Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 5, 1899, p. 4

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ieep mm kmmbte know of nothing bettor to tear the lining of your throat and lungs it is better ttian vet feet to cause bronchitis and pneumonia only keep it up long enough and you will succeedlnreducingyour weight losing your appetite j bringing on a slow fever and making everything exactly irigbtforthe gerinsoiqfl- sumption stop coughing and you wiugelweut cures coaghs of eweryjiind an ordinary cough disap pears in a single night the racking coughs of bronchitis are soon completely mis tered and if not too jar along tho coughs of con sumption are completely cured ask your druggist for one of it will aid the action of the cherry pectoral if yon liaye any complaint what l ever ami items the bast medtoujl dr ayers cherry pectoral plaster mdvh0 you can thmilblj obtain iprlta hi reolr youwlllreeewsii prompt roplv that mr t of gtmf lna in vnii mesabaaar jl it ctoit jfm jmss thursday january 6 1699 ijc mng jfolks selfdeceived a brlllitnt yourjr rnun thirty yean ago wu beginning to form tbe bftbit of indulgence in tho wine cap jho know that other men were dtonkardi bat bo felt that he himself was trong and would never bo anything but clear eyed and strong of nervo and flfm of flash the year a wont by lit fast had honor anl poillion be hm booonte e drunkard with u all and bia honors buve beeo for nothing wbuky audvine have dnna for him what they bavve done lor all the re it and what tbey will da for all who are foolish enough to bo deceived by them if be ooald be would deter young men from following in his foqtltepa bnt he will not influenoo them tbey will think of him imply as an old drnnkatd and say tbat he wai a foot norio have controlled himself little and they will follow him on to death hcraldand greahyur a hint to ma this precocious yquntzttsr of u still livos with his family in a fioo home neat tho oityjimiti but there is no telling when he may strike out on birpwi book for- be ib a bay of decided opinions and vast self reliance oaa morning the raofcher waa doing qnito a job of scolding became so few qf tfao family were ready for breakfast at tbe appointed hour she wanted them to understand tbat sbe was not running a hotel and that they mo it oome down in time or shift for tbimselvee maw broke in the young hopeful shrilly youll make us all sorry we reamed you if you dont quit talkin 10 maoh that was the question 8ndymo a forfsrabirefarmer had been spending an hoar or two in tbe evening with a fflend a couple of miles away it was a moonlight night and sandy after partaking freely of bis friends hospitality was riding home quietly across the sheep pastures on bis guid auld mar when tbey came to an open ditch which hie mare refused to cross hoot awa msggie said tbe rider this wlnna dae ye maun jiat gang owir he turned back about a hundred yards wheeled round and gave the mare a tonot of bis whip on she went at a brisk oanter but just aithoy reached the edge of the ditoh she stopped dead and shot sindy olean over to ibe other side gathering himself op sandy looked bli mare straight in tbe fees and said vera weel pitobed indeed ma lass bat boo are ye goin to get ower yerael eh ba vj5 faztb xn tbe boy have faith in the boy not belloving that be is the worst of hla kind in loafiuo with the army of atao and only to evil inclined bnt dally to guide and control him your wisdom and patleneo employ and dally doaplte disappointment and sorrow have faith id the boy ah i many a boy has bean driven away from the boms by tbe thought tbat no one bellavod in hl goodneu or dreamed ot tho battle be fonght bo if yon would have him to conquer tho foealbat are prone to annoy encourage him often with kindness ancvshow you have faith in the boy havo faith in his good resolution dellevo that at hut bell prevail thoofib now be s forgetful and heedless though day after day lie may aail your doubts and smploloni misgivings bis hope and hla oonrass destroy bo if yon d seourt a brave manhood tii well to bave faith in tha boy always rea dy ira ready shouted the speaker to meet calmly any emerganoy tbat may arise at tbat moment the platform collapsed and the speaker showed great perturbance how about that one someone asked him later that one did not ariee indianapolis journal milburns sterling headaohe powders are easy to take harmless in action and ore to core any hiadaobo in from 6 to 20 minutes be honest if yon oanqt her wise your patrons will purchase their goods else where first symptoms banish the little aches and pains that lead to serious diseases prlnes celery cfpmponnd is the medioine tbat siren the sor est and best results from ear law- i linve been for jears more or lesi subject to eruptions on my skin to left sitlo of my face from tlio top of my ir to linlf wiy down my j iw was in a very tnd state bling almost nw making shaving vcr punrul i 11 ndvisid to try burdock blood bitters ohl bollli perfectly cured me i tin honestly re commend b b b to nil vho sutr from nny skin disease g white caric- jynlejlwt bbb cures salt rheum eczema tetter shingles boils pimples sores ulcers and all forms of skin diseases and eruptions from the smallest pimple to the worst scrofulous sore tbe bludt man ofton makes tbo most onttiug remarks dlnrrliucn from whatever oaaae ia promptly clucked by dr towlera extract ot wild strsvnberry tbo wiso mad nets a lot of free inatruc tloa from fools suit joints are quickly limbered nn by tbe applies t of h yellow o tbe mos wonderful all around remedy made prioe 25s there la probably nothing more nnlike battle tban tbe pioture of one some persona bave periodical attacks of canadian cholera dysentery or diarrhot a and have to oao great preoantions to avoid tha disease change of water cooking and green fruit is tore to bring on the attacks to snob persons we noald recommend lr j t kellokgs dysentery cordial as being tbo best medioine in tha market for all summer complaints if a few drops are taken sn water when the symptoms are noticed no further tronble will bo eiperlenced dots ot married men who bavs no knowledge of music play second fiddle mrs wm meeaeoar waterford out esys i oan safely recommend br lots worm hyrnn tn mnlhar mho ii sdnterfrom worms a man should nsver tell his wife to horry np when sbe la coming down stairs thousands like her tena molood severn bridge wrltia i owe a debt of gratitude to dr thomas eoleotrio oil for coring me of a severo oold tbat troubled me nearly all last winter in order to glre aqoittujtoaheklng coorhrtska dose of dr tbomat eoleotrio oil thrioe a day or oftoner if the ooush spells render it necessary there is always a tender aonnootion between tbe locomotive and the train dont starve yoorself lo oare dyspepsia eat heartily and take dr von stans pinespple tablets treyssnrt nature in parfortuidfi her foooiions and iu an iropstoeptible time disease and nufrrint vanish and old lime good health oomfort and yoothful bnoyanoy relifo and life pots on a now snd honelnl phase las a consolation tu sane men who are short of hair to know that they are long on brains tfiereare three conditions when the blood is poor when more flesh is needed when there is weakness of the throat or lungs there is one cure that is scotts emulsion it contains the best cod- liver oil emulsified or di gested and combined with the hypophosphites and glycerine it promises more prornpt relief and more last ing benefit in these cases than can be obtained i from the nsf mejifeedy c seasnd4teeslldnijilaa coot 5wn b catasjsroate pbysloiana with the most eltended prao tise are well aware that there la nothing known to medical loleooe to eqnal paines celery gomponnd for regulating the nervons system and banishing disease lien and women natnrslly love life yet it is astonishing bow careless and indiffer ent they are aboat tho first symptoms of grave troubles the sharp and piercing paina in joints and limbs those omnlons pine all over tbe kldneyp that debility nervousness insomnia only eruptions on the face and body are signals and warning of grave diseases and bautdriags p a oelery compound used promptly will speedily banish every dangerous symtom keep tbe body and nerves in perfect oundi tion and add power to the mental faculties the most sensible and rational way of getting rid of rheumatism and neuralgia the true mode of building np the shattered nervous system is through ibe oro of a nerve medioine and blood regulator and oleanaer like paloas calary compound when tbe nerve centre are made strong and the tissues snd veins supplied with healthy blood rheumatism and neuralgia must qciokly leave the btdy ate yon dear reader tired dull nervons allgone miserable f e deapondenov or irritable t 11 s6 nie maines uelery jam pound without delay and enjoy true and vigorous life carelessness delay and indifference will anrely drsg yori down lo greater misery and inotrused peril it isnt always tbe most promising man sjrho payb bis debts our lost sense one of the greatest discoveries of philosophy ia that we once bad aix senses what the lost sense is no one knows and probably no one will ever know bnt tbat oar forefathers possessed at there is no doubt for the remains of tbat part ot tbe brain in whiob it resided are still to be d in any one ot ob t these remains ate sionply a small and noir perfectly useless little mass ot brain instance called the pituitary body it consists of two tiny little oval lobes joined together and lying in a little cavity of the skull strangely named tbe sella tnroioa and situated over and bebiud the nose it ia quite possible that it may bavs cdabled our forefathers to bee in the dark before lamps and oaudles wero invented otit may bave placed them in communion with ghosts and fairies or it may have been an organ tbat enabled them to go borne in a bee line when they lost their vay in the primeval forests on the other hand it is possible tbat it wu a bad substitute for viaion or smell or bearing and died ont when tbo improved sense organ developed to her advantage yfell said the oorporala wife i eoppose tho boys did snffer a good deal on aocount of tho poor quality and the scarcity of food but for my part i m glad olit oh mrs wnitestrlpes ber neighbor exclaimed how oan yom say such a thing its wioked maybe it is bnt my husband hasnt hid a single complaint about my oooking alpgsrirn he got h p two warnings xjoelng flesh is one and a hacking aough is another it they oome together tbo warning is a loud and hsrj one sootta cmnlsiou does some of its beat wofk in just llieae oahes it prevents consumption inolbing is quite bo oliilly aaa man with hit ban nh rinwn disappeared t kidney pains all gone what did it doans kidney prlls how do you know htktng stoltmairsays so- wr w j pappa i ra barno st kingw ston ont wntlh ns follows i having- been troubled with kidney disease for years and not hating received any per manent relief until 1 used doan sknfney pills i tike great pleasure in letting- others uimilnrly afflicted know of thp wonderful curative ptoptxtics possessed by doan s lus bifote taking them i was troubled at night by having to rise but can now hkip and do not feci weary n tlic morning i hope that this may induce other sufferers from kidney or urinary troubles to give donns kidney pills a faithful trial for i know that no other remedy could have acledso well as they did in my case donn s kidney pllta me the only aure cute for bncknchc bririit a dineahq dlnbetei dropsy and all kidney and ui innry troubles prlco 30c all druggist the doftn kidney pill co toronto ont ailc for doang and iwfuse all otbera am old baohelor generally kooive every thing aboat divorce lawn xiver troubles billoaanefib tajlow com plealon yelloweycfl janodica etc yicldto the curative powers of lmalivor pille tbey are iare to oare j gapid can see tbo eilver uafog ot the darlseat cload kitcheners curb for drunk ennes8 qenerttl kitohonflr is a murtinot in the obbervtlou of nil on hi d n revere in punishment iio com en uiwii rather hotivily ou drunkennurjri uid for tluu reusou has made himself to it cirltiin exttnt nnopular wall ennui of bis tullieru ro his body mirviit h it tootutul ler wblob u an excoo liiiky- rxrj tliintf to find iu tho ranks uf rummy atkins kitcheners curu for drutikcunit id u by word among tho men tho oulprit u tork out tu full trmrclunn iqulpnieut wbiob ta a matter of fifty ouud- and is tbon 00 m pet led to carry in eaah hand a ba of etiot weijjhinr fifty pouuds a bergent and a guard ftroput over tho victim to nep that he does not mop wnlkinu or dro the ehot a man iu sometimes kept at this shot drill or sixliourj itondoir times modest artist when princess beatriooicooa to florence aho always visits giovanui meacci lie is tho bim pleat of men on tho huok of every pioture he marks in peuoil tho prfce which he thinks it is worlb which is usually ridioaloualy low on one occasion when aho bought a brtmll eketoh she gave him three times tbe prioo asked and laughingly told the astonished artist not to be snob a baby to mark hie pioture at a price that did not cover tho coat of tbe material submarined ashions ivefoand a beatifal coral cave said the mermaid enthusiastically were going to move and you must come and see ob of coorao 1 u oome and hbo you but you know dear tlialcorur oaveaare dt what they used to be l very body down here who amounti to anything hab a spamah bbip to live in washington star what is distort is dr samuel pitchers prescription for inflints and clilldron it contains ncitlior opium horpfaino nor other narcotic substance it is a harmless gubstituto son paregoric xipssoothliiyrjipouafld088jtoiilt it is pleasant its guarantee is thirty years use by millions of wotbcrs castorla destroys worms and allays feverisbness castorla prevents vomiting sour curd cures diarrhoea and wind colic castorla relieves teething troubles cures constipation and jlatulency castorla assimilates tbo rood regulates the btomach and bowels giving healthy and natural sleep castorla is the children panacea tho mothers friend raieway timh table h ouinutui mi uailmay aoiso wi bt aoisa tast ttill pxi rein mall 10 r m 2 js p io 7 jim hiircbr fxprcbb mail ailsod 0 05 o n 10 w am 0 14pm 10 os i dl castoria castorla is an excellent medicine for cliildrcii mothers liave repeatedly told mc otilavood cflcctltpon it clitldren jju g c oaood lowell mass castoria ctoria is so well adiptcd to children that i recommend t a superior to any pre bcripllonlenown tome ii a ahcueb m d brooklyn n y the facs1mile signature of appears on every wrapper thsmsd with s narrow mnd asaslly makes np for it in lbs leoglb o nil argqments jl cantor i a for infants and childreu fleasurr th isnt sbsred with sjiolhtr losus lislf its powsr to plrsss there nsver wu sad never will bs s nnlersl psnscea in ons remedy for all ill so w bes i li tu m natu of msny omsllvm belnn saoh thst were th twins of other mi diffsreutly usted disesuns rooted in lbs system of the ptlent uhst wonld relieve oos ill in torn woald sgursrsie tbe othsr ws hmvs however in qainlno wine ben obtsloed inksoond dosdnttersted stats a remedy for many suid grtnvons ills by itskraddal udlolona os the frsllatsysten are lad into eon vslesosnoo and atrsiuiib by the inboenoe whiob qaiuie enru ou natures own raetoratlves it rellevss lbs drooping spirits of those witb wbont a ohronlo slats of morbid despondsdir sawl laok of intaratt inllfslsa disease sut by tranqollulnr tba nerves dispmta lo sonndod rsbeeh- lng sleep imparts vigor to the sotion of ths biota wblob belok tlnulaltd obnraes tbtoaghoot the vcint htrengthanluk tbs tssallhy snlrnal fanotioot of lbs system thersby makln aollvlty t neoessary resoll sunofthsininr lbs frsmisnd riving lit to lb dlgsstivs orgaus wbiob naturally wiliw jpff abatsitetjmns ira- proysjjfippsiite nortbrop lymsn of ffis2i wbipitbll their paafeat a duddville jewellers wife cured of palpitatioh of the heart and sm0thcrino spel1s by milburns heart and nerve pills mrs delasalle canal street dunn- ville ont whose husband keeps a jewellery store and is one of the best imown and most progressive citizens of dunnvillc out givca the following de- rcriptlnn or li r r cent experience in tha use of milbnrn h heart nud nerve pijs i took milbiirns heart and nerve pills for c ik titrven dizzincsf palpita tion of the iu irt smolhinnf spells at nifht and bkt plenum sn before i used tliem i could not trot restful sleep and my ocrvt s utr- nlteii so unstrung- that i would ttiart in nl ir at the least nolse no matter uhtu ourc3tpcrf3 ence has been with socallcdil atarrh remedies your ultigj natr complete recovery ennffl riurety nnd posit ivoy be citecteoo epon t suiter any longer ejm tl nfle with a diatrcssinj and dan- irous disease when a surd cure isj ithin your gnsp tnousnndi of ifferers whose condition was r itforsethan yours hnve betneurrfd i tid are now in perfect health heir enthusiastic and unsotic ted etrstimonici show be o id the gthatlow of a doubt that j dr agnews gatarrhal powder v v is the most wonderfully efteciive i remedy ever compounded it re lieves the most severe case in front io to 6o minutes it effects a full cure in a short time the most eminent nose nnd throit special istslqthe vorl i hivcgivenit their unquahticrl cndorscmtnl in all cases of ciunrrh oolds sore tbront asthnin bny ftvr nnd influrnci itncis like mngic it is cisynndiilcnsjinfjjil to use t never fa is to do precisely what is cl iimcd for it in kii than an liourj it will prove its worth if you will but give it a chance apromintnt oangtlist j gives testimony i rev warren bcfiilcy writes while in ncwnrk n j condiicitnif rellqlous set i rices i was troubled with catanh and used dr agnews catarrh il pou kr ltj avo tne great relief and i have recommended it tqmnny among whom i invo 1 bore i hon i uavld mhib mlnutcr of jiitlce of canada has used this remedy and hitl y recorrtt mends it over his own signature at all druggists 7 dr apnew s cure for tho heart cures nil cases of organic and sympathetic itjdtsease of the henrt relieves in 30 minutes dr agncw s liver pills trc nvm ijoqcea mild catharti and nn tovigorator system renovntor and blood mnker nndl vlfler aoftor icndpso dr c stter and aljjltin 4iaasei corel piles in a to 5 nlgh 3sc- vlfjev sold by a t brown history s spanish war k by dr albert shaw ttdltor of the review op reviews j and a lono list of notable contributors over 1200 pages and 500 valuable illustrations three beautiful volumes in half morocco seeupccl il itlfcr at lmttnm nf thte ailveiiltxmenl this magnificent edition for only one dollar down totlk tlhiii rsoftlila puplrnomnko tlio following propftsltlan to ihoomo room lit ro of thu ki kv uf ltukis jllstory club mid obtain tho throo volumes of our war in two hemispheres by albert shaw and easily worried 41 last ftbrunrv i commenced taking ihh rtluubte m ditin uid hproed the right nmed for my w i k nnd shattered nervous mstoni pfilbu hh heart and ncrc plils restored my nerves to a tronjrnnd henlthv condition gave regu lar nnd normal action of the heart i sleep well now and am belter in every way and i r lonimcnd them heartily to oil ho anfti r as 1 did m ilb urns heart and nerve pills eoc n box or 3 for t 2t nt all druggists t- muni rv fl co tmmin ont i ftvjl iver piiu cure conpiihon sick mijirhe btllouni oy run livery p m fuiranteej prniect and 1 work w ui ou u irlpe or pain price 25c nit u ism its nlt7aj creal bore for the burglar if ibe rafe is locked mr thomas ballard syracobo n y writes j imve been t alio ted for nearly a yur witb ihut mott to bo dreaded disease dyspepiia and at times worn oat with pslo ad want ol sleep and after almost everything recommended i tried one box ncirly well and believe they will oare me x would not be without them for any money e tit or of the amrrtean vonlfifp jlevltw of jtttlnvt mid author of vunfcfpal qovtmiurnt inurtatllritai r mirtaciui btr of promlntnt contributor ijr n llbrnr nnd mnny hint do nottmissenonetlli tin f ho history of tlio intn nr uli hpnln nowimbliahed l iiiokmikw orltr irurtiusj any slutlior tlunnrratunnntiwrutci h ilr albert slmu liiirinixilionctunl nulitlnit orthoaummcr thin lms been relud amlnnipltlkil by n li th ilkhi or ihoumclal ruporumno dodumeiitii wlilcli liuuorly become uvalublonfter ini iljijc ciinbtrntjlonwiflchatiiiaiilothfr wimic ln thin w ark wlmt it in triomlnniinl ruicranco lilslorj e fhv amcrlonn teacher imssenlni nttf rested in the onnutincttneiit itti i mitl a frn npnijihnn frnp rlklhlli inir nm kt it t crucial periods l li in innklnn thin ark w fmt ft vn trio htitntlnrtl ruicraitco lilstorj r ttiln ilcctftlvaanflbuccfmirulitrujnile hntltlsmiith nnrotlinn allely nj comprohcnslo urnitho ittfoea back to tho jcumof atrtiuulo in cuba wlilth nrtpitrcd tluwnyror thowari it illncumen cnerketlcttlly nil irosjlomii wlilcli cvnfronciil tlo onltcil tatnles ixftcr tlio mnriu to 1 1 v plilltpiilnei cuba ind iortojtlcoi nmlnnn nliola it coiina n lirnally concole 1 picture of tl i titr wlilcli tin twen america brulkhtfucu in fnen with new world ilntlci i he linporiant ipccul nnd technical ninttcrft nf tho wnr pc rlrxl ucncrnlly dlnmlftnc 1 b tho lltnman wllh only wtlsht nnd nfttn lnimmlrntillfintrwl n nrn fully anl mitlieiuir illy dealt till in contrlliulrd chmittre wrlttfii b in on wl nlmd nniiiiml opprtunitlriirorhtiilliik tlitlr mibjicw tims ilielesikiiiihlch ii e wir hnn feir nii to tlio retntun omdoncy of iltltfl nnd machine runn nro in a cnrcfnllyi rtteiichapur liy mont jblinlt parker of th united states nrn thu military more nrntn of thu kantlnoo nfi 1 lirto hlr in camp am arn nn ilj zrd by lit cdlti r of tht 4 rrnv and aijetrnnl thnhnttln ultbrorxprnla deflcrllted by lbnnoi flint w ln ton churchill whohn urnhmloof tnn united stauiiint academy i thnnthmlcon lltlon if cuba before the war nnd tho fnctn which canned tlio war nra described by oyo- witnesses murnt halflteadatidflterihrn bfinenl the 111 ut ration of tl t hook is w pcclnlly vaiunhle in th hundred of portrait picture of the navtea phrtoarsphetl keen of ttin vcay and tho enteruitnlhtr enrtonnx reproduced from tho spaalahairencbsuernut and enblbh impcra oa ell a from the american how to obtain the handsome edition by vn a payment of only one doiiar down itlc mostiii v kkwkw or hk ixwarnh bo obtained by nny of the roaders pf llilalj thftthreflbeautlhinybrtnndlariteoctavooluineinndbjenrsiinlitlptiontotlio asijtnirav jpstin v kkmkw or hk ixwarnh bo obtained by nny of the roadera of llila paper by jolnlnp the heuew nf herlewnclubhnsl paylntrone lullnr tho olameiwllt to vent uh noon am rcnd to thone ho rrmlt the bim and tho pnrchaae will bo completed by tha prtjmont of me doll ir per innnth fortclvo month tbe tint i olume will be ready early in december the niilivrrlpuon to the n affdzlilo which goes wltji tho otter can bo dated irom suiy month addrcm the review of reviews company 13 agfor place new york city take a day off and visit our store and showrooms during this week whether or not you are supplied with suitable clothing for the coming cold weather is the question we have to consider during the next ten days we will show some exceedingly good values in ladies childrens and mens clothing ladies note ladies mantles s3 oo to 10 oo ladies mantles special range at 5 00 misses coats from 82 50 to j3 75 the most complete and natty range of dress goods we have ever shoan is on our counters at rock bottom prices gentlemen men 5 tweed suits 83 50 to 810 00 men s tine black suits 810 00 to 812 50 men s fine baaver overcoats black and navy 7 50 to 811 50 henderson st co mill street acton maple leaf geain and bel find mil llva hercomplet tluv ok ciohxnii ma1lh doing wont 0 40u m diidfl oo p m qolng taat 10 2 i m andflgopm tblj tluio table wont into oiled ou mondiy uny 16th 1898 everton and eden mills tho place tagajortho best flour bran middlings chop feed see for sale chopping every day ai eicrlon mills aid ovcry tuesday thursday ind saturday at eden mills always buying whea no credit henry hortop main 8treet planing mills ac o john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of sash doors framos moudlus4 lu all styles dressing natchuto and moulding to ordor od short notlco tvnll assortod stook on band st prloos to salt tbe times john cameron proprietor boots and shoes made to order and repaired george stovel practical shoemaker has opened a shop in the premises lately occupied by v h adams tailor he baa had large experience in city work and is consequently able to fill nil orders ia he neatest possible manner tine turned work and patching receive special attention orders filled on shortest notice call or send your order to george stovel cor mill and mam streets acton hnobbysuit for fall and winter cooper akins the tailor8 now is your lime to get a nobby for fall and winter ns via have just opened up a fine selection of imported tweeps stoms ann mnnstrw mi prepared to tike your order at right prices fit ami wuisjumi gumauls hisu glass and up to date overcoatings a good nnge of tall overcoatings call and inspect our stock before leaving your order cooper akins main st acton iboth ha til bearin suit plates nlfol springs nd shake feed r grind fins and fast with tenst power always ituaranleed a trial given hundreds in use soold shapely mulr co limited brentford ont john 3icqdeen agent for tbe above has changed hts wire rooms to building on w e smith a prupurty johnstreetrwtrcre may be seen rrost wood binders l uitix mowers and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs tn my absence mr john t elliott who 1 r on t atton to the wants of customers john mcqueen big reduction we hitch the dollar to a bigger load than it ever drew before our entire stock op footwear t at lowest to cash prices buyers pall winter stock complete while others burn tho midnight oil in marking up prices pre- filling forasaleourpricesgo scoot- ng down the toboggan slide of genuine low and reasonable prices in 8umo people havo no tunc to think bsaansa they talk sa mnch worms derange tbe whole system fidottier graves worm bstermlnator dsranges worms and gives rest to the offerer it only ousts 26 oents to try it avail be oonvlnoed tbe morsl of s dog s tail is that it invariably points to ths past racking rlieuimllsm alary ojell 303 dtmu ave toronto writes i has used milbbrus rheqrna- tio pills or rbeumatlam and have been cured tbe pain owed after the first days trial of ths remedy prloe soo all drogkfet lbs forger evidently balltvas tbat imita- tios is the sinoerest flallary jforrrlernl or extsrostl pee hgysrds zsllov oil oonotbe exoillsd us a pain s and soothhng remedy for all a snb u l was very weak and hardly able to walk my blood was thin sand i was as pale ss death lleing told about hoods semparilla i began tatting h and in a few months i bad gained twenty poonda in weight i kept on with it until i was as well as ever artbnr mills dresden outarlo hoods fills oare nsasss headache von oan always tell false teeth from the real thing beonnss they are nearer perfsotion than natural ones the poor optimist gets more real enjoy men out of his earthly sojorn than the wealthy pessimist fagged oat none but tboes who have beocme fagged oat know what a depressed miserable feeling it is all strength is gone svud despondenoy has takeo bold of lbs tsntereri xbsy feel as though there is notblor to live for there however it a auraone box of farroelees vegetable pills will do wonders in restoring health and strangtfa mandrake and dandelion are two of ths srtloles entering into the ooinpoeltlon of parmsleea pills some man pat ths smallest apples at the the top ot tbs barrel also iha notice open at tha other and tha man whose only thought la to contribute to the hajpinesi at others is as near aenoufloation as it is bosaible to get stick you dont seem to be able to throw them off all the ordinary remedies youve tried dont touch them the cougli remedy for you is dr woods norway pine syrup it loosens the phlegm allays the irritation heals and soothes the in flamed lung tissue mr wm tbriiv lllctihcim out says i i can rcuinnhl dr wood s norway pmo svrtip as tho very best medicine for coughs and colds sore throat and weak lungs never falls to cure undefithig owing to hrgely increased discounts for cash allowed us by tbe manufacturers ot undertaking supplies and being in a position to take advantage of this we have decided to reduce nil goods in our undertaking department from ten to twentyfive per cent notwithstanding his largo reduction the same- careful personal attention which his been ghen in the past will bo continued embalming in ordinary coses free where spepial work is required price to coer extra services and embalming requisites caskets and coffins dciuered in town or country and nil preparations completed for burial a w william boots and shoes acton furniture we have added a number of new parlor suits of latest designs which we are offering at the following prices which any home can afford no i parlor suite 5 pieces solid oak 1500 no 2 par16r suite 5 pieces walnut 825 00 no 3 parlor suite 5 pieces walnut 83500 instalment flan on furniture if desired a14 goods delivered free j a speight co acton beit you want thai t mcm alien feaoldsn nqd nettings com bine these two atiautles no others do hog fencings at special tow prices ai other varieties cheap mcmullensve ths only good nettings sold in canada thoy areunequalled or poultry yards trellis ltwmfences ask your hardware mer- chant for mcmullens roods if you cannot c bay of him write to tbe manufacturer picton out or to the d grbbnino wirb co limited hamilton and montreal general agents unas cooper montreal general agent forrajlway fencings for twbkttraevki

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