marrjext lliacnmbnitokon nov 23rd by tlia ilov u hlibti bt tho rcnldeoon of the bride liar cnnr gtsm r5xmobxniibirditdmbtran sutton nil ol rrntnoua died hai latotioii li on tho 28tu november uarry 1 hull nmtu joara nouitt at bor homo ot east onjngo n j on isov 28tu marietta nntttiowa wlfj of w j note o neod85yoam snije 2xtott jrwe f tess thuk8day december 1 ibob notes and comments the municipal election pot will dot boil maoh until tho byeoleolion for the legis tatriro isover btra wherries batter and vote are the three ohlof products whioh glorious old hulton has to eell in the home market this your toronto ttkgram barbers name may look well on paper but col kerns is an exporionoed war horse goolpli herald tbe owner of the name looks well iq the legislature too i in now york a deoislon has been made that hard cider is a lirjuor within tbe meaning of tho raines liquor tax law sod a citizen of garmel potaam goanty hai recently bean fined ssoo for lolling hard cider without a liquor license information was received on saturday to tbe effect that ool kerns bad accepted the nomination of tbe conservative assooi ntion of the county for the local leglsla ture and that he is preparing to make a strong fight for the vescant seat messrs syhes alnley are engagldg a rang to work at night to enable them to keep up with orders brampton conser vator isnt this tbe firm which bad decided when the tariff of the present government was adopted that they woold bo obliged to done their mills t 3rhe last of the seventythree eleotlon petitions against members eleoted to the provincial legislature bad their opponents which were filed last tnaroh and april will soon be reached that is of those which will come to trial it ib nqderatood that only two remain on whioh evidence will be offered east and weal elgin both held by conservatives and those will be tried at st thomas this week the amerioan and spanish commissions met in joint session at paris on monday and the spanish oomcnfsslon immediately announced the aooeptauieo of the amerioan demands these include the acquisition of the whole of the philllptne and bala groups for 20000000 tnd it is also under stood the united states will purchase the caroline group the question of tbe debt of cuba was left unsettled replying to a question in reference to the date when parliament will likely be summoned for the despatoh of the buel nobsa member of the ottawa government while in toronto the other day ventured tho opinion that it weald not he called earlier than the 1st of maroh and not later than tbe loth the international confer once now in session at washington will probably interfere with the government being able to consider necessary work for tho session before the christmas holiday cbewsons corners thanksgiving passed off very quietly in tbia vicinity quite a number went hunt- ing but from tbeir appearance when they retarneu home game most hays been ecarce a few from bete attended an assembly in eden mills on thanksgiving night and had a very enjoyable aims those from this place who attended the rev mr hoddowa lecture intltled jack gannok and his friends in the presby terian obnroh acton on monday evening were delighted with it on sunday deo lltb rev mr moliioblan of acton will preach a mission sermon bere mr alex grlpps has received the con tract for tbe repairing of the methodist ghnreb here if the weather is favorable he intends to have it completed before the third week in december on deo 18tb the cbarob will be reopened service being held both morning and evening on dec 10th there will be a tea meeting in tbe church tbe oommlttee sue working hard to make it a grand sneotur mr a leiobmtn of lha place furnished the mnaia for an assembly in toronto ian wednesday night allan is becoming a very popular violinist and orewtona gorriera feels proud of him on wednesday evening last the pupils thoir parents and blends of lome school met at the home of mr x brown to say goodbye to their teacher hiss jessie modonald ere sbe left for her borne in orangevllle daring the evening miss madonald was made the recipient of a beautiful gold wstota ohtin and ring by tbe pupils as a slight token of tbe esteem in which she is held tbe address was read by miss ltatl modonald and at tbe proper time mies ida johnston presented the ohajn and rlnft- tbe address was as follows dear teaeber we roar pupils and friends of tuuaeatlontjiave learned with much regret of ycur dopartare tronvdur uldatlrcr seven yoars yon have been our faithful and sill etent teaeber sparing no palna to advanos our eduoev uonal interests ton have also been moat faithful in instilling into oor roinds moral truths endlcseons whioh muit benefit us in aftor ian not only in tbe schoolroom will you to mlised bnt yon bare endeared yourself to all the people of the oomra unity both old and young we appreciate vary folly the good work you liavo done slnee yon came amongst us and as a blight token of our rerpeot we ask you to annmrt tbein nrassnts wn hone ihsy mar reeall tender memories of tbe yssrs spent in lome school we hope your future may be very suoeeisful and wo assre yon of a bearty welcome whenever you oome in oor intuit siguod on behalf of tbe school by nellie drown ida jobnston jal mcdonald lexe gamble battle laiby willie held and ideate uodonald i mies modonald waa taken greatly by snrprlae bat replied in a very feeling manner saying that the would always oheriah and keep fresh iu her memory the many happy days she bid spent with tbe pnpils of lorna school mr bob john ston alio made a few wellchosen remark the rest ot the evening waa spent in mnslo games tnd other social intercourse refreshments were estved during the evening special mention should also be made of tbe royal manner in whioh mr and mr brown end jamil intrlaloed their guest the gathering broke op in- good time all departing well pleased with their evenlnge ontlng the con given for ermine boiler dynamo eto tof the municipal libhtlnu syotem the new power house tbe anxiety ot members of the oounoll is considerably abated tbe haggard hnnted look whleb had prevailed for several weeke hae given place to tbe cub tomary btnlle the reason for this change is due to tho faot that the army ol repre aentatlves of engine and boiler manufactur ers eleotrical apparatus houses eto who began to oamp in oar town the day after tbe eleotrlo lighting by law bad been passed by tbe vote of the people hat decamped daring their stay members of tbe oonncll were buttonholed morning noon and night yjvon tb boats of their sleep were die tnrbed with sounds and visions of dynamos compound oondensert ampberee trans formers wheelooks corlibs tubes and pulleys insulators and cut offs power houses building alts and greased lightning mow ibie has all passed the oontraots have been jet the tablets of figures have been discarded and now daring tbe day tbe members breathe freely and at nlgbt sleep tbe sleep of the just and dream sweet dreams of merry obnstmas tokens and a brilliantly lighted town on new years night matters ire progressing favorably tbe walls of the new power honse are within a few feet of completion and preparations have been made for raabing the carpenter work through immediately the itone work is finished tbe boiler and engine will be delivered as well as the dynamo and eleotrical apparatus as soon as the power honse is ready for them tbe eleotrlo poles have been delivered and poise and wire will be erected within a couple ot weeks while the inside wiring will be oornmenoed immediately oooocll met on friday evening all tbe members were present moved by james clark seconded by j a murray that the tender of the w a johnson eleotrlo co toronto for dynamo and eleotrlo lighting with wiring as per tender aa amended be aooepteotfor the corporation carried moved by john olarke seconded by i franols that the the tender of ooldie moonlloohof gall for oneengine and boiler end connections according to their specifications be accepted carried moved by john clark seconded by j a murray that the reeve and olerk be authorised to sign oontraots of tbe ooldie ot mcgollooh co and of the w a john son eleotrlo co carried council met again on monday evening in regular session all members present when the following business was trans aoted tbe oommlttee on finance presented tbeir twenty flret report and recommended payment of aooonnta as follows dr a b elliott fees medical health officer u so tbe gray oil co coat oil 8 06 james dark expenses to beeton s 65 isaac franols 65 b d qrahsm feeding tramps oto 8 05 t t moore postage eto 1 60 83 90 tbe report waa adopted tbe bylaw to appoint the place it which polls will be opened for the annual muni cipal elections and the appointment of deputy returning off cere was introduced and pasted mesers t t moore and jno o hill being appointed officers of tbe polls council adjourned at 945 p m the official returns at the provincial blootlqn in halton last maroh tn fallowing rfflnl1 retnrne will be examined with interest by readers of the fan faxes thronghont tbe oounty in view of the byeelection to be held next thursday acton kerns harder no i polling sob division 77 57 a 87 83 164 140 majority for kerns 24 burmngton no 1 polling sub division 79 54 2 75 5 54 104 majority for kerns 50 georgetown no j polling subdivision 48 124 3 4 43 iii majority for barber 144 9t 235 milton no 1 north ward 43 59 a east 4 32 3 south 47 07 3 ms majority for barber 27 oakv1l1e no 1 ward 59 37 a 67 49 81 200 167 majority or kerns 33 bsquesinc no 1 sproals school 60 4 a norval 108 99 3 stewarttown 8 3 100 5 thompsons corner 6 glenwlllinms 74 80 103 9 majority for barber 68 470 53 nas3agaweya a brookville 105 103 99 119 i 3 knatchbull 57 261 123 844 majority for barber 83 nelson no 1 freeman 76 s a nelson village 92 70 68 87 4 lowvllle 68 61 37 37 113 4 k n 454 344 traraloar no x the doyne 03 78 a drumqui 1 138 61 3p0ttvfte 73 128 4 munns corners 70 76 5 palermo 60 59 bronte 55 107 give holloway corn care trial i removed en oorna from one pair of feaf witbont aoy pain what it will do one i will do hid tbe most happy man h who tww bow to bring into relation thand mod hh beginning of bli life ooetfaa majority for barber 30 total vote barber kearni 9 509 2531 2408 successful b l convention report or interesting proceedings of the second day tho epworth loftgueb of the guolph dlfltnot mot in convention oq tuoadtiy and wednesday o laat wooli keforenoe btta already been mado to tho aoabion on tuesday evening tho chairman otnho dibtrictrov j g boott of guclpb presided at tho beaalou on wednesday morning alter devotional excrolbea a bublnesa committee was appointed aonbbitlng of mian dudgeon and reve holdon bcanlan kay and molaohlan rev dr soanlan presented tbe report of the secretary and treasurer showing the finances to bo in good condition reportiby presidents of xeagues in the dint rio i enoonragipg resale from the rorward juovemont n evangellitio work and tbe study of bt johns gospel practical and suggestive papers were read on tbe following topics empowered for service by miss pickering of guolph bool winning qualification eto by mub dudgeon of quelpb and saved to serve fay bev j tred kay b a also of quelpb rtve a c grews and g a mitchell were introduced to tbe convention and spoke briefly by special ret a eat mr grows gave an impromptu address on junior league work throwing out numerous valuable hinta the business committee then reported the appointment of the following cfiloera for the ensaiug year bon preaideat ilov j o scott quolnb frosldent ilov j frod hay 11 aofquolph secretary bov ii w boanlan ih d naus gnwoya viaa pnehidetb o b dept t j kdmlston aoton mlflibtonarydopt miwb snider slloam literary doit mini n madill blora sootal dept mra ree flafig fonaonlyy junior dupt mr f hale the president eleot waa then introduced and took oharge of the work of the conven tion rev geo a mitchell in the absence of tbe president condaoted tbe afternoon session st vi d a trouble that causes its victims much inconviemrr wlnfred sohoflald of oaeperoau n 8 telle how he obtained a speedy and permanent cure 1 rom u10 acaaieu wouvlllo n b the idisalonary vice president reported a marked advance in the contributions for missions in connection with the forward movement after a abort discussion the oonventlon decided to nndertake the partial aupport ot a missionary in british columbia and the following porsons were appointed a com mittee vie bbvb j q scott j fred kay and b w bcanlan to confer with the bev dr sutherland the general mission ary ssorotary the monthly pnblio missionary meet ing and bow to make it a sucoess was the subject of a thoughlfal paper by mra floanlan the bound xable talk condaoted by bev a o crewb contained mnoh that was practical and holpfat for ijeagae workers who were encouraged to ask question touohidg weak points in tbeir local leagnea like a eklltol physician mr grewa was alwayb ready with the remedy which if applied faithfully would be attended with beneficial results in strengthening tbe weak places the literary evening by mies harri son of etora and tbe social work of the league by miss featherstone ot aoton were papera ot bigb merit and were much appreciated by tbe convention this zeara beading course was introduoed by bev mr crewe in auoh a bappy and forceful manner that many of our leaguers will no donbt be induced to form reading oiroles for the purpose of becoming better acquainted with these charming books ot tbe coarse after a snort song service condaoted by tbe many oasoa brought to bia notice of rebidonte in thu vicinity being oured from physical disorders throngh the agency of dr williams pink pills have oreated in the mind of tbe aoadien representative a sincere belief in the bealing powers of this remedy yet witbal he was a little inorednloue the other day when told ot a young roan who had been oured of a very serlona and deplorable disease by tbe use of only some two boxee of these little miracle workers xt aeemed- impossible that auoh a remarkable healirg ooold b wrought even by dr williams pink pills in auoh short order accordingly be wae possessed of a strong deeire to investigate mr wlnfred sobofield ot gaspereau waa the address given as by oar informant and we were not long in burning him np we found mr sobofield to be a brigh young man of about twenty yeare of age and of more than ordinary intelligence his air of candor and stralrbtforwardnesa dia pellod any donbta we may have had in a very few words he elated to us blb oaae two years ago he bald i was taken with an attack of bt vitus dance some timea when at work i found that my fingers woold all at once etraighten ont and i would be compelled to drop anything i waa holding one day i waa using an axe when eeized with one of these attaok tbe axe slipped from my hands and in falling atruok my foot and gave it a nasty out after that yon saiidepandupon left axes alone and it was not long before i bad to give npanaing any kind ot tool my oomplaint rapidly grew worse add i was soon unfitted for any sort of work everything possible was tried by roe in order to get relief but i got no better at at last one day a neighbor of mine mr fred fielding who bad been cured by tbe nun nf dr williams pink pills advlsnd me to give tlem a trial offering to pay for them himself it they did not help me aa it turned oat he waa safe ennngb in making the offer 1 followe1 his advloe but bad boaroely began to aae them when i began to feolvery much better after using two boxes i was perfeotly onred and have never been troubled with the complaint since i am oonfldent that to dr williams pink fills alone i owe my core dr whiumv pink pills create new blood build np the nerves and thus drive disease from the system in hundreds ot cases tboy have cored after all other medlolnes have failed tbua establishing tbe claim that they are a marvel among tbe trlampbb ot modern medioal science tbe genuine pink fills are sold only in boxes bearing the foil trade mark dr williams pink pills for pale people protect yourself from imposition by refue ing any pill that doeb not bear the registered trade mark round the box it in doubt send direct to dr wllliamb mediolne co brookville ont and tbey will be mailed to yon post paid at 60o a box or aix boxes for 12 so mi op t be ji ai m took the chair and oonduoted lbs evening session the obolr of tbe obnroh f urcithed appropriate mnslo bev w b smith of viotorla college toronto was the first speaker he took for his subject motives and pointed oat in en earnest address some of tbe lofty motives whioh should aotuate every christian worker elements of socoeib in league work was the subjeot of a powerf nl and inspiring address by bev a g crews the im portance of intense earnoetness persever- anoe and leadership waa dearly and forolbly presented tbe preaenoo and addresses of tbe general secretary bev mr grews had maoh to do iu making this one ot tbe nnobt interesting and helpful of young peoples oonventlone three thinge are known only in the following way a hero in war a friend in necessity and a wise man in anger arablo- nipit atthebud the time to pot ont a fire is when it starts consumption la like a fire in the beginning it is eaay to cure the longer it goes on the more it destroys at tbe first sign when the cough begins and when the flesh fsloat oure it with shtlobs cough and consumption core 28 cts 60 cts and 1 00 a bottle yonr money refunded if it fails to oure the constant dnty of every man to his fallows is to bboertain his own powers tnd special kils and to strengthen for the help of others jobn buskin eureka i as von travel through southeaster kan sas about one hundred and twenty ave miles south of topeka and eighty five ji on of wichita the crakeman sticks blafceidunjbc doorway and yells vreeky i and tcouinirofmlnutesjsler the train pnlla into eureka the proenerouv county seat of greenwood county one of tbe happy inhabitants of eureka is mrs sarah b taylor and the reasons ftrher present happiness are set forth in tbe following letter addressed to dr r v h consulting physician to tbe invalids hotel and surgical institute of buffalo x y mrs taylor iwya majoilly for barber 113 hltj lif was saved mr j e lilly protnlntot oitlsen of hannibal mo lately bad a wonderful deliverance from a frightfol dsalh in tolling of it hs says i was taken with typhoid fever that ran into pneumonia mynngsrmme hardened i waeio wavttariooniati evn alt up in bed moshlfthalped me i expected 10 oon dfootoonaninptloa when 1 heard ot dr mngvgjflw dleoovery one bottle gave irfjftiaf f cowloued to use lluf now if atjrtjsiif ty too oor in tns world more evtrytogqantevd mtftttovty i had been a sufferer for fifteen yean and in auniat 1896 was taken with ncvere cnmnlntr pair in ray tomacli a hard lump about the ik of n soose egg formed in iny right aide it became no sore x could ncarccly walk about the home and i bad no ppietitr i coniulted two of the best doc tors in town and they mid medl- dae would do me no freed i ptrenp all hope of ever arettlar wellataln one day i ihonght tv would wrjfe to you tcnintfvou of my condi tion you told ce x had en rgeraeat f one of the lobes or my liver and the gall bladder and adviaed ane to take yoair golden medt cat placorery and meaaaot pellets i had not taken more than half a bot tle of tacit when i began to feci better and tti appetite came back and for a little over a year suet 4 began lo do my work drj piercea golden medical discovery i- aihedlcliie that earn on rational scientific reph it l m diacovery of a regit- brw mssgp xtitiwu stitnuutei tbehver and fefnutri the bow els it bnrnjra all the digestive organs into healthy sittlvuy it neiitrellms and end oatet all poisonous effete matter blithe moednrclslls it with the ricfi vital red the pltcor is a temperance medi cine u contains no alcohol in any form do not wail tor extraordinary opportuni ties for good aotions but make use of oommon eltoations goethe how it hurts 1 rheamatlam with its sharp twinges aches and pains do you know tbe cause acid in tbe blood baa aoonmulated in yonr joints tbe care it found in hoods sarsiparllla which neutralise the acid thousand write that tbey have been completely oured of rheumatism by hoods saraapanlla hoods pill oure sanies sick beadache billloaflneei indigestion price sh cents we hand folks over to god meroy and show nonepnrsalves o m bonve when th whist blows it ia a signal that tbe train is oorning and if you dont get off tbe traok it will ran over and kill you when you congh it is a afgnal that smsnmption ia coming and yon had better look oat the way to stop consumption is to stop the oongb the way to atop the congh 1b to take bhilohs congh and consumption onre 25 cts so cts and fl 00 a bottle money refunded it it falls to oure xmia8 papers and magazines canadian english and american order now to be sure to have in time to send to your friends a t krowff vaswt it is much easier to choose a suitable r fbffj htthn e hhir hhnce fgr 777cttrri3tfms halton byeelection howisu thai you hive not a piece of rattan furniture in your house there is nothing more comfortable and attractive 7 he reason why you have not had a chair rocker ottoman table music rack or settee la on account of tho price it s been altogether too hili in fact almost prohibitive it is so no longer g 13 ryan co have contracted for a large supply of thi very desirable make of furniture samples of which cin be seen at our store any day they will be sold at a price that will astonish anyone that has ever bought or priced rattan rurnitutfe any piece of it would make a very useful and sensible chrjslmas present and we wilt take your order for xmas delivery at tho present prices until december thg 15 our houshfurnishing drpartment contmns abundance of xmas presents consisting of mats rugs curtains table covers carpet sweepers cushions etc at most modest prices articles that are serviceable and will decor he the home sensible people buy sensible presents g b ryan co s housefumlshlng department is the place to purchase them only one price and that the very lowest x b r co we do what we say guelph berlin and owen sound saturday at the square main street inday last week s advertisement brought a large number of shoe buyers some came doubling what i said knowing from experience that many stores invent plausible pre texts to udierilse as for example wonderful bargains special was 200 reduced to 81 25 and then mark the i 00 line si 25 they are now satisfied that all said in the sou are s advertisement con be reliedupon and the statements made are proven as ruths there are still lots ol shoes lo sell at the bargain prices and we again repeat the list como and see ihcm if you do not require any inform your friends of this cheap sale mens genuine calf top boots grained leather top hoots oow hide top bopts working shoes oowhide working ahoea grain leather 160 ioo 126 fine lace shoes 123 to 2o0 womens low shoes gaiters heavy laoe fine button 55 ioo ioo 95o to 2 oo girls heavy laoe fine button 76c 860 and 100 100 boys cow hide top boots heavy laoe grain leather laoe children girls fanoy button boys lace and button infants fanoy button 126 76 loo 66 80 45 to get you acquainted with the clothing stock nexl saturday one day only the al ready low prico will be reducsd by 9x 00 on every suit and overcoat in stock louis gurofsky clothing cents furnishings boots shoes dry goods i thi isquara tht squanrj atuotjio mooting to which all tho doctors are invited will be hold in tho towu hall acton friday evening december 2nd 1898 vheii aaaroaeobvni tnrlivqre upoti the quoatloua of tbe day by john b barbeb tbb liberal candidate lfb johnston qc and- l v mcbbady esq op tobonto dlbousalan invltod seats roservod for tbs ladles tho obalr will be taken at eight o dock ood save in queen eta 3vbltrtistimnts accounts to b settled having decided to retire from tho grocery bualneaa i am anxjoua to have all account settled by tbo end of tho jear thoio indebted trill boo the imperative mceaalty of giving the xqatter tbeir prompt attention w h denny toung bttaeton coal business changed j c hill hah pnrobaaed the coal bntlneas of mr john mcqueen and la prepared to deliver nrafr- elass beranton coal in furnace btove and nat ilea promply and to tbe satisfaction of coato- nara generally i tiave alao pnrobaaed tbe welsh aoalea and ulll give prompt attoatlon to all ordera for their j o hilxa change in business to take effect dec 12th 1sq8 having dibpoaod of my butcher boalueu x take tbia opportunity of thanking my many auatomerb for tbeir liberal patronage ana traet that tboy will continue tbe same to my aneoesson m gardiner co as i am leaving town it la dearoua that all accounts should be eottlod by tbo ifith of december 1808 k b collins aoton nov 39tb 1898 tenders wanted for debentures villageop acton 1 1b1ij1iiimi sealed tendon will be received by the undar- alfmed up to saturday jotb december 1898 for flopo four per cent twenty year hleotrto xtgnt debenturaa of tbe village of aotofi tho lilgbeat or any tender not nooaaaarily acoepted toll particulars with copy of by law eto npon application to t tmoonn village cherlt aoton f o ont aoton nov nth lege notice to ce in the matter of the estate of john robert cook late of the township of esquea- ing in the county of halton farmer deceased notice li hereby given that all eredltori and otben having ofuraiaeiaatto eetato of tbo late jobn robert cook above mentioned deooaaed who died on or about the let day of tojf by retfa- g r tk dry goods clothing 6tc that is what we call it and that is what you will call it when yoa have been the bargains that will he offered at our wonder sale we bov wonder sale for yoa read daily in large sheets spread to the wind and in flaming advertisements of greiit sales and yon know that they are never better and seldom equal oar every day prices we aim to sell you goods at all times as low and lower thanyon can buy anywhereelse at any sole but our extensive purchases of goods for the fall and winter season combined with the mild weather compels us to sacrifice our present stock at the wholesale cost we want money and to get it we intend turning over our wh0l6 stock op 15poo into cash and this is the way we intend to do it and if yon want the latest uptodate goods at prices never heard ot in the dry goods and clothing business before this will he yonr great opportunity to prooure seasonable goods at this great wonder sale and in order that all will have an equal advantage we will begin this sale on deatlat corner college 81 and spadlna ave toronto or bobert 8 beaderaon oftbe towo- ship ot bsojoeslns balllnafad p 0 farmer the enhuton ol tbe laat will and testament ot tbe said deceased on or before tbe letday of janu ary a d 189v a statement la wrltuii of tbeir names addresses and deserlptlons with full pirtlonlara of tbeir olalmi duly verified and tbe amount of the security u any beld by them altar said laat mentioned date the meoutor vlll proceed to distribute tbetssstsof tho said deceased among the varsoub entitled thereto or any part thereof so distribnted to any parson or peraoub of whose claim notice has not beta received as aforesaid at the time auoh dlitribn- tlon is so made elliott a ko wiiand is wellington bt e toronto solieuorb for the executors dated at toronto the sstb day of november a eikb srtuftdfivmorning novl2 7tt 9 oclock space forbids quoting of prices we prefer showing yon the goods and telling yon the s rices vve might write that we will give you a gold dollar for ten cents bnt we now that your good judgment would be inclined to donbt bo we will leave prices until you see the goods onr stock comprises the latest in dress goods dress costumes pino tailormade mantles the latest in style both in german and domestic manufacture special purchase of fine hosiery to be sacrificed during this sale gloves smallwear woollen goods shawls ladies underwear eto flreat bftcrlficb in clothing hnt order a r spooitvl lino of 200 boys now than nearer christmas we are always pleased to show our goods whether you buy or not and a small de posit will secure you anything you may want from our large stock and have it laid away until christmas youths and mens overcoats also boys youths and mens readytowear suits odd pants overalls horsecovore robes etc the above goods positively have to be cleared out no matter what the sacrifice also a lot ol fine neokwear collars caffs and shirts of all kinds an immense stock of mens underwear to be sold at less than actual cost dont miss this great wonder salt it will be to your benefit if it is our loss come early as yon can and get all your wants supplied we moan business weve got the goods and we want the money our loss is your gain nothing booked at ont prises daring this sale idmlnistrators notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of robert watson late of the township of esquesing in the county of halton gentleman deceased vtotiob is hereby given pursuant to a 8 o in 1b07 cap is bee as that all peraonj hav log claims against the betste of the said bobert watson who died cu or about tbe oth day of september a d1b98 axe required to send br poet prepaid or to deliver to the toronto oon- erejtrusib company toronto p 0 admlnls- nitora ot the bauite of tbo eatd bobert wtuon ouorbefomtbeothdarofdceemberlsmtbelir names addressee and deusrlptlons and a full statement of partlenlarset tbeir claims sad the nature of tbe security tit any held by them dolyeertuod and that alter the said day the administrators will proceed to distribute the assets of tbe daoaaeed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to tbe claims of which they snail then bave qpueo mclkankoiban solicitors for the toronto genera trust company dated tuu oth day of novombora d 1g0u fiftytwo weeks with gqd a fa8cinatino study of the internationm sunday school lessons for 1880 now ready ato obriatlan especially olersyman or teach- in sr elionld be without 7l baeatlullr bound in cloth of two colors with slid boirda phoeonlyssoents strongly reootnmended by- leading clergymen on sale by all bock sellers or tent postpaid on receipt ol tbo price by the bbadley oaitrbtsdm 00 limited publishers toronto oaoada cash or produoe georgetowns li vest store rob block sangf th proprielor of partnelies pills are constantly motiving letter similar to tbs following wbiob iplslnlieell mr john a beau waterloo ool writes i never ohd any nsdiowtbet oan qqsl pariqslee pills ipvpnrftfsla i4vr sner kidney cotnwmblfctner relief gperunoecvsatw npirujibtg hmjm fimltolne psrmsless vegetable piltg oatr be given lo all oieei nqalrlng calbarllc the appetitb op a ooat is envied by all poo dyspeptic who btotnsoh and liver an ou ot orotr i all snob should know thlt sstof lift pills tbe wondaklv spnna4lrsjpn wncljij wfyethls irrittib rioht kindhowbvbrfe jlstrwwo motbiebai huthobes rrodncea a copious now of mlllt abd k loe whole system wtbwl malcba the utile bap- aiad strong irrvajutgmil it is a refreshing tonic btt n alvlog strength and tone lo tbe avvteia mining to throw off the iluessib uatujeltnuybc m it produces a relisbff as a dlgeativcand forune i ilthensuesyiteio fucl dozen 3ao bhown ohsmut tr