Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1899, p. 3

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vre bank ojf hamilton head office hamilton capital all pnrf up 1 26000000 reserve fund 77800000 total assets 1 110014400 noarlyteu millions of dollars board ojp directors john stuaiit prosutonl a 0 itahsay vlrtnirnmnt ubo itoapn job rnooton a t wood ab ebb toronto wm gwson mp jtubmdulioabbior hsbtevenaeatcaew u m watson inspector george acency a general banking business transacted notee of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection lotsalenotes and commercial paper generally drafts- issued payable at all principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold bavlngb department deposits of x and- upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added t principal every- year whether passbook fc is brought in or not special deposit hecelptsissued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown mi jctioh jtw rasa thubsday jaudahy jo 1809 little lo b whloh caught thebyet or bars of tr teameeting at ohuroblll this evening you aro invited the grippe still bolds sway and many f of opr oltisenb are nnder its ban ihe public school board advertises evtbr thonsual quantity of wood for next onooi tboqnqil meelinr of the canadian fcpreiajusooietlon will be held in toronto fnext thursday and friday bav 8 k day fool of port hope is hespepted topreabh in the isaptiat ohnrch next sunday afternoon at three eolook hoar rev t albert moores feature gumption qrlt and glory in the methodist ohnroh next monday evening i the oonnty bnnay bebop ood- s efllon will be held next thursday and ftjrlday nd and srd of february in jmliioq aoton hookey tears goea to georgetown ionighl to play milton saturday evening fcthey will play at berlin with the juniors of tbattown the attention of those doalrjng to 6 money is caviled to teadvertiament ebt o jaokson gnelpb in another g column twenty ve or thirty hookay fsnthyiieste wept to flpolph laat friday festjning to witness the big waterloo litweptoinatob v- 3alv lornof biuerthe igannael meeting of hiltons regiment will sbo held al the wallace house milton on taesdey slit inst at a p m one day ltit week whtle harrying to ffeteh aatreetoar mrv robert oraine of toronto formerly of aoton had the niaforlono to fail and break bia arm vsnndy gohoql anniversary sermons jiibapraaeiied neat sunday in the jljethodlat ohnroh by the bey t- albert the ne at home mostly of a looal charaotar and every item intoreatlna a bualneaa change mr ijoula gurofeky baa decided lo hive op bnainobsln bia present stand and the leaae and rood will of the atore has been traubferred to mr e b collins who villi open on the let of february agrooery and provision etoro and will engage in oaring pork until hie end of the month mr gnrofeky mill operate a olearltifi bale of all blb goods at very low prices a foaaiblo new pastor at the close of the service in the diioiple ohnrch last thnraday eyenjag iter edwin 1 crawford of ohio was imroduoed to the congregation he is a candidate for the paatorate of the ohlirohea in aoton and georgetown mrs crawford is with him and during the evangelistic services being condnoted by revs beytoneand crawford has song several aoloa with feeling effect and impreaaiveneaa electric mtihtawhen you sectbem elcotria light matters are programing with dibpatoh and tho system is being perfected in all ita ramlfloationa by the time the fueb fnaab reaches its readers all the apparatus will likely have arrived and been placed in position when you see the oteotrio lights lllnmioathig theft eurroundinge youll know the current ia tarntdon was manager hards last btatement as to when the plant would start- knox ciuroli annual weeriutf the annnal meeting of knox obnroh waa held laat night a social tea given by the eldera and managera preoedod the buainess after devotional exeroiaes by the minister mr george hynds took the abalr and dr 8 a mokeagaa aoted at seoretary all the aportsj were moat noohrklug and ladletod oon tinned a qoodyman is qonb in the prime of life vv p brown la called to his reward aoton monrm today the death of one of bar moat worthy sons iu the person of air w p brown who about ten yoars ago removed to toronto about a week before cbriitmoa mr brown was taken ill with pneumonia wliiou later developed into spiasl rjaeningitls during the weary weeks w f h gradually gi w toora pj hlon tabernaole hamilton qrit and qory ia ihe ptoaperity tbe merpoersblp of obnroh is how 320 the total payments for all purposes amounted for the year to 8957 a committee was appointed to oonaider tbe question of lighting th ohnroh with lnoandaseeat light walker 2idjfo viajod by the ddgtty an impcrtantmeeting of walker lodge af 4 am waa held on monday evening ii being the oooaalpn of the viil t of b w broi a t freed of hamilton diatrlol depnty grand mailer a aelon of tbe lodge wiuli aral held at whloh mr freed gave a very helpfdl and enoonraging addreae after adjonrnment the brethren gathered at clarks hotel where an oyater snpper waa partaken of after the siipper an hoar wiui devoted to opeeohes and a pleasant time wasspent fr bro john lawnon wmi presided the brethren are loud in their praise of b vf bro freed and apeak very highly of bis addreaa halloa sunday school hmrjrera the annuaj convention of helton county sunday school aaaboiatiqn will be held at milton uelt thursday and friday jod and 8rd febraary preaidonl cleaver will lake tho ohalr at jp80 thursday morning the programnooia an interesting ad praolical one and in addition to paperi and dia ousaions by local workari mr alfred day general secretary of the provincial sunday school aatoolatton bev dr tovell and j jmaolaren qc lld toronto and rev noil mopheraon jbd and gk b adams of hamilton will take important places at the evening sesiiona tbemiltoq friends extend a cordial woloome to all sqqcaysqbnql workers to be present a strong companjr r tba directors of the wellington motoal fire insurance gompaoy met last week ihgasipn for the purpose of ajiotttpgatook to aobaoribera the amount of i2s000 which the directors decided on raiaing has been more than folly subscribed this will plaoo mil old rename oonapany in toe front rsnk of the fire insurance companies iii i cuntitry it has uu uwu htabllab- ed nearly alxty years a call of ten per cent on tbe stock will helssoed payable in thirty day a after whloh the ahareholdera will be called together for organisation ander tbe pew bylaws of tbe ooropny abool fsoso of the stook is qhacrlbed in 4qtbn- electric llabt social commitiee no a ot the xadles aid society held tbe second of ibs aefies of aooiables in the aohool room of the metbo- diat oborob on monday evening- t wa very enjoyable and a grallfyiog aqpoeaa aa the gnem entered tbeysas a dosen five oolook tables ranged dowpne aide and end of the room daintily spread with white darjutsk and japanese nappery and china and bearing tempting refreshments after the refreshrmnts bad been disoosaed a varied programme of mtiiloal and literary seleotlona waa presented by mlssae nlbklin nelson moow and noble mrs moxiaoblan mr qiil aqd mr jjansthebncday bohool orohestra and a aeries of gramapbone seise ilonoperatd by mr alen a seoord bar mr moliohlan was master of oere- monles tb piu d t th bhqrch eleotrlo light jnataljatloh fqnd 4aoiserosaa6aooiba jpreorment twsntyhi yealra ago jphndooglas vreaa popll of aoton tpbllo bobool with thejatebobettllttleatblsteaohsr to day ha is cbalrman of the board of bdnoa- tloh of ibe oily of toronto when thirtsan yearaofage hs oamo tocanada andfota time worked on isjrnr irs wellington oopnty and attended aohool in acton daring ihewlntejrmcnthiubttqnenllyforfonr yjiirs be laaght7ibbbol m t halton he then attended the oolleglais nstitata at sir catherines tnttrloblatlpg in 18t a tdronto tlawertlty in 1881 b gradnatad when he began the slndy of law and in 1881 was called to the bar brnoe then bs has been saooesaf nlly praotlolltg h toronto irtst mondsy svenldg sir dooglaa was eleoted ohalrman of tqiotito booiboavrdrofwitlehvh7js rflsfflber obnllpqoqsly since la tbt faaa paasa editor hearilly oongratolatas bia former sohpblfellow upon bia attain raent to ibis position of dlatlnollon and reeponsiblllav and notwithstanding tho oonatant minia trationa of a loving wife and affoolionate brother and other friends in addition to the most skillful treatment of bid pnyai oians bis sufferings were of the moat intense obaraoter early in the ooaran of the disease bia brain was aheotedand for nearly three weeks prior to bia death bo did not reeoghlza bia family and friends william p brown was the aon of the late alexander brown esq one of tbe pioneeia of acton who settled ou the farm juet east- of tho towri now owned by mr nf lindsay his parents were of sturdy tj b- eoyalut stock and were among the most highly esteemed aud uaeful ro4i deote of thisoommuuity their in all matters pertaluing to the welfare of this aeotiou in religions educational aud muniolpal mattera were oobduoive to tbe laying of foundations iu the pioueor days atrong and auccessfnl from a highly moral standpoint booh environments- material- ly aided tbe deceased and tbe members of tbe family generally in the formation of characters of integrity and the most ster ling qualities he waa a most zealous ohriatian man for over forty yearamr brown was closely atbooiated with aoton and vioitaiik he waa a man whoinade himself generally nsefnl and went about doing good iq the oharoh of bia ohoioe bia beat energiea were exerted and he was entrastedwitb its most promioent posi- uo happen to iaymoq herlrom-time-to- timo oooopled the poaltiona of class leader cfapsrintendenl of the- sunday bobool steward treasurer of the trustee board- etovlancl all- work undertaken was per- formed with intelligent energy and zealoub- neas he was also a member of thepablla sohool board oooapyiog the position of chairman for tome time atuir up hia position in conneo- llon with the banking boainesa of btorey clitlalleilfco inl88l ho look an impor tant situation with tbe t eaton co toronto in oonneottoh with the mall order department whloh posillon be continued to fill to tho aallsf act ion of tbe firm np to the time of hit laat illness in toronto aain aoton mr brown was most active in ohnrch and sunday school and trinity liethodlet ohuroh will eodly mile hla valuable aervloei hla home life waa hallowed and pathetic to few famillea indeed does snoh an amount of illness and suffering oome for rarely during the past fifteen or twenty yeaira were all themembers of the home in tho possession of good bealtb but these trials only sufficed to bind more olosely the loviiik ties between husband and wife parents and obildren a few years ago a rovely daughter jeeale after a iong period ot weakness and ill health gradually faded away and her younft life was transplanted to the glorious gardens of eternity the eldest daughter mabol has for years been an invalid hut the tender- love and tboughtfnl ministrations of her father and mother and other friends have aided her to bring muoh aanahine to- the home even in periods of intense snnterlng to tbe departed home was sweet borne indeed the funeral in toronto on saturday morning waa attended by a largo oonconreo ot tbe ohnroh and business ssscciates upon the arrival of ibe remains by the 380 train tbsy wers oonvoyed to- the m 6hurobwheraaim visitors to and from aoton anct various ottier personal notes tiio fasa pasaa in vtt all iu voider to opn iribuvo to tliii column if you or your jriondi wo goior awy oa a holldij trip or if you ut frlondivlmlttngyou drop osxd to tho toss pohm mriihomn eiaton visited friends in gnelpb during tba week ssrvioc was held boy j a moloh- uh m ft thn pfibinr flniinnpi in guolph daring tbe week mr robert oreoob ot wood b took mads aoton friends a brief viiu last week mr b lauird of uauiuou 1 vuiting his eintor mm rbv h a maopberson miuu lidua tbnrstod of woodstock visited aotcn friends daring lbs week miaa gilobriet of hatnuton is visiting at mre janet mttophertons bowsr ave mrs m speight of marklatn srrived here last week to mako a visit at ibe bomet of berson mrs j v 8anderson of si oitbariids came homo use friday fo be with ber father during bis illnees mr neil ulonabb relumed ou monday from oreemore wheio be- bad spent a month in visiting frlenda mr and- mm bert ueiie of newnjarket bpont a few day wifh ibo foraxerti sfaiwr mrs jno brown willpv st i mr h p moore left on taeiday evening for thames ford to take part in the oxford county saoday bobool oonvedtion itev h a madpheriod preaohed anni versary sermons at erio latti ban day bev alox fovylie oooupying tbe pulpit in knox obaroh mrs wm melvin who has been visiting at harris the past two mouths returned home laat week her sister miss fair- brptber is now visiting at tho hoine -rbvr-b-jr-elhott-of-borlidgtbdrbas- acoepted an invitation to tba pastorate of tbe motnodiit ohurob norwich al tbe oloae of tbo present oonferenoe year mr d henderson m p wont to naasagaweya on tuesday to attend the funeral of mrs andrew elliott the families were near neighbors in the earlier dayb mrs john bewa of milton came up las thursday to spend a few days at the old borne and with former friends in town mr bewa was also up for 8anday and monday the family of mr and mrs silas 12yre of tuokeremltb who have nameroas frlonds la aoton and vicinity mourn the death last week of a bright little lad of six years w m russell of freeman hal ton countys undent at tbe agrioaltaral college gnelpb distingalihed himself at the reoent examinations there by ooming bat seoood among ibe first year men champion perfectly cured wek and low spirited nervous prostration appetite poor and could not rest i tako great pleasure in recommending hboda aarsaparllla to others it has been the means of restoring my wife to good health she was stricken dawn with an attack u u pru bh lu f end vvlth beadtohee and ber nerves were under severe strsiq bbe became very low spirited and so weak she could only do a little work without resting her appetite was poor and being so weak she could not get the proper restat nlglt bhe deoldod to try hoods barssparllla as we had heard it highly praised andnfcam glad to state that hoods sarsartatuiafcaa perfectly cored all heriftitents g bbxakt 321 haohah flti west hamll- bemember jrrfuimu v is teetvpfat the one true blood puri- fll altdrng hoods ffthrlsi dlllo aretastolessmlldellee v lhis uve all drughsts ke chas l nelles tphe wallpaper man otblb announces that 1899 will be a banner year in new pnpera and window shades our new btore on upper wynd- ham street will have the finest wall paper show boom that can be found j d moeb the drug gist acton viii again be bur agent and show all the samples at guclph prices it pays to buy at boiler ts it pays to buy at bollerts the announcement that every article in the store would be reduced in price brought out a throng of customers each day of tho past week it was so very successful that we have dedldcd to continue the fame basis of selling all during the week kvery article with the exception of spool cotton at cut price not merely a special line here and there throughout the stock it means everything in the house and in a stock such as ours his means a great deal no wonder the crowd of buyers daily throngs this sore hero are a few samples talten at random the on all kinds of furs we have knocked to smithereens jierssam 1 mena s 8 seal cap was 12 now 8 775 they also relieve distress from dyipepala indlgallon and too hcartveatirf a per feet remedy for dirtiness nausea drowat nias bad taste in the moritai coated toiigus kiln jntbe su6mitl vnelu thej rcguiate the bowe iutlv vegetable small pll small dose small prltv substitution tho fraud of the day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills 2 t 15 850 i tl 18 1250 1 u tt 15 1050 1 driver 14 800 4 ottor caps 11 700 8 tt 9 650 2 beaver i 10 650 2 persian lamb 9 600 2 u s ii 650 450 0 u ti u it 5 825 5 australian sable u 225 175 5 qbivey cap it 150 115 6 boys grey xanib 275 225 alao mens coon coats and all kinds or ladies furs at manuiacturors cost 66 inch balf bleached all linen tabling extra quality reduced fpom 7oct0 49o q inch half bleached damask pure linenreduced from 55c to 39o 30 dozen 30 inch square glass cloths- with border regular 15c for loo 50 manufacturers samples slightly imperfecrtablo cloths exactly 7 vlialf price 48 inch scotch wove press tweeds reduced from 125 to 606 44 inch sllwool soliel dress goods black reduced from 70c to 496 40 inch plain heavy dress materials reduced tromt 35c to 12lo 60c x boxladies 4 dome kid gloves regular i for 1 tabla ladjs wool underwear price from 75c to 125 your choice for 49o too all yool tweeds for so r 25 fine suitings for 79o 81 00 fancy kirts for 76o 56c fancy tlejgents for 2f3a 20 ladles kersey jackes reduced fromsgico to 300 29 ladies fine kersey jackets very stylish silk lined reduced from 91450 to 1085 18 misses ulsters reduced from 800 to 675 and so all through the bouse the reductions are general and startling what we say we do e mjlert fe go 25 and 27 wyndliam street guelph demacdonald bro nbiitf nd s off and split itsh fish fish just received no i lake huron herring heads off and split kb 1 lak ii rjrpbes seeds grow aed sre uvrays ttie best that grow as praveil by uiotisnnds of irinls ot our rtihioui fordhook farms the lartit trial erouudi in america rpi3e arm annual jmdled frejb toail a huidsotne niew book of 176 psces tells the plain truth about seeds including rare novelties which cannot lie imd claewhere beautiful cotorcd plntenadti hiindredaof lllus- tntloni from nature- gives- prndkftl informa tion of real value to all who would raise the choicest vegetables nml mofvt bfnutluil flowers writs si postal card today 1 wati burplsccopliiudciplila jystmraved o o lake huron herrijig mount forest oatmeal rolled and fine christies biscuits ois al imonday i f lo of fancy go ribbons lce braids gtoplo tba leclars to bcltllvcrcd in tbe mathodltt obaroh csal monday cronlog ibaar auaploss of the epworth xeaaua j ltosiito oosumlsslonsrs ot the tyiof yl v w fiahar jarlinbton alsx valdia aotoo an4 pooa fraftlgac wn rapo wtho alkinhoad produoe co of jjtorpoto ars opening apot in lbs store bt wlulans boot aod sbo store for tba porebaae ol pork batter apples and all mtiifinslfsprootioa wtir-e- b oollidrhaa deoldod to i ti aotjp and wll opsa a rll liiirtkrooty ad proriisoq atore in the bprismlsas now ocoqplta by loois gorofaliy lios theiiasof februarr sffimabjpf oar lclbn boys have won for gbrafses bodorable posltloos slooe thsy b jitov t albert moore lepnaforriitr editor of therasa ibeou rsjio bearblmin iphtirai net flonday- and balraaoie htmjltod will presoh iu the iltpdiat ohortih uwtsonday mbrrildg yfimif natijyi anojla mtnjffrlendsn4 alnjafloeairlll vstaa to hao tbls jheailnghlii oaii esip of hal ton uotffraaiilailoiii- signed by dr jjfoj gbkiaitilaiis ii milton lat fsaiawuyirwv wlfcbarptflrpibirs bare- jas tbtlcrnearifratna double tan jn eha bouse uoommodloaskoon- tt bdduwtll nsjhted xw jtjtt andtneatry nuhsd bolb honaaa apglgea lox wmetime llasslra lomtmbeaxdoaors jpir sod rtmauagt for robert noble iffletq i- j tjinfmniioe any thing in marbl npjimnta work pr paiqets sertloe end was assisted by bevs wra bryera and q a maopberson bsv dr tovell pastor of deaeaaed in toronto paid a very hlgb tribute in bis impresslvo and fooling euloglam dr tovell was his pastor here twontysevon yoars ago tbe remains were interred in fairvlew cotne- tery messrs james moorr james mat thews d d obrlstie john btephensbn a- t mann sud h p moore all old aaaoclates of fbe decoased sating as the psll bearers qo sunday evening an impressive memorial aervloo was held at the-methd- diet obnroh bev mr molaoblan preaabed a blihly appropriate diiooone from geo 6 34 and enoob walked with qod and be was not for god look him fljya maiio by ibe choir was very appropri ate lot the oboasiou and the solo some swwtday by urei j w bews mutoo waabinoh apprtolated mrevbrown has left to her her dacghtor mabel and two manly sons allle and willie tho former engaged- in bis coarse as druggist and the latter at sobool to tt brvil wlilnw nd family this dom r lately eagiged in thbbntchrniets herevlstnefirst of february sen in tho store now oqcttpjeq by loplt nrofsky a firstlass stock ol idiroeeries provisionisi etc the beat goods the market possesses- will be offered at prices sure to attract custo mers a specmal feature of the business vdll be tho handling and coring of pork i like acton so wellthatl have returned and hope now to make dt my pertnanent home and tiroat thai a fair aharo of business patronage will come my way u e hi colllno opposite agnews hotel no i labrador herring quintal god fish boneless codfish grieen codfish finnan haddie ciscoes and oysters dont forget our qftbat sixtkbr amd toilet bet 8au1 bargains for everyone pohipons silks wools and qther fancy goods g f ioqee co spdiat fbi mqnity extendi the moat heartfelt eyropa- y- among the frlende from a dlatanoe who attended the f antral were mrs j p brown niagara flla mr and mrs a e wallace si thomasj hr and mrs j m pernleywt ao mrs bobl qrant mr timothy eaton mr andrew callan der and his son arthur and mr phill ips toronto hni unanid p t rlonoe to awrsre the disooont vrlth pamlltoo ol soelpb who baa the t7haltono elsot ex-mayor- dlio of milton as their pre fo 1 809 the annual meeting oftne liboral-oon- ierratlve association of the county was held at milton last taeaday after appropriate speeches by d hen derson m p and ool kerns the follow ing officers were elected i tfasuehtflamuslplcer- vies presidentjohn irvine sebntairyfrodb blllott reasurerb w poyov biecauvooko bynea acton j 0 smith baruagton major appelbev bsquealng dr webstsr norral- john atbompaoc oeorge- saifiaiv prlee piarantesd right ftwai9otortetiis ry r oira aruh lady onredofber a and ooismm- in the head by dji fflsona artlfioal eaf drnrta w jfabu jiiltiso that deal jjpoplp 6iq jmppreitlie flat drqms may fr apply rj3patmnt k ilsjkjtliatsrwgobtrioannsrs balcismaan lo the sea than ever ttjhajblde never weds the -tlaaibsfwiwpomliig- milton tbofaooxal of the wife of mr andrew -ehiolibt-ofmafaweyaras-beld-hi- taeklay mrselllotl was a tlur of william laidlaw qo j r haltod snpday bobool oohyentlon will beheld hsre next tbnrsdaw and frldav a good proftramme has bean arranged and- par bltlisna wll heartily walooms the flanday fiohool woraeniof the ooanty it a fife years tines the last foonrsntlon wsj held hers- exmajor dice is lbs near presldsnt ef the conservative assobtijtloo and beave stewart of eaqbesingi now cocoples that posltiou in thiborhi aaprfalioni viatvmbrwip1iailmiwaljr pftbe wallaoboaf is nowlaii ijeltcramtpa v aa6ren of tba boyal templars town w j irmlrorig hilton jf blabim- son iowvllle w a inlni taaslsyrjrp allison houat j w i elliots kelso dr vtqa- hast qakyille w patterson unton and w h ailviillllrty pyltlii lngqia iso bttbm oratrcffleipinvmbsrs j- anaitorsoabetmtaweland john irvtnsi- the hew pretldent made bis inapgoral address and prooeeded with the business whloh was dos to come before the meetiog tbe standard lbi pewly esubliehed ooiseryatlve jonrnal was endorsed by ibe oonveotlon and deplared the organ of the party a utile aln has aa rrinoh death in it as a blgone only those who have hidexpirienoe can tell the torture corns osnse pain with yonr boots on pain with them off pain night and day bot relief is sore to those who ose holloways corn oors its a pity women bani strike onl from the shoclder with her fiat aa well as with her tongae ulu cornea from dr d b carglle of washita i t be writes four bottles of eleolrlo bitters has cored mrs brewer of scrofcla whloh had eanaed fasr great soflerinr for years terrible sores would break out pit her head and fates and tbe beat doctors oohld girt no help j but her core is ooinplete and bar health la exoelleot this shows what thousands have proved that electric blllers is the bl blood parifleskoowni the supreme remedy for eoxsma tetter tall rheum olorrs bolls and ronhlog eorea it stlmblalmllyer kidneys and bowels expels poisons helps dlgmtlorj bollds up the atrtogth only 9nta oiaby all druggists every bottle guaranteed this is the glad season of tbe year when the plnmber sate square with the ioe man pi80over by a woman another great dlaoovery has been made and that too by a lady in able oountry pieease fastened its clatchet oppn bar and fu s t sh w l gbt noted tea store and china palaoe jamccrea oveftcoatinqs suitings 12400 scotch tweed suiting for i20 50 ill 50 do do do do 1900 921 00 do da do dp 1800 i20 00 do do do do 17 00 p rj a- matthewb ia belling atnole barneaa at a great rednotlon for tlttisitmroiaiv y people who hope are people who help ajffwt irirwtowiils yc 1 rfho-hmaqppgh- mpney to llreflnwawpni and test ed so if you need a suit or overgoat novy is your opportunity during this jnohth call aifid inspect our stocki prices will be right thewostifiicultcasjffe rnfrfc class ahd up to date we have a graduate optician who is tivor- oughlycbrripetent to fit savage co jewellers owsltbbr- imwhcj sldoan severesls tests bdthertiali v undermined and death seemed fim1pep trn three txtonths the ooolhed ipass and oonld not aleep fibs flmlldljibom- edaway torsojvery by pnrohasing bfps abottleof dr klng hsw dleopvsryfor ooosnmptlon and was so maeta rellerti 00 taking first dose that she tier sjf- night and with two bottles bu been absiluuly onred hername is mrs itilher luts thus writes w 0 hamniok esoo of bbelbyn o bold by all brpiigltts at 60 oents and 1100 every bottle guarantee a man seldom drops tbe ooio of ralrnaes into the mot ol aelfeetsem fw lb porpoas of mwlhwaiipriiv hafoolb alldiiorsotoowabit 7ttt oarkprfartbalbpgl ytorjaiiwi the ins and outs ii 00 black or blue beaver for 20 50 aa 50 black blue or brown for 19 00 i2i50 do do do do 18 5o tao 00 do do do do 1700 a bpmlaitange of sdect tweeds at 1600 these are all new goods we will make to your order perfect in every way at above prices caff and inspect them are going to make suits up at a l redtjc- tion during this month in order to make room for our spring stock o tf a cooper e akin8 main st 1 aoton 1 1 41lihatau9 i furn8lor cash and one price vv uelph specittl js making it hot for winter goods they have to get on tho outside lowpriccs is doing the work tr jfyoujvpajmallfoot 2i andjjarejbojlies lcft 8 stofeij asmjll ill the shoe man votieilpfilr toraer kiiig aid hliaoii 8t8 fiamilton ia e thamiltons favohite shopping place january 1899 so far t has beep the busiest january in the history of this store business has been brisker sales larger than ip ajtyfofwerearrthlarls easil a for never before havewgogeretl such values as can be had here now thats a big statement but its truo heres a partial list of thpm no mailer whether you want an interior or aweitterlor view 61 yonr home or one of thefamates w tap ipattni yooa pwky picture one thai your friends will admire md cprry realism of yonr home lo those absent we take photos either by sunlight or flatbilghi laxts iiuavand aoo s60 boo kxrcrmo unduawiiab panmanla katural wool veata and drnweraforslrlastollrears tormer- ly rao now h black tlsbujlor girls to 10 years tor- snarlyj 140 lor httiteri combinations for ebtldien a to 1 yean formerly mo now ouu bvwlan oomvlntlona slaea fori yearsfrortnnlr aits sow vusiaeroruto alrlsbmty bjrceltn v ii years formsrly wo now allwovibeallh veils for girls s to 9 yean fenntlj- too now tjadteaiknaelienetb drawers 18 fusae i fomnrlrslse now ladl german alarlno oomblnatlona yomaarly ts now indies tjars slse seoteb wool yls iormerly s 400 650 ffoo 8 70 400 0oo vso laff ia5 r v y- ijvi vj we prepay tbo charges to any railway sution in ontario 00 ttuotdert amounting to i300 and upwards on m

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