Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1899, p. 1

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jcaltkmexxiv no2a actonvcwtaiiror otcolrt 1 2t8stflr price thbee cents ht jutoft jxtt press ib fubxibobdr jeveby thubbday morning at thk-w- free press steam printing office vluili btbbet aoton ont thumb of bubboiuptioh one dollar per year strictly in advanoo all subscriptions dtlaon ttnuearwnen thottmolorwhloli theyliavecoon paid ha expired tbe date to whiob every subscription is paid la denoted on the address label advxiraaina iuras translont advortlse menu 10 oents per nonpareil una or first in ertlon b oents psr line for each subsequent as ertlop coittbaot barss the following table shows nr rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods stace 1 ia s mo i a mo lmo soinones 10 laobos tt inohos j inch mo 00 88 00 aooo dot amoo 90 00 100 aw aooo 19 00 700 900 7 00 800 a bo 100 aavertlsements without sneolno directions will be idierud till forbid and ohargod aooord nglv transient advertisements meat be ptid n aavano r adtortliment will bo abanged onoo saoh monto if dealred for changes oftener than eneo a month tbe oompoaittoo most be paid lor at rognlai ratee oruwgoa for oontot advertisements mnstbe n tile omoe by noon on tuesdays acoonnts payable monthly b p moobe editor and proprietor balance of j toys xmas boxes fancy boxes toilet cases jdols pocket books writing folios and other holiday sundries half price at day 8 bookstore guelph day s sells cheap traders bank of canada capital authorized capital paid up 1 000000 700000 cuelpfr branch wo are noir leaning money orders payabla at par at any branch of ouarteroil bank io canada eroeptlng the yukon district at tho following rates uuder s10 6 cants ski to 620 10 ocnta a0 to 830 13 oeota 80 to 8oo k conn asim dirtorp medical phn m macdonald m d c m bucoessob to j f tjbkn m d o m offloeandrosldenoo cornor ulllotprederlok iton streets ael offloe honrs b to 1090 am 7 toop m 1 to 9 p m and d r t j r torster buc0bbs01 to dr a s elliott late rosldont physician and surgeon to via toria hospital for biok children toronto omoi- euiott mill btroot lately ooonpled by or speight brady manufacturers of dyjfamos electric motors watbb motors oajsolxne and a as xironrxsbbassaimoir castings to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont ttr dryden etbj bab tnuoat and nose molean a block douglas st pear p o auelpn orviob houns 10 am tolpm and 8 to 0 p m bokpatb 10 am to 1 p m dxntju l bennett ld 8 dentist a oaoaoxtovni ontabiq jr coughlan d d sl ds dentist wojuc oabxroxat pone pbioxb k0debatb oltioe ovab bbownb dauq btobh hootus e veby dat vbolf 0 to 6 jm bell d d8 l d 8 dbntibt nopkyxxxbi hokob obasuatb or tcbomto tjnxvbbsitt work made satisfactory prices moderate visitxno dats monday afternoon camp bellville taesday acton ofllce clarks bote friday booltwooa dr g h cook dbnti8t cor college bl and spadlna avo tobonto will visit aoton on the first and third satur day of each month owicb mr adam cooks residence main btroot m olean mcleaji barrister bollotton notarlea conveyancers o privatofundatoloan offloe town hall aoton wm a molxan jho a mclean a j maokinnon baiwitxb solicitor cohveyawckb omul- mill btroot in mattbows block upettlra b mcleod a 15abb1btbb bolioirob contbtamobb main btroot qeorgetown honey to loan atlowestoarreutratea j monabd oleflt fourth dwialon court county of hal on conveyance agent firoandljiieasburanoo ueal ttetate agent aloney to loan eto uffiob 1 orrynaauaulook aoton ont miscsllamo vs enby grist ottawa h ottawa canada solicitor ol patent for invention ete prepare application for tho canadian arner- imtniana european patent oooe and tor tno becumtloo of trado main bend for pam phlet thirty two yean exparlenoe jib anois nunam bookbindee wvndham st auolph ontario over wuilambbtoro aooount book of all kinds madn to order perloulcala of every douriptlon oaref ullybound bniuaneivatdpromptltdone m abriage licenses ii p uoobs ikffttkit ol ma1uuaob llceslflbs private offloe no witnesses required li- issnod revldenne in tue evening freeprmb oflseo acton w ii hembtreet iiiontbu atomonbbs lor the oonnsiee ol wellington and haltooi ordemleftaltbepbmpbbm ofooe aoton or etmy raaldenooin aoton will be promptly at- andedlo f oesreduood to s 00 fob takh sales aim money to loan on the moaifavorabla umiiana aftba lowest xte of 10tereein amaofmooand p wards wnlllpghm matml firs insurance company batajatatbous 180 irj8tjba0bl on cash and htttoal plab any soinnleauonsforwimrdad to my addresj itox 699 or telephono m will t promptly at- johh tactob a aoton machine and repair shops hbnby ob proprietor tbe machinery irstomachln aodttlinudona m iiaroaotrjbnidlliatl bumber woorf fo aiivinrf of wood instoek and promptly on hejwdf telpjiuon oommnvlfifttiop w babber bros paper makers georgetown ont mair a 8fsoiaiit or machine finished book papers high obadk weekly news the paper usod io this journal is from tho above mills wm babber bros bring your custom logs and take the lumber home with you highest cubeent ratb pp intei1kbt field on sums depoaltod of el and upwards nterett allowed from date of dopoalt o data of withdrawal and lald or compounded hair yearly advanoos mado to responsible favrtnors on their own names at the lowest ourrout rates no chargonradd for obllbotlug eslea notos if payablolnouelph a genoral hanklug buluoss trauaaotod a f b jonbs manager oetit headquarters new year goods skates cutlery pocket knives silver novelties silver plated ware carpet sweepers breadboards table bells lamps j m bond co gu6lph jckbes emulsion in snyers lumber planing mills nassataraweya p sater8 proprietor has constantly on hand a full line ol lumber lath shingles oedar foots wood bto custom logs and bui stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done lo the best pi satisfaction prices very cheap and made to soit the cnslpmef a pocket p sayerlt stoves tinware eavetroughing tbe latest deslgna in coal and wood heatldtf sod cook stoves essy to rnanago easy on fuel tinware in profusion of best quality at low prices orders taken for fi avo trough log to be put up when desired call and ret prices tlonerat jobbing promptly done jr a fannabeeker mrs seoordtj blook aoton main 8treet ac john cameron arehltnct and tjnntrartnr sfannf actnror of salb doors prames uouldluas in ail etylee dxxssaro matchzso and mouldino to order on abort notice 1v4ii assorted stock on hand at prloes tosnit thetisnea john cameron r v proprietor wish all their friends and cos tomers a happy m6vw year did you gol one of their handsome calendars rr utui jjrlljs poblle or if rujxlxs poblle or hlgb school anoold not overlook ths areat advent ateofansaetlealoouraa of lostroo on at tfia otjbcph cod liver oil wiih hypophosphites of limif soda tilings is faevor gobn right isifo is so contrary i j thought i d go tbst wintry nlgbt and apeak ths word to mary novor aeon her looks io iweet t4iaulkoanyislsey kitten purrltt athssrfoet me six yards from zlsry told her that twig ilk to snow- all tbe weatbor sataosred it xooked as if wed hsaie a blow simply said she knowo it talked o tblsan sallied o that till my tonguo got wesry tuado remarks abonsttlae cat bat f till kep far strom mary i old clock ticked an holed awy wiibed ber besife woold sof ton 1 oonldn had the word to say though i tried it olten time to go and leri tucm oharmi- blnca i eaqjdn t vein em yawned an sorter trechod my arms an gracious 1 sle was in em 1 don ttbese women snow a sight 7 aint they auoonfcnry didn t say the word tb at night ad yet ill marry alsryl rathnta contitiulwn ffshd jfatttllij kmblng cceptj a neuiuiib nsubdt von pulmonary dlsossea coughs and colds and goneral debility contains the ton io and nutritive properties at these poputsr rondedlob in their fullest form very pleasant to the taste and is easily dlgosted highly recommenolod by too medical faculty directions dobb for adults tablespoon fql throe timos a day after moals for cblldror in liko propor tlon this emulsion is eui polatablo as croam it assimulates roadlly and will not nausoato tho most sensitive fltoinacn i n mckee acton ont everton and eden mills the place to go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed ac for sale chopping etery day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday al eden mills always buying wheit no credit henry kortop- boots and shoes made to order and repaired george stovel prrtlnatflluhuiialafli has opened a shop in the premises lately occupied by w h adams tailor he has lad large experience in city work and 14 godseqaeotly able to fill all orders in he neatest possible manner rine turned work and patching receive special attention orders filled on shortest notice call or send your otdero george stovel cor mill and main streets acton we hitch the dollar to a bigger load than it ever drew before 0u estisk stock of footwear at lowest prloes to gash buyers fall- winter stock complete while othors burn the midnight oil la marking up prices pro- paring forasale our prlcesgo scoot ing down the toboggan slide of genuine lov and reasonable prices w williams boots and shoes acton i read one of yonr stoarloai laut evening miss deland said jammod qatea looked np quaokly do yoa write he asked what u tbe story in plesse i dont know wheras did yoa see it mr jameson in the last pacific monthly ob that one i said biles poland i didnt know it was ont yel lis a kood enough story of ii kind aid jameson bluntly bwt i haven t much opinion of the kind whwal 1 want to tee yoa write 16 a love story i dare say it would anmsse yoa immense ly but why have you never tried it per sisted jameson i will tell yoa it is beosuse i have never been able to imagines roans making love or proposing in a way that woold not disgust or antagonize or forfeit the retpeot or any woman with a grain of sense galea laughed thats pretty severe aald jameson it bits me and my wife totlj im very sorry not i aint take it back i havent a donbt that yora inspired one or all ol tbe sentiments i bests indloatsd mrs jameson must have overcome them by a tremendous effort ol the will msny sensible womsil do and if tho right man eime along yon would overoome them altc miss deland never 1 as soon as hes began to show signs of softening of the bratin he wonld oease to bs ths right man br me perhaps and perhaps not we shall see at intervals duriug tba afternoon and on the way home at nigbl dates mqsed over what hiss deland bad said about lovemaking and imagined different ways of doing it ibnllovftahelbmorelhbin half rluht he oonoladed as he went rap stairs to his room alter supper he had bought a oopy of tbe pacljir afontmy that he might see her story and when he had read it he lalcd salde- tbo mag azine and fell lo thinking ol itie writer perhaps i have not been quite jusl to her bo soliloquized khie little slory shows that there is more to her than 1 thought theres a lender haman interest in it and a hint ol deep religions feeling i wish she would try to tee at little more femiuinr it was two or three week after this in tbe latter part of jiouarytlmt-gateo-for- injkjial got one night to speak co alius deland about some small but lamportant detail that had to do with her wosk che next day he was not to be at the osaoe in tbe morn idg so ooold not repair no omission then at first he thought ol sending her a note then deoided to oal arouse and tell her he had never before been izilde the large apartment bouse in wbfoh ehe lived on the upper flat come np she called tbooogh ibe speaking lube when he bad given his name so gates went up he afive a paroeptl ble start when he was ssbownlnto the pleaaanteat of sitting rooms trad oonf ranted miss deland she aeerrstd a different person in a dress o sod gray ornamented by ribbon bows a film of white leoe around the neok with a pink flowsaoc two at the tbroal and her hair done la a way tbst did not do violence to a nsalocal wavintis she saw his look of surprile and langhed perhaps i ought to be isairoduoed she aald at tbe weekly hcatderotb i am miss deland reader of manuaorlptta mere business womftin hertta i am tiryaelf 1 like lo keop the two peniantlitlss dis tinctly sepsrate i am most happy to meet awss dolsod herself said gates with amlle and a low bow then he was presented lo aflrs delaud who looked very like her daughter only that ths was smaller macs delicate and of course older qatrs el drawn to her at once and they fell into am easy conver sation somewhat to hit amauemtnt for be nanally t talking ijhhiu nttjsrs tiy mjnvmiatnlj u altogether ft was bo pl6maq t ihftl nearly an hoar hmd p sibed before 9ata roolleotd that hf hid oomo od a bqeiness errand abd look his leave 16 was boronier now qbiw bsvd la son more work apon himself fttvd mlwy oat- staid miss douad a the offflw oat day however lis platiaed his work bo they shoald iea together it aeem quite like old llnasi doesut it she said yet he answered sbwilty than abruptly do yoa reamb deland something yoa said one to ji meson aboot proposals stud lovemakloftr he looked itrl befow hitn he spohe angry with hlmielf tint heoould not keep tba restraint out ofh tons nor the oolor from oo ruing into bls she have him a qoipk glsaao and than looked awy i rttnimbir he aald yoq were the bail near iromu when you made tbote recnarkf i ha often wondered if yon yoarielf aild the aame opinion i ob yee tbe baafnau woman and i disagree on tome thlirjiflt thai la hoi cjqe omtfem- j i dont iblok yoa opffbil to feel that way he exclaimed irritably m of coarse i oughtnt it is a perfectly aboralnabo way to fool- but how can i help it yon do not bolievo in marriage thea why certainly i do i thlbk a happy marriage la the moat beautiful thing in this world and it improves people so much i fcnowaevftcal who warn bimply nnendtu able while single but atter a year or two of married life they hud become charming men and women whom it was a pleasure to be with it sort of humanizes a person bnt yet no man amid show he wished to marry you without txaiting your digtit turniogyou against mm and inaurlng ms refusal kxaotly i la fortunate ibat hii women do uot feel tbat way ian t it 1 miss deland have j ou a heart i dontv know irhnvo asked myself that qaeation therbe one hinn that makes me think perhaps i have i do love my mother yes that is trne gates admitted i have often been touched by it i had no righ to say you wore heart i ess then be sighed and neither spoke agiin till they parted so the fall passed und winter oame mool in looks attentions to miss deland bad become bo marked by ibis time that they were a matter of comment to every one in the offloe and not a few out of it she seams to have found yonr right man gates blurted out to jameson one day nodding toward moolintook wbowaa leaning on miss deland s desk humph i yoa dont think she cares anything aboot tbat fellow she enoouragau him returned qates doggedly i dont think bo said jameson and it la only bla thick skinned persistence that makes it look tbat wy but gates wan not oonvinoed he had fjrowb thin mnoe aaonnier and bis temper was not improved ostea however even though glam and gnlok of temper was universally liked while as for mcolfntook do one excepting miss deland seemed to like him at all he talks too mooli hu too high en opinion or himself and is none too honest was the mineral opinion ono afternoon in january jameson oame over to gates ostensibly to borrovra knife ob tbat fool hooiintook 1 he groaned- tinder his breath what baa he been doing now asked qatea with assumed oareleaanea oh he a the same as told doddridge that he intends proposing to miss deland his eveoing answered jam e boh looking critically at the kuifo hes going to take tsa there invited himself probably is positive sbeil have him too and i swear ha oon tinned still intent on the knife i m most afraid ube will myself theres no knowing what a woman will do especially if aba ia unhappy what makes you ihiuk she la an happy demanded gites hoarsely i thought bhe hud beemed to be in excelleot spirits 4 thoae excellent spirits are all pat od yoa j oat catoh her nun ware as i haveocoe or twice lately choosing a life work after jameson bad loft him gates leaned hip fnpfton hln hand and tiinnght tf ha ooald only get the start of uoountock i theohaooea were 090 out of 1000 that it would do no good but there was the one chance he looked t the olook miia delaud would leave the offloe in about 20 ia i our en and drjcollnlnctt would be on hand 4ogo with her as he nut there hit glance fell on bis left bind wfriuh rested on tie deuk in front of him ou the httlo linger waa a ringwhiob his only sister had ylvtr him just before aha died and which he hid worn everainoe an idea onme to him with oonaiderable difficulty he drew off the ring and folded it fheordrawingj a fresh sheet toward him ho dipped his pen in ink and wrote hafhily ut dsmn ml sb dslsvnt if yoa can accept tlio inolosed artiate an edbsernent ring it will afford me intense happiness ltnotaoonptablo ploscse return very sincerely yours j albert qateb then he put the ring and what he had written iu an envelope and addresaed it there was no moeionger handy so be de lltered it himself mies deland looked at him with oold indifference as he approach ed he laid the letter before her please rend it now he said then he went back to bis work after a few minutes gates gained coqrags reign the bible waa translated into latin by titus oatea who was ordered by the king to be obi i nod up in tbe obarob far greater seearlly it was in this reign that to look toward ml deland she wa f jtrras 0 ours- to prnt and be watched hsr while she read the first ft p of the last and a paragraph hero and there between then refolding ii pal la an envelope together with a rejeo aloo flip sealed it and ata calmly went on io the next in abont ten minutes raoro she tfdiedt dtik and five minutes sifter that she had on her outside garments and in tbe com pany of hcoiintook waa leaving tbe office in going oat they passed near cfates bdlsa deland however did not so maoh as gliooe in his direction she oarrled herself proddly her eyes were bright her obeeka tinged with aolorher lipt smiling dates bsld hie hand against bis face in a eviy to shield it from observation there wis a tight feeling in hia throat a smarting sensation in hie eyes borne one toaohsfl him on the arm he started angrily and looked around it waa ss w t a e lutu lili hand miss deland asked roe to oome baok and give you tbfs ha said and bar rld away hates f aoo grew hot how like a woman xo tend her refusal by the hand of hia rival and so enbaooe its bitterness i he held it in his hand and looked at tbe address for a full minute then sotting bis ilpi to gether he slowly opeued the envelope and unfolded the letter it was very brief ut dsah kn gitisyour article an engage ment ring is accepted very truly yours bunon uafctball dlland exiizinstil rohdiks in ffomana home companion atale african explorer spinning a yarn not very long agn i want oat one day dflirtned whoa i suddenly found myself fsuo to face with three hon friend- well explorer i fixed my gaze on tbe brutes thin stock my bands la my pockets and walked away whittling an air from an opira friend and didnt the hone immedl- stly rash al yoi qxplorar they couldnt 1 was at th wo tu bit the principal of a boya aohool was speaking to tbe pupila about their futnro life he aeked how many of you bavo deoided what yoa will be when yoa become men there waa no replj ho then aiked that auy boy there who had selected bis future occupation abould hold up his hand out of tbe hundred ten boya did a ninety hid no idea wbat they were going to do in this world for the world or for themselves he then asked thoas who bad given tbe matter soma ihobght but were yet undecided to raise the hand fifteen banjfs weut op seventy five boya oat of the hundred between the ageb of fourteen and twenty bad never thought aboat their future ooaapatipn oousideringbat how muoh could they expect to excel in anything or to make a mark in tbe world yet doubtless some of them when men will oomplaln that wealth and honors are unevenly divided in this world tbe way to have honor to income anybody of importance to be a power among men is not to envy another person but to hi the eyes upon that goal and work for it choosing early the path that leads to that emloeuoe a yoang man dealred to be a clergy man he waa tbo only child of a widow who could not edtioate him a wealthy gentle man becoming interested iu him offered to defray the expenses of his edauation he gladly aooepted prepared for college and had just entered when the gentleman failed losing every dollar tbe young man of ooarae bad to leave college bat be did not give ap hia determination to enter the ministry be taught music tbat year saved his money and entered college continuing to teach in the college town he supported himself throngb hia wbole college ooo rue i know of another yoang man who with every opportunity to pursue one thing ohangee hia mind and bis occupation aboat as often aa ho does his ooat he never gats above tbe drudgery part and la only earning three dollars a week aometiniea nothing for there are frequent resting places at the change of bis occupations who could expect him to make a auoceea of nttlifair no matter wbat profession or trade yon take op yoa hive to work and work harder and uuder more difficulties at the outset than farther on thojto who wantb to shirk this necessary drudgery is not made of tho at off which oonqaera in life above all things avoid being a jack df- all tradea borne men have a renins or so many things that they oannot give enough attention to one thiogjto master it i know of a yonth of nearly twenty who can play and slug mend a olook a maslo box an organ lnieut little things mako toffee draw and why 1 hardly know anything he oanuot do and tbe ooo- aeqnenae is be ia not doing anything if any ono wants anything fixed be la the one who flxea if bat his life ia not going to be fixed in any direction in direct contrast to bim is a companion of his who has already served several years at bis trade and will bomt day tarn out a first poor deluded man tho lord of creation wss hitting with jiome men friends before a rate tire one cold evening last week and was exohanging with them opinions on persons and things the conversation had drlflol round tp a diaonision or married life and the host had tbe floor uoaooonntablt uut it said be how hard it ii toniako svnu wornpn keep from all norts of thing iu the way of regulatiog tbe actions of their husbands now when i fell in love with eolly she was what she is now in raromonenlti mild and pretty and amiably appreciative of my hitellflot j did uot eveq obk maelf whether she was clever or not i didnt care w iov along splendid like the pious boy and his brother tho aral of whom sajd the prayers and tbe seoond the amena i did the talking and folly egged me an wuh raisings of tho eyebrows smiles and sympathetic ohv and ahs well we married i have learned that folly a frleuds were unjer tbe impreanion that she had captured a mental gitmt and was feeding me on the eukjur plumi of fiction she give people to nnderptund that i labored under the delusion that she wa a very brilliant peraon like myself and tbat only farr craftiness kept mo from finding not how shallow and silly she really was waa ever r absurd idea derived from the brainot a silly girl polly clever if she only knew that her mild eyes with tbo absolute ignoranco of the world tbat lies in their oloar depths are my stars of hope that her soft faltering yoioe that gets shrill every time she tries to talk learnedly is what i love better than oratory and tbat her irreaponible way of diaousiing my pet theorlea is what flatters and gratifies me more than any amount of sane pralae from a really clever woman well if she realised all that i wonder if she would still believe that bhe had roan aged played with or deluded me just then folly came into tbe room in quest of a hook and one of the guests jokingly repeated the snhatanco of wbat her husband had qald there was a quiz zlcal look in her faoe as she and did yoa eay all tbat tom her husband acknowledged the corn folly laughed good nataredty and aaid yoa old goose i ahd left the room she altrrleft an uneasy flnapiolanqjl boa bands mind tbat perhaps after all she had managed him without his being awaroof it the same idea occurred to more than one of his gneata bntof coursiuhetoajno way of finding out whether snob ia the oase or not titjs nqw9t0ru worn tbo north lost nifilit aeiilrit oatno waviuga wlrard wand tbiapnorniug lo an itnmoasurahlo vaatltudo of snow sotting tho earth as in a flawless frame 1 from bill to bill tho landscapo booms tho iitno tho wandorlngrlvulijtliair forgot to flow uko pilgrims etandlcflin a solemn row tliodruld trees tho sorcerers ixrwor proolalm haw silently this wblto maglohm tolls ills foot as nolsaloss as tho feet of tlino thoso snows rolentlotis and remorseless ellng wo may escape this necromancers colls when spring ut locks tbo fqttora of bis rlmo will tluio tbub plold to an immortal spring clhttoji scouard in chautauguan utns gxtnb earner sentences and maxims olass oarponter tiuniay jscfiool visitor a wb kino a schoolboy is aiid to htvevrkten aa a rerioua composition the story givebbe1ow tbat boy will moke a great mark in the world as a homorint and will perhaps out shine mark twain and bill ne boya that are timid about their historic know ledge may taku oourage and cheer np tbe artiole it dipped from hoys and is as follows king heury viii was the greatest widower that ever lived he waa horn at aouo domtui in the year 1006 he had five hundred and ten wives besidrs women and children the first waa beheaded and afterwards exeonted the seoond was revoked bhe never smiled attain ald tbe word glials would be found written on her heart after death the greatest man in this reign was lord fcsfr garnet wolseley he was a u roamed tbe boy bachelor being born at the age of fifteen unmarried he often said if be bad served hia wife as well as he had served bla king abe would not bava deprived him of his gray hairs in tbis fires most of tbe bouses being built of timber henry viii was auooeeded on the throne by his grandmother tho beauli fnl and aoooropllihad mary qdeen of boole sometimes known aa the lady of the lako or ibe lay of tbe last man atpl hfld hie bed in the last year of hia age the worrying habit a prime necessity ofour permanent freedom from worrying is the possession of tbe personal quality commonly known ae sand if a man has not been endowed with sand by nature he moat pick it np for himself nobody is going to give htm any bat he can do this easier than lie thinks most of these things we worry over are only bugbeara that fade and disappear an tbe first attack herein lies the first aao o aaoosss in a a t g aeqret lies in persistence in keeping at work always the man who aolually does this wasting no lime will find ths first thing he knows thfil hes stopped worrying and fae laaghra tittle srhtriayi to himself bat beigot no time for worry ing and the next thing he knows hes got somo sand of hia own and then he la some body and begins to find some solid satxc f aotlon in life new york sun where bald kirit yoang lady and how do you like hr brlak i tivv him with you a moment seoond young lidyam not impressed oannot abide baldhaaded men flral young lady bald headed i wry bla bead is not bald seoond yoang indy ob yes it la inside what she ta the lady principal of a school in br ad vertiasmeut mentioned iter lady aiijataot and the reputation for teaohlng wbioh eht bean bat tb printer jef i cat the word tffvhtov eo tbe advertisement read repu tation for teaching she beats hold on boys hold on to virtue it is above all price to yon in all times and places hold on to yonr good oharacter fur u ie and ever will be your beet wealth hold on to hand when yon are abont to strike steal or do auy improper aot hold on to the troth for it will serve you well and do yon good thronghout eternity hold on to your tongue when yon are jaat ready to swear he nr epaak harshly or use an improper word hold on to your temper when yoa are angry excite it or imposed upon or others angry abont you hold on to yonr hoart when evil poraonj- seek your oompany and iuvlie yoa to join tbeir games mirth and revelry hold on to your g od n ima at all llmoa for it is maoh more valable to ou than gold high place or fashioniblo attire the wine arjd beer cure a question of heads howoan von beat apd aoratoh yonr hnabaud in this terrible way aald judge to a woman of spirit and independ ence dont ypu know that he ii the bead of tbe family and ought to be respect ed as inch dont ou know that be is yonr bead too and ought to be obeyed tbfa li pretty severe doctrine to preach to a distracted family but every man in ths world will lay tbat it is atriotly true nh nnght to be enforced tbia woman however waa tmterrrfied- and in very part tones said judge is that man my head moat assuredly he is was tho reply well judge aaid the stern disciple of a logical system is there any good reason- why i shouldnt aoratoh my head if i wish to no personal libery to do wrong even in the wllderneu a hundred miles from the bearcat savage tribe and bayuud a rsu uf ul law th te oannot indulge io imparity with impunity even there for his own good his liberty la encircled with law the law of ood written n his body a law from which ha oannot escape ven there whatsoever a man aboweththat shall he alio reap for ho that aowsth to the flesh ahall of tbe flesh reap corruption evan in the soli- lode of tbe wilderness ibe tippler shall find tbat he who sows an aot reapaa tendency and he who sows a tendenoy reaps a habit and be who boss a habit reaps a character and he who sows a character reaps a destiny no where in all gods universe is there personal liberty to do wrong with impunity the only true personal liberty is liberty to choose between various ways of doing right w f orafte on indubtny worry kills workdoesnl never waste anything but above all never waste time to day comes bat onoo it never returns time n a trubt for which each man is responsible nelson attributed his auoooaa in life to having always boen a juarter of an hour ahead of time never be idle bat fill in your spare momenta with employment wbioh you may review with satisfaction whatever yoa do do thoroughly work hard bat do not hurry do dot fuss and do not be anxious it is a great mistake to fanoy that time is always saved by hurrying it is wise to move briskly but it ib far more important to do a thing thoroughly than to rash it through quickly resolve lo perform wbat you ought and perform without fail what yoa resolve do not look on your work aa a dull dnty for if yoa choose yoa cm make it interest ing idleness is not reat it is more tiring than work many men think they are industrious who bimply busy themselves with trifling occupations industry intelligently ap plied ia what produces results most of us havo our own way to make and buoceas depends largely on onr own exertions llnflvej me the word troublo only tell me how tho thing ifl to bedone7 to bo done rightly and i will do it if i can quten victoria to lord montengle surprised the young reformer was a anporlattvely feminine creature whose soul abhorred sounds harsher than those whtoh oome from the harp but her aymathles had been aroused and ehe bad entored her name on the roll of friendly visitors s he felt that she could no longer face her dear eooiety friends without being able to tell of her experiences in reforming somebody arming herself with disinfectanta ehe started on ber errand climbing a stair way in the tenement district bhe traversed a dark hall feeling an imaginary damp nesa creep through hor eboes and thinking of cough drops for the morrow entering ono of tbo rooms ehe found herflelf unexpectedly in tbe presence of a pale poorly dressed woman audi concluded would begin her work o re by reminding her that oleaulineas ia akin to godliness and an inspection of the premises was iu order turning cautiously toward the unmade bed suapccioob of beelug the torror which creepeth by night her eye rested upon a woman with a newborn babe at her eido i did not know that yoa bad others living with yda remarked the visitor she doeb not live here sho ia my neighbor why is ehe in this room and in yonr bed well lady yon aeo i have a window and a bib of carpot and i invited her to com j because i thought it would bo thero is in eomo papers an untiring but most tiresome reiteration o tho of tref uted statement that the tendenoy of a eneml use of wine mid beer u to reduoo drunken ness in t lie comrpnnity sorely beer drinking germany and wine drinking france fnrniah no support lo thir fallacious theory the luorensiui prevalence of drankeuuens in thotio countries begins to exelle alllrib7t j itgl than her pbytioiai the htatesman and the phijan- thropiil is raised regarding thecoutieqaont demoralization and physical and mental deterioration of the people alcoholic insanity is reported to be twioe as common in france now as fifteen years ago and the number of persons placed under restraint on aooount of it has inoreaaed twenty five per cent in the laic three years presbyterian banner house is and it waa for the ke of the baby i did it tbe reformer apologized for her oall and hurried oat of the presence of a great dob a of soul wbioh was a revelation she is not likely to forgt youtht companion lillians experience how she kept trouble loss and disappoint ment from a city home lillian a farmer tho bright daughter of iving some eighty miles from toronto wos vibitlng hor aunt in the qneen olty daring tair time the httlo country clrl only in ber oighltenth year wa a raoctetlnmll that pertained to housework biio excelled in buttermaking oooking sowing oroobetlng and understood the art of making old tblngs looks like now homo dyeing with diamond dyce during the second wcok of xillltans visit ber sunt intimated one day tbat she bad made a oarolul selection ol sorno olean bnt faded skirts and a suit ol boya olothing wbioh she thought were good onoogh for auotber seasons wear ii they oonld be pynptly rp mlnrefl- dainty fruit first froqd parent am a daddy and it is a peaoh seoond proud parent i am a daddy too bnt lilt st pair j new york tribune say no when a dealer offers ypu a subaluou lor hoods sarsaparlllla ttasre it nothing jnat a good set only hoods lillians aunt acknonladgd that alio had never before attempted home dyeing bnt said bhe was encoursged by tbe state meuls mtile in some ol tbe newspapers that dyes would work wonders lor hsr atonoe xjlllian oame to ber resono and said auntie for goodness eike do not risk yonr good garments with these oommon dyes they are quite useless i tried a package some tlmo ago in order to satisfy my curiosity and tbey gave just snoh results as 1 expected spoiled my material when i use dyes i waut pore dyeatuffs quite iree irom grease let me nggeit tba use of the diamond dyes tbey are safe and snro and your colors will be jnst right send to tho drag store for them and iwill assist you in yottr work ths diamond dyes were proonrod and part of an afternoon was spent by aunt and niece in making tbo old tblnga look liko new oroalloub all wero delighted with the msgdifloent results and lillian was particularly prond oltho achievements of hsr friends the diamond iyea at ibe tea labia that evening the aunt said lillian yonr esprlenoln dyeing oertalo- y aaved ut irom trouble loss tnd dis appointment

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