t n i flu ail tin jicc v ci ffi fb 3ittmi jm psa xb published every thursday morning i 1 l thb i free presbsteam printing oihcq uuli aotononj tmbmh qv buduobiption one dollaarper yoar triottyln tlnubd whontho time for which tbtjybavo boon paid has expired tho date to which ovory subscription is paid f doootod on tbo addross labpl adtbbtiaina rates transient advertise ments 20 dents per nonparoll line fpr first in- eruonysiaftttper line tbrjcaeb sabsoeuent uiortion contract itatks tho folldwing tawo shows ur ratea for tho insertion of advortieirfcntsfor bpaolfled periods jy christmas pooks fancy goods at days bookstore arltartliomehts without apeoeflb dlrootlona will be inserted till forbid ana ehargod aooord- ngnr 3ranaietit adverclaemeote mast be paid naaranoo advertisem6cawrhbo ohaogod onoo oaoh month 1 desired for obanftos oftonor than anoe a month tho composition moat bo paid for at fegulai ratea chancres for aootraot advorlsomcntb maat bo n tho ollloo by noon on tuosdayn acobnhla riyblb ihofalhly i f 11 i hpmoore 4j siftufr and proprietor iisitiebahbherlotirr medical dressing gases loather writing cases wallets and card cases pocket books glove boxes shaving cases photo frames qcj lamps fancy baskets- dolls toys toy books a fine bright line of the newest novelties the store is full of christmas goods prices away down at i ii j rv l ii n j i days bookstore guelph dayspfilisphep traders capital authorized capital paid up u duelpli krapch tohn m macdonald mdcm auccesson to j f tjren m i o m ouleo arid reatdonce corner hill frederick btrootsaotbn tr 1vj r forster iiirn ufccjissitof tti db a b elxdott lata rasldenbpbysioian andsargood to vic- n hospital lor sick children toronto ofkcfi mill btroot lately occupied by dr jrxpn ereabanoatanp npsq uoleda elaok douglas t near p i r votnffilph orrio hooiuhio ajn tblpmjauds to 6 pirn a io am totpm a pxjttaz iu be nnett iad8 den tistv ottoiutttowlf htibio ij j p coghxanidslds dentist w0p cavbbrpllv iqisj frioes uopkrate oinqie vf browns dnuo broab hoouji etobvdat fbom 0 to 8 f j tjbkxist tiottoaottaimitk o tohonto tjnrvbhstt ivorknaadosatufaotoit prices moderate vibittno days monday afternoon carnp- biiniilletajba4ay aotpn omco01wk hotou frfdiyrcoitwqod i ik cor cclloeow ami sjiadlna a aviuvjolt aouiaontlo orat and ttlrd botur- dayidleatquxnonth oriotiljt adam- cook a reldii main bbmati jfffeap ileijjamciah- barrlturistlloltor nourioiotjnyoyauoora prfbttoaaltoioarii r bfaoaown tiallaotoni- wi a mo f bm fc- moli- vtjluokinnon babri0trd bollblton gohvutamcbn orjiobmlll stroot la matthews block opatalra vj fjj jb moleod umiusteh soliciron coatslamoiii main btroot aoor8orn monortbloanatlowoatoarroiitratos ijniiiii vnw i j slonabb olerk fourth dlvlalon oonrt ooanty of hal- odgonreyaxiaaragantfireaodljlreaaaoranoo usatlkatavtaagant monoytoloaneu orflcbiiporrynlanabloojc aoto idtscklaanso us m enby qbj8x ottawa oahada boiioltor ot fatenta for invantioo oto ipreiiareat appacailona for the oaoadlah amor- joan and eofopoan paton toffliiea avrd lor tho ksasauon ol trade marka band tor pam- phtot imlrtttwo yoara exporlenoo e1banois npnan bookbindbb wyndbamst i qbolphl ontario aeoount booka ot all lnd made to oraor perlodlealaof erorydeaeriptlonoarefnllybonnd unupfnwpromijt4oae jt 1 m abbtage lloijnbbs flpfmopbb y y ilftifjpw uauiaob lironbbi private oioee no wltnasaoa reqplred jaabod reiidenea in the evening v froo proaa ones acton w rw bbmslblb3 tmymidiqoebi atonwmwirbniptlya- ndwditffswdooeato v it- also money to loan on she l moist f nmitnd as iif- f jatorblo the lowoel ratea of intoraamn aumiof 00and pwarda a in8d11ah0b on oaavaild uotoal plan any ooinmnnloauona forwarded to nay a 1 akwda ol jlrfaomi sristtal m v 7l aemrroi l ne a alaonl voiwiir i i w barber bros paper makee8 georgetown ont mils a bpaoultt qjt machine finisiibilcbiokj apsrs and high grade weekly news t iu t i lino i tho paper nsed in this journal is from tho above mills wmbajbee bios speight brady manufacturers of wo re nov issulna money orders payablo at par at any branch of cliarttirod batik in canada eyooptlrjstbio yukon district at tlio following rates uudor 10 flcontb jotoi20 v 10 cents 20to a0 lacents- 30 to w llconts jul bffi df ephnti tnpwari ntorott allowed from date ot doposlt to date or withdrawal apd paid or compoundod half ysarly advancoo niaddto robpniifilblb farinertj on tiholr ovu nanios at yig lowest current ratos ifobbargo piada for collootlng bales notoo if payablo in ouolpb a goo oral banking buoiuobh tratisactod tns i ft wdafea t manager lifiqleafns arid jqitetetfts good as we now how to buy and that means od as cap b found v wherfj m y j rices as little as fvf repairing oftiy ijpno xf- cofetfrifi ont livers jiiuvi ii takd-ri-n- jl bu line the nndersisned reapootf ally boliolts the patron aooftbjgqpjvrtanipnn4wrjfttliat i well equipped and stylish rigs oan al waybeseourd at bis stables a eommrtable bns meotwl trains between 0 a m and 818 pm orofalattentlonglventooveryorder the wants of oommorolal trarel- lere f ally met i jdhnwjlbiims- boots and shoes made to order arid repaired george stovel practical shoemaker has opened ahojn teprriilsa jftfety occupied by wh adams tolior he has had large experience in city work and is consequently able to 611 nil orders in ihe neatest possible manner fine turned work arid rjatchjng rociyo i attention orders filled on shortest notice f call or send you order t6 cor mill and main streets acton n nobby 3it for falu and wintr tub tkllaobw now hyeinfiirat ftj k- nomiyfsuli for fall nd winter as we hive just opened up a fine selection of imported tweeds serges and worsteds and are prepared to take your order at rfght prices fit and workmanship guaranteed first- olass and upto date ilirii l 1 i i overcoatihrfb a good rangeflf fariovwdalillgs call and inspect our slock before leaving your order t coopbb akinb main st r aqtftn- it 1 i i i l 1 latest and best designs of ttfto ttxjwwt s 20 to 30 per pent reduction jh hamilt1sr proehltofl granite marble works gubtlptt is the only direct iniportef of marble and granite west of toronto and north oi hamilton come and see tho largeatand best mported stock in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite iotaat auuf wotkmbamiltoirsbfocjc tfjtipiiwoavtfw i- ouelffhi v- j 9yo ont branch wcrjtsnfivbijbhutt ont 35c sqr yard andj am thfil ljyi9r prices up to roo special department for these goods with excellent light entrances st oeorgob sqr and wyndham sft t mmbondco acomlre and j d mokqo tho drafiffiflt ban oponad ont for yoar inspeatlon bis flno assortment of xmos goods oomprlaing ibjbtes hymnals fan parioj dolls wrltiok doavs i worlboxoa icy hooka boboolbpxoa fancy stationary glovoboxes xtnas cards koroblofboxoa xmaicalondarn collarboxes mouth organs workbaskets and other snob articles too numerous to mentltn we have also the popular annuals lsfwitny we have opened ont our otaoiao assortment of xmss perfuraoa from all the loadlog porta mors on both continents suoh as roger oalotte gir stack is now open for you to ehoosa fro an 1 we are pleased to showfioodtwhethor ytou porobsso or not oarfanoy xtuas books worn imported direct from new york city and tho prices wo are quoting will astonish you i j 6 ajp actoir bring your cuatomlogs in and take the lumber home wiith you lumber planing iv1ills nassakavveya p sayees proprietor has constantly on hand a full line oi lumber lath shlnglea cedar pouts wood etc eustom and bill smff cut to order on hort notice plailhg and matching dbndto the best oi satisfaction prices very cheap and made 6 suit the customers pocket p sayers at the immchso variety of suitable 1 goods for christmas pre3enuot waters bros new store next pb i notes novelties new prices i see our windows warjirijrtsc c st jumxfya mamur age of a draetleal eonrea of initroo- i man at the lie- y m nif 1 tan iiiliiiiiiflii ifitir nt iff we hitch the dollar to a bigger toad than it ever drew before our entire btock of isfthoor she coald dfeara of faappier fmei in peace for a little odtslde the streets were gay witli pisb- inftalffibw while guodhiimored pedestriano hrntdpa eteady tramp beneath tho wjn- dowv it was a gloriont obrlitraas eye with tiogllng air and flooding moonlight all the world was glad tonkbt it was the nlfht of peace and rood will then bame the sound of an organ muffled by distance yet npmethirig in the elaalve lisrmony untight kalherinev ear she sat erect wearily pufliinr the soft hair back from her foreheo1 and looked toward the window it came brajo bearing a burden qf song the chofr of all riainta must be rehearsing the ghriatmnii musio bo tljey hadsnng a year before and he and she had listened how oddly ho had look ed down upon her her heart gave a qtiiokenoi throb at the memory she onjssed the room mpnlsiyely and tjbrow optho sibu with tlxe criap cold swept ua strain of appraliog sweetness sirsnge bho could not ue dooeived she wopld remember that aonn through all the itbtfedliiiptbofnrtrniittg tears sht oloted the window absrply and harried tint into the lighted hall all her womanly christmas vellh i hoard tlio bolls on christina day tholr old familiar carols play and wild and sweet tlie words ropeat of poacoon sarthgood will to meul and tliouflbt how as the day had como tho bolf riss of all christendom s had rolled along tlio unbroken song of peace on earth good will to men 1 till ringing didglogon tho way tho world revolves f nig to day atoico a cnimo of poado on earth goodwill to men t but in detpajr i bowed my hoad tboro la no poaoe on earth i said per hato is strong and mocks tho song of poaee on earth good will to meet tfaon peeled tho bells more loud and deep qod is not dead nor doth bo sleep tbo wrong shall fall tbs right provatl willi poaco on oartb goodwill to rata i stttett jfamili junditiy a belated gift- 11v uartoh oickimaotf the portieres dropped back into their aocustomed folds shotting the ray little jgroup from sight but not from hearing there was a babble of cbildlib voloea high pitched with eioltement beaiaglog the patient mother with qpaatlona rejardiog tho chrlatmis myaterlea as ahe land them up ihe stain katherino leeds listened with a hairwialfal smile her eyes hnker- ing on the aookiugs of varying length hanftinit at each side of the firepfaefl her brotheriulaw listened also behind his evening paper hfa- thoqghta revarling to aandry knobby paroels oonoeaied in the cloak c l ma j wuutl uasluu prices buyers stock complete wtniotnein bnrn roldnlrnl oil in marking up prjees pro- parlnd oraaaleourpricesgo scoot- infi down the toboggan ilide of genuine low and reasonable prices boots anc shoes acton badk there was muuh to do and- oaatom bad uol yet blqnled the edge of his pleasure in playing tho pt of sauta olaue there oamo the patter 6f feet in he ball and the curtains were parted again frani- imi the sweet faoe ot small evelyn the father tried to frown but the child did not look at him o auntie p ahe piped wont wo have the boautifuleil outislmas weve over bad i and the bright eyts look ed op at tbe slender figure that moved to meet her lo oonsdsut eipeotanoy katharine bent and itlsaed lbs ehild we wllltry to make i so dear aha said softly with an odd oatoh in her voloe now hurry for sauta clans mnal dot be kept waiting she followed her little nieoe into ibe hall and after the obild bad disappeared pelt ed on to the triualo room the lialfllght was gralefnl after the flicker of leaping flames in the library gratei the air was sweet ititb the breath of the violits she had left a pen the plaoo that sflernoon bitting down npon ibe stool she bowed her head npon the rack and closed ber ayes th baaiutolsohriatwtjfo pie coorid little langh now tbrt jaofiajimrbttl lb his paper and wary would nol be dowa fdr a pride rrjuaedfn indidarion at ber weak ness wuat had it been but a pleaeant frleudabip and friendships lapse majty wifl aoon be dowd now she eaid oareieealy as she pafaed hor hrolber-in- law and sank into a low eeat beforo tbo are xook jaok volyn has pinned a stocking 10 the toe of babys book teat bo ehonld fail of hie share she laughed soltly ahe was herself again bless her heart i ill get the things together how which stocking is youre i kathlet a sharp p9al of tbe bell startled them and n silence they waited during a hurried oolloqoy at tho door for mils leeds the servant said entering with a small flat parol katharine hold out her band my gbrfatmarirbrginninglreadjvtrbo raid gayly i really must peep inside i do not reoogoize the writing scanning tbo address with o puiiaied wrinkle between her delicate brows jubfc a peep jack said grndgingly play fair now kathle heres my knife you are ouriods yourself ahe rotorted oh yon might asfwcu go a little farther anybody oan ecei is a book buwhabpok ii iviolataud white and old flofhltig buv potjty tharvank ao a dreaai anasuo drew off the llbsue within ob wlauioklndrkwngotmptitb bho didnot offer ioloooh tbo book bat sat gailog at the title with faeolnatej eyes ijffiskj iw ilaiia jaok tobkl tbo t little volume ihe had not notleedhetlczoit merit auv pardon met i dropped ihe oarov she oogjd not tnru to look though it lay tape up npon the rag but waited in atill extaotanoy for japks next word ho glanped al the oard oarelesaly ausha etoopj ed to replaoe it iben turned surprleedeyeaj oronnar llliowiandcarewlherjaoulated why i iopjpnstl ijo slarnmerocv and grew warmflnilrjg himtelf olqmaily stombllng on onkoowu ground jlaros mary ho said with evident relief now for the btookingj kalhelnotoae quietly to meet her slater i have received a gift already abo said steadily arid jfsok and i have been peep- ing atrdarev has sent mo a book ilio miile wamtu looked brightly from onibiflthar qant i trust yon two she aekad wtiat ohildreu yog aro still withiyowveplrik rowland qaraw al waya does oharmlog tbingi me ajjlikeliliy as if a gilt from flow land 0rw was aoevery day affair she did bbl kyoid the gsssof ber younger slaerbomomvfrsnk1y and katherine bletttsd btrio herllteart wjwrwidnlghl before tbe limp lenebtocingead taken on a knobby dii- tortsvr usjrwf ti ed below witli- tnnob muflleirl laughter and elaborate seareoy tho gifts for the idsre were eronggled into place and the work was done as jack oarefally bovsrrd the glowing robsrs of the dying flro the balj olook straoktbehoor of twelve and withoat the air was roaopant with aolamorol bells domin ated by ho deep tone of all bainls brssou totigue alary laid her jheek an iustanj agllblt ber talj youg lielera shoulder a bnppy obristmaa my kitberlno whispered it could not bo otherwise wltb yon my molly and katherine dropped one of iter rare hisses on the others oheek hallway to the door she looked back mary was following her with her oyes tbe younger hesitated tberi returned swiftly i suppose i rnabt acknowledge r oarewa gift soon she asked- half questibuingly oertainly with great deoielon and if you should write today please send onr christmas greeting today that is a little prcolpate katherine communed with ber- reflection in the mirror aa aba took the ahell pins from ber hair she looked at heraelf half- ahyly bb if afraldof what abe abonld read in her doubles eyes and yet that would bimpiy friendly and quite inaooord with the present terms of onr acqoaintanoe bow foolibh i am to be dlaturtied by this gift it is only one of ilia pleaeant thoughts a mere courtesy in view of our old friendship it was odd that bo ahoqid nave otioaen jost that book abe mueed after tbe light waa turne out and thereyes of the refleo- tion couldno longer talk baoki half an hour later she wrapped her soft dressinggown about her and lighted the gas half impatiently i moat write that note at once she oomplained or i shall not be ableto bleep to have a weak will and a lack of proper pride iu combination against me id too humiliating it is a trlfla btiff and formal she aaid orltically when the note waa llnished hut it must do she held tbe sealed envelope in htr band an instant aa if loth to let it go i will pot it on the ball table beforo i am tompted to tear it np and with light eteps she stole through the quiet- house to look herself in with a deter mined click when bererrand waa booomp- llbhed in tho grey dawn thore oamo a battering omnipalieot liet by nor door sad gleelol shouts of merry christmas 1- were mingled with urgent demands for haste when she reached thulowsr hallrsoorted by a trio of small adorers a swift glance told ber that the table was empty with a balftmile at her irresolution of the plght ahe hurried into the library to share the pbildrons delight one gift only was laid aside nulil a more oonvenisnt season bho would not even look betweei the covers the voiocb of little ohlldren read by a rloh fall contralto in a quaint old oarol greeted rowland oarew as the door opened to adroit him i would like to eeo miss xeeds for a few mornents if it is not too early he aid to tbe impassive servant remember ing that tan oolock on obristmas morning was not a conventional oallinn hour ho pabed impatiently np and down tbe recep tion room when left alone his sensitive face betraying both doubt and hope at the soond of footsteps he threw back his broad ahonlders- and turned to imeet the maid with his aoouetomed oontrol miab leeds will bee yon in the niueio room sir waa tbemessago on tbe way he encoun tered bury marshalling her flook up the stairs- i mnst get tbem ready for ohurob she said in excuss of her depar ture ho mado soma pnlle irrwin h t this late day she eohood had he cocne to make merry 6ver what she how joooaidered ber inexcusable haste ob nol there must be florae horrible miatakn t ido not understand she continued with added formality surety ayear la too long to remember so small a gift he answered gravely rile looked bevond him i do not know itowbat 500 refer my note was in aoknpwledgraentof tho book received last night jfjftbt niflbtl ho echoed in turn i sent no may t see this book ijartainly she turned and indioateti the volnmewith a alinlit gesture ho stood without offering to touohit a strange expression growing in bla eyes there is something strange in this said below bis breath that book was sent to you a j ear ago and yet yon say it is boc just received last evening myoardwabinit yee it fell out when the wrsppiug was removed have you looked into tho book there was suppressed excitempnt in his tonos bho moved o step away not yet bhe said hiaitatinqly trio re has been bo little time may i open it he looked at hor in away ehe coald not understand surely sbfi forced herself to ay but her voice waa so low that he oould hardly hear ae be opened tbe volame bomething unexpected caugbt his eye here is a note for whioh lam not responsible ha aid holding a folded paper toward her please read it it may solve this riddle 1 she took it half unwillingly gratefully cooiaciooa that he turned away aa she read there was a moments silence at length -ido-notubdsrsivmnd-even-nowi-shs- faltered why ihould your sister keep tbia from me solong only to send it now myrnbtbtt3tr loolringway wo didnt liavo muohr of a ohrlstmajr my papa and hello and uio for mammad gone out to tho prison to trim up tbo poor prlpners troo and etholmy big grown up slstqr waa dowiiat tbosylum allday to bolp at tbo treat turkoy din nor andtoaoli ganjoafortho orphans toplay bho bolongs to a club of young ladles with a beautiful objlok tboy say tls to go among poor lonoaomo children and make all tliolr sad hearts more gay ajxifj auutlo you dont know uiyauntlo bbobinyown poiashausiater kato bhawaa bligod to bo round at tbo obapol till twasob boinetblngdroadfuily lato forahopltloa the poor wornout onrato hts bnrdonaabeiiys rroatt from her for a breathless interval when he spoke there was a change in his voioo when frances oven it is a love that brooks no ehtrlug it waa to her- that i inlrnated the book and she has been false to the charge thi is her tardy repent ance what a fool i btave been to lake silence us my anawecl yet receiving no sign from you what oould i think bow could i dream but let ua not speak of this now he nrned upon her abruptly and hir eye spoke his meaning before the lardy words this is no mere remembrance from me kilherlne it carried with it my beari he laid the open book in her hands the dear remembered words made jlqqbflpjlby interlining greeted her eyta i aoogiaeeotlii uowdpilovothoo uotmo count tho ways i love tbea to the doptli and broadth and height my aoul can roaob i love thoo with tbobroatb bmlles tears of all my life and if qod ohooaa she did not need to red she knew that mesa an by heart as it was then so ills now so it will ever bet and rowland oarew looked at her with tbe truth of bis words shining in ml face it was tho other katherine she who had year the hardly knew what he was keenly con salons that on the other side of the heavy oar tains katherine lords was wailing would the silence of the last yetr be now explained what was the meaning of the oool little note of conventional acknowledg ment nhiah he had just reoeiyed in another naoment they wore faoe lo face katherine stood leaning against the piano braaing herself desparately to hide the nervous tramor whioh had asiasd her but he gaw nothing of her dibqolat to hip eyes here stood the woman bt loved in all heir flraolous cuguitv but with au added womanliness she held out her band frankly lo meetis grasp looking at him with a dlreot friendly ylanoe hb fait a sudden sense of loss here was the same pure flower faoe the same sweet carve of thp lips but the expression or the eyes had changed bhe was withdrawing her hpd she was speaking he mail remsoiber bis errand whioh was his only eioaie for this intrusion npacdon mo mis lsede he said abruptly but in my surprise at receiving your bote i oamo at onoe to ask why at this late day you sboold oomlder it naosassry- to aokuowledga my little gift now that it was spokeji his question listened to the obristmaa in a si o a before who gave her bands into his t have loved you through all silence said she limply 1 from all saints tbe tnusio of the holy obristrnjastlds came to meet thorn and the joy of the beautifuest obristmas was in their hearts origin of qlftmakinq tbe onitom of hlvinr ohrlstmas presents is aaid to have originated id spain daring hs reveli of christum eve when the imothi and bazaars wero thrown wide open the madcap revelers were accustomed to going from booth to booth purchasing snob articles at struck their fancy and in the high oartiival whioh followed these purobasea wars exobauged indiscriminate ly the opportunity tbas afforded of exchanging secret love tokens gave rise to a greater dianriminmion in the presentb selected and is the earliest rooord christmas preaenta exchange af rrry christmas itserry christmas merry christmas i slngeth throiirb tho crowded street how ttrlnos up from the pavement trod by busy sagor feet eaoh to saob the bright eonuslon paaass as tbsy swiftly move arms so fall of precious bundles ilsarts so full of happy love i merry obristmaa i merry christmas gayly peal tho festive bells r- swiftly back tbe echo flashing all tbe earth with miuio swells lalluo enowblrda boppldg blttholy clilrpineoauoyof jojr chattering with whtrliog snowflakes dancing from the fruty sky merry obristmaa t merry christmas i shout tbe evergreen and pine and replying sing tbslr comrades now bedecked in splendor auo with the toys all ranged about them gay with lights the honored are as depot for diar santa and his heavyladen oar ota this dear om merry christmas i ya there evsr anob s time qladdsst poets oft despairing fall to give tbss qttjng rhyuio better speak these merry children nosaplng rushing through the ball aierrj merry worry chrfstmas vuto you and unto all r bo alio ranges tho flovrora and tbo rausla and ho goon homo round by our gate i should tbipk this way would bo tho loosest jjut thou isupposo ho kuonru boat aunt kato nays ho iutoaos roost bplendld and bu namo is vano algernon wost iy papa had bought a big turkey and had itaont homo ohrlstmas ova buttboro wasnt a aoul horo to cook it you seo bridget had throatonod to leave if sbo couldnt go off with hor oonain illo doeantllke hor one bit v sbosays ahq bolongi to a union and tho union wout let her submit bo wo ato brijad and milk for our dinner and some raisins and candy and tbon itoaoand md wont downstairs to tho pantry to look at tbo turkey again iaptt said lio woud tako us ont rldlns tbon ho tbouaht that be didnt qulto dare for itoslod gwold and kept cougbing there was dauipnoas aud chills in tbo air ob tbo day was so long aud so lonusbmo and bnr papa waa lonoaomo as wo and tho parlor was dreary no sunshino aud all tho bwoot rosea tbo tea and the rod ouoa aud forns aud carnations that imvo made our bay window so bright mrtmmad plckod for tho men at tbo prlaou to mabo tbolr bad lioarts puro and right and we all sat up oloso to tbo window koflo and uio on our papas two kuoos and wo counted tbe dear littlo birdies that woro hopping about on tbo trees lloelo wanted to bo ft brown sparrow but i thought i would rather by far bo a robin that flya away winters whoro tho sunshino and gay blossoms aro and papa wished bowoa a jail bird cause bo thought that tboy fared tbo boot bat wo aro all glad wo wernt turkey for then wod boenkillod with tho rest thatnlghti put into my prayers uoar dpdwova boon lonely today or mamma aunt eihol and liridgot every ono of tborn all went away wont you plsaso naakoa cinb or aocloty fore its time for next obrutmas tobe lo take earbof phllanterpistsfariillob like papa and iloslo and mo and i think that my papas grown pioub for ho listened aaitill as a mouso uu i got to amen ruhon bo aald it bolt soundodall ofortho bouao jiuia wakott a christmas story wiiittkn von tun jruei inksa great was tbe sarprieo of the servtiute at the manor house of a quiet little country viltagtj wheii two days before christman packere upon package arrived aadwasaeut to tho masters private room mf soawortli tho sinira intended to give tlie villaka grand christmas celebration but he imd a mora important plan iu flow which was to help all the poor people in tho villago sedrotty tho pmckukqti uontaiued preaenta for all olassea while the last one enoloaed a false faco havitim white hair and whiakorp and also a gray coat and a large slack then tho nuid servants were more surprised than ever ou bearing hammering going on in thoetable in this building a large sleigh waa being generally improved to ono bide a quantity of great snowy white roge were profusely spattered about for ir beaworth intended to have bis son ot sixteen yeara pay santa olarts as christmas eve came on tho sleigh was loaded and n pair of big white horses having fatso mane and antlers were hitched to tho bledge and as twelve oolock at night atruak they started the first house reached was the home of a poor widow with three children aiooso window wsb found and a quantity of good things were quietly put in tho room tbe name of the person to whom tbo present belonged being on eaoti parcel 3his mode of bestowing tbe gifts was tiontinood all through the town at some places money was left at others olothes just sub harry mr flea wprlhe son thought was book needed at last the prose nu were all distributed and harry had started home whod as he was passing a tavern the blue boar a party of men stepped out and watohed him ont of light this was the only time he was seen during the night tfext day christmas nothing was talk- ed of except tho oaystcrious santa olsus who had vial ted tho town tlio placo aeemed to faave awakened from a sleep the ohildreu played with their books and toys the elder ones bad on their presents ot warm now olbthing and nobody seemed able to say enough in praise of the liberal santa glaus wr saaworth ohaokled to himself at his party hold on christinas afternoon at hfs bone wheu tho people praised santa oihuw if they wero rurprlsed before they were moro so now about the great abundance of good thlbgri whioh were lavlshod upon tbem the oldest villager said that in all their lives aud lu all he christmas tales of that old english village thore never was ono described so delikbtfal a day as when santa glaus and bis reindeer distributed their jilts and mr sen worth gave his bounteous christmas party w j u drown m albany avo toronto ont ago 13 year oan recommend it mr isnoa bron- berry taaoirora writes i am pleased to say that dr thorn m eoleotrio oil la all that you claim it to be as wo have been d sing it fur years both internally and extern si ly and have always received bensht front vila use it is our family medicine and i lake great pie is are in recommending it w aimi