Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1899, p. 1

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i hsl volfme xxiy no ao actok ontario thursday jakttary 20 1890 prtot71 ttttfftti ptint ib fitbmbiied f every xhurbdav morning at tu free preflflsteararrlntldk office uill btbeet acton ont tanxbor sopboniption one dollar por year strictly n advance all subscriptions discon tinued wbon tbo timo for wbloh tbey have boon paitllbas expired the date to which ovory subscription jb paid la denoted on tbo address lbol adtkntiszmo bates transient advertise ments 10 oatitb por nonpareil lino for first in sertion a ceus por lino for etch subsequent asertlon 1 oomtoaot iutbb tho following table shows or rates for- tho insertion of advqrtisemenu for peoload periods flpaqg 1 yll 6 mo j 3 mo imp aolnobes 6000 3500 9000 700 lolnehos 3500 so 1300 300 sinohes 9000 laoo 700 250 linoh 00 sm aoo ioo advertisements without rfpeclua directions frill be inserted till forbid via aherged acoord- ugly transient advertlsomontamust be paid n advance advertisements will bo changed onoe each month if desired for changes of tenor than enee a month tbe oomnoaltlan must be paid for at regulai rates ohangoofor contract advortlsenient8 be n the office by noon on tuesdays abeounts payable monthly s p moore edltorand proprietor wtibimas dtkctonr balance of toys xmas boxes fancy boxes toilet cases dolls pocket books writing folios and other holiday sundries at 1 half price days bookstore guelph days sells cheap the traders bank of canada capital authorized capital paid up 000000 700000 jguelph branch we are now jenulng money ordure payablo at par at any branch of cbartorodbaultln canada excepting tho yahoo district- at tbo fallowing rates uudflraio boonta 10to20 looents sotosuo 19 coats 630 to 0 11 cents speight brady manufacturers of tohn il macdonald m dcm aucckbmor to j f urkn m d o m offlco and residence comer mil frederick btreetaaotod offlco hours fe to 1030 am 1 to 2 pm and 7 to 9 pm d r 1 j k forster hucckhson to dr a 8 elliott late resident phvslolan and burgeon to vic toria hospital for sick children toronto office mill stroot lately occupied by dr elliott d rdrvden eye eau thboat and nose mcliqna bloctc douglas bt near p o guelph office nouns 10 am to lpm and s to 6 pm somdat8 lo aim to 1 pm dental xj aiobaktowh ontabio jc0ghlan d dsl d s dbntist wolut oabbvuzalt i0 he faiobs kodhitatb ofpioe ovsa bbowns dnua btobb bociio evkbt sat took 0 to 6 jm belx dds ldsa 0- dentist bbookville honon gluddate of toronto vktvmbbttx work mado satisfactory price moderate vtfiitiita dais monday afternoon oamp- bellvllloituoadsy acton ofllco clerks hotel friday liookwood dboh cook j0ent18t cor collogo bl and spadlna ave toronto wulvliit aobonon theflnt and third satur day of each month orncs mr- adam cooks residence main street -bbar- 4 olean mclean barristers solicitors notaries conveyancer o prlvateiandetoloan office town hell aoton wit a molauii jo a moixw a 3 miokimnon bibblbtxb soxiottoil contktakdbr onlor ulll street in uattbewe block upstairs jbmcleod tv binibtbb solioitott 0owvktamcn blain buoet georsetqwn hoq07tbloanatlowestomtentratefl r j monabb oterk fourth division oonrt county of hal- on conteyeooer agent fire and 1mb asanranoe ileal eaute agent money to loan etc ornoe perrynian sblook acton r ont henry gb4bt ottawa oaxada bouoltor of patenta for inveoiuozi etc prepares appucstloni for tie canadian amer loaffsdloropeaii patent offlcee ana for the besltratloi ovtrade harks bond for pam- phlet thrtttwo t eiperknoe tgibanoib nonan t d00kb1ndeb wyndham st onolph ontario overwlmainistore aownnt books of auklnja made to brjer periodicals of every desorlptionoarefallybonnd rnllnff nei m l promptly done m aeriaoe lioenbes n p uoobb jennjtii or uabbiaoi liokmbes prlvatebfflon no witnesses reqolrod issued retldeooe in tbo evening i tree press oooe acton jijm hemblibeet lloiifatd auonoiib for the ooantles of wellington orders letlal the faa pansj off sfniyreildenoaln acton will he andedto peets rednood to c- aoo t9b pabm b also mohet to loan on the most favorable omltana a the lowest jaies of intereel in nmsofsopand pwarda ofaulngton mndwl f i c filtablillllmdlwd v tnsobamob on oath and matoal plan any aoton machine and bepair shops bbnut aaotasimvnnot ank well equipped wltliall ta maohlnerr nooeaiary toiairtlm all repairs to machln- rv mdslonorailmplemenls and to do all jkdiofsumolt5nhowlooelm4ndbnjral haolln wopdwenrk tepalr portonnad lolitabsfmtsrwiinisnar weew rejsalr any saohlm or lploment of any mase flaw omnjaa ndjlo done ii woodr mo all kind of wa la atvpromptly delltsred to mypartof the town at remotap piiotl i hwl j qcalepbooieodimaoioatlod dynamosx blkctbic motors water motorsy- oasolare axd gas enoiuxs brass ajrok castings to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont hake a bp10ialtt or machine finished book papers ahp hiail grade weekiv nkw8 tho paper need in thla joornal is from the above milla wm barber bros acton- livery bus line tho nudorsined reapeotfnlhf aoilolta the patron age oubepublloajdltiforzditbeixi that well equipped and stjllah rigs oan ai way a be secured athtsstabes a eomfortabje baa meets tralni between b a in and 810 pm oavrefal attention glvon to every order the wants of commercial travel lerafallymef john williams everton and eoeh mills the place to go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed ice r for sale ipplng every day at eveiion mills and tuesday- thursday and saturday cho every at edea mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with you isrysrs lumber planing mills nassaikavyeya p sateks proprietor has codstantly on hand full lino ol lumber- bath shingles cedar posts woodtc custom logs and bill stud cut to order op short notice planing and matching done to the best pt satisfaction prices very cheap and made lo suit the customers pocket p sayers we hitch the dollar bigger load than it ever drew before our cntirlt htock op footwear at lowest prices to cash buyers pall- winter stock complete while others burn the midnight oil in marking up prices pre- f taring iofbsaleourphcesgo flcoot- ng down the toboggan illdo of genuine low and reasonable prices wwilliams boots and 8hoes acton highest cubbbnt hate op intb11est rtald on sains doposltod of 61 and upwards tarett allowed ram datocrf aopoelt to date of withdrawal and paid or compoundod half yearly advances mado to reiponalble farmara on their own namoa at the lowest current ratoa ko charfio mado for collecting salon notes if payable in guelph a general banking tuainobb trausactod a fm jones manager ilofirg the chase of tub oxnqer- urea d man cafcpet sweepers our bissell cycp bearing best on earth our two dollar sweeper a genuine woman pleaser j m bond co cu6lph etresion cod liver oil once whon a baker jn fairy vl he was uiaklnft oakeg as bakers will ho mado athtpatby itself lnapatu a doar little quoor little gingerbread man byandby whon the cakes were brown heponodjho oyeii when nlinblydowo hopped the queer little man and bjinklnghis oyea called out to the bailor who stared in sur- prise bun run fast as you can i cant catoh me llttlo glngorbroad manl the baker rati bis wifo ran too and puis sttrtod up with drive moow meowl oidboverraqwitba hmlt iiqwwow 1 followed by firindle the staid old oow the horse brolo out of he barp wjth a nolgb for lie heard tire echo from far away i bun runfsitoa yon oan i cant eatoh me little fitngorbread nitn i man and woman horae and oow dog and eat wore after bltn how v but none could ran safes as he and over hii iboalder be oalled in bloe ban run fut as you can i cant catch mo little sldgorbread manl but a woll crept oat ot the woods at last and wolves lie knew could ran so fast yet he hurried on and bravely cried just as the wolf crept up by his tide bun run fut as yoa can i cant catch mo little slogerbroad man t the great grey wolf took a bite just one the glngorbread rota waa one- fourth gone a eeoond bite look him up to the waist just half was gone and twas only a taste still another bite took him up to the throat and now tbroo foartba was gone youll i note then ha swallowed tbe bead as away be ran and that was tbo last of tbo gingerbread man ella ju- white in the december ladica home journal ill drive over for you in the bogfiy right after dinner ill be ready and i wouldnt have aeked yoa john only only you under- derstand bow it is dont yoa hor faoe was red again why sarah where have youbcen voa iooiasobtwrirpbyptr a uo i t h wiped the tears from her oyea te ahe gazed at her daughters uco ive beeu attending to buainefb for as mother yoa will not leave the plaoe im fioiog over to 8juire hallu this even- idg john howard le oorolnk to take mqjd the buggy the sun was sinking 1pr in the west when jobn howard- and sarah returned from ihevqpireb vwill yoa borne in john and at ay about some iovxd rorthor youd tell him if you dont mind sarah flaidr john tied ibe horse and weal in he walked to tha bedside of jaokbon- smith and i down dnble jaobson he began ive come tu tell you what ive done ton know that ive often warned you that so mo day yon would lota the most valuable possesion you had itutho brlndle heifer interrupted jaoksoo soaitb hie eyes mapping angrily john howard you think beoauae i am on my deathbed that yon can do aayon pl brother smith the butcher select jamtln jlcaing d te pamj with hypophosphltes of limhj soda a iululut remedy foft pulmonary dlseasei coagbs and coldb and qoneral debility contains the tonic and nutritive properties of those popular remedies in tholr fullest form very pleasant to tbe tatto and is easily dlgoitod highly recommended by tbo modloat faculty dlbbotions dobe for adults a tablcenoonful tbroo times a day alter meals for children in like propor- 4oii tblabmulalon is an palatable as- cream it asolmulatea readily and will not nauseate tbe tho ffnltry atrfh j d mckee acton ont spfacial sle fancy coods class china celluloid ac prices away down fine finished crokinole board complete 05o boblty100 framed pictures 50o etc elc waters bros quelph loan co head office toronto qn1y aucnorind capital 0foooooooo tenyear maturity scares are paid in montbly instalmenls of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 46ooo paid in maturity value 010000 money to loan at s straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to rj mctfabb agent acton jaakson bmlthbad a hobby an unconqntt- able aversion toqld maida and yet aa in very mockery 0 bia pet antipathy his odly child surah bad developed into the bated objeot right in bis own household sarah was tall and angular like her father but bet faoe nt pleasing and ber disposition mild and amiable she bad never revdltedagainatranytbinrinher life not even agaost ibe lnjaitioeof spending ber youth lo making preservts appla butter or pieolbg quilts while other gfrli weretnaklng merry one day jaokionv sonflh reoelved a hart and when dr brown visa oalled in be told jaakaon bis day were numbered tben it was that hie haired for old maids proved itself ill never leave this plaee to a woman that cant get ahasbtrsd he said flerooly but favber sarahs never bad no obanoe weve always ktpt ber down re monstrated bis weeping wife he waved his hand to silence her woman no old mild shall inherit my plaoe ive sent by the doolpr for lawyer glarke aod bell dome tomorrow theres money enough in tbe bank for you but ill fix it so that at your death it will go with the farm jaokion ooaigan my nameiahe shal g i a tearfully lira smith imparted the faota lo 8arah man8tieet vsiv3r on ont john cameron pttptl ja whoanabooltolsave x vrxllo poblleor high school 1 should not overlook tbe greetadvant age or a nraetloal oootse of instmo- tlon tt the outjlph bn8iesswgollt3geh a d short had itistitute tnalaybepwnibersb write or eall if ntansted olwolersfree j bhakp mnolpal wswahohimi sitimuttattk architect and contractor manolaotarer of balb doors framos mooldldg in all styles to order 00 short notion wmi assorted stock on haos at nrue lotnlt ihttlmes john cameron proprietor wanted everywhere or xa ao mj u philippines by marat halftaadj oommlhlonsd by ibe government a crtrvb 8oileltors a tbe story of tbe amerleaa samps mv government j department tbe oaopa rat ban prea- aralmerrittlntbe long kohi in the is at honb olo in nong koni in tne m utnobm atatanua in te nsunijat vrltttiiolnaldo ess tbs deck of tbe stw1sweyn4 in tbe row of hatue for aunts nel newresl tain sntbj lis heoy mother would be tarn you oat of the old plaoe just tieoaase he hates met and sarah looked incredulous the elder woman nodded then sarah kissed the round sanbnroed fade and said mother i never have revolted against father bnt im roing 16 save the place for yoa i wouldnt niiud so muohrbat yon bbnll never leave your borne im roing out now to tblnk it over and putting on ber pink sunboanetsbe wantont the babk door when eoraedlitaooe from the house he sat down in the ibadk of a tree and while her heart beat loudly over her fathers contemplated injustice she resolved to outwit him theres joshldallid he might but i oaat bear josh he ebews tobacco arid bis month alwsye looka di rly she cast ber eyes overtbe labdsospe and on the next farm aho saw tbs figure of a man in the field yes theres john howard but and ber face grew pink i hate somehow to ask it of him tben tbe tear stained face of ber mother peised before her mental vision and giving jerk to her innbonpat she started down ihe path across the meadow john howard wse boeinft corn when be saw sarah approaching he stopped and leaned on his hoe a look of oonaern on bis faoe la the old man worse sarah ie asked yes dr drown says he cant live mote than kwb or three days and oh john its awf ale way he it 1 ifee bnt yottbave been a good saerifloing daaghter 8arah and yon oanl blares yoor- self for anything you oh you dont uoderelaod john i hes going to leave everything to to jsokson ooggan and motherh have to leave the plaoe she half tobbedv vyou oant mean it sarah i why wbyi tbat wonld be outrageoue what makes him talk of such a thing f because beqanae i am anold maid be hates all old maidi sod her face grew pinker than the innbonnet john howard shifted the hoe to the other arm and looked down john ive ioome to ask yoa oh john dont think me bfaunills lor mothers ska i oant tland io ate her turned oat and for iny fault ani if yoa will only help me and and come ap lo the house andl pre th w loha-niarslsd-jaat- untll after ibe will is made it wouldnt be to very wrong john not so bad as letting mother be pal out of her home she caaght her breath in short gaspe but when john was silent her plok fsoe suddenly paled ireokon its asking a heap loo maob of yoa jobn hat dont hold it agelnat me i oooldnt tee any otber way good bye john she was taming away dont go yst sarah i i think joar idea is good bat it rolghl not work jsok son smith is sharp hed see tight through it bnttf if yoa would bo willing we aould drive over to 8qalre halls ibis afternoon and got married i wbaldnt trouble yoa any sarah wa oould go on just the same and ill never want to marry any one else and if yon ebonld you oonld get a dlvoroe yon know oh youre sure it makes no djffersuce yoa dont mind john her tons wa eager mo i dont mind id help yon any way i oonld sarah its nigh noonn6w bat ill show you its just like you to ehoot a neixhbors heiftr just because she jamped into your wheat 1 dont expect anything better of youruia whole party is made up of thieves and cutthroats but 111 leave it in my will jackson ootgan shall law and law until7 ho sank bank exr haaoted from bis onlburat if you get that angry over tbat brlndle heifer uoole jaikann i dont know what yon will say when i tell you tbat i have not touohed the heifer but i have mrrled sarah married sarah i and jackson smiths eyes dilated married sarah 1 be said underhis breath john rive me yonr hand i knew sarah was a smith why there never was an old maid in the smith family but it did seem she meant to take after tbe walkers her mother wee a walker sarah marrlod 1 i oan go in peaoe john now that you have lifted the diegriace from the smith family call sarah i want to give her tho brindle netted when tho lawyer came ibe next day he wrote 1 will bequeathing all save a life interest to lira smith to bis beloved daaghter sarah who had gladdened the last hours of his life a few days later with all duel ceremony jaoksbn smith was laid away by the side of other smi tbs- john howard went home wtb his wife and her mother at the porob he hailed awkwardly teeing which sarah turned will yoa come in jonn7 she asked im afraid it would only pester you if i did i reckon i ought to go home but i bate tu leave you you women folks alone and yoall be kind of lonesome how you might stay wo oonld fix np fathers room real oomfortable if yon would just as soon said surah beginning to realize tho ankwardnosa of her position vld like to 8arah i could tend the crop jolt as woll but id feel as if iwaa living eg ynn women and- and vnn might got to hate ino if i hong aronnd you neednt be afraid of tbat john said ssrab tapping her foot nervously on theporoh floor it woold the eaaiest way out of onr ourrrdijemma bnt if yond rather not stay wo could explain to folks how it was that you just married me to save the farm but sarah if we told that it wonld be a ho 1 took advantage of your trouble to get yoa married to me but didnt euspeot me but now i fee mean and as if you will not reepeot mo when t kell yocttho troth sarah razed at him in wonder what could be mean she ihoursht bnt no sound came from ber lips andbe con- tinned f ive been trying for ten years to ask you to marry me but i never oonld do it and when you oame to me in your trouble i jumped at the chance sarah beoause i vyanled yoa ive always wanted yoa but now i feel i cant stay unless yoa can lake me for yoor hniband in earnest hie eyes did not lift to her faoe johnl her eyes were open wide in amazemenl and the face so lately tear stained becameradlant with unespeotedjoy yon love met she questioned in glad anbelief why i hare loved yoa all this time too he whispered olqolnnall commercial tribune attentio i wor if the working people of tuia oouolry want to know why they have bard times every few years we can tell tbem it is not overprodaotion or noderooptarnption as those phrsues are oomcnonly employed if tbey bad kept the l0000oo0oo ihey spend every year for strong drink in their pockets for the pest five years of hard times the recent lull in manufacturing aod business ability would flndt many of tbem able to bear it without being pinched for the necessaries of life it 1 be over- oonaumptlod p whiskey lhat makes the under consumption of food and clothing in this rland uf liberty and liquor the annuel bill for bread meal oolton and woollen goods ot this great american people toots op a total of over 11260000000 but its annoal bill for whiskey beer and taxes thereon is elaooooo in olbsr nv nxv jesbe wood o d the obaptero which might bo written by sll ministers serving towo and oily oburob- es giving illustratioos of their gallibility would make a boob from tbo many inci dents of tbe kind which occurred to me in oalifornial seleot onafor my chapter while i was pastor of tbo minna street ohuroh in ban frkuoinco oho sunday evening when i eniered the ohuroh five minutes bofore service a plain but pleasant looking mad met me at tbe door end extending his band said is this brother wood i would like to speak with you a fewminaleeiu the stody- mir name is brother smith be pro- oeedoatoaay epeaklbg rapidly when we had cone in and explained that be inubt be brief and i am a niomber of brother sims oburob in saoremento i kfep a butcher shoplbcre and ive been down to the ooast baying some beef cattle the oattle are aorosb the bay iu alameds in oharge of tbe herderb but i have jubi received a telegram tbat my wife le very ili andl matt coma homo immediately i have enough money to leave with the boys for their use but i need five dollare to yay my way on the boft if yoa would not mind lending mo thai maob i will return it to yoa next week with good interest the surprise penholder words it unneoeesarily drinks tlw000000 worth more than it neoeslarlly eats and wears and the people who commit ibis folly every year are amazed that once in a tbem want to bolst the oommanletlo red flar and destroy everybody elses property beoaatethsy have wasted their own share of tbe nationaianbstanoe in ryo jgioe and other riotous flaids philadelphia 1mm absent minded on theapptllntsdday the professor joined the aaronaut aud the two men entered the oar of the balloon tooompanied by the paraohutlo umbrella by meaus of wblob the professor proposed to sink softly and safely to tbe earth frond sin enormoue faerght ths balloon aliot upward swiftly when they were at an altitude a little jess than 80000 feet tbe professor suddenly remem bered what be was there for and at once climbed out of ihe oar and dropped off before the aeronaut oould stop him he had dropped 10000 feet and was still dropping when be remarked to himself with great disgust aoodgraolofls ive some away and for gotten roy umbrella i tbe last tbreo words were epoben with each emphasis as to make the impression on my mind that my geueroos saoremenlo brothor would return tbo kindness by a free advauoe of at leaat fifty per cent with my oburoh and palpi feelings on and without time for reflection or farther inquiry i did not hesitate a minute- bnt replied well brother i dont know whether i have as much ae live dollars on hand but i will help you all i oan my little purse was emptied into hie band end as the minors bay panned out four dollars and eightyfive cents he grasped my baud warmly and thanked me profusely saying that he would send it baok to me next week with good iulereit plaoing special emphasis on tbesslart three words aud caosinr golden visions of seven and a half as the result of my investment to dance through toy- bead wbon next week came and was about to pais wltbont my bearing anything whateverirdmbrbtberv smittia letter came to tne from brother burris our atatiooed preacber in oilroy inquiring abont a brother smith who kept a batoher shop in ban franoiaoo and was a member of my abnrofa and soon after oame a letter from brother sims of baoremento inquiring if there was a brother smith a member of my ohurob who kept a butobor shop in tbo city soother letters oame and the seriousness of the case began to turn into laughter when tbe dity ministerial uniou met as it did once a mouth i beard tbe presby terian ministers inquiring of one another abont a brother smith who kept a but obor shop tbo rasoal bed mastered the ministerial direotoryof the ooast and cleaned up the entire ground he was a member of oharohes of all denominations in san rancisob and baoremento and oalled the names of brother one and dr other with perfect ease always adhering to the winning story that he kept a batcher shop and woald return the money with- lnaewdtswllhireoirintetm dr fitzgerald wss then the state super intendent of pnblio instruction and received what eeemed to a metbodist preacher a fat salary with tbis he was liberal to a fault i specially inquired of him if be knew brother smith who kept a butoherahop and he rather relubtantly- ackuoivled tbatbe did but would never own up to tbe amount tie loaned him in expectancy of a teturn with good interest and i could narrate another instance during that same golden period in whloh my gullibiliiy and his gulllberallty cost bim a solid round twenty dollar gold pleoe wbfoh incident thrpnuh all these yoara has never been alluded to by either ofubv well from year to year i thought i was acquiring wisdom and learning by etper- ienoe bnt the oases differed so i oontinusd to be the dape of suoh oharaotora down to the laat year of my atay in oalifornia and what i regard as quits remarkable is this that of the dozens and i might say scores whom i have helped with from 25 cents to twenty dollars upon speolal promise to retard it to me not one ever kept tbe prbmie 1 have never received baok a cent from donations and loans of this cists oan it he eunutedaalreasnrelaid ap in heaven tbe queetlon la too bard for me in some instances i doubt not it is so hut in the ease of brother smith the butcher i am afraid i had rather too maob antici pation ot the good intend next week to olalm any orsdit on the long score of eter nity at any rate i have thla in retarb that toy fonr dollars and elghtyftve cents has yielded myself and others many a hearty laugh and if the publication of the incident shall provoke a smile it may not have been written in vaio laughable fbroetfuln ess as sheridan knowels the dramallat was walking down the strand one day with a friend he slopped to greet a gentleman who bowever reoelved him teryooldiy do yoa know bald he to koowlee that yon owe me an apology an apology i what for asked the dramatist somothlna a man ought to be able to keep on his desk there la a very olevir trick 1 en ld suppose that a rentleman la seated at his desk and is busily writing whon a neighbor oomebin and bo jokingly challenges the latter 10 forge his signatare ho hands the pon to his friend wliq attempts to wfite immediately there is an explosion and tho paper recoives a big iok blor the writer is spt 16 beburprised- by tho report which is like 11 pistol abet and if a timid personis apt to be frightened thenoise comeb from the pen ilrfblf us it is eo coubttrnoted that it oanbq luadod and bhbt off at will the person in theeooret can haudle the peu with eafety but the poor unfortunate wilt experlonco a rather unexpected shock to his nerves when he attecapts to write with it the upper part of tbo penholder into which an ordinary writing pon is thrust worke on a pivot about half way down its length- tbia separate part is provided with oniy half a bottom in order that it may engage the conioal bead of a piston rod wltioh ends in a plunger whiob sets off tbe cap secured in the bottom of the pon- holder tbe moral position ot tbs plunger iabgainsttbe cap of the holder but it oan be railed by means of a projecting pin rivitedtotherodandpsseingthroogh a slot ontin the side of the lower part of the holder now the oloiod half of the bottom of the pivoted end enters a notoh caused by the conioal head of tbe plunger aud the plunger with its spring is cocked as it wore by means of tbe projecting pin and is bold in place by the bottom of the pivoted section when the pen is preooed to the paperi tbe pivoted eaotion swings on tbe pivot releasing the plunger whiah is forced down on the explosive cap by the eprlng scientific american brains in kindness i have known some people men as well as women happily ingenious in tbo bmsll sorvioes of life and the bonso in wbloh they live has always a favorable aopeot toward the eun they have received their commieilbn from duty they aot in firm and settled course though tholr alms are in seoret they are uover in the dark for they ohedelyhi6f their pwirjriey give little preseutb whiob hve an exaggerated attraotion booanoo they are just what yon want tbey say tbe right word jost what every one wonld say- only ihey say it at the right time so that tho apple of gold rlearos in a basket of silver they have a promptness of manner which forestalls your comfort and helps yon without any burdensome reminder that the help is given watoh- ing genial and attractive people i have pfteu fallen into a deep despair about myself for all this seemi a natural gift like masic or poetry but i have some reason to think that it is not so natoral either but toilsomely acquired in the aooustomed plsoes vizi the oratory at tbo foot ot the orobb and the oavo under thobilton of duty old men old men have ibeir plaoe and power mosestsgtltyyeknldhenh children of israel out of egypt and n innnen nation in history franklin was elghtyono when be tat in the convention that framed onr national constitution and contributed to itltb most inportant compromise that of equal representation in the senate and proportional representation in the house gladstone stood ereot at oightyfour with the british empire on hit baph old men have given the world some of its biggest lift and most powerful pnsbos and we mutt glvo them a chance and not try to orowd them ont pretbiiirihn banner stop it now dont let it run on until your con dition causesyoutobe ostracis ed ae if you wero a leper before it is too late stop that aucceeeion ofoolda tbat means nothing more nor loia than oaurrb stop the suffering stop the disagreeable discharge that are so bumlllating to yoa and offensive to yonr friends dont let it ruuon until your oondltion oauses you to be oilraolzed as if you were a leper dont neglect yourself until oomumptlon makes its fatal appear- anoe yqu can be ourod not merely relieved bdt absolutely and porfectly oared dr agnows catarrhal powder will restore you tu ootnplete perfeot hoaltb it rives relief at once it cores in ap incredibly short time sold by a t browri for not keeping thai dinner engars mentyoa bad with me latt thuraday i bad a number of people to meet jou and yon never beanie or even aent an exp natloobf your absenoe ob lltj so sorry iv exolatfraed koowlee ive loch a memory that i forgot all about the affair forgive me and invite me to another dinner it at then arranged tbat he should dine with tbe gentleman on ibe following wednesday and in order to stoure aralnat the sngagsxnent beiog again fbrgoltenhe there and thop recorded it in his diary on rejoining his friend be told him the atoryof bis lapte ot memory who le the gentleman naked the friend- well im blessed i cried bherldan koowlee 1 bave forgotten bis name thats fonny said the friend bat you oea easily find tt una br referring to tho director j yoa koow hie address of coarse v hot evvn that 1 roared the un happy dramatist to be entirely relieved of the sohes and pains of rbeuoottlsm means a great deal and hpotjs sartaparlllla does it some people should take more pains to oonceal what they know messrs northrop and lyman go are the proprietors of dr thomas eolcctrio oltrwkiohle now being told iu immenbe quantities throughout thedominion it it welconied by the buffering invalid every where with emotions of dslight beoause it banishes pain and rivos instant relief this valuable speclflo for almost every ill that flesh is heir to l valued by the sufferer as more precious than gold it is thelxirpf life to many a waeted frame to the farmer it la lodlspensible and it should- be hi evsryjiodse brains are the lawers stock in trade and he sells them by the case btistbhed bvdoctors asonoiiytllbwa-v- lifoe sunablno loryou swootl i do not nek for ouo riato flloaui of llgbt bo that you mat not whoru tlio tompeat beat i almll onduro tho nlgbt all that tbo hoaveiiscau glvo of lovo aud grace aud fjlory bo your lot if that your namu iu eartba groat honor llvo lot my liftmo bo forgot lifo is a llttlo flpqoo and scaroo a lloivur tin oartbly path adorns vitirono r6ebsbat ovor kina your faoo 1 shall not blirink from tborus in dark tumultuous niehle when i havo lliigorod dosolato forloru i only askod foryob tbo atarry lights tho mnblcof tbo morn 1 i do not evou nray v for tbe lmaglntd slory of tbo skies if a qods amlloaball light your stops tbat way loave mo whore darknosa lies tbo path wbloh you must tread lto gentlor than u10 paths whiob i bav known you to tbo light all ewootly sontly lod i in tbo dark alouol frank l stanton withintsa tftra borner to save trouble to nuslnxes ubn kerpyour apooonis closed by nbies do not make any alteration io a note after delivery if an interlineation or erasure is made bofore delivery get same initialled by maker if notes are endorsed seo that thoy are protested at maturity if not paid if an account is to be guaranteed get the guarantee in writing otherwise it is of no value if any uooount is secured inukb no arrangement ot any kind without tbo- written coueont of tbo surety if dealing with a married woman throogb her husband aa agent make it clear to whom you are eellinr either to the wife or husband or both and lot the account in your boobs show it if you soil to a married woman make sure tbat she hab at that time separate property i o property of bor own dis tinct from hor huobandm without this ehe cannot contract and no judgment can bo obta1hedjtgbjtibtbo flela8taternent from her as to what her separate estate ooneiits of this would bo useful should necessity arise of proving existence of euch boparate property keep oopies of all important papere and file them away bo that they may best hand when needed if unable to meet nu obligation at maturity faoe it see tbe creditor nothing affects his mind more unfavorably than ignorance or uncertainty confine your purchase to ufl fow bouses as possible au rionost trader in trouble oan better arrange with ond or two tban with twenty it to alwayb the small creditor that blocks an rktoomont to not give one orodilor u proference ovor another a creditor seeking a preferouco io looking after bio own interotf not yotire neveritivo a ohottel mortgage if obliged to give a chattel mortgage or ut ofbusinessl better to ro out earlier thau later you will have to go out anyway it you give n ohattol mortgage have you will made ii you are a member of a firm let your exeoatora have full power and discretion as to dealing with surviving partners otherwise they may- ha vo no alternative than to liquidate whiah may be diaaetroub to all parties be sure you understand yonr ieaae before expending money on reotod premieeoor in fixlores a eidiculous and false claim f h d w h dr aniwa cure for that heart relieves in fifteen minutes mrs 0- ward of magog que was a araatsaffersrforvyeara from heart disease- physlnians blistered her and gave her other ireatibent withoot relief sbbv read in the papers of the wondorlul cures made by drv agnews onrefor the heart she procured a botile of it fifteen minutes after the first doss she had relief bofore taking tlifs remedy she hsd oontlant spells of suffocation and flattering end severe paint about the heart and was so weak ibat the aot of sweeping the ifloor oauted her to faint she continued using tne remedy until she bad taken six bottles and today she hi as well as ever she was bold by at brow mr harix after reading letter from son tat ooliere john saye bo is a quarter- back nits harix waal send him lb qaatieraii let him pay ap wo oapt afford to her him in debt for tbe sake ay a amallaumllksthel- jadge for internal or external ob ftagyarfs yellow osanbl be exotlled s pktn relieving and soothing remedy for all pain ae a rule modern newspaper advertiears endeavor to msko their etatemonto o1oar and truthful thny know tbat an intelllgont public especially tho woman portion quiokly condemn untruths and deception borne advertisers intending to soar high suddenly fall from the sublime to the ridiouloas in their statements such errors are promptly detected by the olaes of people the advertisers wonld influence imagine an advertiser of dyeb for home dyeing after giving a long hat of the virtues poesessed by his products remark- lug tbey bleanae- and dye at the same time this etatement made to teue of thbaaanda or intelligent women is so oontrary to troth and oommon sense that the advertiser is without ibis of time condemned as a simplotbn or deceiver diamond dyes the standardhome dyee of the world darenot make any suoh blslm in their valuable book on horns dyeing sent free to all who bond for it they speoialiy mention that that all goods thonld bebleansedbefora tbey are dyed a solon however arises in the land- and formulates a now doctrine by asserting that- dyes oloanse anddyeat the same lime boon wo will bear of somenew staroh manufacturer maklnga olalm that bis atarolt will cleanse and stiffen at the sonic tlruo 1 no wonder that many of pur wornea- bhow temper and suffsr disappointment when they make use of dyes that pretend to take out dirt and recolor at the one operation no waador tbkt deceived wornin complain of muddy and dismal oolors after using adulterated dycrtuffe let it be distinctly understood that the luventiye genius of wo has not yet devised a dye that will take ontgrease spots stains and dirt and at tbe same lime givei a deornt color the diamond dyes iho worldspbpular homo dyestgive the fullest and rlohelt ooiore on all materials when the goods are clean tbey are the only warrsnteddyes on the market and always do what it olalmsd tpr them do not allow the false claims of any manufacturer of porbmondyee lo load you into trouble and aoanalal loss about twothirds of a mans socalled friends would fail to aland the test we have ho bnsitalipn in saying tbat dr j t kellogg9 dysentery cordial is without doubt tbe beat medioine ever introduced for dysentery diarrhoea cholera and ail summer complaints seasloknoss eto tt promptly gives relief and never falls in effect a- poallive pure mothers oboald never be wllhoat a bottle wben their children are teething tbe world owes no man a living who it not willing to work for it

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