Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1898, p. 4

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ip do not think for single moment that consumption will ever strike you a sudden blow it does not come that way it creeps its way along first you think it la a little cold nothing but a little luck ing cough- then a little loss in weight then a harder cough then the lever and the night sweatsr tjie suddenness comes when you have a hemorrhage better stop the disease while it is yeteeeping f tfottca ft si local brieflbts the durmeso haveacariooa idea regard ing ooidb they prefer those wblok bays temale1fta7ason-lbemrbelleylnfertuat-mala- oolns are unproductive anddo not- make- money life insurance companies rejeot about threefoortha ol tbeir applicants wbo have beoause it has been found n th been gymnasts that moat of lb you first notice that you cough less the pressure on the chest is lifted that feeling of suffocation is removed a cure bhaatcned by pladngone of pectoral plaster over the chest abooitfraom it is on the diseases of the throat and lungs j lint whatever eat j noiilhly raeette writs ly yftnwlllracelnapi pp j atiln iowoi ivwtai tfrfy m rih ubt jttfott- jf thursday november 34 mit goung jffllha a bqy8 thank tbanka dear god for all tho tun i lmvo bad throughout the yotir for tho bmlllng sky and sua for the sammori glorious cheer tliankfl for ovory jolly game i bavo played in hold and wood thanks for lovoly flowers that came incoming whoro the enowdrit ta stood thanks fer all the laaeious fruit apples red and purple grapes thanks tor vino and tree and root alalotis of all aorta and shape tbauk yon tor tho noisy rain making muiio down tho eaves knocking a tbo window pane dauolns with the bappy leave tliftuk you for tho winter days lkxntif ul with ice and aoow moray rldealu jingling eloigns coasting skating to and fro thanks for joy one christmastide and tbo pretty torln told by tho bright and warm fireside sato from bona and wind aid cold thank you for the star and moon for the great wide ocean too thank you for the birds sweet tune laughing brooks and sparkling daw oh so many thanks we need for yoar ldndneaf and i say thank yon very much indeed for the glflthanluglting day julia zuua cooty chaps and chilblains co mo with the cold weather bat ban bo cared by the application ot hsgyardi yellow qutho heatlgemedy for external and internal ubo made more men get drowned in a wine glass than in the atlantic hagyards yellow oil cares eprain bruises soref wounds frostbites chil blains filings of insects burns scald contusions etc price 26o the average woman has more listening than bpeoking ooqaaintanws v miss annie gilleipiev orllu oat writes 1 had a bad oold and severe cough for aorpo time and could not get rid of it until i need dr woods norway plw syrup which jaiokly oared me prioij 25 cents the average man lets good opportdnl tips go by while waiting lor a better dr fowleraextract ot wild strawberry cares diarrhoea oramni colio cholera and is tho safest and most reliable remedy for children or adatta hearts by exoosslve exercise the athletes of greeoe in anolent times when raining for physcial con teste were fed on new oheese figs and boiled grain their drink was warm water and they were not allowed to eat meat we are judged by tbe meanness ot our action not by the nobleness of our thooglitb boston t ranter ijpl it is eye so much harder to prove hat we are right than to let peorjlebeliflvo th weare wrong philadelphia time to deaden tho force of blows some box- era wear an ipdudrabbec beadpiece with inflated pockets which protect the chip mouth jawbones and forehead ion wouldnt think it bat when a man nods that he is physically disqualified for trmy seryioe it makes hin feel terribly iwarliie boston raflacriisf r it lathe higbesi of earthly honors to be dotoeoded f rom tbe great sipd good they aloue ory out against a noble ancestry who have none of their own ben j on son not to be fooled npw jest yon ro right alobg yoii neednt atop bert said farmer hayfork author tati volyiudautjs au t nolight njn roda i srn not selling llfthulnr rode responded the sleeklooking pedlar whose suddenappearanoe at the gate had roused tho ire ot farmer hayfork i d h w r the farmer i dont want it an wont take it and thayfch therejs jypal i know the trloka of you oily sharpers i read tho papers lidayoacevtoubfc mdomanv double baok action pumps or any ael- workln oburus or patent egyptian cpra freeh from the pyramldu not much an i dont want to takerany mowers on trial either an ilftn a receipt fer it in have income as a qioety day note fer ooqjnobirmflajpuanujyjo bg you bhqod melancholia i is a grave disease and leads to insanity a broken down neevotjs system is the cattseof teoijble painos celery compound natures health restorer nervi bracer and seasonable bail way tiltb tbjub- heart and hwinrowin itb sd to think that so many vromeu suffer irom pain wdakspeus heart palpitation sinking- sensatipni nervousness slceplesshess- fuir who could bo restored to tho fullenjoyrnent of per- feet health by a few boxes of muburns heart and kcrvc pills tliero can bo no aucslton about the efficncy of this remedy thousands 6f viiiicn lmvtsfouifcl it do allthatisclaimed fur it hera is the testimony of mrs gtlitiwciauiy street monet on nd ucfro takinjc miltunv hiart and nerve pitts i used to suftcr untold agony frtin violent tmadadics irregular action of itio hiiart tugotlicr with pains or sprisjiiw iii various parts of my body 4 1 felt so tveak that x was unnblti to iooknfior mydomestic duties however i hud ii endure this worry and iroublo bocauso nil tho remedies i tried failed to give me relief until happily i heiirjof milburns heart and nerve pills 1 had only been taking them a short tine whoti i felt greatly benefited thtscn- cuuragod me to continue their use until a complete cure was effected i have not been troubled withahead- acliclaince taking those pills they in- croaiicd my appetite invigorated myjcn- tiro system and gave mo back my old tiiiiq slnnyth und vigor tw i work wrillo yousteep without a arfp or irrpe and iiiae ynu feel better in the mrninif prlcj 25c sold by all drutreuu kobody will seem quite a fool when bis beat points are known why tap a pine tree and expect sugar iap dr lows worm syrap is a safe sure and reliable worm pelter acts equally wall on children or adults be sure yon get lows had paint applied to the nose js costly who pain ti hli nose ban seldom keep hibrlldidgarmtoo- btoofi 6u csintbaheijiihy if your blood is impure or- watery if poison is circulating- through your arteries instead of rich pure life- giving- blood if y tfh lrowsyflaiiif uid are constipated have pimples or blotches breaking out on your body the remedy for you is burdock bipod bitters 1 have- been using bbb my brother and slsterlolaw and vo and it aw niott reliable- and efficacious blood gurifier and most cordially recommend we purchased it from j r ault son of thl town miss c m wat son aullvlue ont l8bbl a highly concentrated blood purifying vegetab remed farm either an have mo bay it baok at a bif advanoe becaqbe bomb oonfederata of yera obtnea along an oftere twice hat you give or it nlxy i im no chickeo flow cleat oat i i only want oh yea yon only want to get my same to anything at all ao yba can make anoteodtont imnp to all booh tricks i read tbe papers i do i only want to- abow yon our dqvv patent revtrsiblehena nest what on earth la them itb an ordinary hena neat only it revereaaiteelt every time a hen lays an egg and drops the egg into a basket below what good is that v otint you aee the ben turns round to look at tbeegglint it isnt there and sheoonolndea ahedidnt lay anand bits rifht down and lay a another one and eo on only j10 by gam 1 gimme a oonple the thahkstrlvlntr pessimist what have 1 got to be thanklol lor t gneaa the lord isnt bothering him sell mtioh about me and i wont trouble him with my thanks theae are the oiks with whom things always go wrong sparrows dyed to resemble oanarieb have been sold by dozens at from 91 60 to 8260 eaoli by street peddlars in brookline masa the man who expects a call from ten- quart stock to grow into a twenty quart cow fs kin to tbo fellow who ohopped a bple in the ice to find hot water medicine what distress and anguish come to the mother when hur little oho wakes up at night with a nnsty croupy cough wise mothers always keep on hand a bottle of dr woods norway pine syrup its so pleasant to the taste tho youngsters take it without any fuss and at the same time its promptness and effectiveness arc- such that the cough is checked before anything serious develops from one end of the dominion to the other people are praising dr woods norway pine syrup as tho best remedy for coughs coids croup whooping cqirgh bronchitis and all lung affections dr woods norway pln6 sirup 35c at all druggists say sometbiog and sawnowoodseema e ba t tr v nf it what yon will do next year is a poor oitset for laziness now xcoipew wltb h hut this time it wis a oodiend to mr john llrown n o a u veteran of 2uo ifar- slinli ht philadelphia dodleed shot and shell in the interests of his coontry only tobsattaeted by that lnsldlona dlseaae calnrrli bat dr ainews catarrhal fowiler cored and permanently too this is what ho aaya by amoreacoident 1oame abroas dr adowctauthaleowaerrwasagreat sufferer from that dreadful malady oatarrh- today it gives eaar nnboaaded pleasure to otate for aufferlnghomairftys sake that this wonder fa remedy affected a apoedy aud permanent oaro lb my base and ihavo beon 10 thankful for it that i am willing to spend the remainder of my hy in praarhnn tho unnit nwh in my fellow surferers sold by a t brown toorlypald help la likely to take ita own pay out of the farm only a men who values his poaltiou wilt try to fll it well many persons cannot take plain codliver oil they cannot digest it it upsets the stomach knowing these things we have- uglda scotts emsipii of pd liver oiliwith rhyjfibjihps- phites thc jwiatejaye broken it up rinto littleiglpb- uses or idroplfettlvi t i weiuse the yoiks orgarisanjl gobd tpll iflwiiyidganijilah tbinkinr will pro- daco better men than hifh living and low- tbinkliiri maacular rheum atlsra otr h wilkinson stratford ont wrltea i expfriencecl flrcat relief rom mnioutar rheatnatiim by uslogtwo bottles of mhbnrna bheamatio fills they are a spleddid remedy m price 50o all drug- itaifc a oold april will fill tb barn especial j y if tbe farmer rets hot withexerdio jxsxaliver pills oaro constipation aud bilioaauess they work without a tjrfp or a kfipe andneer fall to do good- jrioe wo should feel bored a jjreal deal often er tbanwd do it we were not so aocqstomtd to ourselves- puch for iiiuajid oluldreu there never was and never will be a universal panacea jri one remedy for all ills to which flesh i8 heir the very nature of many ouiativea beinj snob that were tw germs of other and differently boated diseases rooted in the syetom of the patient i wbetoolovreltete ctitrih7ih urritoolor aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a bound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its rradaal jadioioas me the frailestbybtems are led into con- valescenoe and otredrth by the inflaonoe which qalnine exerts on ns to res own restorativci ii relieves the drooplbg plrits of those with whom a chronio state of morbid despondenve and lack of intorost in life is a disease and by trinqoilizidg ho nervei disposes to soond and refresh ing slmpimrrtsvigor to the aotiorrot the blood wbioh being stimulated course throughoat the veins strengthddirjg the faealthy animal tnnotiona of the system thereby making activity a necoaaary reaalt etrengthening the frame and gtviog ufa to the digestive organs which natprallyl demand inoreasod substance rebalt imv proved appetite korthrop jt liyrjaan toronto have given to the public tbelr quinine wine at the usual rate and ffrjaged by the opinion of soientlats this wine approaches nokrest porfeolfon o any in the market alldrargiatsseliit to pat ale and water into islosble form is a neat bit of icioooe batter eat your hard ornsts la youth when yoor teeth are good dr agaews core for ttavjfiefrt defles th 8tiuikvtrebl liilrskhott r gnwvjtto cured heam ten ieiftbulnriletefs hh testi- nony unsolicited i v j ii t john grow son of mr- george grow farmer near the vlllaw of titra oat jyir w ai fuwei ii6 p6iulor dm trlct agent fcr the singer sewlnt maehitiecoinpany- pnyesmttiir doains kidney pills ciire kidney jjljju s- this is his statement i suffered for five or six yonrawilh pnins across my back headaches dizziness and kindred kidney troubles i yot very bad when driving woulcl often have to sori tlie horse as the pfins wore so severe great rnany ru cliiea but thoyd rub no goou 1 lion ot deans kjirey pills at wnteonsdni store took tlm fpr pno montlif and uu cbniplctily cured i regard tio rcri a rcjrnrknblo test i- inony to tho yirtuo of donns pills and am only too kj to recommend then- to all suftcrcrs from kidney trouble in any form- poans kmner pills ore n neverfpillnpf remedy for i rtglit dlaennr ixnbctes drop- y backache mtl w hacif intvet t c i- mnt in the urine nnd nil urnnry trm lu of child r it or mtlulta prfctjc nhuxa fr itt5nh ilnikrit the unan kidney phi co toronto tnt rmembr tho nnmc doans and refuse all others do you brodd from- day to day and make life a eontinucd misery for yourself and family if you are a of melah- obolia underbund at onoq yon aro bou fir ing from a terribly gravoiseasea trouble that induqeaqoioide andiiomioido one of the moat celobratod phybioiaua ofj the day enys that there are aeveralforma of melanohouft simple melancholia melanobblia agitata melbuohoupsattonla andmeltnbholia with stupor xho first two are the most difilouu of recognition and are tbe forms that epeoially endanger the uvea of victims and their f rienda some of the fitst and moat important symptomb of melanoholia are blflepieabhesa depresblon of bpirita alow mental move ments terrifying hallucination 8 and aver sion to food the whole nervous system is boon in a most alarming condition the mind beoomea affected and even insanity may show ita hideous form experibncelbaeprovfldjbatjj medical treatment ot melancholia fails in nine caeea oat of every tensimply because tbe root of the diaeaso ia nob reaohed haudteda of oases of uaulauoholia in all stages that have baffled thft bcbt modigal mou havo been supoeflafutly cured by natnraa own medicine paines celery compound this marvellous rnedioal pre- bqrjpuon does ita work diraaily pntho nerves it toaea atreugthoob and braces up the entire uervoub organization and as a bodaea the ubuos and mnaolea are built up and pure lifegiving blood is freoly8rjpplledto every part of the body header thiabhould be an allimportant aubjeot for you if you are sleepless despon dent languid pot of sorts depressed in mind and mental faculties impaired your path ot doty is dear terrible dangers are ahead if you fail to banish tbo first symp toms your present and futaro happiness and health depend wholly anon your oholoe of medicine the use of paines celery compound at this time mtuns new lite hjfeltb vigor activity full mental powers and a length of happy years that the flacsimlle signature of dress shirts dress ties dress gkvesgoiiarsx2uffs links shirt studs scarf pin s handkerchiefsspeciat value our new neckwear is the latest big values in overcoatings suitings and trouserings cash akd onk pmoiioni4t grand trunk railway ooino webt qoinq babt mall expross mall 10 02 am b 25 pm 7 ispui express bxprosa mall mlvn1 b s6aui 10 60am ii ltpni in on pti timb op olosiko kfxilu oolns west 0 40 am andeopun going east 10 as am and 5 po pm thl tlmo table wont into oltoot on monday may lotti 1b38 r e- nelson meiohanv tallpr and mwtva furnisher big r in undertaking owing to largely increased discounts for cash allowed us by the manufacturers of undertaking supplies and being in a position to take advantage of this we have decided to reduce nil goods in our undertaking department from ten to tyventyfive per cent notwithstanding this large reduction the same careful personal attention which has been given in the past wilt be continued embalming in ordinary cases free where special work is required price to cover extra services and embalming requisites casketb and coffins deuvwedin for burial furniture w have added a number of new parlor suits of latest designs which we are offering at the following pdces which any home can afford no i parlor sulla 5 pieces solid oak i1506 no 1 parlor suite s pieces walnut 2500 no 3 parlor suite 5 pieces walnut jj500 inbtaoment plan ba furniture if desired all aoods delivered free j a speigbe co actprx ii lromdlestlesoncreerful tiess andeestcontalns neither ojmutnmorpliirul nor mneral tfrjr xako otic jhmjtasal- kmusja- apcrfecl hetiurfy forris ti tioit soar stonkuhdiarrhp oriwcoirviibionsfevensji ness anlloss of si on the wipper isdplneiitftlsadoules only it ifii sold in balk isont allor anyono to sell anytlilag else on tao ploa at pivalw that it jnst u goodm and irlu auwer erary par- 1h w y o h t o t lid sniy vrsfpa his reque8t the sloamer rolled addpiiobed in the waves deah boy groaned obolly at the end of his flrat noar on shipboard promise me yon will send my remaida home- to my people i a eebond hoar passed bash boy feebly moaned obolly yon neednt send my remains homo to tho people- there wont be sdy his method tireaomo oaller how do you get rid of bores eminant statesman my valet generally knowa them and reminds me of some edgagement tap at the door welt harris what is it yalet thrusting bis head in i beg yonr pardon sirj bnt t think yon have- an epgsgemont to dlno with qeneral boge in aboat arf an hour agents- hoiiioax books now ready one prospeotos repreeentlotf four books i range in prloe from one dollar op gbeapest and best holiday books pobrllihed cheapest books bound in attuor cloth while other pabllshars use utbo cloth vio pay freight olvo premiums you pay us after yon make delivery- capital and ex perience not noeeasary so dont let tbls obaneo goby bradley- qahretb on company limited totonto impobtant jjotice the celebrated indian doctor geobqe w hild and partner will bo at agnovs hotel aeton on- the lastwed nosday of every month until further notloe eommenoung with wednesday fioth october 1808 all ebronlo diseases saoh as eotunmpl tlon catarxbt liver complaint kidney dlhties rbeumatlam dlabetea e aro onreaby indian remodies hedlelnea aold by tbe quantity fatlonta alveu np as ioanrabto are especially invited patients under treatment to other doo- ton are not sollolted consultation free per manent address brantpobd p o ont idministrators notice to toedytors in the matterof the estate of robert watson late of the township of esqiiesing in the county or halton gehtlemandeceased notice is heseby gtven pdryaant to b 8 o 1ww oapud h 88 that all persons bav ins el alms against thebsbate of the said robert watson who died on or about the oth day of september a d 0898 ars required to ssna by prepaid or to delivair to toronto gen- trvusts oompany toronto p o admlnla- iratora of the bstate ot tba said bobertiwauon an or before the sth- day of deoember 1808 tbeir names addresses and dswriptlons and a lull statement of partlqulari ot their claims and the nature of tbe security if any bald by them duly eertlfled and thai after the said day the administrators will proooed to distribute the oasets of the deooosed among the partlee entitled thereto havlna regard only m the claims of which tbsyshalt then have notion molhanaacclban boueltaarsjortbe toronto oenerat trust oomnany dated this oth day ol november a p 1808 otjrijfant and the cheapest t orirariofcncinq sletob ontario mcmuilens fenclnga and nettings com bino these two qualities no others do v hog fencings at special low prices al it other varieties cheap mcmullens arc the only good nettings sold in canada they are unequalled for poultry yards trellis lawn fences ask vonr hardware mer- chant for mcmullena poods it you cannot buy of him write to the manufacturera at picton ont or to the- b grkening wire co limited hamilton and montreal general agents jahra cooper montreal general agent for railway fencings ibefore it ia too lte stop that succession of colds hint main nothing m hor less ihnn cntnrrh stop the sultcring stop thedtingreenbte cmanrmldn maries thftthro ip huniltnting to you nnd offensive to your friends dont- ig prunon until your condition onuses you to lc osimcired ns if you were a lop ontrteglect yourselfunlil consumption nrnkci its futnl nppcarantevvoii r i curednot merely relieved but absolutely and perfectly cured dr agriews catarrhal powder mil restore you to complete perfect health it fives relief ill once it cu wiijk nn incrtmlililyaliort tlnic hundreds if- enscs of from 5 tow ycnraitnndlng jfy in owder ricti like magic not only 1 ss jj loniilitls the trinity church corporation in new york oily bu been 301 years in existence it rnaibttlns nlnchurohet and a boipital acytilrbuliberauyi inytltouofav at 1500 and iu annoil jnootne is cninrrlij imp in colds sore throat tpnsi iay fever loss of amell deafness and rllaiiiiilnr aisenses rt lit mr c g archer of ljrowor mnlnn wrltei a follows ihavo had eaiarrh- 1- nievenl yean water woutd run from my cyci arid nose for days at a time about long ihonthsaso i wm induced to try dr agncwi csuntul powder and since using bf udcrfiil ronieuy i have not had an attnok i would not w without it al ormgf lajsa dracnews cproorthoheart eiires nil cuea of oreanloorsyropatbetladlswe sbean relieves in 30 mlmitee dr agnewvnveftuliara floncevmndcjftbai wr4odtiai4rafnwsolnicnnts roivnv impure 1 mrs will varnor new canada n s writes ii bavs osed burdook blood bitters for headaobe and impure blood- one bottle made a oare i think there la no bitf baaions made tna iargets v m in the worldfisryp deration in leeda enrlaod it wslgba 0500 ponnda and aews potton isifc mlibnrn sterling neadsoho powders ivjinsithf headaote in from flvetoj ljwtwiav nbtliaaafwrs nw tyheit the ohlldren rrlnd their teeth have a ravenous appetite yet dont seem to thrive give them dr lows worm syrap ii will olesr out every worm wlth- ool banning the i ehllil irleeasa it is a remarkable fsot its role the uwlng dona by male lallbra ia neater finer and moro uniform thin that done by women ask your doctor he will tell yon that bootts emulsion eoea pssrty of the blooa ani-debility-of- thenris he will isy ihait it letbe best rematly in the world for 3lioal ohlldren enrooollbtebtnn a sebttiolh btroyot vaterprppfed freize ulsters made from pure wool 35 01 lo the yard frieze five o ui i lkcp ilaksix irch collar with throit tah i inulilc sit li ed edges kaistd mjid- lciptli 54 inches nine colors ulaik bliiti- mid ui own drab claret ilea in 1 oxlunl liliic mix- ture and olive mixture- waterproof windproof frostpfbor c0111fu1iit le sulttby all reputable dealer fri nova scotia to britub culumbia luipoad shortys guarantee card i n ihc pocket of course iniist on seeing it it is a good square guarantee 0 on ooooooooooopoo 00700p coup 0000 00 ooopoo no oetoejmi the la read by tho people who buy by the people who have money to buy with by the people who pay cash for their purchases by the peoplo who make desirable custo mers by the people whom the advertiser is in quest of by the people who know a good thing when they see it by mora people in this section than are reached by any other two paperadally or weekly by everybody in the lown and county who wants the largest amount of good fresh crisp spicy nevp and reading mailer for the money by everybody who it possessed of enler- prlsewho is progressive and wbo be- heves in a bright origlnai- progressive newspaper that koeps lis constituency v and its interests lo the front that is why the pass pastas receives aoch liberal ad patronage ssft brentford calvanized steel wtnt mills and towera for fower ancf pump- tarnml covered gear patent jzoiieraaa ball beeripge maple leaf inders two sizes for any power no i has ro- inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8inch single burrs both have ball- bearing burr plates relief springsandshaker feed grind fine and fast with least power always guaranteed a trial given v hundreds in use we moke patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills of all kinds the finest in the market best material light es running send for illustrated catalogue bfantfori john mcqueen agent for the above has changed his ware rooms to building oh w e smiths property john street where may be seen jtrost wood binders atd mowsrs and a complete line of farm implemwta and all kinds of repairs tn my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen everton and eden mills the place to go for the bran mlddllriks chop feedt tc for sale chqpping every day at everlon mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop maln8tieet john cameron architect and contrabtdr manntaotoror of baahdoors frames uoqldldga in allstylea drxssmo itatcnmo and mouldofo toorder on abort notloe well assortoa atook on faanaatprleestoanit tnetlmes john cameron pradfletor acton- livery and bus line theundflnlgnodreapeetfullysolloltsthepatxi ago ol the public and informs them tfitt woll equlpp5d anotstyulh rigsoail ways be seouxed at his stablel a comfortable bus meets til trains between 0 am and 1b pm careful attention given to every order tbe wants of commercial travel- lerstpllymet john wlliam u paopazbtoa fobtweh jftavjmslv hssi

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