Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1899, p. 4

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u f sure tor v7hen tbe children set their foet wet and take cold give tbem hot foot bath a bowl of tot drink a doao of ayers cherry pectoral and put them to bed tbe chances are they will lie all right in the morning con tinue tbe cherry pectoral a few days until all cough baa dis appeared ow-eougba-are-also-tureds- wman ofbron cbltjs weak throats and irritable lungs even the hard couayib of consumption are ahraytr made easy and frequently cored by the continued use of every doctor knows that wild cherry bark is the best remedy known to medical science for soothing and healing inflamed throats and lungs pat ontt of drtaytsfs qterry pectoral plasters ovmr your lungn hm mam ittmooml jmrtffml w now liar ions of the meet ml- sbdt phralctans in tba vajtsd btami dunal oppocfeahlse and long expert- ncn omlnntlr at tlm mr aulas voa medleal drtc write irwir ill th hi m 1 i r he conquered i ml vlntod by a robuit looking man in prime of life who stated that he wbb a master plnuober and that beinit deficient in his arithmetic he was uihiiuk it difficult to keep traoh of bis bookkeepers acaonute now thai bia businfai use increasing a little ndon however elloted the pitiable adrolailon that ho was totally nimble to read ho coulj read tlkurn add a little and just vintojiie own nemo all lio had ever learned in hie native country the green lale bat though he hid hitherto been euocebsfal in oonceallug his limita tlcns from tbo people about him oertain olrcuraitanceo bad recently uivco him the alarm and be had made op hie mind to try to mend matters and what a struggle wai bia what pathoi in his flroplng efforts to ipell onlbis vraythrooght the primer vhloir3vbwn little aon bad thrown aside two years before 1 but night after night snmmer and winter he kept it np until at last be bad ela reward and he ojnld look his little boy bodly in the face and had no more feara of bit bookkeeper clmmbcrs journal she had her way thursday january 13 1880 wht dmrng jolks a runaway a little btrufcgllng annboam came through the blinds ono day and like a bllvor dollar on tbo nursery floor it lay nod was tbeflrsttoapyit no said with a little ory 1 0 eos that doajjtie sunshine thats ran away from the sky i a novel advertisement i shall have to aik you for a tioket for thai boy mam iguoainot hei too old to travel free he ooonpies a whole mat and the cars crowded there are people standing up thafa all right i havent time to argue tbe matter maam yooll have to pay for that boy ive never paid for him yet and im not going to begin now youll pay for that boy maam or i ii stop the train and put him off thats all right you puthlm off if you think tuatrtheway to get anything out of me yon ought to know what tbe rules of this road are maam how old la the boy i don know z never aaw him before if you want a tioket for him youd batter ask that old gentleman down tbe aiale he got on with him about cafauiili it la caused by a oolil or a fuooe8lion of oolda oombiued with impure blood 4ts symptonib aro pain in thu hooil discharge from iho rjoar rinuinj noiacs in tbo oars itiaourod by hood a sirdaparlllia whiah puriqea aud enrioliea the blood soothes and rebuilds the tissues and relieves all the diaagrooablo senbatioua llooilri pills ouro all liver ills mailod for 2j cents by c i hoo 1 it go lowell mtbb gjurtalitp may bo love in tbo abstract bit marriage in a different thing probably no single drug is employed in nervous dis- eases-withjieffeclssa-iriark- edly beneficial as those of codliver oil these are the words of an eminent medical teacher another says the hy- pophosphites are generally acknowledged as valuable nerietonics both these remedies are combined in scotts emul sion therefore take it for nervousness neuralgia sciatica insomnia and brain exhaustion sec and i oo all druggists scott sowne clnrolt toronto some people are io trouble on aooount of their debts and some othera are in debt on aooount of their troubles chicago xewt mother and daughter cured by palnes celery compound a itubsfan abopkeeper with an eye to immediate returns is said to have posted an announcement to the effect that the reason be bad bitberto sold bo cheaply was that he was unmarried and did not need profit for the maiotenenoe of a wife and family the advertisement cloied as follaws j it is now my duty to inform the pobliq that this advantag will shortly be with drawn irons tbem be married t am about to they will therefore do wjl to make ibeir purchases at once at trie old rate the result was that there was bach a run on tbo shop in tbe course of a few days the shopkeeper bad made enongb money to pay iho expenses of his wedding teach a child to think froebels mother flay book la fall of tbe rioheal noggeatlone as to how the every day life of the nursery ean be made to yield up lta treasures of oil and wine goodneis and trutb for both baby and mother he ibows very clearly there ibaat while it la easy to keep in sympathy with ohild natore and for many motbera so provide for the varying ce activities ysl that to really understand lbs origin and end of tlilr activity an earnest atudy of the human mind in an individual and sooial relationi ia also needed the moth er must learn that thought and feeling as well as other things must be studied and cultivated hat everyone know or ought to know is that health and even life ihelt depends nporrahe condition of the blood feeding as it doer all the organs of lbs body it must be rlob and pure in order to give proper nourishment hoods sarsaparilla makes the blood pare rich and nourishing and in this way atrengtbens tbe nerves creates an appetite tones tbe stomaob bnilds np tbe health warda off eolds pneumonia and fevers smytbe i dropped a halfpenny in front of a blind betuar to day to see if had plok it np tompkins veil did he f smylhevnol a bit or it he bald make it a alapence governor and ill forget myself the marvellous medicine is known all oyer the world as the great banlaher of bueamatlam and kid ney disease as happy future for all sufferers who uae the compound new life strength and long years wills a riclurdboh oo pear sire i oonalder ii my doty to writs to yon regarding the baneata derived by my daughter and myself from nee of yoor fsinea celery compound for years i was troubled with rheumatism and nervousness i was treated by doctors and tried medicine after medioine for- tnn a f e min a my falnea celery compound i did so au j aflsr u f bolllet fbocd j was stronger and better than i had been for yean my daughter was oared of kidney disease after suffering for twelve years by using a fear bottles of the oompoond i advise all suffering from rheumatism nervouanesa and kidney troubles to give palnes celery compound a trial yours slnooraly m us louis lmvat cbapleao out it ia easier for a philosopher to stand trlbnlstiontbanvexatlonb dr j d kellogg dysentery cordial is a speedy oure for dyaentery diarrhoea oholera summer oompleint eea sickness and eornplaiqta incidental to children teething it gives immediate relief to tboae buffering from tbe effects of indlsoration in eating uuripo fruit encumbers eto it dots with wonderful rapidity and never fsils to conquer the disease mo one need- fear oholera if they have a bottle of this medicine convenient llfea a fret with rloh and poor alike tbe rich man in a ruah to keep np and dyapspaia a ootnmon companion dr von stanb pineapple tablets keep the stomach sweet the nerves steady and insure health theyre vegetable pepsin and naturee moat potent aid to keeping well 35 oents sold by a t brown most mens idea of a good resolution is one that will stretoh the beat falls mr wm vandervoot sydney crossing ont writes we have been using parmelees fills and find tbem by far tbe boat pills wo ever need for delicate and tjsbilited constitutions these piill sot like a oharm taken in small dosei the effeot is both a tonlo and a stimulant mildly ezoiting the secretions of tbe body giving tone and vigor a man may be able to write a dozen volumes and still be nnable to fill one pooketbook liver troubles billousnesa aallow com plezion yellow eyes jaundice eto yield to the curative powers of lata liver pills they are son to oure it is never too late to mend unless yonr trousers button breaks off when you are ronnlng io oatcb a train backing bhenmatiam mary oct ell 362 donn ave toronto writes- i bare osed mllburne bbeuroa- tio pills for rheumatism and bars been eured tbe pain oeesed after the first days trial of tbe remedy price soc all droggletft- its a tad blow to tbe borer when tbe bozeffios receipts fail to pan ont for internal or external uae hagyards yellow oil cannot be excelled ae a pain relieving and soothing remedy for all pain mauri what made her change ber wedding day may it was bargain day at rollers dr woods norway pino syrup loosens iho phlegm heals and enolhea the liner price ilso the saooesa of one too often means the failure of many differences nf opinion regarding the popular internal and external remedy dr thomas eoleotrlo oil do not eo far as we know exist the testimony is positive and concurrent that the article relieves pbyseial pain cures lamenees checks a oougb ia an ezoellent remedy for pains and rbeamatjo complaints and it haa no nauseating or other unpleasant effeot when taken internally cures coughs colds lung and bronchial affections that other remedies wont touch mr tnos j smith caledonia ont writes i ayearagolhnd a very severe xoldwhiciractticd in mylungs nndin riiytlirbat so that could scarcely speak louder ana whispor i tried several medicines but trot no relief until i used one onda half bottles of norway pino sy rup whldrcorp pletefy cured me 25c a bottle or five for 100 the unexplored there is room enough fnr piouier explor lug work for years to oomo ljvon iho central plalcau si il lite great mountain eystems whioh don inate it nltord iin ample held for further research which must bo undertaken before llioy uru udrquutely mapped tho mountmii mnioi 011 the bust and norlhflum of iihyt tbo mng cent river reglou which extuiidh northward into tbe interior from tho inilo jliincso peninsula are llttlo known muoh yet remains to bo dotio lu the region watered by thv oxus the great central deeorts ss r bven ilcdin haa ahowu conceal beneath their sundy waetea the rloh remains of anoiout civilization even ibe maps ofwestem aeu contain muah hypothetical geography and ibe siberian onaebiebtiiltiionjinancuratoly laid dowo southern aud oootral arabia le almost unknown snd tho venturous there la something radically wrong with the obarkoter that ia impaired by tbe truth two warnings ltoaing tlesh b one and a backing oough ia another if they come together the warning is a loud and hard one sootts emulsion does bomo of lta best work in jnst tbeae oases it prevents oonsumption explbrer who succeeded in making his way in a bee lino from aden to mueoat would perform a feat worthy of tbe highest recognition thus notwithstanding all that has boon accomplished the occupation of the ex plorer in asia will not bo gone for genera tions to aome j scott keltio l l d see it g 0 in harper a afagaziiie tbe usually the older a roan grows poorer the opinion he has of himself mrs wm meaeeaar waterford out eaye i can aafely recommend dr lows worm uyrup tontotberu whose chlldren suffer front worms literary notes tho dooember number of tbe ada victoriana the magazine of victoria university toronto is one of the most attraotiveand creditable holiday produc tions of tbe present aoaaon it is in every reaped equal ae far as intereating season able matter is concerned or as reeptcts its typographical appearancr to any of the magazines whioh reach our ofnoe to w qranco tbe editor in chief and w 0 bmitb thebuaiueasmanager much oredit- for ita excellence la dne kidneysick people by- fluptho il people but ieliu from of muvtvm in the world mte tho kldnsysiok i auucmt army of tbs oupd on attribute their the gvmmt south amploan kidney cure curve brlktatn dlom cures ouibtee oupee mxl bladder allmente kidney diseases are the most in sldious of alt diseases common to humanity within the past few ycars medical science ha3 mode wonderful strides in coping with j ravages south american kidney cure has proved- rtclj in healing power and every day testimony is piled up for its great curative quilt- tics where kidney disease exists it is generally indicated by certain changes in tho urine such as mucus sediment albumen brick dust acid and blood pain is not necessarily an accompaniment which only aggra vates the insidious nature of it test ing and experimenting has disclosed the fact that the passing through these organs of thb solid particles in the ordinary course of cireulatiqn do in a remarkably short while clog up grind out and impair them so that the functions of these organs are not performed and diseases lays hold on the patient with a ruthless hind kidney diseases jreouire a solvent south american kidney cure is a solvent it is a kidney specific claims to be no more it has been tested by emlnenfroedical authorities on kidney diseases and proved and testified to by them as tho surest and safest cure for all diseases of the kidneys and bladder its a purifier a healer a health builder efficacious alike to man or woman qood new from the north copntry jxfun to jealjro for himself that m mr jack isnt p um j that akindancer jvrir ay oh more like brown angar very aweet hot ooaru a little oil color and decidedly no re fined put your fiqer on your pulse if it la wsak or irregular dont hesi tate to start tha use of sail burns heart and narva pills at onoa with a strong steady regular pulsa we may expect viboroushealtb castqjufv for infents and children ufi gsss old style where there is a will there la a way new style where there la a will there is a oonteit a lady mites i was enabled io remove tbe corns root and branob by ibe use of bollosvaya com oure others who have tried it bare tbe experience i there ara people who aolnslly believe their iroublea interest others mllbnrna sterling headache towners are eaay to take harnihss in aotlon and sure to oure any hvadaobe in from 5 to 30 minutes xittle olareoos pa what do people feather their nests with mr callipers cash down la tbe best tbiog i know bordook blood bitters nukes parmaoeot cures n ohronlo diseases where other rezusdies fail to do good the proceeds of count tolstois new novel sre to go to tha and to bala doqkliobortal who are migrating to vvorsns cannot exist either in 0 osd sj ainealsrrf mm trt the spring- or 1897 1 wss atucfced with dyspepalaa and heartburn so aevere naa the pain that i could not sleep or eat and i was troubled with headache most sail the time i remained in that alate for three months and tried everything- 1 could think of at usst one day t rend in the paper about burdock blood bllters and thought i would try it great was my surprise on finishing the first bottle io find t could eat belter the hradacho left me and before i had used the second bottle i was completely cured 1 cannot advise too atronarly all sunvrers from stomach troubles to try bbb mrs wm grattan in dlantown nb the universal testimony from auparts of canada gives the ptilm pc vlcfpiy oyarwluisese of the pod with a wealc irregular intermittent wise we can tell at once the vitality ia aw that dizzy and faint spells smoth ering and sinking- sunsihoni and similar conditions are bound to ensue by their action in strengthening- tha heart toning t nerves and enr he blood ititlburns 14 lift nndnerve pills relieve and euro all thosedibttessing conditions just enumerated mrs b croft residing on waterloo street st john nb sati for some time past have suffered from pallor weakness and nervous pros tration i had palpitation and irregular beating of the heart so severe as to cause me great alarm i was treated by physicians but got no permanent nlicf i am glad to say that from milburna itart and nvre pdls i derived tho first real benefit that i ever got from any medicine my appetite la itmiroved niv i ntirti system t ned up and i can do ii i nh i che rccnmincnd these hsatll reqinrinfr relubie heart and i ive tonic a young machinist in a largo mmucturlnk con corn in northern ont trio fell a vlortm to llo uropslcal form of kidney disease through at mospherto chinrcs in followlnr his dalty labort ho continued his work unti almost commanded to quit bythephyslclanfrom whom lio had been rccoivlni treatment he visited toronto and conwittm an eminent authority on kidney dlt- ci5cs the doctor lent him home vvitfa as hopeful a story of himself ai be could give bnt wrqio privately to tho young mam physician that it wbs only a matter of tlma with him until death would claim another kidney victim when he fsouth ambrican nbrvinb is a nerre healer curea lndlcestlon and nil atomach troubles which are forerunners of nervous ctrflapaes r j south american rheumatic curbkai lifted men off a bed of pain after a aw days we who have not been freo from suffering for year zvtraqn o c blmdrelntvtcblngrnrfcwunrpmi in from-three-to- fivo ntgats 30 ctts i 5 sold by a t brown hopeless he took hs casu hi his awn hands do term in ed to fitht for his life ho axpcrlnknl cd wllh many ocallcd cures without relief south american kidney cure was brought to his notice and like everything else ho tried ft io his astonishment ho began to feci better under ita use iiocontlmicdtoealnstxcnkiii ho took six bottles and today that same younc man can bo sound at that same latho working for that satno concern hale and hearty as the first diy howtnt there ho gives all the credit to south atticilctn kdny cure mjr sincere sstisli for all both customers and friends is that you may have joyous i and happy new guelpli r e nelson merchant tailor and mens furnisher lifaplelitms mlaamaryb hlcfcs south bay ont says ixauver pills cursd her of sick headache mmwhichsh sd autfered foraysar elhsl d030q mortmany props whllo whsalluk turn oh jei i ran scross a frtsncl oooaslonally dlarrhotn from nblever oanas ia promptly chocked by dr fowlers ealract ol wild btrawbarry istory m spanish war by dr albert shaw editor or the review op reviews and a lond list of notable contributors pver 1300 pages and 500 valuable ulustrajons three beautiful volumes in half morocco seegpeelauijtct uimumn ftjouinuttnt lenient this magnificent edition for only one dollar down r proposition to huoma mom 11 iho tlirtu y tlumci of tothorentltrnof thin piiptr woninkc tlio fnllnulin boraocthohlvlli of unions hlslorj chiu utiil ol ti our warintwb hemispheres by albert shaw editor of tht aintrtrnn mont htu iterirn oftttrlrit ti 1 1 it th irn iftnlelpalgovtriuiirnt tnorftt jlrltaln rfi ni tit hit tbtr f 1 mint y ntrthutn eveny american ttiuhir iiuhsetsliiir ft ill nir mill riiiuo tlknt in not iioistss ortt will 1m llitoreatcil in tlm itm mun nunt of tliti lillor f hit i ito war with hi iln ikiw nitblifltictl ly tho hmrw ov lit it humii n muclmr tin inn r it hi 11 t ritti 11 b llr aufrt shaw liirlim thn act nl nrrhttnimirtlu mmnii 1 llh lu in in rtiltul iiiiilumiillflltl ti him in tliollblu ofthooffliltt ruhirtsiuui iiikuii t ill- wliklt hut onli im mm lualluuiouflcf loatllltlei ctaind a frtt iiuntiitlon from tt ulili il ttinurt imml ilh ittriiind uthtr nubllo uttirrvncca lit crucial perlodi nida in mitkiimihlf orhu li it it is hinm ml ml rtfi r nco hintorj of tltlfl dccifllre riiliiltmftii ftr iifuli lint it in niuls m iitli mnlltli ninl tomprt henslio n if hrriikitle in lnulitli uliltii narrative itifoeabrtik ullie it dlboumes enerelkll nil iirnwuii to the ihlli ptil ut lutnu iiml iurtuhko itiiilnin wjuli it fin mi it inntilly coiilcivvu picture in fi nl hi lilt df che year which i iiimlii aimrir 1 bi itmht fneu ti fnt thfblmportniitsiveetnl and tevhnltal tnntiitit or tin hottorlan with only llpht nnd nflrn liihtildrlrnt lifi vrlth in contribute rhaptfr written by nirn who hi i ti aubjeou thuh tl fjcuon which tho nr linn f r 11 i machine mini are in acnrctillly written clinpi rbj ii u world it itltr ir i ri mi tii n hj rtlsmlnnpfl by the 111 art fiillv mil tuithent itnlty dealt iiii il nmwirhinltlr fiiirmiiilj init their 1 tlw n in thn citklrm j nf ilflen nnd in in ii imrkfrofibt united htfttfa rtrmy tlie miiitnrvmoehipritr f mm hiinthitn mil f irto 1 1 in niiiinnim inrf nilnijzprt liy thai editor of the armu inhsntujoumil tin imllloi itlifn m in dewrllrcd bj thn imhlsti winston churchill who ln trrndimtenf tbiunlttd stif ni il amih tuj i the nttnnl condition of oabmlfor thenar mill tho facts which cuiiwil tlio wiir nro 1i1 vrlbnil b oj nltnciwes mort urtlntead ftiul ptnplun iionml thelllustrntlopof tliolhwu hfmmhinlly vfllimlilo in the hunrtmlh nf portinun plrtnreti of the rnxylex photobniplnnl scflnen of tho nnr andtliw rutrrtiilnliitnrtoonircproauccdlronituo bptloimh trench aermnn and gnjjldih juipcrn na w ell an from ttig amerlliin how to obtain the handsome edition by a payment of onlyone pohlar down the three henutlfnlly hound inrne nctni o olnmrnni n cnr fulivrlpllon to thn asirnipa v iffontbtv ititvirw ok hk ikwh rn bo ohinwietl li any nf the remit r or tlilainoptir br iolnlna the hevlew of re ipw club nnd pa init one it dlnr tho nlnnien w iii bo sent m soon atfreatiyto thono who rmtt tho mnn and the piirchnrw will bo complrtfd hj the ai ment of o64lur per month for tuhi mentlitv the firfniluine will 1 rnulj parlj in leccrnber tbe snbaktrlntlon to the molitxino wlilch roes with tho offer can bo dntt d from nny month addresa thb rlview op reviews company 13 aator place new york city truth crushed to earth haa a peculiar ay of rlfnic op nritln and kioltinr tho ilnfflng out of tha oodganamata liar the tlofttd oat dreads an open faced toy fever and atfuo and bllioaa oeraofie- medta are positively oortd by tbe um of parmelees pills they nob only clean io ths stoma oh atod bowels from ill buioas matter bat tlisy open tha eioretory tessels oaaelofi hem to poor oopioas fasloda front tbe blood lato tbe bowels horwfaiah the corrupted msss is thrown cot by tbe natural pmmre of tbe body they are om3 ai a general family mndloine with the bait results chjl i tit i children i some feminine matchmakers aeem to make a speoially of friction matches there never was and never will bs a nnlrersal panaoea in ona remedy for all ma io whioh flesh is holr the very nature of many qniatlvea being soch that were dont scold iho little ones if iho bed is wet in the morninsr it ian t ihv cli ids fault weak tbe stock operator who bnya and sells for future delivery evidently bolfsres in a hereafter suit joints are quickly limbered np by ibe applica tion of haardh if el low oil iba most wondarfqt all around remedy mads price 3s woman are naturally glwn nolo self- deiraf no one ever heard ol jennie tha i km nit the kulnin neeil strengthening a hi iih nil you cant afford to s nk iklny n ulcct may entail w n lifctitue of stiftorlng oiiajrsjkijneypitls streniihan tha kldruys and blajdar tlisn all tnubla mr john caraon employed at m s biadt le coa atore ham ilton ont an 1 ir 1 l ww y ol ago 6 has bn tronblit with bia hldnvs since birth nnd could net hold his water jvs i stunt jmndrsda it dol jars doetorlnk and tried manr dlf v fsrent remedfia bnt thejl were pino fc ansl on boa el noaaiia kidney fluacompltaljr mired hi sememmsmejemieelsm xtlsssr i svsr thsre is snore history made than waa written the germs of other ani differently aeated diseases rooted lu the a stem of ibe patlout what would relieve ona ill in turn would aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a eonnd unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by us gradual judicious use tbe frallestaystema are led into con valeecenoe and atrennth by tho inouenoe which quinine exerte on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping apirlie of those with whom a chronlo alate of morbid despondence and lack of lntereat in life is a disease and by trarnauillelng tbe nerves dibpobbs to sound and refresh ing aleep imparts vigor to the aotiouof the blood which being stimulated courses throughout tbe veins strengthening the healthy animal fouotlone of the ebtem thereby making activity a necessary remit strengthening tbe frame and giving life to the digestive organs which naturally 4 inoreabod sabstsnoe result im proved appetite kotlhrop it lvman of toronto have given to tha publlo their quinine wine at the usnal rate- andi xusged by the opinion of scientists tblsjj wloeiapproaphesnsareat perfection of anyi in the market all dnsglstp fell a man should vnarer tell bis wife to cvurry op when she it coming down ita in aidway timh tablvb ten year maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 60 00 paid in maturity alue ioo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton highest prices paid for wheat pease oats barley eye at hcton blbjzhtor car choice cora for sale full stock flour arid feed p hkrris mknkobr hnobbysuit for pall and winter cooper akins t t now is your time to get a nobby suit for fall anil winter as we hic just opened up a fine selection of imported tweeds serges and worsteds and are prepared to take your order at ngh prices fit and workmanship guaranteed first- class and up to date overcoatings a good range of fall overcoatings call and inspect our stock before iea ing your order cooper akins main st acton latest and best designs of j tj j 7f p isl in granite and kf arble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction john mcqueen agent for the above has changed his wire rooms to building on w e smiths property john street vvbero may be seen fsost a wood bzhdjcrs amd mowers and a complete line of farm implemcnla and all kinds of repairs n my absence mr john t elliott who resides on tho properly will attend to the wants of customers john mcquefin big reduction j h hamilton proprietor granite st marble works cublph is the only direct importer of marble and granite west cl toronto and north ol hamilton come and see the largest and best imported atock in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite otttat mad wortamamhtolrs block woolwlcamfd jfortolksts cu9lph ont brwoh worminevrblunburz ont in untprtaicllmg owing to hrgely increased discounts for cash allowed us by the manufacturers ol undertaking supplies and being in a position 10 take advantage of this we have decided to reduce nil goods in our undertaking department from ten to twentyfive per cent notwithstanding his jare reduction ibe same careful personal attention which has been given in tlm past will be continued embalming in ordinary cases free where special work is required price to cocr extra services and embalming requisites cashcta and coffins delivered in town or country andjlt preparations completed for burial furniture wo have added a number of new parlor suits of latest designs which we are offering at tho following prices which any home can afford no 1 parlor suite 5 pieces solid oak jts 00 no a parlor suito 5 pieces walnut jzj 00 no 3 parlor suite 5 pieces walnut j5 00 instalment plan on furniture if desired all goods delivered free j a speigbht fc co- actoa you want hi jf- ida bet iiami r ass

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