Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 19, 1899, p. 1

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is published every thursday morning at ot- freefresasteani printing office wiau stbbbt aqtqn owt tsnksopsdbaaniptzon ono dollar per yeajr strictly la advanco all subscriptions dlioon tmuetmabaa the time t ok which tbeybave boon pud lima expired th date to wnioh ovory subscription la paid la denoted on the address label astbrtibimq iuteb tranelent advortlae moots 10 oonta por nonpareil una for first in araion 8 cents per lino fdr eaair subsequent aetwtlon ooktaiot ratsb tfh following tablo shows nr rates for the lnaortlou of advortlaomonta for specifled periods balance of toys xmas boxes fancy boxes -thb- b7aob 1 1 th 1 6 mo 1 8 mo 1 iko wlnahea loinohe ffinebee llnoh so oo ii5 oo 1 ao oo ssoof 20 00 1 19 00 90 00 19 00 i 1 00 aool aool 900 7 0o boo 950 100 advertlsementa without epeolflo directions will be inserted till forbid and charged eooord- nglt transient advertisement nil bo paid naavenea advertisements will be ohanged onoeeaoh month if deelred for ohangee oftener than aneo a month ilia competition moat ba paid tor at regolai taa changes f or ooatraot advortlaementa mast be n inc qfdoe by noon on tuesday accounts payable monthly b pwoobb editor and proprietor 1 oiiet cases dolls poclcet books writing folios and other holiday sundries at half price days bookstore guelph day a sells cheap traders bank of ca author mi capital paid up 700000 cuelph branch par at any branch orchartenxl dank in canada oxaaptlng the yukon district at the follawriiin ratee uudordlo fleet la sll to 20 looerit 490 to s30 ifl oonta 80 tp 860 kcenta itoetrg waicn o as f whioh of ua falloira do you intend bliall atand ip the footsteps of rufned raon iviuat we wreck all tbo good in onraolvoa do 5ftabtnjbs dirertorp ttsulcax7 tohn m macdonald m d c m bocoebsor to j f tjken m d 0 m ofboo and realdonoo corner mill ft frederick blroets aoton ontoo hours fa to 1030 a in 1toapm and 7to9pcn d r 1 j r rorster successor to dr a 8 elliott late roaldont fhyaiolan and burgeon to vic toria hospital for blclc children toronto oracb mill btroot lately occupied by dr blllotfc main 8treet flaming mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor tr dryden era bad tukoat and nohe motoana block douglas st near v 0 quelpn orrxca bonus 10 am tolpm and 3 to 0 p m qtrroevrs 10 am to 1 p m ij bennett ldp dentist b olobobtowh omtabio jcoghlan d dsld s dentist woiuk cabeftjlit dokb puioxs modeb1te orfiak oven bnown a dnuo btob bocbs eveby pat thou 0 to 6 j id bell ddsld8 0 dbmtibt baookviliab honoa gbahuatb os tobonto ukiybbbitt work made satisfactory prices moderate vnrrnvo days monday afternoon gamp ballville tuesday acton office clarks hotel prldaor bookwood dbgh g0oe dbntibt dor college 81 and bpadlna avo tobonto will lalt aoton on tho nnt and third batur days of each month omen mr adam cook a residence main street t0t aleam m baraiitanbolieitora notarlea oonveyanoera io pitrmtafnndatoloaii offloe town dili acton wm a moiiis jao a moliim a j maokinnon baiuufltkb boliarront comybtamoxb oallok mill btroot in mattbowe block upatklri jb moleod buuustxb souoiron cohtxtahoih main street georgetown xioneyoloan atlowett onrrebt ratea r j monabb clerk fourth dlvuion court county ol hal on oonroyanoer agent fire ajid lat aaanranoe uealltavteaflent money to loan to 0iob 1errynanablook a0ton oni miscelljlxxo vs hen ei grist orri oamsa- bolloltor of patent lor invention ate prepre applleatlona for lh oanadlan amer- lovovaulil european patent offloea and or the bastauaalon ol trade mirka sand for pani- phtet xhlrtr two yeara aipertenos f ibanois nuhan bookdindbb vanohambt onalph ontario qrar wl store aooonnt booka of all klnda made to order parlodltala of erery daaorlptlonoarefoliybodnd rlullapbtl promptly dona m abeiagb ci0ehses h p moobb liuiiiltb or kusbiaoa iaczxaai prlwataooloe howitdmaearaanlred lained rehdanoa in the avanliik fnarran offloe acton w h hbm8xbbet lioihd avonoram jor aria oonntlaa of wellington and ballon ordarblettej the paw pmiea offloe aoton or itmxraudanoelnaoton u1 ba promptly at- endeato paearedaoad to ib oo lob task ba1v1s alaa money to loan on auma add a tba loea inmol500and pwarda to loan on tba moatfatorabla tba loea raua of lnteraat in weulnitom icatdatl f i c tnbobakob on oaab mid mntoal plan any i soiisunloauont forwarded to mj ddreaa boi se or mlaphona d8 will b promptly at- jfpmtatwbaan manuraoturorofsaah boon pramea moaldiug in all atylea dxbssinq mjltcbutq and moulding to order on ihort notloo tvnil aaaorted atook on hand at prioes to ault tie tlmei john cameron proprietor hi0hb8t cuiirhnt hate of interest paid 6n iami deposited of 41 nod upwards intorett allowed from dato of dopoelt to data of withdrawal and paid or compounded lialf yearly advances made to responsible farmers oo their own namoa at the lotroeb current rates koobarga mado for col lea ting sales note if payable in guelph a general banking buineea traiieaotod a f xt j0ne8 monaster stoves tinware eavetrougmng tbo latest doilgna in goal and wood heating and cook stores feaay to manage easy on foel tinware in profusion of best quality at low prices orders taken for eavetrouchlng to be pot up when dealred call and got prioes uenoral jobbing promptly done j a pannabecker mm secordb block aoton highest prices paid wheat pease o s barloy rye at-i- hcton elbuhtor car choice corn for sale full stock klour and feed nnnsobr latest and beat design of in granitu and marble at 20 to 30 por cent reduction j h hamilton proprietor granite marble works gublph is the only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton come and see the largest and best mported toclc in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adlan or american granlto dittos and workabaialtoirs block woolvncbjiinrrortolksts cu6lph ont branon worjcstfewhjndiirar oaf s235 guelph wish all their rfrien and c sweepers our bissell cyco bearing best on earth our two dollar sweeper a genuine woman pleaser you think 7 t in the cruel wavaa of a sea of drink or la it the f el iowa that did not come or the babtoa asleep in their oxiba at bomo or la it the baby that a not born yet it aoema to mo aome men foret row the bavlor obrlat in bli cradle laj and the children are btr by right alway we havoa right to be happy all but wbloh of ua fellows do you intend bball stand in the footsteps of rained men save wo got then to enter a life of woo because of your vptes ab no ah no must that little boy make a great mistake and make bearta quiver and aehe and broak ituit there be juat ao many drip king men and wbloh of na boya are to be them thon if you vote for aaloona i verily fear you ve got to aupport them ao now look hero which or ua boyraleyou go1agto give to rain and death that saloons may live and dont come botbrrintf me about it bo tbe next day hopftins rode over to the davea plantation and again presented himself with aome doubt it s true ai to tbe wisdom of fata coming bally waa not to bo coaxed and the interview waa abort mummies in thh btitish mus eum 9fuct jfamily sutting urell s missior revoabod dorell oarofully itroked hn qalll pe and adjaatedt hia glassei more j ml bond 6c coa gu6lph wckebs emulsion cod liver oil wih hypophosphitts of jlimh1 soda abblubll nemedt fob pulmonarv dlaoaaea cousba and col da and qoneral doblllty contains tbe tonio and nutritwo proper hop of tbeae popular rsmedlea in their fullest form very pleasant to the taste and is cosily digeated highly recommended by tbo llodloal paoulty dhthetjdnbt dobb for adults a tableipoonful tbree times artayaflwr mnals fnrrhllilmn id like propufc thlabmnlilon la as palatable as eroam it asslmnlates readily and nil not nauaeato tho moat aens tlve stomaob j d mckee acton ont sun savings and loan go head office tobonto ont antaorfawif ctpitttl s0o0o00 00 ten year maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 60 00 paid n maturity value 100 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to rj mcnabb agent aoton boots and shoes made to order and repaired george stovel practical 9ho0makor has opened a shop in the promises lately occupied by w h adams tailor he has had large experience in city work and is consequently able to fill nil orders in the neatest possible manner fine turned work and patching receive special attention orders filled on shortest notice call or send your order to george stovel cor mill and main streets acton evenly on hia noae and proceeded to write out bis sermon id which be was pointing oat the error of allowing merely temporal things to interfere wltb those of eternal significance ioabod waa a plain earnest man who worked faithfully at the problems of a pariah in colonial virginia which were ranoh like those of every parish everywhere only that he had coma into closer toach with his people than have many ministers before and since his day ioabod bit his pen in hope of inspiration but his thoughts wonld tnrn from bis theme to one of the yonnger men in whom he wm deeply interested and of whom lately be had seen hot utile anil he found ii dlfflonlt to bbleot texts in genesis and revelation exaotly to illustrate hie point so he sat at his equaro mahogany aabls absorbed in thought and drew tbo plume of his quill pen book and forth in a reflective way orcroes hia nose james hopkins name in through the open door and patiently waited for the parson to finish the sentence whioh be was writ ing this ioabod finally aooopnplishedand became aware of hopkins standing near i didnt hear you be said apologizing no matter answered hopkins and both men sat down beside the big book- laden table parson im in trouble hopkins be gan and i want your belp anytbinx i can do said ioabod yon know i will hopkins hesitated then ho took the plnure its aboni sally daves i suppose youll laugh at me for coming and he fumbled the bat in hfa band bat i cant make her liaten to me and i dont know what to do bbe promised to marry me and now she bays that she never will tbe parson waited for blm to go on hn hopkins seemed to have finished all he had to ey and yon want me to speak to her 1 ci bod inquired looking a his erabarfisi- ed caller with some amusement yea said hopkins i want you to make her marry me yon could do it you know i d be ix good husband and yoa ooald talk a bo at it and explain things be ended ratber vaguely jcabod waa silent he considered a moment well james he aoeworod ill apeak to bally davea for you but she has many men to choose from yoa know that and im but a poor pleader still ill try hopkin looked appreciative and offered tbe parson a pinob of an off then be rose and the two men shook bands and hop kins went out into the saoimer world ioabod looked after him with attme com- plioenoy so it was this aha had been keeping htm away he would straighten oat matters with bally daves the girl was a fool not to keep a man like hopkins if once she had tbe luok to get him mean time there was hia sermon so be went baok to the labia and again gently robbed his nose with bis feathered pen and tried onoe more to get the drtf i of bis argument the next afternoon ioabod rot over to tbe daves plantation where ba found two of bis yonnger brethren enjoying them selves in miss sallys company with patience and long suffering he waited nntit tfasy reluctantly had gone and then be proceeded at once to deliver his message a nil hes a worthy map and yoa should be ashamed to treat him to whom yonve betrothed in snoh a fashion he ended sally listened attentively and arranged ber neokerohief 1 ts no different from the way i have treated the others she answered at last with no attempt to seem impressed wltb ber own fanlts if james hopkins would come a woo let him bespeak himself and not go bothering the parson its no soon great bother rtplled ioabod candidly with tbe air of one who waives tbe point merely of quantity only you dont seem to understand what your actions mean to james hopkins hes no man to be forever chasing after a woman there are many girls frs the county whod be glad of him theyre welcome to him and yod may tell james hopkins the same and give him ppy best good wishes replied sally with all sweetness bo the interview ended it seemed to ioabod useless to rifeouss tbe subject farther iio had done bin duty and ft was nearing supper tlmo ao bo took bis leave and rode away amused and ratber sorry and wondering which of the other yonnr men was to marry the prettiest girl in tbe parish her platan oame back to him as she bad stood on the low plain one arm resting against tho vino covered poet the sunshine playing on ber fair hair which bad blown a little over bar brown eyo so filled with misohief she certain ly was the prettiest maiden id the pariah t ioabod thoaght mere candor compelled the ad mission and bs wondered if tbe tea oases would be overdone and accordingly applied bis riding stick and hurried on toward tbe parsonage during the sunday mooning hopkins oame to see the parson and when bs learn ed tho result o the interview bs was muob disappointed didnt she tell yon why bo iskid looking dobloneiy at ioabod j i donbslleve sbe has any reason ioabod answered perhaps sbe needs to be coaxed go to sea ber yourself man and much to tbe point aud have i a reason sally aeked sharply and havent i told yoa these twenty times i dont love you 7 aa 11 that werent enough reason i yon like somebody elne retorted hop kips probably yon ve been majting promises to bd glarke now and belike i may hkie though i dont remember them aiiewered 8hy with no sign qf reaentmebt wont yon tell me why again demanded hopkins no said 811 standing very straight and looking as severe an a girl could x james hopkins i will not tell yoa tbe reason hopkins rode awwy onoo raoro in gather log wrath and he decided once more to seek the interference of the ohuroh ioabod listened patiently to his tale and then told blm kindly but firmly that in view of hia many dutfvs he simply could uot undertake the care of parooblal love making but she wont tell me why hopkins persisted id feel better about it if i only kuewherreason ive asked ber- time aud again and she only makes f nn of me wont yon ask ber that mnoh 7 please uow jnst as a friend of us both f ioabod hesitated ii was aaoh a bother yes ill ask nor he baid at the time feeling angry with himself for saying that he wonld the next afternoon found ioabod riding slowly along the sbady summer lanes toward the daves plantation and wonder ing the while why a woman ooaldnt be frank and outspoken in buoh matters and save ber kindly disposed friends so mooh needless labor as he came near the house he saw bally sitting on the low piazza her workbaaket beside her bending over some bib of sewing to ber hands a plotnre framed in the green vines whioh grew over tbe porob and ioabod couldnt find it in his heart to blame hopkins sally saw him and stood op dropping her work about ber in pretty oonfublon tbank you father s not bo siok we should be bothering yon she said coming down the flrat step to greet biro i didnt know he was slok at all ans wered ioabod tn honest surprise hes a little siok answered sally hes gone over tp the river meadow now but i ooaldn t think whatever else could bring yon again so soon not but that youre always welcome ahe added seeing ioabod a evident embarrassment he dismounted and sat down on the broad piazza bench he might as well get through with hie fools errand and be done wltb ii so be said ive coma on behalf of hopkins bally smiled in enjoyment of the situa tion evidently she wouldnt help him so ioabod continued he wants me to ask you why you wont marry him sally hesitated and stroked hor work with her needle the visitor to the exhibition galleries on the upper door of the british museum daring the last few weeks cannot have failed to nfttioe tha a oomprehgnbjva rear do yon think i ought to tell him par- bkintstaeetkedi r yes i do said ioabod with parochial firmness will you promise to tell him if i explain my reason to yoa bally asked looking squarely at ioabod yes be answered smiling baok encouragingly and feeling mnoh relieved well said sally thoughtfully i will tell von my reason but its not wholly my own suppose ws leave it this way i will think about ii and i will send yoa word what i decide and we wont talk boot it any more please bhe added rising ioabod judged that he was expeoted to go and so he took bis leave hia visit waa most unsatisfactory bat he bed done what be ooold and he was glad the business was ended ao far as he was concerned he waa sorry for hopkins poor chap hat perhaps he would bo satisfied with sallys reason no donbt it was a good one for the girl seemed very sensible and so ioabod rode baok very ooptentedly to the parsonage tbe next morning as ioabod was writing at hie big table ballys little blaok boy brought him tbis note bsvsbshd bia i wonld be frank in this bail neea i purppee to marry somebody elae see ii samuel twelfth chapter verse 7 with respect i am your obedient 8aiit daves ioabod opened his bible ts the second book of bam a el tbo twelfth chapter and ratv his finger down to the 7th verse and read and nathan said onto david thon art the man and ben ioabod sat vacantly looking at tbe tablp for a long time miss bally told me to fetch an answer said the little blaok boy at his elbow tall your mistress that i will bring it over myself said ioabod boston trcn- script hot lemonade for thb grip it may interest our readers to know that daring the great influenza epidemic in xfondon lu 1880 the board of health of that oily advised the public affected with the disease to make an abundant use of hot lemonade the perspiration oaosed thereby is id most oaaes sufficient to r the p jr rangomont of the mummies and coffins in tbe flrat and seoorid egyptian rooms was inprogrosiifor oonfosiou atnd disorder were visible everywhere in iheao partb of the northern gallery whioh seemed to bs abandoned to a little army ol workmen of all kinda the old oasfa whioh lined the walla were being repainted and repoliahed new daaea to stand ou eoh aide ot tbe gang way were bengoonatruoted and the floor was literally strewn withthe- mummified bodies of egyptian prleata and officials of very kind and wit if tbe cofljae in which they were buriqd but the disorder became order by degrees and little by little the dead oooupants of the wall aud standard cases have been raatorailto their slotted places and we are now able to get an idea of the extent and importance of the fine collection of mummleb and coflinb whioh now fills tbe greater part of two large rooms thefirst fact which strikes the observer who has known the egyptian collection of tbe british mnseum for abont twenty pears la that the sepatoher asotion of it has just trebled itself since 1807 in which year it was pobnible to put the wholeof it without muoh crowding in the room whioh is now called the first vasa room about 1880 the late dr birch waa able to expand it somewhat and the mum mies and ooffins were moved to the room now known as third egyptian room a little later some very important additions of sepulchral objects were made by the trustees and as a result a portion of the room now called the second egyptian was occupied by coffins and funeral furni ture after tbe removal ol the natural history oolleotiona to booth kensington dr birob had more space allotted to him and the isrge handsome room now known as the fourth egyptian room was almost filled by the old and more recently acquired collections some years later under the rule of sir edward maunde thompson k o b it was decided to rearrange the whole of tbe egyptian collection and two rooms were set apart for the exhibition of tbe growing section of it whioh included mammies and coffins it soon became evident that more apace was urgently needed if the best object a were to befitting ly exhibited for the inspection of tbe pabllo whiah is always keenly interested in ma ra mified human remains and tbe trustees therefore have within the past few years out skylights in the rooms and brioked ap the windows in them in the north wall of the mnseum this having been done new handsome mahogany and plate glasa oases were built along the whole apace gained on the north wall and the accommodations available for the examination of mammies and other objects whiob are exhibited in a borfzantal position is evident and now that in tbe new cases the tops are made of glass mate ad of wood the visitor gains the full advantage of the skylights with a few exceptions the ojd pylonshaped oases whioh stood on eaoh aide of the gangway have been superseded by haht bat strong r ca ow t th la size of tho sqaares of glasb nied and the flower of the family mr watson thopoatmaatorof willowby has four bona who inherit their fathers amiable disposition but are wanliuk in faculty that characteristic of the anoceasful new eoglandor ybtlare yonr gone dqing mr wat- son 7 inquired a former resident of willowby who bad not seen the poai- maater before for twelve yearn well was the wnawcr jsc my oldest boy hee a mminter without a pulpit tred tho nut one bud a lawyor withont a client aud william the third on6 hee a teacher without any bohool but 1 ve got home hopes ofsam the youngest of ihe lot enid tho head of the watson family with o6mmendiblo cheer fulness hes net ont to be a farmer without any laud but bea hired ont a piece arid worked it os halves and we ate vegetables off it ah summer i paid him for supplying our- family- and when hed settled bis bill for what he put into the ground to start witb he had withlu fifty cents of what be owed the boy that had helped him hoe and bo on all summer and i handed him oyer that fifty oeota- wltb a real light heart and told him bo neednt ever think ot it again yes his mother and i feel to be encouraged about sam we think in the coa of time bell make a7 likely farmer youthvcam pamen couldnt be returned light iron standards whioh support the exhibited speoimene tho visitor can exam ine them with ease on every side we may notloe too that tbe oofflos which were formerly placed at the baok of tbe wall oases have been brought forward close to the glass and the painted scenes and inscriptions with wbiob most of them are profusely decorated may be easily and thoroughly examined the general view of both rooms is distinctly fins and it is wished that other collections of mammies and coffins both in europe and egypt were all aa well housed an examination of the ooutents of the oases of the first and second egyptian room as now exhibited ahows that the british museum possesses about forty foor mommlfts and abont eighty aoffins not including covers of coffins and various fragments taken together these represent a period of abont four thousand years tbe oldest mummified human remains in tho mnseum are those of myoerinns case a the builder of ihe third period of gizeh about bo 8640 and tbo most modern those of a lady whose name is unknown who together with her tbree children we mummified about a d 400 case e e tbe cover of the coffin of mycerlnus whioh is exhibited below the fragment of his mummy is inscribed with a text that in bis time was already some thousands of years old and it is noteworthy that at this remote period the king la described as liv ing forever by tbe words on it no farther proof that tbe egyptians believed in the reenrreotlon and a future life in the earli est times is needed london time literary notes a very curious presentation of the num ber of irishmen of the stamp of wolseley in england the duke of tetuan in spain general obrntsoheff in russia viscount xaafe id hungary who are leaders in many nations is given in the january oomo polttan under the title irish loaders in many nations it will be found interest ing to all who have even a drop of irish blood in their veins the jews in jerusa lem is another article in tbe same uum ber possessing interest for a large class to have the men who have demon at rated six yearold tommie was sent by bis eldest sister to the corner grooery to buy a pound of lump sugsr he played allies on the way to the store and by the time he arrived there be had forgotten what kind of sugar he was sent for so he took home some of the granulated article his eldest eiateraent blm baok to the store to get lump sugar after the proprietor of the grooery shop bad made tbe change for the little lad be engaged tommie in conversa tion tommie said he 1 understand there is a new member of your family 1 yea air replied the kid ivo got a little brother well how do you like that hey iu quired the grooeryman dons like it at all aaid tommie rather have a little sister then why dont you change htm tom mlo wo would if we could but i dont suppose wo can you see we havo used him four days now 1 washington star cnttr9t and the soul whon thou turn ut away from 111 obrlat la tble ildo of th bill whoutliou turncbt toward tbo good christ b walklnkln thy wood when thy hcaro tayn h atlior pardon i then tbe lord is in thy garden jkhan stern du to watch thon bis band ie on tho i a toll out when hove thy ecus doth rouso thon tlielordls la tho houto when to lovo is all thy wit obrlat do tli at tby tablo flit when uod a will 1b thy heart a polo then it cbi 1st thy ory eon qeuryc mcdonald 90usuusb jhimh bornex sentences and maxims on lolslv mattej money is uotbiuti to be proud of economy fur the mere eako of money is no doubt moan bateouuomytoi the sake of independence is right and manly if a roan hue an umiunl income of 1000 00 anuaat expenditure of 9950 00 result happinesb annual expenditure 91050 00 result misery and yet the difference is only 9100 00 it ta not too stroug to eay that debt is slavery many business men havo been rained by being too fortopate at first skatinq an expenenoed skating teacher lays great importance upon the kind of shoes worn a great deal is said heromarked abont properly supporting tbe ankle and people complain that they oannot skate because their ankles are weak now in at least five ont of ten of those aasea there is nothing at all tbe matter with either the ankle or its support the trouble is right here and he touched the side of his eboe just below tbe instep and above tho hollow of tbe foot tbia part of tbe shoe he continued ought to be very snutf and stiff to bold tbe foot straight and prevent its twisting be twee b tbe toe and bee that is what usually makes the skater twahhw arid ipahia fftntinff and hw thinks the trouble is with his ankle the height of the shoe does not matter muoh harpers bazar here bests your hope r new remedies come and new remedies go but sootts emulsion is the great rook foundation on whioh hope of recovery from weak throats and longs mast rest it is the standard of the world musio may have oharma to south tbe savage but its the popular airs that give blm that tired feeling permanent cures of snoh diseases as salt bhoam sorofula sores ulcere dyspepsia and constipation are made by b b b the daily papers are full of statements of those who have been permanently cured b8b bread my he the staff of life but a saddle of mntton helps ua along ou the journey obronlo derangements of the stomaob liver and blood are speedily removed by the aotive principle of tbe ingredients entering into the composition of parmelees vegetable pills these pills act apeolfloaly on the deranged organs stimulating to action tbe dormant energies of the system thereby removing disesue and renewing life and vitality to the aflflnted in this lies the great secret of the popularity of par melees vegetable pills if the llonand the lamb ever lie down together in this country whon the boo gets op the lamb will be missing as parmslees vegetable pills contain mandrake and dandelion they core liver and kidney complaints with unerring certainty they also contain boots and herbs whioh have speoifio virtues truelr wonderful in their action on the stomaob and bowels mr e a galrnorosi bhakeipear writes i consider par melees pills an exoollent remedy for biliousness and derangement ot the liver having used them myself for aome tlmo tbe banister of life is fall of splinters and mankind elides down it with ooosider m r itohlnittis burning creenjng and crawling we are not called on to renounce pleasure but to indulge in it rationally the energy some individuals expend in vice and folly would if properly directed rnn a business fluocebhfuily and bring up a family in comfort and happiness success in business depends happily mnoh more on common boobc care and attention than on genlua keep your shop and jour shop will keep you in btnall matters sb in great order aud method are very important money la tho- sovereign of sovereigns the great thing is to use it wisely do not put too many egrb in one basket however well you may be advised how ever carefully yoa may havo looked into the matter something may oooor to npset all oalcalatioua tbo wlsebt merchants and bankers make mis takes all that any sensible mail of business expeots is to bo generally right clear asmud tho following occurs in senor carolinos new guide of the conversation in portuguese and eoclibh a phyulomn b0 yeara of age bad enjoyed of a health unalterable theirs fnendti did him of it compliments every days mister doctor they said to him you are admirable man what you make theso for to bea- yon as well i bhall toll you it gentlemen h was answered them and i exhort yoa in same time at to follow my example i live of the product of my orderiug withont taking any remedy who i commanded to my biok cause for pain bill old sqneere took gaa and had a tooth out jill d4dha4ndod5 bill yes and he said it hurt nxord with ihegab than it would have wliboufir jill hows that i wonder bill why dont you understand t he had to pay for tho gas was ready for it pastor havo you seriously considered the great question of life mary t girl pariaher none of tho yoang men iiab asked me yet sir plunged to his death insidious dlooaee lurks every where a bright young man in groy county ont thoughtlessly plunged into the lake at a summer resort when tbe blood waa above the normal heat the shook stopped the kidneys work poisons which bhoold have been oarrled off were circulated through the system dropsy was the reanlt and ono bright autamn tbe mourn ing badge was on tbe door and a promising yonng life was bnntted ont he trusted himself to skilled phpsloans bnt they failed to do what south american kidney core would havo done it clean heals and puts and keeps the kidneys in perfect action a speoifio for all kidney allmentb sold by a t brown next to knowing when to selee an opportunity tbe most important thing in life is to know when to forego an advantage dinraell spoiled materials a well known druggist gives his experience aoaooontal and well known canadian drugflfat said recently i know from experience what it moans to aell dye that have no mandid j or established reputation over a year ago i put in u bmull hock of dyea i bad been aaked by tbree or foor peuona for llieio dyea which they aw advertiied and i wai under the impreaaion tha demand noald increase in a yeara time i bold probably from twinty to twenty five paokol and had bo aotou machine and eepair shops ebnbt obinobtil proprietor leanlpma wln the maohlnerr l dlmphnan talelia oommooloauot happy nbw year did you get one of their handsome calendars rrr b5sh 1lj8 j ahonunotoranl kaaaofatnaeue tjooattsa abonllolaawa 7 blfhbobqol fraitadtaot- of intmot i o 4 busluo8 and jbbabppiinolpej st ii i iii ii iii aslatartaaaati i eh acton livery ud bus line the onderalfned reapeettallr aolitlu the patron aie of aha pnmlo and inforroi them tsaa well bunlpped and btyusli riga oan al warebesmsred aablaatablaa k comfortable bn meet trains between a m and 618 p m caret ol attention glien to orj order the wenta of gommarolaltratel- lartfolljmet john williams psovamton ooneeqaent oompliaatlons doing away with qninlne or other drone whioh often leave nnpfaaiant rrsnlte in bronohlal troubles the acid of lemona relieve the initiation of the throat aoting al the same lime as a natural disinfectant ifreah lemon jolos will kill obolera baell- loi in water betoe it is not aorprlelnr that it will also deatroy tha aooalled inflaansa baclllni letter to flttebarg tletea aotivb solicitors wanted ennrwhera for the liter of tbe fbulpplnb by marat liver troubles bilionsneaa sallow oom- ptaxion yellow eyta janndlce eto yield to tbe oaratlvs powers of lexaltver pills tbey are sors to oars spare lbs rod and ihe obanoes are yoa wilt oalob no fish one of lbs greatest blssslngs to parent la mother gravel worm exterminator ii ffeotually expels worms and give health in a marvelous manner to the little ones ho heritage oan a father bequeath to bis children ilka a toed name nor it there in tt family with a rlober belrlooro than i ths memory ol si noble anosstor their organising ability by great bnslness aaooeases tell tbelr eooreu of organisation ia the object of the editor of the cotmopoli ian that he ia anoosedinie is proved in the january isaue by tho article from obarlaa it flint who is regarded in new york ss one ot ihe three or four ablest organisers in amorioa be li president of tbe rubber trait and ihe head of the great mercantile house of flint eddy oo whioh has its ramiboatlone in almost etrery port of the world mr flint tells very openly what roakaa for auocess in the organisation of buslnesi hit artiste may be read with lnteraat by tho rooketellers the armoora and the wanarnakers at well aa by the hnmblesl clerk seeking to fathom the eeoreta of bnainess laooeai bleiu disease relieved in a few minutea by dr agnewa olutment dr agnewl ointment relieves instantly and cnrei tetter stlt bheom boald head eoienu uloeri blotohes and all brnptions ot tbe skin il la soothing and qaieliog and acts like magic in all baby humon irritation ot tha soalp or rashes daring teething lime bs oeots bold by a t drown very many persons die snnoally from obolera and kindred eomoier oom- plalnts who might hate been eaved if proper remedies had been mod ii amaoked do not delay in getting a bottle ot dr 3 d kellogga dysentery cordial the medicine that never falls to effeos a core those who have and il eay it sole promptly and thoroughly eubdaee the disease and pain cleanliness may be next to godllneai bnt it takes lots ot advertising to sell soap nevertheless always on hand air tbomia b porter lower ireland p q writei my uo ib months old had oronp to bad that uolhlng gave him relief until a neighbor brought me aome ot dr thomas kriliwirie oil wbloh i gave blm and in ix hoars he was eared it is the beak mediolne i ever oatd and i would not be without t bottle ot 1 in my boose i it to lb tlotors belong the privilege of fighting over the spoils many complaint from disappointed women who had spoiled good materials and garments with iheae now dyes that i banished every ono ot ii em to my baok storehouse where they now are i find the diamond dyea give perfeot satisfaction to all my customers and will sjejl no other while i am in bnslness what a tale ooald be told by women abont spoiled goods from ualng oheap and trashy dyes 1 tbis statement from an eld eetsbllalied drngglel has its notes of warning bis long and extended etperlenoe is in favor with the diamond dyea there are too hundreds of other drngglalt and dealere aud tone of thonstnda of women who oonld give olear and oonvloolng testimony that dlamonddyee are far ahead ot all other dyee in parity alrength fastness of oolor brlllianoy and beamy as long ss there are imitation and adulterated dyes sold it ii well ibal all should insist upon getting the dlimond when baying dyes for home dyeing ree that the name is on eaoh paokel two beads are bolterf thin one it you at looking for an engagement in a dime muasam

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