v xxlwko 22 0fhtjil8iat december price three cents ib published every thursday morning at thk free prosb steam printing office ulliibtreet acton ont tanua of bnnsonnrriom one dollar por yoar strictly in advance all subscriptions discon tinned wbonbotmofornlob thorhavo1oon paid lias expired the dato tp which overy subscription is paid ib dodoted okx the address label advximaina rates transient adverttso uioutb 10 coats por nonpareil lino for flxatjn ertlon 8 cent por lino for oaoh subsequent asortlod contjuot bitkh tho following tablo bhowa ur rates for tho insertion of advorthomonts for peoiflod periods r- space 1 yd 6 mo 8 mo imp 0 inches 60 00 as oo iso 00 7 00 lolnoholi 89 00 so 00 is 00 800 5 inches soon 1100 7 00 w llnob 600 850 900 100 advertisements without apoclflc directions will be inserted till forbid and obaigod accord ngly transient advertisements nanst be paid n advance advertisements will bo changed onoe each month if doalrod for ohadgos oftoner tban eboeamontb the aomposltlon mubtbepaldfor at regnai rates changes for oontraot advortuoments mast be r n the offloo by noon on tuoadaya accounts jiayable monthly b v moore editor and proprietor the oxford self pronounc ing teachers bible with 280 pages revised teachers mat ter to june 1896 red under gold edges leather bind ing yapped edges printed qfl new plates size 8x inches weigh 2 pounds bidding very flexible good value at 4 ta 5 i will mail at fi25 in stamps quantity limited send your order early t j day days bookstore guelph after receiving this bible if it does not please return it and the money will be re funded traders bank of canada jlorfrp capital authorized capital paid up 11 000000 700000 guelph branch wo are now las a ida money qrdora payable at par at any branch of chartered bank in canada excepting tbo yukon district at tbo following rates under 10 8 coat 010 to 20 10 aent faotouo 13 coats eaotosso cants susiims stratorp afedlcal tohn m macdonald m d c m successor to j f tjrkn m d o m oflleo and residence cornor mill aprodoriok streets acton d r r j b forster stjccesaor to db a s eldi0tt late resident physician and surgeon to vic torla hospital for hick children toronto omoe- mill street lately occupied by dr elliott rjr dryden era em tnnoat and nose moiioans block douglas st noar f o goelph omos houns 10 am to 1 p m and 0 to 6 p m buhdaib 10 a m to 1 p m t it bennett ids dentist jli ukobohtowk ontabio p coghlan d d s l d s dentist woiuc catkvuut done pcicks u0date oitiob ovsn bnowh a dnuo btoob houbbevkbt dat fboh 9 to 6 jm belh dd8ldb dentist bnooxtzxxb honob gnadtura or toronto tjmivbnsrrt work made satisfactory price modorato vibitino daib monday afternoon camp bellville tuesday acton office clarks hotel friday book wood dr g h cook dentist cor college bl and spadlna avo tononto will visit aoton on thu arst and third satur days of each month omicb mr adam cook b residence main street ml olean a mclean barristers flollol torn notaries conveyancers o private funds to loan offloe town hall acton wm a molbam jho a mclean a j mackinnon babbibtxb soliottob comvetancbd onics mill btroet in matthews block upstairs r b mcleod p babbibtabb solioitqb oohtbtahobb uasln street gtoorgotown monoy to loin at lowest current ratos r j mcnabb clerk fourth division court county of hal- on conveyancer agent flroandljfe assurance ileal estate agent monoy to loan oto ovrici ferryman sillook acton ont mtscktlanko us h enby aitlsl ottawa oamada bolloltor of patents for invention eto prepare applications for tbo canadian amer ican and european patent offices and for the beglstratlon of trade marks bend for pam phlet thirty two years experience f iran0ib hunan xookbindeb wyndhambt guelph ontario over william a btoro aoconnt books of all kinds made to order pertodlcalsof every desorlntlonoarefally bound bulineueatiii promptly done m arriaoe ciloenseb n p moobe 1pbt1fb ovmvabbiaab llcenbkb private ofllco no witnesses required issued residence in tie evening free press office actpn w meem8treet lioshsmd atjotxohbkb for tb oonntlai of whlneton and hal ton orderslehabtnepabs pbbbs office aotoo or atmyresldsnoe laaoton will lie promptly at- endedlo faerxsdluced to to 00 v0b pahmt bales also jnoney to loan on the most farorable sums and at ttoa lowett rates of interest in snrns of s0o aaot pwards wtlllt mutaal fire insurance company batabusinp 1640 tnoubanocarjoasb and mutual plan any x floinmunlcabiona forwarded to my address box 03d or telephone 08- will bo promptly at tended o john taylor agent qaelnh aoton machine and bepair shops hbmby grihdlstil proprietor abb well equipped with all the machinery necessary toejceuite all repairs to machin ery and wlanltaral implements and to do all klods of steam fiuoborshoslrigndgueral blaoksmluilag woodwork repairs performed 4n a saturmtory manner we caa repair any machine or lnvptement of any mue saw ummlntfand fltibg done acton sa and wooat jhthibs jbbteln uiohonwiii aao mun m ltmbtt lttih ohlaglem ffooxf mto all klnda o wood in atook and promptly d to any part or tb raetiooabio prloa dellreied ioan j part ot tbi town at nabto hardarood and altba got toe lantli a4wsyp oil band alaptoaaeooranmtitoatlon everton and eden mills the place to go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed 4tc for sate chopping e ery day at everton mills and eery tuesday thursday ind saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop guglph g sa the entire stock of w a christies picture and art department bought by us at a low figure bio bhrgrins in all lines waters bros new store next pnngles main street planing mills ac o john cameron architect and contractor uanoftotarerof saab doora framea moaldlnga in all stylos dressing itjitcbma aid uoatmjoma to ordor on ataort notice nrc t ium mi mm itgw m the time john cameron proprietor w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont lux a 8h0uiti or machine finished book papers and high grade wekkly news the paper nsod in thia joarnal ib from the above mille wm babber bhofl aittia ladies college si thomas out located in eight acre park in oentre of city 13 000 inhabitants four transcontinental rail ways and local electric system oollegedlstinct- ly obrlitlan and patronised by all denomtna tlons finest buildings superior facilities in college courses and in music fine ait business elocution cookery home comforts stronr staff bates for board residence and tuition range from 40 25 to 99 00 a week according to studios pursued for catalogue and nil information address principal wabmer m a acton liyeet bus une b undorslffnod respectfully solicits the patron age of the public and informs them that the age well equipped and stylish rigs oan al ways ba sooured at bis stablee a comfortable bus meets all trains between bam and b18 p m careful attention given to every order tho wanta of commercial travel lers fully mot rnnw wnttaats speight brady manufacturers of q dynamos xlzctric motors watxr motors oasolofk am oas xtfomxs brass iron castings to oxdkr repairing promptly pone georgetown ont ptiptis wbdaraaboaltolatta i urxvo peblleor nigh bahool boald do overlook th gnat advaat- aseof a praotloal oonrae of inetrne- tfod at c ouslph business college and shorthand institute faltj bibbslon will eomnianes tnaidar beptonber dtb write or eall if interested olronlan free j bbakpirlnoipaj 1rlneipaj j biqbebt cdiu1ent hate of iktebebt i isld on sanas deposited of h and upwards atereat allowed from dato of dopoalt to date of withdrawal avod paid or compoumlod llalf yearly advances psade to responalblo farmore on tbelr own names at the lowest curront rates j noabargo mads for eollootlng salos notoe if payablo in guelpti a gonorl banklrjg buslnose tmusactod a fu jowes ltfi and sfteletfis good as we know how to buy and that means good as carr be found anywhere prices as little as 35c sqr yard and all the between prices up to 100 special department for these goods with excellent light entrances st georges sqr and wynham st j m bond coa cu6lph mckees parisian balm for the hair a perfect tonic hair dressing for promoting the growth and beauty of the hair and preventing it from falling out cleanses and invigorates the scalp thereby preventing dand ruff try a bottle 25c prepared only by j p m acton ont the name mckee on every bott guarantees its fine quality sun savings and loan go head office torontoont auborff0d capitti 6000000 oo tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c por share for 120 months when payments cease 860 00 paid in maturity value 910000 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton bring your custom logs in aptf tako the lumber home with you sttvers lumber plening mills nassaraweya p sayers proprietor has constantly on hand a full line of lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood jto custom logs and bui staff catrto order on short notice planing and matching done to the best ol satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customer s pocket p sayers latest and best designs of toon utviten ts in granltp and marble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction j h hamilton proprietor granite marble works cublph is the oqly direct importer of mnrblo and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton come and see the largest and best imported stock in tho dominion prices for gran he imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite ottiom mad warkmbawltoits slock woolwich am isortolksts gu9lph ont bnuxoh worjcsjfmwriunbujrg out atitlvb solicitor wanted evorywfasre for thebtory of the philippines by marat halptsad oommiastoned by the government as official historian to the war deptrttnont tho 1 written in army tamps m saw fran- tner ten drop all traabr nnomeim war oooaa star insaraote bol alffing ohloago tue irr of r mm po you over stop to watoh a homo pull a biff load up a hill thorob something flno about tho iyay he souds his fugged will u down through those quivering shoal dors till jtboaauaslfhooiutohed and hurled tho bill behind hfs nnels until tbo top la touohod it glvoa a man new oourafto whon lie oomoe to bis stoop grade to think of that examplo wblob the plucky c boasthasmado but if tbo load prove stronger it the horso witli hoofs jipspread with roddonod nostrils steaming flanks and lfcwjng strain loghead burnjndor to tba inert mass wbllotbo drivers only helps aro btridont oaths and tbo savsgo sound of tbo bot whips snaps and yelps why then tho oh lot result is tbat it makes a foil on fael hed llko to take that drivers head to block tbo bllppjng wheel out i remombor ono tlmo whon tbo driver had a boart and workod with mind and mnsclo to roleaso tbo stubborn oart trom tbo clay rut when some soldiers who wore losftngln tbo sun lot fall tholr laiy jaws to laugh and lot tbelr oboap wit ran ono arlcd say take tbat bag of booos and food him to the crows and oh bo d aoaro the crows away tbo mooting answer rose hos good for eonao things yet that borso for instanoo making glue 1 thoros a stralu of arab in him i yes a hard btraln through and through twilltakoa small torpedo if you over move tbat hoaat dettor got ono of tho else of tbat wblob wrecked tbo alain o at loast 80 ran the j coring corn men to till at last a bug lor said say driver iii blow tbo obargo dye think bo d drop down doad twos than tbo driver answored well be might butlotmosay that this old brjrso has beard tbo obargo wbon it meant obargo 1 to oboy not on tbo dross parade grounds alone with obapsliko yen but on tho holds of cuba whore tbo span lab bullotsflow and though has drifted baok to too and don t look very trim i toll you bos a vet and has some spirit left in bins ob nonsonflol said a sergoant aud non bonwi i orlod the rest and tho buglor raised bis bugle shouting thla shall bo the test tbon out upon tho air tboro fell a dosou liquid tonos libs propboolcs of glory mingling with the ghosta of groans tho sound tho soldlor hears and obeers although its mellow breath may send him whoro tbo cannon polcu tholr black and bitter doath tho sound which ories dostroy dastroyl and let tho list bo largo i tbo ringing ot tbo baglo whon it blows tbo battle charge and how tbo old horso beard hi up aung bur heavy head wide grow bis nostril a straight bis oars and quick tba fever bpread throughout his nervo and muscle as be for ward plnngod and pressod straight up tho stoop despite bis load and stood upon tbo orost 1 and wero the soldiers laughing now no 00 thoacofflng joors givo way tosbtme a moment then broke forth in oh era and the ssargoant cried attention boys i fall lot dreaa ranks 1 bahite salato tbo gallant veteran our oomrado though a brats qm p a md ma iholcor of a stall and grant wo bo as sturdy wben wo hoar tbo buglooalir youqcs companion tkct familii utahing a losiqg giarqe oan i match some battons please 1 yes maam will 70a look at those altbea wells in her rich furs and velvet stood beforo tho counter upon whioh the cards of buttons w strewn forjier iq- bpootlorj i6oking very prond and haagbty as was her wont bat very happy with all as well abo might for jnst without the store door was bex daniels handsome bex whotw favor she had both schemed and sinned to secure and whose interest had of late been becoming a matter tbat no longer admitted of doubt he would bava been at her side now only that he bad met a friend and stopped to exchange some word with him bat al though her meeting with him that day had been parely accident she knew from tbo look bo turned upon her as she passed birn to go into the store that he would wait for her return and the rich blood raoqnted to her checks bo that her eyes held a joy 0 as sparkle as uho passed from one ooonter to another selecting various porohtses which brought ber at laet to the button depart- ment but now i wbt was the matter with the day tbat everything seemed to have grown so suddenly dark what was that rush ing sonnd in ber ears that quick oonval sive tbrobbln of ber heart that seemed almost to suffocate her as she literally glaved t the sweetfaced girl who stood wailing with quiet deferenoe for ber custo mer to make a seleotion a moment longer she regarded ber with tbat fixed fascinated stare all thoughts of everything else forgotten for the moment in tbe tempest of rage hate add guilty fear tbat surged tb rough her heart then in spite of ber effort at self oontrol a low ery vibrant with bitter malioe hrnks from hr lips merlin yon here in this plaoa f the girl had been busy sorting the oards of sample bqltonsaj the better to facilitate her customers selection and had not thai far even rsised ber eyes to her faoe but at tbat exclaimatioo tbo looked quickly up a feiot color flattering in her oheeks an expression ot mingled fearless ness and indignation stirring in ber dark eyes yes miss auhrm wells i she replied with quiet firmness it is marian not dead nor degraded although deprived of your angost favor and turned from the borne wbioh her unole your father promised shoo id be hers for life i am here and earning an honest living yon said on that day tbat it we over did meat again it ntaould be as strangers and please do not be tbo first to forget it 00 the nest en 00 an ter rest assured i shall not aithess under up twitched nervously wfalle ber angers worked oonvnlitvaly to gether as though aba would gladly have sprong at din intrepid girl and rent bar limb from hnob than a sadden rtoolleo- tion seemed to chill the blood id ber veins hex was at the doorlie might join bsr at any moment might uorae faoe to face with the girl from wbtjth her cruel treach ery had parted him and all her eitaful aobomiog would be foiled at any coat ho must be kept from moot ing her lliib daythe future she oould arrange for wbou she had leisure to think and plot i do not wish to soleot any buttons to day she said briefly and with ono bitter glanoe of hatred toward mann she turn ed away to ret her dieoharged first and tbca to find ont where she lives and yes polaoo ber if tbero is no other way to remove ber from my path eho hiaqed throne her sot teeth as she moved 10 the dtreotion of the j proprietors ofllco sbe know him wejl having boon a life long customer and knew that hor words woald have weight the conference waa a short ono miss wells was sorry to speak agamat any one but she had just dfaooverod that a former dishonest snd dissipated employee of hers was among bis olerke and ehe gave him plainly to understand that bofh ehe and a number of her frieuds would feel compelled to withdraw their custom if the person was retained sbe will bo diaoharcod to night mies weill tbe proprietor hastened to assure her no i don t know where eho lives sbo has been hero only a little over a oveekr and we like ber very well but after yoar representations of course we will not re tain her in our employ well sattified with the success of iier plot so far aubea left the store finding bex just afaoat starting to hunt ber up and he walked en beside her nntil ber borne was reached declining her invitation to come in and apend the evening but promt ising to oall the next day with a strange foreboding of evil marian discharged tbe further duties or the after noon hpr thoughts turned baok with a bharp rebellious puiu to the time two short months ago just after uoole b do alb whioh had glvon althoa supreme control when ehe had bean an inmate of ber cousin s homo as eho supposed for lifts when rex daniels had made the world appear like a lower heaven iq the love ba had laid at ber fast and thon bow altbea had driven her out into tbe wcrlj under a seriist of misrepresentations tbat bbe had been at the tune too much cxreited to analyze but in her calmer moments had pretty near beon able to fathom but it was of no use now the only thing was to forget rex as be had forgotten her do her beat snd earn her living in some honest way bat here her heart souk again at tbe thought of how bard it had been to net tbe place and how an evil word might deprive hor of it as the bell rang for aloslog a cash girl informed her tbat tho manager wanted to speak with bar and with a stuking heart marian went to hie office i am obliged to oanool my engagement with yon misb hart ho said abruptly here is your full week s salary however and i hope you may succeed aoraewbere else good night he held tbe door sngtebtively open as ho uttered tbe last words and realizing tbe utter hopeleasnesb of either atlemptlog remonstrance or asking explanation of what she understood only too well marina left tbe offlco returning to her place ahe got on faor hat and cost somehow bbe hardly know how for sight snd every sense seemed fail- log ber and making her way to the street paused for anaomont with a feeling of ntter be wilder ment oatcaatl outcast 1 ebe murraoted brokenly nith live dollars between me and destruction and a relentless enemy upon my triofc what have i done to be bo bitterly persecuted drawing her veil down over her face sbe was hurrying along as fast as ber tottering feet would carry her wben presently ehe heard footsteps behind ber and a hand visa laid on her arm ill take youro pooketbook if youve no objection xniebl said a rough volco i hoard you bay a moment ago there wis five dollars in it and itll oomo mighty bandy to me you may as well give it sp peaceably for im bound to have it cany- how marian oast a frightened glance aroand she hsd tarped down a side street hut in differently lighted and there was no one la sight at the moment instinctively pressing her bands to ber breast sbe uttered a wild cry of denpsir o god 1 am 1 utterly forsaken utterly helpless ob help help hplpl tho ruffians hand was over ber moolh but ii tbe strae moment a stunoipg blow sent him reoiin forward never ul yards while a strong arm euoiroted marians swaying form there mlsd you are aafe exclaimed a voice as a bapd gently removed her veil- then oh angling to a gled ory of joy marian marian 1 have i found my dar ling at last battling with tbe deathly falntnesa that was overpowering her marian looked up into bis faoe yes it was indeed hex her rex looking down upon her with a gladness and joy tbere was no misinterpreting ob darling tell me what thia moan a be exclaimed impulsively why did yon leave yonr cousins houie leaving that cruel note that was oaloolateol to give rise to all sorts of sqapiqions veby did you not keep faith with me she even her btory wao told arid alhdoubtb and mil understandings cleared away i did not suppose she woald come to the city for some months yet indeed she intimated on that night wben ehe drove mo from her home that ebe was going abroad for several years and tbat you were tp bo of tho party poor althea i lot ua pity and forgive hermy heart is too full of joytoj bold any tentiment of revenge and bo la mine or will be to morrow when i oan call this little hand really mine eaid rex prebsing it to bis lips only twenty four hours to prepare marian but with tbe aid of ready oostomes and an unlimited pdrseyoa can get wbat la really required and we will get tbe rest afterwards rex did not beep hre engagement to oall on althea the following evening principally because he was keeping an engagement of a mnob more agreeable character in which two or three parties only were concerned and altbea was not enlightened until the following day or two after wben some dainty oards convoyed to her tbe informa tion that she bad been playing a losing game and the look on her face bb ber eyes rested npon tbe names of the happy pair efaowed that her pamehment was aa bitter an any one could have deeired hard work sheldons newspaper the rev chan m sheldons book now no universally road make it plain that tbo writers hopes of the reg noration of tbe world he in getting individuals more and more to do their dally tasks on christian principles no nutter what the ba or floe involved in tbe beat known of hta books in his steps he clearly looks to the newspaper carried ou upon christian principles as largely the hope of tbe coming kingdom in lookiug about mm for a newspaper upon bis model ho seems to have hit 00 tbe montreal wttnrss to which he bsb addressed a letter part of which we quote i have read the witncs with much interest i cannot say that i know of any other daily paper in the united states tbat is conducted on such high christian prinoiplea i wish i did for it ever we needed oaoh a paper in oar country we need it now let me express to you my appreciation of be christian heroism and consideration which make a paper like the witness a possibility i have always believed it poo bible for a christian daily to bucceod you have proved that it oan so maoh of the ideal newspaper in in his steps 1a therefore real i pray tbat you may aontlnno to be blessed in your work x do not know a more glonoub opportunity for building up the kingdom on earth tban by means of chribtian joornallsno i take the greatost pleasure in aendiiig copies of the witness to newspaper friends of mine for their inspec tion very cordially yonrs ciunleu m sheldov topeka kansab provincial crop report tbe ontario department of agriculture has issued tbe final crop report for 1808 the favorable accounts given in the returns given in august relative to fall wheat have l j ts hsssk and tbat bad fared you away how la it that i find yon here friendless unprotect ed even destitute tell roe wbat it means it meant a conspiracy rex as i solemnly believe said marian still trenob ling bnt with a great joy breaking over bor faoe to which todays events have bat added another uk treachery and wlokd ness such aa i never believed oontd find lodgment iu the heart of woman bnt this is no place to have any conversation true darling echoed rex your would be assailant he made his escape i see i will fiat a earrlsge and take you 0 yonr boms tod while on the way we can unravel tbli mystery do you know i fancied last evening that i saw some one who reminded me of yon pass down tbls street and i came here to night for no other reason tban to see if ait woald oooar again and ftl did thank god 1 and brought me baok my marian i dont knew but i oogbi to reward tbat footpad for if he had not detained ou on would bars got away before i arrived oh the spot and perhaps might faavo bean lost to me for aver true and so tba vry means altbea need to separate as has been the surest way of bringing ci together said marian when poor yields were exceptional and large yields were common the plumpness of tbe grain is freqtnentlyallnded to in many oases tbe weight going over tbe standard and as high sometimes as 63 or 04 pounds to tbe buahel tha yields of the various grains were as follows fall wheat 39128713 bushols or st bushels per acre spring wheat 0 873785 bushols or 17 7 barley 12563 608 bnshols or 38 0 oats 0656 203 buihols or 36 6 llyo 2 073 231 bunliots or ib 8 peas 13 21 303 bnihels or 15 6 buokwboat 9373013 bushols or 15 8 boons 750050 bushels orl68 potatoes h358 ffiubnsbois or m mangol wurtzols 91 0578 or 458 carrots 4 313 tfol bushols or 317 turnips w 737 883 bushels or 437 corn for busking in tho oar 03 443 cw tuah ols or 70 0 corn for silo and foddorgraon s 128 073 tons or 11j30 per aero hay and clover 4m3 003 tona or 1 79 an enlarged nroa ib reported for the growing of fall wheat the increase being placed at from ten per oent up a few claiming to have actually doubled their acreage tbe full wheat throughout the province looks very promising tradbov in the church- boye do not shun hard work oo t it rejoice in it it is a blasuiiig to you and understand ua by real hard work wo do not moan study or etfoking oloaely to keepiug books koeping store or teaching school or any of the professional pursuits th are al hon and w fol lowed closely exhaubt the nervous energy snd make men tired too dut by hard work we mean work that requires a great deal of muscular force suoh as chopping rolling logs quarrying rook dring oarpen ter work laying brick oarryiug tho bod and worklngitmfae forges furnaoes rolling mills roineawk car shops this lilud of work develops muscular strength tbo power of phyeioal euduranoe grit courage and good health said an old man now tip in the eighties to me a year ago when i was ilfteen years ago old i was a weak epindly kind ot a boy and went into a blacksmith shop learned tbe trade worked al it eighteen years and forgfd out a constitution worth a million dollars ho has over binoo been a healthy vigorous man and old as bo is still walks the streets port obeerful and straight as an indians arrow hard work is good medicino for boys and especially for young men the pleasure ofhis company a san fmuoleco hostess famous for her tact and reaoafaefulness tells a ood story on herself it bcoms that an ofbeor 111 one of tbe teuuiauee companies a very shy young man brought letters with bun when hia regiment came to the oossf aud presented bimeolf one evening at tho van nesa avobue residence as be was the eon of a well known public mun and a member of au old family his hostess exerted bereeu to entertain lum we should be glad to havo tho pleasure of your company on friday at dinuer sbo euid aa he was leaving the hawaiian com- miuslodera are to be with ub friday aame and so did tho commission shortly before tbe hour for dinner tho butler excitedly entered the room theya a regiment o soldiers mam outside no doubt in honor of the commissioners tho lady replied i will tell them just then the lieutenant was announced ho came up to tbo lady and baid when you are ready i will have tbe men march to their plaoes in forma tion tbe lady wsb uonpluabed and aaid why what mon its ray company was the reply all but ten and they were sorry but they were under orders and could not come argonaut learn to forgive loam now to forgive do not orry an unfoigiving apult with you through yonr lifo it will hurt you more than anything else it will destroy tho happiness of man around you yet its chief feoding ground will be found in your owa heart you bate your neighbor youder la bis dwelling one hundred and fifty yards away supposo you pass by a wood fire and as you pass you pluck a half consumed brand from it flaming and gleaming and thrusting it under yonr garment to hide it you start for your neighbors dwelling to hnrnit fffattfleiathe wnrnt nmt yfln will find your garments on fire and your self burned before you can harm your neighbor so ib he who carries an unfor giving spirit in bis bosom it stings the sool like an addor shut up there i know of some who call themaelvea christiana who are miserable becauso ol their own revongefgloebs porgive your enemies and get down on your kntea and pray for them and salvation will come into your soul like a flood father forgive thorn sweet prajcr and blebed example the baltimore neion sayb that not lontf ago an oflicial blihop was a guest at a dinner party in baltimore by the way said ouo of tho guests a woman do you know that tbero aro times when it is dangerous to enter an epleoopal church wbat is that madam bald the bishop vvith great dignity straightening himself np in hia ohsir i say there arolimee when it is positive ly dangerous to enter tbo ohurab she replied tbat eannot be said tbo bishop pray explain madam why said sbe it is whon there is a canon in the reading desk a big gun in tbe pulpit when the bishop is charging his clergy tbo choir is murdering the antbena and the organist ib trying to drown ibe choir a hearty laugh went ibe round of the lablo at tbo bishops expense and be acknowledged tbat at suoh a time be oould woll imagine it disagreeablo at least if not dangerous to be present beyond all hope jobt sit down in that chair said the oculist to ths patient whose reputation was woll known toblm i will teat yoar oyes then ho held a printed schedule of bis prices with a no trust line at tbe bottom in front of bis eyee end asked oan you read tbat j am afraid replied tbe patient reaching for his bat tbat my case is beyond tbe reach of hnraan skill chicago post he caught it an english paper says that tbo hat of a certain shortsighted master at eton blew off one day and aa be started in pursuits black hen dashed cat of the gateway the schoolmaster saw the ben and dashed after it thinking it was his bat and all eton was eleoriflod lo see a hatleaa and breathless reverend man hunting a blsok hen from one end of the street to tho other the words of praise bestowed upon hoods baratpariila by thoas wio have taken it prove tbe merit of the medicine t his quandary an old irish laborer walked into tbe insurious btudio of wilmam keith the artist a fow days ago and asked for money to obtain a meal he explained that bo bod just been discharged from tbo county hospital aud was too weak to work mr keith gave him a quarter and he departed one of four young ladles art btudentb who were present said mr keith can t we hire that old man and sketch him keith ran out and oanght him and fluid if you oant work and want to make a dollar come back to my rooms the joung ladiob want to paint you iho irishman beoitated so keith remarked it wont lake ion aud its au easy way to make a dollar oi know that was the reply but oi was u wunderiti how oi d git th paint off aftherward argonaut how peanuts grow it ls a pretty tight to see a pea nut plan tation when the vines are iq blobsora tbo blossoms are a bright yellow and tbe vines aro a vivid green as soon as tbe blossom forms a lino brauch appears on iho vino and bhoots down into the ground tbe peas aa tbe nuts are called on tho plantation form on tho shoot beneath tho ground like potatoes wboa tho crop is gathered in october the vino is plowed up and tbe nuts bang to the roots vines and all are piled in oooka in tho field and in 20 days tho nute are ready to bo pulled off plaoed iu bags and takon to the factories there they aro clcaoeed of dirt assorted polibbnd in revolving oyclmders and put into bags ready for tho market not the hash that was cold stanley aged four mamma ploase bing tbat lovely song called the hash la cold l mamma i dont know any eoug about hash stanley is it a funny song f stanley no indeed mamma its a sorrow song mamma well i oant think what you mean dear a little later ebe einga from my dearest heart the grave ib oruel the grave is oold stanley excitedly thats it mamma thats it but i made a mistake it wasnt tbe hash it was tbe gravy 1 regular action of ths bowels ii neoeiiary to health lixa liver pills lire the best occasional cathartic for family or general use prloesso any druggist tbere are no persons more aolfoltloua about ba preservation of rank than those who havo no rank at all b lion stone herorola cured p dubuo magog que writes i have died three bottles of d b d for sorofnla impure blood and dyspepsia aud was completely restored o health the lllissints oi the gospel itloesed gospel i oil how awoot trusting juhuh all who meet tocollior in tl o hour ot 1 rayor cotuiiib in from ivorjwlioro at tlio clotilud twilftflhliour toimleo aij honor jo 1 ti gruut powor mossed rosptilt hwout mil purit hiivcd by juhiib tbo oiijy euro i or pain olid trial woo and strife of thlp ioor eluful cnrtlily lifo striving to win for tbo vrorld ahovo all wlio wll 1 true in joans lovo ji loaned goppul i t roo co you itovo and joy uud poaco to know como ono cotiio all i vo not r of use ho in wiiluutf for you to ubo his word lift for all thujoutb hiflpromlbaspro groatost truth dloseod gospel o wonderful lavo wbioh aouitith down from boavon above tho fathor loads us by bis hand through tbiswoary to a bettor laud though tho way at tltnos sooms dark and drear yt thou o lord artalwo 11 oar oh tbo lovo of joans dlvluoly wrought bountiful ton lor tilobbod thought hoi ovory ono noaringotornlty u brink oomo j o to tho fouut of ufa and drink of tbo living water bo ficuly givau tbo way tho truth tbo llfo aud hoavon blesaod jusua 1 iu huavoil nbovo in tbo f ulluofla of thy 1 ityiug lovo look down and iu tlio truo hoart and thoughts of tboo filling tho nilnd toaob us to pray thy kingdom eom and truhtjng bay thy will bo dona mrs m j whuldta omaha neb remarkable swimming feat a remarkublu fint of swimming was accomplished whon james liuuey chum pton bwirmner of tho worl i awutn from tho north pitr blackpool to tbo st anmud pur a hatunco of live rmloa iu pursuance of tho teruih of a vvuer of 81000 iinney diod fnm iho north pier bhortly beforo a quarter to two in tbo prosenco of a large body uf fpeotutorh tte bcu wub i y no mouna b month and tho tido beini at ebb ruichred tho tabk a nomewhai difhcult one tho match was a question rather of cmluntiict than tbe establishment uf tt atiel ncord itinnoy started at a ood puce hut uftor tho 0rnt fifty yards sottlnl into a steady utroke he was headed by a small boat carrying a white ilaj and bo kept a ard or two behind nil tho way punning tho central pier about thrto o clock and the victoria pier fifty minutes latir t half pabt five bo arrived at st aunot but could not reach tbe pier the tide beinj out as the conditions of the wager required that he ehonld approach tlio pier by water during whioh finney swam about snd by feequeut tliun o position aucceeeed in keeping ulloat until the tide name in wben bo ewam to tbe pior having epent five hour eleven minutes in tho water literary notes tho battle of tbo strong a roman on of two kingdoms by gilbert parker tho oopp clark company limited toronto paper 76 cents cloth ftl 25 in cboosiug the scene of this romance mr parker has lighted upon a country whobo uoiquo position makes it particular ly suitable for bis purpose indeed tbo people of jersey aro one o the strangest anomalies in hutory for iiviok as they do almost 10 sight of franco bpeaking tbe french language and possobsing all tbe natural chraorifltlcq nf trnnnhmnn thftv have yet ever since tbe reign of their kins man tho conqueror preserved an unbroken allegiance to tbo britmb throne there are two features in this atory whioh aro i peculiarly characteristic of tho author namely tho strength and d of tbe character delineation aud its fidelity to life and human nature as it realty ib in bpite of all tradition aa to how a story should bo made to turn oat to please its readers it is only from tho book itself that one can form any adequate idea of its value and can be brought to understand bomothiog of the mystery of suffering and to realizo that strength of character can only bo developed through adversity beauty and health to fair women miss annie patterson of saokville n b once the victim of nervousness and general debil ity takes on tho health of early years some r rued iea aro not hint more than a temporary sumtilar r mid tho rcoreation sggrnatoa tlio diaaaeo whore tbo aybtem has becomo inn down and nervous debility in its worst forms luvo shown themselves south american nervine will cure it strikes at iho nervo centres and builds np tho hyhiun blii a annie patterson ot saokville n b a indy well known in the maritime provinces suffered terribly from ludigcstton aud ucrtouanebf and her oase boetned incurable bbe accepted south arocricau nervine without hope that it wbb any itifterout to other remedies but her worde are i bad taken only ono bottle when ray system began to take on the health of earlier j cars mid after taking tiirco bottles i wua completely cured sold by a t brown save money by home dyeing easy way to make new autumn dresses out of old an faded cos- tunes and suits diamond pyos for long years have been the standard home dyes doht wear a faded gown doot look ahabby simply becauso yoo oannot afford to faav a now dress it ia not oeaoaaary to woar olothing that ia faded and shabby because ou itavo no money to bny more willi ouo or two paobarea of diamond dyce iliat coat only ten cents the old dnas can ba dyed a faeblonable and beautiful aolor and mado to look like new thousands of women wtlt bava autumn rlrceeea tbls year that oannot be told from new but whioh have oost them only a trifle tbo result of color ing over tholr old mdteriis nlth diamond dyes diamond djoa give tbo newest and moat baautifoloolora that will not fade crook or wasb ont and aro iho only naokage dyeb that havo ituod tlia tebt a years of use never risk jour goods wild any i tbo common adulterated dyes never say yon oannot do n thing nntil yon have tried your beet and failed