Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 2, 1899, p. 1

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volume xxit3sto 31 acton ontabiorhursday fjsbitf 2 1899 trice three cents lii jkttan 3frie firm is fubidbii every thursday sobning at the free presbsteamlrintlngofllce uiix btheet aoton ont tkhub or sdbsobtptiokono dollar poryoar striotlyin advanoo all subscriptions disaon- tnuod wtaeu tho time tor which they bavo boon paid baa expired tbo date to whiob ovury subscription 1b paid is dene- tod on tbeaddrega labol advbiitibxo raths transient advertlio- uieots 10 oonta jior nonpareil lino for first in sertion- aoentsporllnefor oevcb subsequent uaertlon ooktraot haras tho following tabto shows nr rates for tbo insertion of advertisements for peoifletl periods bpaob- 1 1 xu4mo s ho 1 luo dlnohoa lo inches mnones unota 6000 8300 9000 800 3300 hooo 1s00 uso 9000 moo 700 900 700 800 0s0 100 advertuflmanta wltboat spooifla directions frill be inserted till forbid sndobarged accord- ngly transient advertisements muit bo paid nadyanoe advarttsementa will- bo opanfiod once each month if dealred for ohanros of toner than enee a tnontht tho composition muit bo paid for atrogulat rstei chanflos for contract advertisements must bo n the office by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly rflpmppflb i hdltor and proprietor daughter bale of wall paper at days i have bought heavily for 1899 to make room for this new stock will clear the small lines and ends at slaughte price anything a year old goesat your own price 3000rolls ends of one to four rolls at 2c a roll -th-a- thauebs mmrmhm capital authorized capital paid up 1000000 700000 cuelph branch woaro iiojt ibbutnc mouoy orders payablo at par at an v bran ob of chartered ttauk in canada excepting the yukon district ot tbo following ratos tjudor10 bconth aiuto 20 10 cents uo to 30 lcobta sm to o c9n t j susitwfib sitectoxv medical thnmi- macdonaldivi p cm pucoksflor to j f urkn m d o m oifloo and residence cornor mill prodorlok streets aotoo offlca hoiira jfe to jo30 am 1 toll pm and t toopm d r 1 j k torster bucckhbon to pn a b bltlitoxt lato roildont vhvalolan end snrrjenn to vio torla hospital for sick chlldron toronto ovvich mill stroot lfttoly occapled by dr elliott 1r drveefl hvs bata thboat amp noifl moloanb block douglas bt near p o quelph office houiib 10 am tolptn and 3 to 6 pm bondaibio am to 1 pm pswt4 l bennett ld8 ddntibt j asonobtpwh ontabio t coghlan d dstds sj dswti8t work cabevurrr xmnb pwcbs uodbiut oririoe ovb browns dnoa sxobk houbbeybbtimt rnolt 0 to 6 jm belli dds lpb imktnlt baookrnu honor obidujitb of touohto uhivbhbitt work rnido stlotorr prlom moderate vibitwo dm mondayjdturnoon oamp- ballvlllej tuaiday acton o01cglarltl hotel friday bookwooo dr oh cook dentibt cor oollogo si and spadlna ato qobonto wlllvlbltaotonontbonrat and tblrd batur- daya ot eaob month oftiobmr adam cook raaldenoe main sweet 4 clean a mclean barrllon solid ton notarlei oonvojanoen io prltito lundi to loan qh jw tf11 intnn wh a uolkaii jko a molmui a jmiokihnon babbimsb souorron convxtanoxb ofioi mj1i atioet in uattbewa block upitalri b moleod baaaibtbzi solxoitob convxtakobil main street oeorgotowti uoner to loan atlowoat onrrent rttef r jmonalbb clerk fourtbdivlalon oonrt county ot hal- on conreyaooor agent fire and lite awiuranoo beal batateajent money to loan oto officb torrymanbioclc a0t0m nt days bookstore quelph days sells cheap speight brady manufacturers of dyhamos electric motors -wjltbllitotors- oasolhfeatl oas jaromzs brass azboit castxxosto qkdkm repairing promptly done qoorkotown ont w barber bros paper makers qedrqetown ont mau a bfieialtt of machine finished book papers iiioil grade weekly news tb paper need id tbia journal la from the above milu wm8abbek bros acton liyery bus line tboundoralgnodreapeotfonyboiloltatbepatrori ago of tbe pabllo and lnformi them that well etinipped and styluh rlgi oan al wayabo sooored at bis b tables a comfortable bqi meets trllns betwoob b m and 81i8 pm oarefol attention given toerery order the wants of commercial trarol- lersf ally met john williams pdopniktoa main troot planing mills acton ont j c archltect and contractor afanuraotaror of salb door framoa moulding in all atylea dhtssma matewnro mud moulding to order on bort notice 17nll aaiorted atook on band at prleoa toanlt tbe times john cameron proprietor ifiscbxlans0us henrt gbibt ottawa canada solicitor of tatinta for invention eto freparaa application for the oariaduan amer- ssandburopoan patent ollloei and or tbo ttffiltratlon o trade marks bend for pem- pbtet tnlrtttwovoara eiperlonoe f libanoib ndnail boobbinden wrndhambt quolpli ontario w overwlhiama store aeeonnt rjooka or au kindamada to order peiolealioietaejarlpuonoaretnllybpand aeeonnt booka of all kind abbiaoe cloknses hpmoobe kunnia oor iujibiaoe liouisw prlkteomoe koitltneaieareijnlrad lained retldmlnmenln freafraaa omoeaotom tfis hsimstbbei yi hmiv avaiiont or tbe oonntlaa of wellington and balton orteslaftal ttb fajm bail ocj aoton or tmttmldnoolnaoton will be promptly afc aided to feeerbdneedto boojrorpaiaibaljbb latorjbsk ssiaommoand prd stoves tinware eavetr0ugh1ng tbo lateatdoalsna in coal and wood heating and cook stores- ifaar to mauaseeaiyon fnol tinware in profnaion of belt qoellly at low prleoa orders takon for bavetrdngblnb to be pat np when desired gall and ftel prices uoneral jobbing promptly done ti a pannabecker mrs secordb blook aoton v7e011rigton mutual fire inbarainoe company aatca8x1sitp 1840 samtarjob on tlaab and untnal plan adj foinmunloetloni forwarded to my address box ss br ilepeono s8 will be promptly at- landed jobw taylob agon d ac3ton macliine ani eepair shops henbt obn proprietor a nut well eanlddedl with all tbe machlnerr a seiaaary toiintall rspalrs si and urlonltntal implement ana to do all kl2dsofsuflts5bhorssahorngandjenerl maekanifuvng wcoipalrs jjjbtanr in a ausfactory ranner w saa rertair any gupiadiiidoiis ajrnricotbaniajaiainw lumber w s w all kinds of woodtjn steak and promptly dllrirwlo prt o tbstowaia i iaroioodandliab lengtn always tspnonominnaiiuor we hitch the dollar toa- bigger load than it ever drew before our entire stock of footwear niqhbst current kate op inteilebt paid on aucxia deposited of 1 and upwards inturoct allowod from date of do posit to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly advances mado to responsible farmers on their own nsnioa at the lowest current rates noolmrfio madofor collecting bales notes if payable in luetpb a roncrsvl bouking buiiuoso transacted af h jonjes manager carpet our bissell cyco bearing best oai earth our two dollar sweeper a genuine woman pleaser j m bond co 3tckees emtjiision god liver oil with hypophosphites of limiii soda a newinti nsmsor von pulmonary slneasos cougbs and colds and goneral debility contains trjo tonic and nutritive properties of these popular remedies in their follost form very pleasant to tho taste sqd la easily dt8stod highly reootrtoiendod by tbo modloal faculty direotionb dosbpor adalta a tablospoonf ul threo times a day after mcsu for children in like propor tion this emulation is as halstsblo aa croam it aaaimulstes readily and will not nauboato tbo most sensitive btomaebi acton ont special sale fancy goods class china celluloid c prices away down fine nnisbed crokinolo board complete 66o bobltyj100 framed pictures 50o etc etc waters bros wskdham strbbti quelph boots and shoes made to order aribl repaired at lowest prices to cash buyers fall winter stook complete while others burn the rnldnliht oil in marking up prices pre paring forasaloourpricesgo scoot ing down ihetoboggnn slide of genuine low and reasonable prices george stovel practical shoemaker has opened a shop in he premises lately occupied by v h adams tailor he has had large experience in cily work and is consequently able to fill all orders in the neatest possible manner tine turned work and patching receive special attention orders filled on shortest notice call or send your order to george stovel cor mill ond main streets acton not foit cookings sake- ourmattie it a lady dutabo never learned tobslte bbo never oared for cooking juat alone for cookings sake so alio never oookod at til lost a bit of butter fall on birdswlnty gtrniontj wblto or liorsboea sobigband tlgbtj for she never cared to bake just alone for cookings sake our mattle bad a lover and alio fell in loveyou son aadabo tbongbt blafsco as handsome as a face could over be butboabaneed orfo sunny day juetia idlsniood tosay v wboti borflucereho bad burned and tbe lae be somq way learned tlioofib abe bad not tried to bake for bo r own or others stkt that obo in baking burned it andliokisod berflngor twlco and mattle tboughl sbo never know a remedy so nice but tbo cuaoirjg follow bald youve been baking oake or broad and theres naught i love to oat llko a bomomado cake my sweet autshobad not eared to bake just ftlono for cookings sake of courao i am not hinting just to try your tempting oako but i like the bomomado cooking like my mother used to make i have beard my mother say that there was no other way for a bomb to be complete and i knoyyoatbnkbo swoot llulolat sbo would not bako even for a lovcre suku our mattle is a lady but sbo woops sometimes aloao and grlovos tliat little wrinkles from her oyes bava outward grown for sbo did not know you see that a wife a 000k must be and tho man has wed a girl though wltb loss of frill and eurl that can fry and boil and bake loveitoobok for cookings sake fannie fallerton in what co eat jedodlah you are a sfulert jfamilg abittg jeptha ogle absalom bole waa a rich old bachelor north his hundreds of thoabanda and absalom bogle died during all hie life he had been know a to form bo one strong friendship and that was for hie only brother who in the other years had help ed him to prospeot in the opal mines his brother depth this jeptha unfortunate ly for himself had not been misanthrope he had loved and bad been jilted and jnst when his prospects of suooesi with bis brother absalom bad been brightening he had thrown up all bis business and tone to far off parte to parts so far away that not a word had been heard of him from that time and absalom bogle died he departed this mundane life on the fourth day of december at noon when his will was opened which event transpired in the presence of many relatives its provisions wero found to be very simple first be bequeathed every thing pt whfoh he might die possessed tobis loudly remembered and well beloved brother jeptha but id ease said jeptha did not present himself and olflim tbe benefit within one year from the death of the testator then the property was aojiedivideovjunongjiisosher relatlvssv bcoordipg lo thsir rank of kin bat sj only in one dire setting aside his om l pgotbeaje dd the fide olielauodshrp abonttbcboglo hear it s batv urged relative i 1 my mother was a ooutih aorpq four or ave times removed anewored kate hut i found noolaimidpon that birotimstanoq my poor pittftnoe- wouldnt be worth the wrangling and taugting i should have to endure and moreover jack and myself have concluded that wo had better paddle oar own pwb by and by jack oime fn snd toljoi jedediab preseutod tho bubjoot j3utvjgk was as emphatic as hs pretty wifo had been hedidiit oare to mix lu the fever- iab sorarobung nnesa but said he illtell you what j will do mr sprout i havti heard your story and in all honor an i humanity i think your oiaimaro juir if you cannot gel the ehare ofabaalomboed property to which you are morally etititled you are welcome to all youijivget in tlie name of my wife how h tlit kate i agree with atlmy heart i cried kto the noh mo at art in jedediabs byes gave token of the feeling wblohhodid not speak he bat down and ate dinner with tho happy young obrjple and said no more upon the subject of business the weeks rolled 00 arid the morning of the 4th of december at ledgth arrived iri tbe groat old shambling bouse which had bean vaoant since the day of absalom bbgtea fuuetal at anxious crew were assembled oo that very raorciinij jack and kate wintbrop had beon yj filed by mr spoouer who had asked their attendanoe on the ooming oooaaion they had replied to him that they had no iotereat in the matter but aaid mr spoouer jedediah bprout telle me that you will give yoar share to him if he 011 get it added jaok if he la to git it at nil said the attor ney it will be neooasiiry that you and yoar wife should be there to relinquish it on your honor mr spoaner do yoa think onr presenoe would help poor teded- iah sprout asked kite the attorney replied that be- thought it wnuld vtheri said kate we will jgo what say you jaqk jaok consented and so it transpired that kate wiqthrop and her bdsband were present a the eventful meeting tho obuslns of closer degree scowled upon the oa when they entered and one wheezy old spinster informed them that it would have looked better if they had remained away not nearer than the sixth or eighth remove at best pot to an anoiept maiden of asootio aspeot uh i the assurance ot some folks i the hoar slipped on- and the important meridian was oloss at bnd ah bad- assured themselves that jeptha bogie was not in the land of the living at all eventa ho had not been heard from and then followed a comparing of notes touching respective nearness of relauoosfatn gonaar logical registers of ill kinja were at band and it was very evident that not a few of them bad been recently altered and amend ed crimination and recrimination result- ed and a belligerent oat burst wis on the tapis when the clock streak 13 and wltb the last stroke of the famfal beu mr spoonor appeared upon the noene and wtth- birooaroe tbe man called jedediah sprout ladfeaand gentlemen and very good t said inumtu wllfc k formal t8 to housekeepers be evertqh ahd eden wills the place o go for llio to absalom bogle flow there wers no nephews or nieoee no orioles or anots bat only ooneins there were two flrsl ooaains foor or five aebond oqniini several third and fourth cousins and soon in in creasing ratio aa ihey were farther and farther removed sidney spooner estr was the attorney whom bogle had selected to bold in trust bia estate when tbe frosts of october bad began to trace their deiioale penoilidgs upon the oriap foliage mr spooner sent hie olerk around among tbe relatives ot absalom bogle to bid them prepare for presenting their claima at tbe appointed time if the long absent brother did not show himself on or before noon oi tbe fourth day of the- obmiag december tbe property would bo tbeirs this olerk of mr bpooner was a qoalnt old fellow aniwering to the namool jeded- ub bpront be never hesitated to acknow ledge that thn attorney bad taken him in oat of oberlty and in hla humble way be aobght to serve bis patron faithfally bat the most wondirfal thing abont jedediah bpront was that be olalroed to be a near relative of abialom bogle nearer by far than any other livioir he olsimed desoen t from a brother of absalom an elder brother mnoh older than either abialomor jeptha wbp hid died in sooth amerloa many years ago the ooaains looked np tbe family history und found th the anoient brother in qaeatlon had been one soloman boxlr a wild wayward fellow who under a oloud had changed hit name to sprout and who had left no raoord of having ever rnarriad jedediah acknow ledged that the said boloman had never married and jet he had the hardihood to olaim to be his ion oould janjthlod be mora impudent t the cousins from the first to lhasllleenth removed held up tbtlr hands in holy horror that a man in poisesalon of hie enses ahonw qnblasblogly acknowledge suoh shame and above all that from sooh a lough of ignornloy be abonld thrust blmsslf into relationiblp with honest people and yet jodcdiali bpront worked in hla hu st m o li v bow 1 have the pleasure of introducing to you yoar very obedient and bqmble ooaain jeptha boile he bids yon welooiqe to bis mamion and begs that yoa villi honor bim with yoar bompny to dinner bogle 1 orled aplueter number one starting up what bogle ita abase deoeption 1 exclaimed ihe anoient maiden of aaoetio visage who ia jeptha borle dhmandea la low browed haberdasher npsetting bis obairaa be arose and ooming very near to npietting a wizen f seed old baqbelor who at next to him 1 am jeptha bogle said ihe attorneys bompanion he bow appeared in a salt of blaok velvet and looked like a very kind hearted benfgo old gentleman iam the only brother of abuloio bogle who died one year ago in tfais houee i bame from booth america six months ago and made myself known to mr spooner i told him i had no use for all the money mybrotbse- had left and that i was willing to divide the greater part of it with tho diilant relatlvoa mr bpooner epplaaded my motiye bat advised me to examine for myaolf and elect tbo worthy ohea so i called mjielf spront and went at tbo work as you would have done onto jedediah sprout 1 rive yoa fall permliiloa so do auto your selves dinner will be ready in ball an hoar bat yob will louse me from silting at table with voo aa i am euftaged else where jack and kate wintbrop will come with me as they wert not ot llbtfjistti expectant their preienoo in this is no longer neoesiary prom astoniahment to indignation and from indignation to boiling wrath surged the oooslns of all dogroer add in aooh wrathful mood they fonnd no appetite for dinner and bus by one or in muttering bbraing pairs they orawied away invoking all sorts of roalediotloni opon tbe head of tbe retnrnedbrotherwhohad so deceived and entrapped then as vrell sag npon the beadaof the young couple who they were very inre were to batk in the aanbblne of jeptha boglee good inlebl j and in this last abrmlao they were not an ou j fonu a h wit wwiljliams boots and shoes aoton ottptija who ar abont to lre r u jrilic pabiio or blib beboel absgld not overlook she great advent age of a practical coarse of instrue i uonsttfie i aublph bosiuess college and shbrtliancl iiistitute will obmmsnos itsmbsrlltb falii bbb8i0n tneiday beptstnbs writs tor ojll u intmeetsd tneiday write oiroalars fres v jshabprrlnelrsl i best flour branmlddllnrsxhop feed sic for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop teataod coffee should never be loft nnoovered as tfieir etrsnth and flavor evaporate by expoboro grease has theeffeot of blunting sharp knives so they should nover bn allowed to remain in this lay a little bag of powdered muitard in tho mouth of a piaklo jar lo prevent tbe aontents turning mouldy damp salt removes stains of tea and egg from china articles ooal in tbe cellar should never be damped aait generates poisonous fnraes white spotu on furniture may bn speedily removed by rubbing with ppirilu of oum- pbor v good forkb- should never be aped for toasting purposos thekitahen in every household be tbit pr little should be kept perfectly pleunant and wholeaonae by roulur eleuuairjfj thei sink should bo an object of special atteutiod if not well rinaodaud nluiced after wobhiog np it will huoomn llio hotbed of disease the vtgelable matter whlah is kept in thekitalion should be placod in a covered hamper and overhauled constantly and any root which shows elas of decay at once thrown ont kitchen cloths must pfooarae be washed but- daily and hung on the line to dry instead of being thrown together to a dark oorner7orlubtia washing day iaduor meanwhile thebe clothes aro holding grease and harboriok smells the aheliea khould be aorubbed as often as thodb of the larder and occasionally some disinfectant added to the riming water twice a week a lump of soda should be plaood on the top of tbe sluk drains and jrery hot water poured directly pn to it this ia to clean ea the pipe of any greasy matter ad her i ok to it the wall- and oeilings should be washed if painted or whitewashed i plain plaster at lesat once ayear the garbage pail should never be stood beside the house for then the oontants aro thrown in and ngly splashes on the walls are the result medicine btains oo silver may be remov ed by the application of diluted flolphurlo a old robbed upon tbe silver with a soft rag finally rinse the artlole in warm soapsuds attacks of sore throat daring bold weather are largoly attribatable to in- edffiolentbxejroiae in the open air fre quent eu0erers are notoriously laokiog in this respect to make a linseed poultioa put tbe meal injo a bag of flannel of the sizi of poauioe regnlred sew np the open end and boil bag and all in a email quantity ot water when the seed is soft squeeze out all moisture aud nee tbe bag instantly as a poaiiioe r to freshen a room placd a good lamp of qampbor on ah old plate or banner heat a poker and with it born the camphor the fumes will thoroughly parlfy the room and the smell of camphor will ouly latt for a short time this process is useful to get rid of the omoll of damp of a new carpet or in illness milking whales for comsolvl- tives harvest op human hair how miioh it amounts to and where it comes from perhaps there la no staple artiale of qointnetotraliobrt which lees is known by the average person than human heir it will doiibtlb nnrprnn msny in inarntl the dealers in bo man hairdo not depend on chance olippior hero and there but there is a regular bair harvest that can always be relied upon it la estimated that over 12000 pounds of human hair are used annually in the civilized world for adorning the beadu of men and woman ha principally the fair sei i the larfiest bnpply of hair comes from switzerland- germany aiid the french provinces there is a human hair market in tlie department of the lower pyrenees held j every friday hundreds of hair traders walk up and down the one street of the village their shears dangling from their belts and sunpeot the braids whioh the peasant girls standing on the- steps of the houses let down for inspection if a bargain is struck the hair is out and the money paid on the spot i a womans hair may row to the length of six feet a single hair will bear up a weight of four ounces without breaking bni the hair thna tried must be dark brown for blends hair breaks under a strain of two and onehalf on noes i dealers in human hair oan tell in a moment whether the locki off sped them have been out offbr oombed out they do this by rubbing the hair through their fingers if tbe hair has been oat from the bead and bas not been misplaced it remains in its original position if itv has been pulled or oombed out and put together regardless of the directions in which it new one portion of it will slip to the right and tbe other to the left it does tbisbecauie the jaggod edges datoh eaofa other- and pull in opposite direotloni london mali a bismarck romance in london bo mo years ego my attention was attraoted ny a hugeuin on tho oppo site side of tho street and also by tho number of people llockiujj into the building the sign read as followe i whaloid infallible core for consumption diepen- biok bbors 8 to 10 a m 3 to fi p m entering the buildioi x wan at a loss what to make of thu mutter a au i oould soe waa the crowd and a itirge tank in the centre of ibe rooi tfcu tank wa uome bpveuty feet ion thirty fnet wide aad ub i loarricd afterwitril about thirty feet deep having beon conbtruoted at reat expanse whilejiwuiiiiig patiuiitly for developments i found that the liquid was bcinn lowered or let out by eonie meanh soon a smooth blaok surface appeared to vlow und ail the water ooutinned lo rebedo i becamo aware that a oaptivu whajo wub on txhibitidn surprised at not having to pay any admis sion tee i was noon mad aware of tho reason a framowork had been oonturuot- od on which the animal rested aud boou an expert milkmtiuwaa euued inextruot- ing wbaloid orwhalea milk which wan greedily absorbed at ave shillings perglabb tbia planeeems tobo identioal with that of tho milkmen in naples who lead a cow to the door and deliver the fluid iu the presepce of the aoniumor so that the latter oan bebatisued that no illegaj dilution i imlulgetlirl rhatliatdly recovored from my surprise at tbia uniquo method or cel ling nnturesi own emulsion when i was to encounter a severer shook joining the throng who were drifting further down the street i went to southampton bow the place of attraction was a a mill lor building also labelled in a mysterious manner oodloida authorized agency protected by letters patent supplied to subscribers only bpeolfio for rhoumatlem and con sumption now what do you suppose oodloida proved to be why eg8 of the codflsb and wonderfully large ones too they were retailed at two shiilingh per egg and eaten raw wiih a littlo sodium chloride which iu plain english moans salt t song ot trust i cannot nlwayu boo tbo way tlint loads to boiflbta abovo i boinutiuioa qui to forijct lio lhjh mo o with bttuda of lovo itutyoti know tbo iatb tnuht loud nn iinnaiiuuip laud and wuoii t roach lifoii bituiinit i u know and uiidurstaihl i cannot alwiiyk tiacu tho umvuril bournu my ship must talu hut looking backward i boboldftfar itn bhininffwoko reckless horsemanship allhoafih the italians as a nation are rather indifferent horsemen the cavalry of the italian army has during the last two yesra cultivated the art of riding home- back to a much greater extebt tbau hereto fore the improvement was mainly brought about by the creation of the high bohoolof equitation for officers of tbe army at tor di quinto this institute has achieved remarkable results of course it is a model riding school and only such oflloora of the army as are already good riders are allowed to enter their number is also limited to one officer to each regi ment and in return for his instruction an officer having passed tbrourh the course is compelled to serve as regimental riding master for one year in thie way a oer- tain number of very efboient instrnotors are seoored fur tbe italian army and as a result tbe efficionoy of the mounted boi- diery has considerably inoreaaed within the last few years it is a well known speoialty at the school attordi quinto to train men and homos for work in very diffloult territory- they make horses climb bleep slopes and what is much more important in case of war te w ttt aides or embankraenls and bt uiilar daring feats one worild certainly question the wisdom of enbmiuiok both man and beael to the chances to life and limb that ovi deatly nouat be iuourred when sliding down auoh a steep and long ihotine the weight of the rider being added to that of the animal it is little short of a miracle that the horse cornea down safe but yet this miracle is practiced almost every day at tor di quinto and the eliding down act performed by any of the officers there with out its ever having happened that either man or hoi en was hurt bigqest wedding ever known aotivb solicitors wanted everywhere for the btorr of tho philippines by mural halstaad eomralsslonsd by tbs qovarnmtnt as offlelsl ifbtorian to tbs war department tbe book was wtftte to jmr eatnps atsau prau- elsoo en tbs paolflo with general msrritt in tbe bospltale at honolulu in hong koaa in the amtrrtoanlrtimbs- at manila in tna roiorgent camps m tblnswo on ths deck of the piympia with isntsjv and la tbs roar ofbattl jo moou luanaa i orfartnal pletpres tkn br gtrvern- btar innrann bnlldlnj ohloajo sd the oouslniwllb bli ineuoclloni from his patron and lo eaob be tearfully presented bli owoclalm i ask not for a prime share of ihe wealth ofmy father relative he said i am very poor and a mere pittance will aerve roe lai me share with ihe very least bat they moated and jeered and would not lieten they received the legal instruc tions whiob be brought from tbs attorney and then kicked bim out jo a neighboring townllved kate win tbrop bbo had been kate wethrbee bat daring lbs very lastl somroer while oibsr conslns had been oultlvstlng their golden expcotatione tbs bad marrled w ihrop and had settled divrn in a anng quiet pesonand happy her hoeband worked hard for a living and she helped him and she was gratafal and glad that aba bad the strength eo to do jedediah sproov ailed opon kate and presented the attorney inatrnotlona some in ootb fn and rsetv said kate in bar winsome cheery vjsy oodoo in and atop for dinner bat dont say any thing jsok and kate and ha did not wail until death had ont short hla share of the enjoy ment before giving to them ot tbe wealth which be bad reeolved iboqld be tbeirs entertainino hovalty when priooeas ijmry of battenborg was a child abo end her nurse were allowed to ramble aboot the balmoral estate to visit the unapt and aopoetlmss stay for tea posifarxp wa ajfyjrlte resorl and one afternooo tea orsr good mra d looked rboddaoxiobely perpleied to provide amuseoisnl for a prlnoeia presumably satiated wtb toy a and joy 19 evsrykiod j what ran i do to mnsa yoar royal blshnust abaeljed stud promptly met by the reply vj oh mrs d do lei me danoe on yoar bed i may not dq it it home and ida so loveii a a perm lislon was gladly given and llie chjld dnnoed lo br heatil oonteol on the snowy oounlerpane london tit btt bismarok while still a raw nniveraity itadenl wat atayiog in tbe mountain region of tbo tyrol near ulonthal and fell deeply in lovo with a beanlifu young peaaant glrj he offered to make her his wife and in order thai bis marriage shoald not take her from her beloved monntalna and atay in the tyrol the parenta of the girl simple peasant folk objected however to their child who bad been brought np a d oa b iiia tu a i oa the day that alexander ihe great waa married no fewer than 20202 poraone in ooe oaremony were rnada huibanda and wives tbia seems imposaifale but the event really took place aa hlatorio records tell na tbia monater woddtng oocorred upontbe booqueet by alexander tho great of persia whloh was then ruled over by kingdarlae alexander married blatira the daaghtor oftbeoonqnered king aad deolared that 100 of bie chief offioera abonld he united to 100 ladies from tbo noblest persian and medean families in addition lo this be stipulated that 10000 of bia groek aqldlera boald marry 10000 ailatio women when everything was settled a vaat pavilllqn was erected the pillaraof wbioh were aixty feet high one hundred gor geous oharobers adjoined this for the 100 noble bridegrooma while for tbe remaining 10000 an inner oourl waa enbloied oatelde of which tsblss were sprssd tor the moltl tude each pair had aeata and ranged tbemaelvea in a aemlofrcle round the royal throne of course tbe priests could not marry tbia vaat number of couples eb alexander the great deviled a vary simple ceremony he gave hlahand to satlra and killed her an example that all the bride grooms followed 7hus ended the oeremony and that vast number were married tben followed ihe festival which laaled five day the gran deur of which has never been equalled since illuniitiod wltb oodb ugljt of lovti aud iiu 1 onward go iu porfuct truat tbut ilu who liolilu llio lloltll tuocourno uinatkikwl i cannot always bcc tho lun on wliicli liobiiiiiinyliri for ott tliu nouihi of liamuiuru bloiv ou blow j tliu iioisti of etrllo j cpilfuanino till i quitulorktbu knowa auu overouh and tuatlnall uulailbwitli hit cood plan ty llfo ftxreu 1 cannot slwys linovr uml uiidorutauil tho muhtortf rulo i caiinot nlwnya do tlio takb hukivcu iu llfo liarl school hut 1 am learning vilh iiih holp to bolvo tbom ono by ouo and when 1 cannot uuucrntuiid to bay thy will bo doiio gertrude benedict curlm tit tlte advance business sims bovnn advertising to iuthihehh mkn thorafrenewip and nowepaperfl tho utiuoat tlimt ohu bo exxicoted of nowa- puper advrtiiini iu to eucourufe pooplo to cbino to your store it angiccata tbo name and olalma of the ooncoru ho that it may be brought to mind when the ubopping necessities artbo yhenadvertihilg boo brought ouatomere to the store it has acooraplilicd much but it baa not performed ita wiiolo mission it has not put money in tlie merchonla till that remains for ho btore to do through ho goods it submits tho troat- meut of ita oubfbruere and tho work of the salesman no advertisement i oioro valaablo to a etoro than that resulting from a eatibliod oastomer a plosecd caetomer daoa missionary work of a value tbo evtent of which can unly bo surmised hoict op yoar end and let your advertise ments be pithy pertinont and original above all not dull make a point of offering merchandise and particularly merabalidiao snitablo to the season at attractive prices bo persistent in calling attention to tho good things you offer but avoid ae much ab poaaiblo superlativos in sdvertisiog also all offenaivo featuros such as exaggeration in description or pricea dont forget that tho truth patly put pans out profit sot out bonoatly and convincingly tho simple truths of business help with a dollar tho mortgage indebtedness on tbe hob pltal for sick children toronto entailb an interebt espensu of 82210 each yoar a besvy drain on the rcaourcea of tbia preat aharity it will be romerobered that in reoent iraue of tbie papor the wonderful work of tho hospital waa deaorlbcd totietlier- with an appeal from tbo trustee abkinr hibamhopemplopnttofmsskiootrtiermnrt gage thia year they bad agreed to retire that portion of the mortgage a oeneroua reaponao baa been made but there ia still 91000 needed to complete tbo sum abbcd for over 921000 hae been paid in sohin ofit obrne from tho ruaders oftliu ppor tho obarity ib provinoia and uut local slok children from every nook and of the province are cared for tho chair man of the hospital treat j ross eobertaon toronto writeb la there another man in jour town who will help the helplesa ohlldren with a dollar mr bobertson aaya that every gift lo i worthy liarity beara interest for tbo donor four thonaand single dollars will do the work will yoa give one unfading cotton dyes special fast diamond dyes for cotton that will not wash out in soapsuds ian junker who was a proteilant to boot so the romanoo whiob threatened to loae a bismarck for 1rossla came to a aadden end and the hero of ii relumed lo bis alma mater at berlin in a hall at ulen- thai there is still to be sssna plotare of dlamarck lo lbs nnlform of his yonnger days tbe heroine of the romance died many years ago aa ihe well lo do widow of an analriau landed proprietor si jamtt jautu wby la it that stalterlcii men are nsarly always bachelors well tbey get so mnoh urns lo think before ihey apeak to those about to maury actions are idesa iu motion rleeplesmeas is due to nervous excite ment the delicately constituted the jlnanoler tbe baaioeaa man and thoae whose oooopation neoeiilates gjraat meatat train or worry all suffer leu or more from ii sleep is the treat restorer of a worried brain and to get sleep cleanse the tomaoh fron alllmpurltiee with a few doses of farmsleea vegetaua pill gelatine coated oontalniofl no meronry and are stoarsnteed to give aatlfaotioo or the money will be refunded yonng men or old men who intend lo marry will be pleased to learn shat the new marriane aot is made quite simple by applying to ii p moors inner of marriage lloenea at the faas paiaa offloe oall a fswdaya before the oeremony and have the matter explained private offloe all slot never travel alone they never fall mr s m booghnar langtod wrilea for aboot two years i waa ironbied with inward pills bat by nslng parmelssv pills i was completely cured and llhough four years have elapned alnoe they have no returned parmeleea pills are antlbilloaa and a speolaofor the ours of liver and kldooy ooraplainta dyspepsia ooeliveiiess haad- a i eehe piles elo and will regulate the buslnosa irlehy prlvat and oonbdentlal move all billioos matter at reeldsooe in evenings i it ia abaolatoly imposaiblc to gat fabt and aatisfaotory color bo oottou fbmthe same dyes as are used for wolleugoods and for that reason diamond dyca have a specially prepared lino ot fast color for cotton that will give perfect aatiefaotibn if yon want to color cotton and mixed goods be auro to got the fait diamond iyee for cotton aa ihoy will givo polora that will not fade oven by waahlng in strong aospsada or expoaare to sunlight if any dealer tries to sell yon tho aaroe dyo to color oottou as he would sell you for coloring wool do not acoept it as auch dyes are unreliable and in the majority of oaios will ruin tho material on which thoy are aaad there are aoroe fifty different kinds of diamond dyes so that you can get any oolpr that you wish by using them in different strengths any desired ahade can be made and ill the fashionable colore are readily gotten with these dyee to got a fast rich full blaok uao one of the diamond dyo faet blaokb there ara three different kinde for wool for cotton and mixed goods and for silk and foathors they color a rich full blaok that oaanot bs dialinguihod from new goods diamond dyes are prepared specially forborne uaewlth very simple dlreotiona so that it is bat little trouble or work to ass them a direotlon book will be sent free to any adrlrees wella a iliohnrdaon go montreal quo at tho unanlmona petition of tho vootry tbo biahop of algorrta has offered tho reetorabip f the procathedral at bault bte marie to bev wm bevan of hamilton formerly of lowvllle mr bevan baa hcoepted the obarge to tiik dura rich lady cored of her deaf noes and noise in the head by dr nicholsons arliaoal ear drums baa sent 1000 to bis institute so that deaf peoplo anable 10 procure the bar drums may have them free apply to department k b the institute libngcott gunners nory london w england itir fcrirv ir-v- 4-ht-

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