Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 2, 1899, p. 3

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thjb bank of hamilton chaktek gkantlid 1872 hbajjofriofi hamilton on t capital all paid ufc 9 1 25000000 reserve and surplus profits 80000000 total assets 91 2i00000000 j tukfcdull cashieu savings department interest paid at best current rates an iijurni to p wnoui waiimg lof iasa book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a written order with the pass book no formalities no delay the government returns shovy that this bank givos to depositors fourmillion dollars of security over and above every cent- due to the public farmers notesof responsible farmers disconntcd money loanedto feed cattle etc larmors sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtqsy fair rates je very banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited ceorcetown branch ebtaulwited oveft twenty ykalib j p bell aflrent the news at home mostly of a local character and overv item interesting special fcrklora la knox church arrapgomtmtd have bauti mudo to bold special meetings in knox oliuroh noxt week from monday uuli friday tllo minister will bo ubstolod by itov wro furrjulnirsou b d of claude und mr j i oheyue who u spending a low lays at tho manbq the meeting will heprcrmle thursday eebbuary 2 1898 little local brieflets vhjohcaubhttheeyes orearo free press reportors this week february t month gonooil meeting nett monday evening no rdoro grumbling about poorly lighted streets the public solioul board will meet uextftlonday evening at 7 oolook ssicrainental services will be held in the methodist church next suuday drover hblmflb shipped another car of cattle and hogs to toronto on monday vtbe taro weather ibis week has played havoo with the coal and wood supplies mill street with its seventeen eleotrio lights gives a perspective like a city btrcet- mr clark the miller shipped a oar of bis wellknown golden floor to halifax yesterday conductor robert johnston one of the- otrs oldest conductor died at bis borne in toronto ou tuesday ttimjmolour sdvtfayrtbnobl workers left this morning to attend the county convention at milton today end tornorrow ithe freb pitkbs congratulates rev t b i7orbee upon his eloation to the presidency of the georgetown mlnistpfial association jos d hefleruan tbo wellknown auctioneer died at gnelpb on monday morning the result of an stlaek of puoamonia principal t t moore bos boou oonfln- ed to his bed with la grippe the past two days the first department of the public bbhool is consequently dismissed tho new eleotrio machine is running and satislaotorily loo and no tho oonncil dont cars whether you oall it a dynamo or a dybnano or dynamite or a donioorat eieotriclan reynolds will run bis plant every night and trie otrootswill now be lighted whenever needed whether the almania fava hit moott sna mlltfa uf not by a korvloo or ong from 730 to 8 p m eaob oveuint tho sacrament of tho lords 6uppor will be dispensed qn february 12th at tbo morning bervio3 thv i an early resident of this motion died last wodnosdivy iu tbo person of jobeph allan who has bebu a familiar figure in aoton and vicinity for over half a oentnry mr allan was a native of the county ladroamo vr ifyou have friends at a distance who formerly resided in aoton or halloo make ibsra happy by sending them the fnss paxss lor a year the looal news will always interest them on tie 26th august last tiiq fiusb psass aid kleotrlo light is ooming sure ooe season for thos predlotlng wai the appointment by ths council of a committee to investigate the advantages of electric light such invetilgatlorx we felt satisfied odnld hav but one oonoloslon tbo eleotrio light is hsre wiktxd fresh eggs apples and poultry at thu aikenhead ivoduoo co aoton highest pricespald for furs any one requiring anything in mtrblo or granite monumental vrorlt or oometery work of any kind bbould plaoe their ordsraiat onosto seonre ibe dlsoount wtb jh hamilton of gnelpb who hat the rspqtation ol doing the best work in pntarjoand at prices guaranteed right rlteferwertor terms to mm diur a rioh lojy cured other -psjnwitridnoisoiiu- tho head by pr nioholsopis artifloal ear drams bos sent f lioooo his institaie so that deaf people flrmtoleraarirs the ear dromi may hw jlhsin lr apply to department k hirviibti oilman- boipnaoivv england v yrffjfp iy b bbtpk last vrsekmr soongdon was telephon ed tbav hl mother in pampbollvllle was daogirpnsiy 111 opon bia arrival she was ildi s imt- robt uampn vibo cat his foot bo ftsiyavmr hsbdlyaa week ago it still ittitf dootor oir wa nndereiand thai thvwbuna is hsaljog nicely and tho has plenty of callers to cheer rljioi ijhjovs talbot sold his dock of lambs mririitmiinb on hondrod and sixty diief simons it busy cutting foe and w t ka s moalttmhtaatesr hit olttlitnrtra qrisirtaciy asrvioei iatihn stone ohnroh veramosa next sunday pbiz8s fob- stshoothoom i a ijeo itli the ldsotstsioiating a mors v aptlt tntsrett in the matter the ladies mihomijournalfiamt a series of prises for ihtvteh jlool tohoblrobms the will i b carried on by bhowiifspbt and pictures of tobooiropmi b ov nnntoal idm for pdiifranite been tuoessstnlly carried kloqtvw7lnited v7ithgaroqoash biwtt wajsiwllartjatmrywbew may tprn litantirjb to th dtootallqa and ssiw fclhsisbsiitoiltreai prt of the most a tyrouo ireland andwhbn tooanadi lie fir ut lived at montreal for a your or ho and thou camo to hornby in thia county wiiere ho worked for eieveral yoart iii 1815 ho camo to this eootion and sottled on the homestead where ha diedj lot ioon 3 btio ho endured tho hardeliipaof pioneer life until iudapaoitatcd a few yaar h40 through rheumtisai mra allan died about fcwoyotyra ago four acme who livoon a pro up offrms ndjaoent to tho horoeatead and one daughter mrfl v p campbell aoton burvivo ur a- 11 an wuu for raany years an udhorcne of tho ztlothodiet chnrob his remains werj in tor red in tbo ohiirohill burial ground on saturday afteinoou suntlny school day the abaonco of it a v t albert moore pastor of zion iubernaalo numilton from tho sunday suhool day socvicce in the methodiet cburoh labt suudaywaa a keen disoppointoifciit to thq congregation and sunday soliool jicre as well ua to hi pi self thepeoplo hero woiro ditjuppointed beoaqsa they weraaniioaa to hear this sqcoeasfql bod again and mt mooro felt thodli appointment and his inability to bo bare very maobi becauso suaday was the twentieth anniversary of hi 3 conversion n the ohnroh bf hia fathers in his native town owing to a sovere relapse of the grip followed by tiuinsey mr moore wai very iii and la btftlpunablq to loavo hia bed the vacancy waavwell filled however by the pistof who preached au excellent bermon to tba aobdlars in the mornlofi iuustraunglfe very vividly with a aeries of apt object lesfiona the babject was ijivinsfotterf und it was well ander- atood by tho scholars as ovidoncfld by the prompt answers to qaestiona asked of them tho sunday school serviob was also onvof incerdat and tho ovebtnr sermon to parents and sunday sohool workers was appropriate and improstjiye the lecture for monday evening was with drawu munition hocfcvy matches owitik to very nanifoht oar of defeat if they played outside their own riblf tho milton hookey team backed out of tho match arranged to bo played at george town rink last thursday evobin with aoton aotoa iiasplayod tho oouuty town players three match but havo npver gqoooededjq ontioioij the wary a porta frorn their own rink however a mutch was arranged with qeorotown this matoh resulting 11 to 8 in qoorotowotj favor ah owe that on thoir own rink with bramptonfl aaaiatauca thoy will not bo beaten with thoaooro 31 aaiubt them gaoretown used thair auparior wtbt so ettsottvely that several aoton players were injured one having to quit playing the play was fat and exciting all tbrongh at berlin on saturday evening the intbrmediatos and aoton played a lively karoo oloeo oh e eking prevailed without jinnsqebbriry bsrlid-b- forwards thookh lacking combination scored 0 go while their utrnnq dnfenen 1 ut ul accident ton roniiorkchjtlttat fruni the -canadian- suve and lcathtr journal we learn that a frinhiful fatal acci dent baro 1 mr otto 0 hubs wtor sulod in aoton fgr sovoral yeartt and wuaenipoy- odby the aqton trtniiiiikuu tho jour nal aays tim lifi vl mr otto 0 uhbh u monnbor of tho arm of todd hilu tan ners meifonl out wan cut off buddenly while iiowas wprking in tlio tannery a fow diiyflflo ho wm giuhi iii tho shaft ing of tho burk orushor and uo aorioualy rnanglod that ho lasted only a couplo of kept aoton down to 8 our boya thorough ly on joyed the visit the teams wore berlin 9j goal kroger point koiler cover boobraeri forwards moinke boos seibert coaiey aoton 3j goal swaok hammer j point tago cover mcoann j forwards e ryder molutosh f ryder modonald roforee j mcdonald goal ompiroa berlin ed erb aoton qeorgo lawbon a happy byrne sadly bereaved when mr w t smyth bid an affection ate farewell to ids devotod wife and family new years week as ho left on hia annaat trip to tho paoiilo ooaat as representative of w ii storey t san he little thoogbt he ahould novor look upon tho face of his beloved partner again for soma time mrs timyth bae bsen in poor healtb and shortly after tho now year she bean to grow worflq her pbysioiaas in oonsqlta- tlon deojded that if life was to bo prolonged a snrgipal oporatton waa necessary this was performed last friday for a day or bo she sdemod better bat the bhoak proved too maoh for her flyatbro and on sunday evening alio peacefully passed away mrs bttiyth was dm daohterof the lato james moore of brampton sho camo to aotoa on the firat at august 1870 as teacher of the third department of aoton publio sohool suoceedidg mrs hp moore dee mina hattio spaifiht who wan the first teaoher of the third department she tangbt with muob accept tin oe until her marriago with mr s myth on the 14th january 1830 she was a devoted christ ian wife and molbar and outside the jipme aha will bo most aadly miidd iu st al bans ohnrch whoro efe was an earnest worker four children three sons and one daughter aro left to mourn the loss of a mothers love and care tho eldobt 17 years and the yonogeat 10 the absonoe of mr smyth at the time ol thlb end event is b oar trend ing both lo himself and the family he was advisod of mrs smyths death and immediately left the coast for home arrangement having bsou made to defer tho faneraluutil nil arrival at tbo end of theweok ho was hurrying homeward on bis sorrowful joqruoy when in thohaoky mountains ft fllida tuok pjaqa barring al prdbrnnr on vednflbatty hioihing the hoiirri uk wint autri liiisa u hiijlily oitoetndd during ihelr ichijcnoo here aiid geuorut eyinpathy will bi fult in tho and van t a no titer vloiiccrcnllvtl to rent- avilliam u lamond wbpro face imu been familiar ouaotoni strcotb for mire than fifty years has beetuhtuhored to bio fatberu for tymo mouthd hehaa boon in poor health ami raduutly failed until death cimo on biturday mtirniiif ur iumond wub born of quaker pirentao at niajjara on jmmary bth 1823 ilia paronfa came from- ftnusylvailia settiing in thoviciuiiy kuowu ad mrritt settle ment his mother wus cimrlotto merritt tlinuyh not of ajo ho belonged to col cronkeira regunent hi tho maokehzie rebollioo and ii later years recalled many ol iho qcoirrencorj iu those btirriug tituo jjia ittiher epphaoa ibchoiuil mot hih deitth at a result of expoaqro in that atrukle uo wag bno of the furrherb avhb was cympollod by tho enemy to dtive with his team to toronto one of tho prisoners who wai ufterwarda executed lir iamand married hia rat wifo andtaok up urrainsio niagara bat his wife died and ho bold out to hia brother he came to acton in 1817 and married his acoond wfo tho following year subacquently he purchased a farnn in erin and lived for short periods in milton and georgetown he retired in 1 and h ainoo spent his days jn jinn bay tome here fmaple torraoo mrs iumond died in 8 they had eight af a family bnt two ded in infonoy throe gone and two daughters wcro with him daring hid illness r e cf ohuiago h ai or st loais 0 c of battle creok mioh mrs j l sanderson of st oatharinqi and mrs mano who resided with him in the old homo his son mr wp ismoud of bt paul was himsolf too ilt to oome hii brother mr ij iamond of grimiby waa also with him mr iamond was always interested in ac ton e proaroan and wa repeatedly returned as a morabor of the manidipal ooauoil boip elcotod one year as trcot gommiabionor on salary he was a member of tho btptiet church here tlio faneral took plaoe monday afternoon and wasoondnotod by bov w s moalpiue assisted by rsva r b oook e i grawqrd t i forboa aud h a macphersou tha remains wore convoyed to fairviow oemetary moasrrf william horrlfltrcefcjamfliimc3js wallaou thomae t moore jamos ij warron and potermolfabb uutiijg aa pall bearora coming and going visitors to and from aoton ana variuisothor personal notes tlio raick vukhb invltoaall lta ruadors to con trlbuco to tlilm coluuni it you or your friourtfl arii uuluf away ou a holiday trii yr if you liao irlonds vlhltlutf you drop a card to tho fiibb iltuflb mr thomau ebbace who hab been ill all winter fa mill confined to the hous mra john a mogruil left ou tuesday for iliohmond que to attend tlio funeral of her brother u nas3aqaweya laaat thurnday evening a prty was held at tne home of mr john itlutiher assa- gaweyo to oelobrate hia fjqih birhdaji the aetaamblod gqesta confuted exclusively of member a of tho family who aftr having partaken of a bounteous supper were gathered into tho parlor where a presentation was made to mr flotoher of a fine dress ouj aud a puip of klpveq- and slippers an oiqynbttj ovoujnx was bpent by thognoata ireaeut the nassugaweya sabbath sohool association held their annual meeting in tho ebeiicksr cburcrj on tuesday afternoon and eyening jan ijlt there is an excellent program mo provided ono omheprlnoipal-spqakere-will-be-tho-rev- a o crowe general secretary of epworth aud interesting tims was spent it is oar duty to record- tho- death of john son of mr ana mrs fredrick onley aged two months who died on friday ioth ult the funeral took plaoo on monday to tho eden mills oemotery the rev j a cranston of rookwood cond acted the burial service thecboneasr sunday school will bold their anniversary on sunday fob 5th when the sermons will bo preached morning and evening by air rautenbarfr a converted jew bow studying for evangeliatio work at yietoria college toronto on monday oveniug following ho will deliver an illustrated leoture on the jews ab aeon by a jew hia eon muster dernio will sing on sunday and monday evening his solos have received orgat applause wherover they have been rendered- oome one comb all as a profitable time is ei poo ted he is only ten years old and is one of amerioaa greatest bbprano singers tho bititonhargea have appeared before the largest audienoea in our oburohes tbrongboat the provinoo and oome to tis with the beat of- testimonials froni loading oily pastors and press notices expressing th appreciation of those who have bad the privilege of listening to them i eden mills on monday evening 23rd nit mr and mra j w rudd and family eden mills wero completely taken by surprise when abont eighty of the members and adherents of tho e jem mills methodist church asaembled av their borne and presented them with the following address tomnind mas and lllfls dehnio kudd doarfrlonda wo tlio mombors aod adbar- onts of tbe uotbodut oliuroh of this plaoo aro mot boro tbls ovonlog for tho purnoso of oxpros- log in aslight dog roe tlio nratitudo whloh wo feel towards tbo tnombora of yoar family for your groat klndnoari in ao frooly srautlng us tlio uso of your house aod uwu for our yearly opooiir pntortaiament wo fool that tho suoows of thoso onuirtalnmouti both soolally aud flno- oially year by yoar has boon larfloly due to your kinduobi and hoiplulltr whloh has always boon qnvarlod and froo upon those- oaoaalons whilst iu no instance wero wo ovor in ado to fool that tltoso gathorlnaa oaoaslonod you the sorrow of tho family was intensified by the receipt of tho followluj mesaage illiclllowfiot d 0 jan aiat 190 aslldo hasuiadoit itniiosslblo tor ms to got through this woek ao lay dear carrie beside mother in falrviow wt bmvtii the faneral will oonacqaeiitly take place al3h0 this afternoon tbo remains will be convoyed to fjt atbans church and after service there interment willuke plaoe at fairview cemetery rarely haa ibis cbm- mqnlty been so overcome with sorrow and tbo keenmt sympathies of- all are eiteoded to the bereaved family and sorrowing ims- baud who finds i impoisible to reach homo in time to shod a tear ofot the remains of hia loved one who for neajly twenty years fibared ht joys and sorrows and rendered life to him and his children toll of happy and hallowed memories to cufle a cold in one day tavslmallw bromoqoluine tablet all brttrtilsia refflp the money if it falls to cure iflsesttts least iuoonvotilonoo thoro aro tlioio proaont who know by oxporluuoo and many 6th era who know by observation that aiicm citburiub yoar by yoar iu bnos iiotno cannot but bo attondod by more ar lom dlsaomfort and trouble fully rballslug this wo aro assembled horo this evoblns with tbo purpose of oipre- sing our fsellngs in a tangible form and ws bofl youmrruddtoaeoflptthls obaln mrs hadd tbli lamp and ulia rudd this eake baikot we slneorely hopo that you may bo long sparod to enjoy these tokens of our gratitude and also to be colaborers with us in obrlati cburoh below and tbat when 11 fo is dono wo may all moot where there are no more partings or sorrow to praise oar uodeomor forever slgnod mr and urn joe m mooro of george town spent a couplo of dnys during tho week with aoton relatives rev wm fitrquburdou b a of claude has been elected president of kuox collego alumni asiooiation fr fred seoord left for orillia on tuesday to vioit his brother jpbu who has been very ill for a wotk or so mra thoraab hamilton and mr wm guruoy went to garafraia last week to attend the funorttl of tho formers bister mr gcoriie viocent is alowly ooi- vaboinr and hopoj very shortly lo return to hist suurition jo tho canada glove svorks meaari jumea andrjrod sniytb of toronto wcro in town oh monflay at tho home of their beroaved brother mr w- t bniylli mr woodall who resides with her daughter mrs sampabn dy on bower avenue celebrated her ninety first birthday last wednesday 25th ull mr and msv iohpley of toronto otttne yp to spond tbe day with the aid lady mr and mrs obarleb e jaiinor who spent a month ia the home of principal t t moore loft for thoir homo in johnstown n y on taetiday morninp during their etay mr jenner who was just con vb i cueing after anutiaok of typhoid fever when he oamc recuperated strength very rapidly evanqelistic services evangelist mohardy of oueph to aoalbt rev j a mouaohlan in the methodist cburoh acute rheumatism pains in the foot nnd llmtia complote curo accomplisriocl by tmoocjb snrsaparilla for a number of years i was afflicted wlthaoute rhoumatlsm in my loft sido nnd oil tho wsy down rny limb into my foot i llvofivo biooks from rnyjyork and had to stop slid rest sovoral times in golnc nnd coming i could got no rolief from chas l imelles the wallpaper my txuublu and wfla 01 tho polnfbf glv- lng np my job when i happened to hear of hoods sarsaparllla ipurohnbed a rjottiet- of this mcdlclno and a vial of hoods pills nnd besan taking them gofore i had half finished them i was relieved and it was not long boforo i was completely curod i never lose an opportunity to praise hoods sarsaparllla for my cure meant a great deal to mo as i havo o fam ily and must always be at my post william haskitit yardmoni orand trunk railroad depot brantford ontario hoods sarsaparllla is tho lieit iu fact tho oriotmo dlooa purifier bqldbyaildrugttats st six for man quelprl announces that 1u99 will be n banner yenr in now iapers and window shades ii pays to buy at boiler ts it pays to buy at bollcrts cone to hrtohc pi lie oou sj rllls lully proparud 31 conta special oyunfitiliatio aerticcb will be hofd in the ietholpt oburoh oomrnonoln on sunday l2h february and continuing each uvonin- for two weeks at least evangelist robert mchardy of toronto wilt tdko part and assist the pastor t vangeliat mchardy is a thorough canadian from boyhood ha ave evidence cf peculiar nataral and epiritual endowments fitting him for tho wprk of an evanneliat ho began preaobinft at the age of eighteen aud one year later he- had charge of a revival at trenton where over 4qq persons professed conversion his work has been ohtrfly in canada bnt for three yeara in i england he bad oxboptioual opportpuities and experiences in brmuing aoqla to ohriat he has also oopdaoted services in several of the american states s he in an attravotive speaker and has been kreatlythonoteh ofgodtwith eaccesa in his work beoently in orillia boores of tfaotl ffeffc dohvefled bright masio will be a feature of tbe meetings to be held all are invited to the meetings a kindly farewell ebiron flints pbk8s sin iwoald ask of you to allow me tho priviloro tbropshyour paper to thank all whose acquaintance and friendship have formed whilst here for the courtesy and ktndocab extended that has made life any thing but a dreary waste of times oom- inr as a stranger to town but tbreo months ago i leave with regrets having formed many friendships that will be more than pasblng through your paper i shall keep in touch with aoton with hopes that id tho near future it willlell me that the grow ing lime has resulted in an increase in the remuneration of labor and that peace health and probpority are the lot of the working men of the town i am with beat wishes lovih gunoirsky aoton january 81st 18u9 rockwood gandlema just received a inrgoconsignment of pure wax candles from tho same manufacturers who supplied us in prist years quality auarantebd sbapbs amd sizes sioht we have a largo stock of isio x lake huron herring nb7ttake huron trout no i white fish no i labrador herring no i cod fish we advise buying early ps fish going to be scarce our new stolj on upper wynd- llam street will have the finest wallpaper show room that can be found j d mokee tbe drug gist acton will again bo our agent ond showall the samples at guelpli prices- mr bollert get loll laal week for the uritiah markets to mako exlonsive purcliasus for our spring and summer trade one great advantage mr bollert will have in going at this date ia that he will bo able to obtain fho very latest styles tliaprare constantly being produced nr the centre of fashions many novelties will nodoubr ho shown now that could not be procured early in the season and being financially strong ho will have every advaniigu of buying just wficre the most uptodata goods arev to be had and as our business is continually grow ing we are therefore importing more largely oach season more and more wo are goinr to the fountain headthe manufacturers for our supplies our object is to bring the customer more in touch with tho producer as the lowest possiblo margin of price isjeached in this way- now bri the id day olmarcb ve commence a new years business and by that time our stock must be tan haye decided o have n but beiorodoingsoit must be greatly reduced by so wc have noted tea store and china palaco j amccrea i hv9 we loarn that tho gore district m ntaal fire insaranoff company of qait ia retnrniuff its member twenty per 6en of tho premiums piid iii 18 tbat this la the ninth year ooneeootively in wfaioh refunds have been made is snrety proof uuflluient of tho economy exeroibed aqd the exoellent general m inttjemeot of ihogompany nswcll a thit it doe j nob insure overvbodyandl everything that its oharter permits it to hold ouly 4100000 in ouli alttrr making sliowanoe for unearned pretniurm is tlio sooro of tbo annuhl divide made muonijbb the members it 1 now the oldeit matqal piro co in the dominion and has done faithful servioe iu the western part of ontario aviilablo uvst of 8383000 is more than ample seohrity tor the basineiq carried and the jompanys olalm for consideration is bsiaed- on a past endceasfnl experiebos of sixty years not hope in tbe fnlure whioh with fire insurance companies i very uuocrtsin and the idoal seldom realized mr robert cunningham u this place has been identified with tho gore fortwoutyfive yearp and represents guelpb and north western ontsrio guelph slercmy the ontario lieglalaturo opened its session yesterday the privafs bill ltliitlorrrtrtttlabeblontprolntrbto1if heavy already- notice of some ninety bi liaa brou rvna la grippo la- very prevalent lo oar village among the many upon whom it has laid lis band are misses fjtraohan arid manning so that tha 1rlnolpal of oar sohool urbtraohan is left alono in hia blory at present last sabbath was a day that will not soon be forgottenby the methddist people of rookwood rev dr carman was at his best and preaobed- two exoellent sermons the leoturo on monday evening more tbau met the expectations of tbnsa who werbproseut dr oarraan is certain ly a groat preabher and leolarer tbo christian endeavor booioly of tha prasbyterlaii church meets every wednes day evening and the epworth league of the methodist ohurota every friday even ing at 8 oolook both of tbeaa terviota are wall atlonded the ep worth league servioe will be oonluoted next friday by members of the uden mills loaue tho pittorof the mothodiat cburoh oommenoet rsvivtl rerviooi next week sir jas uolea d ii wilson acn dawaon sin mooro wm itoberu t 1 ooulsou mn danlola mrs ii wbartou mrs rainier tbos kemp mra miss snd mr rudd feellnuiy replied tbe evening was pleasantly spent -j- p matthews ibselllngblntfle hartj tit iwbifc reduottan for positively cured y tlieso littifopiiis they also relieve distress front dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating- a per fertremedy for dixzincss nausea drowst ness sadtasteinthe mouthcoated toncjnifi tain in tie side torpid ijver tbey regulate the bowels purely vegetable small phi small dose small tr ice substitution tho froudpf tho day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver fills your tested we have atgfaduate optician who is thor oughly competent to fit the most difficult case savage cpv jewellers csji3lpih gfocerv hnd proizisiqis e b obliins lately cricfaged in the dutchering business here will on the first of february open in the store pow occupied hy louis gurofskya firstclass slock of groceries provisions etc the best goods the market possesses will be offered at prices sure to attract custo mers a special feature of the business will be the handling and curing of pork i like acton so well that i have returned and hope now tomake rhy permanent home and trust that a fair share oi business patronage will come my way- e b collins opposite agnews hotel highest prices paid for wheat pease oats barley at bcton rilelfmor car choice corn for sale full stock flour and feed fhkrris krnhobr that throbbing headache wonld quickly loave you if yon qsed jlr kings ew life fills thousands of sufferers have proved their matcbiesb merit for fiieksnd nervous headaohes tbey make poro blood and strong norves and build up your health easy to take try them only 2c cents money baok if not curod sold by j d mokeo spnaips thfjps v market sqimacdonou st 3t lbs aronnabdlphurase 11 ia kpsom baits 25c olant knee lie will bs assisted in these services by jlsv moliaohlau of aoton kay of gnelpb and others mr aud mra ojtrander of carman manitoba have been visiting for weeks mrs ostrandert eistsr mrt cope- land miss jennie passmore left on saturday of last week ror chatham for tbe purpose of attending tho popular dullness college ol tbat place the death ooourod on sunday of john a armstrong ono of the oldest resident of eromoia after a three day illness from la grippe a prioh b will often onuse a horrible baro scald cat or brnlsw dnoklens arnica salve tbe bestiu ths world will llll the pain and promptly heal l 6et old boia favr 8oret nioert boilsi otaft worrit ijll skin hrdptlojtis peit pile cure on earth only j cents a box dure guaranteed hold byil mokee ijh the prayer loarned at a rriothort bat shielded many from evil mlicn buning ueaaao ro cnretbe worat heidaebo in from ave to twenty minutes and leave no bid after effeote one powder fio 8 powders 10o 10 powders 26o tban better bite your tongue twice spsak onoe without thliiklug totally dial mr s e jrandsll port perry wrltea i oontraotcd asevere oolil last winter wbioh resulted in my becoming totally deaf lo one ear arjd partially so in the other after trying virions remedies and oonsnlting several dodtort without obtaining any relief f waa advised to try dr thomas eolectrlo oil i warmed the oil nd poured a utile of it into my ear and before ooehalf the boltlo was used my bearing was completely restored 1 have beard of othet otea of deafness being oared by the use of thla medicine jlanber 8alts aso a bait petre 850 00 fine salt see so dalrysalt 50o soo fine salt bk 75o 300 oourso salt bk 75o hbo oourae ball bblios b80 pine salt bbl eim land bait 6ff0 par ton oatmeal tl8to 900 per bk 11 lbs oatmeal for s5e 16 ooromealtorsso 10 pot barley for aso 10 split tea for uso 100 oronnd oiloako aio 100 ground vlaxsewl txjio flaxseed mio per bnab oyster buolla for ponltrr 75e- aloo wloa tlrrtal grits 75e a 100 pratts ponltrr food ssi dr hoss poultry panaeea aso foaroes poultry tonlo sfie paaroes xjonse killer sse iiamberts death to lloe aso poarosmlimo mills t00 and 0so casli for all klpds of grain peed oorn s3e to 4se busb -t-bbmbmbbe- thorifs ouelph to commence on february 1st arid continuojhroughout tho whole month during this time we would like to turn ssooo worth of goods inio cash and with your assistance wj can do it v pleasenote this every arlicleih our store except spool cotton will be ts price sorne things nt a much greater reduction than others for instance t moving very rapidly every department in our large store has undergone a thorough examination and at this sale you may look for some genuine snaps we want to impress this fact that all transactions will bo dono on the basis of entire satisfaction to our customers e b bollert db co 25 and 27 wyndhanx street guelph the oh all kinds of furs we have knocked to smithereens heres samples of how weve treated them 1 mens s s seal cap was s12 nows 7j75 2 15 850 1 18 1250 1- is 1050 1 driver 14 800 4 otter caps 11 700 8 9 650 2 bonver 10 g50 2 poraian litmb 0 g00 2 050 450 2 5 4t 325 5 auafrnliimsablci 225 175 5 coney jap 150- 115 6 bojb groy lamb 275 225 also mens coon coats iaiil till kinds ot ijadib8 furs at mauulacturors cost dv e m acdoimald bro golden pon guelph reat g6mmm6nctiff oh- friday mornina january 13th we will inaugurate a great clearing sale our stock is much tboiarge for this time of the year and we take stock next month when it is desirable to have stock as low as possible to accomplish this quickly bargains will be the order of the day in all departments in presiiedjb mnmmy marill08- fw- m overcoats ulsters i pmm boots actlvb bolloitors walitorl f strtwhere for tbe biory of the philippines by uurat raltteadvoomtaisslouad by the ooternmsnt as offlelal butoriatt to tb wiur denartoeat tbe book was written in army camps at ban fran etseo oquis paetne wlthoeaoral h botpltals at hoadlulaj paolne wlthoenaral fterrltcin tb uquolulu ln bong konl to the amerloaa trebenes athanllat in use fbsnrgsnt earapa with jitulnaldo on th 4eok of the olvmpls with dewey and in tbe roar of battle at tbau o- maohasborra fwaadt drlmfol of original pictures taaaov by ovrn mnt photogsapliatson tb spot 4iai book iwlweeslrirroflttrlrillpa3d orsdlt 8eo droo all traabr ononaeul war beeta ntnt free xddmts babbbr fiesy btarlnseraprllnllalnfcobloaljo j metb dont wait but bring your cash i at once as there are many choice snaps that are sure to be picked up by the early buyers mmimwm o ro o now ta your time to blanltot yotrriiaieivibkj balling blankets oheap a happvf rpbbd4 to ibost who believed theire was nq ours for catarrh and to whom thp oorislanl nte of ointments sndtfs anrf aidist -a- weariness to tba flejh a dihghffat nd sdre enre that sitpio fetid breatb and broken voloe stod for a free sarnjile patat gttijijal tbe nams ef jhlssure iscatiirrh oaooe oatarrhoeono psnettatet to tbo aitemtdi pciii ftjhi fortnot plne- tosnud vfa ff fie at once to nv 0 poltnmaoikldgtlorioiit v lake huron herring mount forest oatmeal rolled and fine christies biscuits also i fresh lot bffancy goods jrftdns lice braics adiiliajpy vgoods o m wr y ittv vv msiiisiihmk ttfifi m0iifflm

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