Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 5, 1899, p. 1

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ije cton jre rws ib fubuaiikx eveiw thursday morning at the free presssteamrrlntlngoffico mill street aoton ont tsnus or subbooiption one dollar per year jtrlotlyla atdvanoe all subaoriptlons discon tinued when tho time lor which they nave boon paid haaepired the date to which every abiorlptlon la paid la denoted on the addroaa label adtxntiara ratbs translont advertise ments 10 cemts per nonpareil line for first in ortion a cents per line for oacb subsequent naertlon oortrjuit rate8 the following tablo shows ur rates for the insertion of advertlsemontsfor tpeoiflou periods bpioic 1 1 rn i o no 1 8 mo i mo so inehoa 10 laoboa fflnohos wnoh 00 do shoo 90 00 00 35 00 30 00 1200 aro asooo 19 00 700 a oo 7 00 900 aoo 100 adyertlabnaonta without specific diroctiona will bolnsertd till forbid and charged accord ngly transient advertisements mmt be paid advortlsenaenta will be obanged once each month it desired for ohanroe oftener tbon euoe a montto the compoiitlon mnatbepaldfor at regnlox rates changes or oontraat advertisements must be n one oxbco by noon on tuosdays accounts payable montbly b p moore editor and proprietor balance of tvys xinas boxes fancy boxes toilet cases dolls pocket books writing folios and other holiday sundries half price at days bookstore guelph day s bella cheap -thb- traders bank of capital authorized capital paid up 9 1000000 700000 cuelph branch wo aro now laming mooey ordertr payable at par at any branch of chartered bank in canada oxaeptlng tho yukon dlatrlot at the following rates uudorsio 8 cojits 10to 920 10 coots eaoto ejo ia cents tj30 to 650 meant wtuttus simfortr john m macdonald m d cm buccesboit to j b uren m d 0 m office and reildonoe corner mill frederick streets acton vr r j r torster buccksaon to drab eluott late roaldont physician and surgeon to vlo torla hospital for flick ohlldren toronto office mill stroot lately occupied by dr buiott d r dryden etkeab tnnoitand nose mclean a elook douglas st near p o guelph ofpiob hoobs 10 om to 1 p m and 8 to 6 p m bdmdatbloa m tol p m ll bennett ldb dentist f oxobabtowh qhtab10 jcoughlan ddslds dbntibt woltk cahbrclly done pnioes moderate office ovjbb bbown s dpua btobh houss bvxby dat fbouto 6 jm be ill ddblds a dentist bboostiltb honob gaanoatb of tononto tjnmtbarrr work made satisfactory prioes moderate viavrnfo days monday afternoon camp- bellvllle toeaday acton office clarks hotel iood friday book woo dr g h cook dentist cor colloeo bt and bpadina avo tobonto will visit aoton on thuhrat and third satur days ol oacu month office mr adam cooks residence main street imf nttcatja mrtfan barrister solicitors notaries conveyancers o private funds to loan office town hall aeton wm a motjiam jno a mclkim a j mackinnon basulstkb flohcitott comyetamcxb omckaiiu btroot in mattbowa block upstairs rb mcleod bahhistbb boucitob convetanckb wain street georgetown monoy toloan at loweat current rates r j jmconabb ulerk fourth division court county of hal- on canve yancor agent fire and life assurance uoal batata a gout money to loan otc ofwoe perry man adlook aoton ont miscellanbo us h en by grist ottawa canada solicitor of patent for invention etc prepares applications for the canadian amer ican and buropoan patent offlces and for tbe uegutratlou of trade marks send for pam phlet tnlrtt two years experienoe tfilbancifl ntjnan bookbinder wyddbam bt- gnolpb ontario over william a b tore account books or all kinds roado to order periodicals of every dosorlptionoarefnllybonnd rullarneiivki promptly done m abbiaoe lioenbeb n p moobe luntiitii or manntaob 1ioenbbb private oiqcfl no wltueifqi roqalrod ihued reiidedce in tiio evening fre enujubge aoton n7h hehbtbeet liosmbid auonomib tot tbe oouillea of wellington and helton ordersurtlt tbepanpslia offloe aotoo or etmyrealdabcelnaeton will be promptly t- n4d la faei rednaed to 6 oo fob fabm sales alio money to loan on tho molt f arormblo sumiend tha lowett ntoa of lntarut la eamioftsooainil pwardi wellington matotl fire insuranoe company iruuiiiii 1m0 inbuitanob on oath and mutual plan any ooinmopleatlona forwarded to my addroii hoi tie ox lolephono 18 will he promptly t- tended o taylob agent an aoton maehibe and eepair shops hbnifx qbindbll proprietor abu wall equipped with all tho maoblnair neoeaaury to eieonte all repalra to maohln- re and acrionltnral implementa and to do all klndiof itiitn nttlnghonibongandjenenl blackimltbltib woodwork repaint parfotmn in a salsafautoty manner we oa repair any aahlna 4r jniplnnant of ny nako saw gamming a ming done speight fc brady manufacturers of sfe dyirjutos ktsctric motors water motors qjlsowtb aiiv ojls enorkes brass a jr ov cjksrmasto order repairing promptly done georgetown ont w barbee bros paper makers georgetown ont koi i bfloultt or machine flnishah book papers high grade weekly news the paper used in thio jonrual is from the above millii w2i babbee bros acton livery bus line the nnderalsnodrespedtfallysollolts tho patron age of the public and informs them tfiat well equipped and stylish blgi oan al ways be smred at his stables a 6onifortable bna meets trains between 8 a m and 816 p m oarofnl attention given to eyeryordor tho wants of commercial travel lers f ally mat john wixlia1s paofrtston sun satings and loango head office toronto ci nt authorized capital 5000000 oo tenyear maturity shares arc paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 60 00 paid in maturity value 100 00 money lo loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton highest prices paid for wheat pease oats barley bye at 7scton blburtojz car choice corn for sale full stock flour and feed f hhrris anthhobr latest and seat designs of 7vsq is jr me n t s in granite and marble at 20 to 30 per cant reduction j h hamilton brolnzn jrihtbs hajujariotonkn akd osaijin m tomoor katb sfinglm wood eta atl klnda ol jffood in block and promptly doutondt to any part of the town at riaconablo prloeat rarlwoodandeiabb edt itovo length alwaji on band telepnoaeootnmnolcauod proprietor granite marble works guelph is the only direct importer of mnrble and granite west of toronto and north ot hamilton come trad see the largest and best mported stock in the dominion prices for granite imported nock less than others ask for tho commonest can adlan or american granite otaot and works bamzltoitsbzocx woolwich ado xortolksts cu8uph ont bmnoh works if w htmturt oat pit dt r j3 who are about to kara x ujtljuo poblloor high behool abonld not overlook tha great advent- ate of a inaetloaj oonraa of loitroo- on at the dubsph business college and shorthnria institute pall bebsios win oommensa september ctb write or oall uf inaereatad tnatday i tffwfik wh hiabbbtcviulbnt batb of interest fiald on aums dopoalted of 1 and upward a tereit allowed from date or depoilt to date of withdrawal and paid or compoonded half yearly advances fa ado to responblblo farmers oo their own aaniesat tho lowoet current rates no ebargo mado for oolloctlnff sales notos if payahloln quelph a general banking buelneiq tranaactod a f jt jones manager jocire headquarters ior new year goods skates cutlery pocket knives silver novelties silver plated ware carpet sweepers breadboards table bells lamps j mbondaco mckebs emulsion cod liver oil wih hypophosphitcs of limj3 to soda a heluble nsugdy von pulmonary disoaaes coughs and colds and gen oral debility contains tbe tonlo and nutritive properties of these popular romedlos in tbotr nlleat form very pleasant to tba taato and la easily digested highly recommended by the medical faculty diiteotionb doftb poradnltsatabloapoonfal throe times a day after moals for cbtldron in like propor tlon tbiabmulalon la as palatablo e cream it mstmulates roadlly and will not naabeate tho moat sensitive stomach j p mcke actqm ont waters bros quelph wish nil their friends and cus tomers a happy new year did you get one of their handsome calendars bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with you sry6rs lumber planing mills nassagaweya p sayers proprietor has constantljr on hand a full line of lumbar lath shingles oedar posts wood ifcto cusiom ihgs and bui stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to the best ol satisfaction prices very cheap and made lo suit the customer s pocket p sayers stoves tinware eavetroughing tbe latest dealgna in coal rand wood heatldti and cook btovee haay to manage eaay on fuel tinware in profusion of beat quality at low prices orders taken for fiavetrousblng to be pat dp when deslrod call atid get prieea ueneral jobbing promptly done j a- pannabecker mrs seoords block aoton active bolleltorfl wanted evrfrhore for the story of the philippines by marat halstead oonimlaaloned by tbe ooytrnmanl as offlelal blitoilan io tbe war depavrttnent tbe book wis written lo annr oampf t baa fran cisco 00 the paelflo wltn general maraitt in the boepltale uomolnlu in hong kong in tbe amsrloao tranobm hanlla in tf loanrgeilt eampi with agolnaldo on tub deck of the olymplawltbffcrwatandid the roar of battle at twrtfalltofliaoilaj bonanasvfot agfnta btimfal ofotilnl piolataa taken by gfivarn- naantphototraphts on tbe spot large book iprlm filpronta frswjiald prwllt swn cros all travshy anomeljj war books star imurance boildlnt chicago if if all who hate would loro ua and all oar lovos wora true tbo stars that hans aboto ua would brigbtan in tbe blue if cruel worda were kuaaea and wery icowl sunallo a better world than thla is would hardly bo worth wbilo if purses would untlgbten to meet a brothers need tbo load we boar would lighten above tbo grave of greed if tboso who whine wonld wblatlo and those wbolangulah laugh tbe rose would rout tbe thistle tbo grain outran tbe chaff if hearts were only jolly if grieving were forgot and team and melancholy were things that now are not then tjoye would kneel to duty and all tho world would seem a bridal bower of beauty a dream within a dream if men would oeats to worry and womon ooase to algb and all be glad to bqry wuatoyor baa to die if nolgbbor spoke to neighbor as lovedemauda of all tbe rust would eat the sabre tba spear stay on tbe wall thou every day wonld sliatou and fcvory eye would ablno and god would pavae to listen and life would bo divine wathtngton tinwi sdert jtatmiln 3ua5tng jmrs phelps ne7eaton ma j am i neej help wont yoa dive me bomethiu tbe question was addressed to mrs phelpi who had jaat entered her carriage no i vn no money to waste on lazy vagabonds was her sharp reply as the oarriago door slammed mra fholpe a woallhy younfl widow promiaeiit tu fashionable society was iu an unpleasant frame of miudl bhe bad jaat vlstcd three of tba largest ttorea in the oity in a vain aearoh for oertaio oottly fabric and now felt that ibo was an exooed- ingly aafortaoate and moiiinaed indivi dual presently the oarriago drew up in front of another store which mra phelps entered after fnatraollog her foary earold on to remain seated la the carriage until her return matter phelps was very obedient for about three ralnutei then bis attention was atlraoted by something wblob appealed to him quite ttm strongly as to a leia ariatooratio jo veoiie tbe antloaof a monkey under oharge of a peripatetic masloian stabdlog on tiptoe he laid hla hand against the door which having been aooidontly left abfastened yielded o be presaure and partly operjodj and in a very short time the young gentleman was out of the carnage and half way aorosa tbe street then in an instant there was a hoarse ory of warning a womans shriek and some- thing grasped the boy swqor him from right in front of a runaway team and laid htm frightened and eoreamlog in his mothers arms after ahe bad soothed tbeohild aud put him into tbe carriage airs rhelps turned to the rather ahabblly dressed man to whose agility her sons reaoqe was due yoa have saved my arthurs life 1 ahe exclaimed come to my residence and name your reward meanwhile take tbla and tfhs handed him a twentj dollar gold pleae but the man refused the proffered gold why should yoa award a lazy vaga bond that is what yoa called me a bit ago when i asked you for something he remarked mrs phelps looked at him olosely and recognized him i wave ont of humor ahe exclaimed pardon what 1 said and tell me how i can assist you mcadam 3 oave invited me to come to your home if youd do me a kindness 00 me to mi no instead mrv phelps looked at him in amaze meat i oan hardly do that ahe aatd i would moob rather ah yon pleaae madam im glad x was able to reaone your ohlld if youre glad i wish youd visit my borne it isnt too much to ask what is yoar name and where do you live he said his name waa james thorn peon and named an obscure street as his addrese af ler i ve taken my child home ill oall to see you aaid mra phelpa ill be there by the time you are he reeponded an hoar later mra pbalpi accompanied by a trusty servant having driven into a narrow street entered a moat uninviting tenement and ascending three flights of rlokety filthy ataira waa admitted to a amall attic room lighted by a single wlu- dow the floor wai qarpa a cracked atove an old table a lare box which served aa a cap board a bed and two or three broken backed chairs were the only furni ture but though ao bare and eomfortleai the room waa clean tjpou the scantily covered bed lay two persons a woman of perhapa thirty five and a little girl of about aiz both evidently ill and both sleeping uneasily i aeked yon lo come here because i wanted yoa to see this laid thompson in a low voice thit with aoomprabenaive wave ot the hand is my home yoa ace all my furniture except whats at the pawnshop i bavo no fire and no fuel to make it ith i have a little medicine left by the doctor but none of the 00m forte needed by my slok wife and ohlld xliir madam la why i aaked yob for help this mornlug mrs phelpa covered ber face i never dream td of anything like this he said there are many things which you rioh people never dream of said thompson bitterly how long have you been in this deplor able condition t aeked mrs phelpa to day is tbs ural ive had to beg waa the reply id have thrown myself into the river rather than do it if it hadnt bean for thetn bat i couldnt see them atarve i oame co the oily five years or more ago ha added after a moment pause i had bad look for work waa doll from having a little boaae by ourwlvae we were obliged to remove here and theo my wife who ii a good amstreas auoces io getting mans troasers to make at eighteen cent a pair kighteau cents a pair 1 exclaimed mra pbelpa yea bat the price soon fell to fifteen cents and aa i waa out of employmonu i helped with the sewing by working from early in tho morning till late at night we managed to earn enough to pay our rent and buy snfhoient food to keep ua from starving but the rates went down down down to thirteen to twelve oven to ten cents a pair what i ten cents for making a pair of trouaera who ia mean enough to pay snob wages aa that 7 the great clothing firm of pbelpa co madam i phelps oo impossible 1 the firm madanvof which 3 our hua band ia bead i wonder if when he gave largelyto some library ohuroh or hospital he aver thought of the poor wretches who tolled day and night summer and winter with aching eyea weary fingers and hungry stomachs that the mill wbiob ground out bis money might tarn bjm qnl a good sized grist i i oan take yoa to half a dozen families iu tbia very house who make trouaera for phelpa st oo at the same prices and who like ua have fiuiehed coats at from five to ten cents each and make knee pants at sixteen to eighteen oente a dozen pairs u eighteen oente a dozen pairs yon dont mean that 7 yea madam i do when phelpi a co pay ten oenta for making a pair of trouaera whlob aell for 93 is it any wonder that the firm prospers exceedingly and that your hceband was able to give away bla thousands this ie a revelation to me said mra phelpa i cannot aee bow you managed to exiat stall its been a hard hard struggle replied thompson with the aid ot our little girl for ebe has been sewing ever since ahe waa four jftar old wo were uooaelonally able lo earn a dollar a day bat that waa aeldom we bad to pay a dollar and a quarter per week for this room and hardly ever had more than four dollars a week to feed clothe and warm tbe three of ua but for tbe last six months tbe ohlld baa been ill ten days ago my wife took sick and beoanae of having to watt on jier and tbe child i waa able to do bo little sewing that tbe foreman got angry tbe other day and refused to give me any more work be sides we have been falling behind with the rent and only yesterday i received notice that if i dont pay by the end of the week i and my slok family must leave oatrageoun 1 who ie your landlord thompson took a paper from bia pooket and remarking that i waa his last receipt handed it to mra phelpa who after a atngle glance btarted and theo stood star ing at it in open mouthed astonishment for her own name waa affixed lo the receipts vvhatl bbe ejaculated aa boon as ahe oonld find ber voice this house mine so it seems this is my agents work said mrs pbelpa half to herself and be would hsvetnrnedyou into tbe street i horrible 1 mr thompson she aaid i thank yoa ior insisting that i oame here you have opened my eyea to acme things i was blind to before take this it ia only a yery amall part of tbe heavy debt i owe yon rny fnnl fnnd elnthii fnrnltnre mnrii visited many places when be said he had seen qniteenougb how do you suppose tbe patronage of phelpa d co would be effected said mrs phelpa if oar customers were aware that their new garments had been ijing a few hours before on tbe dirty floor of a tene mentor on tbe bed of a child siok with a contagious disease being nnable to answer this question satisfactorily both parties submitted to the inevitable tbe wages were raised and far from becoming bankrupt tbe firm of phelpa 6m3o is more prosperous than ever and mrs phelps to day ia a very oheerfal happy woman- far happier than when she was a devotee at the altar of faehlod for ahe knows she has tbe omlle ot him to whom she has consecrated not only ber wealth and time but herself n x oburvcr about military titles does whatever you and your sick family moat ta q beend fr b p reqt tbia room ahall never colt yon another cent god blofli you madam i thompson exclaimed hla eyea filling with tears i lake your gltla now with a glad and thank ful heart i felt aure that atl yon needed was to aee and understand but o re member that there are others io tbib house aim oat aa badly off aa you found me i shall not forgot stid mrs phelpa as ahe departed upon reaobtng homo mr phelpa went to her room and ahat herself iu her visit to jamee thompsons had been indeed a revelation to her how had she discharged jthe responsibility whtoh the possession ot great wealth carriea with it by lavish tng money on flowers muaip rich viands and the like when eo many wore lacking the necessaries of life and most humiliat ing thought ot all muoh of the very wealth which ahe enjoyed bad been earned for her by those a a me starving poor thoirt it was not hera ltjustloe waa done in ber humiliation ahe knelt and offered what was pvrhapa the first real prayer that bad risen from her lips for a long tiqxe a prayer in whloh she craved pardon for the thoughtlessness wlflabneaa and frivolity of the past and consecrated ber wealth to the service of christ and ot those concerning whom lib eald inasmuoh as yo have none it unto one of the least ot these ye have done it unto mc a year hai paeaod jamos thompson with his wife and daughter both ot whom had heon restored to health are living in a neat pleasant house tbo gift ol mrs tbelpfl through whoae instrumentality thompson has procured lucrative employ- m en tthn year bao witnessed other changes too especially in the real estate owned by mra phelpa very promptly ahe called upon her agent and gave that individual aomo inatrtiotlona which fairly took hla breath away she obtained from him a hat of all tenements owned by her and then set to work to systematically visit each bouse and the families occupying it snob poverty aqaalor and degradation as she encountered i as a result of this in spection aha ordered a general red notion of the rente a itiorougu cieauing of all ihe booses and numerous repalra while some squalid habitations ebe ordered to be de tnollahed a company of philanthropic persona organised through her efforts purchased an entire block of rickety tenements tore them down and eraoted a aeries of modern struc tures in whloh aultes of rooms were offered at rates far lower than those prevailing in the anrroandln tenements the boa sea were soon filled with a population who had clean quarters to start with and every in ducement to keep them ao and contrary to all expectations the enterprise baa yield ed a fair rate of interest on the money 1 uvea ted in ll phelpa a oo no longer piy starvation wages to their employees mrs v helps fauaband had bequeathed her a controlling interest in tbe firm and one day she at riled tha other members of the firm by proposing a heavy increase id tha rates paid for making op olotblog they demurred and said that such an increase would baqkropt ha firm but mrs phelps persisted in her demand and final ly indaoed tba senior partner loaooorapany her to tbs abodes of some of tbe people employed by tbe ttm thsy bad 00k tbe title of captain applied to the 00m mander of a oompany is from tbe latin caput a bead shakespeare used it in tho sense of a ohief commander lieutenant comes from tbe french lien place and tbe latin tenera holding the title thereforo belongs to one who holds or aapphea the place of his buperior major ia the title of the officer next in rankabove a captain he commands a battalion tbe word is compounded with the titles of certain noocommuaioned officers to ehow that hay are ihe chiefs of their ranka ae aergeant major dram major etc in some european armiea tbe lieutenant colonel la the actual commander of hla regiment the colonelcy being honorary fgr example queen viotoria and the prince of wales are honorary colonels of certain regiments in the germany army colonel waa originally ooronel and waa introduced into english from tbe spanish about the middle ot the sixteenth oentary a commissioned officer ie one to wham tbe bend of the national or state govern ment has given a document conferring npon him authority to perform the varioua functions of his rank a noncom mission ed oompany officer holda hi place by appointment of tbe oompany commander with tbe approval of tbe regiment a member of the non commissioned staff io appointed by the regimental commander a very important commissioned officer of the regimental staff is the adjutant whose title comes from adjotana tbe present participle ot the latin verb adjutare to assist and whoae province it is to aid hla commander in tbe diaoharge ot the details of hla military duty the records of the regiment are in his obarge he receivea tbe returns from company commanders receives and oommnmoatea orders forma the parades etc his duties are multifa rious and he ia altogether tbe busiest offloer of a regiment if he perioral a them all faithfully n o picayune he was disgusted a mystery explained on a certain hot summer day a cole brated naturalist eutertalhed a oompany of distinguished aavants at dinner at the oonolaaioo of whioh they all went ont in the garden i ce of thegronn on a pedeatal a large glass globe one of degbeha uappfoct c th g and found to his amazement that it wss warmer on the shady aide than on tbe aide tamed to tbe suo he communicated hia discovery to the gneatf who at once proceeded to verify the statement what oonld be the cacao au animated discussion ensued in the discourse of wbiob every imaginable law of physios was made to account for this atrane paradox at length they agreed that it must bo ao owing to the laws of reflection repulsion or exhalation or some othor law of physios with along name the host was however not quite con vinoed and calling the gardener he said to him pray tell ua why the globe io warmer on the ehady side than on the side turneov to the sun the man replied 1 i because juat now i turned it round for fear of it cracking with the heat london til bit alcohol a brain poison it is so to all intents and purposes it seizes with its disorganizing energy upon that mysterious part whose steady and undisturbed sotion holds man in true and responsible relations with hia family with society and with god and it ia thia fear ful part that gives to government and society their tremendous interests on the question la not aociety ia not every individual who makes sella or patronlzea the uaoof alcohol and leads the wretoh to temptation and death responsible moat not alcohol be a sabjeot of law sorely it mubt thero has always been a jurispru dence of alcohol there ip still and tbe necebbity for it will continue bat the demand of tho age is for a new at higher and jaater legislation for more tborongh and potential law through whioh the most ubiquitous and omnipotent energy of government shall be expressed for the protection of aociety e l yoomana founder of tho popular science monthly as bio as a saucer a youth at school in haddington who laoked musical talent and whoae voioe the sin consequently jarred dnrlng ngiug lesson was alwaya allowed a holiday en singing daya hla mother failing to divine the cause of ber sons enforced abaenoe- paid a visit to tbe school to inquire into the matter iu answer to her query as to why her eon waa sent home on an oh occasions the teacher said why simply beoanae he baa no ear 1 what i abeezolalmed nae ear did onybody ever hear the like o that i nae ear why be baa a lag like a saucer man i scotty colapses in a certain regiment an irishman and a scotchman being in oompany their conversation tamed to feats ol atreogtb bays bootty to pat boo hand oan boast of tba at tonnes t man in tbs world hows that said fat well aaya bcotty we have a man in scotland that oan pat hla arms around the biggest tree and pull it asp by the roots pshaw i aaid pat thats coining io ould irs land we have a man that can gel into a boat and pall ap the river collapse 6f sootty a typical speofmon of rugged an i unlet tered rnrallty he had managed to make bis way unchallenged to tbo room where a number of men wore engaged in getting up articles of pith and moment for a great publication qnoofthem a particularly profoond and able writer observed the intruder he looked at htm questioning ly tho vleitor beamed on him and exclaimed dont mind mo go riht ahead bb if notbin was bappenin the ability man looked at him disap proviugly and tried to roanmo hia work but the knowledge that the stranger was standing near and with an exprebaion of eager interest in his face banished inspire tion did yoa want to aee anybody in partio olar he inquired no i jea happened along dont pay notention to roe i dont get into town very often tbebe eights is a party com fortin qbange from mountain boenery an i thought so long as id looked at the oqt sides of most of the places along this street id like to take a quint at the inbide i apose these is yoar busy hours i would not lnterrup you for natbin in the world if youve got work to do well theres no doubt about my haviog work totdo waa the slightly testy rejoin der well go rihbt ahead ive been bangin around you here jes out 0 curiosity to aee you work havent you seen me working for the last 10 minutes havent you seen me grabbing great thoughts out and hurling them through the world haven t yoa noticed the way the perspiration has poured off my brow as my brain shook with titanla cerebral spasms no i baint noticed well you jeat watoh he took hia pon and proceeded with hie writing mister inquired the stranger as he took his hat from the top ot bis whip where he had hung it on entering ib that what you call work 7 i should say so he turned in silenoe and walked to tho door then he oast a lopk of reproach on the man at ahe desk jea eels there and etioka a pon in the bottle an drags it over a piece of paper an then when the ink runs out sticks it in the bottle agln an then drags it over the paper tome more an a foil pro wn man calls that work i well ill bo dogged 1 a good woman busy at bor work all day kover obub a coat of pay thinks it ouebt to be that nay thank tho lord for susau i blngln whan alio wants toning llko tho robins in tho sprlug scoldlu aomo likoovorythiug tbauk tho lord for buaan i always ready day ortjlght alwaya wlllln abo a aelfilit when beooomoa todoju right thank tho lord for ubao i mo an sovoti children a what ho looks aftdjr will or uot and sho 6 inothor to tho lot thank the lord for susan qooa to church on sundays too long with a 1 sho a ffdt to do it slier thats gbln to pull mo through thank tbe lord for susan iu box hair la streaks of gray and the crowd foot a como to stay but i llko her boat that way thank the lord for busan i made of consecrated clay bho 8 tta hotter ovexy day thapk tbo lord for susan w j lambton in jvrio york san u5utes iftetts burner sentences and maxims a splendid newspaper talk about obarity patience sociability and bank accounts in connection with the happiness of a home 1 why these things are bnt parts not tbe whole of home life a very necessary constituent part ot social happidoes is a good family newspaper not one devoted to market reports murders and the morbid doings ot the decadent undergrowth but a brightly edited finely printed well illustrated clean review of dally eventa in the world oomments and characterisations thereupon and each an admixture of humor poetry personal gossip and pretty pictures as shall add spice to tbe whole dlen tinob a journal ia toronto saturday nighty which for eleven years has been a source ot joy in thousands of toronto and provincial homes and ia eagerly looked for by those unhappily exiled from this qaeen oity of the wnat satur day might takes lifeieriouily but not badly whilst it baa no party to serve nor fad to float it keeps a free lance for hombag corruption and superbtition under what aver guise they present themselves its features ot personal and social gossip and current comments by bon and other writera won for it an immediate field whioh has ever since been hold there have been imitations bat tbore ia only one saturday night its editors and contributors are men and women who travel and think and that ie tbe reason their weekly output la ao entertaining go with them and theyll advise thee theyll cozen thee with wit split thy vldes with uagbter and make life something more than a dull round of toil saturday night really does not cost ono anything bnt the publishers and news dealers expect 5o per copy or 92 00 per year printed and published at istiturday night building 20 28 adelaide bt w toronto and for sale by frank gibbons and a t brown acton the facts in the case there was trouble 011 deeplaines street tbe other night and tbe editor bent the new reporter over to got the details he got them as may bo seen from bia account of tbe affair which is aa follows a man killed a dog belooging to another man the son of the man whoae dog waa killed proceeded to whip the man who killed the dog of the man be was tbe son of the man who waa the son of the man whose dog waa killed was arrested on complaint ot the man who was assaulted by the son of the man whoso dog the man who was assaulted had killed chioago vow- a difference walter after seeing cows milked on hla first visit to the country i dont oare for any milk to nlfbt aunt jane why i thought you liked milk when i waa down to new york you uaed to drink it every meal waltoi oh yea i like the kind ha oomes in cans bat i dont tike cows milk i new york frutv kept adelb waiting in fere la chaise paris there is a tombstone bearing at the top the inaorlp tion adele ronald 1830 i await you underneath is louie ronald 1881 here am i some youngster has aorlbbled at tbe bottom tbe pithy crltl clsm he took hia time he knew how paddy do yoa know how to drive aid a traveler to the owner ot a jaunting oar bare i do waa the answer wasnt it i upset you honor in a ditch two years ago london 3t bits on tact bo courteous to all never lose a chance ot giviuft pleasure tact often booceods where fooe fails alwaya remember that men are more easily led than dnveu that in any caao it is better to guide than coerce meet the wishns of others ad far as they are just and wise but do rjot bo afraid to bay no endeavor alwaya to mako business transactions pleasant that relations established may be maintained business ia a matter of sentiment and feeling far more than many suppose every one hkefl to bo treated with kindness and courtesy and a frank pleasant manner will often clinch a bargain moro effectually than a concession an price a gentle word turns away wrath but an angry answer is loss fooluh than a sneer have tho oourage of yoar oonviotions be frank and yet reserved above all never loose your temper in basinoes particularly patience ia a virtne if 30a bugpeat u man do not employ liim if yoa employ him do not suspect him be cautious but not over cautious do not be too muoh afraid of making a mistake a man who never makes a mistake will nover make anything penny postaqh list of countries that will enjoy the benefit of cheap rates ottawa jan 2 christmas saw tbe going into effoqt of imperial penny postage between canada and tbobe portions of the british empiro which have given their adhesion to tbe scheme and new years it was extended to all points in canada and the united stateb the countries which up to date have entered into tho arrange ment in addition to canada are tbe united states thn unit kingdom british india wf nd natal bermuda barbarooh bahama iaanda jamaica british guiana british honduras british east africa british central africa uganda tbo nixer coast protectorate tho niger company n territory aden ascension sarawak malay strait jabore to our women worthless home dyes that cause serious losses in many homes many of our canadian women have been ao crossly decoivod in the year just closed by worthless home dyes that some have determined novor again to try what is really a pleasant and profitable work when the diamond dyes are uaed while we eympathizo with tho many deceived women wa must bay their decision is not a wiso ono because we have in our midst a few unskilled dye manufacturers and monoy loving merohants who for tho sake of long profits aro ready to sell poor goods jit is not fair to assert that m merohants are actuated by tho same unworthy motives deceptive dyes liavo usually plonty of balk to recommend them but this balk is oompoaed of common oourae ingredients dome dyea have just coloring power buffioient to mako thorn dangerous to any ordinary matorial oihers have a email percentage ot color virtue with an extra supply of aoap grease power buoh are the dy os toffs that bavo wrought ruin to pnn mutnhalh dromon skirts bloqaea that is what he meant he pays he loves her for all hes worth remarked fangle he means for all shes worth added gumeo lifo insurance it a good thing bnt health lnaarauoajry arseping thj jipdlhirttwith hoods barsuparilla is allll baiter br woods norway pine byrup loosens the phlegm heals and soothes the langs price kfto s ribbons suits for men and boya and brought consternation to many a trusting and worthy woman while it cannot be denied that deception has a footing in our land it is pleasing to know that the diamond dyea representing perfeot work honesty and troth have brought gladness and profit to thousands of happy homes all olaspes and oondl tlona of woman have uaed the diamond dyea with unvarying aucoess and daring the year 1803 not a failure waa reported when the very simplo dircotfona were followed diamond dyea aro prepared according to special aoientlqo principles and no other dyes in the world have coat ao much to bring to their present standard of excellence thoy are auch that the wife mother or daughter oan uaowith confidence and profit burdock blood bitters makua permanent cures in ohronio diseases whore other remedies fall to do good worms cannot exist either in children or ad alts when dr lows worm by rap is used 25c all dealers

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