Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 2, 1899, p. 2

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y d1e1k ihhund in acton on but unlay morning hbtli january willim a itmioml ugoit 7ti yours so iluyn hmytiiih acton on rumlny ovmilnj hl1i january currlu moon wlfo or w i ttuiytli iytid llyouiti aumbtitona at ilia lulu nibitluiiai iiramoflii on humluy iwtli funuiiryjolui a ariimtroiii hi till will yuar of litu uu iikhod at bt t ononis iloisnltul guolpli on wtiilnoadiiy jan hath oooryo b ilorod mj v in tlio 7 jth oar of ula ago iiaynkbiu iarufraxaon tuoiday jan uith hhrabftth hftrhlrwlfooc hwum uaymwr nud elbtor of mis tiiob hamilton aoton agud u yours 1 aioiitli a gratifying success hz 2xtou vz films thuusday february 2 1890 notes and comments mr w j whito immigration depart ment bays that spring will boo 7000 french canifliatib and others brought to the canadian northwest from the uuitott states i the number of burials xccorded for tbo month of january 1809 ia 281 aa com- pared with 1c8- for jannuary 1808 and 111 for 1897 rbyboians aay la krippo la reapodbible for the great increase- toronto it is not an uncommoa thing said mr shaw of loudon england in an interview the other day in fact it is a no mm on thing to hear peoplo ask for canadian batter or canadian cheese- in preforenoo to danish butter and danish cheese just because the produce cornea from canada and the game in respect toother products it ib said that one of tbo bills to be presented at tho present session of the ontario house will be e good roada billtd pro vidnak rant towards tbomaio- tenco of tho main roadb providing govern- anporvuion loavibg the townships to look after their own with this will be oouplod the suggestion that the government advance money on debentures to the coun ties in order that the work may be en tared on simultaneously this would be right in lino with the bicyclists doaires an article of particular interest jut now is tho united states and her now possessions contributed to tho february chautduquan by mr john w hard wick the question of expansion with the atti tude of president mckinley and many prominent citizens ia dieoubocd interest ing statistics of tho conomerce of ouba puerto rico and the hilliplnes are fiiven movements toward the reformation of existing conditions iu these islands are cited and the form of government lo be adopted and the expediency of annexation agitated tho paper- ia at once exhaustive and oouolnsive the benefloial effeot of tho establishing of the provincial municipal auditors department ia already manifest last year the defalcations on the part of munic ipal officers totalled over 8100000 for the year just closed they will not borne to one quarter of that amount one effeot of the introduction of the new books has boon the appointment of new municipal treas urers and clerks in many places the returns dow coming in to the bureau of industries are aigned by new men who have superseded those who oould not carry on the work of keeping the hooka in a proper manner statistics quoted by the- retiring presi dent ia his valedictory to the toronto board of trado ought to prove to the farm ers of ontario that their future ocouration consists largely and moat profitably in the growth of live btook and the manufaotore of dairy produote while our exports of tt a ami ot p have fladtaated up and dowri from year to year that of animals and their produce has steadily increased each year during the present decade this trade baa developed from 826106095 in 1800 to 44b01470 in 1808 canada now supplies 00 per cent ofthocheeso imported by great britain ab yet we supply only onethirtieth of the batter imported by the mother country bat this fftot only shows what on immense market ia available to as and what big figures oar exports of batter will reach if we only cultivate this market aa wo have that for our cheese weights and measures several important chanares in the act of oeneral interest tbe weights and measures aot aod itb regulations have been altered in some im portant particulars the scope of which tho public eboold be informed auctioneers secondhand dealers and repairers or adj cater of weights and rasas ores or weighing meobanios are dealers within tbe meaning of tbe act and therefore can not have in their possession any weights measures or weighing machines but each as can be inspected nor can they sell or allow tbese to go out of their possession an til they- have been fnspeoted and tamped the equivalent for a bushel of lime is eighty prion ds the equivalent for a bush el of onions is fifty pounds weighing maohines used for col lories cheese factor ies elevators flouring mills other- than grist no ilia grain warehouses public market and for tbe weighing of coal are to be inspected every year alao tprlng scales the using with a weighing machine a greater number of weights than is required by its certified capacity subject the delinquent to a penalty of ten dollars for determining the weight equivalent of a bnshel of certaiti cereals lime and coal a smaller measure than a bushel shall not be nsed in case of dispute as to the correctness of a weight measure or weighing machine if an inspector or assistant inspector is requested to inspect them the fees for the aotona municipal eleotrio lighting plnnt put into successful opera tion on saturday streets stores and houses are now brilliant tho last luco ol tho cleutrio lighting plant machinery vvas placed in the power house on saturday morning und on sutur- i was t oil halhtho street and domestic circuitb considering that all tho maohiuory was new and tho installation of tho system was in many rospcota intricate it waa a gen uino aurpriso thatovery thing wont without a hitch aud that tho plant was continued in uninterrupted operation from dusk until midnight on its first day the oiti- zens generally wero delightod that at last eleotrio light was an established faot and thatthe atreotb wore brilliantly mgt every part of tho town similar satisfac tion was also expressed by our merchants and hotel men tbe majority of whom have iuatalledtho lithta in their plaaes of bnsi- nose atfwoliaaby thosowhohavo bad it put into thslr residency with the prevailing tnoonlight the new inqandeaoopt eleotrio lights were somewhat at a disadvantage but the contrast over tho old coal oil lamps was striking and emineutly satisfactory during the past two weeks not a little impatience was manifested at the apparent delay of tho contractors for the electrical machinery in sending forward tho dynamo and oonnaotioub but it arrived and was placed in position just as boon ae the rest of tho plant was ready for it in fact tho wire men miht have gone on another week with the installation of ligbta without causing inconvenience to- any one tho expedition which has characterized the putting iu of the plant in every depart ment of the work is indeed a marvel whenthehtatterlb do our citizens realize the faot that the vote by which tbe property owners gave assont to the bylaw was not taken until the 4th of novcrhber lost that tbe by law was uot ratified until the lgtb aud that tbe contracts were not signed until the 22nd of thatmonth further that after this date when winter had begun in real earnest tho excavations for tho power hooso were made tho building creat ed tinder tho most adverse weather- the poles cut in the bush hauled to town peeled aud trimmed tho ptau of ihe town for tho several services laid cut the post- boles due and tho poloa erected the wires strnng the buildings wired tho lamps installed on the streets and inside the machinery built bhipped and erected the whole accomplished in a little over two months ia there any room whatever for complaint of lack of dispatch certainly not for this remarkable accomplishment special oreditia due first to iteevo pearson and the fire and liht committee theso gentlemen failed to bpare themselves in anyway but gavo undivided attention to every department of tho work in operation they wero at the beck and call of engine and boiler makers tho electrical mauufao- turors the builders the linemen etc and they gavotbolr best contiieration to those matters day and night their efforta were seconded by all who had charge of the various works electrician reynolds had general oversight of plans and arrange ments mr k forbes ud officer graham of the erection of tbe power bouse mr w cowan of the goldie mccallough co of the placing of tbeboiler and edgine and mr hj hard superintended the construction of the eleotrio wiring and machinery department for the w a johnson eleotrio co every man of them performed his work with skill and dispatflh an pb b ii p hoft iihln seventy days from the inauguration of operaliona a first- qibbb plant installed the plant includes the following a stone power house- 21 x co floored with maple with walla and trimmings of dressed red birob tho engine and dyna mo room is 24 by 87 and the boilor room 24 x ib the engine is of the wbeelook type capaoity 75 b p nominal and the boiler 00 h p these were supplied by tho goldie and mccullooh co gait and nphold tbe reputation of that wellknown firm tho dynamo is a fifty kilowatt machine with a capaoity of loooincandes- oent lights it is of the alternating current type- which system has been placed with muoh success in various eleotrio stations this firm also supplied a fine twopanel marble switchboard with full complement of controlling instruments there are 50 82 c p incandescent street limps arranged iu two circuits independent of ouob other and a third circuit for domestic and commercial service also independent the main driving belt is a 16 inch belt 05 feet long aud the dynamo belt is a 10 inch double endless both were supplied by the belting department of aoton tan ning company aoton is now in possession of a flnit- olass electric lighting plant of a capacity sufficient to meet all the demand of the town for at least half a dozon years the light produced is dear bright and steady and apparently cqaal in il laminating power to that of the beit city service our citilsens are to be congratulated open having so fine a nystem installed at so reasonable an outlay as well as in the bright prospects of a liberal ntd general demand for the supply of current so that tbe enter prise will not only be belftmiiaiuiiig hut will in a very few months yield a hand some profit to the municipal trcatpry inspection shall be paid by tho pcrbott against whom the deoislou is given thejnspsotion of weights measures and weighing machines is td bo done by tbe weights and meaanres oflioers on the premises of the traders snlsss the traders voluntarily bring them to the offices of tb inspsotor no weighing maohiue with a sooop on or scoop off or similar contrivance is to be permitted and any now in use are to permanently fixed in compliance with this spring scales of a superior quality and after having been subjected to hydraulic pressure tests by the department at ottawa are permitted to be used the inspection fit a oompntior scale does not inolude the computing part only the part that weighs former regolatiqna requiring certain qualities of tin iu meaiarea of quantity are osdoolled all that ia now required is stent tin plsls i ths fpuodatiops for weigh bridges and bay ical are o iw of sldns wherever possible sbffiolently deep uol to be affeoted by frost the pit sre to be five feel deep and drained ballinafad partiub nnd skating are the order of tho y- ii b webster in home tnuin after spendlnu a couple of month fit hillaburg clerking iu a store we aro sorry to hear that mrs geo campbell was called away suddeuly to tho death bed of her rnotheri who live iu the states news has arrived since that her mother passed rvviiyonmnndhy omast week mr poter yemen had to give up his school for a week or so owinii to nickness lie is recovering however mr m camp bell is taking bis plaoi fever is again in onr midst tbe youngest daughter of sandy campbell 1 confined to the house with it gratifying improvement my face waacovered with pimples and huokheads when i brgan taking hoods sarsaparilla but after the uss of this medicino a abort time i was entirely cured i oannol reoommcuil it too highly since it has done so much for me may itajn north street oangih ontario hoods pills are ihe only pills to take with hoods banaparilla life will depend largely upon what we do with leisure moments drlow vvorm syrup is saff sure and reliable worm expeller acts quahy well rti children br adolti be aure yaa gstqw- 4 isslsisffls neiqhborkood news news itbma supplied bv corres pondents nntl exchangoa ore wsons corn brs tho grip is very provaunt iiihin vicinity scarcely u family hn qhonpd it bat bo fur it iu nut of a vury suriuurj nature noit sunday lub flth thn quarterly mciilhig of ltoclrwoodttrrmittrill iu tho church bore mr jool leslie of the lt con of erin intends building a fine briok robidenco otl hiu farm iu the spring when hia reaidenoo is completed ho will own one of tbufluostxqiiippod furmain this part of ontario mr joseph crowson jr of manltobo aud mr oscar crowson of luther visited friends hare last week mr john warden ol jrin visited hib sister mra john armstrong a few days ubi week mies ethel armstrong of georgetown spent a focv days ut her horno horo last week a nqmber from this vicinity went to- rockwood on sunday to hear bav dr carman in tho methodist churoh there tho young people of this vicinity spent a highly 4ujoyabe timo at the homo of mr h wilson kuatchbull last tuesday evening it was with the proftmndest regret that tho mnny readers of the frvk piihhh in this place heard of tho death of mr j d he0ernan of guelph on monday lust ou thursday morning last there paebed away ono of erin towubhips eurly pioneers in the person of mr jo allan iu his 71st yoar hia funeral on saturday waa fargc- ly attended revs w holdeu hia pan- tor assisted by bbv t b forbes condnoted tho service tho pallbearers wefei8tour7sonaaudhlstwograndsonbr w j and wilaon campbell master bert crowson is still very low churchill the raging storm last thursday evening interfered materially with tho attendance dt tho annuah teameotihg in the congrega tional churoh an enjoyable ovening was apent however by those who braved the storm after tea uddresses wero delivered by revs h a msophereon and j a mclachlan music was provided by mrs ha macpherson acton mies kerr odpringo mrs john mccarthy and mre pattofeon caledon aa well as by the ohoir aud local talont iu order to givo those who were disappointed on thursday evening an enjoyable evening a bocial waa held on monday evening tlub also t had its enjoyable feature tho recitations by miss minnio bennott and mies lily mpmuroby both local school teachers were received with moch favor bev t r forties tho pastor ortciated as master of ceremoniea on both occaaious a- meeting of unusual interest will bo hold in the congregational churoh next tuesday when toronto district congrega tional association will hold their regular qnarterly meeting there tho days aesbion will open at 11 a in with abarmon by rev c h routliffe toronto followed by communion rov t r forbes presiding at 290 p ai prayer and praise 800 p m the work of tlis chnrobes briof reports fraternal greet ing itov c e bolton garafraxa 330 p m the study of congregationalisnn rev w j hindloy guelph and rev h f thorn ib toronto 415 p rn our principles and polity rev j dmoewen stouffville at700p m thoro willbo a platform meeting presidents address by rov j ppqerrio toronto artsotiddresbea by- bev t b hyde toronto ond rov a jj lspnnr baxua the public is cordially invited especially to ihe evening sessiou georgetown tho state of our roads ut present prevents much activity iu business tho shipment of hogs by messrs holmes and weetherald seems to be the most aolive at least amng our farmers tho advice so aptly given at tho farraera institute recently held horo will grflatly help and eucoarago pur farmers in raising hoga far market with a good margin of profit the same also ia true with regard to cattlo for tho butcher or for tho diary a large number of oar cilizonb nro suffering frum la grippe among the number is j r barter eq m p p every ono roarets to hear that mr cheshiro is about to leavo georgetown to go to australia lie called a salo of tho contents of hia maohlno shop last week after selling his household goods he will be ready for bis long journey the most active citizens wo havo juit now are the coal und wood dealers the rest of ns are testing the qualities and quan tities of our sopphts and wondering how long zero weather and supplies will balance in pur favor 1 last sunday wav a upetitl day iu tho baptist ohurch large oongregations assembled at both services the oooaaton was expected to bo one of special- interest bflcftuse of the annouocement that the rev p k day fool would preach and as he is ond of our georgetown boys every one wished to hear him hut that prevailing conqueror la grippe held bim a prisoner tho rev mr oneill of choltrnbare came to pur aid and preached two cxoel- lent sermons monday evening the concert waii held and every ono reportb its ureal bucccib tho haines quartette the georgetown and cheltenham chorus and mr e b jackson and milrimstin of toronto fnrnlaho4 ths musloil part of tljo pro gramme and miss freeman of burlington gave recitations mr jackson of the college of music toronto has just opened classes for vocal training here and this was hi nt appnfifii every one was tlolightod with liii aiiigtnn and there is ro donbt ho will havo a large class with such a favorable introduction the bev g a mitchell preached ib the congregational church labi ing their now pistor the rev m b mason will presoh neit sabbath the rev j a mclaohlau m a aoton reccd a paper before the ministerial asiboiation at the manse in norval on monday on christian sdienoe the subject was carefully oonsidcrcd and the paper highly appreciated during the meeting rev t it forbes aotnji whs elcoied presfdent the retiring preident bev o a mltobetl suitably introduce mr forbes who msde ia very appropriate introductory speech pysnepsjas olulohss dr von stans pioeappl tablet are na torts most wonderful remedy or all diiorder of the slomaoii ths dltieative powers or piqsappls oaii be tskted by mliing equal pts ot plnapplft and bf aod agitadcg iipbwanfsof lovfiilirtjihsflv whenvths toeat will bo totlrsjy dud ibjto rmvaiuvnfe day b5 inifsv vu rvv rjlr a victim of ne mrs roberts of montreal tells a wonderful story sho was a sufferer for some sovon years and vied leal treatment failed to give her more than tomporury relief a herald roportor invostlgatosthe case stocktaking bargains fnlm the iiornm montreal i thought it was someihitig wonderful jdjwlieifr i wont ibrsadaya without being- biok said mre annio roberts to a repre sentative ot tho montreal fltyald referring to her remarkable rccovory from an illueas of over aevon long year mr und mra itoberta reuido at 111 wolfe btrcot mont- reul aud thureporter wua cordially wel comed wheu lie went to inquire as to the truth of the report that mrs roberts- had been restored to health through tho use of dr williams piuk pills mr and mrs itoberta oauiq to canada from england a little moro than five yearu ao and mrst xtoherta illnesa began while blill jn the old country i waa really tho victim of a combination of trouble says mrs kol erla for seven yehrs neuralgia with all its oxer uciatirg pains has been uiy ulmoat conatunt htteiidoni added t0 ibis jc waa attacked with rheumatism autl pul- pitatiou of thoheiirr audur tho iubi tivo yeara was uot ublo to gat put of doors during the winter months sometimes i felt aa though those paiua iu my head would drive mo mad my ntirvca were all unttrung and a knock ut tho door would send me nearly cruzy i was trcatod at different times by futir doctors since coming to montreal but without any lasting good und i bad given up hope of beiug better on thia aide of tho grave a friend of mine whoso father had been helpless for two ysare but waa restored by dr williams pink pills urgod me to try them my husband auked tho doctor who waa attend ing me what be thougbtjpflhumandlhe doctor relpied that be bclievod them to bo a good medioino this persuaded me to bagin their use no one who aces mo now oan form any idea ot my condition when i began taking dr wllliama pink pills and i had only taken three boxes when i began to recover but seven years of pain had nearty shattered my conatitutionnd i did not look for a ppecial recovery and i was moro than gratiqod to find that after i had used i think about a dozen ojjd a half boxes i was fully rebtorud to health it eepmed all the mora wonderful bocaueo the dootora both in england and hero nevor did morothau give mo temporary relief aud their treatment waa much more expen sive the paat aummer wua tho first iu years that i really enjoyed life and i was able to go on a viult to radnor forgea dr williama pink pi 11 a have also been of muoh benefit to my daughtor violet she is just nine yeara old but she suffered a groat deal from pains iu tho back and elok headache but tbe pills havo made her feel all right again w- i nevor fail to recommend dr williams pink fills when any of my friends are ill baid mrs roberts while visiting at radnor forgo i urged a young lady friend who had long been a sufferer from curva ture of tbe bpine aud obbiiuato constipa tion to try them and they have done her a vast amount of good tho reporter confesses hat mrs rob erts atory is a wonderful one that she is uow thoroughly well u altar from her face her manner and her happy spirit mr and mrs roberta are intelligent aod roll ublo people mr boborts ia head engineer in tho biacuit works of viau and frere tho wealthiest firm in this line in the dominion and he fully endorses the good words bis wife has to say in favor of dr williams fink pills in fact ho says the bpccdy enre they wrought iu his wifes case has saved him many dollars dr williams pink pills have no purga tive action and so do not weaken the body thoy build up 1116 clood hy ulluulyuigu with the elements that enrich it and atrengthen tho nerves in this way they euro all diseases haying their origin in poor and watery blood always refuse the pink qolorod imitations which bomo dealers offer see that the full namo dr wil liams piuk pills for palo peoplo is on every paokngo you huy if in doubt send direct to tho dr williams medicine co brookville ont and thoy wilt ba mailed poet paid ut 50o a box ot six boxes for 8250 grateful qontent ib a good aauoe to serve with any dinner just like smoke a cough ia like smoke smoke indicates that there in a firo- somowlicre a cough indicates that thro ia a scrlpus disease hidden away in the breathing organs put but tho fire with water and tbe smoke will disappear fat out throat and lung daoase with shllohd consumption cure and your cough will disappear 25 cents goehts and 100 a bottle guaranteed to do everything claimed for it v ye are offering big rednc- tiong in black and colored dress v also cottons v flariribis flnriibletltes sheetings boots and shoes etc crocerie8 new prunes banned goods marmalade choice teas and coffies v lr gtjeneygo iwiillst speceal trunk bnd all this week i 8 stores neill the shoe man guelph x the careful repairing of vatchcs is itie hohby of pringle the jeweller mu 3vblnrti6nittnts wanted good glovo mnhorb inboam nndoutscsm iiiekurn aily to thallalckil cliiovk ufq co tjiroo ilivon quo guelph- his long cxpcricnco combined with his practical ability and close attention to the details of that part of his business makes him the best qualified person in guelph to do any repairs to your watch spectacles the same careful oversight is glvfcn to the proper fitting ol spectacles any defect of vision is carefully examined and if spectacles can be found to aid the sight or stop the headache pringlc will supply them- residence for sa1e- anew urlckmsldeiicoivltirniio large rooms hpleudld collar under wholoboue com- m oa h ana- the ins and outs no matter whether you vanl an interior or an exterior view ofyour home or one of the inmates we can lnsuro you a pretty picture one that your friends will admire and carry realism of your home to those absent we take photos either by sunlight or flashlight h rrwshrw fhoto katistkcton corner king and fluglisoh sts hamilton r th february ou8e i8 hamiltons favorite shopping place our big bkrckin bulletin slack jackats- lad tea ulack douolo cloth jackets high btokin collar donblobroaatod former y i6a5 now 9300 ltdioa- btack frieze jackou double- breiuted velvet collar formerly 6000 now s3 60 formerly osonow 300 ladies viators ladteaoovort ooatlniftjlbtora double breaatod in fawn and brown form or ly 316 now 500 ladles twaod ulsters with atorm collar formerly 411 now 360 sloohed cottons goplecoa holnob gngliih lonflolotu and fruit of the ioom aud dwigut anchor american cottons 80 inches wide pedal at 8io -n-nim-v- anoran finttonr 35 inohoe wjdoln nno or beavy quali ties rognlex 15c now 12jo specials in prints is pieces 321 n oh prints in dark fancy atrlpoa and flgaiod pat torn b formorly 12io now 40 pieces 33luoh prints ia assorted pat terns red gurnet pink black cadet and uluo grounds formerly 12jc now flannels and flannelettes 500 yards 37irjob fancy flnurod wrapnor- ttos in obooki and stripes dark color- logs formerly 15o now 20 pieces 28lnch flno froneb twill wrapporettoa fancy flgarod patterns light and dark colorings formerly 26c 720 yards 38inab allwool prenob flannel in new pattqrnnfancyetripeiandfloral dcolrdb formerly 60o 4to and 37jo now bnven plooes 90lncb flaid ceylon flan- nftlr in light and dart eol for- raorly 40a now 81o 10b loo 15o 30o i8r sfjk specials 37 inab black japanese sllbs formerly 75c now colored taffeta bilk in tea different flbades formerly 65e dow fancy figured blonso bilks formerly 50c fancy tartan silks formerly 65c now colored bilk molroa formerly 150 now faooybllk grenadine in blouaa langtba formerly 300 now press linings bolt black crinoline formerly 10c now fancy waist ltnlngi with black back formerly soo now cream linen lining formerly 35c now heavy bngllab twill waist linings in light groyavndtawn formerly soo now ctratgcl ajl c o 600 60o 35o 45o 7bo 76o 16o lbo loo ffo- eoft water nlco garden groat bargain for quick nnlo for fnctbor particulars- apply at tbo fnekpiiebb olllco coal busiiess changed j c hill has purobaiod tbo coal dusluaas ot lr john mcqueen and is prepared to dolivor mat- alais bcranton coal iu furnaco btoyo and nut bizok promplyatid to tbe satisfaction ot custoi niors gonorally i havo also puroliaacd tbo- wolguscnlob and will givo prompt attootion to all orders tor their a v j 0hill notice to creditors rpake notice that n drown of tho village of x limehoubo in tbe county of havltoa has aailaned to mo in trnnt for tbo benefit of bis oredttors a certain policy of firo inaurmco in tbo manchester flro aasuranco compny and that all pononi baling claims against tho ostato of tbo aaid n brown are required to nlo tboir claims witbmeduly prqvod ana stating what leoarity ii anyjthey bold on os before the- 15th day df february 1mw as ou or avfur that dato i will nrocood to divide the proooodi of tbe bald pollctv rateably among inch creditors as bavo ui on idled tboir claims m a j mckinnon aoton po dated tills 31st day of january a d 1e0b the wellington mutual fire insurance company the general annual mooting of tbo welling ton mutual flro insurance ootupany will beheld in tbe companys ottos on tuesday the 14th day of fb3btjart next at 10 pm to reoelvtf tho directors repor withibftkio anclatsutcroont fortne year tlio eleotion of dirootors for tlio ensuing year and other business rolevanttotbomeetlng uy order i blgnod john davidson firetary important notice the celebrated indian doctor george w hill and partnor will be a agnews ho tot aoton on the jut wed neaday of oyery month pn til furttiar- notice ootnmonclug with wednesday sstta october 1808 all obroulo diseases such as consnmp tlon catarrh ilvor complaint kidney dlaeasas rheumatism diabetes ttoi are onredbjr indian rneumausm aiaoeiob ocuj ro gurauviuuiu homed les uodictneb sold by tbe quantity- fatlonts given up as inourabjo ara polally invited pationtbondor treatment to other doc tors are not solicited consultation tree per manent addrow brantf0bd p 0 ont notice to creditors in the matter of theestate of peter mann late of the townshipoolsiuesiqg in the county of hal ton farmer deceased notice is hereby givnn pnraoant tob b o 1b97 cap 1203oo u3 that all poracna baviofl any claim against tbogstatooftboaboto named peter mann deceased who died on or aboattbe 13th day ot november 1898 at tho said tows ship of eiquoaing aro hereby required to send by post prepaid or deliver to tbo undersigned solicitors on or before the 27th day 0 fobruary 1809 their namoa and addrosioi togathor with particulars ol their claim or claims and tbo naturoof tbo sharlty if anyasld by tbem and notice is hereby given that attor tbe said 37th day of february 1809 tho executors will proceed to distribute tbe assets ol tba said estate amongtho persons entitled tboreto bivlng re gard only to the olalmsol wbloh notteobasbeen rocetvod and tba said exeeutora vlll not be liable tor tbo suets so distributed or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims tboy shall not have received notice guthrie watt gutbbxe quel ph solicitors for execntors dated 27th january 1890 wo prepay carjos fall on write forsamplea or prlcos ol anything you require i bo ft the rlprht house thomas g wafcins hamilton 3 wc make our annual jaith ia the victory no matter how strong the foe tt hakyaidvyellow oil ouros sprains hruiajp bores wounds cuts frostbites ohilblaina stints of fnscote biirnp ictlda ooutuslooi oto price 25a tho younn rhiiu who has no a in life will aoouer or later fall into the ditoh in- all ttnies and among all people beauty and love aro associated we all believe that eve yob beautiful esther found favor because of her com- liness tve and jealousy v caused hy helen of troy g mode historic 4 trouble for two imtions nobody 1 ever couqetved nil ey juliet heroines of romance are always beau- 5 tiful idea a of beauty difter hjwses- but the one 23sa bort of ibvlincss that all agree upon is ths beauty of health no inatter what her features 119 fiickly ywjimlicnu he attrac tive sallow slcinisunkcri checks pilitply fae hollow yeslifeless lipsthrsc are repeilrvnt and they can nearly always be traced to hie one caufjctwouiaiily weakness or disease almost all the ills of womankind are cured if you- put the feniihine organism into healthy vigorous condition all sickness of women seems to involve these del lea to organs and so no matter what the symptoms 111nybe it is best to look tbre for the real trouble all such disorders are completely ond permanently cured by dr nercos fa vorite prescription it is designed for just this one thing and is the only prep aration of the tort produced by a recti larly graduated physician a skilled specialist in the diseases of women miss mnud kenyon of ism qranast los angeles caiwtltea i had rweit afflicted with ray eyes for over a year with such a drcndful itching and hiflnmntntion thotl could pot use them for anything physldhurltd4 lveii me tpsny different rsmedtes which were like ntlog measured my eyes for did not benefit jne in trje of all fall and winter goods it dont pay any business to carry surplus stock over to the next season our object is always to begin with a new stock for every seasons business now will be your great opportunity to procure special bargains in dress goods mantles and all kinds of woollen goods great bargains in readytowear clothing overcoats boys reefers eemn ants a great lot to be cleared at half price also mens under- wear odd shirts drawers etc and a number of odd lines in all classes of goods to be cleared come early and secure some of the great bargains f be hiahisg taitqitirov in this department we have a number of fine scotch tweed suitings reg ular prices 1800 2000 and 2250 sale price 1200 1350 and lb7o tlieseare great bargains also a number of overcoat lengths to be sold at the above reductions these garments will be well trimmed well tailored in out usual highclass standard at the prices they will be sold ut they will be picked up at once by shrewd buyers y tenders fb wocj acton pubmc school tendens lil bo roooived bv tho ander- sinned up to mcndy fatraary for tblrty cord of lonnd green body wood mostly maple four foot long to be delivered ot tbe fablio bebool by the lit uarohdext tbe low est or any tender not necessarily seeeptad h p moolte secretary acton jan 901b 1b09 1pabmbh8 vsntlob money on uorttfsgo security ulll do well to call su jckaoifi loan office uaepl all bailnsu triotly pri- vsto tjowatt rstes of latorott sad nsoaersto flxjhnsm plenty of funds farms and city residences for sals ana exchange somo bpoolal harffalns ofoe wyodbam bt opposits heills shoo store addreuhox sis gnelpb w cjackson h conveyencer money lender cuelph cash paid for farm produce butter eggs pork onions poultry etc gi bsq m m iusfeiiifi hob b look 7t35ij st g eo f4g btown prodnco taken in exchange a man named smith had a terrible cough people hiil ho ivae goinfl into ooneumptlon a rnattor ot hot bewa already in ihe eurly elafje of lhal terrible detrojer but ho dad btnse enotirh to take shilolie ooagri and oomumpllon oiire and loday thoro lint a beeltbler man in gonads 35 oenti so- eenti iq0 a bolile if it faji t cure the droggielr will refund yonr mosey ohsraoter l wh o are when we ite not waiohed j v ou ltiilver plllv every iighyfoc ibltly idajalus f prnpl iiifomniauoj cpnlploi t jbhsoebutobeoered a thousand tongues could not oxpreei the rapture of annie e springer of 1135 howard ot 1hiledelphli po when sho foqnd that br klnge how duoovefy for oonanmptlon had completely cored her of a hacking cough tbut tor rhny yer had made life burden all other ramadln arid doototi mould give her no balp but hiyiiotlbiai0jilii9i removed wijm pt- 0 irtyftelrri robbed the grave a itsrtllng idoldeni of which mr john oliver of philadelphia was the subject is nrrated by him ollowi i wae in a dreadful oondltlon my ikin wss almost yeloweyee sunken toorae coated pain oontlonally in btok sod tide no appollle grsdnally growing weaker day by day tlk pbyilolan had given me np portonately a friend advised trying bkotrio bitter and to my great joy ml uipriae he flrl bottle msde a doolded iirprotsituooti looptlnned their ote for jthwiniapdsira powiia well man i know they saved my life and robbed the fgntyeof snother votlm ro one anoqld i fell to try thern qnly w cent a bottle fljiny bolile gnarsnteefi bold by i d apples wanted aikenhe ad pkoptjce co actom o parsons manner ont kituioisd crja7w shtltoh hrzl an elcgnnt and healing prcparn- n for enapped liands fnce or lips rhness of th qrlfeerlrie tidn and all roughness of the skin and cucumber for preserving nttd softening tho skin to which it imparts freshness whiteness and smoothness it isonllrsly vegetable and con tains nothing in the least harmful these delightful and harmless toilet preparations prepared by a t m0im0m ftki

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