the bank of hamilton i 1 charter grantcd 1872 head office hamilton on t capital all paid up si 25000000 reserve and surplus profits vsoooqooo total assets 9 t 200000000 jturnbull cashier i savings department interest paid at best current rates and added tn principal irlont mnlhnp fnr paul boole to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a written order with the pass book no formalities no delay the government returns show that this bonk gives to depositors four million dollars of security over and above every cent due to the public farmers notes of resjronsibleyatmers discounted money loaned tp feed cattle etc farmers sale holes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fir bates every banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch kbtabuvhttd ovrb twbhtt zubb j p bell agent the news at homle mostly of a lobai oharaoter arid every item jntereatins knox church annlrcranry the fourth anniversary o the opening of the new ohnroh will be observed by the congregation of knox ohucoh on sunday lfllhlnst sermons will be preaohed morning and evening by dr modonald of seaforlh on tneeday evening a social and lecture will be bald when bov b e knowles of gait will deliver nnn of hi popular lectures leoture the tea will prootdo the a bright and useful life ended copies of the yoongstowp ohio papers have been received at this office in all of which feelllng referenoe is made to the death of mils jenuie maginoiss who is oheraoterlasd as one of youngstowns brightest and best ybnng women miss moglnous wis neioo of misi jonnio steele jseliknqwn ani bad mapy friends away down by the bba councillor murray and mr corry reoouht winter experiences in northumberland straits i jlctoit fiti fires thursday february 0 1890 little lo al brieflets which cauaht the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week valentines next tuesday pretty steady winter isul it 1 merchants etejiusy stocktaking very few homes in town have escaped the grippe the free library board will meet in regular monthly session next monday evening at eight oelobk aoton bai fifty coal oif street lamps to dispose of j agoodobence for small places to secure street lights advertise in ths fbie piuss your arm for- sale farm to rent seed grain pattle for aale horses for sale e stray animals auction sales etc mr w bohiefle the founder of the faimereton spectator has owing to ill health disposed of the business to messrs harkness brother the spectator ondor mr 8ohlela was a bright and oreditaolo local jupr mrs jennie b matthews who baa been handling the bread of g weston toronto for several months is making qnluhs saoebss of the business the bread is highly spoken of by easterners bee adv in another column dr a- 8 elliott has purohased a praotioe in georgetown the herald says j dr elliott formerly of acton has purohased the praotioe of dr soulherlaud and takes cbwge at bnoe dr elliott has taken thorough professional oourso and lain every way aoompotent practitioner he has spent ths past four months in canadian hospitals lviiihefaoeral of the late mrs wt smyth list thursday was largely attended v mr goddeo ofbelaud among those priwnrfrotn a distance were messrr thos brnytty penetang james and fred jtcfrontoj mrs r 8lapelietoronto mrs bt3ralne mrs j e mogarvio mr- and mravbeil miss mbafly dr and mrs in acton in company with bar sister she spoof a month here laat summer moon borrow is felt at her death baltou soaaot feaperuuae thoihaltona district bops of temper ance held meetings last week at postvllle there was large atteudsooe and the following officers ware efeoted 3z lee palermo d w p mies i wriggles- worth hornby d w a s f jarvls palermo d8 miss o ford ornagb d chaplain mils a ford trafalgar star d treasurer i a book cmsgb d con l jordan trafalgar star d sen mrs le wrinob palermo d 8 y p w- ummorlul service st albans ohnroh was orbwded last sunday evening ibe special ooeaslpu being the memoria service relative to the late mix wm t smyth the order of the servloe throughout iwss tender and impressive rev mr goddsn in a very appropriate dlioourawbaaed upon rev 31 4 and there shall be no mpredaauii neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain dwell oponthe lite beyond in an interesting amplifies dear mr editoii we the undersigned having net at sydney cape breton the most easterly part of oar fair dominion decided or the beriefit of pur frlendd to write a short loiter to the fhek passu trusting you may nud apace to insert it leaving p e 1 the latter part of last week we crooned to rtotou xnova booiia by the ateamer stanley wbloh forms tbe link of oouneollou between p e f and tbe malu land mo doubt you will be aniionso learn about some o tbe perilons expertenoes the island people have in crossing the straits during the winter season ou leaving georgetown tbe boat bad to break her way through about fourteen inchon of ipe in lbs harbor this amounts lonblbingrhowever incomparuodto wbat has to bo encountered when it gets ant into the straits among tbe floating ice this comes down tb river st lawrence and forms between the leades to a thick ness at times of fifty foot you oan imagine tbo anxiety of those on board when enponbterlng one of these monitroas flefda of ioe before making the bold attack they fill the bolkheada in the stern whiob hold three hpndeed and fllty tons of water in order tb raise the bow up that the boat may surmount the ioe and crush it beneath it having gotten into one of these fields of ice ws bad to content ourseleves for several boars till tbe tide abanged and altered the petition ol the boat after getting out of tbis difficulty we had comparatively good bailing until wereaobed pioton harbor which extends inlsnd about three miles the next morning the host started baok for george town and tiaa not reached there yet being tnokinouoqf thoihojdsqfjpe 3s coming and going visitors to and from aoton and various other personal notes thefiuta fbkbbinvttea all its readers to obn tribute to tbis oolumn it yon or your friends are going away on a holiday trip or if you have frtendsvlsltlngynn drop a card to the fan paasa mrs johu a henderson vlflled miltpd friends last week mteb hanlanof fergas was the guost last week of mrs g o olark mr will siatbara arrived home from llraoedrldge tuesday svemng leaving plotouwe proceeded to west vllle wbero two of the largest coal mines in nova sbotia are in active operation oneof theminrs is one mllo and four hon of the sobfeot be showed that in ufirslilns in doplh and has a surface of three l- i- llli i 11- v m home which god has provided for hit children there will be no more decay job more sin no more separation feemng tribute was paid the deceased for bk sterling christian character her death under ths lad j circumstances existing proved that gods ways are hot oar ways but inalloironnaatanoea the obrlstianwuf ycsptivlleged to explore 8000 feat back pibu tuiuutu t gurml intuit wire numercas and inolnded a pillow rom st albans ohnroh wreath from w a biprpyj spray of roses from mrs a e fv hlouin wreatb mrs t e m8boor4 s ofroees miss johnson spray of bsafonia and hyacinths mrs mooann spray of primroses mrs moffat spray ol rosss snd calls mrs james 8myth and isreathmrs jno a benderson wajrrad fresh eggs apples and poultry at the alkenhead prodnoe co artbn highest prloes paid for pars frlosi botweeu aaton and 4th line esqueiing a black for ruff with six tails finder will oblige by leaving at tbe poit- offlor- have vlotoryibrobgh chriet the blectrtc umht the eleclrlo lighting plant has been running with much satisfaction how for ten days two or three evenings lbs electrician has had a little trouble with the stretching of the main driving ball but this is being gradually remedied and everything will shortly be in perfeql- running order a visit to ths powerhouse is a pleasure wbloh spy oilisen may enjoy a few of the street lights require adjusting but the wire men are so bniy- patting jh new services for wbiob several are clamoring that they have not yet taken the time to pnt the street lamps in perfect condition but this will be shortly attended to the 350 light bontraoi for the beardmors co and aoton tanning co is being rapidly inalalled in fact 110 are already in use- in apton tanning gos works the light is also being installed in the methodist oburoh this week oar mdalclpmt kegtelmtora blue mr and mrs h p moors entertained the counoll at mooreoroft last wednesday evening a very pleasant tiros was spent mr w a johnson the head of the firm of thew a johnson co ibe eleclrioal oobtrsotbrs was present in the oqurss of the after diuner apeacbes mr johnson complimented the council npon their dispatoh in the installation of the new eleotrio lighting plant and stated that if the contracts had been left until the srjoarv railss being possessed of sbme- wbal sxplqrtro nil tireswe visited tbe jnlpes and tbrongh a friend prbobred permission to descend the dranimond havihg procured a guide a eealed jantern snd bomplste cpstomes for the oooision ws desoended to a depth of 4683 feet and from ths main abaft after spending a ooopleof hoqrs investigating the hardships of a miner ve ascended moob tho wiser of the worklbg of a coalmine separating next morning at btollartoo jonoupn we met again at sydnoy after taidngin the towns along ths route the ooly towns of note were new glasgow with a population of 4000 and autlgonish wilhasoo the scenery along the libs is of a very ploturesriae netnro with its many lakeland rolling landscapes atmulgrave you oroas the strait of canso by boat which oopnects with cape breton express train for sydney cape breton is not mnoh of an agricultural country its prinolpal industries are qahing and min ing yours truly j a munnit j e connv sydney c feby 4tb 1899 death of alex grant esq who was for 6vr blxty years a respeotsd resident of aoton the pioneers of aoton and vloinlty are being rapidly oalled to rest and today acton moornitbe demise of her longest oontiuuoas resident in the person of alex ander grant esq who died bu tuesday night mr grant lived to a good old age having- attained bis eightyfourth year few men enjoy as good health as was his in his declining years although for the past y h ha bes s rngg mr- anson smith returned last week from bis trip to tbe north west mr alex mann who bss been very ill the past month la not improving mr john bopghnerbf oopstown spent- list week with relatives in actou the misses dale of toronto were guests of mrs jennie smith this week mr thomas agnew who has been in poor health- for several months is- very low at present v messrs w a storey and h jeans went to oloversvllle n y last week on a business trip miss lottie e speight went to toronto on monday to spend a day or to with miss boomer whois very ill mr fred seoord returned to rbokford iii last saturday to oommsnoo the seasbasbusinsss with bis firm miss aggie glover who bss spent the past month with friends in erin sod other points returned boats thli week mies nettie bryers loft laat week to spend several months with her brother mr morley bryers in si paul minn councillor john clarke who was oon- fined to the house last week with the grippe was able tbbe but sgaln on monday miss masalas bookkeeper for arnold 3rbsvatonioitttiuttsrihatebldeaoe bf mr ohas crooks dublin ulreev gnelph dofpbeafe master arthur bmyib who was oritloal- ly ill last week when his mother died is slowly recovering he is at the home of tbe misses nelson messrs charles mason and nailmoftahb left on monday for jbhustown n y on a trip- if the twluglbve- cities agree with them they may remain principal t t moors was snfflolently reooveredfroma -severe- attabk of the grippe to resdmo bis official dalles attbo public sphool on monday mrs wm brown of toronto and mrs a e wallaoo of st thomas were at the bedside of their father alex grant esq who died yesterday morning mr liwrenoe williams has seoored a good position in the g t r bar shops iondonand left for that oily on monday tbe best wishes of aoton friends follow bim- a branch of the traders bank is to be opened at sturgeon falls on the 10ib inst with mr l p snyder of lbs north bay branofa aa managsr and mr j f little as assistant north bay times miss ld4 monabb baa been promoted to the position of assisant superintendent of the ernergebby- hospital toronto her aoton friends extend oongralolations upon ibis imporlsut prefsrmsnl revs h a mabphersbn and j a mc- laohlah m a mrs maophsrson mrs a soper miss speight mlu pbemie lalng and messrs b j and t j edmis- ton and h p moore atteoded tbe sandsly school convention at milson last week mr j fyfe of roasland b 0 arriy bomnthe first of ths week to spend the month irllb his family he will relqsq to the big mining town io time for the annual meeting bt the ethel gronp sold mining co of wbiob he is seoretary in mob mr fyfe has high opinions of bosslsnd friend pr a nervous toronto woman walked the floordurlnp tits night for hours at a timeshe makes ststernent toronto onti was tloublod with nervousness it was impossible for me to keep still and if the spells came over me daring the night i had to get up and walk the floor for hours at a time my blood was very poor endlwassubjeot to bilious attacks my feet would swell arid i was not able to fib my own house- work i treated with two of the best pnysioians bore but only received relist for a time i became discouraged one dsy a friend called and advised me to try hoods barsaparllla i laughed at the ad vice bat i was prevailed npon and pro cured cue bottle- before i used it sll i began to feel better i took several bot tles and also several boros of hoodo pills now i can est and drink heartily snd sleep soundly hoods barsaparllla has entirely cured me and also strengthened rnesotbat 1now do allmyown work i eheertiilly recommend hoods saras pa- rills to all sufferers from nervousness weakness or general debility mas h f pahm degtsaoi street ohas l nelles the wallpaper man qublpb announcesthat 1b99 will be a banner year in new papers and window shades it pays to buy at bdllerts it pays to buy at boiler ts stock takmjj sale our new store on upper wynd- ham street will huvo tbe finest wall paper show rodm thht can be found hoods plus sase mr3t j d mokeb the drug gist aoton will again be bur agent and show nil the samples at guelph prices just received a large consignment of pure wax candles from the same manufacturers who have supplied us in past years quality auaraimasd sbapxs am sizes right we have a large stock of no 1 iake huron herring norfcakehutorrtrout no 1 white fish no 1 labrador herring no 1 cod fish we advise buying early as fish are going to be scarce noted tea store and china palaoe ja mccrea market 8q a maodonell st qublph tiwill or it wont shilobl consumption core will either cure yoat coagh or it wont one or the otherisure try it and see if it cores tbrl druggist keepi the money you pay for 11 if it dont oore the druggist gives biok the mouey every bottle carries sgaarahtee 25 cents 60 bents and 100 a bottle good for oonsnmplion oooghs golds croup bronchitis snd throat troubles generally tbe ternparanos people of hamilton will petition the oity coonoll to reduce lbs number of tavern lioensn from 05 to 50 11 lbs ground bnlpbor iso it epsom balu asc 13 f glauber balu s3c a bait petre see m flo sail 80e do dairy bait 60c an vine halt 8k tee soo oounia bait bk tso so course bait bbl 10s 980 fins salt bbl slos land bait ssjo per ton oatmeal imto ltl psrbk 11 lbs oatmeal for ate 10 oonunealfbrxee 10 potbarlerforllo 10 bplltpoaatorioo 10o oronndouoakesljo 100 ground riaxseedx0 plaxseed slto per busb prater 8hellsjor pooltry too a 100 orel sloc sb lajbr pooltry tso try rood ase inltry panaeea see feesttm poaltiytcaito sse psareea xioese killer jse lamberfadestb to idee 99o fsanes bone mills ufa and j cash for all kinds ot ajrsln rood corn ile to 45e bnsb -rbmembbr- thorps guelph qfy our big stocktaking sale has started pit with a rush and is now in full blast many have token advantage of tho great bargains we are giving and have expressed themselves as p w our eflorts we are tlieroforo determined that no one will be disappointed who attends this sale as in a great many places we have cut the prices a great dealclasertfun wa at firm intfintlwl tn so that ihgro will hanodonhlasto accomplishing our purpose of having our stock greatly reduced by the 1st of march and giving us lots of room for the large importations that mr bollerl intends making while in the british markets the following price list will onlyglvo a faint idea as to the values you may share in during this sale 8iiic8 a lot of fancy silks for 10c perrd worth 25c line of brocide silks for i7jc per yard worth 35c special lino black salln for 69c per yard worth jroo black dress goods all wool stripe crepon at 30c per yard worth 50c fancy crepons at figc worth 85c fancy brocades in small patterns at 39c well worth 60c colored dross goods all wool serges in brown green fawn and navy at 19c per yard worth 30c fine fancy tweed effects at 25c per yard worth 35c fancy tweed costumes for sjc per yard worth 90c high class dress costumes in 7 yard lengths at 50c well worth 9150 per yard all pur fancy opera flannels at 35c per yardi worth 50c and 60c stapleas best canadian shlrllns at u jcperyard oxford shirtings at taac aorth 16c and 180 per yard fine imported flannelette at ibe worth ijc per yard fancy riannelettcs 59 worth 8c per yard xoc flannelettes for jc rijc white cotton for 8c white counterpanes for 85c worth ji fancy counterpanes for 98c worth r 25 special line towellings at jcperyard worth 9c pure linen huck towels at toe worth 15c a lot of bighclass lltfon table cloths at just exactly half price houne furnishings a lot of lace curtains at 25c 35c and 45c just worth three time3 the price chenille curtains at a5p worth sjo a lotof chenille and damask table covers at 50c worth i135 and a 50c and 75c line for 33c white wear ladies under skirts chemise drawers and night robes at prices that will sur- priseypu ladlescloth jackets at just exactly half polce anything and everything in the fur line at prices that will tempt you to buy even if you dont use them nntll next season space will not permit us to enumerate further but remember this that everything in the store except spool cotton will be reduced in price cowe klth th6 croinzd e m soait rib go 25 and 27 wyhdham street guelph theif ahp relieve duuot from dyspepsia ladtouon and too hearty eating tested we have a graduate optician who is thor oughly competent to fit the most difficult case savage co j ovj i any ons rsqnlrlng anything in marble or granits monnmootal work or osmstery kyvtotkpt any ktad i ijiiolsos to seonra tbe disooant with jvtohamlltoo ol qnelpbi who basins ailbn of dolbg ths best work in jkdd atvprlees gnarantead right feiwrllrfbnoe for torins ft idt ttur a rich lady cured ot her ffjcrssojdjnolw in the head by dr arilfloai ear drums has lant stjiate 10 that deai people pjvtrmars thseau dramspa o- apply to bapartmaol ryratyvdonsjoott gnnners- laoa wbiisiia present for closing lbs plant now in operation here would have ooat the town at least 11000 more this was owing to lbs large advance in the prices of oopper wire and of eleolrioal maobloery and apparatus generally sines tbe drat of december the- dispatch of the council has oon- stquently earned not only the approbation of the community for the prompt installa tion but bashed an intrinsic value to an important amoons a wore rom tbe sanajr south tamps fla la us weak a point of peculiar interest to canadians beoaaso of the visit there of fifty toronto public school cadets at the miliury too rnsmepi a note from a native of acton who resides in that oity will bonstqaenuy be read with interest mr robsrt h watsopln a private letter- to the editor avstjrys navsr had considerable ralp lately and i fosr we shall have some frost tonighi but i hope not as niy peaoh trees are in foil bloom that is something you eannot see in ontario at this season of the year strawberrteb andtpmaloes are ripe and plentiful the orange trees are beginning to blbom w- are now weii over with the war scare wbiob prevailed laat summer there were all told about 47000 soldiers encampsd 51 tarn pa it and its fulnre he aays the city la now going rapidly forward ob permanent lines oobaboutto marrv totofliaxnlhattte h p moors issber ol marriage tbf fin pnssr otoosv call a olinnsbnswalvl nm- jjhwttmdconfldentlal h o p ibev compsnyi of qxh it its men hers ttrealy par osnl of nompaldlo 1818 that tbis it lbyesr ponioootlvaly in wbloh is- have bssn made is surely probf s sad rnade thiags livery and now- that tnoet of ihem are gpno l is pretty quiet hers agsln ths onbads are returning to cuba as fast as they pan getmonsy enough for sv tlpket irhopswiill their plsoe isse by tliefax pxsislbat you sre having ari oldfasnlbnsd oanadian winter isomitimss think i oould snjoy a good sleigh rids again but after spending sight years 1o the sontb i am afraid yorir- winter would be too maoh for me bsmember ms loo all old friends b h iw jfaalton prohlbluou ammoolmttou the annual meeting of the prohibition aakmlation ibfthaooontyviwashildat muton last onslllllffi itttlon smnwnlasmlnlvi ihvipafooftptrdli nt- general nianagementpt rfpymwsllas thai it does not adcay iatrmit prsmiams m ithsj seerst ot n b timitt bomtoloailim done iranos iosfttni ittiliieafar1wlttbts inqhomfy4avbr of ttaspiiulttaslob itipyi dominion gttvirnmsny bis urged to brlpg a msasars before ths house of oommons providing for lbs pronlbltion of the iramo tbe seoreury was instructed to write lbs tnember for ihooonnty hsndsraod m pi requesting him to use hlstnflasnoe to saoure legislation ip falalhjiptxft th promises msdsand inopiied by ibe vovsrh- msnl on ibis question the pffloir for the ensologyear werw sleoled as follows t presddsfll dr bbsoro milton i-vloo- pres b d- warrso oeorgelown i beers lurjri 3 ttjfpitfammtbjv earl mulo obaplaln bev w 8 mcalpioa georcatown4 aodllors jobo- sonbsrrliotawblah amiswlvfvfrlljir nslibn f jlbiii kjohln nasubvwsr wrlncb jvsssi 1a still be has been able to be around and it was not till last thursday that he took to bis bed hie was a very gradual decline and the eands ol time slowly descended until dsatb peacefully pame alexander grant was born at granton iovernessshire sootland in 1816 end pame to canada when a yoong man of twentytwo he settled in the scotch block esqueslog remained there a year nd then came to aoton iu 1b88 when there were only two bouies on the present site of the town those of the adams and zimmerman famlllei ho enjoyed lbs bunting and flshing whloh the hew oonntry afforded and olten recounted to lbs yoodg- sewenth floor with a load on the hoist when sr generations the fact that be badiino rnont warning it gavs vrsy sod ha- was deer on main street mr grant was plosely identified with actons early bistors he was over fifty years ago appointed a juslibe of the petes and in the early days sat on ths magister ial beuoh with asa hall and the late aiei brown sr he was assoolated with knox ohnroh from its inception snd ibe souvenir volume of the oh u rob records the fapt that be was one of the first teach ers in ibe snpday school organised by mr jobnborna and the lets dnnoan jtennsdy in 1 hs was anhwqoently anperlnlen dent of lbs sohnol and for xnaoy ysart a wdrksir- his last aitepdance at ths ohoroh he loved so well wm on ohrlstma day laat hs was for many years a rnemberof the pobllo bobool botrd and wm honored fprsevsrsjyeiars with eleotlon to the poll tion of nbalrman fifty years ago this spring mr grant and jabot kennedy daughter of xb late donoen kennedy sr were united in matrimony by the rev dr torrtnoe guelph five daugbtera and two sons- oorn posed the family allot whom sorylvoexpept alex grant wbowtraglo deato from fire in bar bsppy horns in winnipeg abont ten years ago will be remembered the family are mrs w pibrownr3oronto who was so sorely berslllnlbe lamented death of her hus- band two weeks ago mrs a e wallsoe aa1lrbomat mrs alex irving gore bay mrs b h turner little current and messrs william h and robert at nelion b c the funeral will- take nlaee this afternoon atl80 oclock diaolple choteh betrlcem closed the spewlal evangellsllo services in ths bjsoiplsoharoh wbloh nave been oon- docted daring tbe past month by revs w b 8y tone and e i crawford were oonolnded on 8anlay evsnlog two oandldttss wore baptised at tbs closing ssrlosth regular servloe of ibe oburoh will be held next banday afternoon at three boloolc it is important thai all the thbmbsrs attend as ths question of seourlng mr crawford as permanent pastor will be dlscoastd to oure a cold in ofle day ffaka liaxauvs brprooqulninstablstsall dnmsip ratund tbs rooniy if it falls to oats a teb f howard masalas fails seventy fsat with an elavaf or at besrd tannery howard masalas ths jotngsst son of mr jacob masalas ohorohwtrset bad a mlraoolonissveape from instnt death wbllo at work in tbs sols liwher unnery ot beardmoro 4 f ysstardfyforeupoo the j oung man was enhsged in obnvey- ing aides o sole leather to and from ibe dry lofts and had juji gone up to the precipitated with tbe cags to ths bottom of the well a distance of seenty feel fel low workmen who were near the place rushed to his aldexpeoljrg to find him a mangled mass but white he was lirlonsly loinred and possibly may havs sustainsd internal injuries it is remarkable that in a few mloutes ht regained ponsoioasness and tbs careful examination of dnu mac- donald and forster failed to reveal silt bar frsotares or dtilooalions his aoapa appears like a mlraole and it la earneelly poped that no serious results may develop from ths awfnl fall the elevator has besn in daily use for yoars and was regarded by the firm and employees as absolntely safe it has iafetr attachments bai these were stripped off in an instant whrteosfe fell bome psjl of the mechanism was foqod to bs put ot order a few dayi tun bnl one of ths firms machinists gawei it prompt atlsntton snd it was thmooostasrsd in good order bcsrp fellowremplbysss msivin mann and jacob bauer bad itspped oft lbs flsvsttor platform bat afsw sscon ds befors it went down j- burpees farm annual i bob for in advanoe of the earning planting tsauwn ibe seedimen and narserymen are now sending out their bprlng oalalogoes one of tbs bail bt these and ihsobinlnf of whlohiis 4 matter hi great inunsi to grd- eners ail over tins oottotry hi barpees farm annual pub by w al bdr- pes co seed grovers pbilaasjpbla pa it is of ooovenlent slio flpeljr lllns- iravted neatly printed and fall of ibtersst- lag inlornjatlbn arsllss a ptlos list ol thi jfimttiiniitlibtaybmajiimm my snutrged ihs stjed fp being dsvoted to llvlng oulturartflrsllpns bid planllog tablss tblsoisloroeu mailed free to all pastpmorsat ibslulnnln g ot tis yrar and ro all appllosnulnisrasisd in garden- log arqaesionaibeliicardwlllbrlng yon a bopy by iftjip niall litimtatyynotibs tbewiy hi joosouayl- btibaaaonr frliutnioi ntsw tork wbloh feet remedy for dlnlness nausea drpirtl nest badtastelnthe mouth coated tongos pain in lie side torpid ijveil they rtto ijwbowtla pundyvegrdable mall pin 8man dom small prlo a substitutlbri thc fraud of tiio day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills toronto canada the leadiug newspaper of the dominion the daily bail over 18000 mora ranli tlon srrmdsy then lined in neerfycw more than ooeyaaj liar elroola- 1bs7 aud ysarago rr osows ascioaa xt vuasms tbs london oily counoll ia opposed to abolishing the ward system bbl voted jn favor of two and three year terms for ths aldcrrnen bismark iro nerve wat the reanll of bis splendid health indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where btbmaob liver kidniys and bowels are bnl of order it yoo want these qnalltlee and the sneoesses they bring use dr kings new life pills tbej develop every power of brafoand body only 2jpente at j d mokees ths averags man is apt to blame his lack of wealth to his liberality liri a kelrtsd nll how her little boys bbfl oubdhlnr jfwjosj rsasaeauy there isnot a mother in this land who has a child suf fering from skin dis ease in suiy form but willlhankmrs kelr stead of snider mt nb for telling of rparkable man ner in which her boy freddy- was cured of one nf the sever- raitubi kxtasritad f ltiji ofkklti iflscitibs by ihp use of burdock blood btters i not only relieved and cured for th being but mark you hghk tht diteafi hm thawnkotignoretmn the following is mrs kelrsteaersj letter ii wlth gratitude i can tlfiujlv wonderful curative poweia of burdock blood bikers eight yenraajgp our mtl son freddy was nffllpted wltrtsalt rbeiim and was in a diradful conditio bis legs from i he soles ofhuvfeetto bj entirely rawi and rar which nppoaredto btii was ollen in rrreat agony i after irytnir ser solved to give b it vou can imagirib till the rireiemt bobm imrrtm iiut conaitkntji xtuiiegsj ririaitchuntune edclnopn eqiihvblrrdi to purirl blood and build up the health jwdtlreiigi- vt v- m- it has all tbb news bvibtday the saturday illu8tratkd with lttat or ts pagm every isatareuy its ulttatratsd npniamsnt its many spsetal saa- tnrwsrbort stories and sureieby aruelas- besless bavins ths correal news of the day see beeesos a ationg rival to tbs best monthly measlnes -r- t it is oaka qbxavxaitlatwbpapaib ton can ban xhh alobb every day aud the baxraoav iixcwtsutso tor abeul tbe same ertesas yoa nave to pay f pc naauy ol the smaller thbwbbiflyfflobjb v hashadseteral nek features aaasq has all tb nam of lbs week in oorselorm andkawps iu reaean in close tpoob with every part ot the world and momesr eoentry bobacrlpuon rales amfaiiparueaiah ear be bad at toe emoe of abispspsr say news- ler or postmaster or semursetto thlloulbb xpronfa oaaada we will inaugurate a great clearing sale our stock is much too large forthjs time of the year and we take stock this month when it is desirable to have stock as low as possible to accomplish this quickly bargains will be the irder of the day in all departments in rftor of vlmlmtt have for your hens a comfortable shelter and give them dphesovipoiiltpy panacea a positive cure and preventative of d a f suits ulsters 7 dont wait but bring your cash at once as there are many choice snaps that are sure to be picked up by the early buyers to destroy parasites on horses cattle sheep poultry etc we have dp hess instant louse pbowgalr8 sheep dip mwsmmktrpp wmdhx white helleboper acton es color guaranteed for 2 years jlj now making these gpofwyare the cheapest suit for a t rhlbher guelpli sifcp vjfei birnmmms