Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1899, p. 4

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jpn what does it do h it causes the oil glands in the sklnto become more active making the hair soft arxu glossy precisely as nature intended it cleanses thascalpfrpm dandruffandtrius removes one of the great causes cf baldness it makes a better clrcu- latlon in the scalp and stops the hair frpm coming out irprcw ayers hairvigor will surely make hair grow on bald heads provided only there is any lire remain ing in the hair bulbs it restores color to gray or whitehair it does not o-this-ln-amomehty-os- wlll a hairdye but in a short time the gray color of age gradually disap pears and the darker color 6f youth takes its place would you like a copy of oiir book on the hair and scalp it is free if you an nnt obtain nllthebneflti you oxnoetod from the use ottbo vlcr write the doctor about it addnsl diu j 0 ayetl a complicated case v is bllppy good paj wu it belt yanker the dentist lathe meanest man on earth hows that i was in yankeri offloa when blippy oame to bin a tooth pulled jaw all swollen out of shape awful looking face fairly howled with pain but yanker wnnlrlnt pull the toolh without being paid in advanoe prutty tnnah on slippy wasnt it oh i dont know i hoi a man ot woriderfniielf command instead of klok- ingup a row ho palled ont a obock for 15 received f 4 in obango and smilingly ordered the dootor to go ahead with the torture bat was the obeok worth anything good aa gold when it was given ens slippy reached the bank first and drew out bis balanbe now hee telling artunajhatr tanker pulled the wrong tooth and insinuates that hero may be a suit fdr malpraotloej yanker whl sue of oburse jndt hev the troth if that the dentist in hie ejtouenierit drew two teeth at one hall the extra one beltra marked by a big gold filling slippy misses that one but what poulei him ia thai hie jaw ie getting wall and that he has no toothache the dontlat that filled the tootbwae never paid tad the ohanbes arethat slippy will drop the caso ai being too oomplloated brooklyn dtacn mt qctatx jse pu8sy in a mirror maze a strange oat strayed into the crystal haze the other night walking around between the minora ahe saw her own refleotlon j on all sides she was not pleased her tail atarted to awell and ahe rushed at the nearest oat whioh advanced to meet her at the same rate ot speed he was puzzled christina i the yonog noane eoul waa lu hir voloj chrlatlno ho repeated llateo to roe i ought not to mr spoonamorr you dont know yoa are- going to bay i dnnt know yon well enough- we have been acqaaintahoea only a few months what does v tbaji signify when a man loiea hia heart at does be uoed tuwalt nnt eight i ought cot to let you so oo tunusday january 80 ib9b lje igoung jfnlltb get vp and s said ooo little oblolc with a fanny little squirm i wish i could find a big fat worm said another littlo chicken with a quoor little ahruff 1 wlflh i ebnldnod anloe fatbug said i third llttlo owck jilttaa atrange little squeal i wish r could find some nice yellow meal now look bare ball the mother from the green garded patch if ouwant any breakfast you moat get up and boratob st ifithdliu milbnrna sterling headache powders are easy to take harmless in action and nnro to ooro any heeduae in from 6 to 20 minotes it is the motive alone that glres characterto the abtioni ot manbrayere jfere bests your hope with a shriek of defiance they inei aird the cgly tempered feline full back from a fearful bump againet a mirror tip ahe jumped and looked around only to aee nn array of abaaed oku etarltig at- ber when rhe moved 125 others moved aleo with a mighty howl of disgust ho turned and fled oronps r oata greeted her everywhere as ahe daihrd into the mirrors and tried to plimb iho allppcry aurfaoe of the gleeus in the poorae of a few minnteb the animal rau throuitli the exit of the crystal moie aa it shot from a catapult with two jumps ahe rushed to the street and disappeared in one of the adjaoent houses a very badly rattled oat jacksonville timeaunion deadly narcotics drag a lady to the depths of despair death lonoed for as releabk from suf- fbbiniai painea celery compound rescues the vlotlm and bnilds her up physioauy and mantauy this wav rjpoonamoore it is too late for that ive got atarted and a steam brake couldnt atop ma nbvtj ive boeh bottled np too long already youve got to listen to roe if yoooani even be a auster what are yoa laoghlng at you think you know me t spoqn v- could 1 know you any bsttier4i thoueandi years 7 oh christine vthats ill ohebroko in with a psa of- laughter you axe not falklng tovpjs ht all mr spoonamore this la my twin lsterl- r5aji all the way home for whioh he auirtad j shortly afterward yonng bpoonirijojs with a hopeleisly pumlod look on hlao was trying to figure ont how tbatooiipit possibly be 5hioago trituht make more andmorbi a good thing to do this year is to make mare of oar friends and to make jobors friends there are limits to oor oharfty our helpfulness our deeds of thoqgblfulj kindness but there is soarooly any limlj o- the love we may oherish for those aronnd- oa and for all the world and if lbs good feeling be kept large and living in ibe heart it will show itoelt id a thousand ways and every day chorion yoor and your fathers friend and opon the jstybbr heart to theonewho opmsi iiig both will be blessed and lrewillbe larger and iiappier for thesweelhesaol friendebip worms cannot exist either in ohildrsnor ndtiita nhtn pr lows worm syrup is nsed 25 all dealer fttjfit uppitwors proscription for iiiitrats iitontalna ncitlior opium morpliluc nor j syrups and castor oil itituvbliiifcolto is tltirty years use ly jkwreew cuatorla pievents vomirtms soiir otlrsj feioeft and wind couc oastoria relieves v vi ipnpftjvif w food regulates the stoinacu ib ctistorla totihcwd oastoria cshtoavn medldne for cllildra reriestedly told rue rorlftsibeflecjt upon their jhlldren daocbsoooztw mau caetorla is so welt ndapted to children that i recomraend it as superior to any pre scription known to me ii a auciiek m d mroaklyn n k the only material difference between- a- cold and thegripe ie a doctors bill nothing ab effective for ohepking evere congbsand colds as dr woodanorway pine syrup price sep ell dealers v pu2zled by 80 many ways new remedies oome and new remedies ro j but bootls emulsion is the great rook foundation o w h ot reoovery from weak t longs most rest the jdlandardol ibe worlrl it is r a man bf wealth is never oranky hes merely eooontrlo liver troubles billojlsness sallow oom ploiion yellow eyes jaondloe eto yield to the curative powers of baialivor pilli they are sore to oqre learning and wisdom travel hand in hand dont always wsxis bicmndbok co gentlemen i am happy to tell yoa that i have completely reoovered my health through the use of paines celery oom- ponnd for some ysara past my nerves and syewm were almost wrecked by nar- oolios used to alleviate pain the debtors ooald not help me and i thought i wonld forover have to remain a slave to deadly drags i often longed for death as a relsasa from my actterings alter endur ing pains and agonies that were terrible fe the only kind of fruit noah had in the ark was preserved pairs dr lows worm sjrnp is tho nioest and most effeptive remedy for oxnelling all kinds of worms nonwd of giving any cathartlo when it is nasd prlcass osnta many of the words that burn taken from the editorial waatabaakel ngpve all sm indhjrestlon arid dyapapala ara the aroh destroyers but south amerloan nervino provaa tri nevetfall hea bulldeir mri ellen boiler 87 oojlable st toronlb suffered from indigestion in a severe lorm- for several-years- was nnable- to eat meat or vegetables was threataned with nervous prostrallon aa a raenlt of obronio dyspepsia after miny remadiss had both tried and failed ahe began oelog south amorloan nemlne when sbs bid taken three bottles to use her bwn words i can eat anything eel before mar and enjoy it without any bad after effsote i think it la a- woodsrfolmedy for dyspepsia and nervous prostration sola by a t brown hollo impudonoe said the tarkey to tho cranberry why do you oallmb that demanded the cranberry flushing peiafaae yon ah itboi i decided to try paloee celery oompoand without any fall hope however that it wonld ours me when i had used a part of ths second bottle i thought ii was doing me good i ooald bleep well and did not faint so of ten and i decided to oontinus jhs hseofthe medicine after the nie of ififtamu bottlse i am oompleuly cared i feel so strong end well now and have enoh psrfeot health that i somstlmet tbiokit is too good to bs true for the benent of thonsands of poor souls sofferlng from the affects of deadly naroolioe i give my state- txenl as an sooonagemenl to thorn an susnarahoa that paines celery compound will ours then hinoersly and gratefully mas iiooiuwuuitn montgomery nwt novelty is the great parent of pleasure bbnth telishoiflrttrashfmrtwii oiinqnervdiseime lis tho conquering armies of britaln which are rnarching to victory in every quarter of jbe globe milburns heart aoertain man made a display of debt ignoranoe the other day when be stent into a rebtauraut and attked the waiter if hebad any egge yes said the waiter we have well bring me some howdo yon want then oookadf ohany old way i j my dear man skid the waiter that order will hardly do we have overfjt0 different ways of cooking eggs and yopwllj be pleased to make a suggestion or menuon aoboios w this astonishing fact had the v paralyulpg the enstomets tongoii awhile and her finally reoorered el whisper in awo scramble em yes sir replied the astnte wall otill lingering whioh way oh any old way sir said the waiter in a del voice i must insist you will oholoe there are seventy dlfferenl of soratnbliiig eggs in this establl wsll then fry thorn for me whioh stay we have forty ways frying eggs here riift all right ssid the oustomer slow he resohed for his hat and aroii j have one way here that i can find- m h i ettaightoul good day philadelphia ifrcorrj tfie rtaiivile signature of prpmptikplpfjce qneer about clams- wedding with that pluinber witbab aueer why hebame to get mfid at the very dayand hoar tie aahl hewbuld noman doth safely rule but lie thai hath jearnedgladly to obey thorn ai a give as well as receive give out as wtll us taku in or expend fts w jii aa rcoi ive god never intended na to seflshly enjoy ihe good things of his providence and of hie graoe but tobe diotrlbutora of hia material and graolons bobntiee there is a pcouliar pleasure in giviiig whioh more than abmpenbates for the relinquishment ol what we lay out for othera benefit -rv- ihh r piffiairies her heiirt if jhj usually the londer a man talks the ii it amounts to yi tnt hm iyaw wbinwi if dili were literally to how many splrtft are broken y bshicklad by dueite ml yet how manyllmei has dr hutted iflilntt ust grim reaper and robbed him of hit victim eihnost tretherqus of ailments which afflict humaxilty ruthless irvbiit violent for when the heart fails the whole system buffers violence discussing causes here will not console the suffering one the one great yearn of tho hcartalckened patient is hov to get relief and a dr affnews care for the heart atantls pre- einincntly today as thestar of hope to sufferers vom heart trouble and so far past the experimental period that thousands today proclalmm no uncertain sound the belief that were it not for this great remedy they world have long ago passed into the great beyond eminent doctors whom heart cases have baffled have v tested dragncws claims and today they prescribe it in their practice as the quickest and safest heart remedy known medical science what are the symptoms palpitation flut tering shortness of breath weak and irregular pulse swelling of feet and ankles pain in thje left side chilly sensations fainting spells uneasiness in sleeping dropsical tendency and as many more fcdieatlphs that tbe heart is deranged- dr agnevs onro f or tbe eeart is a heart specific j and no case too acute ewitiifsfonitnfiidemhirtynt p rar henderson k go commmencinp o friday mopninec jannary 13th we will inaugurate a great clearing sale our stock is much too large for this time of the year and we take stock t mon when it is to h stock as jew as railway timb 1 ftp will be the possible to accomplish this quickly bafgains order ot tne day in all departments in dress goods millinery mantles ftirs v mens and boysvsuits overcoiltsv ulsters vpmifiis- soots i8li6esv vtc dont wait but bdng your cash at once as there are many choice snaps that are sure to be picked up by the- early buyers- henersqlmtsco mill strleet v acton grady maplleaf john mtjlsen agent for thenbcve has changed his ware- rooms to building ga w e smiths property john street where mny be seen jrhost wood binpebs amu mowers th hl bearib plsmt spring jdahalcereod grfad fine and fast always einaranteed hnnilrodatause bold shapely vmulr co limited rantford pnt and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs tn my absence mr john t elliott who resldea on the property will attend to the wants of customers john wcqueen a sharp stlnglne pala in the back you minifies doesnt amount to any- f thing- bo all ritjlit hi svk few days but it doerniiv get all right kidneys are- not doing- their dutybtld the poisonous msktertfiat they ought to remove uev going all through the csjai tern rcauuins rheumatiflnii gout dyspepsia head achtf a backacnea all sorts ofiiia jvi5 up peia yon m itboi mtonl the turkey sod the pompkln pit anhed so hard that he broke bis ornst siv w j- t 5v- psi r- salsii iif- ffityj cjiildren8hduld always increase in weight not to grownot to increase in flesh belongs to old age present and future health demands that this increase in weight should be steady and never failing to delicate children scotts emuhion brings richer blood and flrrner flesh better color fcpmef to the cheeks arid sjrongiji- rnusclesta tnjiiiiipi gain in weight is substantial it conjestotayjl-iv- nl nftrvepillssre everywheretrlumph- ansroverslcknesa wesiknesaaridsarferinsr mrdavid walsh of carleton place ont k man who has served with dls- tlnctlort and credit in the british- army sind l now an employee of the c p rbllway ays while in the army i rot uroken downand my oenkmis syatem was completely shattered i was much troubled wltti llsieir cem- plijt rest be came broken and was disturbed by virid dreams this had been irofnr on tor 14 yesrs silthoagk i took a srreat enahr rrrtiedict to escape from tbe- troubles s hf 1 cure thodiacse by rcmovuiglijo tiii- wtppphimtlrxtrttthonioh yt i five for a vmg time hd wlmm back and kidney trouble my back wmuj tiff and putnful thfctwtieirlwtdpwnmmbl tohv aia w have mwv jmo fitipatbick orcananoque ont after having been treated p j hm ti e bfi onariicdfroiniuoboapitalaa a hopoleaa incurawe slits puhcred from aculepnln and palpitation her feet arid ankles swollen and thcro was every tendency to tbo droneicat formofbeartthscaebutlhe ladrpro cured dr asnewi cure for tho heart sliodcclarcd aia loitbopo ono dote rellertel her of a very acute spasm in than thirty minutes aadthxeo bottlel cured her a symptom of tbe trouble re cohddctoa wittum g lucvs of the n wrrbnd living at yhaxarsumnmii buffered for yosra with nculo valvular fcrm of heart 0ufrom his dailydutles on tna road end be- spent a smnlf fortiino tn remedies nncf trcallnff wllbheart 1 and all ended in dlaaupolntment until a good friend who had been sasnews curo br the heart bo tried ii and found 11 pave hlin relief and v hdcontnued its uaaunlll afew boltlea wero taken and todayho a well and lesnbttflcrcra that i can blghly roco uila great tcnicdy intlribkr cures eciema salt rheum tetter scald head and all llchlnj stln diseases cbronlsis j5nis atwkallpowderrellertsoolain lie head or hay fever in ion mlnulem iprifsdlpisalarrbcsaeiqulcklyandpcnnancntly tivttk pilw euro sonsllnauon blllouancas alck headache torrid ucrileiir ihe etastsatsri 3 isold by at brown h sssitjtirtsifl j otoifiariodioisn- pills and user have taken tlio atlntneasslna palta from suy back and anahledime tttt atraltthton np without pain or dimouliy prlca jbo abojfer r stall oniafitli wise is tbe bagpsge smasher who wir a cheat proteotor vjx hegyarda yellow oil carts all rmft takes out swellinft and inflammatfrni qoicksr than any other rrmsdy cents pricww adornlngf sc liinia maidens are now theirhale with mistletoe qnltfc core of srhtuca mr a taylor 71 alton ave torpnlo wrllis t iu ureatly sfflioted wit bolstlos bist sifter using one boxii mllbqrns llhtomallo pills i waaablejp lo work intfatear days and have not troubled inoer the polish on a mans ooat doesnt help bltn to get into society mernerertfaii and nser will b a aoitirsal panaoea- ftf one remedy for all jljjstp biobfleh is heir the very- nature miifwittnahiha were itaitmmmy aeated ls theeysletooilhepatlbnt vhaipeiaieyeoneiiilntarn would sgfajjbsptieaenate however jtqqujjynewbentwalned to a sound n6suidtrtniltb by the indnenoe hloh qoinmfiert oa nalores own iioftwfcilibviie tbe drooping ijrils of lhc with wlioro a chrn late jtjf norbd deepqndence and isok of interest rtrili wmmnl ooarses pelimpejthnlngthe jneallhtlhbtl f onolioiis of the system ihe only way yon can hurt some men is by striking tkom on tbo pocket book i4o8i4om jtjactlvltya beoews reeglt ibafsevaniglving life to aglcivitialurally wulmoeresplt lm- you gtit tlllni tluk uallwa noinn wkbt uoiwa eamt mall 10 02 atn i exiiftmb ft d5 au 3xiiru4i 2 ili pin exprosh 10 doam 1 7 15 iiui moll 6 hpm m0t sre tiiik ov clohism ma1lh owlati 3s at q0 sia uj cttpm ooldg east 10 23 am antic 60 jitn thin tlmo tntjlo wont into oftuct on uodday may lctli j8iw stoves tinware eavetroughing tho latest dcblgnain coal and wood noatirjjj and cotjk stovea easy to mapftgo ioaeyon faol tinware in profailon of host quality at low prices r ordors taken for eavctroucbidb to bs put tip wliou dcelrod call and get jiticcfl uenoral jobljlng promptly doao mrs j a panuabetiker secords block acton boots and shoes made to order and repaired 4 practical shoemakor hdsopeaed a shop in the premises lately occupied by w h adams tailor he bas t had large experience in city work tinds j consequently able to ill nil orders in the neatest possible manner fine turned work and patching receive special attention orders filled on shortest notice call or send your order to george stovel cor milt and main streets acton highest prices paid wheat pease bye hcton elejfntob car choice corn for sale full stock flour and feed a parlor suite a sideboard a b s an extension table alonnge a stand a mattress and springs or any other article in furniture requirements at a living peofit only all goods de1iverbd undertaking in all its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs j a speigbht co acton tht ontario vire fncinq 00 l futon oouia you wantth stt hha cheapest mcmullensfencldjja ani nettlpgt com- bine these two qoallliej no others- do- hog fenclptfa at special low prices all oilier varlellcs cheap mcmolleus are the only good nettings told in canada they are uneqaalled for poultry yards trelllti lawn fences ask your harfwatemerft cbaot for mcmnllena goods if you cannot bay of hlra writes to the manufacturers il picton ont or to the b gbkniho wir co limited hamilton and montreal general agents jamu coopbr montreal general agent for railway fencings phhfris 3nkosft ntfin the star or uehblnohattncssbutltttlr ate iiulupenilltntt i sttnn ltva n ml nfuemw bnrjs ivor ililrrmlumit aireiils wrlsjta orijdal priow autn1fri v- trijifiui ftutbrnenti rratlto uk hlmi frw ftr nlllixr alton hmro ttilmuaaa tu ibklls in icvkbv hou fnodi witboutimfmy claiuaompty co toirto p lifetievirl for nn p4 woman day or evenln 416 to ta wk no can vaaahis prf periepce needetftftaln itmctonji trorjt matiedgp ppudtlon however i gt no relief entll i darted to take milburns heart and nerve pills which i used ti fl ti audna tiled a few boxes i am better wit restored to full force and vigor i eat and btloep well and my entire system has sjersi toned and strengtheriea mvmrhs1ia4nskp fifr- obsitlnejr and benitioy to opinion are the sorest proofs of sibrlduy barton ra a always promptly relled by dr powlersbitraolotwlid sirabrry the besv jfarrliwy5neiinoe wbsn eome men make tnlauktb ihey rsjesstlhsrntiywsptos jyyi vyjjsj swviwitfvfertijpslbabd last summer i was troubled with sick mcadiiche nl eavfln4oouldnofkpt at night i trieid scvcnil doctivi but to no cftecf and jjot ccm pletcly discoiirnged at inst 1 saw an advertisement telling- ubdui burabclcblood bitteri my liusv m induee4 me to try it and tsi 4msi day i nm using the third bottle and cant irulyiayitliusitone nie a woiiilcrful f pood i feel buiicrv than i have for years nnd am con- fident i owe my restored hsuiitrita b b b mrs edward tf beck riverside nb bbb is the best remedy fojj biliousness constipation rsiolf headaches coated p complaint juurtdice scrpfpja biaof humfcra t hiaisesiiitrf stppiach-llver- dowkll patentable wontakontipoelalty loitlone rnlwtixl in othor bands srereneosrtirnleltikl vjw7toltlok mjabion ivakitne-souortobs-es- ohhal iffsettaaioat pnptnrrrv orsitnalss ef folyeeeatiio balwol nr ftittlnhiti iiaoha1orslai ijits fiiliftihy members jttoii aniritcon watcrworlrb assoesstloa www bnulnml wstr works assoe pq e assootnttfln alloc alcmber oasw booueyorcinibnuliibr vvt- 1 w josjt un ttro mtumiai itwunffbbblt vomotit mid wo wi iplnlpb oatn wbothagit

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