Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1899, p. 2

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bortf fev oacjiiiaithtii rbtiuotlnd on saturday doo j i ih tho wlfo ot j oil a it ombtftltti of daiibu tor kacunkh at saskatoon saikatoliowan n w to iiud nkh at saskatoon saikatoliowan n w on tiaiimlny slat deoernbcr 1b9b to mr mru olliuon t falknor a ton married aiooimwakiaatnprvi wrturtay i3qo an ibiw b hot j kitoatjofiph mooror of eeutroviuo to kllen wtkoly b withe n ihwin ou wediimdw doo w at uio ftb mihliodtt nrnuat ayr by t win u u brotuorot the irlas ahyajlr- rfa ada j irwin ilnuuhtorof the into ilav wllhaui irwli to joaoph j swluar of morval mcnauuu tiiomriton at uio realdouoo ot trldob f atliur kkiuniur ou weanaaday tb dueouibvr by uv prof cody m a hot b monnmara to mim wtulftluilu dattgbtor ot mr qoo c tuvmnwon the coytt a wdrk reeve peareops inauawal speooh brief but polnteda harmon- loua v counblect pauhr absent the baaloess ot ths municipality lor the yaras inaugurate on monday nporulug 11abxiiu baqumlnt ou wednesday pso 1shi1 uayiuoii harass assd si years itilwu- at dutbatn oa jfcuedaysth january uio widow at u let oeors rltehle and mother ot mr umnre ritchie acton el tgyoers kkskrt at tier home rletn street agton on lt ft john keltney b aired vj rears luanlh mt cloh tt thursday january- 1 1899 another protest entered a protest m fllod at oagoode bill toronto tuesday morning agalnet john k barber as member ot the legislature for halton the usual charges are alleged w j thwaite is the petitioner notes and comments mr erasmus wimau now in london says the annexation of canada to the baited sutei ig impbealble eo is pommer- cinl union mr wiman aleoaayathaj gsnade is the empires granary and can alio supply britlan with free timber ooel and flob at eleven oolook as directed by alaaulo lueneleel pearson and couualllotisleot clark irauol aud olarko aubsoribsd to the declarations of ofllco and qualilloa lion and took tliolr seals the abaeooo ol counolllorolsot llatray puta matters in a mouliar poiltiou owing to hie leaving ton bn butiuii trip betore taklob this 0thotoffloehooannovlhtllybrlrdeffjnbest aeed to tow to retain he a member ot the ooauoll end naa oona4 pboiphatea end nltratoa ao essential halton fa institute very suoaeaaful meeting at milton last saturday the brat meetlnd ol halloa iarmori idstltule for tho presaut bossou was held at milton on saturday the speakera ot the atternonn meeiiiir were messra 3 b woodward ol lookport n v h o mani and w a glendeuning manilla and w a clark ot tho milton creamery mr woodward addresisd tho audience on- nitrogen traps and how tq use them he showed by charts comparisons olihe vnlns ot different grasses grains and roots and food produots fortbesqil sbowing that red olover was the herald la glad to be able to suppori sir george bavlll ot aoton for the war- doiiahip for 1890 lilt year mr h p xiwson should have been warden and would have been for 1899 had ho desired it it was hardly ksquoeinus torn bat mr ijiwson deaerved itoneooonntot ft beibg bis turn the honor ibis year should un questionably go to ur havill and the village bo represents georgetown herald it ii said that the government has in contemplation the early sppolntmsnt of commision to revi the f atatntea as provided by the oonititation the ten years period from tho previous revision lspsod in 1800 and one of the last acta of too conservative ministers was to appoint a command ot revfeion tfas order waul not carried oni by their saooessors bow- ever bo that itjaojwmjrejjnoe he statntebwere last revised great britain has 041815 miles of colonial poeeeasions net oonntlnnlndiaopn taining 60000000 people she hsa a regular army of about 147000 ooiting nearly tloopoojooo a year the united btates have hooooooo square miles of colonies containing 9000000 people sod a protectorate ot al65o squara miles with 1200000 people and it will reijniro ibo war department eatimatss close on 1200000000 to keep op an army to regn- into them theaoton fiuue 3nsss nominates of r havill for the wardenshlp for lt99 the itrformer boss to second the nomination for the reason that mr havill is the oldest- oonnty ooonolllor who has not ooonpiad that position owing to so many of the oldmambo r thi ye t wil be fonr new faces at the board for the sbe ts and it wpnlrl h rsth en qasntly not plaosd upon any of the stand ing oontmlttesett thvinmlsr will no donbl be remsdttd npon hi return at tb opening of the prooesdlos reeve rearson in a brief address said it wtaooa- tomaryalthoflrst meeting to lay down a polioy for the year when i wens in laat march to ooourlyths onoy oausod by the lamsnted death of mr storey i was told besaidi by njembera ottue coanoil thstthe oondoot of tbe offloe dosing kba year would be a ensp but the iubieqneut oiperlabooin the work ot gravelling mill and main streets laying permanent walks and tbe installation of the elebtrio hunting plant rendered tho year a snapper i assumed the dullea of the offloe at tbe time with great reluctance after three or four years in the oouuoll i retired with the intention ot never oomlng baok i went in last year jnst as determined that it ahonld be my last in offioial relation to tbe manioipallty and bad tho eleotrlo light ing plant been completed and in operation nothing whatever would hayeinflnanoad me to aeoept ofboe for 1800r dunhe work was not finished at i end of tho year and as tb oonimittee whiob baabeen anpar- intsndlpgjho work is possessed of facts fsmlllar to no others i have with the other members aocepted the position for the present year motwltbstanding that last year was snob a bnsyone we had a most harroonlons year it haa a great pleasure to me that every member of the coanoil and vary offioial haye worked so well together in all undsrtaklngl and this it true also of tbe fm pbbss i mean what i aay in this for during the year the editor ren dered us very valuable aspistanoe i do not intend to lay anynear plana before von for accomplishment the present year if we cpmplistelhe workt silready undertaken and look well after general repairs we will do very well indeed the eleotrlo light matter will remiva oar most careful attention in the matter of walks my ideals wherever a walkon any main ttteatqlrswreflevingvlastdowitgrano llthlo pavement the matter of widening mill street will require your very careful consideration surveys have been mads and plana prepared and we find itqnlte an important undsrtaking i feel that unless the aotlop is taken for the eiproprlatlon of the few feet neoeseaxy tp widen the street uniformly now it will never be done r in the appointment of btandlos oommit- ees i wqnld angriest that ws leave the m praolioally the same as last year 1 regret however the absenoe of oodnailloreleot murray as wo cannot legally recognise him in striking the standing oommlttoes mr francis most consequently take his place at the head of tbe street and walks department during the year the fire and light committee will require to give fire matters closer attention i do not know whether the engineer and firema bave oeen paid ttbey to the growth of all cereal crops mr glendenolog took up weeds on the ifarm he classified them into annuals biennials and perennials describing the bast method of destroying weeds the thistle burdock and mnatard being the most troublesome and common ha advooated light and not deep cultivation of the land and butting down frequently mr clark dealt with tbeailo and ensilageadvislng all farmers tobaild good silotheroandooqarate silo in bis opinion being the bee com he considered the best eniilags olover being also tauota in favor be quoted figures proyihg by experiment that silo feeding not only iuoreased the qnantity of milk bot was by far tbe obeapeat feed and most easily handled bach address was followed by discussion many of those present taking part as a result of the meeting some fitly were added to tho membership out of de shadow the experience- of a lady who had given up hope tortured with paine in she otomaoh for four years- dootora and hospital treatment failed to help horlh her extremity dr williams pink pllla restored hor to health dairyand farm interests asribulture do the people jletu xuirfrtisemfnta onpreqedented- oooarrerjoa to asa a new member step right into tba wardens chair without first serving his lime as a counoillor for that reaeoq tbsn and also from tba fact that it is a long tiros since a representative from aqton aal in the wardens ohsir mr bavjus ohsnoss loam to bo of the brightest we bsliove also that mr havill would make a very oapablo presiding offloer so that putting all these things together we oonfidently expect to- sea aotone representatives hon ored with the position by the unanimous vote of the ocunoll canadas future ia a subject wbiob bat been tabooodfor sbnaetime butis again to the front in iml pr agaln- it is a question between the united states and great britain in the january unra- ber of tba oanaiuto magatlmt threeartioles are devoted to a disouialon of our foreign relation jack cannck points bot that par lalca to the uolled btaus are not iboreat- logllko our pnrchaees whila on ths qther hand our purohases from orsat britain are declining while onr sslaa ilo the mother land are inortasldg his wellbandud statistics are startling hi b kingston maiesanlmpsonattrappairrtj britain not tq neglaot canada in aeea3n5 united states friendship he admits that canada loves great britain and british institutions but maiutalnsthet if british nealect makes canada restive into there will be an end of british role on this eontinent the third artiolo la by robert mooonnell editor of tbe halifax ilonthy chronicle he makes ap attack on the aourie of united btates pnblloista who are aotlirely endeavoring to force btatss danghlers ot common liberty- to work ont their separate destinies without being jealous of eaob othsr oroovellog each otbore patrimony and birthright the pu lj new mernberscentlnuetolia en rolled msmberahlp now 103 the monthly mseting of the free library -board- was held on monday evening members present j b peeraon obair- tor the past six months or not oertalnly have not earned their salaries the engine is required by the arrange- njtnts entered into to be taken oat noon tfily for practise and to see that everything is in working order this has not beam dona and both the obmmttee and officers have been remiss in their duties i feelthat we have a pleasant year before us and am satisfied that harmony will pre vail in all orjr deliberations the coanoil then went into committ ee of the whole and the standing committ ees wars arranged as follows cbusanbatbeeve pearson chairman ex- ohlaloand james olark fxmahoi john clarke chairman and james olark tiaaalrh xtiantbeeva pearson obalrman i francis and- james clark brbaats aiti wuaa1 vranow enaiffliaiir andr town baia besve pearson ohalrmaa and john clarke pabkt praneis obalrman and the arrangement was upon motion of councillors francis and clark confirmed moved by john clarke seconded by james clark that leave be granted to in- troduoe a bylaw to appoint auditors for the onrrant year carried the bylaw was intrpduoed read the required number ottlmes and passed the namas of wm6iatkvgdnalibrif moore being inserted as the aoditors for the year moved by john clarke ssnondsd by james olsrks that the council meet for business oo monday evening 8th inat at eight oolook and on every seeond monday evenlnr hereafter at the town hail at tbesame hoar carried the council then adjourned council resumed at 8 oclook precisely members present boeve pearson and intosimwrstiqttittialnrbtfl john clarke tba first report of the committee on finaiioe was presented and lbs following acoouuts raoqmmendtd to be paid wllllampaorrjsian tabor a s7a david aullstona and taasiini b 8 jobn cook labor i es brmrabovsiiovalllog enow 1 0p- isalab coon labor a 08 h forbes uboreto as 00 j bur do u60 b swaokbamer do ft do nqrahaid do 11 m- opiiu da inast ontarios products ih artdthedalrytaaityear a bulletin issued by tbe department of agrioultoregivesa nnmber of flgnres of interest concerning tbe agriculture in the provinoe- the report shows that in tba 110 chsese factories ls659s7lb lbs ot milk were used and 187802910 lbs of oheeae were made there were 60104 patrons and the value of obeeae produced was ll719i08 this la about s0000o0 mora than the amount for 1800 the amount paid tq patrons for milk supplied was 070900a as compared with t00927 the year before the oreameries show even a greater in crease the quantity of milk sent was 77m26slbsianithevaluootitbejatter produced was l4036oo this is almost three times as mnoh as was produced- in loo other statistics of interest may be sam- marired as follows total farm property vtloe 00509s018 wbich iaflvo millions lees thenlsoo live stook 893049301 whiob is aleoletb thanlsoil implements f 51299098 baiiafngsw06oi0160 the chattel mortgage list deoreased a small amount during 1897 from 18601710 to 18888105 tho bonded debt of the munioipality has inoreaied f rom 42051 per head to 82084 per head the population is rated at 1099977 an increase over 1800 ot over 16000 a good incraase is reported in tbe hog poultry wool and honey business bishop s buried a large attendanoe and an improe- alve servloe from tho pombroko obsorvor wherever man is to be found tbero also aide by side with him la disesseaudaoffer- ing tboae who have devoted their lues to the alleviation of the suffering and bodily weakness of human organization are surely beuetaolora of tbelr uqd and deserve the praiaa of all mankind tor special honora in this line may be pointed ont tbe discoverer ot that wqpdsrfol remq ldiiprwjimamapijjpjllsfor pale people rtcoutly the case of mrs maggie brunette of clilohester que came prom inently under the notioo of tho observer reporter he felt it lo be his duty on hearingof mrs brunettes restoration from prostrate illness to health to interview the laidy and reoord lier fxperiooces for tho benefit of others who rbay need tbehealing influenoes ot drv williama ftnk f us mrabrunettes farm boms was found to be very oomfortalila and even elfgapt lbdatadhearthebaaqofau lmmalio bill an outgoardof the tjaureniian mountains 3ba reporter waa warmly weloomed and mrs brunette said she was very glad to bave an opportunity to testify to the great benefit dr williams pink tills had con ferrod upon hor she ia 42 years of age now her hubband the late obss bru netto died u years ago and after his death the worked very hard foi some yeara with the result that she became complete ly ron down so mnoh ao thst although quitotallthawolghesllliily abput00 pounds after taking the slightest food aba fait aooh dlatreaa that she waa compel led to lie down for hours bslng so weak that she wsb unable to sit up at last she thought she mast have been ailaoked wltb canoer ot the btomaoh so violent were the paina that oonatantly harassed her 8ba consulted the best physioiana and spent more than a hundred dollars in treatment and medioine in siddilion to whloh sha spent nine weeks in the hospital in pom- broke but withal she was ill four years and despaired of ever being well again finally ebe deoided to give br williams pink pills a trial and accordingly aba procured six boxes although they bane- fitted her altnoat from tbatlme aha began taking them she keptou taking the pills until aha had used sixteen boxes and then ftlt that the was completely cored tbe pills accomplishing in three month what four yean of medical treatment had failed to do from that time nearly three years ago mrs brunette has been in good hesjtlrr-needing-notmedioloe- xtou can see said mro brunette as tbe reporter was departing that 1 am in perfect health x attend to my bousebbid work and tba dairy and poultry and have a number of cows to milk i never fall to say a goad word for dr williams pink pills when i have an opportunity for they bave done wonderful things for me mrs brunette is a well educated lady frenoh and english fluently limehouse believe rffr statements adyerti8ed by its thats the point that concerns us nearly one thousand people told us on rridny last by their presence in our store that they have every confidence in it we siy agiin on saturday notwithstanding that owing to the storm u was a day on which you would iiardly expect our advertisements for the last any person out our extra slaff were kopt busy fc thirteen yeirs and it has been this continual keeping faith with the public for thirteen years that gives us the honorable r b continual doing what w by iurope to buy that gives us the enviable posit lo 1 wo hold frlaco we hold la the dry goods trade aculties for buying and never allowing a season torpass b 1 hew are people that have been reading elng faith with the public for thirteen yea een the continual doing what we sav in all these thirteen years vdihoutj aeodlng a represent a position we are proud of we told you a day or two ago coupled with our special itative to jay i about our great alteration sale which will go on all this month we are going to make it the biggest month in our history we know we can do it first because you have lqng since learned to have con6dence in what we bay secondly we intend giving you belter value all this month than we have done in any month for the list thirteen years this has been a big year with us our banner year and we feel like sharing with the public in tbe form of special bargalps some of tho advantages it his brought us but we have another reason we hubx reauofi out stock 111 order that the work may proceed r t each day you will find fresh additions to our bargnns look out for our great carpet and housefurnishing list jtesidence fofe sale anew brick realdtuico with flno urge rooms bplandld cellar netlar wbolo homo corn modloui lublo and driviug liouio hud and oft water nloo fltrden qroat btrgaia for ulok bale for furtlior particulars apply t o fftsk 1jtksa offloo nu tbi active bolielton wanted averywubre for tbe blory of tbe philip plooa by uarat halitead cotiimissloued by the aotrnmodt mm umclat historian to tba war department the book wo written la army camp at san fran almo on tbe paolho with general merritt lo tb bospitali at hoojoiuiu louong kong iu the american trenobtm at manila in tbe luiurgont ctmpi with aaolnaldo on tba deck of tbe olympla with deway and la the roar ot battle at tba fall of manila bonsai for agrjt drimfnl of oilginal plotorea taken by ijawera ment pbotograpbers on tbe spot large book low prioea big pronti freubt paid credit gio crop all traaby unomour war books outfit frea addrats f t bakbbit boy gtar inauratiaa building obloago important notice the celebrated iridian doctor eoeoe w bill and partner will be a asnews hotel aoton on tbe a last wed g ueaday of erery month until further notlco tfunnmancing wltb wednesday 90ib oofober all cnronle diseases auob ia oonaump tlon oatarrb urer eomplalnt kidney dficuei onredby taaian rheumatism dbbatea aq w ramedles medicine sold by ramedlei medlclnee sold by tba tjuasuty patients given up a ino arable are eapexilally invited patlenta nnder treatment to other doo tora are not solicited raanent addreai conanltatlon free par- jjhantfoitd p o ont the biggest reductions eer made in carpets by us ready for you any time you may come in but dont put off buying a carpet if you are ready now as we are all rememborwe dowha1 we say toronto jan 0 the f nneral of the late bishop sullivan today was tbe largest sa iu th uity f r year af a abort service at the hbnse the body was r tbbl jtmra ottuudia w i lay in state the floral offers were numer ous and most magnificent a guard of olergy stood over the coffin being relieved honrly from 1080 to 180 during wbiob time the oburoh waa open totha pubilc at 380 the church was reopansd the olergy and choir marched up the aialo with the monrnars the honorary pallbearers walked with then they were bishop domoulul the bishop ot huron bishop thornloearobdeacon soddy and measrs a s irving bn goooh hon g w allan n w hoyles rev a h baldwin and o w boyd bishop bweatman and the assistant minister of the cathedral iter it ashn oondnetad the servloe whloh was most impressive the oortege was very large tba mayor and council attend log man bey h a msupbsraon john oarn- eron tt moore and h p moors tbeliibrarians report for dqoember was presented aa follows t r bfetnbershlpdssmbjbt enrolled in december 5 total present enrollment 188 i books taken ont doting tba month 807 as follows history 77 biography 8 1 voyages al aolenoe 7 s general llleraturs o poetry 3 notion 118 j rellgloa 11 oasfa rcoeipts caulognes and sards 05 otnu r hues 40 mnu renewal cards 15 until coat of book lost io oents total moved by tt moore seoonded by b amaopberton that the report of the librarian for tbe monlb of dsosraber be adoiifiiv p elrknem ao w smith uo yf b anderson sand flfli roofing j h auttbews wood oil a mohabb labor lfriueisbordmd hpuoore printing etc great nw taloo sreetlng polos d smith labor j harny freight and duty oa ooau dd teamlnii tba canadian general electric co anpp1lss toronto xlms qo lime sud esment laoo ibs 909 woo sod 7 is sod 0 75 7 so 0 00 moo at as il sssa as totko allot which is raspeotf ally snbnstted johniolarks n jastil5larki movrtbylisrinels qecoudrf by jamas mrfamffliiimfas- feii jmidtmbyjpbn oai crews co the january thaw of laat week earned quite a freshet on the atreaini in this vicinity itle a very rare thlniffor a robin to be seen in this part of outarlo in january but qneof those spring birds wss aeeo bare last week by mr robertoibbons tbtre is eantiae tlokns iu tills viointy few caass of the nteaales and a great many oases of bad oolds and the grip- ijorne 8cliool bperied last tuesday the board have been very fortunate in aeonring hiss jjlly mowurcby of cborpu- biili as teacber she ocmes highly reoord- mndad leslies school no 8 erin is oloted at prennt tba teacher miss e o corrle belngoonflnrdtoier hotno-throoghan- attaok of- diphtheria we are pleased to state tbat she la reooverlok master bert crewson is still in a orhloal oondltion thiyoonr people of this vicinity spent si highly snjoyabls lime at the homo of mr wmleiobmsn on wonday evening last in games and other amusements mir and mrs lelobcnao proved them selves to be capital boat stud hosua and did all in their power tq make the yoong pedpediov tbemselvee mr m orewaon jr wan in fetrolia on abneiness crip during bs holidays mr n forbes completed hit seasons building contract on monday mr porbes sayrtbat the paatiyearhaa busy one in tbe mason line aa be is a very oompelent workman this no dunbt aoooonta for his largs season at osgoode hall toronto on tuesday a settlement was affeoted id the fire insurance suit brought by a j mokinnon ot aoton for n browne agsinat the manobeater ire insursnoe o the plaintiff is a barrlater and a trustee for the estate of nathaniel browns who owned a stook in the store here destroyed by flra a year ago being lnsnred for 12000 in the oompany named the company declined to navon the ground that thb firs was fraudulent and it was alleged that other inaurance oompauiaa had previously refused a polioy on tba tbe property which faot had been hidden eventually a compromise was effected defendsnt paying the sum of 7e0 nassaqaweya the annual convention of nassagawaya sunday school asioolalion will be bald in the ebentzer chnroh on tuesday 81st inst in addition to addresses by local workers be v a o orewe general beoretary of sunday sohools and epworth lieagues toronto and eer j g scott ot gnslpb will spsak afternoon and evening rev dr bosnian bevi a blslr b a and ray j a cranston of bookwood will also lake part the ohoir of tbe cbarcn ana measrs eaaterbrobk and adarason will render mnsio mr thomaa storey is president and mias clara- adamson beoretary of the aaaooiatloo a citizens committee oomposed of abma of the leading business men of st thomaa ont has just finished a general canvass of the oity to raise 1 1000000 in aid of ainu ladies oollsga and has preieuted the aub- aorlptlon lisle to the coileoaa a ohriat- ma n anadaitfanalyial f 000 00 aeoured cnlslde of the city makes the handsome total of 11600000 added to tba resouroes of this exoelleut college gc b ryan fc co only one price guelph berlin and owen sound p s our three buyers arc now in uuropc buying for the spring business after the holidays we make our annual january clearing of all fall and winter goods it dont pay any business to carry surplus stock over to the next season our object is always to begin with a new stock for every seasons business now will be your great opportunity to procure special bargains in- dress goods mantles and all kinds of woollen goods great bargains in readytowear clothing overcoats boys reefers remnants a great lot to be cleared at half price also mens under- wear odd shirts drawers etc and a number of odd lines in all classes of goods to be cleared come early and secure some of the great bargains fine 5igrholass tailoring in this departm we have a n ohhieeotchxwetjauitin rir prirpq quft no tf and stegso sale price 1200 1350 and these are great bargains also a number of overcoat lengths to be sold at the above reductions these garments will be well trimmed well tailored in our usual highclass standard at the prices they will be sold at they will be picked up at once by shrewd buyers gibson tunllatcr st co rob block jjrtjrin st georgetown produce taken in exchange is thissslainenouoh it you have a nagging ooogh and are losing flesh go to a drag elore and get a bottla of shllohs consumption cure take two thirds otit and than it yon are not benefitted return the bottle to your drsggiat and he will return vonr money isnt that fair no one oonld ask more so cents 60 oente and 100 a bottle the man who earns bis living with his brain cannot afford to neglect ais body the body is the furnace and boiler that furnishes steam to the brain if4ue fur nace is permitted to get clogged with clinlr- ers theboiler vrill make na steam and tba delicate machinery of theliraln will alt ontari parl called to meat for bgalheaa on wed- nesday 1st feb the ontario legislature- has bean called to meet on wednesday february i for the destoliofcinbrabb tipijsl moved by john clarke ssooodsd by jamesolark that dr woksaguobe and is hereby appointed medical health oiboar forlsob at vhafsatary of fifteen dollsr carried hipy tmoved by james olark seoondsd by john qjarks that thomas t moors be re- app6inei olsrk nijmpreajiiilary ofonsfhunikdand fifty dollars for its jfjhfjrjjad ryity- itpj thrf a v si lend stop when a man findai thathieideasdonot cqmeas freely vr- theyotice did neednt worry j about bis menj tal machiaeryj but he ha f better loo ia stomach and in- testines are do fltaeeiaqf blood is impure and does not receive the proper tta to the machinery op the brain if he neglects this condition he win buffer from headaches aleenlessneaa loss of aptif titer confusion of ideas despondency and lack- of energy eventually he will break down with nerv- jins rxha orproatratlon tlicie is a remedy that will promptly put a man right under tbese conditions it is di pierces golden medical blacovery it cures indl- gestlonails the blood with the vital cle- menu of life tones the nerves and makes the brain bright clear arid active it cures sllnerve and bratn troubles due to in- aufficlent or improper noorishment the oolden medical discovery to for aale by all good tncdicine dealers and only an un- acrnpnlaua dealer will try to indue a cna- tomer to take some worthies remedy alleged to be just as good mr med melsoa the celebrated irtah corae- djarraridmlmfeoltioen strevl camden rnad tml six oases of 8matlpoz have broken ont a abort dlatanne from montreal in the vicinity of gateau da lao no censorship in aivlnst ths news of the great cures bffeoted by south amstrl- oan nervine it has saved an army of bufferera from the pang of indigestion and nerve trouble l m holmes ot parrsboro n 8 waa take aevre nirvonanaas ana iqdigeslinn and for some time waa oomplstely prostrated he oontalted best doctors but they failed lo fcslp him a ntwspapar advertisement brought south amerloan nervine to his dotloe ha tried it with tbe result that he was greatly beosfllted from the first bottle and el bottles oomplstely oared blrn and ha would be pleased lo give all details of his case to any parson asking him sold by a 1 brown specials for quick sales overcoatings 24 00 block or blue beaver for f 30 50 922 50 black blue or brown for 19 00 21 50 do do do do xb 50 92000 do do do do 1700 sum nay i14 00 scotch tweed suiting for tio i22 50 do do do do to tal 00 do do do do 8 lao 00 do do do do 17 00 machine 0pebat0rs wanted in oor shirt dbphrtmbnt beginners taltcht applv at once thewtxxiabib qreene aromhoo limited berlin ont cooper dcakins the tailors ae are going to make suits up at a big reduc tion daring this month in order to make room for our spring stock so if you need a suit or overcoat now is your opportunity during this month call and inspect our stock prices will be right and all work guaranteed first- class and up to date cooper ok akins main st actom watches the careful repairing of watches is tht hobby of jjihglesjrhejewelleb qtjbiiph his long experience combined with bis practical ability and close attention to the details of that part of his business makes him the best qualified person in guelph to do any repairs to your watch spectacles the same careful oversight is given to the proper fitting of spectacles any defect of vision is carefully examined and if spectacles con be found to aid the sight or stop the headache pringle will supply ihem a special rente of selec tweeda at iiooo these are all new goods we will make tq your order perfeu in every way jt above prices call and inspect them re merchant taiior cash and one price furnisher guelph a fttle stocking h j write 1 tirare wecki iend the me tad loach of t we mlfliicd nn enmgctnenl o i diets chspeosli- wrevfttl tlil tatwewhui 1 owtlpatiqu iwmplly curvd jbr dr called jlnle to eta f b jo the ad or mine ooldsn mmieal fflfvwjviifwivj jlata house ji should itjjv rvfriii before lhe3aveb13ls wm s aehstrlal sight chriis blstoua a njlmrs if you itivfor aojnavjtrlsndb at once think or s in better taste aod lew gifts can be so talnsbls 1st ton we will give great bargains on some lines of goods come in and investi gate savagre fc co jewellers marriage t issued btntabui aittb ron thb nxwstaar 1899 calendars artistic new year cards in addition lo these we offer at greatly re pri lbs following celluloid albums plush albums fancy celluloid cases poets and bibles these latter thebeat value ever before offered vfca tir tots every druggjln wdueilorin mesdicines has a aupply of bbb 1899 almsnuirs the best aimanaconrand you may barvoone free for the asking we desire that this valuable book shal be in every canadian home and if your druggist or dealer is out of them and wont gw ana br yo send m a pat taw wr yobf name and address distinctly and you will be mailed one free t milbum dp co j5 colbcrne street toronto out l7jliitte7yftf a wyeths x3sxcao nmrkindrhoweatflt jjafsa motr else 1 ithusstsl tdnea a coplitus flow of milk auak lnja whole t stem ijftk al the lllde t it u rclicahlng tenleb buarength nil toe to the r slpln iihowgfl tbe llln rsjtturo it nay le ttatlfctt it traduces a relisll rfwtiteaive and fortluca s te sratem rutt oozcrt 3bo

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