Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 19, 1899, p. 2

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v fiimikh in naaaswoya on tuoediy 17 tb jan uary a boh cniitbin acton on sunday 6tli just to mr and mrs icrneat crlpps a daughter waiiiiiu aototi od monday 16th january to mr mid mm t 8 ward a daughter iikacii on tlio in i till to road trafalgar on mon- 1ny jftnfiud to mr and mn wj leach a aou married board o edu chairman molam is complimented inn strohff resolution of thanks the new fifth room the list meeting of the board of trustees of aojon poblio sobool wmb libltl d the cou chamber on monday blackkushajn on wodnoiday doc 28th at tlio roaldohoo of tuobrldai father bberldaa ly uuv j b oliver arthur j slaeor to laura uccomt daughter of j edmund bbtln ssydktt vkaii at noodham msi on wed midday 4th january by ilev- robert l webb william noiboii snyder eldoat son af ell bnydor esq blmlra to mary k daughter of joboph fear esq vornon b 0 died bohkiitbon at tile residence of his father oav vlllo jan 7th 1890 vilbort itobertaon in fals 2and year -7- t ddhno at mensewood on friday 6th janu ary the wife of william dnruo formerly- of llmelicmse patton in euqaelng on sunday jan 8tb j i 0 hugh ay margaret dempeey- beloved wile patton la nor 7let year kennrn esquoslng on wednesday janlltb xiaura boll dausbter of wm kerr in her htb year jt qixtm m f us thobsdatf januaryap 1890 notes a com tho magistrates of hilton coooty are being depleted very considerably by death tno grown attorney reports to the depart ment the death of ave during tbe year tbeaewcre w e storey aoton bobetl balmer and john huaband oi oakvllle abraham btinson of nelson and wm llooro ol esqoeaing inupcaklngufontarloaswainsupply mr scott manager ol the mokay milling company staled that grain ol all kinds waa yery plentiful bat the majority of the farmers boing now in easy olrcamatanoas are holding their took for bigber prion thlo will not effect the prioa of train a the market will bo flooded as soon as prioes riee canada ie apparently very free from adulterated food the annual report on adulteration of food issued by the inland revenue department ha been distributed during tho year 879 lamples were analysed and of thcbe 701 were found to be genuine 87 adulterated gl donhtful 6 aold as a compound 10 not olaased and 5 bold illegally the fostofuoe department bai reaaoned it out that it will iska three yean to restore the postal revenue to the normal depleted aa they are by the rednoed rata for conti nental and imperial postage this intnr to be a faireapaotatlon it will take three yeara at least to teach people to write mora lotten both abroad and to points in their own country the cbmmerolal agenolee and railway men testify to the briskness of trade mr mcgnlgan of tho q t b jays his road bandied 17000 more oars at niagara fail in november and deoember last than in bame period of 1807 and that business is 25 to 40 per oeot ahead of any previous year in hi experience ibis is evidently the growing time the new conservative piper lb halton standard leaned itsflret number list thurs day it is published at milton by mr fred b elliott who establisbsd and successfully oonduoted the etirlington record for three years and now merges that paper into the new one the stan dard is sprightly well printody ana its news end editorial matter li arranged in a evening the principal boeineaa of the session was the settlement of accounts for the fitting up and farniataldg of the room tor the filth department members present jarnea molam chairman george hyndi bobt wallace andh bvraokbamer the committee on finance presented their seventh report and reoommended -payroent-olaodonnls-as-followb- ca of floh furn l 0o deal amlteatarir woeabaxooarpenterwoxk j d feunon paint quppllia eto jobn csmeroq lumber etc i wp aadenoqpluterlnbroto r storey ohorutle ft co interest on brerdralt eto w l worjfd palnuni k t broerq window ibadei etc iastalspobd work atiohool qeortfehavul plpeaeto blobajrdoookworkatsonoal- j a bpeljbl e 0otablo and obaln bp btoorepoatege stationery etc jamea sinolalr aavflogwoed john btryoy bartage- 871 28 70 ai w 17 m 18o0 10 00 080 0 80 0 81 aii 110 0 1 88 100 711 08 7 very interesting and presentable manner mr elliott is a flrstolasi printer and very capaole newspaper mm his field at milton is pretty well olroumioribed and it remains for the fntare to reveal which of the three papers now doing boalcas there will be obliged to retire for milton is oertaioly not a thrsenewapaper town yonr committee in rcbommendingthe payment of aboot aooodnt woold call attention of the board to the faot tbst urns aggregating 13886 were expeuded on general aooount this makes the entire cost of flttiog and farninhtog the hew room for the fifth department 917088 a very rsssooablo expenditure for aeouring so flue a room moved by ge h aeoond by h swaokhamer thattne report of thvoom mlttee on pinanoe just read be adopted carried the hualness having been conolndsd mr hynda referred to the faot that mr molanb the chairman of fhe paat year baviog decided to retire this would be his last attendance at the board he ipokv of his very able oooopancy of the poiltion of ohairmiau as well as bte interest in the affaire of the board daring his member ship the pest nine yeara tor myself be aid i have been aiaooiated with him on several bommittees snd bave always foood him faithful to duty and most agreeable to work with he bst filled the positions he held with dignity ability and f alrneii i make these remark be con tinned because i think vre ahbuld make onr elpfiaphb horter and have more stlnd things to asy of our friends while they are with ns i am sure tbst all the other members will indorse wnat i have said respeotiog the rttirins obsirmsn moved by geo hjnde seconded by h bwackbemer that tbia board tenders to mr jan uoliam their thanks for the very impartial manner snd oonrieons way ho has presided over the board aa chairman during t be paat year and that the board although deprived ol his valuable services owing to nil retirement lrom the position of trustee will si ways remember the deep interest he has taken stud we know will oontinoe to take in the prosperity of our sohool carried mr moljism expressed his appreciation of lbs very kind words spoken i have he said during my long term of office endeavored to do my duty aa a trustee 1 have enjoysd- very muoh- onr assooifttions together as a board and the work whioh i waa from time totiuie eleoted to perform i have also enjoyed the time has oome when any obildren have ceased their attendanoe at the pabuo school and i o felt that i s r and allow the pogulon and its honors to be pre6bvte co suooeasful oairterlnar of the young people of quelpri presbytery the oohventlon of the young feoplee sooieties of the ouelph pceabytory held in enox chnrob gnelph on monday was very sncoseafnl in the morning owing to the number of delegates who oamo without h aa their p in advannr a neighborhood news news items supplied by corres- nondenta and exohanooo crewson8 corners also to tho grip epiderpo in the city the billeting oommlttoo had tome diffioulty in- arranging but everything waa alrightfor the evening the afternoon senbion oponcd with an address of wolcoroe from rev w a j martin interesting papbrs on yoang fooples work woro- given by r e knowlea b a qalt hev j a oranaton b akookwobdaxidlmr w l jobblo b a in diaonaalops follo esfbh paper honominatlog committee oompoaed of mr it it brydan miaa bnodgrata mr w barns miss biogsr rev m mallln rev w-a- jrmirtin mlasmopriall mr hawkins and mies lambert reported recommending the following officers hon frobidectezdr torraooe and moderator of presbytery rev junn molhnes elora prealdent w j dobble b a- let vloo preajbey mr horn elora 2nd vice prea juiee mophail oamp- bellville tremmr7r13 brydenguelph cor sec miss zdabe kee guelph beo boo miss x scrimgeour gnelpb gommittee miss bnodgrase hespeler mrs li n singer cammook miss n a briioe wutorltjo mr jaa hawfcina eden mills mr a t minn aoton the committee reported that 950 hid been raised for the hawkeavjile and linwopd congregation and the convention deoldedtbraibevrobejrrthltcarvahor wbioh was aubscribed before adjournment theconvention next year will be held in rev mr atkinsons oburoh berlin mr a t mann president oouduoted the meeting with nunob credit and ability evehiko oeseiok in the evening tbe meetings were held in the oburoh and were well attended very encouraging reports from aobleties were given tbe christian endeavor society of knox oburoh aoton raised 875 for sandsy sohool- xlbrary and 940 for missions excellent addresses were given by revs j h movicar fergus snd j 8 i soott b a hobpcler mr chas kelly sang s solo with exoellent ttbte add received a hearty- encore at the con- elusion the delegates were tendered a lnnob in the school room by the endeavorers tho g t employed on steel railer- it have a uang of men 4ho hue here laying new ffl rai a of a hea variety averagiug 70 lbs to the yard a eioging sohool has been opened here and will be carried on during the winter mr r wansborough is the instrnotor mr wm carroll has now tbe repntstion of being ah up to dato stook foeder ijaat week he killed an fimonthsold jersey grade aalf that dreabed 828 lbs of veal the hide weighed 48 lbs anumberolthevoungpeopleql violnityspenbaveryenjoyableimeon wedneaday evening last at the maples tho home of mr john grippe a pleasant eveuingws8 spent at the rebldenoe of mrwro anderson on thnrsday jan 13th the occasion being a reception tendered miaa l m coleman of toronto who has bceu spending tbopast month at her borne here miss ooleman ie a general favorite with all thv yonng people of thia community audie always a weloome goest on the oooaaioni of her vialts here the evening was very enjoyably spent in musip games and other amusements after doing ample uattoetoa bountiful repasvahdwiebing mfsa coleman a pleaaant trip to toronto the company dispersed mr geo knox is oooflned to his bed through an attaok of pleurisy mrjohncreweon sr is also oonnnod to bis house tbongh illness hot ia reoover- ing mr j leiobroan who waa very ill last week is recovering new books popular works which are at present commanding publlo attention dwellers in gotbain by annan dale a tale of modern new york cloth 125 who briggs publiaher toronto this volume gives as vivid insight into the poorer sections of new york and shows rip human nature ae there fonnd in a roost interealing manner the metttodut maga- sine declares the story to be one of absorb ing interest and is told with remarkable literary skill parts of it are as good in theirbnmor as diokene snd as catting in their satire aa tbaokeray the glimpses of newspaperdom of wall street of tbs frpperfour hoodred of tenemeot itfv with their mingled tragedy pathos and comedy are of photographio fidelity i diane of villa marie by blanche li macdonell a romance of frenoh canada cloth 100 wan briggs pabllaher toronto v this is a oharmiog story of the early davaj in lower oanatda and haa a necnliaf mrs john grippbreiurned week from gait where ahe has been visiting her brother mr b colemsn who is very ill with slight hopes for his recovery limehouse the remains of tbe late mrs william durno of maneewood were brought here for interment on sunday 8th inst muoh sympathy is ifelt for the family in fbis heavy afuiolioni mr jbhu moore wub confined to the house severs days laat weok with a severe attack ofthe grip mr and mrs george adams of aoton who have removed to jobnatbwn n y were down on sunday to aay goodbye to frienda in this vloinity the mild weather during the week materially interfered with the drawing of kiln wood whioh had began to bams in lowly sooner or irrter er- ery woman must duel wrtk deetth nature has provided her with a act of extremely sensitive organs upon the condition of which the health of ner whole body depends she must keep these gllsyjisdistinctlr passed sronnd 1 trust that you will oootioue to have josl aa good a time togathsr in the future aa we have bad in the past tbe board then adjourned chief jbatioe armour has oome oat flat ly in favor of newspapers publishing full detsils of polioe court prooesdings in case brought against the ottawa citizen at the oarlaton assizes for publishing a report of a esse in whioh tbe defendanl was alleged to have purchased stolen goodt the jury retoriied a verdiat for tbeiciaes snd jadge- armour in charging the jury ssid newspapers had perfect snd legitimate right to report the evidence of any esse in police or other oonrts of law ths advan- toge he said derived by the public from tbeee publications far mors than oompen- saied for ipoonvenlenoe to tbe parties concerned the newspaper was one of the beat preventatives of crime ae tbe publicity of ollenoei served to pot the public on their guard against violation of the peaoe brave men fall viollma to stomaoh liter aud kidney troubles as well as woman and all- feel the results in loss of appetite poisons in the blood haokaohe nervousness headache and tired liatlets rundown feelldg but theres nb need to feel like that listen to j w gardner idavlllo ind he says elcotrlo bitters are juat the thing for a man wheb he isall run down and dont care whetberbelives or dies ii did mors to give me new strength and rood appetite than buytbing 1 conld- take i oannow eat anything and have a new lease on life ooly 60 cents at any brag store every bottle guaranteed a oltys righteous men are a better flafeguard than lta polios workinq niqht and day the busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was mads is dr kings now life pills evtry pill a togarooated globule of health that ohapgas weakness into strength lifltlessness iqtb energy brainfag into ritental power theyre wonderful in building up lbs health only 25 cents per box sold by all droggiats permaheht cans of aooh dissases as bait bheom scrofula sores tjicers dyspepsia and constipation are made by b b b tbe daily papsre are full of statemonts of those who have bean permanently cured bbb the obrislian has no bnsluesa that is not gods bosinita toourreader8 obarm miss maodonald la t refined wr h l s i descriptions with which the book abounds are of a moat iuterestiag and truetolife character apart from its oharm as a story the volume has a fascination for all who are in any way interested in the folk lore of the days of frenoh dominion feminine igans fully protected- by he armor of health that lsher best de fense against peath at the time that death comes closest to her 77the time when ehe becomes a mother d ii the sdllot desires to inform his readers that he is antborired through ths oonrteay of n c poison co kicgslod ooli to offer each one aafferlng from oaurrb felted fcrsath brooohllia qa smpie outfit of oatarrhozono cttarrbonxo is a liquid whioh when inhaled reaches every diseased spot cleansing and invariably curing catarrh and all nasal and throat diseases for a short lime- these samples will be given free it never falls to ours so write at once to tbe abots sddress cash iris bank is a good thing to have but a oonuntad spirit is belter rbohot from tub gun was ths ball whioh hit o b buadmn of newark mlob in tho civil war it oauted horrible tjioera that no treatment helped for so years then bqbklens arriids bilva oured blm carta outs bruism burns bolls felons corns skin eruptions best pile cure on earth 35 cent a boi dure goarsnte bold by all druggists literary notes tbe february number of tbe delineator is callsd the midwinter number and presents a number and variety of fllubtra- tlons snd descriptions of present and prospective styles lirt every department of dress a number of literary features that make the magaains one of tbe most readable of the mouth together with dlsonsslons of greavt bonsehold interest sooisl obeervaunpe the- brsaamaksr millinery laoemakiog knitting crochet ing tatting the newest books etc etc aire all well presented order from the local agent for bnlterlok pattern or addreaa the delineator puhliahing co of toronto limited 88 riohmond st wsst toronto ont subscription i price of the delineator 100 per year single copies ioosdu it stops debilitating drains inflammation promotes regularity of the monthly function and puts the whole fe male organism into a state of strong vig oroua health taken daring the period of gestation it robs childbirth of its pain and donger over 150060 trrateful women have writtea of the wonderful help of the favorite pre scription among others mrs cordelia benson of coalton boyd co ky writes xn october sbsytgave birth to a faabrand the treatment i received at thehaads oftlie mid wife left me with prolapsus x had no health to apeak of for three yeara i had another baby which waa the third ehud myjiealth bepo tb fall and x then had three mlkatrriasanaibtuid ual amh preparatory to stock taking we will offer to the public our entire stock at large dibcuuuts commencing with fhi dhv soth jhnurry for twoweeks every department will have- something that- will interest buyers both as t quality and prices below we give a partial jist of the bargains to be found on our counters dress goods 44 in block all wool coating serger extra weight bright rjniah sold regularly atysc january price 50c 44 in brown navy and black serges regular 60c goods january price 40c j 42 in french fancies in choice c61orsreduced from 60c to 30c fancy tweeds special 19c fancy plaids new patterns special 40c allotherpressgpods at proportionate prices flannels and skirtings 40 in skirting regular price xjc special price 10c 25 in union flannel regular 13c reduced price toe 18c all wool flannel special price 12jc 27 in ah wool flannel special 23c flannelettes- t- 3g in english flannelettes worth i2jc january salepricescryd 32 in flannelettes regular 8c sale price 5c cottons and sheering 3o in bleached cotton best english and canadian makes regularise special sale price 8c heavy unbleached cotton regular cc january price 4 jc yd 72 in unbleached plain sheeting regular 15c special january price r ic 72 in bleached twill sheeting soft smooth finish regular 23c p yd reduced to 17c ladies underwear ladlest vests and drawers unshrinkable regular lax 75c and i bo special price5bc special price 35c adjes wool vests reguli jjlcto 3uijrtisenurtts residence for sale anew brlokveeldoncb with flnelarsoroonis bplendld oallar under wbolehonae oom- taodlqua eulilo and drivlug houio herd and softwator nloo garden gret barsatn for quick naln- for further tiartloulnra apply at ttio fnek iltkbh onico coal business chaned j c hill hab porobuod toe coal duslneab of mr john mequeod apd ii prepared to dsliver flret- olau boranton coal in fdruaod btov and nut eizes promplr ind to tbe aatlsuctloa ot onito- mora generally ibavalio purobaaod the woigh aoaloa and will give prompt attention to all otdors for tbwlr nao j 0 hiix -httoatat-ohge- tfce celebrated indlttti uootbr- george w hild and partaar will bo a asnevs hotel aoton on the last wed ueaday ot everv month until laruter notlee eommehalug with wednesday dsui october ibrf lai joc dents underwear at a big reduction prints- 2000 yards of dark and light prints best english 1 make regular price ii special sale price oc fancy printed goods regular roc special 5c boots and shoes mens medium weight shoes regular price vi50 special january price fi 20 boys school shoes regular f 140 reduced to lioo laoles shoes atlow prices- tweeds mens tweeds suitable for pantings or suitings at 20 30 40 and 30c a yard hosiery boysextrajieavy all wool- lioss regular 85c- special sale price 2 pairs for 35c ladles fine ribbed imported hose soft finish regular 50c special 37c ladles plain cashmere hose extra value 40c special sale price 30c spedials- in qrooeries regular 25c japan tea special 3 lbs for 9ioo horse shoe salmon 4ins 25c 6 bars comfort soap 25c cooking figs regular yc special jc t cannea corn peas and tomatoes regular xoc special 7c good roll butter 13c a lb tvtllil- street jevit leoe all obnnla 41aim iuohaa oonsqmp uon mtarrb liver eomlalnta kidney diaeieea rbinmetum dbeti 4q are ooredby indian kemedlm mloima iold by tho qnaauty patlenu given np ae jnonrable are eipeelalf invited patienta under treatment to otberdoo ton are oot eouoited coninluuon free per mtuientaddreu bbantprb poont iminq1 oomlmqi qomiwql buluotc new york fli1ladclphband toronto optical colleges call early and avail yourself of his yaluable services as this is a rare opportunity to have your eyes proper ly tested free of charge no guess work but a scientific certainty diffi cult cases accurately fitted all wouk guarantised eorinrer cil at vhriktoliauaveo will db at agnews hotel acton on iat ohiy thxtrday febt 2nd 1899 we make our annual of all fall and winter goods it dont pay any business to carry surplus stock over to the next season out object is always to begin with a new stock foreyeryseaso b n will b ye gre o spedal bargains in dress goods mantles and all kinds of woollen goods the careful repairing of watches is thia hobby of pbin6le the jeweller his long experience combined with his practical ability and close attention to the details of that part of his business makes bin the beat qualified persop in quelph to do any repairs to yopr watch tbe same careful oversight is given to the proper fitting of spectacles any defect of vision is carefnlly examined and if spectacles can be found to aid the sight or stop the headache pringle will supply them myself completely worn out- i had io mant pains and eches my life was a tmtdeti to m and alio to ellthe family for x wu nerrotu and cro and x could not alcp bad lour doctors they aald x had liver lung and uterine hey ai onble lung a i was in bed for month and when i did tt np i wan a sight to heboid i looked lilce a corpse wallcins about i commenced tak ing- dr pierce favorite prescription and in a few weeks i became a well woman before i began the lucofdr pierces medidne i snf- fered all a woman conld suffer at my monthly periods but now i have no pain the dark circles around my eyes are gone snd i feel better m every way ky cheeks are red snd my lace la white before my fice was as yellow as saaua ton may baabla to get people to read tbe bible ba you osnfc make tbem read yon a hypoorlto himself never fools anybody but five things the live diseases for whioh shilobs cooaomptlrs curs it especially reoom- msudad are coogbs ooljs wbooplng ooogh oronip and codsuniptlori no medl- olnesvar mstdsby man la equal to itin any telphi bold tender a poeiilva guaranue honey beck it it falls as oenla 60 cents and 1100 a bottle the most violeut attacksince1890 leaving behind a host pf aftpr eflibts ttal makt2 life miserable prompt and j to strengthen the system la grippe now sareeping over this living near nlnga bears testimony great bargains in readytowear clothing overcoats boys reefers remnants a great lot to be cleared at half price also mens under wear odd shirts drawers etc and a number of odd lines in all classes of goods to be cleared come early and secure some of the great bargains in this department we have a number of fine scotch tweed suitings reg ular prices 1800 2000 and 2250 sale price 1200 1350 and 1675 these are great bargains also a number of overcoat lengths to be sold at the above reductions these garments will be well trimmed well tailored in our usual highclass standard at the prices they will be sold at they will be picked up at once by shrewd buyers rob block hthlnst c eorgbtown brodnce taken in exchange hl7irrorsto qrejt7t an elegant and healing prepara tion for chapped hands face or lips and all r bougrbnesa of tbeskizi clygertne and gacarrirjer for preserving and softening the skin to which it imparts freshness whiteness and smoothness it is entirely vegetable and con- tains nothing in the least harmful these delightful and harmless toilet preparations prepared by a t lron machine opeeatobs wanted jshurdbfkrtjliren t aacinryg9 taught apflv at oncb the witttamb qrkbne bomb 00 wmlled berlin ont fish fish fish just received no i lake huron herring heads off and split no i lake herring heads off and split no i labrador herring quintal cod fish boneless codfish green codfish finnan haddie ciscbes and oysters a full stocking wewlllgye great bargains with a mends face at the top presents seneerfnl al6 1 qlirlac riaw nrsr- e i 0sa lm eo- h vo im people who are always telling their troubles are never at a loss tea something to talk about beats the klondike mr a 0 tbodoaa of maryvllle teres has found a more valqabl dlsootery tbari baeyetbmadin kiondlisjbor jrbijbtjrw oiiy rbtn ojnanrnptlou acewmpanled by bsmorr- hadtii and aras alteoluialv burad bv dr the yoke of christ will only fit tbe willing neok rb you married ars you married jo the oldtime belief ihaloonsqroptionlalnonrasblor if so ypo arswadud to arnlelaken notion sblloha oough and cbnsnmpllob core ha over- oome many a aerlooi oassi and it narar fails when taken in ike early atagw ope bonis will prove mora to yon than a whole column of argument try every bottle gaaraotead scent0 cents and the world owes 00 man a living who is not willing to work for ii ilshttosr llopv imi oquntry in one of its periodio epidemics is 0ns pf the moat ireacberous and dlffloolt diasam with whiob medical solenoe baa to oopev it la in ita af ter affeota that it ia particularly dlaastroni and these asanme many forms prominent among wblcb may be mentioned heart dilesue bronoblal and long trortbles nervotn proalration allor- ottts obllla and fever a feeling of oonstant laaaltude and an iodlpositlon to eithsr mental or pbyiloal exertion often lbs soffsrer does nolreoorer from the aiter- rlradts of a grips for oonlbb and in oasea of previously enfeebled constltutlona and among those of advanoed age the number of oasaa termloatlog falajly iaappalliog i evbnaiura mild aatuok of la grippe it lai lonpsratlv that tht system ahooh be ihoroughiy toned op litis nerve elreurth- raed snd tbe blood iiairlabmdwa- lisn pink pillsll tbe only msdloloe that djiended rjpor for prprnpiuese and niv in thlaaihargenoy tnesb isttfawdr tfebnat taenia that blviit ampgm totilo and tfejs- tfeh ly s- slrepfilhi thus dri jpjt totilo an vfo vv ssmkik vmukmrm to the great val no of dr wllllame pink fills in removing ths after eftvote of la grippe tbe disease left him a vlotlm to- oold obllls violent head aches dizziness and sverepalpilalionof ths heart mr daggaaya i finally want to bolsevaln and oonaotted a dootor who stated that tbe trcablewaa likely to develop into consumption i was under bis bars for shoot three month but waa radtlally growlog weaker and unable to dot any work at thia slageons of my nsigbbors advised m to give dr wllllama pink pills a fair trial and pnrcbaaad a doxen boxss before ths third was used there waa good evidenoe that thy wers helping roe and beforstb desen boxes were used i waa ss strong and vigoroos as i had ever been and i can heartily reoommend dr wll- ijama plnkpllls for the manifold trooblss that follow an attaok ofla grippe if yon have pbflersd from an attaok of lipryiaikib irffmm tfflkht insist til lmitstlont navtfrotrsa itpyflns if bcrr aealsrrtowirtjm maiwmwiww spapial sale dont forget pur mrobain salb bargains for everyone ottkat dinner and touet but balh fancy goods class china ceimoll o prices away down fine finished croklnole board complete 65o bbbity 100 framed tlcturea 60o etc etc noted tea stores and china palaoe v am wbzmm manufacturers of repairing ftproptldiaf jjtrlm en sorno ines of goods comolnand inveatlr gate ito karrlsge uoensea issued phot narist jictois v j susi browjoi ipsfelt orl rqmenvjsna simt- ms rwijwsraspw y- uectejl infottsrtl nlietvy fimmrlnlkm avnrileanwaw ftw jnsrinini ter woit smrsismfisiu

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