Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 19, 1899, p. 3

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jl the bank of hamilton head office hamilton capital all paid up 91 26000000 reserve fund 77600000 total asboto 111 0914400 nearly ton millions of dollars boajhd op directors joiw stuart president a o 11aubay vloa1rosldont uko uoaoit john 1noaron a t wood a d lee toronto j w amaon m p j tuttnuull omblor ei s btfcven asst csshlor h m watbon insrlootor george agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible fanners discounted and spe attention ftlve to the collection of sale notes and commerual paper generally drafts issued payable atall principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of 9x and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added to principal everyyeatt whether passbook is brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bellaeent georgetown ont ij julon jfm fms thursday january 10 1890 the news at home montly or a local charaotor and everv item interesting bad dohatobe destroyed at the lust meeting of equtslnu towo- bip council the following resolatlon wss passed moved by mr graham seconded by mr coulaon that whereas a large asm of money has boon paid ont from time to utnaforthodoslrue o sh by dogs without any traoe of the dogs or owners of snob tlpga tborafore be it resolved by this cdunoil that a reward of 98 00 be offered for locating and destroying of each dog found obaslug worrying or killing beep witbin this municipality rev j iv rue will deliver lie address the anuual meeting of aoton branch bible booiety will be held in the methodist ohoroh tomorrow friday avanlpg no doubt about oiptheria where diagnosed in erin and ea- queslngtownshloe cases little local brieflets whloh causht tho eyes or eara of free pfeaa reporters thfs weal upmuuhi interest is aeateredin themeetidg beordho of the faot that kav j w rao of toronftubtinh16livttlw1isdaal addreabe the numerous friends of rev mr iuo wilt do doobl avail themselves of the opportunity of bearing blra upon tba fire at subject of the spread of tho gospel through the free oiroalatioa of tbe loriptarea tbe obolr of the ahnroh will ummt jq the service president robertson will taee tbe chair at right oolook hcthodimt mlmlonmry jinnirermary the aooas miistoiisry services of the methodist charon were held on sunday rev fl a mitchell b a of georgetown wae the preacher of the day and hn eloquent sermon were much enjoyed the text of the morning discourse wae john 8 80 ye shall know the troth end tbe truth shall make yon free end that of the evening heb 11 81 by faith the vail of txerioho felt down the mission ary spirit war forcefully impressed throughout both sermons and loyalty to thie im movement w s troprly during the past two months tliore have been a number of cases of illneaa and one death in erin township whloli dr john m maodooald who was the attending phyilobun io several families pronoun oed to be dipt he rift and advlaed the lsouuontol by -law- evenfr comintf and going visitors to and from aoton and varlousothor personal notes another oase oourred in tbo oase of an esqoesiok township farmer not far resi dent from the locality where cho other caseq were id oonveraing abjut the mttter doubts were expressed in somo quarters as to tbb illness boing really dipthoria and it is reported that the families nllliotod were oven advised that there was no neoessity for isolation monday wab a remarkably fine day if baslnesi is worth havidg iti oertsfnly north going after when you want business advantage display advertising aonmen b jefolmes drover shipped another mixed oar of atook on monday a great many oitizsna of town and ooomtry are down with tbe grippe tenders are asked for rebeating and alteration of the county ooort room at milton mr neil gillies has been appointed assessor of eequesing or 1809 at a salary ol 1150 tbe members of tho new gonnty council will meet next tuesday for organising esqneaing connoil offers a reward of 93 00 each for the destruction of dogs found worrying sheep the annual tea meeting of the googre gallons church will be held next thnrs day evoninfl at churchill the frequent ohanges in the weather from extremes of cold to very mild are very trying to feeble constitutions vessers john lindsay jr and william bowman have been appointed auditors for gequeeing township fqr 1899 it is rumored that mr b collins and family who recently removed to buffalo are contemplating returning to aoton mrs mary watkina has received from the a 0 u workman 12000 the full vans of the pohoy held by her husband the late berjj watkine parental should warn their boys and girlaagalnatfreguentlng tboae parts of the ponds where toe is being removed thero rfpns f lon fn tin snidid 3lmajor bumpell of berlin ftrong 4y advises all ib to vj woa ty oodtraot su from his experience both ways be is convinced the contract system la the best dr x j b forster of aoton was io town on saturday called henoe to help bit father dr m forster in performing an important surgicaloperation on a patient herej palmerstou spectator mr john waldle president of the victoria haibor lumber op- and also ot the mgnotawan tanning and eleotrio co bores falls gave a ton ot turkeys to his employees at christmas says tho burks palls4rrvio owing to the inoreased professional calls ot dr q h oopk in lie oity be finds if inpessibla to keep op his regular visits to acton and after next saturday will make only oooaalonal visits here these will bs annonnoed from time to time ai tho ooonoil meeting on monday iilght councillor b l hematreet as ohalrraen- ot the streets and walks declared that be would allow no rubbish or anylhhiajelss of an unsightly nature to b jdipw b any of the streets of the town mumnjjaj miff motgetowu vllllage council evidently intends to put on tbe brakes thie year at tbe inignral meeting the followiog motion wmifeseed moved and seconded that no committee shall expend more than 110 oo any work before laying the matter before iheoounoil for discussion george t angell editor ot dumb diilmaiwtltefuo tbe chicago newspapers that he will guarantee tba halt a teaspoontul of powdered sulphur in each hoe or stocking will ward ot la grippe malaria rheumatism ana yellow fsver r its a ohesp preventive and harmless at anyrfta i t p smith eye specialist will be in aoton on thursday february dad one day- only rooms at agnews hotel it you avesov dweot in your eyesight it will pay tp ball aqd see mm examination ftispjall aiatly ot yon may make aprlmsnto at a t browns drug exhorted tbe miaeioaary ofiteriufta of the oodrreration during the day were liberal cineograph and vereaocpc concerts were given in the town ball last friday and saturday evening by eg oa blued oompaeies tbe chief attraction of which was the exhibition of moving pictures by the cloeofiraph and veretoope the concerts consisted of animated pioture exhibitions gramophone aeleoiions songa mualoal combinations eto tbe artlsta selections were rather limited and the concerts exhibited a degree of sameness tbe pictures however were very good eipeoially the pillow fight family troubles and the 3pano- american war sonnes special services in ilaciplca church ofeeticge are being held here every evening except saturday at flight oolook itov it w beytone pastor at ever ton preaohfng evaugeliate j crawford ot qhio is expeoted to arrive this week and will work with the oharoh daring tbeweet- iega mr crawford la a candidate for the pastorate of acton and georgetown hie wife an excellent soloist will accompany him tbe aoton oharoh is healthy and aonnd financially mr seytoue presents the plea ol the oharoh ot christ christian unity and world evaogali- stion in bis sermons to tbe congregation a heart welcome ia extended to all to attend these meetings iho bthvo flte zadtlos at the annual meeting of aoton fire brigade mr john harvey was eleoted chief for 1800 as the business of the late chief mcqueen took him out of town so muoh during the day he felt as well as the brigade that it wee desirable to have the office filled by a citizen who would always be within call henoe mr harvey was eleoted mr harvey will make a careful and efficient officer and a already taking steps to put the brigade and the fire apparatus into the beat possible shape and rnfi r for mtwgmt thn nflst realizing tho necesbjty7or utnaoa fcoa u- tion to avert any spread of this inaidiona and thfeottona di erase and to prove tho correctness of hie diagnosin dr mcdon- all sent specimens of tho membrane- swabbed from the throats of the patients to mi j j mackenzie government anal yst toronto for examination his answer was received promptly ib the following telegram toronto january ptb 1899 drhaodonam aoton found dlptherh baalllus in hpooinionu j j maceisnziii the followiog letter from dr p h bryoe score lary of tbo provincial board of health followed by mail toronto january 11th 1899 dr j m haoaonltd aoton pbabdoctoti i am in receipt of your lottor of tbe 0th inst tou will ore this have received mr hackensles report that dlptberla was pree nentinrtherskniplds eotrbyyon ttrnat tbaflbe local boardi aro taking prompt action in both municipal i tins io otaildrou from tbe homes bonld be allowed to attend bobool or to mlpglo with tbe pabllo until swabs from tbo oonvalea oonta have proved tbo froodom from dlptberla please let mo know what action la being taken by tbe local boards and tbo result ot snob action i uftto the honor to be your obedient sorvnt p rf bnyda soorotary the above indicates that tho above oases referered to were dyptherla without a doubt but with tbe precautions now being taken there need be no fear that the infection will spread esqueaing board of health has taken aotion in the matter and erin board has been communicated with by the provincial authorities tbivfakk runes invites all 1u readers to con tribute to tbis oolumn if you or your friends aro going way on a holiday trip or if yon have friends visiting yon drop a oard to the faae paxil miss may mooro visited friends in qoargflqffp laat wtflk u weul kndwn violinist traveled extensively throughout the provlnoes- irttsreatlna 8utoments cfanoernlno hie experlenoe btellarton k sjamee it murray a well known violinist of his place who has traveled extensively throughout the provinces makes this statement i was running down in health apd my weight fell off from 175 to 160 pounds p did m but littl gwu m chas l nelles the evbrton mr jan sitxipooc of moffat who was so ill a few weeks ago ia spending a week or so with his slater mre marshall here mrs beck and daughter of stratford are with her mother mrs john mack who is getting aged and feeble mrs maok is one of tbe oldest people in this vioinity most of tho middle aged people here remember mr mlobal rogers who formally lived in this community and who loog ago went to tbe states one of his sons baa been spending a month or so among bis fathers and mothers many relatives and acquaintances and ban made a most favorable impression we under stand be returns tbis week to their home in jaokaou county iowa ttaeo 0 c f met on thursday and will probably arrange for a sapper in the near future some of the farmers tookadvantaqe of the bott weather for stripping turnips mr abd mrs georgo adams have removed to johnstown n y flies deans of in wood is a gaest at the homo of mr william ed mist on miss allie litaff is spending a few woeks with friends at brentford miss annie monabb has been visiting friobda in toronto the past week mr- aexmannerfwho hasbeen ill for several weeks is not improving miss may heppler of lis to well is vleitlug her sister mrs t s ward mrs stewart of georgetown spent monday at the homo of adam stewart mr a v t rymon left on t monday for manitoba rfvith the intention of settling in winnipeg mr hatnnel powell of gnelpb was the gaest this week ot his daughter mrs t e m seoord mr and mrs james bymon have removed to guejph and will make that their future home tbe mlises tovel returned home last wednesday after a pleasant visit with friends at ever ton mr john farmer of florence is bpendtng a few days in town a guest at tba borne of mr thomas o moore mr william ismond who haabeenio very poor health for several months is at pro wot in a very critical condition rev w m eannawio of queens college kingston preached in the presby terian oburob oakvllle last sunday morning and evening the relatives here of mr w p brown toronto who has been seriously ill for several weeks received the sad news that little hope was entertained for bis recovery mr j n paget of canboro was tbe guest of mr james molatn and other friends this week he is an officer of the batter and oheeae association of ontario and was en roote to the annual convention at session id guelph this week trouble was celled nervous dyspepsia i resorted to hoods sarmaparllla and after taking five bottles i was greatly benefited i feel as well now as ever in my life and hava increased in flesh so that i now weigh 177 pounds lam well known in this part of tho country having followed my profession that of a violin musician for the last 33 years i gladly tell my friends what hoods sarsaparllla baa done for me before i began taking the medi cine i did nothhatoany ambition but now all la changed and my dyspeptic trouble perfectly cured jambs e murrat n b if you decide to take hoods sar saparllla do not be induced to bay any eubnltute boanrctqget wallpaper man guelph announces that 1899 will be a banner year in now papers and n s our new store on upper wynd- ham street will r have the finest wall paper show room thit can be found u rktlierethe onlybllutb taker noou sihswlthhoodsdariaparlua j p mokeb tbe drug gist aoton wilt again be our agent and show all the samples at guelph prices it pays to buy at bollerls it pays to buy at bollerts bltancb monday jan16th and tuesbayjan2itll jg not how much can we get 1 at the anneal meetipd pf trafalgar little fuub they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty estlqg a per fect remedy for dizziness nausea droird ncss bad taste in the mouth coated tongas fain in the side torpid uver the regulate- tlo bowels purely vegetable small pill small doeo small price substitution tho fraud of the day sec you get carters ask for carters insistand demand carters little liver pills i m but how much can we give thats what we aim at and its building up a wonderfully increased business at the cjoi- den lion heres an-instance-of- how weve treated -the- prices on ladies pur capes 3 ladles bear goat capes with opposum collar 25 inches in length and lined throughout with plaited satin in fancy c cfl patterns dsjtl 2 greenland seal capes 25 inches in length and lined out withbrown satin quilted in pretty designs manylrt lfl were sold at 9ig 50 but these two go at iiiuu 4 greenland seal capes 30 inches in length and same style of lining as the other two we sold lots of them at s38ic fl but the price now la itlutl isealettecnpeof very fine quality and extra wide sweep trimmed with opposum fur theso were sold at 40 00 oc fill but take this last one for jiuu ten fortunate ladies will each get one of these lovely capes will you be one of them i d e macdonald bro golden lion guelph 1 i i we want to take out of our stock in the way of sales the amount stated above and in the time stated i andwith your help we can do it tevory article iu the store with the exception ot sprfol cotton will be offored ftt a cut prico instead of speoinl depnrfnicuts or speoial lines every piece of gooda in the house- will be put uodor the cut in price our sale has boon a great success and immense quantities of goods have gone out the advantages of this weekb offering however eclipse the former we shall not state details in thib advertisement indeed how could we adequately do so theres so much as to make it look impossible be impressed with the fact that on whatever you buy jou will mako a having of 10 to 50 per cent apd in borne cases more what we say we do mmiuwiunrmwwwwttriiiwiuwiumiuwiu just arrived o on monday lake huron herring mount forest oatmeal rolled and fine christies biscuits 25 and 27 wyndham street guelph also t fres lot of fancy g ribbons lace braids qreat j r henderson 8c co cjommmenciiig on friday morniua january 13th we will inaugurate a great clearing sale our stock is much too large for this time of the year and we take stbek next month when it is desirable to have stock as low as possible to accomplish this quickly bargains will be the order of the day in all departments in dress goods millinery mantles furs miens and boys suits overcoats ulsters cottons prints boots shoes etc- dont wait but bring your cash at once as there are many choice snaps that are sure to be picked up by the early buyers henderson oo r my enwao i tjagrfooleas la b dr wlolipsjwiulelbar dram has sent nitaapnftiai dhtmsmsy havljiiftnfree- apply io department k b tdmlristltate- iiongootl gnonsrs dory london w england to those about to marry sstwasfsjiss ijsefitfcjnei imnla kv biideivateaod ootlfldantll at realaaoa1naviilns m i i- t auc sa fjusttvvjfi wltliwbale ol week dotrtld offloera sre aa followa oaiaf j oh a harrer oaptain hooks and ladders j a spelgbt captain boas reels william l wordenjr llent xfo 1 hosebfrol oeorga soper llont no 9 hom tel d hottitaslj fioprotarrtreasursr qqneaq afotlonsjd asslstantbeoretaxy thomas ijs foreman joan brans two teams are bettor tlfna one at georgetown rink last thursday evening oar hookey seam faced the home one for tbe third time this season the provioas games one each way left aoton a lead ot ave goals knowing that in anion there is strength georgetown wisely played milner and whitehead of brampton who were always in the game good combination play by both teama resnlted in 8 goals to 2 in actons favor at halftime jsithor from want ot nraollos far tbe necessary exertion being over- mstouedor the change of position made bytbe opposing team aoton was rather disorganized in the second half and exoept occasional rashes played a defence game tie final soore 8 to 4 ja oeorgetowna favor ia the result ot thtlr good team play and tbe referees forethought in oslllng actons forewardi baok for offside plays at critical times goal nmplrss bobt erwln qeorgetown frank swaokhamer aoton beferee boss atoeensle qeorge town f another of aotonmsona wh tfeds from tbe needbam mass chnitkk the following partfonlara are glesned at a quarter to tan wednesday evening january 4th a very pretty wedding took plsoe at tbe residence of mr and mrs william b monroe maple street when william kelson bnyder eldest son of el snyder blmlra ont and mary e fear yonngestdanghler of joseph per vijrnon b 6 were united in marriage by rev bobert l webb of needbam after tbe groom aooomoanied by the groomsman mr goorge elrkby of tbe beacon trast oo boston bad taken tbelr places the brde wbo rtu gowned in handsome cream aalin brocade with paasementrie and ribbon trimmings and who oarrled a huge shower bonqaet ot pink and white roses anlered the room and joined them they wire immediately followed by the little agricultural society the following officers or 1609 were elected president john dickens first vice w b qronkrite i second vioe it c wilson the pollitolans have taken the town this vftek the oonasrvatives met on taeaday in annual convention and tbe refornjere meet tdday in almtlar eapaeity tbe brick for tbe new roman oathollo high bobool at montreal towards whioh sir donald a smith eontribated 15000 is to be anpplied by the milton pressed brick co isx mayor dice entertained tbe membera of the council at his residenoe last week a very enjoyable evening was spent chairman betnatreet announces that he will ibsist upon tidy streets this year the standard ihe sprightly new sheet hat appeared and the conservatives rejoioe that they are now represented by a county journal the first meeting of tho county ocanoll for 1800 will be held next tuesday jan 34th there are eight prlaonera confined la the goal at present seven males and one female all are serving aentenoes for vagranoy exosptlong one whose offenoe is svesaali four of the men are aiok and confined to their bonks porhpons silks wcfols ancj other fancy goods c p goodbye co hcton mill street acton nassaqaweya specials for quick sales mr and mrs wm bone of belgrave who have been visiting mr allan bamsajr mrs bones father and friends in massa- gaweya and eramoea returned home on saturday after apending three weeks the many friends of dr and mrs j a bell will be pleased to learn tbat mrs bell who h bean undergoing treatment at gnelph general hospital ia slowly recovering suit1nqb 34 oo scotch tweed suiting for 20 50 923 50 do do do do 19 00 you can get it overcoatings f 24 00 black or blue beaver for 20 50 2z 50 black blue orjjrown for 19 00 far 50 do do do do iu 50 i20 00 do do do do 17 00 a special range of select tweeds at i6 00 these are all new goods we will mako to your order perfect in every way at above prices call and inspect them 2i 00 jao 00 do do do do do do do 18 00 do 17 00 rockwood r e n rxtuaoi nonor ulaaye monroe nefet ol the bride looking vary sweet in her white swiss muslin with white and pink oatna- tlone in her hand the bridesmaid miss bsrla bpyder elmlrapol only slstpr of the groom came next wearing white gsrman organdie over pink and carrying oarnations and ferns after whloh the cere mony was performed in the preeenoe of only a few of the immediate relatival of the contracting partial mr and mrs soyder will at once mska their home in ntedharo tbe fasti puss extends oon- trratolationa to lbs happy couple general and satlitfactarf proa ate the unanimity with which the business places in town are pnttingin eleotrio lighung fixtures and making contraots with tbe corporation for current is eery satisfactory to tbs members of the goanoll and promoters ol the soheme and mnst be also to the ratepayers generally nearly all the business places in town are wired and private residences ars gradually ooming into line tbs plant- will start with a much larger number ol hgbte tban was deemed at all likely a month ago premt the button ma a day or tiro the question when will iba eleotrio lighting plant be started is- naturally a onrreqt one owing to some delay in the transit of seme cl the important parte of the eleotrioal apparatus from tbe tjnitad states the dynamo and transformers could not be shipped hero last week from toronto 8 14 aft nnm iwiyllalr i 13le at one ootoclr 1 termt next monday evening 38 rd inst a aoslal enlertalnnttnt will be given in iba methodist obureb by committee no 3 of tbs iiadlea aid booiety the programma will inolude mnslo and literature and itikl refreahraenls will be served tbe committee is makinsf avery effort to provide a yery edjoyabjajlijuhldfr ad- nitsiop 19 cents ohldren lofsnts to ome a aqwtfarit4iiil oav takiauvbromo quinine tablets au srsam rafond ft money 11 it falls to core aa expeoted the latest information from tba contractors promises everything to be laid down complete tbis week and in all probability the plant will be pnt into operation within two or three days there is no unnecessary delay a compliment to foe jjfcdrfolans inspector poekworth of the under writers association of toronto was in town an toesdsy inspecting the eleotrio light wiring whioh baa been in progress the past month he pronounced tbe work entirely satisfactory and that ll baa been executed with respect to perfeol safety and workutthikaapptaratioe tble is a worthy compliment to tbe skill of messrs reynolds and herd and tbe men employed dnder them and it most bo aallafaotion also to those who have bad tbelr premises wired to hhowtket tbe work as performed removes any doubt whatever as to tbe absolute salsty of tbs eleotrio wiring tbe annual meeting ot ihe eremosa agricultural booiety was held in the town half rookwood on wednesday lllh january john kitohlng president in tbe chair the treasurers statement showed a balance on band of 130838 tbe follow ing offioerevere appointed john monabb president bobert tslbot vicepresident oolln cameron seorstarytreasorer directors william argo james gray john gibbons matthew lorree a e bamtey js keongh john kitohlng jsa ramsey geou 3 thorpe honorary directors a j carrie john duff norrls black th liush george smith tbos cook g t wilson bobert dredge com monabb w kitohlng david stewart peter isles joseph klrby s coleman and jos croft tbe date of tbe show was axed for 10th and lllh october 1809 the title of bav dr canaan lecture id ihe melbodlat ohuroh 00 monday evening 801b inst it wbo t why v the lamb specialty go gave an exhibition here on monday evening n5l merchant tailo and me furnisher cash and one price a parlor suite a sideboard a bedroom set an extension table a lounge a stand a mattress and springs or any other article in furniture requirements gruelph jrnukry sfecik is making it hot for winter goods they have to get on tbe outside low prices is doing the work a bio bttsh for our ladies rubbers a chance in a lifetime if yon have a small foot 2j and 3 are tbe sizes left at a uvjnq p only all oood8 deltvered undertaking in all its lranches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs s stores nesll the shoe man guelph j a speight co acton consisting of scenes presented by the vsremopo and aeleoiions on the gram- apbobe some of the oompany sang daring the programme ii it understood that a carnival la to be held at ihe rink here on saturday night bev mr oraneton attended the ohrlit- ian endeavor convention at gnelph this week go luftnd mm what yon qui jir- from j b mrtllbrrtatori torontos new city dlreclory will contain six thousand mors names than last year su thousand more names in tbe directory msane an addition of about eighteen thous and to the population of tbs city mrs william keill who was borled at omemee on saturday was over 100 years old albert b mown oleik in tbe mer- chauts bank at montreal bts been arrest ed his shortage ia said to bs almost oooid by atonnel sqo feet in lenglsf rtroegu thimoaotiloe gold lske8lkttbas been drained and lis snormoqa wealth msd available 01 a7e are going to make suits up at a big reduc tion during this month in order to make room for our spring stock so if you need a suit or ovekcoat now is your 6pportunity during this month call and inspect our stock prices will be right and all work guaranteed first- class and up to date cooper a akins main st acton 3 h- mftttbew imlltnssinie bsuiiega rt t great reduolion for pat a smlls on your face whan you go oak for a walk and ii will be surprising hovmauv you will jneet cpraerking and hughson sts hamilton gsfctt mouse january 1899 hamiltons favorite shopping placl surprlslne bargains so tar this haa been the busiest january in the history of ihls store business ins been brisker sales larger than in any former year this iaeaslly accounted for never before have wo offered such values at can be had here now thafa a big statement but its true 1 true here s a partial listof them lambs qxovxs- bnedsaioves la tens and blaek slao si eld oloies in tan shades lermisrly to cnamels 3imwfirieeiia jatorat slats si to m only formerly eloo now nntaaiiiatmuia oloves in sane and 3 bo boo 7 bo slats s to m only toimeriy uijoo now nntauraalmun aiqyes in sane and waestsuse si tool only formetlr now h el 00 montsqoltswsaedeolovm in tana and farmeriyeijo now i boo oiovm in opera shades site 8 onlj formerlr sijo now 3bc x qloves evening sbadse for- merely tee now a bo blaektsjretaaioveebuneaiotmer- i sse now soo leaushrte wool gloves formerly too so ibo thus tot ohildriih 4 ballon kid oloves in tea abadee1 for ohlljren s to t years formerly sylia now 1 0o0 srb8s goods 8fx0ials jbles oaimerbj sudvweeosralshira f brf- flaloaaiiil pjaji dbsfks lnin1nfjca pjak vellpw ibi yellow ateenud eream for- la say blue nils sreen yellow 2bo 3bo boo a bo sott loo anld mauve lormnlv tie now sontyadllna la evealnlt shades former ly sue new h tb3sew ak black allwool oouo8rr taineta formerly toe nowt wwi irftnrjbevlotf extra beev illoob lot mastfohalrbrcelnoh formerly ete now ffoo m knittmd tjhdbrwbar penmanls natart wool vesta and drawara for girls 0 to u years former ly tie hew blaoktishtsjforsirtes to 10 yean for merly 414c for bygelan combinations for ehlldian 9 to i tears tormerljfooo oow awshjwatioocibjnatlooa slses for is toltieerflomrisrtjellbnoir ohlsbeavvsycslaa teela alias forol to 14 yearafotmarly ate new auwoot health teeta for glru 5 to s 1 yearsi formerly too now fcadles kbae ijeniai drawers 18 smsie formerly tlju now badm aerman klerlno oomblnuona formerly lai new eias ladloa tanto slse soolob wool vmte formerly tlrs now ub5 40o bffo 600 850 400 ooo 70 we prepay the charges to any railway elation in ontario on all orders amounting to is 00 and upwards the rlkhtlhouc hftwijlton

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