six weeks toar leotnrlug on the second- coining of cbrist he is a good bible student with more tban ordinary ability ood delivery and pleasing address mrs marshall will spend thanksgiving daywithmisbrmarsbailrtoron to mr geo benson has gone to torontofor some holidays after farming seven months with robt jeslln coming and going vlsltore to and prom aoton and varlousother personal notes the faksfakbalnvltas all ita raaders to oon tribute to this oolumn if yon or yonr friends sreioulgravayon a holiday wortpyoujiavi withuervuusuesb ii was luposslblirforr frlonds visiting yon drop a card to the fasa psaas dr j f uron of toronto was iu town on monday mr w r r antons electrical milton the anniversary of knox cliarob will be held next sunday rev john nell of toronto will preach txmv thanksgiving bntertainment at the methodlit phurch tonight will be of nnasotl interest choraees duetts and solos will be rendered and inspiring addreueson live subjects will be delivered by the revo t albert moore and a l gee the county council will meet next tnoadiy this has been a lively week among the polotlolans first the writ for the bye- elections in two weeks was issued then on tuesday the tories had their convention andyaaterday the grits metaninomlnatod john b barber there were big speeches by prominent politioians at both oonven- tlons trafalgar is well supplied with religions and educational bnildihgs including the towns within its borders it posseses 20 pubiio aobools and 81ohnrohes the lattsr belong to the following bodies methodlal 12 presbyterian 6 anglican s roman catholic 8 oolored melbodiat 2 salva tion aimy 2 j baptist and dlsoiplee one each these are ruled oyer hy 38 sohool teachers and some 18 ministers cham pion engineer spent sunday in toronto miss hannah staffords friends are pteased to have her witb them this week mreij m feruley end ohildren of toronto are guests at the- parental boms mrs rev j t daley of burford is a gnast at the home ot o swaakhammer esq mr fred nixon has been reengsged teacher of dublin sohool st au inoreasod- lalaryr friends prevailed a- nervous toronto wo man walked trie floor during the nlolit for hours a tlrris 8ba makes a statement toronto ont ru was troubled chas l nelles bookseuqrgrjjtlph pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bollerts uk urewsons corners tberoada are now in a very bad condi tion- mr u orewson has jost completed the bnildicg of a now addition to bis honse mr w oripps has disposed of hls threshing and chopping dntflt to messrs ingle sad knox of eden mills for a good flgare it is their intention to continue the ohopplog mill here this winter owing to ill health miss j mcdonald has bad to resignherposition as teacher of dome sohool miss mcdonald has been the teaohor of this eobool for the past seven years and has been one of the best teaoners that this section has overbad nd all will regret very muoh her departure she will also he mised in the aoton presbyterian ohuroh ot wbioh she was a member mlas modonald leaves for her homo in orangevllle shortly and carries with her the highest esteem and best wishes of all who had the pleasure of her acqasuntanoe miss maggie ourrie of erin has been securedas teaoher in miss modbnalda place until christmas the many friends of mrs b watkins will be pleased to learn that she in recover ing her nsnalhtaltb miss haggle wilds ol aoton spent a few days during the week at mr jae moores mlss raiiiiha ul s iastweeicat her home here miss lizzie royoo returned home last week sifter spending a few days with rela- tivesbere- mrs dr m forater of palmerstou made her son df fj r forster a visit last week miss johnson who has bsn spending a month or so with friends in mount forest retorned on saturday mrs joel eeslie returned home on satur day after spending a week or so with friends in hamilton and vicinity mr john williams went to dundalk on saturday and remained nntil monday visiting his mother snd sister there a saocessful operation was performed upon mr george vlnoeot for appendloltls on monday evening he appears to be slowly rallying mr li p snyder manager ot the traders -blinknorthjayjsomivejlaotopwsj- the gnest for a few boars at mooreoroft yesterday mrs jennie b oameron went to toron to on monday evening for a few days combining basiness sad pleasure on her trip to tho queen city mrs johnb cameron returns tomorrow to her home in gloversvllle n y she has been waiting upon her grandmother who has been ill the put month or see mr snd mrs alex modonald were called to the home of their brothekttrlaw at moore in lambton county by his sudden death as the result of a kiok from his horse v rev w 8 moalpine b a is spending thanksgiving at his parents homo inj sarnia he will be home to take the aervios in the baptist ohnroh on sunday afternoon at 8 oolook as osnsl general regret is expressed at the fact that miss jessie modonald who has so sooeessf ally taught lome sohool for the past seven years is obliged to retire on aooodnt of ill health she will return to her home at orangevllle in a few days mies corrie has been engaged to fill jibe vaoanoy me to keep still and if the spells came over me during the night i hid to get up and walk the floor for bonus sit a time my- blood was vsry poor and i was subject to bulons attacks my feet would swell and i was not able to do my own house- work i treated with two of the best physicians here but only received relief for a time i became disoouraged one dsy a friend called and advised me to try hoods barssparilla i tangled at the ad vice bat i was prevailed upon and pro cured one bottlo before i hied it all i began to feel better i toole several bot tles and also several boxes of hoods pills now i can eat and drink heartily and sleep soundly hoods sareaparllla hat entlrelyonred me andslso strenjthened trie so that i now do all my own work i oheerfully recommend hoodsbaraspa- rlliir 16 all suserers from lervonsneas weakness or general debility mas h f pasm degtassi street 1 i hasraitenormous stock ol sunday schoo and prise books at clearance prices that he will forward to schools for selection and pay charges on write for particulars hoods pillslirit- new books r prepaid to your address the castle ipn weymon 76o the red axe crockett 76o tho days work kipling 75o battle of the strong parker 7bo corleone crawford 2 vols x00 ifyougotoguelph itwlll payyonlo see our immense stock r chasl nelles 1 are on the way and will be here shortly you will want an overcoat we invite you to see the really good depend able and wearable overcoats we sell at a very moderate price many ofthem are our own tailor made coats some of thernre readybought butall bear the stamp of good money worth on the face of them a warm reception by clothing yourself in such worthy frostproof wearing apparel as we ask siich low prices for at the golden lion fastrachan jackets caperines in a great variety ofthewantedsortof furs fiirlined cloaks ladies gauntlets boys blizzard coats material deep storm v collar atii a 50 youths long ulsters heavy cloth and lining at 4 50 mens heavy- ulsters vybol material inside and outside 6 75 men wool beaver dress coats elegant tailormade 6 00 mens wool cheviot gobd business coat mens fine kersey coat in blacky navy and brawn at 850 850 it en fine moscow beaver an elegant coat 10 00 mens finest beaver equal to the best tailor- made 1200 e r biahert fe co j astrachan j grey lamb v mink ivlllffs and ruffs j itonemartin vgrey lamb autria coney otter beaver opposiim black persian lamb grey persian lamb south sea seal motto ona prioe and thai the lowest money baok if you want it ley r dlih fl py indigcjtfai and too hearty eating a per- feet remedyfor dizziness nausea firows neu bajtastqmthemoutn coated tocgnb patam thosaetorjid ijver vthew regulate the bowels rwlveehule mall pill smau dos rmwllrlcvj substitutlpn tto fraud of the day see you get carters ask for cartels insist and demand carters littleiiver- pills- waiiiiipo coirci itpr co ml ih 25 and 27 wyndhamstreet guelph e a and visit our store and bhowrooms duiiug this week whether or riot you are supplied with suitable clothing for the coming colcf weather is the question we have to consider during the next ten days we will show some exceedingly good values in ladies childrens and mens clothing ladies note ladies wanlles j300 to 9iooo ladles mantles special ranro at s5 00 misses coats from 2 50 to 375 the most complete and natty range of dress goods we have ever shomn is on our counters at rock bottom prices gentlemen mens tweed suits 350 to 1 1000 mens fine black suitsjio00 to u5o mens fine beaver overcoats black and navy s750 to i 150 we are thankful for the shopping you have done here during the past months and we have been planning a sur prise in values that wall give us two very busy days after the thanksgiving holiday friday and saturday we believe you will say these are prices to be thankful for mill street acton 7 jv maopherson spent several days last eraek aatsting rev mr farqu- i harson with speolalservioesat olaode tne bt mr haddows leotore in knox churoh next monday evening is jaokoanuolt and his friends i the annnal ohrlstmaa tree- entertaln- mept of the sooday sohool at the briok ohuroh will beheld on wednesday evening loxhsoffieiatry of the methodist sunday tkhool wiii vneet tomorrow evening to decide upon their christmas entertainment pfmofldayiilbthdei gioifrfiltid somthetpooery business and will bere- 0v ster deyote bimself 1 entirely to his loitn ptbmawno whispers down a well wlnstbrs be has to sell wont reap ftbeseamloe golden dollars like one who sftbriftyfonrtb anniversary of tbo milh6ijt bhorahwilibe held on sunday and intereating display of samples ot woods and leaves were examined at the blose nas8a0aweva rr7juavjsicisono uneipnib in sua gwfor mayorallty of the olty his many yfrisbdiiere wish him snooess and feel jjjiijusiatwvit 4myjvnvpnsvrtna last leoture of thjtiilrlssiio the oongregallonal ohuroh sobnwhill will be dsnvered this evening btiaafsago 0iaijtiwlumtmht rev- ifalhfeeny will oondool aervloes in st ijjinjjrohimwsii u ait otoit fldbnitio every third baoday izpolhn hadlapbesd vof his hslns on ljaiil btres to mrs and fcersoo mr niaurlov icsaa hit brblbet fred both of 55tand the brrslnest will don- mrjoolilna and his family wili buffalo o tjvlogalong t crossroadat jlfol on monday mr john ijuwtpji tor see gracsfully 6rehimafulgrowndeer he if oooploof rods of is when it i a glid in bmi tfiliionor what persistent ffiwjbbitwobly irjtheoroklnole jfffiyjiipvt wr- i in and s wbatyoun buy a fur jh mattntwa aoton g bapsmiamw ajser canj1fwjfw jtaftml wveoiyiwe mlitotis ol nbiw it la a fttbe mr james ernin of naissagawsya has rented mr andrew daniels farm lately worked by james harmer who- it giving up farming in nasssgaweya and intends going to the northwest in the spring miss allen teioher of sohool section no 6nassagweya is hayings higbsslasa enterlainment on the evening of 16lh of deoember in the foresters hall at eden miiis farmers in this vioinlty have almost finished their fall ploughing mr robert coxo snd family intend motlng to fithoienatbisweek he has seenred job in a saw mill there mr adam anderson of knatohbnll bits sold his joe team of greys to mr james erwln for a fair figure the boys of the bnrgh sldejl op with metsrs alex crawford abd john jjredge as captains f or a bush hupl the losing aide to pay for thosopper on tueaday 8th- inst mr crawfordand hit side oamo out ahead- tbeyhadthe supper at mr nell mcmillans at brookvllle they had guite a pleasant time qeorqetown the- rev mr mooollom preached in the english ohnroh last babbath the epwprth ieagna eonoert in the town hall last week wss a snocess wlteafnhmlrvingssrio methodlal ohnroh today rev t h rogers b a lives the annnal addreis anniversary serylpes in the zusabodlst orohjeiratbathii of viototla dniveralty pretohes the aer- mons v the annnal business meeting of the biwsoolety was held last friday as beva fennell and rogers are leaving gecrgemwnresolntrddexpressldgappret olsllon of their serviofs to the branch was unabimooily passed tbebav oimiaoheivaltside lbs epwottb iisagae- oonvenlloh at aoton ibltweel messrs barber btoe o oeoretown recently ordered- from up generaleleoirlo company a six kilowatt boo volt motor hrjottnlorrtainifindh george of aahgrovs rsabnad here yester day from manitoba after an abaence of nine modlhs theyspoak in highest tertnsof iheooontry j l warrens lender for mpplylng the pubiio aobools with wood at 3f0 a oord hmhexiao3tsd s5hilmplvwas thoroughly cleansed before till fros t bt in w ten new memtars were teoelad at last oommdnlott of the oongrsgallobal ohuroh thimakas an addition dfoisr aq during the mloliiry of bv mr rogers connoilors olark add fraoola and i-f- rtrji churchill the leotnrea of rev j e tjoaworth b a have certainly been versatile in oharaoter etch bocceedlna evjflaing the andlodm has been treated to a widely- dlfferlnu subject and to equal diversity in the manner of its delivery aoton in 1988 delivered last friday evening proved both interesting and humorous the prophecies for forty years hence embrace a model manofaotnrlng olty of 16000 population beautiful resldenooa lovely parks perfeot streets traversed by eleotrio oars and overshadowed by aerial vehloles extensive and ideal manu- iaoturieijstovl j in the progress ol the lecture numerous promising juveniles are given positions of prominence in the oily of acton of the future- the venerable rev dr maopher son is pastor ot an immense onion ohnroh and connregatlon and basaa aaslitants rev dr harold dewart molaohlan and rev dr swaobuamerr a oommodloub four- story hotel under munlolpal control with- ont lioense but with all modern improve ments lualodlng gymnasium swimming baths reading room toot gardens and the einemetographophonosoope has for its genial landlord william fearson esq ton of exxntyor pearson the faas fsxsa it publuibsd from a modern five story bolldlngandlmnes a sixteen page dally edition aoton waterworks rrswrvoir la ltnatd ob snyders hill and tnpplies the town with an abqndanoo of fresh soring water the immenseand flonrlshing sole leathsr tannery of hbwaokbamer sons la looaled on the north aid of the city irldarw hendersonjmokesgr4p is thej preeideintoi a board of pbysiolans whose dullss are tokeep the populatlonwellr instead of doctoring tbem afttr they get sick tboy are paid ont ol lbs oily treasbry mr nelson ryder it proprietor olaniam taelpryjme clinton swaokbamer of a general grocery and soppivwareboase john a henderr son aonsof a big departmental store momnrthy bros of a hardware jinnsef omlebing ssiadiisbment mawln arnsa js olty en jlneer of the waterworks khiialeptrlo light departments roy sisbrouiib jprlnolpal of the central sbhooiyjwhose pupils spend only three no3rji l deslj work and siethn turned over to a rjhysloal inilroctor for raoreation and exercljw the city has hnmsroos parka and pretty lakes and all retldexilial streets are payed and boule- rdsa- oil growing rapidly mandfaotorlea are mnltlplylng and it is eipeduu that by 1mb there will be a population of at ieaat 100000 throiigb a vivid imagination and nunibroos hints supplied by edward bejlanajs looking backward the lectore prodnoed a very interesting prophecy and auooeeded lb entertaining hla audience vary inanlfettly rjmitjihwiii7ii selllfag jingle hsruessatageeatfeduollon for iho next v rvvivrftkvfc i 1 v if dress goods wonders it did not need trie holiday sale feature to intensify the interest in the dress goods department this department gjves such values that have kept it busy prices more attrac tive than ever priestleys fancy black dress goods regular price 85c arid goc sale price 65c priestleys iancy black and colored dress goods regular price 60c for 43c cloves prosperity is a great teacher adversity is agreater possebsion parnpers the mind irivttibn trains and strengthens it hax- fiv the ave dlseaaes for which shilobs consumption ours is espechaliy reeoni mended are coughs ooldi whooping cough oronp and oonsumplion no mwilpine over made by man ii equal to it in- any respect sold under a poslllvs goaraotee money taken back if it fails 25 ots 50 mb and i00 a bqlllo stniicndqusgloveselling far beyond the ordinary wise buyers will attend liladies fine french gloves perrins make and fully guaranteed regular price 125 for 90c mem mens and boys fleece lined shirts and drawers ladies vests and drawers black and colored cashmere gloves ladies and childrens hose all sizes mens and boys hose and onehalf hose wool and cotton blankets flanne1l6trehecks and stripes black arid blue serge for boys wear ladies cloth white cashmere and a lot of laces and ribbons come and see them jww 80jc8 ako bibbons at lovv prices lownticmstasboxsaird rvbbsrs bpxczal masoctras fine blend coffee for break fait special 35clb v clendoa ceylon tens reg 30c for aoc choice pickles new red salmon leave yonr order for christrnis baking new raisins currants peels spices figs note icing sugars etc all goods delivered tablx umvrako napkivs at bargain prices xntbbxzulb silk and wool mixtures steel rod with crook handles sterling silver mounting regular price f 135 sale price goc gents rubsjsbnrodtftupstaltm mens english dress shirts pure linen bosom 12 lo 17j regular price iioo for mens fine neckwear in mndeupknots flowing ends also bow and lombard shapes at low prices cf iimego duststpesxai mlraolea lira often worked upon a dead business by hard work and brains qlvehoilowaya corn bore a trial ii removed ten oorne from one pair of feel without any pain what is has done ono t wjii do bgsiov y as a rnletbe mote a min- has to say abont womeb the mots bai does really knbwnboat them hbqjrf three thousknd phirs 8 stores neill the shoe man v quel t all dayfriday and satur day we will be sit horne to yoii in ou china palace wi corner king hughsoii ste tfamilton frf ine esaenoo november i8g8 jtherdirbohonbf qua tfctf tbflh priw i pr tf ehavejust openedup ixofqua cases of j apanese curios that hero the latest tioveltieawut u intenaed to win oar iritolligeat trado we wantyou to see rmeinberjvr eyifjry thing in t forsalejaridwethink this is a jmp4itwiisie r0cfcnstmaw ash lor4itf buy thjiilg but will take great pleasure in showing you all our beautiful goods- gome and bring your friends worth of whpppoiiiiring- such tmtij ja in en covert suitings all wool fioo 54 lnchtweod saltings special 75c n pieces 46 in tweed suitings special 25 io pieces 46 inch all wool regular value 50c pieces 40 inch all wool tweed regular ivwnori special 50c i women jaokstsand capes womens bisicksmu jackttsjatp collars regular value 450 3 and regular value vcv ji nfoth6 etandhl goods in canada right werouftoruio wise people j ho know jrod quality and good vftlno the shrendor tho buyer tho hotter wo liko it tv- dfljas coods ladles frloio capes pleated back i375 btneie finnev storm rnlir ladles beaver cloth capes pleated back velvet or storm collar 73j ladies beaver cfotb capes fitted back hsndiomely trimmed with cord and braid ojo fursand coata udrl buclt xslrachsn coats farmers satioiunedsolnlong 12300- lsdlesblackarachin coat satin uned 36 in ibngilibjo and 13500 ladlesaslrachan coats 34 or 36 in long -fjjoitot40iov- coneycapes sy in long too in sweep ttixmt j- astrswhan for capes 7 in long 100 in fnofirij3swalin slrsancpebab inlbngan aalln lined boiv satin lining vj lb 30 black coney storm collars ta23 1250 black opossum storm collars 9350 450 grey limb storm collars sioo 10475 columbia sable ruffs i300 1500 alaska sable ruffe 1650 775 875 black opposum muffs satin lined si75 racoon muffs f 225 alrt 350t45o electric seal 13 63 black coney satin lined special tioo i millinery the very latest stylo millinery shows the early winter styles in felt hats wings plumes tips ribbons flowers and ornaments there are hats already rimmed theres a workroom handy where trimming is done to order carefully taiid with excelleni taste onr isooand 1500 trimmed hats are the marvel of the race samples on application freight or express prepaid to yournearest railway station in ontario on all purchases amounting to y sm bm

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