used her hands von did uot utopin at tbjs drur store as i requested you tjeryl moutakueii voico rang out olear and cold aa for montague her hustond hodum himself up to bis full height no i ho answerad baatfly have i not riven my word that 1 would never do any- thiutt to bring the blush to your dwelt ft- 7 n e tolephooo for your complexion and teloee drufiribt to send it op now the woman covered bor faoo wltb her hands and wept for her hands were better thuu nothing tiimflf- m i3s9 asadroam ttbesn night is done ab a auadoiv floon tho bud ai a bliip wumeulto lalls akiin oyer the hoarliou dim as a wo coonpleto of daya vanlshetb f mra mortal ways asahoiiotsaitaialee tofoar ibthodjloatol tlio year it seems suobt a short tlms aloce wo urawarajtblcooiloii t yn h en radio cured m not worth jpiriiuratteiition to you say perhaps you have had it for weeks- its annoying because you r have a constant desire to jj cough it annoys you tab because you- remember thatem weak lunes 13 a family foiling f at flrsrit is a slight cougfi at lost it 13 a hemorrhage at first it is easy to cure at last extremely difficult quickly conquers your little sacking cough there is no doubt about the cure now doubt comes from neglect for over half a century ayers cherry pectoral has been curing colds and coughs- and preventing consumption it cures consumption also if taken in time u9fmmrvnci ocn rii mis u m twn- stuhwaeodyoaa book on thlt aubtact rmr oav jafatooaf dfmrimaata it yon bar any omplalataia ever and dotlro tbo best meajealbbsj 1808 wltb plsaaanl greetings and abundant good wishes and now we have aoarosly had time to become acquainted with it eie weare oalled upon to witness ita departure and to sreet its laocesser which in its turn pan sway with like celerity that man must barely be of a strange and rtokless oast of cnlod who can see the old year gilds away slchoot aolemn thoughts and searching inlroopeotions what bright hopes we had twelve months ajo bownoarnestiy fdermiuedibat 1898 should bo tbebeatlyear of our uvea lull 61 tbefrult of rarnasit endeavors bright with thofruitlon ol rinbreaolves but what about the foal laiiaa how many o those hopes have boom realized how many of tboae resolutions not broken had we the power as wa haayo the volition lb erase froovtbe record oitln twelve months psat all that we knovw to be unworthy all that fallk short of thes beat that jn na lies how hiaqy sad aoousting blanks there would be i are we belter or worse than wo wore twelve months slid have we now higher ideals purer oonoeptiona of doty aud privilege a keen ar aense ot responsibility less of selnshnesas and wrong desiro or is the reverse tabi case with ns of one thing we may reit sseured we bavo not been marking tlirae there is no aucb thing as standing still in the formation of our obaraotor add tfas working out of our destiny advancement there most be er rotrogremlonihen ire1jjsjfjny6foi realize that we hate uot gone forward then most barely we have reoeded and the time la shortl time bastes hot at the call neither does it stay at tbe entreaty for anj 9o of man and how swiftly and rasieslltasjy it is parrying every one of nt somewhither- and every year as one grows older the whirling foroe and rush of time see ns swifter a year now itisnow itisgaoo 1 id youth they eeech sometimes to move along with laggard steps but as w grow older tbey appeur to tpeedby with etveta accelerating rapidity till at last it seerins aa if- wo can scarcaly keep count of tbin as they rash along ah i these cbanailqfz onstopping resistless years i what tabonithte should oqriie over as what holy rasolatlons what high resolves what oolile asniraiiqusslinnid- move ns as vcre atsdd here with the memory of th put npon us on this threshold of the new- year that it may bea happy and prosperous- year to every one of our reade rata onr earneat hope and sincere desire mljt qctoti jfrb 1xtz thursday december 20 1808 sire oung jfolhs savidalife erysipelas and impure blood were doing their deadly work the nfw y lltuo now tear little new year born id tbe winter weather i am youngllke you audband iu band we will journey on together littlo now year little now year by trying every day i t hnpe fry ho gnfwi nompany until you go away mary f b 1b willow iaone of the most adaptable of plants a willow switch stuck la tbe wet sand will almost invariably take root rigolar notion of tho bowels is necessary to italth laxaliver pilla are the beat aocational oatnartlo for family or general nse price 25o any druggist- tho united states and germany are tbe only two great powers in tbe world that have no postal savings banks is the baby top thin does he increase tpo slowr- ly in weight vre you in constant fear he will be ill then give him more flesh give him more pp vyer to resist disease he certainly needs a fatforming fopd scotts emulsion is just that food it will make the babyplurnp u increissbthjb weight bring color to the cheeks and prosperity to the wkole body thin childrera taketb it as naturally as they do to their milk 5c and f ioo nil drugglbta scott dcoownb cheniuie tptonts when english soldiers are on tbe roarota and billeted opon pnblioans only thrso halfpence per man is allowed for iheif breakfast hagyords yellow oil cures sll pain in man or beast for sprains outs braises calicos lumps swellings inflammation rhoomatlsra and neuralgia it is a speolao painbs oelbcry qompoinsd gives mus- oallaohee anewijbase op ijrb- 1 was trbnbled with earaoho for a long time apd could get uo case until i tried hegyards fellow 011 whiuh mads u oomplote euro aiibs anna chapman bonth river ont to if yon aroa gentleman you will not have to advartino the faot airetollthblffl6rt xowirvortir byrup the best modloino to oxpel worm a obildren liho it worm dont before marriago every man haa a theory about roftnnking wife bat after marriage he finds that itu a oondiiion and not a theory that confrouta him anengilieer8 lilicuroattsiu mr david weekp of owon sound out engineer onahfi owerv bound bretuob of tbe o p r writea three boxes of milhurnu hheuratio pilla cured me of rheumatic patina in my shoulder from wbiuh i s u do rod for eomo years thoy also onrud ray wife ot itbeamatiam- of bcventeen yearabtindinh price 50o all dealer a if yon aro a viotimto sleep let tbe baby eat oraqkers id bed pain and weakness banished through f ho use off mllburita heart and nerve pilli 1v srtd to think that so many vromen buffer from pain weak spells heart palpitation sinking sensations nervousness sleeplessness who could bo restored to this full enjoyment ofper- feet health by a few boxes of mil burns heart nnd ivcrvo pills s j there can bonn qicstion about the efficacy of this rripptly thoiifantls of wofnenhavefoujsj itdonlllhatischiined for it hero is the tcsiimony of mrs gillcn wesley street moncton nb before taking- mi i burns hpnrt and nerve pills i used to suffer untold agony from violent headaches irrcpular action of the heart together with pains or spasms in various parts of my body sometimes i felt so weak that i unnbleto look after my domestic duties hnwfvf r i hrih tq endu thn w and trouble because all the remedies i trtcd tailed to civeme relief until happily 1 heard of milburns heart nnd nerve pills i had only been takings them a short time when i felt greatly benefited this cn- couraed me to continue their use until a complete cure was effected l have not been troubled with a head ache since takinjr these pills they in creased my appetite invigarnted iny cn- tire system and gave me back my old time strength and vigor take a uxatlver pill befors retiring twill work while you leep without a grlp or gripe ind mike you feel better in the morning price 25c soldby udruirslst happy are they who look beforo they marry and overlook afterwards one trial of mother graves worm exterminator will convince yon that it has no equal kb a worm medicine boy a bottle and aee if it does not please yoo indifferent as to the kind expoflore to bold indigestion and dyspepsia impure blood rundown system living in badly r9qti1atd rooms nd poor arroondihg bysjlenlo oondltlonp aro all oaases of erysslpvlai ik will afford oomfort to tbodnnols to know that with ordinary care sani tbe use of falses oalaty componnd the many danger of eryalpelas can bm entirely avoided when ny ot tbt symptoma above are noted promptness in tti nte of painaa oalery ckmpoqdd will oxolokiy banish all dangers if nnfortanatoly yon are nbjepl to tbe dieam and bawe ot used dr pbelps fireat prosorlptlorj we say wltb adojire for your weltars filve pafnas oelerycom- pqnnd an imtanblrlal o that yoa may be able to folly jodgje of its worth mrt john gauigher marbleton p q one of tbe maraj saved from death by painea celery com pound writes aa follows in the winter of 1897 i had a severe attack of eryslpedii at the sams time my bloodwsioosof order i was oomplete- ly ran down and to weak that i oonld- not standalone i oomsaeooed at onoe to uie painea celery componnd and after takidjd iavebottleelhramtiroatiy mmed to take a ww lease of life i know from experlenoe shtvs paloes celery ooin- poand is pcwmsnecl of- all the merit elslmed for it ad i wjir reoommend u to allsoffehnfl from eryiipelas headaoho or atomsoh troubles- i also oonslder paint celery compoana tbe greatest of all bloodj parifler ikesp tome of tb compoudd aiall tlmeslo m3fboasand nss u m a family mediolne it dosenl always make a man happy when a girl returns his love especially when its returned heoaase she has no other mr- w- a rpwelthe ponlnr dla- bhct agetitforhbslnffcrsewlnt aflfcnli sdoana kidney pills cure kidney nlivv this is hu statement s i suffered for five or six years with pains across my back aheadachest dizziness and kindred kidney troubles i got very bad and when driving- would often havo to slop the horse as the pain were so eeveru thatt i could not stand them i tried a great niany medicines but they did rru no iood i then got donns kidney pillsi at watsons drug atorw took them for onejmonth and am completely cured resird thocnre as a- remarkable testi- mooiy to thp virtues of j3om pill and aninly oo glstpirccoinrnend them to alfofratro nw n4 u urinary troublob masibtosaal rafnaas m-vjfttoft- wsggswiisr for infiumti and childteu is as rsifsv- it told to goawdv soak your head tbe pawnbroker protnbjy wonldnjt ive yon eaae o it i ho was a fragile youth anddiduc danoe all tbe dances lets sll it out he said to his pretty partner where she aaked a great charitys appeal the qraud work of ontarios sweetest ghiarity the hospital for sick children ham pered by a mortgage of 650000 a group f little patient at the hospital for sick children vca lov abundantly is to livo abun dantly xho biblical story of tho fyooil samaritan ia a delineation of the greatest thing in tho world 1670 tho hospital for sick children was hutll by thofflbwho wore largo in entcr- prua for the alleviation of tho pain ajabutrrtngo drcn the building la one of the best ostnlppod hospitals in tho world it la capablo oracroinmodating 175 eick children today tho ro aro ovor 10 lit tle patlents in the hospital all uoing nursed nnd treated by skilful phy sicians and trained nurses tho work has been carried on during tho past year without stint over 5 00 i children wore helped back to health of these 033 patients wore cared for in tho cotvonotbird of too patients v camo from places- otitsue of toronto j the hospital is a proyinctnl inatitu- t ion ita services are free to tho chlu dreri of pirents who cannot afford to pay tho small fees chargod eomft of j they ask tliro atd of ororjoiao who can nparo a single dollar thoy have asked th oxtor of this rapor to toll ths story of ih 3 hospital to its readers to toll tin story simply to state tbo ujgoncy of tbair nood and to appeal to thorn for financial aid thoy need monny hot alnno for tho mortgage indelitthltuvui but to moot a lobtduotbo banlcfor inouuyadvancod to moot oxihuisga incurroil for modi- clno arid food 1 lastyear tho asholnrs nc ontarios puhlin irhojls cnntrilmtod- 9lli to wards th ponniinonl ondowmnnt ota cot they wth- couniliitn iji iir goner- ouh gift ths year toronto srhoot chil dren entlurd 81 707 an 1 tiny any thoy will do moru tins year- tlu sabbath srliool cbiulron gat nearly an equal amount thoy are dong tliur hfit tj roliovo tluviinin pfthur rinra if in distroin and it is un thsi staurioh little friends of tjniitorlc that hiv ilosjital reliis for inantanancj there aro 01 paper puhlishedin the provincu if tho readers of ihts pnpor could contribute 8100 amongat them that sum would malntulh a cot for a your and perhaps save the life of somolxklys darlings you will fi rid as you leak bade on tho most diffcult aurgionl oerations j thnt tho momm ot joy tho mo- known havo been skllfuiy and success- ments that you recollect of ion tha mo- uytierorsnoatthehospfciilil a parent has had cause to bless tho those moments when you hivo dpho things in a spirit of lovo and charity great charity not only for saving th iiosir for sick children their chiles life hut for making the sweetest of all chnritits np- happy whiit lind othorwlss boon ahor- i peals to ytiu on behalf ot the little rowful life children who had- been ones who liinuuh on imiuot siekness i- i- tli ii hii thoy nek on y for the dollitru you can cripples for life but for thvmliihtra- 0lhl hpiro tibns of the hospital will grow up as memory hutinh thn piist linyond nil tho trniisu lory pluasures of life thoro strong and straight iinovdn the years lo como they too will bless the work of the hospital and return thanks in some tangfble manner in twentytwo years the hospital for sick children has been tho means ot helping 30 00 j sick children stand forward the hours when you havet doni snmo net of kindncian to ihoo round about you perhaps littlo acts too trifling to apeak of yet actions which have broadened the joy in ypur life from 13g phicos outside of toronto tho little patients camo to the hospital this is a- grand institution on this year perhaps it any bo your worthy of tho sympathy and help ne child who will need tho everyone mother arm of the institution this thougu for 22 years the hospital has i v been doixig this work tha workers 1 in r th futu o the hospital is in tho the institution have always been hnr- f w frlnndn t by dobtund humpolrod for n of y thsr the mortgage ot j500m i give abundantly is to got bund- falls due ond halt the- amount ot tho j uruiy mortgage must be paid oil ibi m b ol u i p n wv2n crease ott ratlenta during the past yenr con rlhutlons to jhosa aobortson precluded any pcaslbiliey ot savinor h ohairman of the i hosplta trust to- single dollar totrards this object the ronto their gifts will bo promptly trustees ot the hospital in this oriti- acknowledged by the treesaror ijnd cal emergency make o strong nipenl iu the ooiomas of the toronto livonlng to the people of ontario teleuram -sr- on the blairs bo they wept op a little way and sat down- why why whats the matter mr 8taolipole f oried tbe fair younr girl for the young man had hastily risen and was rasping for breath he oould not reply hia face was livid hia eyes were rolled up and with one shaking band be classed feebly at the skirls of his loxedb what hind of an altaok is it 7 aha gaaped at this point hlsvoioooaros back to falm again what difference does that make t he harshly growled then without a word of apology he dashed bp the stairs and dang himself into ther mens ooatroom and haw was she to know that it was an ordinary oarpet tack that the man who canvassed the stairs bad left carelessly standing on its head cleveland plain dealer johnlicoijeen agent for the above has changed his wore rooms to building oh w e smiths property john street where may be sees frost is wood binders and mowers inn- plates ilief springs id shake feed t grind fin and fast with least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use oold 8ha paly tv mulr co limited irantford ont and a complete jlne of farm implements and all kinds of repairs t absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen farnalees pills possess the power ol act- lug speolnoally upon the diseased organs stimulating to action the dormant energies pi the systeni thereby rerhovipg disease in fsot so great is the power of this medicine to oleanee and purify that disaasas of almoat- every name and- natare aredriven from the body mr d canwell osrswell p p ont writes i have tried parmeleea pills and flnd thero an exoelient msdieioe and one that will aell weu there la nothing a manly man admires more than- a girlish girl or wonsnly woman v yonr beet interests will bescrved by making sure of health it will be a lose of time and money to be strlokoo with serious illness take hoods fiarssparllla and purify yonr blood in this way all serroa of disease will be expelled lokuesa and sncteridg will be avoided and your health will be pteserved isnt this a wise course p satisfaetioti or vour money back7t there is a litcrenco in guarantees sinn arc only vaiie romisfs mndcby salsmcirt villi itlii j hack of ilin we put a gnnmrtcc caril jn the jidclict t mill larincnt which is as itrong and ijiiidiiig at a notarial contract hcru it is this card is a guarantee thai the cloth ii this garment has been thori oiiglily sronged and shrunk ami the workmanship ia tally guaranteed ii snolibt co j juontrobsi hoods pills are tho only pillls to take with hoods barsaparitla price 25 oedts hade i now han 1 must say kjisraidvar pills made a new man otmb i was troubled with indigestion fluttering of the heart and i alo iu the small ol my bask and atlsr taking the lilrter pilla for about three weeks they oarea one melville mllhr rnsfrif 0 oail it yon inquire ajlir some popla bealih tbey proceed to anllghten you at a ureal length try or lows splsauant worm byrop if childrxi are troiablml with worms it always wot kn welt friot 350 if theres noihtsng iu a name its queer srhatbeeomtsof laia things a man some timss pnts iu his wfllws name no disease on resist ths powerful medical properl il of burdock bood bitters as is pauajd by lbs fol thst thousands of lhs obf tlnais esse have beeif pimjinill by f use of tbisbtitor all rrinedies d asan eamrampet the average wosnan is not asnboess itbs healthy if your blmrcl ia impureqr watery if poison is circulating throtir your arteries instead of rich pure life- giving- blood if you feel drowsy languid are- constipated have pimples or blotches breaking out on your body the remedy for you is burdock blood bitters i have been using bbb nlso my brother arid sisterinlaw arid wo find it a rriost reliably and efficacious blood fiurifier and moit ordlally recommend i we purcbaaed it front j r aailt a son of this town miss m wat son aullsvlue ont bbbls a highly concentrated blfjpiryirjgegetihblerernedy qse r 7 sold lr tbrdwil an aetreii is often indebted to the florist for the flowers sho gets over tho foollight thero never was apd never will b a oniversarpsnaoea io one remedy for all ills to whlnh flesh is heir the very nature of many ooratlvea being snob thai ware the gorma of other and differently avsated diseases rooled in the system of the patient itimftu sldsfllp iaoasnsfdsrediv arilstcsihbtwiilhorsiporebsautifi atritfifot s what would relieve one ill in torn woold aggravate the other we have ihorsvar in qulniue wine when obtained in astound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grjeyoni ills by ita aredqiijudiolooi use the fralleatsyntems an jed into oon- valesceuss and strength by the inflnenoo whloh quiulno exerts on natarea own reatorativea it relieves the drooping spirits of tbota with whom a chrouio slate of morbid deipondenif and laok of interest in life is a disease and by tranquilities the nerves dlspossa to sound and refrtah- ing sleep imparts vlgorto the action of the blood which being stimulated oonrses throughout the veins atrongthenlub the faaallhy aiifms1 fonotions of tbt syetom hereby maklnat activity a neeeetary reinlt strenglhsning the frame and giving life to ths digestive organs whloh naturally demand looieeuod substance result ira proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto havo liven to thn pnblls their jolnlne wine at the usual vale anrl gusged by tie opinion of sclentlsls hilt wine approaches nsarsst perfsetion of sny tp the jmidrnihjtits sell 1 i if yon una you are bslng drlvin to despair get oo and walk if advise could bo made an active prlobiple it snlght aboornpish more good mothers medicine what l f nnd a cume to the mother when her lilllo one wakes up at niylit with ti nihty croupy cough wise mothers always tcmp on haiidii bottle of dr woods norway pino syrup its so pleasant t o tltc ustehho youngsters take it without any fuss nnd nt tho same time lis promptness and effectiveness nro such that tho cough is checked before anything serious develops from one end of ilia domijiion to the other people are praising dr woods norway pino syrup n tliu best remedy for coughs colds croup whooping cough bronchitis and 411 lung affections norway fjne syrup 35c at all drurrglits shpreys ready-to- wear clothing can be purchased from at lcait one rcpulable dealer in every town and village in canada ahk for siioreys readytcwear clothing anrl insist iii seeing the guarantee ticket big refqtioxi jkm owing lo largely increased discounts for cash allowed us by the rjianu ol undertaking supplies and being in a position to take advantage of this we have decided to reduce all goodsinour uhdertaldngdepartinent from ten to fwentyfive per cent notwithstanding this large reduction the same careful personal attention which has been given- in the past will be continued embalming in ordinary cases free where special workls- required price lo cover extra services and embalming requisites caskets and coffins delivered in town or country and all preparations completed for burial furniture we liave added a number of new parlor suits of latest designs which we are oflering at the following prices which any home can afford no 1 parlor suite 5 pieces solid 0ak j1560 no 2 parlor suite 5 pieces walnut 33500 no j parlor suite 5 pieces walnut ij500 instalment plan on furniture if desired all goods delivered free raipway ttme tibtb grand trunk railway ooino wkbjt ooino kaht mall 10 02 ft in i ekprcea 0 linatr jilulvauwumjui 10 pm wall luizad 6 hpm 10 03 im thus of closjno maiifl going wopt 0 ioftm- atidfl co pm oolnglsaei 10 25 am and 6 co pm this tlrao tablo wont into effect on moudi may lotli 1bd8 g important notice the celebrated indian doctor geqilgn wqillanilpartuor wlubo agnown hotel acton ou tlio nst wed uebday of uvcry month until furtlier notlao xoinmouolim with wodncadfty 26th october 1808 all chrouio dlriiaflcb eucli 08 eoniump tloncatarrb llrorcomilslnt kidnoy dlieasos rbeunifttlsm dlbuloa o aro jourodby indun itomodlos mcdlolnob sold by tbo quantity 1atiootsclvou up m iueurablo aro cbpocialfr inyltod ration tu under trdatmont to other doo- tors aro not uollojtcd cotiaultation free fat tuauout nddrunb bitantfokd 6 ont w b akbek bros paper makers georgetown ont makb a bpbciaiilt 01 mactilne finished bodkpapbrs high grade weekly news the paper used in this jonrnal in from the above mill wk baeber bros speight brady manufacturers of dxnamos electric uotoss water motors gasoline and oas bttqines brass jt iron castznosto orbeb repairing promptly done georgetown orit -acton- livery busline tho uudonlgned res pod tfuuy solicits tbe jiavtron ago of tbo publlo and informs thorn tat well equipped and stylish rigs dan al ways be secured atblbbtables a eomfortable baa meet trains botwoon 9 a m end 18 pm careful attention gl von to evoryorder the want of oommorclaltra- lore tally met john williams prtofolbtob bring your custorriatloks in and take the lumber homevvsth you srveris lumber planing milts nassakaweya p-sayblflpirtbtior- has constantly on hand a full line of lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood fiito custom logs and bill stuff cut lo order on short notloe planing and matching done to the best ot satisfaction prices very cheap and made tosuit the customers pocket p savers a pull stocking with afrlondsiaoo at tlio top proaonu a ciicorful sight cbrlit- was morning- sit to us at onoo for vour nlocure if you think of bondlnrr t tot some- friends christmas atooklan nothing can be more acceptable nothing in better tasta and f ow gifts can bo so valuable h rhtvcshkjiiz photo kpttist kcton if a itun ia iho lowest form of wit it must be ihefuundtuon of it thsi aobiim head can bo instantly relieved by takin one of mllboms sterling beadaobe powders 1 jiowder do b for 10 olsi ip forts tg j a lei0htfe go to 0i0jst best teu you wantthe iciiabr i oktario wire fehcimo co jloion ontario artaithn cheaposrj wcmullensfenclnlya and nettings i bine these two quslities no others d hog fencings ot special low prices all oilier varieties cheap mcmullena are tbe y only good nettings sold lo canada they are unequalled for poultry yards trellis lawn fences ask your hardware meu chant for mcmullenb goods if yon cannot buy of him write to the manufacturers at picton ont or to the b ckbbnino wm co limited hamilton and montreal general agents jsxss cooper montreal general agent for railway renclogs logs wanted any fjuantity or ijuffooo soft klni soft mbi1o logs wanted otonco for whloh tliu lilflbcst cub prlco will bo paid as uils will us pur tail soasoti lu uramptoti farnicm should avail themselves of the oppor tunity to dispose of logs at prloaa bibber than are paid at saw mills r1dbba k1t0bbnbd vetiaerand bxeslstor works utamptou coal business changed 4 ci hill has pnrebaaatl tb 0o3 bosidms of mr jobn ltqqaenandlipiwpiurw4to deliver flist- elavsi soranlon ooal in fpvomi store ana nat sisal prapdplyantl to tba sausraotlon of ooato- mon sjsdsulijf- i have also purohaaed tfas walgb soalss and will slfe prompl attenmotl to all orders for tbtrfr ussi 7 j o mcat liiiiiiiihiihl bbbbbbbbbbbbbrnnhahtwi hhjss bbbbbbbbbbblj9nlptw iksto wmwit 3 htm j ybmllhajl hictski nffflf kuill ftwlwajrlgpwwwlirr jy