Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 5, 1899, p. 2

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moijam in ao ton u friday 80th deoonibor to mr oud mrs n p molam a aon hotjlinnkk at ingorfloll on wodncadky do- oopaboraibt to mr and mrs henry j llollln- married ihmond andbflhon at tbtt residence of tbfl brldub father by llov t el boiling on won- day december ifltli william hoary iemond 10 kmdik eliza aadoraon both ofkoulla amifc borxon muniuy at tho realdenco of tho bridus paronta job qb town n y onwednetv day doo jbui by iiv t o thonapion aaalated by liev p w moot mr hobcrt j hutton formerly of aoton to janet 0 dangb- turof henry murray ll of johnstown lvv koninuon litkhb at tbo residence of tba bridna parents on wednesday jbth duoem- ber by kov win br yore fatber ot tba btlde assisted by kov jamoa a moluaoblan ma ubarlua austin roblnionson ojl b bobin- son of queona college kingston to francis heou auoond daughter of kov william uryera aoton neighbo news news items supplladby corres pondents tnnd exohonnes rockwood amoollnn of the erarooia agrlonltnral booiety will be hold in iho town ball on wednesday jan utb to eleot officers for the onsoln year tod to dispo of any ballinafad died uoaiucahsqaealngumi xuoadayjan3rd william moore in ida 60th year lisrftsr at guolph on xuoeday 97th dooom- uor george a jlamprey agod 32 years 8ualirat tho homo of nor mother uuolpu st aoton on sunday evening lit january annie daughter ot the lato alexander sharp aged aayoara fjiettov thursdayjanuary 5 180 other business iu oonneotlon with uie sootety the oburoh of england sunday soliool bad a obrlbtmai tree entertainment in tbo town ball on tuesday eveuihg a oarnlval ayeld at tho rink hero on new year nixlit whioh waj well attended some very rood oharaoter aostumob were present for weloh prlges were given tbo sunday bohool ot the roman oath- olio ohuroli bad a christmas tree enter- inlnmenroirthulisdsyratlttrdoo churchill a christmas farhily reaniori it baa become an established custom for the ehildren and grandoblldren of mr christopher swaokhemmer of ohnroblll to gather at bis4ioraeetchrietrnaetiae 910o a year in advancbv pcho subscriptions of a large number of the old and stanch supporters of the fnu ponss as well as more reosni friends expired at the end of the year if they will bear this in mind and renew their sub- soriptiods without farther special nbtioe tbey will mnoh oblige h p moore jfaltorand pabllafaer my- notes and comments at the bioentenniel exposition to be held in detroit in 1001 it is proposed to create a miniature venice in the sbal- low waters about belle isle in any event the river front will be the obief ipeotaoalar attraction a financial basis ot ten million dollars la talked of and a permanent rssidno intbe form of a palace of art meets with favor a minister who frequently expressed surprise at the typographical errors in newspapers recently had printed a pro gramme for religious aervioea in bis otratob he stipulated that cin order that there sbonld be no errorain it tba proofs ihonld be submitted to him ii was done and oorreoted sooordlng to his marking alter the job was delivered a friend called his attention to the following line in the oloiingbymn jeans resigns and heaven rejoices 1 the preacher nearly fainted the postmutargeneral has signed an order accepting ertwiyato mailingr cards both theoenadian nailing cards bearing united slates stamps and mailed on this side of tbs line and the united states cards mailed in canada with canadian postage this is the mail ot a reciprocal arrangement between this and the oaha dian governments looking to avoid considerable annoyance in retniing postal tranamiselon where travellers dp often write home on cards of their own oonntry last weeks issoe of the finrllngton record contained the following com- mtnoing with the new year the record will be pnbllahed in tbeconnty town under the name of the milton standard and buriiokton hecord the limited tld lit this district has caused ns to make this move it is to be feared that the record will find the field more limited here than at bnrlington ihatownoaduot s mo three papers the eiperimsnl has been t uhtay w a r milton champion the results of the farmers toil daring istit year are decidedly enoonraeloj to those engaged in that tndniiry in canada these have been good crops which have commanded good prices and the tiller of the soil is correspondingly happy in manitoba especially are the results decided ly enoonraging the total yield of wheat is estimated by the departmenl of agrionl- tore at 3s11745 bushels a production axoeeding that of 1897 by almost 7000000 bnsbels of this crop between 7000000 iand 8000000 bnsbels have gone forward 4000000 bnsbels are in the elevators and the remainder is yet in the fafrnora bands had it not been for an exceeslogly wet antbrnn manitoba most havs produced a crop considerably exceeding 20000000 bushels the installation of onr electrlo light plant under munloipal control is somsslbat unique for a municipality snob as acton and it la quite natural that comment more or less intelligent is being made upon every step taken in the installation of the electric plant the members of tbs t06nlh6hrwhrbyeayt position to glean information mora doflnlte and reliable than any other olliaens are aatiafled that the plant wui be a sdooess in aoton and thalinreasonsble time it will lie a valuable revenueprod ticini institution of the town it is only f air to the oounoll then thai as loyal qltisensws give the new enterprise onr liberal aul generous aopportfrom the outset and that we with hold any adverse orltioism wo may be tempted to make until they have a fair oppoiinnityto demonst t snocess and sallsf action of tba haw enterprise borne prospective beers- ot eiectrio oorrent find it diffioull to reconcile the difference in the varied schedule it ratea hied for stores private dwelllngi and ohnrobes a little explanation almost iovarlabljt satisnes vnqiirsm ontiese pcinto merchants who pot in eleotrlo lights expeol to use every lamp the entire time the cnrrenl is on while their stores are open whereas in private reaidanees the lamp will seldom or never be all torned on at the same time and not more than onehalf or onetbird of them be in oonslanlnae toe special rates to obnrohes is based upon tbo f apt that the aadllarinm where lbebnlk of the lights are placed eioepl on special occasions arising on an average not bnoe a month is lighted only for sunday evening service a duration of abbot an hour and a half it is estimated by eleotrlnal engineers and siperta that in the adoption of these schedules as far possible the exaot aniobnl of current need is equitably averaged in every oontract the advantage of having the system under mnqlotpei rnanagement is that whonever ills found thai rates can be consistently redoced tho oonuoil will gladly take such aotlcn that throbbing headache fonlh qcltokiv leave you if yon oied dr kjnl new life plllv tbooaands of enjfsrri have proved thilr mttohlrss snsril for hlok ami hvryoni ilatidaohet tbey rinko pure tilood and alroog nerves and buiil up yoorbealthi ibssjr- to 1aie ihe evening of the 20th iuat his obiidren four boys and five girls with theirhuebande wivee and obiidren enjoyed thefreectoai of the home alter partaking of an oyster eupper a programmeuf speeahes songs and reoita- tions was gone through in whioh nearly all look part this made the evening a very pleasant one to all and oepeoially to mr and mrs bwaokbammer not many families are eo olronmatanced that they can assemble together even once a year for some pause or another and it ia a source of gratification to mr and mrs bwaokhammer that they can have their ohildren and rrandohildren at the old honfeenioytngtbemselvebatcbristmas time in right good oheer everton tbe lower end of the village was pleased to have the stir and exoitement that go with an election on monday the voting was done in foresters hall the methodist sunday bohool will give their annual entertainment on friday evening a good programme has been prepared of whioh perhaps tbe nioeat numbers will be the singing of little maggie jackson in addition to what baa been prepared by the school revs seytone fowlie and eolden have been invited and we expeol a pleasant and prcfitabls time honry black ot detroit was home for the holidays visiting his friends harry hamilton of si marys arrived at his grandfathers mr john black on saturday to spend a few days mr and mri hortop and mr and mrs o dnmeld spent monday new years day with messrs wm and c hortop in the old home herej itisnnefor tbe hoys that eden mills la so plose to eyerton else they would feel ihe removal l their parents more nas8aoaweya the election on monday for beeve and councillors for tbe township ot nassaga l was the hottest bontest that we have bad for some lime jtiiere were two in the field for beeve messrsm beattle and a mcgibbon and six for oopnelllors messrs b bell j erwln geo orummat joo hitching a 0 mcmillan and jas strang the following were eleoted a moqibbon for beeve by a majority of one and meiers bell erwln kltohlng and strang for oonoolllcts tgs largest vote was polled that weneve had for years mr and mrs adam anderson celebrated the tenth anniversary ot their marriage oq of relatives and friends present through the day and t p ul yuuug p lu t evening there was a very pleasant time time spent in a social hop and other amuse ments whioh were mnoh enjoyed january has come in with very fine weather mr and mra john y asterbrobk of jamestown n d are visiting relatives and friends in nasssgaweya miss mary taylor is visiting relatives and friends in west wawanosb misses l and e wilson naasagaweya and mlsi e hanley ot peru aro visiting relatives and friends in west wawanosh at present crewa co another year baa been ushered in the- roads have been in an almost impassable- condition lately caused by the thaw of laal week and the sudden freeslng op oh- friday on toeaday night laal the event of the season took place at the home mr john walker in the form of a social dahoe between fifty and sixty yppbg people were present mr and mr walker proved themselves to be very effiolent host and hostess and did all in their power to ent tbalr guests fln tiruyvsr- ha svimta ttbaf so seldom ooonr in a lifetime took place at the boms of mr and mrs george graham on friday af terooon nd evehlng when they celebrated their allverwenfllng it was twentyfive yeari ou deo slit since they were wed over one hoddred auests were present from qnelph paisley biock marden and ibis vloinily the presents ware both numerous and ooitly and go far to ahowtbe high ealoem in whioh mr graham and his pariner in life are held by th ma daring thedr twentyfive years ot married life mr and mrs graham have been very prosperous and a more harmonious oonplo it would bo impossible to nod if appearanoes speak for anything they will live to celebrate their goldenwedding whioh all slnoeroly hope they may a number of tbo guests present at the wedding twentyfive years ago were present on this ocoaslon rev mr hdlden preaobed a very w aanbiin nn hnnday morning to a large oongregratlon in the msthcdltt obolroh here tbe memorial aermon of the late miss bertha lambert will be preached next bonday in tba 8116am methodial chnrob ooneeqoently there will be no servioe or sunday bohool here min bella xasby ot toronto spent the christmas holidays at ber borne here mrs john crlppa ot tbe maples pent the holidays with friends in gall mr and mrs w d frlok and children of aotoo spsot qhrietmss at ihe home of mr b gibbon matter willie forbes spent bis holiday with friends lu arksll mr john ielohmen who has been in manitoba the past innmsr returned home on saturday john looks well and epeaka very highly of the western province on ev bo of sbllobs consumption core is this all we as of yob ii tu om two lbrts tbe oontents ortlil botila flthfuijahss ifybaieanstsyyairwiit rsf dbdibejrile paid prloe liai vviw pltohholea are tbo order of ihe day as there has been no nowe from hero for some time i thought 1 would send a budget r quite ahnmber from hero attendod the ball last friday ovening at georgotowu end report a good time holidays ara over and evcryono la back to worlragatn mra monloholof alton and her son ot new york wero tho gnosis of mr and mrs geo campbell last week while cut with a load of grain lastwoek geo garopboll jr was thrown from his sleigh ou a glare ofioe and was badly stunned kigd handa took him to tbs doptor and found some bruises about tbe head and ehonlderebnt no bonea broken mr jarnea shortill has gone to london lolakeasituatioa as policeman woniah- bim auooees mr ed shortill has b appointed teaober of tbe eohool at dimehouao mr graham gave bis soholara a ten pull ou the labtday ot aohool inbtead of a concert he will bold a concert later the- ohildren presented bim with a handeome dreasiog case ono of those sad events whioh neier fail tb bring sorrow and grief to those mois plosely epnnected and whlqb ihrbughbnt tbo entire community always awakona deep and earneat teelinge ofoympaihy for tho afhioted onea booorred on monday of last week on that morniug there passed ont of this world in his twentyseventh year a loving son and brother in the person ot idr alexander qreo the deoeasod although aufferiog more or iobb for some tlirie bore ble illness with great fortitude and christian resignation and through it all was patient and in perfect peaoe his fatal illnebb was brighte disease which jdlipitp jtheefforts of medibal akill to oh he progress terminated fatally on the morning mentioned many kindly words were spoken as the sorrowful intelligence was pasted from one to another the faithful and fond son and brother is no more and the grief stricken family mourn the ipsa of the dppatted the funeral took place on wednesday afternoon and waavory largely attended the remains were taken to fairview cemetery aoton rev mr milne spoke very kind wordb of oonnool and consolation at the honee a thrilli ex a 8torv- told- byavveiu- known salvation army captain his body raotced from head to foot with rheumatic and neuralgic pains would prefer deafh to underarolns suoh suffering agaln from tl loat llndaey out itib the lot ot but a limited narnber of people to enjoy the confidence of suoh an exceedingly large circle of friends and opmradeb as doee capt john a broken- bliire whowab recently interviewed by al poet reporter at tbe homo of his parents at robedalr a pretty hamlet situated at the head of balsam river in vlbtoria county whero the elder mr brokenahlre who has reaobed ihe threesbore years and ten has held tbe position of lookmastor for the paevwentytwoyearrr oaptrbro ehire tho eubjeci ot this artiole is 84 yeara o ago ie wellknowu and highly reepeated tbrougbout many of theeading oitleb and towns ot ontario where dnring hia seven years eervioe iu tialvatloh army work he bae ooine in contaot with a large nfiwh of people he baa b atalipned qeorgetown tbgoodwillle has been gazetted 2nd lieutenant of company no 8 20th lome blfjes- r- the funeral ot tbe late william moore ebquesing will be- held in greenwood cemetery today at two oolook the holidays are now over and everyone teems disposed to settle down to carry out their good designs during the new year sleighing parties eksjlng parlies and sunday bohool entaeyalnments have engaged the attention of lbs young people the past week and the eleotiona have given the older ones their innings the ohlef interest was centered in the oholoe ot beeve for tbe year although we have ho grave questions on band yet as there seems to grow up two sides for every election so 1 was a oholoe between mr w h kennedy and mr kahrs the friends of both made a grand push and the result was looked for very anxiously- mr kennedy had a majority ot 86 when the nolle bloaed judging from the ability he has ebpwu in council matters during the last year everyone feels confident that tbo office will be well filled messrs search boo and hooper were elected for public sobool truatees tbe councillors were all eleoted by ilanaa the entertainment of tho methodist uuindaiy school last motility uvuijiu was a great bucoobs one very happy feature was the exercise given by twelve aoton young ladies representing the rjoldiersof the cross it was highly creditable and was greatly appreciated by tbe georgetown citizens so alto was the address by air hp moore superintendent of tho acton methodist bonday bohool over forty acton frienda were present at the enter tainment she entertainments at the rink and hall were well patronised the children are having a lively time on tbe ponds at present but tbe lobool bell calls again to hard vork the teaabers baive sll returned after enjoying their holidays all ihe ministers preached spcoial eer- moos relating to the work of the new year pa sanday la grippe bao somewhat interfered with some people during the holidays we have been quite free from accident for some time hut mr william boberteon employes bymr robert brown had the misfortune to lose tho forefinger of bis right band last week while driving a team over the railway track one ot the horses fell and in working with bim and having h o t t c his a s between tbe links and the poll on it ont bis finger off as plean ais a knife the sntertaiomsnts inall the ohnrobes have been seasons of great interest espec ially to the children the english and congregational ohnrch- es have notyni secured new pastors but the people have generally agreed upon pertain ones likely to meet tbe wisbea ot the members altyonr readers and friends at george townwish you happy and proeperoci new year the rnan who has no prioo li the only ooe really worth buying late literary notes the uetliodut magazine ami rtvuw entereonito twcntyfllth year and forty- ninth vplnmo with amnmber of nhosnal intereat no other magazine in canada we think has eer reached half the age th it wlljllnt artlnwj the first is by the editor on anld- reekie with its stirring memories an experiment in altruism by james i hcghet is an aoconnt of a very remarkaws mannfaatnriug industry the caahbeglstsr msnutaotory at dayton ohio a branch of wbloh is to be established in canada the apirll of sympathetic oooperatlon with employees to secure their moral and physical betterment bas we think never been surpassed the worlds progress popular science recent books and religious intelligence of the world make op an exoellenl number of this oldest magaktne in canada never so strong and vigorous as today now is the lime tp sobserlbs toronto william brlggs montreal o w ooater halifsx b f boeslls m00 a year 1100 for six menthr ulu dbertteementis two skrvant8 wanted imme cook and houaemald wanted immediately in n l private family apply box 157 oakrllld residence for sale a n bwi4ekibidsns3witbjilnoiu jrx bioendid oellar andar whole home oara- modloua atablo and driving bouse hard and oft water nlco garden great bargain for qnlok dale for lartbor particulars apply at the fnkk pbrb8 office at torooto montreal peter boro ottawa morriiburn aqd minor pluoea and atone tinre wfasa member of a travelling s a strink band the following ib oapt brqkenflhirpa own blatemeot i bad been bllrhtly troubled with rheamatio paina for sevaral yeara and had to give op the army work on different oooaeionb on account of my trouble wbea stationed in morrbbartf four years ago i beoame completely nnfltted for work a i soffered erribly witlianb in the back of my neok down my ahoalders and arms and throagh my body in fact i had pains of a iating- inr moboular nature from the baok of my bead to my toes i could dot bend ray bead forward jlxgot tha whole qf canada to do bo and when in bed the only slight rest i got vrb with a large pillow under my shonlder thus letting my head bang backwards i ooald not get ap bat had to roll or iwist w oat of bed as my spine beemed lobe effeoted my medical adviser pronounced my troablo neuralgia and rbedmatiam combined which be said bad gone through my whole eydtom he prescribed for me bat the medloine gave me no relief i tried various other remedies but they were of no avail believing my case to be hopeless x deter mined to start for my home in roeodale bat tbe jarring of tbe train caused snob terrible sgooy i was compelled to abandon the trip at peterboro where i was laid up for three weeks when i finally made a heroalean effort and reaobed bome as my mother sayo 1 looked like an old man of 00 years of age when ebe saw me btroggling with tbe aid of two heavy canes to walk from the carriage to the boose at home i received every posaible attention and all tbej treatments that kind friends suggested bat i was constahiiy going from bad to worse in january 1896 after many months or untold agony i determin ed to try dr williams rink pills having read so muoh in the newspapers of tbe great benefits received by others from tbeir use to rriake sure of getting the genuine artiole i abnt direct to the dr williams medicine go at brookville tor the pills after taking two boxes i noticed a slight improvement in my condition whioh gave me some encouragement and i kept on until i had taken twelve boxes although before i got through with theeixtb iooilld go to bed and enjoy a good nights rest such ss i bad uot done for years i never at any time enjoyed better health than i am doing at present since my recovery i have indooed several friends to take pink fills for various troubles and in each case they bave effeoted on res the above is laluiu u th fatits voluntary and oorreofe b and ofnnr traet that many others may by reading this receive the blessing that i have if neoesiary i would make an affadavit to the above facta at any time canadas nevv ybars gift the twodeht letter rata cam into effect on navy years day ortawa jan 2nd canadians may now use tbe twocent postage stamps for post ing letters to any point in the dominion and to the united btates as welt as to brilish points the chrutmab box of interi rope rial penny postage has been followed by a new years gift of a twooont letter rate throoghont all canada beginning on jan uary 1 last season the government anticipating tbo adoption of interimperial penny postage scoured the passage of si permissive act authorising them when they deemed it advisable to reduoe tbs canadian letter rate to two cents and upon the- london conference last fall naming christmas a the day upon which imper ial ponny postage fthsuld take effeot the canadian government decided to avail themsalyei of the powers conferred upon th r oa d letter rate from three to two oenif at the earliest possible moment by the terms of tbs postal arrange ment with the dolled states the redaction will apply to letters from canada to that oonntry three jeaa in a boat our three buyers mr v canham of our guelph store mr cyas mills of our berlin store and mr e mill of qui owen sound store left monday for new york to take passage on the teutonic for the foreign markets otheoldworlfto select the verjates productions f our threerlarge stores they are cbmtrnssioned to buy iintar increasecl quantities that the growing tjms demand and purmany customers may cohfidehtiy expect to see ifi our stores a most exceptionally fine stock of dry goods next spring gc 2000c0ros kiln wood w the bigboit prioea wilt bo paid for 90oo oarda ot rood kiln wood doliverod at llmobonao arrangoat onoolf you havq any todupoasof john uooufi manager toronto tiirao go logs wanted any quantity of bauwooff 80ft elm sot t maple logs wanted at onoe for wbloh the blbbesteash price will be paid- aa this will bo oar last seaaon- in brampton furmers should avail themselvea of tbe qppor- tunlty to dispose of logs at prioes higher than are cald at saw tuuii v works br amp ton f cfjal business changed h j- c hill as purchased tot goal buslneis of mr john mcqueen and is prepared to deliver first- olass sorantou coajln furnace stove and nut sizes promplyand to- the satisfaction ofotuto- mera generally i have also pnrerjaaed tbe weigh soales and will give prompt attention to all orders for their important notice the celebrated indian doctor only one price cuelph berlin and owen sound 8 we make our annual of all fall and winter goods it dont pay any business to carry surplus stock over to the next season our object is always to begin with a new stock for every seasons business now will be your great opportunity to procure special bargains in dress goods mantles and all kinds of woollen goods great bargains in readytowear clothing overcoats boys reefers remnants a great lot to be cleared at half price also mens under wear odd shirts drawers etc and a number of odd lines in all classes of goods to be cleared come early and secure some of the great bargains fine hiobtcl ass ailokina in this department we have a number of fine scotch tweed suitings reg- ular prices 1800 2000 and 2250 sale price 1200 1350 and 1675 these are great bargains also a number of overcoat lengths to be sold at the above reductions thpgp garments will be well trirhrned well tailor in our usual highclass standard at the prices they will be sold at rhey wit shrewd hmyers r r- george w bllfxi and partner will be a agjxajbqir neaday of erery oojnmeneldg wftb wnesdaysbth october agntjtotjo inontbe iastyed nnwjihornoljc 1808 all enronfo dueaaes snob ss consnmp tlon eatarrh liver ooniplalnt itldney dueasaa rheumatism diabetes o are oorodby indian bemedles medicine sold by tbe quantity patients given up aa incurable are espeolally invited fatlants under treatment to other doe tors are not solicited consultation free far- manent address bbantfobd p bont machine operators wanted xou- shirtdbprrmbnt becijnners t5clt appiv at onqe the wtlliams greene bomb co jmlld berlin ont notice h ipaetnershlp beefey gibson millltjft rob block thtnin st g e0 rgbtojsan produce taken in exchange a stol stocking wltb afrlenttifaeo at the top presents aehecurfal sight chrut- mas morning hit td us at onoe for your plofnre if you think of aendlnr it for some friends christmas saooktng motblng oanbemora sbooeptabls nothing in better tasta and fow gifts can be eo valuable rfrjmriw photo rfatlst p even tho worm will lorn prohapa into a bqltstfly wors than war handreda are llllsd in war bnl handrsds oi tficrasandv are killed by ooninnipalob thaib vsonld be no doauwj at alljoansed by this terrldie dlleut if pelsoootd bimavoto nndsrsland that bhlloinscoghani oonsninpilon cars is a sors wdiedy ii takan in tho early ilagos m cants 80 osnta and tl00 a botllo- drtjgalsts will rslnnd tho moooy ii a cure is not sffsoted for all both customers and friends is that you riiay have re neloji mons furnlaher v lu w whan uarrlage la a f ailara tho hatband sometimes liquidates spains qbbate8t need mr b p olivia of baroalona spain psnds bis vilntan at aiken 8 c wank nerves had saossd severe palni in the back i his bead on nslog eleotrlo bitters americas irsateat blood and narva bsmedr all pain soon left him ha says tbteltand medloine is what his oonptry needs all amerida knows that it oasts llsr and kidney tronbie hrines lbs blood tonka oplha ttomaoh atrsdrthe insrvss vlvor and new life ib intoavsry mnol aiirva and organ of lbs body if sreaki tlrerd or iliiir yon need it every i bollleoranled only 60 eents bold bysli dirukiilats jvwv the bast place for practical jokes end bolls is on othtrs veftrs we have now a stock of lovely diamond and opal diamond and ruby opal and diamond gem rings all the newest designs shizhgeco i spitabun onrrs fob tbx iqw 1899 calendars artistic new year cards in addition to tbeso we offer at greatly redoced prices tbe following celluloid albums plush albums fancy celluloid cases poets arid bibles these latlor the best valnev ever before oueretl s- province of ontario county of holloa j declaration of cofartnerbhip we david hndraonof tho vlllaso ol aoton lb tho oobnty ot haltoti mcunbor of parllemont jdavid q obristls ot the ouj ot aoton in ths oobnty ot halton ui milamsnt x jdavld d obristls ot tno witj 01 goolih in tbe oonntyot wellington m brabant goolpb in tbe oonntyot wollington msrahant william albert storey ot the said village ol aoton atenofaotnrsr and obarlea o beoderscn and john a henaerson- of tbe said village ol aoton merobants hereby oertifyl- 1 thatvo nave carried on and lbteoid to carry on trade and baslness as prlvata bankera and money lenders at the said vlllagev of aoton in partnersblp nnoer tbo name andturm ot btorey ohrlatle a oo a that tbs eatd partnership bap sabslatod since tba flnt day of angast lew 8 and that we are and bavo bees alnco tbe said day tba only moxnbersol aba said partnor abljp wltnoae onr hands at the vulage of aoton thu 7th day or deoembsr 180h d hendebsou w a 8t0bbv o c hbudbbbon- johnahenpbrbon d d qbbi81cb itiv1b bollotf tbestory of the pbulpolni by unrat intvxna book was written in avrmy oaiaps at tsaa fran- oisoovonthspaeioa wltbilancralmvrlttlatlia bospltals at honolnioj in qong kong in tbs amarlean fasnelies mt ifanhai in tbe insurgent camps with artlttajdo od the deck of the olympla with devsy and itttbe roar of battle at tbs fall of manila bonanaa for atgapta brimfnl or original pletnres taken by aotem- ment phptotrapbaw da tbe apot ifsuge book low pzioes fins proflt vreuht paid credit sven- prop all trasbv nnatfetaf war books atflt free addrss f t bahbeb 8eoy star insnrance building obioao- b twmbtf tl ib h bimsvbbyuolfb jaad ddrmlwall s tlwltlwallmmr your druggists every druggist andvdeiter in medicines has a supply of bbb 1s99 almanacs ihe btttajmanac outrand you may have one free for iheasklng we desire tnat ibis valuable book shall be in every canadian home and if your druggist or dealer is out of ihcm and wont get nne for yon aend ua q pnalcainl vvrillnjr your name and address distinctly and you will he mailed one free t mllbuni 4 co 55 colborne street toronto ont

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