Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 19, 1899, p. 4

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tt sure gurjbfor when tho children set tbelr foct wet and tako cold jive them a hot foot latb i bovl ol hot drink a doso of ayers cherry pectoral and put tium to bed the chances are ttaey will bo all right in the morning con tinue tho cherry pectoral a rev days until all cough lias dis appeared oldcoughs relbocured j- we mean the coughs of brn- cbllis weak throats and irritable lungs even the bard cough of consumption are always mode easy and frequently cured by the continued use of every doctor knows that wild cherry bark is the belt remedy known to medical science for sootblng and healing inflamed throats and lungs put ono at divayers cherrypectoral plasters ovor your iungo th bmmt modloml atmomfroot w now rjave aome of tfae naoat ml- sont physicians la the united btatm nnaual opportunities and lonxprl- enca eminently fit ttiam for klvlbs rpa modleal advlco writ trtily n th paruffularaluyonreaio wit qxttm fm firm thursday januaby 10 1898 sht oun jollts gone to noy ho sat on my kooe at evening the boy who 1b halt put tbioe and tboalear blue oyaafrom ills aun browned face smiled happily up to me i bold liitn cloio an tlio twllfgbt fell and i called him my doar little ion tli on i aald i have wondered for many day wfaoro it is that my babyt tfone ida baby ones in along whit gown wbomi rocked juat aii do you hia hftlr waff aa aott as yellow silk and bis yea were like yioleta bine nisllttlohanda were lifts plnktlpped flowers soo yours aro ao atrong and brown- he has allppod away and la lost z fear do you know whero my babji gone did my voloo half break rh tho thoughts would come of the aweot and eaored days wboa motherhoods flrat jays wore mine j wm a ib ado of regret on my face jor oloaa roand my nook crept a sturdy arm and tho boy who la half past three said ibe baby bo went to boyjand and didnt you know t hea ma l r p the selfmade man great deal at fruth is contained in tbfi old refrain but not all the truth it is well to bo self reliant amd to have doufl- don co in ones ability to uacompltah tlio labors and duties of ufa but the best of uh ara to a great oitent dependant upon the help support and comforts of othera man iu epite of his oftboastini u a very ftlous from the oradle to tho grave there are times when evon hfaitself lita in hkods of our fmlowmen i can take care of rnysolf rays ouo tartinr out iu life blessed with god- given health upd a certain amount of ability and perseverance he pnsbos out into the stream of life with oonfidrnoe with ambitious stroke be turns his boat into the cur root and glides swif ty onward his olear iotsllect and phyaoj foroe enable him to pass otbera less favored tbe praise and admiration of the onlookers raaobea his ear and ha plumes himaelf on his great ability wbllo hfs heart surely hardens attsinet tbe woea and sorrows of hs brother he admires himself ub itlftnatle mao bo tbe yearsrflow on by the world he la called a saooeisfal man when hia attention 1 oalkd to the wreoka that he on the rocks that abound fn the river of life he bs no word or thought of pity for the unfortunate there no use in helping those fellows he aubwers set them afloat and put hern back into the current today and theyll be back on the rooks tomorrow look at me i i had no one to help me im a awl f- made man how mnah better it in to be a god made man to be able to bay with paul i cm do all things through christ he who relies onselmlirougri life surely finds- it a poor support in the hour of death oar eelfooandenoe may aerve us in fair weather but when tbe floods lift up their awful voices whan death rides ou tbe gale then raoney popularity respectability cannot eave ua oar only hope lies in him who hushed the storm and said to tbe angry waters peaoe be still if you want to eee a fine example of indignation tell a school teacher that teachers should be made to work as long as say other people why suffer when your agony and torture can be perman ently banished by paines celery compound neuralgia surely cured by the great medicine able physicians it- recommend little books cotton mather a aid that bidco ho had given away many little boob a god had given to hhn mauy grout books grunt books hftvo their valuo but littlo books aru far morn important far common am and while students may ncid the great book the poople need the littlo ones buoy men and women have no time for long htorioe 1 1 the boo ifsor the bible as written ittle hooka thousands of people who cannot road laro volumes would gladly read brief pointed traota and pamphlets fersous interested in boattorlng small books on groat subjects will do well to examine tho differ on t numbers of tho anti- infidel library published by ii h hastings 47 oornlull boston juoat of them are 6 or 10 kp5umetb j readable type but so packed with facts that they contain as much information us one would often find iu a book costing a dollar tho circulation of home of these pnblintttiniib has enornoun hourly sixty ion of a nluglo one of thomi hule tracts having been printed we do not often pee third milliou on tho titleof nny publication but hioho whaare ourioua can find it by bending five coiub to h l hastipgs boston mqbs for a copy of the pamphlet- wil thov6ldbook stand or by sending twenty five corita for an assorted package of hia antiinfidel traote what is man uvea not by bread alune its a mean free lunoh tliat does not ernbraoe tripe pickled and pins feet the man who cant trust his wife to spend a few dollars judidouely mast feel badly when he lhiukt what ubt will do wleu ehe getb hold of bih life inenraoce if there be aught sarpaaainit fauman ded or word or thought it la a molbera love cnstorla is for infouts and cltlldrcn cnstorla is a liarmloss siibstltuto for castor oil paregoric drops and soothlnjf syrups it contaliiti neither opium morphine nor otlter mnrcotlesubstaiice7 ittspreiisiviit its gtiurnnteo is thirty yearn juso by mullons of motliern castorla destroys worms and allays foverjsh- uc8i castorla cures dlnrrhooa and wind colic cnxtorlu relieves teething troubles cures coiistlpntloii and riutnlency cuhtorla assimllntcs tho food- ickii1uos tho stoniueh and bowels of iiuuiit s and chiniien lintr healthy and natural sleep castorla is the childrens pauncea tlio motliers friend castoria caltorla ia an excellent incdlclic for children motlicr hae repeatedly told mc r ita good cftect npon their children da c c osqood ioweil mau castorii cnstorla is m uill n i i kil t i children hint i rciqnuntm itnhbiiplrl i lo nnj pre scription known to uk 11 a auc1ipu m d jit ooklyn v v cramps and colic aro always promptly reliered by dr fowlera kltraot of wild strawberry tbe best ilarrboea remody in exiatenoo birds in their little neata agree because it would be poor policy lo fall oot tbe beat way to avoid biekneaa ia to keep jronraelf healthy by ukrag eooda saraapfcrills the great blood purifier those who make hay while tbe son abines are the most liable to gat son- btraok worma oannot exist either in ohildreo or adults when dr lows worm syrup is dsed 25o all dealers the grippe and sulphur men may come ttnrl men may on hut tbe gas mater goea on forever if there is a history of weak lungs in your family take scotts emujsion it nourishes and invigor ates it enables you to resist the disease even if your lungs are already affected and if besides the cough you have fever and emaciation there is still a strong probability of a cure the oil in the emulsion feeds the hypophosphites give power to the nerves and the glycerine soothes and heals 5oe anil si oo all drugglsta scott bownb clumbu toronto able pbyslalans after a satisfactory eiperienso with lairjoe celery oomponnd have come to the oonoleaion that it la a true apeoiflo for that meroiless tormentor neuralgia nenralkia indicates a low or depressed state of vitality and nothing ao rapidly wiakens or exhausts the system as pain that presents sleep and keeps the body and mind in agony and torture nonrajsia being a nerve dlseae i mnil oommioa in the face and frequently the entire baad offer nornnlatlng nain in my dally papers of december 32nd i find that there are supposed to be something like 100000 oases of grippe in new york oity and that it is also prevail ing largely in washington philadelphia and other oitfes and is now throating boston it ia a fact that when it prevailed as an epidemio largely in onr oity a few years ago i ascertained by inquiry of my offioeta at bryans matsh faotory that of the fortythree persons employed there not one bad been tronbled by it i have at variona times told the press now many atmempbia tennessee iriolad- ing the agents of tho howard benevolent association escaped the terribloepidemio of yellow fever there s they plained by wearing powdered sulphur in tbelr shoes also the evidence of a distingaiihed german medical writer translated into english that wearing anlphur in thia way has proved a complete protection against oholera and other epidemic diseaaes also that those working the anlphur mines of italy escape the malaria which prevai the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper the ckntallfl company tt mudmv itbkt in lj i rw york city an easy way out at a bohool inapeotion some of tbe boys found a difficulty in tbe oorreot plaoing of the letters ijiqd e in such words as believe receive etc when the inapector said blandly my boy a i will rive yod an infallible role one i invariably qbo myself the pupile were all attention and even the master pri cited dp bis ears the inspector continued it ia e imply thin write tbe i and v exactly alike and put the dot in tbe middle over them liverpool mercury repaired since a party of touriata went to visit a famous chateau on tbe loire on entering one of tbe rooms tbe guide remarked tin ladlei and gentlemen is the ball in wblob tbe doko of gnise was abaapainated pardon me interrupted one of the tourists when i came here three years go yon told me it waa in a room in tbe other wing thereupon the oioerooe replied with perfect eerenlty yes bat the ohatoau was then undergoing repairs paris figaro jffi skin like babys skin diseases from the merest pimples to the most obstinate eczema salt rheum running sores are quickly pleasantly and permanently cured by dr agnews ointment 35 cents attsoka of neuralgia ara very nnoertaln sometime they come and qoiokly pass away often the pain and agony will last forwaeka and months when there is a lowering of vitality whan aleepleasnsss anxiety malaria and debility sue at work and when there is exposure to wet and oold with rhenmstlo tsndenolu neuralgia la sure to prevail painea celery componnd being a nerve medicine and nerve food it reaches tbe root of the trouble iu a way that no other medioine can do the moat terrible and long atandlog cases hare often been com pletely oared by the use of a few bottles painea celery oomponnd has in thousands of uses saved lives altar the best medical exertions failed if yonr ufa is a continued misery from nenralglo tortures be wise end use at ones nstores trna nerve medi cine paioes celery componnd beware of subatltntes painea is the kind ibat cans all abont tbem also that aulphor taken internally or worn in the ahoea hae aatnclent power to pais through tbe body the clothing and tbe pocketbook blacken ing tbe silver there hsgyarda yellow oil onres all pain and takes out swelling and loflammallon quioker than anyotber remedy price 25 oents who does not entry a baby its soft velvety skin how many suffer from distressing skin diseases do yon buffer have you tetter salt rheam scald head ringworm eczema nlcers blotches on the skin chronia erysjpelas- liver spots and what panton until past middle life and dr agnews ointment has cured speedily and permanently it is a boon to mothers because it is a boon to babyland scald bead and its irritations which ore accom paniments to the teething period are quickly not else of these distasteful and aggravating graven off and restlessness passes away- disorders which disfigure and ll and whero torture reigned with discourage dr agnews vsflhhbkl baby this bairn brought rest ointment allays tho dis- hb and a cure it affords in- tressing itching bum- ttf slant from the ing stinging sensa- jsawmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmna itching distress tlons are awmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmws 3 sun f and parcel such jlhbi piles itching blind troubles and a hr bleeding or lawakekekekeaekbbhhaiaiasn reme where internal treat ltawmwmwmwmwmwmfblllll ha brought so quiclr ments have foiled to heal and eradicate them- it has worked wonderful and pertnan ent curcs and no skin dis ease no matter of how long standing has baffled its curative qualities specials for quick sales eaieway time tablb overcoatings fta i 00 ihick or dine hainvor for 8 o 50 ftij 50 ui git illtio or urown for 19 00 821 50 d j do lo do h 50 ftap 00 du dn do i do 17 00 suitings 82 1 00 scotch tweed suiting for ftao 50 922 50 do do do do 19 00 921 00 do do do do 18 00 92q 00 d do do d 7 0q a special ranyo of select 1 weeds at 9ig 00 j iilsl arc nil new goads we will make to your order perfect in every way at aboe prlcti ill nml inspect ihtn r e nelson merchant tailor and mens furnisher cash and one price guelpli maple leaf jraw wo sizes or any oweb john mcqueen agent for the above has changed his wnre rooms to building on w e smiths property john street where may be seen frost wood binders and itqwers both bai bearing mrr p1ateail ellef sprlngi- ind shake feed grind fine and fast with unit power always troaranteed a trial given hundreds in use oold shapely evmuir co limited rantford ont and a complete line of farm implement and all hinds of repairs n my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will allend to tbe wants of customers john mcqueen big reduction in undertaking owing to largely increased discounts for cash allowed us by the manufacturers oi undertaking supplies and being in 3 position to take advantage of this we have decided to reduce all goods in our undertaking department from ten to twentyfive per cent notwithstanding this large reduction the same careful personal which has been given in the past wlh be continued embalming in ordinary cases free wherespecial work is required cocr extra services and embalming requisites caskets and coffins delivered in town or country and all preparations completed for burial attention price to furniture relief spared painful surgipql operations as the way of the transgressor general rule is to plead not guilty thin blood is bound to follow the ravages of disease the outcome of stomaeh disorderthin blood shakes hands with the undertaker ward off that possibility dr von stans pineapple tablets make and keep tbe atomach healthy theyre natures antidote pleasant and positive 85 cents sold by a t brown the milk of homan kindness dispensed by some people tastes very strongly of the can for internal or external use ttsgyarde yellow oil oannot be excelled aa a pain relieving and soothing remedy for all pin- a little musio makes a man at disagree able as a little learning milburns sterling beadaobe powders are essy to talcs barmlesa in action and aura 4o oure any headache in from s to 90 xnfnntes every dog baa bis day and every otbsr dog thinks how much nicer it la than bia day yoq nau borrow anything from a man in politics hard to stoop backache and kidney trouble make a halifax ladysllfe mlcrrtllc nothing- like bbb for healing- sores and ulcers no matter how large or how chronic they may be b b b applied externally and taken internally according to direc tions will soon effect a cure it sends rich pure blood to the part so that healthy flesh soon takes the place of the decaying tissue i had been troubled with sore fingers and sore toes around the nails the salva x was using did not help me and i was getting worse i was advised to try burdock blood bitters and after using nearly two bojtl all healed up i consider bbb wonderful bl i bnoc castoria tat infants aad children every woman at aomo time iu her life was referred to aa a bud and it never aeerna ao lobg ago to her aa to othera quick care or sciatica mr a taylor 74 afton ave toronto writee i win greatly filiated with sotatioi but after daiug one box of aulbqroa rheumatic pill- i was ble to go to work in three daya and have not been troubled alnoe dr agnews ointment itha3 proved itself an absolute cure for piles in all forms and at all stages onp application will relieve the itching in cases of chronic eczema it has proved irritating sensations in an instant and its great worth and cases are on record long standing cases disappear after from where this dread affection has been the three to five nights treatment the pain and birthright of its patient and constant com- soreness quit you and the tumors vanish ahtfyllvinrfn a northern county town wrtr lhnt for sevf nlctn ycin slm w is troliblctl with suit rhenin tho took doctors trentnitniit and i scdm my lotions without any permanent re lit f re idlnr of inn enret mule by dr arucwi ointment iho decided to try it the nrt application allayed the irrltatlqn and he am untied usiik it tlia dlteaae rapidly dlt- sppenn d nrtl now or two years there has been no v the hib toroi t df another ladr living on pnclfiojvve in terribly afflicted with sold head nnd ecrelii tslio tried washes prescribed by hrr phyal clsuiund soips advertised for such mirfoset but the diitcau remained dr apicws ointment was her ko berftelfoftcoiibl soma piles which had been the ban of her life since baby a birth un of aru urn oflb dr agnews curb for tub heart cures palpttntion fluttering shortness of breath and all heart dlsordurs relief in jo minutes dr aonbws catarrhal powqerhascuredcases of catarrh of 30 years atandlntrfjlerci cold in tho head in xoinjnulcs dr aonows liver pills stop sick hcadidii pleasant littlo doacs 40 in a box so cents cura constipation biliousness and liver troumea sold by a t brown oonatanoy may be a jewel bat pawnbroker does not reoognise it the heartpains tho heart and kewes aw often affected and cause prostraton of tin entire jsum aklngston lady tcslfles to her ex perience in ih us cf milburns heart arid k enre pills boafls kidney puis cored her it would be well if every lady in canada understood that pain in the buck and backache were noi hlnsf more nor leas than aa cry of tho disordered kidncye for help hundreds of ladles have found doans kidney pills a blessing giving them relief from all their suffering and stckvieas among- those who prize them highly is mrs blcrihen stanley 8 comwallis st halifax ns she says that she was troubled with a weaknessand pain across tho smal of her back which was so intense at limes that she could hardly stoop henrinn of doans kidney pilla she got aa box and is thankful to say that they completely removed the pains front her back and gave tone and vigor to her entire system mr stanley also added that her husband had suffered from kidney derangument but one box of doans kjdnjy pills completely cured him ghqrst bloom ingdale ont toronto a vary pretty girl will frequently- spend several dollars lo look homely in a photo graph no buff in camp from dread catarrh dr atrnaws catarrhal powder kills the dis- sstoaarm and ouraa tha dis tressed parte relieves in tan mlnutsa all leblano of st jerome qoebso saya he nsad dr ajnexra catarrhal powder for an aeote case of oatarrh in tbe litad and it oared him he has isa men working under him in lbs lumber oampa and what it has dons for bim it bss dons for many otbem ht buyih for camp das and pine bl faith to it aa tha quickest reliever for oolda lu tha head and anrest enre for oalarrb bold by a t brown too many people are aa dishonest as ihslawaljow tfpfiaur hm coogbtsndoolds a dr wooasnorway pins bjrrap prlosatfs all dealer people who suhcrfrnm any disease or disorder of tho heirl nirvoue system mich as palnilationfakin deals smolhep iniror sinklnirsens moil sk cplessness weaknrsh pam in tin haul etc canw 5 t vrl rtineain win n imw nnl more to uitk up their clninn l inn thu bold nsser- tion- of their proprietors these diseases nro too serirmi to per mit of your expenmrnling willi untried meartandnrrve piimtyou know yoa have behind tlinn llio toitimony of thous ands of cnnndiins whtiliave been cured bv lliolr use ono of ihese is mrs a w irish 9 queen street kingston onl who wrileans follows i i have aulterd tor some years with a smothering senaallpn caused by heart disease the severity of the pains in my heart caused me much suftering i was also very narvoux and my whole yserri was run donu and debilitated mis u m heart and t pl l nlnc for these troubles i thought i would try them and j ko hox stmclcods drug- theyaffordcdmegteatrelier having- 2 u m nnd removed the dhstrcssine svrnplonis from which i suf fered i enn heartily retommend these wonderful pills to all sufferers from heart trouble to know how to grow old is the master work of wisdom and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living aimel there never was and never will be a universal panacea in oue remedy for all ills lo nhieh flesh is heir the very nature of many ontativen being suoh that were the germs of other and differently boated diseases rooted in the eyetem of the patient what would relieve one ill in torn would aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound nnadalteraiedatate a remedy for many and grievous ilia by its gradual jndloioua use the fraileatsystema sre led jdto oon- vslescsnoe and strength by thelnfluenoe wbloh qqinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves ths drooping spirits of thosewltli whom a ohronlo state of morbid despondent and lack of interest in life ia a disease and by tranaaillzing the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep impart vigor to the aotion of ths blood whloh being stimulated ooarsee throngbont tbe veins strengthening the healibyanintl fanotloos of- the system thereby making aotivlty a necessary result strengthening the frame snd riving life to ths digestive organs wbloh natnralfy dsmand inoreasod substance resale im- proved appetite northrop a lyman of the true grsndeur of humanity jb in moral elevation tnatained enlightened and decorated by the intellect of man 0 satnner we have added a number of neu parlor suits of latest designs which we are offering at the following prices which any home can afford no i parlor eulle 5 pieces solid oak 815 00 no 2 parlor suite 5 pieces walnut 825 00 no 3 parlor suite 5 pieces walnut 835 00 instalment plan on furniture if desired all gooda delivered free j a sfei elt4m tit t mi ullllsay 00 1 kg wkbt mall 10 02 a m exjiross 2 25 p m ext mull 7 15 v in joino kast isxprcbn g 85 n u kx rtibb 10 50 a m will c up in mlxod 10 03 pm tiifr ok clokintl maiiii aoliifl voit 9 joa in and 0 to p ro qolng east 10 25 a m and c f0 p m toll tl mo tablo wont into bftoct 011 mondny maylflth 18b8 3 speight brady manufacturers of dynamos electtuc motqrs water motors gasoline am oas enoines brass mon castinos to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont w barber bros paper makekb georgetown ont hake a speoultt of machine finished book papers high qrade weekly news tho paper nsod in this jonrnal is from the above mills wu baeber a bros everton and eden mills the place to go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed c for sale chopping overy day ai everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop we hitch the dollar to a bigger load than it ever drew before our entire btock op footwear at lowest prices to cash buyers pall winter stock complete best steo wirefemcing you want the best and the cheapest mcmullens fencings and nettings com eltfl ngsat sp other varieties cheap mcmullens are the bine these two qualities ko others do- hog fencings at special low prices all ths ontario wiri hncitq co beloeuostaaa only good nettings sold in canada they are unequalled for potrltry yards trellis lawn fences ask your hardware mer chant for mcmullens roods if you cannot buy of him write to the manufacturers at picton ont or to tub b cheesing wire co limited hamilton and montreal general agents james cooper montreal general agent for railway fencings while others burn tho midnichl oil in marking up prices pre- paring iorasaieourpriccsgoscoot- mg down the toboggan slide of genuine low and reasonable prices w williams boots and shoes acton bto money for aunts us riveter af ending harness belting fnilbihminlil it iniitirr tlrfr i tbrlfinrt stak xuvfctest xm irte ulilibonnitur rivet fxdat eulkrlllltbtrtlclw over itiitmlnctjit- a pint writ lor ifnlal rrlocfl uid territory eatbipbisriawltc co toromto ont toronto hsvo given to the publio their quinine wine at the usual rate and gnaged by the opinion of scientists this wins approaches nearest perfection of any mbsniarkeirxirarnaglsts sell ift lungs m there aro tinny people who catch cold cim nliose lungs seiin to noid special oare nnd strciiblheiiiiig such should take dr woolvs wok way fine strr ft no heals and invigorates the lungs and bronchial tubes as to render them capable of resisting colds i was troubled foryears with weak lungs says e j turllng lower woodstock n b and could not get any relief but on trying dr woods norway pino syrup it acted splendidly hcal- ingand strengthening my lungs price 5and 50c at all dealers cooper akins the tailor8 kw31sw8 tate are going to make suits up at a big reduc tion during this month in order to make room for our spring stock soifyou need a suit or overcoat now is your opportunity during this month call and inspect our stopk prices will be right and all work guaranteed first- class and up to date bring your custom logs and take the lumber home with you in shyrs lumber planing mills nassagaweya cooper akins main st acton p sayers proprietoi- has constantly on hand a fall line of lumber lath shingle cedar posts wood etc custom logs and bill staff cat to order on short notice planing and matching done to tbe best ol satisfaction prices very cheap and made to solt the enstomers pocket p sayers p kokic work for ruit nd woman day or evening so to sis weekly uo cninaaslnj pcrleuce- needed plain ina nictt wqrk mailed on application adi mbnokial company london eveulnjr iti a man never makes anymoney all ha- has hia wife saved lajaulver pills aire dllleasasss dye miulsend censtlpsllen evarjr pill per kt rfrfrmi sir ths mltincttbam vast differai map who hai pnads man who hat only mat money moloek in on hlm- made hi pools rush iu where angels wouldnt care to be oaaghl by the polioe boon left her 1 was taken with a swelling in my feet and limbs i was not able to walk for four months i read about hoods baraaperilla and procured abollle before i had takan it all tha swelling- left me i took three bottle of hoods snd have not been tronbled with awelllng alnoe bebeeoa boewra chatham ont hoods pills cure all liver ills easy lo take assy to operate reliable sore 35 cents all things come to him who waiu but ft doaent pay to bold yonr breath till it comes dr ho worm syrnp isthsnloeeland moil effectlvo remedy for expelling all kinds m worms no need of giving- any cethartlowhen it is used oprlos 18 oente 720 bottles 5 ttala la a rood many but ll la j i wyeths i 3mcaalt extraot i wont last long i mot iiihi i i tonic iroduces n coioua flow of milk and arengtliens the whole aalem i malcea the little ones nealuiyand atrong i ihvalinh 1 it is a refreshing- tonic bevcr i je trlvlnir alrcnglh and lone to ibe ayatem aid i slam lielplns to throw off the illona of i whatever niliure it may be i pvatbstric 1 it nrlducea a relish for i medacla as a dlsealive and fortifies and i streagtntas the system kulll dozen 3bo i j a brown chemist a druggist p the art of printlng is well understood at the free press printing office beautiful printing depends on the newness of the styles of type and the taste with which they are selected as well as upon the quality of ink and paper used the fbee press has all these necessaries h p moore publisher acton ontario u llnreeswsrj rr st waahlu

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