Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 15, 1898, p. 1

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-jcojupm- xxiv i oktabio th wseej 18987 pricjij tllkjuti ojilnts ib puslibbtsd every thtjksday morning xt tub free prebssteam printing office ullil street aoton ont tahitaor sdooobiption ono dollar per year trfdilyln advanoo all subscription b dlooon- laaftwh8irthetiinbfmftrtilotrthoybovfltofln paid baa expired tbe ditto to which ovory subscription la paid la donpted on tbo addroas label asrantibina rates transient advertise ments 10 cents por nonpareil lino for aral ln- ertlon accents por lino for each subsequent uiaxtlon ooktiuot iutm1 tho tollowlng tablo shows ur rates for tbe insertion of advortiaomoutsfor spootned periods spaci ira fi ho 8 mo mo bolaohes 30 inches olnohaa llnoh eaoo 8100 1000 mm 33o0 sooo 1100 b0 0000 1900 700 900 700 800 sl50 100 advertisements without aneolflo directions willtis lnserud till forbid u ahugod ooord- ally transient advertlsenaents mmt be paid naavano advertisements will be obinged onoe each snonah if desired for ohakdres oftener tban enoaa month the composition mast be paid for at rogulai rates changes for oontraot advortliomonts most bb nine offloo oy noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly h pmooue bdlcor and proprietor theoxfordself pronounc ing teachers bible with 280 pages revised teachers mat ter to june 1896 red under gold edges leather bind ing yapped edges printed off new plates size 8 x 5 inches weight 2 pounds binding very flexible good value at 4 to 5 i will mail at 125 in stamps quantity limited 0 send your order early tjtiay days bookstore guelph after receiving this bible if it does not please return it and the money will be re funded tub traders bank of canada capital authorized- capital paid up s 1 000000 700000 vmintsb biwdorp 1 tohnlt macdonatd md cm succebsob to j f urbn m d o m office and residonoo corner mill frodoriok streets aoton acton bus line the undorslgned resnootfullysollolts thepatron age of tbo public tad informs them that d r v j r forster sdccesson to da a s eltjiott late resident physician and bargeon to vic toria hospital for sick children toronto owiob- mill btroot lately occupied by dr elliott i r dryden eye bab xlbboit and nobe moioans blocks douglas 6t near p o guelph onicm houns 10 am to 1 pxn and 3 to fl pm sondats 10 am to i pm dental 1a bennett iids pentisty osobctltowh ohtjju jp coghlan d d s l d s dentist work cabetoxlt done pbicbb moderate onriob ovan bnowns dana ejtobe eooba kvsbtt dat fb0h 0 to 8 jm bell ddb lds t dentist bbooxvizxb bonob glladuatb o toitokto tlnitbuflnt work made satisfactory prices moderate viaitwo dats monday aftornoon camp- belltllle tneaday aotonofflc9carlta hotel friday bookwood dbg hcook dentist cor oollego bt and spanslna ave tobqhto vlllvialt acton on thoflrit qd third batar- datyiof eaoh month orrzob mr adam coolti realdonco main street- m clean 4 mcleah buriitan solicitors houriai oonveyanoen to priratefnnde to loan qfnoeirtown hall aeton wxa mollifl jwo a mcliim jhioktnnon banaistbb solioitoll contetamcen oriloe mill street in mttthowe dlook upicun rb molbod t lluintbtea oziorroa coxybtinoen main street qoorgetown mone7tolbanatlowestcarnntratoa st j monabb olerk fourth dlvialon court county of hal- oni oonye yanoor agent fire and life aeiuranoe koasl batate agent money to loan etc orriob perrymantfdiook acton nt mjscxllanxo vs henry gribt ottawi casfada bolioitor of patonta for ioventlon oto prepare applicatiooafortbe oaoadiad amer- iohi and european patent otfloei and for the heiitxation of trade marki send for pam phlet tbbrtytwo yean eiporienoe lynoib nunaln v bookbindbefc wvcdbambta c3nelpb ontario- over w anooniit bookrof all kind a marie to order perlodicala of ertfry deaoription carefully bound btilloitneassitaniypromptlvone m arbiage licenses h p m00be- or hiasxiae iossks prltateomee nowitnebieireqnlred iuned reildence in tho evening freepreaai ofllce aoton tor tho obontlea of wellingujn and baltoo ordetaleflat the fmb paul offloe aewni or at rnyieaawanoain aoton will promptly at- andai tb feea rednoad to rpiowb eaijbb aim money to loan on tho moat fatorabla ami and at tho lowew ratal 61 lntereatln omiofssooand pwardi wellington mnctul flro insurance cmpany blt in80bakob on oaah and mntoal plan any eommnnleatlbna forwardedl lo my addrar boxob or telephone 06 will a jrrompuy at- john tath0 agent qnelpb eacliine and bepair shops bbnbvanindbii proprietor a he well equipped wltb all tba maohlneir a haoeasury waiannta all repair to maebin- jtr and agrionltpral implroenta and to do all kiwuof imnunflftldg boraasboamc and ceneral blaeumltblng woodwork repairs performed havuultaotort manner we eaa repair any iaavc3nns or implamont of any nalta saw ibmmloe and flunk done itamber ith attlailet wood sto all aipola of wood in itook and promptly 7 dautsraoto any oarl of tfcetown at k jraaaonapls price wartwood and elaba ni itoy length alwaya hnlitndo tjsllpnone ooramanioauod well equipped and stylish kl gs oan a ways be sooured at bieatablos a comfortable bus meets al trains betwoon 9 am and 618 pm caret nl attention siven toevoryorder the wanta of commercial travel lersinllymet john tvrirliams jpbopiuktoa main street planing mills ac o johw cmerori architect and contractor mannfaotarer of saab doors framoa mouldliigd in al styles jdkessnra i mnd moulding to otder on abotii notioe wall assorted stook on hand at prices ibanlt the times cuelph branch we are now ieiulna money ordora payablo at par at any branch of obnrterotl bank i oanada excepting tbo yukon district at tjio followlag raton uiidorii0 8 oonta 810 to i20 10 oenta aoto ao la cents 33qto i60 11 conta aclrp the message of tub bfll3 lff higbk8t cuitrrnthatb opintbrebt fiald on suras deposited of 3l and upwards ntoreit allowed from dato offlopflslt to data of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly advances made to responsible farmers on tlolr own nam os at tbo lowest ourront rates no cbargo made for collecting aalos notes jf payablo in quolpli arcuoral bankldgbualuosa trausaotod a jp h jones maaagcr liri0letiitis antlticjmhs john cameron proprietor sun sayings and loan co head office toronto ont authorised capital 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 6000 paid in maturity value 80600 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to it j ncnabb agent aoton bring your custom logs and takethe lumber home with you in la now open for you to choose from and no nil pntjpm gy until xmaa for yon we ore pleased to bbow goods whotbor you pnrebaaa or not oar fancy xmaa books wore imported direct from now york olty and tbo prlcoa wo are quoting trill astonish yon srvers lumber planing mills naesaraweya p sayers proprietor has constantly on hand a full lino of iiumber lath sliinglqb cedar posts wood t0 custom togs and bui stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to the best ol satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket p savers- akeatook at tho immense variety of for cbrlbl mas presents at new store next psingles novelties new prices s see our windows jnvjndlhih2t st jueltlhi v latest and best designs of mo is 7ivte nts in granite and marble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction good as we know how to buy and that means good as can be found anywhere prices as little as 35c sqr yard and all the between prices up to sjproo special department for these goods with excellent light entrances st georges bqr and wyndhom st j m bond co gvlph xmas is pomlng abd j d mckeo tbo drufislflt b as opened out for your iobpootlon bis nnp assortment of xmit goods comprising biblos games hymnals dolls album inkstanda ftiraos writing desks poets workboxes fancy books sohoolbozes faooy stationary gloveboxes xmab cards koroblofboxea xmascalendara collarboxes mootb organs workbaaketa croklnole uoardd fancy candles childrens books mirrors and otuor auoh article too numerous to mention we have also tho popular annuals for 09 hoys own annual girls own annual leisure bour sunday at homo sunday also we bave opened out our cltoiao assortment of xmaifarxumea from all tbo leading perfnmors on botrj continents eucb as itorer 4 calotte finand lubin golegato co rlokbookor seoloy leon maroohai crown eta our stock j d acton ivickee ont w barbeb beos paper makers georgetown ont kisjs i bpiomrr or machine finished book papers ahd nioh grade wekk1y news the paper need in ibis jonrnal is from tho above mills wm barber st bhob everton and eden mills the place to go for tho ngest floiir bran middllnksf chop feed c for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop j h hamilton fropeietor granite marble works gublph is the only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton come and see the largest and best mportcd stock in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite otttotmnd workamaloltoirs block woawicnamitobrolkats cu8lph ont bnnch worxiirtvrbmaburg ont pttptija wliersathniao1ete jt ujrxuo p or buhi bcnool aboald not orerlook the ftraat ad rant aaaof a praotloal oonrsa of fnatruo men at the ouelph business college and bhortlmnd iifltittijtft js writs or etu if lilanstad tueadar writs or a aa we hitch the dollar virv bigger load than it ever drew before our entire btock of fobtw at lowest prices to cash buyers stock cornplete while others burn the midnight oil in marking op prices pre paring forasaloourprlcesgo scoot ing down tho toboggan slide of genuine low and reasonable prices w wiloams boots and shoos acton i heard the bells they seemed to say we ring ring ring were penli out a cheerful lay wc ring ring ring reecho what the angels say fotellnowonthat blessed day r in davids city far away was born the king the glad bells ring their voices tell to nations far and wide of happy christrrjastide the glad bells ring the tidings swell they ring they ring they ring one bell proclaimed i ringaloud an4 tell 1 tell tell the news to na- tions of tho earth and swell swell f swell that marys holy child is lord to all the earth the surtof gud foretold within the holy word emanuel another rang in accents clear i bring bring bring to send the echoes far and near ising sing sing 1 good news to all o do not fear for christ the promised one is here the downcast hearts of men to cheer his praises sing then all the bells that christmas day to tell tell tell in tones of perfect jmrmony pins olork at tbo ltudirjg if millor aint sent hie strawberries down by a dog he roast bo a knowing oriltur when the orates of borrios hid been unloaded old dobbin started sedately for borne with no driver on the seat but gip they had not ron o far before they met three breathless boys tom diok and garry rang loud and clear and from the steeplesold and gray in chorus grand they seemed to say we hail the newborn king this day the christ is here eltcl family funbing otrvb bolioltonwsnteeverfwharefor jt tba btory of the philippines by mori halbuadfoommuslouadbrtba aoremmanli onwtlurtohan to tbt war dapsrtmonttl rith ajnlnaldo n yi jsaek of ahe ilwlm awey todlo erbar of bajtlfi ijtoilt ooniator agents jb fiiatplotnrei takenbyborn tnaul fmalar aaaa tajaaavai sakitsrai tofmbi ti uuhii t sabbbb beoy fitar inajuraneo building ofclosgo lreft iq gh tom said toms father i want yon to drive down with those crates of straw berries to cooks landing id tbonghs to do it myself bat theres no use talking i cant get time for ii yes sir answered tom miller and hia face fell he was bot and tired for be had been pioidng btrawberriea slnoe five oclock that morning in the broiling jans son he had meant to no for a swim in the river with two other boys that after noon and he did not much relish ibis invasion of his welllaid plans for pleasure however he had alwaya been taught to oboy without a marmot and be did bo now although obedlenee oame very bard he tried not to show his disappointment bat his father could see ii plainly snoagh never mind this uaia sbnnyi he said kindly i know youve been promised a haltholiday and you deserve it borne- time well make up for it torn bmllad for he koew his falherv making upa for lost good times were very generous odes so he whistled to gip bis faithful companion at all times good and bad and jumped into the waggon whiob was piled high with red inoiopi berriof freshly picked and still bhlning with the morning dews after all tom decided it would not be snob a bad afternoon ats he bad at first lhonkht the road he took led through qnlet shaded books with wild roses growing io thick profasion on either band tom sriiffed tbe perfume of the roses with muob enjoyment and merrily slapped tb i while gip raced wildly along protending again and agafo with well simalated excitement that he bad discovered a rat bra sqdlrel in some hollow stump bat only a few miles bad passed in this merry fashion when they encountered diok and harry travis the very boys tom was to have gone in swimming with why aint you at homo waiting for us 7 bawled diok and where are you going said harry got to go to cooks landing with these berries said tom ruefully ob pahawl diok ioj aimed kiokiog at a pebble in the road come down to the river and have a swim first anyway ita only half a mile from here and yoave got lots of time gipu keep watch tom hesitated yonr father trosted you togoatuaight to the landioff wo pered consoiencs sod somstbiog else in him whispered back vbat does it mat tor if you do stop slooe youll surely get there in time v i regret to say that in very short ordor toms conscience was ilfinoed and tom listened to the other voioe he went down to the river with tbo boys aherflrat commanding gip lo watch the waggon load of berries gip who was having a great deal of fan all by himself with a purely imaginary rat meekly obeyed by janoping into ths seat tom had vaoattd he knew he should not have a good time of it sitting there but still be obeyed when tba boys bad gone he whilsd away the slow moments by snipping al a fly whloh seemed determined to light on hli ooolj moist nbss no snttter how mnon denger there might lurk beneath that pleisant resting plipe bat at last the fly gave up the struggle and turned away to another field and poor gip was left without even this little ornmb of amusement first he yawned several times and then he began to whine with impatience would thosaboyi never oame 7 florae one came presently and gip gave a little yelp of joy thinking it wti tom bat it was not bis yonog master it was t ug l wan evil face and very ragged clothes he seized the whip and before oyp had time to divine that bis intentions ware anfrlend lyiwlsh went the lain through the air gip however was not to be ousted from bis post so easily he had been left in obarge of the wagon aqd oon tents and meant to defend them with bis life if necessary when the man raised tbo whip again gip made a lunge for his hand ftod bis white teeth closed oyer lbs dirty angers with a snap howling with pain the man dropped the whip and then old dobbin for ones in bis life thoroughly aroused from his obronio sleepiness plunged wildly along do wn the dusty road leaving the tramp and whip behind gip sat on the seat barking defiance and triumph v dobbin ponnded straight on towards books landing hs knew the road well for he had been over ll almost dally every mmmer for the past ten yean heslaok eoed his pace after awhile and hs and gip were both very qntel and decorous when tbey drew nearobolf standing gip had tavteri ihe wins ltwwtfbll tetb a triok trim hd t v j 5feff i jf j never don any drmog great boot triald the amazed ship- they bad some difilculty in indnolng the wise old borne to turn round again eo knew the berries had been delivered if tom didnt here comes millcra old horse again laid thd shipping olerk and tble time hes got four drivers instead of one well you oft fellows vt sat are oa all looking eo down in the mouth abovit berries did you eay well sir tbpy went jaat ten minutes ago in thai boat yon see diaappearin ronod tbe bend say tom if ever you want to sell i hat dog or boss o yours just let me koovr i might invest myself gip became a hfro he also got a collar from toms father and tom got some timely advice btrange as it may scorn tbe good advice outlasted gips collar although that was worn for many a year anthony anderbon la young church man divine prncipl tion of-prohibi- the ox essay bat if the ox vteto wont to push with hie horn fn time past and it bath beon testified to bis owner and be hath not kept him in bathe hath killed a man or a woman the ox shall be btoned and bis own or put to death ejcod xxl 29 the principle of the divine law ii very plain and broad here applied iu a tpeoific case but extending to ten thousand others it is this every man is responsible to god for the evils which resnlt from hie selfishness or bis indifference to the eifety of others observe thd owner of the ox is not guilty if from any doing of his or anything within fait knowledgf he had no reason to look for snob reautt only when the ox hadt been wont to pnbb with its born and his owner knew it he shall be held respon sible for he had ijo reason to fear and look no measure to prevent then if tbo ox itill a man or woman tho owner hath done tba murder the death waa the result of hia indifference to the life of others and according to the law of god hlsgnilt is undoubted tbo base is plain the prlnolple of this law is evidently righteous to make a man responsible it is not neoesaary lo prove malice or intended reiaits in the trial of tbe owner the only questions asked were these two waa the ox wont to push with its horn iu time past did the owner kuow it when be set him loose if both these questions are answered in the affirmative the owner is gnilty and vahall be potto death now ask la intoxicating liquor wont to oause misery and death has this been testi fied to its owners if theee two positions oan be established then tbe inference is inevitable they who are party to ha being at large are responsible on a principle perfectly intelligible a principle recognized and proclaimed and acted on by god himself turn th attention to these two facts t intoxicating llqaor in wont to pro duce misery and death ii those who manufacture or traffic in it know this it is testified to them if it is not let itbe tebtiriad to them upon tbe firstpoint refer to the distrua- ticn it has wrought lit anyone oount up the number of its known victims who but oan testify to hundreds mined thousands of prooious lives destroyed they saw the roin corning upon them made some earnest bot ineffaotnal straggles resistance beoamo weaker and weaker by and by wbere are they one has been found by tbe temperance reformation a there wreck and reclaimed another is still a npisinoe to society a oarse to bis kindred aod being pubbed into a terrible death another gasped bis last in ft frightful fit of dejirnm tremens another was found by the roadside one cold morning frozen to tbe earth frightfally jored how many families have been goredby the destroyer these are the efforts of intoxicating llqaor not casual or accidental bat common everywhere the greatest wretchedness endured by human nature in this world is oonneo ted with inebriating drink nothing else eo fearqly destroys hhnaanlty now look at a being made for noble purposes endowed with noble faculties so degraded disgraced pollated unfit for heaven a pest npon earth see the wretched ness he endpres and causes look at tbe misery apd dostrnction whloh follow in the track of intoxicating liquors oao tho regions of death etenhaon fo anagenoy more deadly oan any deny that the terrible beast is wont to posh with bis horn and it relentless in bis destrnolive fory has this been testified so the owners are the makers and vendors aware of the effects do they know that the profit tney make is at tbe eipanse of ham an life- attention is now strongly turned to this snbjrot the minds of men have been enlightened and their responsibility pressed home npon them in a clear light tbey are without excuse xiefc all conoerned ponder wei applied to each individual base the oon- antlbgacoomplice fn crime also is not to 1 overlooked tbe first murderers reply am i my brothers kseper will not serve to clear him in tbe sight of the searcher of hearts all who help to oodtlnue the liquor traffic are mauifeslly partakers of the guilt tbeox wonl to puib and the man who aids in letting blm lose is reaponelbte f or the consequences following prohibition ii the dootrine of ths ult tbs principle does not admit of vollnr men to power who favor legislation conflicting with the law divine the prlnolple is at stern variance with licensing strong drink tbe known murderer ooe says i wish it banished from the earth bat what oan i do v yon oan keep one dear and you can asdiat to put down the destroyer another says i neither jnake nor trafllo in it dot do you drink occasionally and doea yonr example go to inslaln the trade do yon reoslva ii in yonr house then m far as your inflaenoe glvee l currenoy so far yon partake in tbe orlmlnallty god will not bold you golltless you cannotinnooentlyslaod doing nothing to vppole the evil f yoa see a fsllqw ereatore struggling in 1 the water you know tbat ho oan never dcillver himself aud you know that a little assistance such as you oan render will rescue him from a watery grave 1oit look on and patb by true you did not throbt- him in but ho dies by your neglect his blood is upon your bead at tbe bar of god and at- tbo bar of con science you are bis murderer why you did not kill him neither did the owner of t helix lift a hand but he nil til surely be pat to death you had no malice neither had he you did not intend ills donth at thevery worst you did not o are this is just hs prime he tamed loose a wild furious ungovernable animal knowing hint to be snob audvviiiover mlbobief that animal might dobedid not care at least- he did not uae ht means inhis power to prevent bat god had held blm responsible shall not the judge- of all the world do right sorely in this gospel dispensation human life is not to be regarded as less aaored nor is the fact that death by intoxioating drink involves also the souls ruin to be counted as mitigation tbe deadly effects are seen apd felt the victims are of every class the alarm has been given effort to prevent is imperative on all who woold not share in the guilt and penalty what will every good citlaen do will fae not-clear- bisbands andhisnonbe will he not nee his influence and exer tions if he fears god or regards man oan he stop abort of assisting to prevent the spreadiug ruin oan any right feeling man reoklessly say let others take care of themselves ill mako no promiees ill not be bound im in no danger whoever continues to bpeak and not tfaas standing aloof and continuing to favor the destroyer is with those in the trade accountable to god for tbe perpetration of mighty evils whioh he may assist to prevent tbe murderer is abroad and rapidly proceeding with bis deadly doings some are in favor of not interfering some proposing to olroumaarlbo his ravages others are sounding the alarm making effort and calling for united movement to binder tbe pending destruction on whioh side are you found hsbu to tbo resono jacon brkncb what is socialism an optical delusion the colonel a rigid martinet is sitting at the window of bis room when looking oat he sees a captain crossing tbe barraok yard toward the gate xoobing at blm bloaely be le shocked to observe that tbe rules and regulation a to tbe contrary not withstanding tbo captain does not carry a sword captain i be calls from the window hi oaptain step up to my room for a moment will you the oaptain obeys promptly borrows a sword from an officer of the guard tho guard room being at the foot ot the etairs and- presents hlmbelf to the colonel in irreproachable dress the colonel is somewhat surprised to see tho sword in its place and having to invent some pretext for calling his subor dinate back says with some confusion beg yonr pardon captain bbt really ive forgotten what h was i wanted to speak to you about however it cant have jicf2ixvoxyimpocunlxtuu ieep good- morning the oaptain salutes departs returns the 8 word to its owner and is making off across tbo barraok yard when he again comes within the rango of tho colon els vision tbeoolonel robs hia eyes stares says softly to himself how in thunder is thin he hasnt a sword to his waiat then he calls aloud captain ho captain one moment please tbe oaptain returns borrows the aword attain mounts the stairs and enters the oolonele presence hia commanding officer stares at him intently he has a sword he sees it he hears it olauk captain he stammers growing very hot its ridiculous you know but bat bal its gone out of my head again i lvoaiog my memory never mind l11 think of it and write yon good morn- tbe oaptain salutes departs returns tbe sword to its owner and makes for tbe gate avs he crosses the barraok yard the colonel balls his wife to the window and says see tbat officer ont there yes captain campbell is itnot it is has be got a sword en she adjusts her eyoglais npon aoans-hlm- keenly andthensays hasnt a taste of a aword tbeoolonel thats just where yon fool yourself ho has i him ho waiting for death the new year ot 1684 waa only nineteen days old when death came for the flnt time writes general a w qreely in the zsadve fldme journal telling the awful experiences ot his arctic exploring party at gape sabine for ninety days we had all lived end kept together bat death was inevitable its com log was sore to some if not to all oar only wonder was it had not oome sooner only the day before was oar comrade at work we said little only one man so far forgot 4bjat he was a soldier as to make the faintest sign bat the nearness of the end touohed ns all bpeeob became lower ao tions gentler determined faces grew softer and concilia tion was the spirit of tbe boar who woold go next was the question written on each faoe not a man ventured to say to his fellow this islheend how tbat eternal question always so unanswerable seemed to be even more of a mystery to na t the easter sub had bardly set before tbe second fell before death a day after and the third auooambed then the fourth one by one they were dropping at our side tbe fifth followed qulokly to solve the problem of futurity then the sixth comrade passed and now we felt thai we were all await ing tbe summons one by one we scarce ly looked at each other doubt and wretchedness were allied again it ns bnt tbe fortunes of war sometimes ofaange at the most critical moment btrtvs and do do and strive until death were the mottoes of oar banters and one day nearly 500 pounds of bear and seal meat came just aa all food had almost failed oh the joy whioh thai meat brought to nsl who can tell but those in that hat something to sat something to keep life t to tmk elltoh of tub fllkk iukhb bm disbubfliogbooiul and pcotiomlo ques tions with friends here has revealed a lamentable laok of knowledge on their part about the serious problems that bo vitally affeot the liven of the people today and a coufuslon of ideas bb to the various eoonom- iqbeliefe of the different hctoo-of- social- reformers especially tho socialists many think that eociai advooae sssasainaling wealthy pereonb to get heir wealth for division j disbelief in religion and author ity community of oods what isyoura is mine even to liuabanda end wive- believing tint it will interest a great many of yqur readers tp know what sgoialibta do advooatp i ask for apace iu yonr columns for the following definition of socialism bv victor hugo the author of lea miacr- ables which will sweep away the misoon- oeptlon that auoh abominable doatfiuee as above are socialist prinoiplea all tho problems whioh tbe sooialiata propound may be reduced to two priuoipal problems first problem to produce wealth second problem to distribute it tho first problem contains tbo question ot lahor the eeoond tho question of wages in the first problem the question is of the em pi oyment of fo rce in t second the distribution of enjoyment from the good employment of foroe results public power from tbe good distri bution of enjoyment results individual happiness by good distribution we must understand not tqual distribution bat equitable distri bution tbe highest equality la equity from these two things combined public power without individual happiness with in results social p reaper ity social prosperity means man happy tbe citizen free the nation great to solve tbe first of these two problems only to create wealth and then to distribute it bndly iacqmptete only on one side it leads inevitably to these two extremes monstrous opulence monstrous misery all the enjoyment to a few all the privations to the rest that la to say to tbe working people a falee and danger ous situation whioh foonda public power npon private misery which plants tbe grandeur of tbe state iu the suffering of the individual a grandeur ill constituted in which all the material elements are combined and into which no moral element enters the two problems must bo solved to gether to be well solved the two solutions must be combined and form but one solve the first onlyof the two problems you will have an artificial power a material power yoa will be the evil rich man you will fall you will perish by violence tbo world lets everything fall and die which u nothing bot bnlqshneis everything whioh does not represent a virtue or au idea for the human race solve the two problems ehoonrage tbe rich and proteot the poor anpprobb misery put an end to uujuit speculation upon the weak by the strong put a bridle upon the iniquitous jealousy of him who is on the road against him who has reached this end adjust mathematical ly aud fraternally wages to labor join gratitaoua and obligatory instruction tp tbe growth of childhood develop the-intelli- fencewhlleouoobapy4bearm be-at-onoo- a powerful people and a family pf happy men democratise property not byabolish ing it but by univeraalisihg it in such a way that every oitizeo without exception may be a proprietor own a home learn to produce wealth and learn to distribute it and you shall have material grandeur and moral grandeur combined and you shall be worthy to call yourselves nations i0cis gunoifsky abtoo doc 10tb 1808 the practical electrician theldngeit span of telegraph wire in tbe world is in india over the rivet kistua jt is over 0000 feet in length germany has more electric street railways than any othereoropean country next in order oome france england italy switzerland spain and belgium there are 3480 telephones in the service of tbe mexican telephone company tho rentals in 1807118 ainonnted to 121513 and tbe company nmdo net earnings in mexico of 47671 in certain conditions of the atmosphere eleotrioity is bo abundant on tbe top ot the volcano maoris loa in hawaii that tbo engl i eh geologist grappy found that he oonld traoeetectrio letters vvitlrhid fingers op bis blanket an austrian inventor olaims to bave invented an electrical apparatus by theuso of whioh a ponfon may sit n a dark room and look at a scone in another part of the town regardlsus of corners intervening buildings or any other obstructions tbe inventor of tbe new instrument whloh la called a fernseber tbat bis appliance transmits light waves just 8 sound waves are carried over the wire by eleotrioity varyinq stature tho different countries of europe vary very greatly in the average stature of their people the bootoh are the tallest five feet ten inohoson a level with the polynoa- ians and the armenian at the elbsf extreme are the southern italians french and spaniards all the shortoat people ex cept the dwarf tribes of africa the verage height in ireland is five feet nine the message of peacic sweet is the message lirnl today ivomorl shall sin and death have sway jesus tho saviour comes to earth angels have sung of his wondrous birth irom heavn he came from that celes tial city with gates of pearl and streets of shining- lie came to savothevathlriigautioc israel hecame to bring the lost ones to his fold hail the redeemer prince of peace surely his kingdom shall increase- by love he conquers love alone by love he brings to j i is side his own fromheavn nbove an angel band quick speeds to cartli to jjulas land thore tells the shepherds in their sonjj that he bas cornc who wns promised long glory to god i angelic hosts are singing glory to god the sons of men reply from star to star celestial ones arc winging- bearing the message from the throne on high fair land of juda blest art thou to prince of thine all kings shall bow ict evry nation bend the knee to him who sets evry captive free he is the kin who lives and reigns forever he is the king whose reign shall never cease hail him today the everlasting father- hail him today the mighty prince of peace when out of practice the following bint to piano players beenrs in the etude when out of practice any length of time begin to practise with entiro relaxation of the mueoles iu fingers wrist and arm work slowly eoftly and lightly each hand alone- and on single tonoff until you beijin to feel a certain conscious power in each finger place the hsnl over five white keys and raise each finger ob high as yon comfortably can then returning to tbe key prebb it all the way down do uot straighten the linger out while ma kin 14 thin movement nor contract the raustes between each one of tbe finger movements raise the wriiit and lower it in tho same bteady way resting the tips of the fingers on the keyp not prrbfiing them down it ie the way yon da this work which will help you any rod tract ion of the muscle ia a- hindrance after going through these exeroiseb for a week three or four times a day cor 10 minutes caoh lime take tho different major aoalofl two or throe octaves each hand alone next tbe arpeggios in differ ent lieypand so until you can play with elasticity and power in accordance with tbo quality of your work which should be painstaking and patiently done will be your results the kaiser as a humorist we went up to tbo kiel yacht clab to see tho presentation of prizes by his majeaty tie was in particularly jolly humor and hia speeobea of presentation were most happily spoken one prize winner a little german officer fully realized tho importance of tho occasion and was the more easily embarrassed whon with oap iu ono band and b word in the other he stood ready to receive his prize a pairof largevaeea at the olobo of tho l k eri ho handed tbe vueea to tbo llttlo officer who hurriedly put cap under one arm sword under the other and received them where upon the kaiser insisted npon shaking hands in congratulation much to the ero- barrabiraeut chagrin and blisa ot the winner and the shouts of laughter f every one else led by his majesty tbe next winner was given a liqueur set and received orders not to drink from all twelve glasses alone outing some difference are there airy good mining locations still open up there returned elondiker i bhpnld say so you can go up tbero and taueyour pick eager enquirer groat scott if i can go and take my choice returned klondiker i didnt say that i said you could take your pick bnt youll have to obo it in somebody elses diggings eagor inquirer oh t chicago tribune tookthe hint just by way of a bint you know i told her alio looked bwcct enoogh to kins woll wellflhesaid that- was- the way-ehe- intonded to look and so prcoiaely ciiicago pant t inches i en a po flve- fetteaven inches in wales germany and don mark five feet six inches spain switzerland northern and central italy five feet four inohes portugal aud south ern italy five feet three inohesrnow york ledger a financier when yoa are nervous and sleepless take hoods sarsaparilla it make tbe nerves strong and glvee refreshing sleep tbe average rate of wages in korea is is cants a day brlgglna makes money by establishing creameries in country towns does lie i thought it was a notorious fact that little creameries dont pay thats it his agent works up a orsamery enterprise id some small town and brigglns goes there the next year bnys np the manhiney for a song and tells it to aome village where they have never had a orsamery obloago tribune only feeding them a wellknown dundee angler who bad been ashing tbe whole day and got nothing bnt nibbles was accosted by one of the keepers who eald are you aware that this water is private and tbat yoa are not allowed to take fish frornit pardon mf replied the angler if in not takhv your fish im feedlo them l his fees mr suburb my neighbor has a big dog tbat were all afraid of what do you advise lawyer get a bigger one two dollars please thank you i try dr lowa pleasant worm syrup if obildren aro troubled with worms it always works well price 25c nevor reply in kind lo a sharp or angry word it ia tho bocoud word that makes tbe quarrel that aobing head can bo inbtantly relieved by taking one of milbnrns sterling headache powders 1 powder co i for 10 ota 10 for 25o soxno oommoutatota m tba every one of the psalma had a distinct dauoe appropriated to it and that it was to tifbdwivpiubia that david danced boforo ihoark persistence curet the most chronic caae of dyspepsia or indigestion will snoanmb to the allhoallng power of dr von stans pineapple tablets what tbia wonderful medioal discovery has done for thousands of proclaimed hopelcbb holplcsa stomach invalids it can do for you quo tablet will relievo aud persistence will onre 85 oonls sold by a t brown the town of bethlehem in pennsyl vania waa named in 1711 by a party of moravians who assembled in a barn where the town is located to celebrate christmas wise doctors ahvick toronto- out deo 0 1808 mrs j dalton 671 king street this oily was for several years a great sufferer from nervousness palpitation of the heart and weakness of the limbs her physolan finally advised her to take hoods raraapaville wblobshedid and it made her strong and well she says there has been no return of her nervous troobleb and that aha is perfectly bared

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