Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 5, 1899, p. 3

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che bmkoi hamilton huadojtioe hamilton capital all paid up 1 25000000 reeorve fund 77sooooo total assets i 110014400 nearly ton millions of dollars board 3f directors john stuart president a g iumsay vloo1roatdont tfbo boaoh joun fnooton a t wood aiilkb toronto wh qidboh mp j tuilnbuljjoastalor u 8 bievenvasitcmhlor h m watbon iaspootor georgetown agency a general banking easiness transacted jsotesjoiresrionnlble fa and special attention given to the collection of sals notes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada aria united states drafts oh great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of 8i and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added to principal every year whether passbook is brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown ont the news at home mostlyo a local charaioter and evasrv item interesting when they ontanltc the rnomboreoleot of the municipal oonnoil mill meet next monday at eleven oolook for organization it la probable tbsrihtteeuurnnibllngsnf ihn year will ooromence that evening the pnblioschool board will xneel to organize on wednesday evening 16th lost at sovod oolook 4oton odafe a o u rv at a meeting of the a ov w on tuesday deo 371b 1803 lbs following offloera wore eleoted and have been installed mutor workman john williams past muter workmen j h matthews foremabw h speight overbeerinaaetrandlsr weddinq bells holiday weddings consummated at aoton and vlolnlty noninioh iirykrs an intereating and pleaeaot evboc took plaoe at ihe rosldenoe of rov win bryers aoton on wednesday 38th nit tbe toe occasion was the happy marriage of mies fannie briers dnabl actons popular fty lclo ft x press thursdai january 5 1890 little local brieflets which causbt the eyes or ears of free praea reporters this week eleotrio light next week the new year baa bbmmencod with very unfavorable west htr the jaiunary thaw has rendered the sleighing vary indifferent oongtatniationa i mayor molaon aoton rejoices in your preferment wednesday 11th ioat is ihe date for tbojiext division court in aoton thotrueaeee of bannookburn sohool have decided to reseat the aohool with modern deaks and seats fotrlng to ihe prevalenoo of rneaales the attendanoe at the publlo aohool is rsdnoeojinoreban one half i tbe monthly meetlog of the publlo ilbraty floarp will be bald next monday evening at tbdvoioqk aharp ithe faaat- of iho epiphany will be oelebrated with appropriate eervioes in 3t josephs ohoroh tomorrow evening iltave yon tent a name besides yonr own for the fees piutss for 1800 an old and a new subscription for 175 readers of the fan fans will do na aiavor by mesalioning to advertisers that they notice tbeir announcement in our oolomna the work of installing the eleotrio lighting plant it progressing very rapidly and indications point to the possibility of the current being turned on about a week from today ifn broddy town oblleotor has made capital reoord on taxes ho has oolleoted withool inning a single distress warrant the outstanding earn is now6oly some 500 bcampton banner the graloi naarkett this week are- mbrsahractlvetofarmera than for aeveral weekbiifail heal084 lloeordorxt d graham financier sunoan molntbsh iieeoiveralbert e gurnoy guldo prank mcmillan inbliie wetohlfeter maopberson oouldo vatoh robert allan bop to grand iiodbejhuattlieira jforo interobtlntlban any latter numbers ol copies ol the iaiepntss are mailed every week by subaoribera to friends at adlstanco the postage la m cents a yearif rnailed regularly it is worth quite a dollar if you oonnt the- tronble of looking up wrappere and attending to the mailing etc isntit then perhaps you forget tbe paper until the news is stale it coats only a dollar a year to isnd- the fass press regularly from tbe oflloe of publication and only beventyflvecenta if you are already aaubaoriber travellers disperse to distant polnta the men who aid largely in aaaorlng sncceisful and profitable operations to all large manqfaotnrlng conoerns are ihe energotio conamercial travellers the elaff young ladlea to mr o austin itoblnaon lennox co son of prof boblnaon jnasna college kingston tbe bride graoefoll attired inatnelit travelling suit wat attended by her iliter mlaa nettle bryars and miss eltls battle of niagara falls the groom was aupported by mr robt torney and maatar brandon h brvers monlroal the oeremony waa performed by rev wrn bryera father of lbs bride assisted by rev j a molsch- at 8 aablla pa jpxm cflt while dim whsatr 2fln of traveller fonho carjadi gloo worst left for their various outside fields daring the week as follows w t bmyth to british oolncnbia j c broddy and anton a smith 4o manitoba arid lbs northwest a e nioklln to nova scotia t e m secord to kew brunswiok and j a mnrray toprince edward xeland messrs w h storey son anticipate a large trade this season orders sre alresdy being received in satlafaotory volume bookey juatebe aoton hoottey team played tboir first garqe at g eorgetown last wednesday even ing meeting defeat by 8 goali to 6 tbe return match waa played hero on monday before a goodsized orowd who braved tbe oold weather to participate in tbe excite ment of the game the play was faal at times and free from roogbneas resulting in victory for aoton by 0 goals to 2 both olnba bad stronger teama at tbelp borne rink iban on the- opponents ice the teama lined op as follows qeobobtowh watson lake prontlsa liuior toat somervllle iteld foaitiom ooal folnt cover folnt i forwards aoton bwaofcbammor qurney fbydor mcdonald molntoeb- h bider alooann an exoituit jcanntroy johnnie son of thomas oook who recently removed from eramosa to the homestead in eequeaingba4 an unenvi able experienoe in a rnnaway on satur day he vsaa driving in to town shortly alter noonand when nearthe dairy farm of mr jantea- barry the horse became frightened upset the cutter and ran furiously to the g tr op the traok past tbe frelffbt sheds and through tba yard- bringing np against the barbed wire 1 eooe at tbe west side the horse sustained eeveralbad cots from the bsrbed wire on the left shoulder and knee and the cutter shafts were torn off the young man es lujaty- t h is a v one sod was pnrohatod ait the eaeoatora sale of tbe effeofs of the lato john itcook sudden umbom and death a very dislreaslng fatal illness onlininat- ed on sunday evening by which mrs alex sharp tr was bereaved of her eldest dangbtar annie after fonr or ave days illness miss sharp oatne borne from toronto where she held a aitnation a oonpleof weeks ago to spend tbe holidays the ural of last weelubo visited friends in herrokj bone at limehonae bnl came home auffoxldg from a severe bold on wednesday her illness developed a- serious aspens and parttonliia set in all that medics akiliand oarefol treatment could do were withont avail and death came on sunday evening this la the drat death in a family of nins sons snd danghsers anil the mother andt brothers and sisters feel the loss keenly the funeral was held on tuesday morning to st josephs ohuroh and cemetery bev father feeny offlolat ing the sir brothers of ihe deoeasad noted as pall bearers aoton ta protttm of mia baeeeu ever alnce bis removal from acton to guolpb eleven years ago mr r e nelson has taken a lively interest in the prosperl ityof his adopted bity tba the people lantslta among thoso presenrwere mr fred bryora wife and son of moot- real and btrs bartle and ohlldren of niagara falls after an enjoyable wedding repaatfiir and mrs robirisdn left amid tpe best wisbcb of their relatives and frlendi cn ile eveuluu tralu for their wedding jonrney after whlob they purpose residing near kiogaton aaiitu mixon alapieorove the reaidenoo of mr j h nixon asbgrove was tho soene of a very happy event on tuesday 27th ult when bia daokbter minnie i waa united in marriage to mr david smith ll b of v manitoba tho marriage oeremony was performed in tbe presenos of over forty guests by rev ota mitchell b a pastor of tba georgetown oironit assisted by rov f w thompson b a of arthur exactly at the boar of 180 the bride entered the drawing room leaning on the arm of bar father by whom aha wat given away the wedding march wax rendered by miaa thornton of george town tlio bride waa assisted by her titter miss adai while the groom was seconded by mr g banka of arthur aftar the oeremony tbe oompaoy sat down to a most sutnptuons dinner after whiob toasts were proposed to the bride and grooni by revs mitchell and thompson and mr bnddell and happily responded to by mr smith the bride was the rooip- ientof nnmerona very hahdaome preaents teatifylng to tho popularity and high regard in which she ia held by she com munity the happy couple left on the w80 train to spend a week with the friends of both in arthur- and teeawater they were acoompanled to the station by the yonqg people of the party who took leave of them axnid copious abowers of rice mr smith and bis fair lady purpose spending a weak or so in these parts after wbibh they will rnake their permanent readenoe in gladrtone the bride has fbra number of years been a member of the melbodlst ohurch and has taken an active part in the interests of the obomh and sunday bohooi the best wiebsa of the ash grove leaidents follow them to their new bpme xnoronu haw a very pretty wedding took plaoe at the home of mr and mrs h m taylor apton on monday sgtb deoember at c80p m when miss mary haw former ly of nassaga ways and mr t e lang fordf bsytville unakoka were united in matrimony tho bride was assisted by miss hobrlde toronto and the groom by his brother mr david langford of the same place the bride was very hand somely gowned in white and blue obtffah and tho brldeamaid waa attired in blue trimmed with cream silk lace both oarried bboriuets of white rbaes the rev h a maopberson performed tbe ceremony quite a number offrlendb were preaent among whom was mrs w moljonald ot coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlousother paraonal notes tbo fasa pnssa invitee all its readers to con tribute to this oblumn kybn or your friends are going away on a holiday trip or ii you have frlbnds visiting yoii drop a eard to tbe fats pbkbs mr will barry ot waterloo was home for v mr a t brown visited toronto frlenda daring the holidays mr frank harrih apent now years with friends in torouto mlas wright of oaelphr is visiting bor friend mist mabel oook mies ida barry of newmarket is spend ing a week at ber home here mr james fordyoe of gnelph was the guest of a fr monda miss susy graudon of berlin was ihe ponrasi merit llknoyvtlbolaraparllla loftr rirmly oroiiri thsmnkni abiofutatyjvand partriansriuy ouraawhanahothorapall hoods barupsrllu is not merely a simple preparation of barssparlus dock stll- llng iaand a little lodlijeof fouaainm chas l nelles guest this week of mrs jennie smith mr and mrs john eenney jr apent obriatmaa with relanves in eramosa miss robertson pf waterdown was the gueatof mies jennie smithtbis week mlasbraklsy of tqrboto is a guest at tbe home of mr obapmanghuroh 8t tft l3wry and mr w h lpwry of qaflpb visited relatives hereon sunday misses mand and ida mason visited relatives at moadowvale during tbe weak mlas aggie glover it spending a few weeks- with friends at erin and orange- ville misa minnie holmes went to norval on monday to take charge of her sobool there misses maggie and edith wileon apent several days this week with relatlvea at elora mr j 0 mattbewt spent several days during tbeweek the goestof toronto friends mr and mrs wihton of brampton were gueats this week at the home ot mrs thos eaeton dr m fprater of palmerston spent saturday with bla aoh dr f j b forster mr b d warren ot the herald george town waa tbe guest of aoton friends on monday mrs e b nioklln son and daughter ol georgetown visited aoton friends en monday rev a h crosby of lyons head nisda acton frlenda a brief visit on tuesday master clarence fernley ol toronto viaited at bis grandfathers home dorirg the week mrand mra john btepbenson and mist josie spent a pleasant visit at waterdown lastweek mra w t slono and family of besldeatheaeexoellent iltemtlvsetlltalio oontslns those great antlblllonir snd liver remedies mandrake snd dande lion it also contains those great kidney remedies uva ural juniper berries and pipalssewa hor sre these all other very valuable curative agents are harmoniously com bined in hoods sarsaparllla and it is carefully prepared under the personal supervision of a regularly educated pharmsoist knowing these facta is the abiding faith thepeoplehavelnhoodasaraaparllla aj matter of surprlset xou csn tee why hoods sarsaparllla oures whan other inediolnes totally absolutely fall hoods sarsaparllla isthe oettinfsct thionoinio bioodfurifler boidbyalldruetlsts slrforss j the wallpaper man queiaph announces ihat 1809 will be a banner year in now papers and window shades it pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy it bollerts thhnks our new store on upper wynct- hairi street will have tho finest wall paper show room ihat can be found rtnrarlai dllls the best alterjinjier 5f7yr i jd dliesuon aao j di mokeb the drug gist aoton will again be our agent and show all the samples at guelph prices ippymn i 1 1 not how much can we qet but how much can we give thats what we aim at and its building up a wonderfully increased business at the gol den lion heres an instance of how weve treated the prices on ladies fur capes ladles bear goat capes with opposum collar 25 inches n length and lined throughout with platted satin in fancy patterns greenland seal capes 25 inches in length and lined through out with brown satin quilled in pretty designs manylfl fill these two go at iuuu 3 2 650 were sold at s19 50 but these two go at 4 greenland seal capes 30 inches in length and same style of lining ti3 the other two wo sold lots of them at 928 but the price now is senlette cape of ery fine q uillty and extra wide trimmed with opposum fur these were sold at 940 00 but take this last one for 1500 sweep 2500 io t brioebtldgr afir to tin illr toronto visited at exwarden warreaa on new years dr f j r fonter apent aeveral dayi daring the holldaya at bit fathers home in pdlmeraton uiftb featheraton ret a road on monday from a pleasabi holiday visit to her home incopetown mr w h oraham o detroit dental college spent several days at his boma here this week mrgrafaarn lawion oteaatfreemonl miob made friendi in the old homo a brief visit laii week mrs h a uaophersbn went to hamilton on friday to spand a few days in her old boras mr and mrs alex matthewi of brant- ford were gaesis at the parental borne duringtheweskj misses m kellv and m xvon of ten fortunate ladies will each get one of these lovely capes will you be one of them i d e macdonald bro golden lion guelph ik i i i g our holiday trade brought us the largest nurriber of customers in the history of our business atany holiday e season it was most gratifying in every- respect and we tender our thanks to the thousands of people whobought at this stored now look out for very special efforts for the new years trade e jfc ollert fe 25 and 27 wjndham street guelph go everything you can think of which is usually kept in a jeweller s store and man tlungbthat others do not keep can now be found a prijstgles guelph iuiffiuwmmiuwiuwiumiuwiuiyrimiyriunriumi m holidhy noizeltibs few suggestions which may help you to decide what shall the present be were ready with any thingyou may possi bly need gifts that will be cherished by the owner ong after christmas thats passed new year times are here and wo have been searching everywhere farpreuy xblngs for presents and increasing our stock of all regular goods watch8 we always have rnk8we have an extra stock in at oricea from say 8100 but our prettiest t onearunirora 9200 to iooo opals slili are the fashionable stones for them tpfrto- ca meras we have pkbrercsmerh fronrcoc up to 20tpotwcrkeq nil the unrrlirm fnrrilinlngmphrrs luulaillj trorfrcoc up to j20 pleased to instruct t as to their usb lmixad pati 7oj barley 48o i rye 60c 1 faxs pnasa renowale have dome in in grattlvlng nambsrt daring tbe past wsek by ihe snd pi the preaent week neatly all expiring subaorlptlons will bav been renewod new names ars added to oar lisia th third annual oonvenllob of the toung peoples sooieties of the presbytery ol qaelpb trill be held in knox oharoh qaelph on monday lolh janoary mr ai if mann ia president of the boolety and mrs h a baopheraod secretary the cantata itoh ol fcame will be glven in the tovrn hall waterloo on tfcnrsday eveolng jannary 12ih there will be rich oostomea and it promises to to one ol tba best things of its kind ever t- glvjrt in waterloo waterloo cironicfe st albans sunday sohool has decided to repeat their christmas cantata sain la coming in the tewn ball tomorrow evening in addition to the osntata there will be the grand majob of the rations by the yonng psopleklobtableaux etc rijiidvina forayear- to distant frlendsc an extra oopy will boat -when-yoa- ai and save yoo tfs tronble o wrapping and posting at well m leatldgyon in potsesaion of yonr pa iiliiiiotmvadi pawns great mlatlnary awompliahments in the be thomas wlljon of jldon in kjoox chorob on monday iarsswgwa- nxosv- interosllng anol irjirtrnotlte tbs llmellght views added atitldnsss to the leotnre wbiob all 0tiffijx4t9mabtt it nature feibtadiiilght31n tus baptltt y i v w tbebsalpr jlerws s moajplna will give papomononkpu t e iforfesonel on thats oolook 1st olond jlandbeee ildrsssss give promise bl an ijryejxdsphvtmllyattrangran my sts jtinfobttoare oordially invited sfevjilpui lertlowwill te jhe matboditt chnroh on titwy7bvabgslstbo klljrt psjlu bt wffy w bblltou bv iteii friend here i croonieourlng brother ittjltotms ilsita- grand tbhlsuaket iqsfepm j h- sfvt- wstm room where tbey were all seated to a dollghlfol wedding dinnar tbe bridal ooapls received many bandabme and nae- fal pniahts button mcbjuy tbe johnilown ny daily hepublioan gives partlonlars of another wadding wbloh will bs of interest to fiuek paxas readera adeligfatfalsoulal event ooourred last evening at 6 oclock at tbe boms of mr and mrs henry murray bast clinton street whan their daughter janet o was joined in marriage to robert j sutton frank books auted as boat man and miss anria8lroradas bridesmaid tbebrldat party entered tbe parlor while miss sarah heabook of oloversvllle played ihe wedding march and took their plaoea under an evergreen aroh from whiob was aatpand- sd a weddlnr bell th bride was taste- fully attired in whits organdie while the groom wore lb conventional wedding suit bev t g thompson performed the cere mony in a pleasing manner attar which bev f w moot offered a briol prayer many hearty cbngratnlationt followed the tying of tbe nuptial knot which together with tbe great number of presents showed promplrrseoginlsedinltniwiibtrst4 nominated and eieoledan aldartbsin of the city council for three years in snooea- son he represented st johns ward the ratepayers being so lolly satltued with bit eervloes that tbey eaoh year eleoled him at the bead of the poll in 180i bs was urged to stand for the mayoralty against mr j a lamprey and although defeated the big vote he got against inch an old servant of tbe oity as his opponent ebowid tho high appreciation of the clttnns at large this was tbe jonlyiyaaraldarmati nel sons faoe was misaed from tbe qonnoll chamber from the time when heurar ran for atdertnatvho having since dobevgopd work foe tbe eity at a repreaealaltveim bt georges ward ewaswwwabr works obslrman as well at being oxtail the importsnt ooramllleea expeptipgthe board ol works in tho oooleat this yoar for the mayoralty bo bad for opponents aid newtteed and aid clarke both old retldenlb of the city and membera of tbe city oonnoil but to greait wat the popo larity in wbiob be jt bald by the eltixeni that ba was even at tbit great odds toooeaajol and waa eleoted by tbe people as their chief magistrate aotqo oongrato- latea yon mayor nelson milton a meeting of tbs halloo farmers institute will be held in tbs town ball ihilton on salarday a popular session will beheldlo thltevenlng vthanaddroasea mntip tti wlll ltjtabifls4 bev canon and wrt maokensle of cblppawa were hers last week tlslung heir daogbtar mrs wmpanton she 88th anpivsrsary- of tbs hilton mfjhodlst bsbkitiitippj wm last 8dndayljeliiasnt sermons were preaohed bs7 abt orsws of raoko austl ffij3inuta of sajrsftrig jaohrd lbs annual tantbrltlcmsnl wat tawiaa all falls 14 can ooople it held by their many frlenda after a sumptuous wedding supper and amid a ahower of rioe mr and mrs button left on the 860 train for a wedding trip when they return tbey will oontinne to reside in tbia oily tbe young ooople is well and favorably known in johnstown they are both efficient and oonaplouooe workers in tbe metbodiat church a host dtfriebdt wish iheiii joy and proaperltyln the new relation into whiob tbey have entered mr and mrs charles e jeonor of johnstown i n y arrived last week at the borne ol principal t t moore to spend a few weeks mr jennerle just rooovorlng frdm an attack of typhoid fever ud is gradu ally regaining strength mr andmra willlamwaldle hoxe- moved to cartwright man bine years ago returned laal week to renew acquaintances in the old home they have many good things to say of manitoba tbeir nomer- vrlnil hare are nleased to meet them onelpb spent several daya this week at mr jaa barrya mrs w p campbell and misses florence and annie spent new years with friends in torooio mrs qracn taylor and mlaa hazel of toronto are gueati at the home of j h matthews bower aveoab the misses bayson mlas coote snd mlas wallace of brarnpton apent new years at mr j keuneys mr edwin francis left on tuesday for toronto to take a course at tbe britieb american boainesa college mrs blohard johnson retnrned hems lait week ofter spending christmas sit her mothers home in kincardine miss nellie mcdonald and ber friend mlaa may allan of olsnwilluma vuited aoton friends on new years mr t james moore prinoipal of st georgea ward aohool left this morning to apend a few holldaya athla bonis in aoton quelph 4 dncau mist evelyn mokeown of toronto arrived here on monday and is inetalled at teaober of bannookbnrn sohool her torujer friends in aotou oordially welpoma her return v exkeevo and mrs a e nioklln and family mr and mrs edward nioklln and mlas jessie nioklln parllolpated in a family reunion at the home of mayor nelson of gneljpb onts1oncjayn j mr p m feeny flf ottawa miss nellls feeny of toronto brotberand sister of bev father feeny and matter- john feeny of toronto wsra gossuat8t jotepha freabyttrydctxs holidays hkppy yertr marriaso licenses- tbls is a splendid thing to buy if yon are just ready torone rubber 8tamps wo make rubber stamps too for marking your linen from 35c up there are ao many things in a jewellery slore that mnko nice christmas presents that you must come in and see them vve always have lots ol people just in looking around this time of year and we are pleased to have you do so and will not bothcryou by urging you to buy there la one thing you must not forget if its bttukht at princle8 in quelph its kood mp wimistimmis again the muni elections ft b nelson mayor of qnelphh w kennedy we of o n the mudlolpal eleotlooa in whloh our readers are partloalarly interested resulted on monday as follows georgetown reeve h w kennedy councillors barclay cane allan bar ber sobool trnatesa jroe search blooper mlllon mayor j s deacon acclama tion councillors r l hamslrtmi b v a earl pr anderaod t modpwell f cblsholm wm armatronb oakvllle mayor john drqabart m d connoiilott r allan 8 chlaholm jamts 0 fold robert freestone edward hlllmer oeorge hillmer william h mor- den sobool troelsea thos freeman v a brad bury ranosivetslbot aoolamailou iloltsrboolsy dlokanson soott and aljbli- 5ifvi wrt rir va ataagawara besve- a moqibtmn fwfrjjmtiiv jbtwin john liirfstwsc tbey alto toa7stipn rtofaoiesideyrormo reguljtsjf sb mall substituboit tbo fraud of the day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand lawrwvclh st acton everthinc new new table tintins tapestry table covers table napkins blankets shawls ties gloves fine underwear gifts in dress goods gifts in silks and satins holiday cr0cerie8 new canned goods new raisins and currants figs dates nats oranges llwzjxtif a job lot at half price coats from 200 lip caps from 5c up a fresh lot of christies biscuits on hand c f g0ce1e go v feirt moaii bbaiitmyi a visit to oar china palace will help you lo solves that question our china palace is crowded with exquisite creations from ihe potteries of the world we have hun dreds of pieces that are triumphs ol tbo potters art yon are cordially invited to call and exani- neouraiock so dinner beta baixglnit from 40q toab0ojvery set altrgalli our fancy china bpfore you buy uut christmas presents 30000 lbs good rlod apples wanted belore christmas for ihlch we will pay the highest price a woman uetat forgive a man bis failure o ask to be forgiven a nvb bs tbanklnl word wrltun by mrs ada h haroiaroioobd fwaauken wulv a bad oold wbleji srtljwcm mylnnatij ooogb tat la md noally termlntts4 in cootnttjptloo fourljaci6rsgavemaop eaying roonm infblllvasbbrtsllrnt i gave myself op to my wvlordtlelbtrii ifi cwoldvrwtuyvtiih rnyfrlendton sarb1 woald rneel my abseol ows abovat fiftytwo week wittgod a fa8cinatinq study op the international sunday school lb8son8 pbtv ii rbadv nogbristlanreepeolally cisntrmanorteaeh- r should bvwlttont tl 8aentlruh bomia in elotb of two colons- with stiff beards phesonjy 89 cents strongly rseommtoasa by ig oletsymtn on sale by all beak sailers oreentpoetpahlonreoliltbeprloeb ibb bbaolbtiabbbtsom cptjhitbd v rubusbars to canaoa isi v fhi0f at stbrrri robbers- ihnetfand liulinied blizzards we guar antee them no i quality of the c- r co sizes a little broken clearing at 25 centa apair neill the shoe man b stores quelph hffiroer king aiid pmmpa sts itilton kyery tecernnv utetcnriw marvllig down numerous lines of goods in each department to clearing prices j i this year weve kepi np bar cuttom snd during ihe month of january willauer trobjl beasonable ooorjj at prices even more surprisingly low than ever before special menllon might be mado ol tho follovrbjgt7 i -i- a vj vv tr hem lions favowt qr goods but reufhave been niado in evei wissss slksliiiswfei jif i annualiflhkewoai millinery linens underwear deptvrtrxibnt ijotfrfv uui annual sale of ladles white underwear and will offer a very choice andcompletaasnrtmentof ladles night gowns vvhlte sklrta corset covers drawers etc nt prices thai yon vmpmltaiticr the xnaterlals only mm a rrsklinnb tn wo ropy no charges to ualju vvltajbilkf jy railway station in ontario on all orders amounting tolsooand upwards write fortsmbietrphcesdrblber information regsrdlng anything you require thinking you for the tavbrsof lowsymielojtcnoanrl alia happy new year ten

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