Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 8, 1898, p. 4

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are you frequently hoarse do you have that annoying tickling in your throat wou d you feel relieved if you could raise somelhine does your cough annoy you at night and do you raise more mucus in the morning then you should always keep oirhandabottleof i 1 compre advice tbo odllor a colored man of tho southwestern chritlian advocate in a recent iasuii of that paper rivoi aomo normiblo advice to tfounr men among other things ho says dont drink i dont ohow 1 dont smoko 1 dont swoar i dont dooelye i dont read novcli i dont marry nnlll you cau bupportawifol bo in camoatt bo eelf roliaull benenerousl bo oivil i head tho papaa and advertino jour businoao i make money and do conrt with it lovo your god eufl fellrfw jonoi i tjovo truth and virtael love your country and ohey its lawa i tmt eh spanish proverbs here aro three 8pauili yroverba thul bopeak thohaedof th6bpiiftltlxill reoodbtruotibn they all rifleot on worn and tbo twlioo thitt dooa not reuptct lovclj womtu ii in proty ltd fix throe ujitlitera and a mother four dovila for bo father a house fullof daughters is like a house with n cellar full of sour beer j w woman ware as little as bbe is good a pea pqdwoufd mako bor a gown and a hood v a request obeyed a spellino match 1 am itjoirifc b liava a upethnfibae to night aaiil uncle john ami 111 ivo a pair of bkiuott uu a no 1 pitir lu ilie boy who can beet biell mm the children turned uud looked into each others eyon bent r man unolo john i leave you to thiuk of it awhile and hn hnttrinnt lip hiv nnut uml wpht away timo wni ulowly to the puaalod boy fur all their fun tlittt day it puernud uti if after thul supper timo would never oome but it oame at laat and xjnolo john cmno too with a shiny ekate runner peeping out of hia greatcoat pocket uuolo john did not dolay he ait down uud looked straight into henrya eye ljuva you been a gjod boy today hurry yets no buid hurry tliishiiitf if icoldi no lone you have a veak throat you cannot be too i careful you cannot begin treatment too early each 1 makes you more liable another and the last r is alw harder tq fcure than the one before it tfctffitttrummiti krtm oew ttmomi help at hand if yon hiave any ccmiploiat pootever and desire the best medical advice you pan pos sibly obtain write the doctor freely you will receive a prompt reply address dr j c atfibr hearing that rudyard kiplings new book had cost its pabliaber shilling a word a london warn wrote to the author laying that as wiidom wai quoted at retail prioei he would like one word for which he enclosed a postal order for one shilling kipling kept the order and answered with the word thinks a true friend ia one who never throws things np to yon j the -boy- withmadeover tronaers takes after hie father oaut htfdjr a boy to dare me but wliutp that ot to do willi tptiuig limn he added half to hinrnulf but nnule juhu turned to dob bemi a good boy today my boy haveut bad fun enoagh answered bob stoutly its all joes fault too we boys wanted the pond to ourselves or one day and we nudo up our minds that when the girls oame wem clear them off but joe ie- i think ihia ia joes time to tell inter apfed uncle john how waa it boy why said joo i thought tlio girla had aa maoh right on the pond as the boys so i spoke to one of the boys and we stop ped it all i thought it was mean to treat girls that way tbore oaraoa flaah from unole johns pooket the next minute the ekatea were on joes kneo the spelling match is over said unole john and joe has won the prize three bewildered facea mutely ques- the present month of the closing year must end the lives of many if they jjaii to banisii jjisease paines celery compound earths great medical prescription makes sick people well i if whi cia it jtwi xtss thursday december 8 1b98 fje goung jfolks a sojvo o 8no w four and tnonty baowflake camo tumbling from thofiky and said lotb mako a anowdrift wo can if wo but try so down tboy eontly fluttotod aad lightodon tho ground and whentbeyallworsieatod tboy bdly laokod aroond woyo veryfow indood slsbod thoy and bomotimosmakomutakoa wo oannot mako a snowdrift withfourand twonty flakos joattben too bun poopod roond a olpnd and amilod at tho array and tbo disappointed bndwflakea moltod quietly away anxioua mothers find dr lows worm syrup the best modioine to expel worizii obildren like it worma dont ho why dont you got shoes big enoagh to bo comfortable she as if looald bo oomforkable ffbeo i knew i was waring big shoos 1 it your children are well but not robust they need scotts emulsion of cod liver oil we arc constantly in re ceipt of reports from par ents who give their children the emulsiori every fall for a month or two it keeps them well and strong all winter it prevents their taking cold your doctor will confirm this the oil combined with the hyppphosphitesis a splen did food tonic soc ami loo 11 dnlggfatts scott i bowtje cbtmuu torniuv chilorem dpnt scol4 tho little ones if the bed is wet in the morning it isnt thic childs fault weak kidneys need strepglhcninff that vail- you cant afford to riali ddlay- ncrlect may entail n ifolimo ofultcrinp doans kidney pills strthrtheni th kidneys and btadisar tbln all upubto w mr john carson employed nt sj m s biadt i cos store ham s iltofloritsaya ts my little boy ovn yean of ro 5 has been troubled with bis kidneys 6 alnbe blrlrt und could not hold nis s wator wo spant lmndreda tl dol- ta lars doctorirr and tried manydlf- s rrontrmodklbilttfcoywerelno 5- ayahioneboxof ppana kidney pllla completely cured him s it doennt fatten a hungry man to make him laugh no family living in a blliona oonntry should be withont parmeleei vegetable fills a few doaca taken now and then will keep the liver aotlve oleanae the the stbmaoh and bowels from all bilious matter and prevent ague mr j l lirioe shoals martin co ind writes i have tried a boi of parmelees filla tod find them the best medicine for fever and ague i have ever tiied the oomldg woman lornetimea has her troubles with the going man about 11 p to h yard yellow oil corn all pain in man or bent for iprainb cute brnlbes callous lompi swellings inflammation rheumatism and neuralgia it is a ipeoifio truth ie ttranger tbsn notion to most people probably because they dont oaro for an intrbduotion you may lead a horse to water bat yon oant make him drink and there are some mflnbllthhvaauiewjay 7 if attaoked with obolera or- atnmer oomplaintsbf any kind send at onoe forsv bottle of pr j d kelloggs dyaenterv cordial and nae lb- aocording to dlreotlonsi it apta with wonderful rapidity in rubdaldg that dreadful dlaean that weakens the atrongeit man and that daatroys the yooog and delicate tboio who have rued this oholera rnedioirio say it aota proiqptly and never fails to effect a thorough cure yoa wise man in the art of punotnatioo how do yoa pnnolaate this sentehoe what la is wliat is not ia not help your obildren to grow strong and robust by oonnloraoliog anything that oanses illhealtb one greai oanse diieabe in obildren is worms bsmoya them with mother graves worm exter minator it never fails flirtation is like ohewing gumjjbe longer you keep it np the less satisfaction y ds from l v in the spring of 187 1 was attacked with dyspopsin xtnd heartburn so severo was the puin that 1 could not sleep or eat and i was troubled with headache most all the time i remained in that etnto for three months and tried everything i could think of at last one day i rend in tlie paper nbout burdock blood bliters and thought i would try u great was my surprise on flimhlng the first bottle to find i could cat belter tho headache left me and before i hud used tho srepnd bottle i was corhpletely cared -i- cannot aavistoo vtrongly alu suftiircrs frorri ilomach troubles to try bbb mks wm grattaniq- dlantown nb the universal testimony from- at parts of cnriflda gives t pilm of victory pvfjr wisjeipfth 0 if ljv 1 tloned htm boyibs tie ana wero3 jravely weve beea iipelling mau not in lettere hat in acts i told yon there weredifferent wnyb and weve proved it here to- eight thiok it over boys and see a new story of8ir walter 8cott a new atory ia now told of bir walter soott it eeema that he was not a brilliant aoholar and wan usually at the foot o hffl elaaa after he became farooua ha one day dopped into tfio old aohoolhpubo the teaaher anxios to make an impreaaioo pat the paptla bo as to show them to the beat advantage after awhile scott said but which is the dance yoa have one barely showbim to me the teacber called up a poor follow who looked the picture of woe as he bashfully pame towards the distinguished visitor i are yoa the dunos aeked scott yes eir aaid the boy well my good fellow paia scott here la a orown for you for keeping my place warm the committee of eutertaiumeut in honolulq paid oui hundreds of dollars for lemonade ice oream fruit etc- but not ccnvfor hqaor for the reception recently given to the american troops en route to manilla gratifying improvement my face waa oovered with pimples and blaokbeads when i began taking hoods bariaparilla bd after the uao of thin medicine a short time i was entirely cured i oannot recommend it too highly since it has done bo much for me may jttyan north street oangab ontario another abort month anl tho year 1808 will oome to a clone a- tlio er onja many loved and dear ouch will pitta awny be v er tion and gunpo mm thttt vvi ii briug untold forrnwmoiiy util tnonninfi the violimh will como froni nit oueafia and cnuditioiihruf our 6piiliitipi while it ia true we muht nil leave transi tory hfe it otiliht to be well understood that our life oil earth abould bp threescore and tea or foaraoore yoara when young and middle bred heu and women fail to retich a good ojd uie- the fault ie theiru iu ninety ctibf flout otj ovnrv hundred it fs bafe to assert that they have violated the laws of nature and havo allowed disease to euobain thorn yeara ago the attention of that colnbrated medical export dr fhelpi waa epcoially direoted to tho claau referred to who die in middle age he realized the fact that nomething far beyond the ordinary reme dies aod prescriptions of the day was required to meet the varied conditions of suffering humanity hie wonderful life giving prescription fainea celery com pound was the boon bestowed on the hosts hooda filla are the only pilla to take with hoods flarsaparilla 25o what some people dont know they are always talkior about mllbarna bhenmatio filla are the only m esilhfautuiy l fui eheumatibm soialica larobago goat and neuralgia trice 50a all druggists tctires coughs golds lung- affections that other remedies wont touch mr tiios j smith caledonia pnt writes ayearagoxhad aeiyaever cold which settled- i a in ftiy lungs arid in my throat so that j could sea rccly sneak louder tthaifa whisper f tried several mtjdiclnei but jcot no teliefufltll i used one anda half bottles of norway pin3 syrup which com- pleteiy cured me 35c a bottle or five for 100 m wvt mmbmmmammmtsmmi satan amilea every time he sees two men trying tu trade boraea the beat efforts of the oh air maker are constantly being sat upon dr lows pleasant worm syrop is nice to take anddeath to all worma contains its own purgative price 25o the man who hab to btrnggte for a living acquires a superior education conglia cured quiokly permanently and pleasantly by the use of dr woods norway fine sjrap the most satisfactory oough remedy made prioa 2fio who suffer from the common diseasea- penaiities of nature for the transgresaipas of its wise laws dr phelps found that nervous dibeaseb blood tioubleb liver tunl liliity compuinla rheumatimu neuralgia urul dhepdia wor irnuiiiim iliouund4 in hh riv every year not with uan tin j nil mi wll hireutud qfforth or oonciintioiirt ihmik il nwii thtniutrvellnua nimiiiiiti of- dr plielphwti a rovulation 10 tliu world in that it burerl despgratu and lonii btaudlng baaca ol disease that hud baflled the heat madicai ekill since its advent pttiuev ciry j6m- poiind liat savedtens of llionekiida and is atill conquering diseaho every day no other medicine- known ti man hnb over rooeived audhilattering- notices and teatl- mouials from promiuent men and women and froni the entire press of the land it ia the one and only life saver in every case of disease and buffering it defeats death when the phyaiciaus areunablo to aave it ia to tbia marvellous banisber of diaease paines oelery compound that we would direot the attention of all who are run down tired aleeplnas uervoua debilitated and weak eyroptomu of the diseases we have referred to above it willquiokly giveto every-ailing- map and woman that vigor strength and perfect health that inbure and guarautee a happy old ago llkolsj afietbleprcparalldhfor sirmlatingoodaridregula uiui tjcatomar ambawebofi u miditrn kotbtestitesioiicheerrult lujssandrestcontalnsjieithcr optummorpbjne ir mineral ifottjarcqtic jbtmnm aperfccthemedy forconsltpaj lion sour stomach diarrhoeaj worms convulsionsfeveriskj ness andloss ofsiaep racsinule signalute ot bjm5t copt of wrapper facsimile signature is oit the wrapper ofeveet bottije of maple leaf grain agent for the above nas changed his wnre- rooms to buildfngdi we smiths property john street where may bo seen frost wood bidders and mowers 0inch rever- llhle burrs no 2 has 1inch single urrs both havei jnlubearlrjgl urrlatesl tlliel springs ihd shake feed grind fine and fast with least power k always guaranteed a trial given l hu n use opld shapely st muirco limited irantford bnt and a cornplele line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t elllolt who resides on the property will atlend to the wants of customers john mcqueen big reduction in undertaking owing to largely increased discounts for cash allowed us by the manufacturers ol under supplies an bein in a position to take advantage of this we have decided to reduce all goods in our unarcakingdepartmentfrom tenj to twentyfive per cent notwithstanding this large reduction the same careful personal attention which has been given in the past will be continued embalming ia ordinary cases free where special work is required price to cover extra services and embalming requisites caskets and coffins delivered in town or country and all preparations completed for burial furniture we have added a number of new parlor suits of latest designs which we are offering at tile following prices which any home can afford no 1 parlor suite 5 pieces solid oak 1500 no a parlor suite 5 pieces walnut 82500 no 3 parlor suite 5 pieces walnut js- instalment flan oh furniture if desired all goods delivered free j a speight fc co acton best steel woveh wire fencing 8biyajb tmi ontario wirte fencino co t pidanoataruv you want ho best andthe cheapest nlc m ullens fendnrs and nettings coin bino th ese two qualities no others do llog fencings at special low prices al other varieties cheap mcmullens are the only good nettings sold in canada they are unequalled for poultry yards trellis awh fences ash your hardware mer- chant for mcmullens goods if you cannot buy of him write to the manufacturers at picton ontor to the b greening wire co limited hamilton and montreal general agents james cooper montreal general agent for hallway fencings lrpninp in oafrebs oottiw only it isotpola la onlky dont allay anyone to sell aaytaliur elie on the plaa or pronilsa that it inst as good and will anawer every pnr- bcothatj ipifae- mfcfkizii 1 r t you get oabroma iiea r rapjnt y-ffrtiffi- when a mania resigned to hie fato the resignation la usually accepted for infante and children a obeap coat dotanl neoeaiarlly make a cheap man bat it makes him fee that way at timet ii your daughter is school t there are thonaands of ilokly sobool girls dragging tfaielr way through lobool who might l opioyidgthafoli vigor of their youth by taking scotts emulsion whatever prevails is called troth if the role of the majority eonnti for anything there never was and never will be a noiveraal panaoea in oni rniiy fe 11 ills to whiob flesh i heir the very natore of many euiallvea being inch thai were th of other ana differently laatad diseases rooted in the lyattem of the patient what would relievo one ill intarn would agnravate the other we have7 however id quinine wine when obtained in aioond nnadolteraled atalo a remedy for many and grlitvoni ills by it rdoal jadloiou uar the frallo4tyalemt are led into oon- valescenoe and atreuulh by the inflaenoa which quiulne exeru on naturei own reatoratlvrs it relieves the drooping vplrils of those with whom a chronlo state of morbid deipondeur and laoh of lutorest in ufa is a dle and by trahrjolltalng the nerves dlrpossa to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vlacr to tho action or the fcood beb jsiiinrtirf sir6sgnoul yrlns7stgiwni t1 hnlthy anirail fouotlons of the svitem theraby mahlnh aotivily a neoraary resqll trenslhenlnii the frame and glvlcg life to t hi dlgesuva orgaui jrhlil paliiratly droand inorsamd nbstanot ntanli irn- 9lkviniilt have given la the public iriilr a blast from the heart when havelooks men had fought their way into luoknow the highiandera pipor who lost bis way suddenly found one ot the onomya cavalry sabro in riand about to oat hlrri down his rifio bad been shot off aud he had no time to uso hlb bay onet a bright idea said ho afterwards when relating the atory straok mo all at onoa i seized ffiy pipe pat it into my month and gave forth a shlll tone whioh so startled the fellow that hebolted like a shot evidently imagining it was somo in fernal maohloe my pipe avod my life ontarios gold trio total for nine months of 1 s98 eaualb the whole ot 1897 the bureau ot mines has published a statement regarding the output of gold in ontario dnring the aoabon the total for nine months of 1898 has boon 1188291 tho total for tho ontiro yoar of 1897 was j190244 aa a number of tho mills woro olobod during the bummeri it is hot an cxtrava- gank statement to say that 8100000 more ot gold will bo prodood in 1808 than in wo j accounts tobe settled having dboidod to rotlro from the grobory biihluobs 1 ma anxious to have all accounts settled by tbo end of tbo ear thoao indfibtod will boo tbtf imporativo liooosaity of giviug tbe matter their prompt attontloa w h denny young st aqton impoetat notice the celebrated indian dootor ebqnma yftirir ind wtnnr will hn at afinowo hotel aoton on tbo lavt wed- uesday of ovcry monlh nnul further notice commonclufl with wodbosday 28th octobor 1806 all cnronlo dloeues such u oonsump tion catarrh liver oomplalnt kldooy dlaeuos rhoumatlam dlbotos so are ouredby indian koinodlob modlolnoa sold by tho qaanuty pationta glvon up u idaursbfo aro ebpooialfy iuvltod patients under treatment to other doc tors aro not solicited consultation free per manent address v dh ant ford p o ont coalbusikgss changed joi hill has parchued the coil tjnainesb of mr john mcqueen and la prepared to deliver fltit- alah8otantonooallnjbnmae0 stove and hot sixes promplyand to the satisfaetlon of custo mers generally ibavealao purchased tbe weigh esales and will give prompt attention to all orders for tbilr change in business dec 12th to take bffbct tt ta having dlanosed of xny butoher bnalnesa i take this opportunity of tbanklns niy manr onatomers for their liberal patronage and truit that they will continue tbe same to my successors m gardiner aco as r am leaving town it la desroui that all aoeountaahoald be settled by the lbtli of decstnber 1698 ed collins aeton nov uth 1806 r vnmsy rrstsvpn m 8 at m ry tn shqreys ifeadtowear rigby vvaterpfqpfed freize ulsters made frprn pure wool 31 bz to thcyard frieze five pockets deep flaps- six iich collar with throat tab double stih- ed edges raised scams length 54 inches nine colors black blue mid brown diab claret heather oxford blue mix ture and qlive mixture waterproof windproof frostproof comfortable sld by oil refutable dealei nnva scotia tollritiah colunii rfromdj 7 c lihlafuiajjll p shorcys guarantee card in the pockit ufcoursc insist on seeing it it is a good o litarc guarantee lajlhjulsjllluljlilaiulii dimiieio oo o o o o a o o o o o o o o o a o o e o e raidway timbtabiad grand trunk railway oolno wkht 10inj habti m oaim m 0 tlj bxiirotj v iiii iixttrduri 10 c0ptr mall 7 loimmttl 0 hiin 1 mixed 10 oopni tiuk ciohing ua1ih oolrib wopt 0 40 am und c co pm golnueoflt 1023 am and c coiitn tills timo trtblo mint into effect on moudiv may lcth lrtjtl firtt wo we e k s lwttltgod 1 a fascinatino study ofhe intebn ationau sunday school lessons for189b now ready no christian opoclally olorgyman or teach er should bo without it hmntllully bound in eloth of two colors with stiff boarda prlee only s5 oonta stronaly reconimend1 by loading clersyraon on aalo by all book loiters or sent poatlaid on receipt of tho prlco by the dbadiiexqakiletson co lmltbd pubitahots toronto canada suii savings and loan co head office toronto ont authorized capital 500000000 tenyear roattirity shares ore paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 6000 paid in maturity value 10000- money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalmentson appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton bring your custom logs in andtako the lumber home with you lumber planing iviiiis snassakaweya p sayees ploprietol has constantly on hand a full lino of lumber lath shingles cedar posts woofl ktb custom logs and bui stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to the best of satisfaction prices very cheap and made 10 suit the customers pocket p sayers latest and best designs of 7vtg nv metrrs in granite and mahbl at 20 to 30 per cent reduction j h hamilton proprietor granite st marble woiks gublph is the only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton come and see the largest and best mported stock in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others apk for the commonest can- adian or american granite c office and worxs hamiltons bzqcx woolw1cb ajnx norfolk sts cuqlph omt branch wotk2fewetmbur out seed judge with o weak inopilar intermittent fmlsowocan tell at once jho vitality is ow hint dinvnnd fnlnt spells smoth erlnrr and sinkln 4- sonnations and similar contlilions arc huntl to ensue hy tindr action in strengthening th ifrirl inninpr the nerves and cnrichlnff tu bqod mibirns heart nntl norvo piils rellovonnd cttrc all lhosodistrcssfnsr contlitions jiiht entimeratod mrs b froft residing on waterloo strcot st john nb nisi for sohie time pnst i hnvo sufferod from pnltor weakness and nervous pros tration ihacl rmlpttatlonand irwegular iwrttins of the heart so sevore as to cmiiio mo rrroit alarm i was treated by physicians but got no permanent relief vi nm glad to any that from milburna llart ami nvrvf pills i derived the firit real benefit that i ever rot from liny mtdiclno myairpetitola improved rhy uitiru system tned up audi can do no i js than cheerfully recommend these 1 lis to all requiring a reliable heart and rjvo tonic mtfwrrni hevi souiniyo vliiallvtr pltui- ri hr ol ftick lie actn oawbkh txj cutaroj jrsyr it isnt what a rnanglvei but the way i he rivoi u that shows his ttne oharaoter cramps colio cholera and diarrhoea are alwaya promptly nlievsol by dr fowletfs tract of wll strawb the llquoaquestlon slsgnrs lha inlcni- pnrte maurnorotban any other iiiu yello oil appha externally cures sprains oroop whooplok ooagb rpnobitl bore xhroattttfc prioeblio- a wojnanshobld never try to banj her hair by igniting the powder onjier faoe ficrornla onrcd v iabtib magog que writes i have ufd three bottles of b b b for sorofula impure blood and dyspepsia and was oomplolily restored to health a faahionable shbemakor says that women oan endure pain belter than men bek of the bowela ii rieoessary tofiealtb jjiwllver pills are the belt oooaslonal oathartio for family or genera w itlngst aoydtuggus the 4fe la read hy tho people who buy my the people who have money to buy with by the people who pay cash for their purchases iy the people who make desirable custo mors my ihb people wlnm the advertiser is in quest of uy tho people who know a good thing when they see it liy more people in this section than aro reached by any other two papers daily or weekly uyovory bodyin ih town and county- who wants the largest amount of good fresh crisp spicy news and reading matter for tho money dy everybody who is possessed of enter prise who is progressive and who be- lievea in a bright original progressive newspaper that keeps its constituency and its interests to the front that is why thofhbb prbsi recehei such liberaradvertlfling patronage can tell you at once the artistic merits of a picture and we solicit a sitting from you and ask you to sub mit the result to any true critic and hear hjs verdict aside from a natural disposition to value to the full your charms wo believe he will tell you we have taken a good picture which is exactly what wo advertise to do h rrt7utshk5n2 photo khtist kctgn for tvtbmttabvbn ybabal- sfeip

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