ja the bank xf hamilton head office hamilton capital all paid up 9 1 25000000 reserve fund 77500000 total aaaets 1 119014400 noarly toil million o dollar board of i0hn8ti directors a i bamray bamrat vioofrei th1 news at home mostly or a looal character and ovarv item interebtlns hardly fair to tho oiraer any farmer who allcwa a stray animal to remain about bis promises and gives no pqblio notice of it through a newspaper doea what is hardly air to the- owner wher m sp many dasy d abo tjto oouhtry looking for the stray animal xhii may ha prevented by prompt adver tising o the alny beast bow they do it lanewmarkct some boys are in the habil of stiddlng on the street oorners in the evenings and passing remarks an people go by toe inspector laid an information for half a dozen for miaoondnol and tour of tfaem oalled on col lloyd as a result of the interview they paid 81 fine and soo ousts each to settle the matter one or two more lessens like thla will pal a slop to tboousiance newmarket km ziib firemens concert ihe entertainment provided by the fire brigade last thursday evening was not greeted with a large house the pro gramme was varied and had considerable of merit the performers wort e bobbins pioroyventrlloqait end musician harry bennett oomio mr boles pianist toron to and the jubilee orchestra rev h a mcaopherson presided the fire brigade bae not added mnoh to the treasury as a result of the entertainment tao big snow storm the heaviest fall of snow for twentytwo years fell on sunday night about it to 16 inches on the level was ihe depth here abouts no damage beyond the blooding of the roads was done here bul in many parts of the province the damage to tele- pbssajkqwoppveraiidjlgiuniloijy wires was enormous in hamilton the damages are estimated at 1100009 the term continued with varying force until wednesday morning and the drift are worse that those left after most midwinter storms rewarded tor their esortm the twenty dollars reward offered by the oonnty for the aomotion of the man wrjo stole the horse from john mccallom everton the barriers from fred blllla eramosa and ths rug from trank simmons guolph township was banded over wednesday to captain merewelher and constable john lawson of aoton each gelling a tenspot by the ooorthined efforts of these officers the obaln of con viction was fastened around james walker theomoers worked hermonlons ly together onelph herald tbe model softool tjcenfeafa suukuoat the etaoding of the prospootlie teaohers at the county model sobool based upon the workof ihe whole course was its follows for november 1 b chapman 770 a f deacon 746 j 8 w mcgregor 718 i o thurston coo 5 wl albertson 687 6 e barber g8j6 7 l dales 678 6 m morton 686 0 p stone css io t norton m9j 11j brady 04 u e bhopparov ma lavv prentiss 686 1k byan029 15 m holmes 636 16 q steels 630 17joolo 501 18 m bennett sotjlpw barton 593 so w bomerviile584 1e burger 60s 22- e moqlaagblio 6s 28 e brown sot 84 ml campbell 08 2s d wilion403 20j mnnsod 480 marks poaaible 000 aaton branch bible society the executive committee of aoton branch bible tjcelety mot in the town hall last wednesday evening john roberison bsq in ihe chair it was decided to hold the annual meeting in the methodist church on prlday 20th january ana lhat blew j w rtebe requested to deliver tbo annual address the treasurer reported the reoeiols of the irsar- in tm hm whleh neighborhood news news items supplied wcornas- pondents arid exchanges everton mrs marshall did nut get to toronto on acoonnl of her brother being dangerously ill she waswith him from thursday till sunday wc are glad to learn that be is now fint nf danger- coming and going visitors to and from aoton sand various other personal notes the fnaa paxse invites all itareadora to obn tribute to tlila oolumn 1 you or your friends are going away on a holiday trip or if you have friends risltins you drop a oard to tbo puss pbhsb mr edison smith of banuon viiited anion frlonrl if isani wank hoods banapaihlu is prepeired by ex perlenoed pharmaoiau of today who have brought to the production of this great medlolne the best results of medical re search hood baraaparlua is a modern m contain nit those t ingredients which were seemingly in tended by nature herself for the allevia tion of human ills it porlflm stud en riches tho blood tones the stomach and digestive organs ana creates an appetite it absolutely cues ail scrofula eruptions bolls jlmples sores salt rheum and very form of skin disease cures liver r chas l nelles bookseller otjeiiph it pays to buy at bolkrts it pays to buy at boiler h has on enormous stock of sunday school and prize books at clearance prices that he will forward to schools for selection and pay charges on returns write for pa reklly great bargains just received and placed on sale on our bar gain counters 1st bargain twentythree pieces broche and striped silks elegant goods ip cream pink sky mauve nile gold royal blue cerise and two- tone colors the price for them per yard will be- 10 iop a j ij we do not hesitate to say that you have never seen simk president vioofreaident ueo boacn jounfnodtoni a t wood a b laa toronto war giubon mp j tutlnbuiil oaahlor h 8 steven aast oaahler h m watson inspeotor georget acency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmem discounted andspecial attention given to thecollectlon of sale hotes and commercial paper renerauy drafts iasued payable at all principal points in caaadand united stales drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of tx and upwards received interestallbwed at current rates andaddod o principal every year whether passbobk s brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown ont th0e8day december 8 1888 uttle local brieflets which caught the eyes or bars of frae press reportars this week on thanksgiving evening miss jean weatheratone gave a good papor at tho league meeting on praise and thanks giving it is encouraging when young people are willing to take their aland thus on thexorda side charlie mitobah who wont weal a year or eo ago returned last week be spent part of the lime in brandon on fhe whole he is not in love with the weal and thinks he will try the states neil mr and mrs jobp black went away on a ahorl visii to collingwood frlsnda and those living near there last wenkt mr and mrs jas gray lcrne mills bockwocd brorrgbt jeaeis up sunday to visit mrs j oakesand other acquaintauoes here for a few days r i thej disoiplea annual entertainment will be given thursday evening 32nd inst xueotlons today this is oouoeptlon d ay dhrislmas is rapidly approaobing the roads are badly drifted in many places the movement of grain oontinuee very backward thare were no idle anow shovels in town on monday it looks very much aa if sleighing for christmas is assured a large number nt the electric light poles have been erected the atone work of tbe new power boose is abontoompleced ohewiog and omoking in the lobby of ouelph boat offloe has been prohibited a number of the farmers of this section will attend the fat stock show at ouelph today eooeived the bill heads all right 1 em well eatiefiod with them j m baiunafad the vote in ihe rnral sections is likely to be smaller than usual today owing to lbs drifted roads the inrnlilrallona of bev mr scott of hespeler in knot obnrob on sunday was very moob appreciated sunday nights big anow storm is 6haraclerised lbs niggeal on record for tbe first week in december some people tbink theyll sell their ooruer lots if there art any more snow storms like that of sunday night hilton sunday school oonvention for 1899 will be held a milton on thursday and friday 2nd and 8rd february the attendance at the pnblio school on monday was out down to isss iban one- half the average the storm did ii rbey h a maophsrabn will preaob milton the county connoil wound up its buai nsss for the year on tuesday doth nov the offldial nominations were made last thursday tha oounty has been full of politicians this week from cabinet miniatera to tbo rank and hie the contract of carrying the mail between milton and hornby and drum- qnln has been awarded to mr tbomaa bradley of ibis town at 140 per annum on monday morning 2lbt ultsbont one 0010087 nlgbrtwatohmah dowuio rsaw- flsrmes bursting from the finishing building of hoff dt jroedlera tannery j3e at ones gave ihe alarm and tbe firemen were soon on tbespot owing to tho building being saturated with oil the firemen had consid erable ditficuity in subduing the flames inauranoe f 8500 total loss tsooo there is no doubt but that the lire was that of an incendiary aa tboro was no stove nor fire about the building the hornby methodist chnroh whloh hsd been uodergoing a renovating for three weeks was reopened on sunday tbe aermoha were preached by the bev john kay of oakville abairman of tha distribl misses nellie and ada holmes visited milton friends a few days thisweek miss tina mcqueen retnrned on friday after a seven weeks visit with kincardine friends mr uebrge vincent whosooondllioawaa very critical a week ago is gradually recovering- mr will honabb who has been in tbe hospital at toronto for eeveral weeks will return homo tbis week referring to iltev mr mcljaohlan in ouelpb tho mercury aajs r on sunday bey j a mclaoblan preached bpworth leanesermonb in dublin et ehurbh the atteodance at the morning serylos wsts good but tbo storm in the evening prevent ed many from being present mr moxaohr ian gave two exoeileut sermons vrbloh were highly appretdauav t by means of ths telephone it is now possible for one person so talk to another who is 1000 mlloa diatiint after one baa been converslrigover snob a length it is only fair to any that he talked al great length j h uatthewb u selling sin klo barnegs at a great rednouon for the next month- irth r- and janrraor it wards off malaria ty- pbow4evsandbyitwrlinsr the blood it ijhi 8ar8a vlsty is thebeatfnietthe otis true bloidfurlfler soldbyalitlrugilata lsiforo hnnrls pillc all liver ills an v r blekbeadaehe me new books- prepaid to your- address the castle inn weyman 76o the red axe crockett i 78o the days work kipling 7 battle of tho strong parker 78o corleonc crawford a vols 100 if you go lo guelph it will pay you to see our immense stock gha8 r l nell es clve a warm reception feotst 2nd bargain fifteen pieces 40 inch dress goods in plain colors neat twotoned styles and fancy tweeds all a good heavy wearable and good looking material we wont tell you what the wholesalemans iniport price was our bargain price will be 12c 3rd fiaialn one case manufacturers sarhple ends oi lace curtains in 2 and j yard lengths these came direct from scotland and contain- most lovely goods some of the very finest curtain nets made the price will be 15c 25c and 35c each nassaoaweya mr peter black of nsissagaweya lost one of his horses laat week from some unknown disease his loss is a heavy one as it was a fine horse bev dr soanlan and evangelist zlm- mermani of nelton are oonduoting special services in the bbebeaer chnroh we hope their labors may meet with supoess thanksgiving day pasaed oft very quiet ly here there were quite a number of hunters oul anda good many hares an d partridges were sbol and bagged messrs samuel and george agnew threshers fiofabed a good seaaons thresh ing last week they will bo running their chopper now a grand parlor concert and piano recital was given in the methodist paraonsge last wednesday evening oldest settlers oannot remember noh aanow storm at this sessoq of tbe year aa ezpdrienoed on sunday afterrioon and evening the snow fell till it visa about twenty inches deep on the level dr l h wilson d d 8 mrs wilson and their sou of armada michigan left on monday for their home after spending amonlh with relatives in kasaagaweya mr thot wilson of koatobbnll intends moving up to his farm in erin his week ladies luwegpiii they also relicro diairesa ftom dyspepsia buugestion and too hearty eating a per fcet remedy for diumcas naujea drojwai nets badtastein the mouth coated tooguaj pain in tbe side torpid liver they regukus tho bowels purely vegetable mall ml 8mall oosm tontall price substitution i tho fraiid of tho day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters i jttle iver pills tho eleolloa toaay wlirbe lively qeoroetown by clothing yourself in such worthy frostproof wearing apparel as we ask such low prices for at the golden lion astrachan jackets gaperinesinrage rat variety of the wanted sort of furs furlined cloaks astrachan grey- lamb mink sable stone martin grey lamb autria coney otter j beaver opposum black persian lambj grey persian lamb south sea seal ouf motto one price and that the lowest your money baok if you want it gauntlets jviuffs and ruffs ovs e r bollert fe 06 25and 274vjadham street gtjeleh a dw e ma cd on a ld 8c br o compels upn o v1slph extra value in dress serges plain cloth tweeds special low price in black fabrics ladies underwear ladies natural wool vests sleeves special at soc button front long and visit oar store aad showrooms during this week whether or not you arejsupplied with suitable clothing for the coming cold weather is the question we have to consider during the next ten days we will show some exceedingly good values in ladies childrens and mens clothing ladies note ladies mantles 9300 to 1000 ladies mantles special range at 8500 misses coals from 250 to 375 the most complete and natty range of dress goods we have evershomti is on bur counters at rock bottom prices gentlemen mens tweed suits 350 to 1000 mens fine black suits fiooo to 91250 mens fine beaver overcoats black and navy 8750 lo 81150 hendersonooi mill street acton ybix can mink of which is usually kept la a jewellers store and many things that others dbtoot keep can now be found at mfcilies bey fowlle will preach in knoiohnrch bev father fny holds divine services in gebrgetown this morning and in st oaephs chnroh acton at 7s0 this even- 1ns tlic baptist snnday sobool will hold ihelr animal entcrlainnient on tbnrsday evening tbe 22nd oldeoembsr fartloalars later mr j j lawsoa ia patting on the flnlsbing touches to a see new brick bonse he baa erected for his brother william near mjiton mr w williams is getun settled in bit remodeled house at the store the iamlly will be very oomiorublo in their new home a nnmber el the woramon at lbs aoton tanning co had a holiday on monday owing lo repairs being made to onaollliebonerf air v e iteynolds electrician was called home to btayoer on toosday to snperinlend tbe installing ot a new dynamo in the power bonse there si albanabn sobool will h ihstrtenlettainmehroiri tbn avenjrigi mad deosmber a prelty christmas cantata is in preparation the annual holiday entertainment oi the snoday school ol knox chnroh will be halo naw teatsf evening january ind definite parllonlars will be given tavsir b agnew ol the domlnlqti hotel showed hogs at the provincial fat btobk show at brentford last week and has them at the qnelpb pat stock show ttavnisk iift between knox chnroh and the rltoirar gold brooch set- with three tnusflndsrjwur maoh oblige by leaviigmmls daorseron who prised the tsusitbattium rft 4uo siio whose dnty it it to slilfaintiisttlsd one good nalnrsd and abibocoillmnelaa them ukjitria street opposite their premises on sam hsd bean sent to the oeneral treasurer the officers for the ensuing yeair were nominated bb follows president john s coleman yiosfreaident a t mann secretarytreasurer a t brown ureontivo oommktee same as laat jear with the bubstltulictn of tbe new pastors in plane of those who have retired the oolleotora of last year were also re appointed the tale mri- f w jvewe the bloosnueld n j clton gives tbe following particulars relative to the late lira noble alter offering lor nearly wo weeks from bronchitis and pnennoonia aggravated by heart trouble mrs j w hoble of 810 dodd street east orapge entered into rest on monday november 28th mrs noble was born in aoton ontario and waa the aeoond daughter of tie lateoeorge mattbewa of that piaoe in july 1888 she married john w noble an toronto and lb the following year ihey moved to bloomflold where they resided lit a little over two years ago mrsuoblo waa at the time of her death a member of im washington street baptist ohnrch jlorangv4ng oernberand an aotive worker i the flrat nnlpg tomyllllulih a w inoiwoh the bxk- aayevvs v7 is a most ipy ths pnlplt ibb tllgbi co are engaged v in silgjilii ifjdi wtobptoprlstotrofibe tifebiv 1 oos works anil was so pleased vjilljvjits oapaoityeaae of operation and v ibnsviy xbls is imndljliratlbyythls arm lhedrofmlsthaiaome isyl6 jfijuf bee bis sirllee- jt- m j tiwn balr6nrfriay sysning xaptlst churc here he obeerfnl dls- ioaitlookiodlyplri and leva for ths pare won for bermsny riends who deeply feel ihelr loss in bor death- bar hoaband aod only son survive her tie funeral services were held in the bapiltl oboroh hen on wednesday afternoon and were eemdaoted by bev paul j lox ler pastor jber broiherinlaw bev oharles a cook have a- brief sketch of her life and rendered an affeotlonate tribute to her memory abiuochaiebormaa the editor and mrs moore bad the pleasure laat thursday evening ol attend- inuj ihe opening 61 the his new pipe organ in tbe methodiat chnreb newniaraai as fioeata ol mr l g jaoksbn ol lh aw xhi organ was built by llfessts edward xye sons toronto snd waa oonrraoted for y theteadlesaid beelstyt at ao5sio abootl800 it haa a una quarter out oik ease with chaste and beatllnlly deoor alea pipes twp manoehioompass co to a e notes arid pedal t6npaitwm oop to tbe scotch ebpper in the presbyterian ohnroh on monday night of last week waa a grand sneoesa everything was scotch the programme was scotch mosio by the orohestra and piano scotch aonga and reollatlone tbe aupper o conrse most be hsggif white pndding and all the scotch cookery the anniversary seryioeb in ihe metho dist ohnroh drew large congregations especially in tbe evening when the chnroh was orowded lo tbe doors the congrega tional service was withdrawn in the morn ing and th6baptlttandpreabyterlan in the evening these pastors were present and took part in tbe aervioa the bev dr badgley ol viotorla college preached two excellent aerrnoda and ihe collections amoonted to vu6 mlsa powell of toronto aang a solo in the evening and ihe obolr gave fine anthems both morning and evening the rev t b bogersb a preached bis farewell sermon in tho congregational ohorob a week ago laar sabbath evening a large congreg list to ths rover ju s7 notes with the great organ swells and pedals ihsrslat a toal of 687 notes it it wonderrnllystreel in tone perfect in lannony and of very wide oompass the reoltal of so numbers was a riob mniloal treat the organ solos by mr j n bhan- non of bonn aire oboroh parkdale and mr a ib lye o trinity bptaoopal cboroh toronto wen arllstlo and srtioy- able and gave a moat sailafaotcry tast of tbe organs acoompllsbmenlnnder killed players the sacred solos by miss davld- oo of penslang and mr b 3j sff ol towonto were ot very high merit while tba olassioal cbornses by ihe church choir were rendered in a nlanner blghly oredlt able mayor cane who ia one of the cliorob trustees preiidad amaw bad a terrlblsoongbpsoplssald h waagoinglntooonsororlonvataiflbtur l sot ewaalramlylb inaiitiiyi end gedtlsmansi laat words of oonnael at the epworth league on monday night following mr bogers also gave afare- weliaddresa to- tbe yonng people of tbe methodist oborub the longwjbhedfor and more has opine anil the question now is what to do with the surplus the wheels were all right on sunday with abme of our visllors hot the next morning found several unfortunates who bad a hard road lo travel next to the great snow storm the absorbing toplo it tho etsotion to be or qot tobs the winning side ls the question aaafr barber bad a large vote at boine before tbe principal interest again osntera on ibat sldfjn these surroundings the snnutl convention of the leper mission for tbis provlooe was held last friday in the oongrefixtional oburob a number of delegetee from toronto and qqelpb attended the rev mr nell of tfllelilsi of the county of mm gentlemen i regret very much that owing to the overzealous ehtort of some of my political friendslntho late confest over whom 1 had no control and for whose acts i was not in any way responsible in fact although held lobe soin law the conntyhas once more to go through the trouble and turmoil of an election contest having personally acted under the strict letter of the law and baving been elected by ihe handsome rnaj6rityofonehru3drtdand twentythree over my opponent i feel it to be the wish lowest prices in gloves and hosiery newest shades in japanese silks grocery department corriplete stock of christmas groceries at lowest prices everything fresh leave your christmas order mill street qmjmy cfe go wsssicji a of the majodly ol voters in the county that i ahonldrepresent them in tbe ontario legislature itherefore consider it my duty to again place myself in your hands and if elected to carry out the policy outlined and the promlaes made by me during the campaign of february last hoping that yonr good wishes and kind assiatauce will have the eflect of returning me again lo tbo legisla ture i remain yount veryrespostfuily john r barbfer dress shirts dress ties dress gloves cbliafs cliffs cuff links shirt studs scarf pins handkerchiefsjspeciai values our new neckwear is the latest big values in overcoatings suitings and trouserings o abb evno 0h1i fhicm oott allor and imist furnisher christmas times are here and we have besiii searching everywhere for pretty things forprcscnts and increasing our stock p all regular goods watohostw nlviays have rlniro- have an extra stock in at orlccs from say 8100 bufour prelllcat qnesrnnfrom faoo tolxo06 opalsstill are the fashionable atones for them phejtocahweraawo nave photo caments from 60c up toj2ooo- we keep v nil hvauppuestor photographers and will be pleased to instruct as to their use marrlare llcen8e8- this is a splendid thing to buy if yon are just ready loronlt rubber stampbwe make rubber stamps too for marking your linen from 25c up there are so many things in a jewellery store that make nice christmas presents that you must come in and see them we alwayb have lots ol people just in looking around this lime of year and we are pleased to have you do bo and will not bother you by urging you to buy there is one thing you must not forget if ita bought at princles in cuelph its good toronto and in resident mltiltlerd took part in the evening servloe addreasas werealto giverrtjy miss hopkins a returned mluionary from burmah arid mr knight from the china inland mlaaion tba addresses gave aba andlence some idea of the aad deplorable state of this dealitote and afbloiad olaai 1 bevan of bamiltoo edgllsb church last tha rev mr preached in ths sabbath mrs ooddard aud miss dempsey of hamilton are wliltiun mr george ooddard thisweek mrs bar murray of si catharines was ihe guest ol mrs fred barber last wtek an interesting marriage ceremony took place at the bjstbodlet parsonage nor ethhwbsnmr rieovgs h mcoaij anct mirtmbnursi both at brln beoama ojif by iheollloialservloo ol tbe bev a a i dont leave your orders for fancy work till the last week and then expect to get ihem done for you wlllbe disappointed the best way is to raako op your mind now what yon will snake or buy for xmas and carry it out while tbe slock is full come and ses our slock of fancy goods china and glassware bjfore buying we hxve large range ol bothat well as dried fruits and candles m sa rottr imvtd blanket mmttowai 95l jgao t trui 11 1 we havejnst purchased 7 pairs of indies tak satjig boots aires a lo we havejnst purchased 7a pair of ladies tan sjkvtjng bx 7 1 d kings make they are all right for three to six rocntluwear irirtjjilitli will raluhd jffii iwcaiey jsaivao lis to oant 8 8tore8 corner king and hoghaon 8te hamilton lght ouse december 1898 ilsepstino- prices such prices as these are sometimes reached at the end of the season but coming just nowat the beginning of cold weather when you need these particular goods present a moneysaving opportunity seldom met with forty only ladles jackets black and cashmere made from bouclo fries or covert cloth storm col lars regular value j lo i7 special twelve only ladles jackets in black beaver or cheviot cloth soma with velvet coal collars other with large storm collars regular value t7se to i975 special three only ladies reversible tweed capes with hood regular valuels js special five only reversible cloth capes slain pnoadac n7jinsai umojq pnw piq 350 500 450 600 ladies black bouclo cloth capes pleated and fitted on to back ladies black and colored beaver cloth capes trimmed with raised stitching ladles black and colored beaver cloth jackets double breasted six bultona special ladlda black covert cloth jackets fly front storm collars special ladles fawn and navy kersey cloth jackets strap seams large 1 n ra storm collars tailor made iw8v ladles light pawit kersey cloth jackets strapped seams inlam vsiewcollars latest new a york style lalor mlado jiuu 475 650 575 650 style far lined capes ladles black and cole kersey cloth jackets fancy plaid silk linings rolling collar nighesl ft ti ttfiooand itfuu mnde of black and blue mixed matnlnsse grey squirrel lining black oqossum collar nnd irimmeddown front wv a and around withtame ouuu ladles cnpos made in green arid black mixed matnlasse gray squirrel lining black thibet collar trimmed down front and around oer yw wllhsame ootuu ladles silk plush and flush velour capes silk lined fashion ably trimmed with braids lets or furs full sweep latest novelties ro nn priest from 20 va t53 to oouu