Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 15, 1898, p. 3

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che bank of hamilton hbadofrioa hamilton capital alt paid up si 25oooo0q reserve fund 77800000 rotal assets 1 1 18014400 nearly ton millions ol dollsrs boxrd of john st u4rt pu dirb0toe8 a q hambay the news at home mostly or a looal character and every item intereating santa clnua la coming this it the title of the oantata in pre- psration by the snndsy 8ohoolo st albans church for their christmas enter- talnmont on thursday evening 2nd inal tliecantata i a ver prett sh music being specially atlraollte the entertainment will be given itt tbe town hall b upiiat 8 8 baiettalnmodi for thursday eveolug 22nd deoember tho baptist sunday bbhool baa engaged the rev w 7 scott of toronto to givers pioturetalk the aubioot being the llfthta and shadows of londob illustrated by large limelight plciurea all are invited adnbiasion fifteencents children en our oralaa frttita and flowera tbe subjeot in the baptist x p u on friday evening will beonr grains fruits and flowers rev mr moalpine will give a caper on our native flora and the following from georgetown will alsqriake part misb pringl on froiti aa fobde- mr h m wetberald on eow plants grow and mr t3r earn- gov oh grains as foods speoirneni ol grains and flowers will bo exhibited tbe georgetown baptist choir will furnish tiruricair arerveryeordially invited oolleotion at olbse a yory saoceaafal exhibitor aline hpst b agnew of the dominion hotel baa earned quite a reputation aa a feeder of fat hogs in past years be baa won many first prizes and a number ol sweepstakes and be wis remarkably sacoeesful in the big fat aloe- shows jaat oloied at the provincial fat stock show f brentford be secured three first prison two thirds and one highly commended one prize waa for the heaviest bog in the province the guelph fat stock show last week awarded blm first and second for beat sow aral and sweepstakes for barrow and eeoondfor apeqial the foar bogi were sold at unolpb to mr allison gait tjae imperial penny poatasle stamp the new poatage stamp designed to mark tbe advent of imperial fenny postage has been iasued and aeveral have already- been received by aotonlans on their letters the stampis of the same site as the jubi lee stamps and is designed with a view to making tho extent and solidarity of lbs brllwh empire familar to those who use it it bears a miniature map of the world with the various portions of the empire printed in red the date xmas 18j8 will alwaya remain on tho atamp as a matter of record of the date of isane tbe new atamp will be one of the regular postal issues and may be used whero any two- oent atamp ia required com1no andiooinq miss maggie hooonuell epeul sunday in georgetown mr d d ohristie of guelph was in town on monday mr fred beoord of rookford iii is spending a weekor so in town mr donald modooald bowmanville visited the home of his qoubio mrs alfred 1 031 for 0ur4 per cents aoton haahlati standing with the flnanclare and our four per cent debenturss sell at a substantial premium electric lioh p when tbe eleclrlo lighting bylaw was in preparation the members of tbe oouooll fsltil if t f p osnt debentu proposed to be issued wars sold a paranelt good fortune would be a high- oomplimsnl to aotons superior standing eve a munici pality of itsolaas the bylaw was carried and in doe coarse the debenturss wars pisoed upon the market monday the uth ol december being tbe date axed for thai opening of the tenders at the netting of tbe council oil monday evening the tenders ware opened and the result panel be a gratifying surprise topnr cititeiij ekj waa to the members of the council not only did ths twsnlyysardebenturee which beer interest at only four per cent per annum bring bids at par but aha auooees- fol tenderer pays three and onehalf per oent premium for them tho lenders were except in ona instance remarkably dose in their offers the purchasers are the ontario lifo assuranoe oompsny of waterloo which institution already holde 5000 of our ttve- per cent debentures the sum paid for the mom electric light ing debentnres at tbe above premium is 90310 and the acourtd interest soma 120 additional among tbe causes leading up to antons poiitlon for giltsdged credit are 1 the fact that we have no floating indebtedness nor any arrears in payment of listing debentures and interest 9 our sinking funds are all provided for op to date and the oaab for earns is on deposit in a obartered bank 8 our tares areeonaelly tjollectad and paid over promptlyand almost entirely within thryear for which tbey were levied 4 our position as an extensive manufacturing town makes actons name and credit widely known throughout the country when the electrlo lighting questions were looked into orltloally by the heave and members of the oobnoil after the passage of the bylaw these officials began to awaken to the fact that to install a firstclass outfit for the money voted in the bylaw would be a heroulean task they investigated personally every point at issuatheygoredarithtbi tbe ooit of svery section- of the work undertaken they profited by aha experi ences of other towns and eleolrlolarte and for come time the outcome was one of intensest amlety finally however by jadlaicus investigation and the preotloe of all eoonoiriy consistent with tbe securing of satitfaotory results they were enabled to prepare speolubatlona whiob iseoured tenders for machinery and appliances of firstclass ohsraoter and within the sum voted by the people to aooompliab this there were some sleepless nights bat these will not be considered by tbbm who have worked cut the scheme if the people mani fest any appreciation w ars aiaured that the people of acton do spprtoiate she ardoous work being so well aoooiopliahed and will give manifaautlpb mora generally when the eleotrlo lighting system ia in aacceastul operation weak and run down with heart and kidneys in bad condition rmtorstd by moods sarsaparllla i was vary muoh run down having been sick for several months i had been trying different remedies which did me no good i would have severe spells of chas l nelles bookseller ottelph has an enormous atock of sunday school and prize books at clearance prices that he will forward to schools for selection and pay charges on returns write for particulars pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bollerts 1 83 at 60c- 1 97 at 26c uboroaoit jouh pnooton a t wood a biieb toronto wa gibbon mp jtaunbutjii oasbler h s stb vbn aut cashier h m watson inspector ceohce t agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted andspeclal attention given to the collection rpf saliknotes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at air principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold savlnga departmant depoafti of and upwards received interest ajlowedaf current rates and added to principal every year whether passbook ia brousnt in or not- special deposit receipts issued for large bums p bell agent -geobsetown- -ont- mki ttaii jvte tbb thubsday december 16 1898 uttle local brieflets whloh caught the eyes or bars of freo press reporters this week tho fast pnxss to january 1000 ido for ohriatnaab ia ia the air every where at present have you renewed your sobaorlptlon for 1809 next wednesday will be the shortest dayof 1808 christmas weddings are now being arranged for itho roads are cow broken and tbe alelghlog ii good rsohoole closo for ohilstmaa holidays on thoradty mnd lost the man who writes it xonaa is now abroad in the land poblid examinations will be held io dublin school on friday do you realize that obriatoias arrives a week fronneit sunday actons eleotrlo light four per cent i- debentures have been sold for 1103 do not put off tho shopping you can net as well do loday until next week soma aero weather this week the thermometer registered 8 bolow on tues- dayyy auolph is being overrun with bnrglan tbers have been about a rjozan bqrglariea iliwy- eleotrloian reynolds is wiring the stores on hiu street tbia week for tbe elec- iriougrii- the ooelph advocate says that elec tlons in hslton are aomewhat of a barber- bnsamure santa olaus repretentatlvaa will be bsatsnltod if they make their ohrialmas mlmfionsirly tax oolleoior graham has in earnest talbfprdaliagasnttaxnayers in oor new advsttlsaxntnt oolomn tf gnelph merebsnt laserioualy forcing the teaaon he adtertlsas oholoe new maple ayrop just ifrived i aoton fire brigade announce their drat ball and supper fox monday 20th bfjober in tbe town ball irsdiev b- w holden of eookwood prsaohed very acceptable sermons in tho mfthbdlatobntob laat sunday nowufit ths big storm is over ottlzens lei ns nave the aldevralks and pavements cleared of snow the entire width u v the power house walla are complete andtuerooiison a very few weeks hence the electric onrrenl will be turned on iamsjellng to organize a hockey olub iii h hftlrt in tha tn n lll till nlng all interested are requested to attend teams will be at the postoffloe at 7 bclook monday evening lor those wishing to attend tbe teameeting at crowsons oorbwvo most of the electrlo light poles have bsen pot in and tbo una men are now pntnng nptba wires there will be 0 slabtrio lights on the streets lc4rirp0limseting of aoloti damp worsntot ths world will be held ip in wodroom this evening for election cthor important hoslneu awsnt meeting o milton town oounetss wsts deolded to have bnl one polling place for the monloipal elections this wmr however reaolnded at a meeting ssriwfcv the chrittmaa exatnlnationa in the fubu schooi in all departments will be hsldsrirxvvvednesday afternoon xbe pactnmii the public gensrally will be lawood famine lst wsek yftbert washol a cord to be blbos the roads have ihfarmers are samlng in ljiiijikaa dysuddenly throws ber arm abourosftpaidvw snedjfijokbne is mensly tsking your nwmorv ior somsthinfr she is going to liftrhrisjiiitas- ji il th w lahiallsrrall- iaoavhal siisvjirlsd andosnlaiinlyit is ffiisriaihman sheldon jztiiwtor iadntljl dsllver his lecture fisra amongths oaonlbals wiflfefem ned fcm sthtvrttmozrtaywb a3 local brieflets the big snow and windstorm wbioh coznmonced on sunday afternoon slth iubt oonllnnod with very little abatement until last sunday evening grodtb to tbe county high schools were made at the recent session of the county oouooll las follows oakvllle 17801 georgetown 119248 cpntraotor evans la making improve- ments to the altar at st josephs church it will be extended tbe entire width of the alcove and otherwise improved the abop windows are highly attract iye to the boysand girls now and manyof their aenfors are not above sorotinizlog the mallltude of pretty christmas things the nominations ooming oil christmas day will be but thinly attended only the most ardent monloipal politicians will jaopsrdizo their gbristmaa dlnnera t sopor last week mr d d obrjatle waa elected superin tendent or bhilmera sunday school guelph laet week mr wilton mccarter of erin spent day or two this week a gueai at the home of officer qraliatn mr harry nolan of milwaukee has been the guest of bis sister mrs h 8 holmes the past week r mr will gheyne baa rt covered from his recent attsok of pneumonia and waa able to attend ouorob oh sunday evening mrs j m moore and mrs clarridge of georgetown wore guests atlhehooio of frlnoipalt t moore laat wedneaday the many friends of mr cbas e jonner of johnstown n y- will be pleased to know that ho iirtpldly obnyaleaoing after severe attack of typhoid fever dr g h cook dentiat toronto will not make bia ubual aall at aoton on saturday rlext but will be in hisoflioehero bn saturday 14th inat j councillor john clarke made a tonrof inapection of the bark diatriol in tbe georgian bay peninsula for tbe acton tanning co last week mies minnie holmes returned from model sohool on friday she has been engaged tesober of the publlo sohool no a etqoeaiog near norval -miia-evelydmokeowno- toronto daughter of the late thomab moseown formerly of aoton baa been engaged teaoher of bannookbnrh sohool for next yeaj miee mceeowna return to aoton will be welcomed by her former friends rockwood mrs torrance was robbed of about twenty dollars last week by a stranger wbb on being oaptared returned the money he was taken to quelph jail where he will await hia trial the cantata to be given by the methodist sunday school ll entitled santa olaus land it will be given on friday 23rd inat and a very enjoyable entertainment may be expeoted bev7 a motisoblan m a of aoton preached tho anneal missionary sermon in tno methodist ohsrch on sunday evening his sermon was mnoh eujoyed bev mr holden offiolated in the metbodlat pborofa aoton on sunday bverton attenda nomination rmesara hutoheon and havill moved at the last county council meeting to notify the 0 f r and g t b of several dangerous crossings in the county that need looking after owing to the atorm key h a mao- pberaon oanoelled his engagement to pretch at erin on sunday bev ja moliohlan went over tbe bookwood oirouit but owing to tho drifted toads it was a very trying experienos and a very heavy days work messrs j c wilson co of montr realoontlnue the iaauo of new and attrac tive designs id souvenir pott cords the lateilnovslty is a range of 40 designs of n mprss canadian sp au pastimes their wellknown patriollo oardi and envelopes oontlnna in favor tbey also have a number of deelsns peoollarly suitable for the seasons great ings mr ohas humphries tea merchant waa in acton on bstnrday and lis says that daring the 3ft yelirs that he has been travelling bo never j tared roads drifted worse he optet six times inside of three miles and hsd to- get on t to break the cad this was on the cross road from aston to thai eramosa road ha saya many of the sidelines are drifted level with the feuaesyrousipb mercury complaints i have been mails that in trimming the trees at various points in town for the electric wires to pass through tbe workmen have not trimmed them even ly and with a view to their fntnre well- balapoed appearanoo the authorities expisln that the present trimming is but temporary and in the spring the trees will be put in saliafaotory shape l oakv illes postmaster dead clerk of the town for fortyfive year and postmaster nearly as lonia ounlli deo 19 the death occurred bars laat evening of mr boberl balinar postmaster of this town in his 78th yaatf mr balmor was a native of roxburyshli bootlapd but name to canada early in iii tie woraed lor a time on a farm neif oaktllle and later in a etoro ho wi olorkof ths town for fortyfive years a terxbof servloe seldom equalled in thl or any other obuntry he only resigned a year ago on aooonnt of falling health being aucoesded by mr w b dvls hli term of asrvios as postmaster was almost aa long he having been appointed to thai offloe in 1897 fortypus years ago mr balmer had a large family one of ills danghters married to mr andrew pallqllo mpp died about ihreeyeara ago an- olbs dabghtaryho was nasrried to sheriff wiatvif brantford died si few weeks lines tbeiurviylngdaugbtsrsarsmrsmoqinln wife of commodero yogiffio of the niagara navigation cojatoronlov mrs 3ocranewjflajriri the- late rev dr coollrane ofbraotfqrdaod two unmarried tsmiifjii you oan the disoiples are preparing for four or jive hundred guests at their annual enter tainment on tho 33pd inat tbey intend to give a nuo programme and anpper the bethel church people have their anniversary aervloes next sunday 18th inat and the annual teameeting oti monday evening the approaching wedding la making the dreeamekers buay juat now and la good tor trade generally dame rumor bas it that there will be nearly two hundred guests xt is a nice time for auoh an oooaaion the village aa well as the county looks beautiful with the white snow bordered and dotted ao prettily with tbe evergreens messrs it bryden and r mooutoheoo agents for the blngor sewiug mobiuo wore in the village monday eoughlni that would lew me prortmet i wsui told that nty lang were affected snd my heart and kidneys wars in si bad condition in fact it acemedss though every organ wssqut of order i felt thst something must be done and my brother advised me to try hoods saraaparllla i procured a bottle and began taking it before it waa half gone i felt that it was helping me i continued ita use and it bas made mi a new woman i cannot praise it too highly mas buhatrra- vhjs 917 qsslngton aveuuetoronto ontario get only hoods because hbftdtf sarsaparilla istbebeamnlactuieonotriiellloodpuriber sold ly qlldrugltlati 11 ilz ior a m tarslr tmi riooci 8 hiiis uabls beaabelal ar aarslir vaastabla r new books prepaid to your address the castlo inn weyman 76o the red axe crockett 76o tho days work kipling 766 battle of the strong parker 76o corleone crawford 2 vols 100 if you go to guelph it will pay you tosee our imrnensje stock rijrt v s tha t the week we are making a great rr l and childrens jackets and coats we are determined to make a thoroueh clearance t w taken 83 garmeltssmne of them of the stock we bought at 50c on the x and some of them of our own regular stock and are selling them at half price a discount of 50 per oent f the mostr elegant iacker in the city we take offa straight discount of 25 pen cent chas j nelles fifefefesiy fagili not far away just round the corner the most suitable gifts tiwmfusmi il cloths and napkins unenchterrpleces doylies and sideboard drapes in fine dratyn work ready for any and all festive occasions fortunate the housewife wno finds among her gifts these priceless necessities so dear to her heart tho mother tho daughter the sister bo ypur thoughtfulness can they wish for than the gift of a immekk the husband the father the 8on the brother p- the nobbiest and most useful overcoats fancy cambric shirts stylish tics and scarfs fur coatb caps and la grand lot of keepyouwarm gloves i ii you may select at the lion will show your desire that only tne pastand moat naftfnrnrw wwl nin r- 1 m a circle theres lots of other nice things first choice is surely the best our motto one prioe and that the lowest 25 and 27 wyndham street gtjelph milton lawyeramooraney and boyd havo been appo buditulb fm m thsy will reoieve fes of lib eaob county conrt and general sesaloos were held here on tuesday u f harper of milton branob of tho bank of hamlltoa- has bean pro- sxtotsd to the head offioe at hamilton io ale poaltlon of chief accountant milton went back on mr barber to the extent of 10votes the xtuqx obmoh sunday school will liold their annna entertainment on the evening of thursday doo 29th mr f j boohs a lawyer of toronto who was aoboaed by p e forritt of xvfllverton of forgery and perjury under went trial at milton on friday before m ro a ea and w hdnorably dlaohargod the magistrates found the charge wholly unfounded the oomplalnant waa the man who was oon- tioted of forgery and perjury by judge faloonbrldge at the last assizes and at whoso trial mr eoohe was ths principal orown witnees stop st it i dont imagine for a minute tbat a oongh arnounte to nothing thousands ol people are in their graves to day who let a cough take its bourse stop that cough at onoa with sbilohe ooniumption cure whloh all drogglsu sell at zjiots mots and 1100 a bottls tf itfaila hslpybo your money will be refunded xilgbt is thotaak where many bbare the toll homer the council met promptly at right oclock on monday evening every mem ber waa in bit seas the committee on finauoe preiented i their tw6ntyiebbndreport sod recommend ed payment of accounts as follows geo duis work on powai bona 81 88 pklrlmesa do do 1 00 w bmltb do do 1075 jas stark do do idas johnartburs do do 11 88 john oook do do s 88 wjnoblo do do 9 99 1 a leaj 10 00 ism 11 80 107 so 180 it 00 19 00 8 40 s so 8 m 7 87 9 so sod 7 81 3 t9 so 1138 108 1 13 to juu bar x forbes do do vvygrabam do do a mclean do do v mllla atone and teaming w lelshmon work on power honse jasfliimsr do do b swaokboxhcr work 00 poles tnbabaston tbaodunn jno matthews b bingham thus hard thos brunt w ferrymah aeoradsms hoook do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do w mlaklln work on streeu and poles islahooon work on poles w bematreet do do bbjder do do bi le a hu i c for power boose 19 89 j bbatesfatoneforpowerbonseaeo 69 80 stewart wood glass for power house 7 00 mall printing ooaarortilns i 00 olobeprmtlrig oo do 9 00 h p boors printing to w 79 do speight polling booth 8 00 jltfliatthowawood 4o 9 so bell telephone co aobount 8 0s- 6bldllst lion 0jqiih dont leave your orders for fancy worl till the last week and then expect to get them done for you will bo disappointed the best way is to nake up your mind now what you will make or buy for xmas and cairy it out while the stock is full come and see our stock of taney goods china and glassware b afore buyintj we hive urgo rani of bsthas well as dried fruits and candles c f aooppve co hctdn for example i jacket 25 per cent discount net price 9 00 2 25 6 75 aivir h to say that this completely knocked rki ipetition our jackets are brought straight from w7w t f nake l w without paying the commission which some of our competitors have to pay on their importa- t u nuch cheaper in the first place and with this special discount why a blind person can see the advantage bear this offering in mind as this adv will not appear often pressure of christmas goods demands a aiid visit our store and showrooms duiiuff this week whether or not you are supplied with suitable clothing for the coming cold weather is the question we have to consider during the next ten days we will show some exceedingly good values in ladies childrens and mens clothing ladies note ladles mantles 9300 to viooo ladies mantles special range at 85 od misses coats from 8250 to 8375 k the most complete and natty range of dress goods we have ever shown is on our counters at rock bottom prices gentlemen mena tweed suits 8150 to 81000 mens fine black suits fliooo to 81250 mens fine beaver overcoats black and navy 8750 to 8n 50 3a mvk mm moved by j a murray seoonijad by l franois that the twentyseoond report of the finance committee just read be adopts ed carried ths tenders for the 16000 electrlo light ing debentures were thsn ppsnsd ths several offers boring aa followa 1 andrswtiriramond kingston towa9 00 james 4 uokay toronto aoraoo h obara 0o toronto 8105 00 geo a stlnson a co toronto 6109 00 merchants fire insurance co tor oub 00 wbbrouaetbronto w ontario mutual xlf aaanranoe oo ttfcioojr tj aoiooo in eaoh oaas ths accrued interest was iuaw allowed v j- moved by james clark ssoooded by john clarke that ths tender of tbs ontario life assurance co brtbt slsolrio light dobentursa at 810sj and nooroea inurest be aooepted and that the reevs and treasurer be ntt ars hereby author iaed to oomplats the aalcarried messrs r w d andsrson pnt in tenders for roofing and plaataring power houee moved by john clarke seconded by j a if urray that i e tenders of msesrs- b dr they also relieve dbtma from dyipcpsua jnougertioa and too hearty eating a per- bet remedy for dlirlitesa nausea drowxi tacts badtatteln tlo month coated tohguo pain in the side tomtd tifjl tbey man i iati boe mall trioe substitution tho fraud of tha day 7 see you get carters ask for carters insist arid demand garters little eiyefc pili m- saents vr w d auderaon for robbng and claatericg power hopes be aooeplsdcarried a latter from ths free library board reqoested a ooaj grant for the year of 16 moved by j a morray seooqded by j oiark that the sum of 81800 be paid tbo frse library boord as a bnsl grant tor lmrosrriad connoll ad journed at 080 the members all being in eaoellenl bnmor at ths result of tho debenture tenders and a jnef i eellng of pride in the town thsy represent the cheapest of all things is hindness its eierolae requiring the least possible trouble and aelfsacrlflosffmlth ityil sbilohs consumption cur will allhst curs yonr oopab orjt weul oct ot iht ihsdngiiatitlu tbs xahaijky christmas books fancy 600ds at days bookstore- dressing cases leather writing cases wallets and card cases pocket books glove boxes shaving cases fhqto jf rallies lamps fancy baskets dolls toys toy books- a tine bright line of the newest novelties the store is full of christmas goods prices away down at days bookstore guelph days sella cheap mobx beatjtrftji is art bis tjian nature a vi3ft to our china palace will help you to solve that question our china palace ia crowded with exquisite creations from the potteries of the world we have bun- dreds of pieces that are triumphs of the potters art you are cordially invited to call and exam ine our slock henderson co mill street acton r elplsons announcement go dinner ba b firoar s450 to sasioo ivory sot a bargain see our fancy china before you buy your christmas presents 20000 lbs good dried apples wanted before christmas for which we will pay the highest price noted tea stores and china palace a full stocking with a friend fvoo a tbe top xtflmdu a lbovirfol tljbt cbriat nim iwiiitnstbitio m at nnnt f or tear tolottm if yoo tlitnk of uiuiillli for lomt friandg obrlatoimi atiuimt nothing oabtmon-emsmrt1iiieuitok- in batter taate tad fair gift- beaovalnabu hvrrtfljishkv photoratltst kcton a fascinating study op the intterntipnai sunday ach0lib98q fbblainjsjssiow rbaoy xlafltbd lyaswi impoiitnt notiqe the colebrated indian doctor ibiolmjb whiijci and partner will be at vxagrwvs hotel aoton to the last wed nasrlay ol avwrmoeui tmtnp ajafim rneasnatlaul patisnts idvsa sp as laenimbfs an aansaiauv lnvtled patlaota under asattasntta esrsoj tors sus not snudtsd oousultauoa ires p- marf eat addrsss bbamttobd p o ont nook tioonow puffs ascota bows strings imperials knots from 25o np mufflers new plaid stripe and plain silks alio plain and fanoy cashmeres from doo to f3 eaob oloves xined and nnlined all the newest styles from 60 to 1260 per pair umbmnaat 3oldlipped silvertipped and plain handles from 9o to so each bravbos new plain and fanoy webs all tbslalest frotn 24o to taper pair golond bblrtb just opened 83 dozen new oholoe aptbdate shirts for xmas trade from roc 11 75 f nh handkerohiefaplam anl fsnov also new initialed lovely goods from 25o to f 2 each night 8hirt3 flannelettos plain and fanoy plain and fancy cottonp from 76o to 4160 baob caff links- in the leading btylea from 26o to 94 per pair collars and cnffs new styles for xrnae braces in biparato boxes very special for xmas trade 76o per pair ties in individual boxes very choice complete at 76c csoh conae in and inspect onr stock its tbe most compete that we can get thing usctly aa represented or money oheerfully refunded obliging olerka coorteoua treatment to all cash and one price only every re nelson oaelph merohant tailor antl mens furnisher bisite ndfi 125 7 j wo have just purchased 72 pairs of ladies tan skating boots sites t to d kings make thoy are all rightfor three to six months wear 8 stores neil l the shoe man quelph corner king and hogligoftsts haipilton mme december 1898 nothing that we con aay will so fully sndorse the holiday displays as your constant presence in one department or anothet just now the store je habitually crowded idle momenta belong to the past every helper from this oh will be keenly alivo to tho vary- the snaay daxsle one noveltieaareherefronr almoatevery country and every best tbngcontribisto your eujoyirlerit half a year agowe were calculating for december trade orders went east and west for goods that had io be made to order later we scoured the markets for any good thing that could be found the results of our work nro ns them wise people are buying and putting away to a void the rush the earlier wo can get you to shopping the better for all ins needs ol chrlstmaa el ill you concerned heres some things that are in big demand ratrcraooos p hit e e ss s s s t s e s as t s ss sela trays leo to lotlslifs 1 new style front trlmniod witli 8 talla rmskcrton hewalaaksj boble caperlnea long front and etorm collar alaska sabls capnln twelvo inobes deep kisstiierdeal ooperlne klmtrlo byju conerlns trimmed with eight tails astroehan oaparlns ner drxssdoovs 41- ifonwi s -s-b- blssaotoljeea bhks the latest norlue anypriee to suit yourjibia sooito rptolat line of btriiiedtsrslm rsgutar 61o special oolorad satla afarvellleux new shades regular 1 aueclal maw black bsuns vary special nab twsmslrgnlar loo now nabtwesdaracularooo now aon tweede regular tbo now noh allwool navy ooatlng serge talar t5e now lk too dow and oolors sa lnclifa wide b3e to jblnobes wfo anrass goods elaarlng at nearly halt pries ner to ehooss a soluble christinas present jico s50o 1300 ios0 uso 00 os 2m hi m- kgssssatks

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