Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1899, p. 1

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volume xxiv no 3 acton ontario thursday febetjary 16 189j price three cents 18 fotjubded every thursday morning at the free prcmstefem printing office mill stbeet acton ont tbrms o bodbohution ono dollar por year strictly in ad vanco all aubacrintionb dlsaoti- tlnuoa wboo tho time for wliiob tliey bavo boon paid baa expired the date to wmob ovory ubioriptlotlbptvld la denoted on tbo address advbrtibinq iuteb transient advcrtlso- monta 10 ccutapor nonpareil 1 i no for first in sertion s conts por lino for oaoh subsequent insertion v contuabt itatkb tllofolipwiug tftblo shot our rates for tbo imortloiiof adyertlaomonta for apooiaod periods i shjughtcroaii bfaos 1 tn jekomkjs mo 1m0 aolnobes tolnobei sinohea j inoh 6000 1 s500 3500 8000 9000 00 00 800 aoflo 1100 700 900 7m 800 aso 100 advertisements wltbout fpoqlflo direction rill bo lnsertad till forbid and charged aooord logly transient advertisements muit bo paid lpadranoe advertisements will be changed onooeaoh mopth if deairod for change oftener than enoo a month the aomposltlonmaat bo paid for at regnlai rates obangoa for contract advertisement mmt be in tbo offldo by noon on tueadays accounts payable monthly h p moobb editor and proprietor wall paper at days i have bought heavily- for 99v tomakerooniforlhia new stock will clear the smnll lines nnd ends at slaughter price anything a year old goes at your own price 3pobrqll jehds of oho to four rolls at 2c a roll traders bank of canada jlpttr capital authorized- capital paid up 1000000 700000 business simtorp medical tohn m ivracdonatdrmrdcmrr ocoebsoe to j f tjben m d c m offloe and residence corner mill frederlo btreatsaotod qffloo hours b to 1030 aui l to 2 itm and toflpm w barbeh bros paper bstakerb oebrgbtown ont uuui i intmktr or machine fintshad book papbrs d u l j k pokstek aucceabon to dr a b elliott lata roaldent pbyblalan and surgeon to vic toria hospital for slok children toronto office mill btreotlatoly occupied by dr elliott d pys bab tbbqat ann kobe lloltoaus dloov douglas st near p o gdblph ormpa hopm jo ara to i jto and to 8 pro sonbaia jo atn to 1 pm imrm l behnett ld8 dentist oaoboxtown omtabio coghlan d dslns dentist wolk calusprjiiv done pntoeb ifopbratb orp ipe oven biwnrna dapo stoag jiopiiib eyia pix ynoju 9 to j jm ubiiii dd8 lpb 0 dxmtut bb00xt1ue hohoaqaasoats or tobomto tjhrvsbarrr work mad satisfactory prices moderate visitiho uatb monday aftomooo oamp- bgllflllo taoday acton omcuciatka howl friday ilookwood m oleax a mclean barrlitori sollolton notarial convoyancor o prltats fond to loan qffl ofn ralj ateb wm a uoiiiah jao a molmxk l j auokinnon omioe mill bueot in mattbowa block upstair r bmoiieod 10 boblolxod coktxtahoeb main btroot georgetown uonottoloac at lowest oarrontratal t j m0nabb xhljtpoarthnivlalon oonrt oonnty o hal- on oonyeyanoeragent fire and ui e assuranoe beat estate agarrt money to loan eto ovviob perrymansdlook- abton on miscellansovs fibhbx gbibt ottawa oikada bolloltor of patenufor intontlon etc prerjare applleatlons for the canadian amer ican andeuropoan patent olsoel and for tne beiiatratlon ol tradomarka bend for pam pblat thlrtt veara experience f ipanpipphaj bookbimdeh wjnanam 8 1 gelpn ontario oterw aooonnt booka of all kinds made to order periodical of etery desorlptlonoaref nllynoand ballnrneatltana promptly done tajrabbiaob tiloenbeb h p moobb 1mpf of manitmb ljp5hin brlateomea oirltpsosrinlra jsaned free press oflloa aoton days bookstore qnelph days sella cheap ihon shade weekly news tho paper quod in tbli journal ip from the above inill wm badber bios cuelph branch wo apa nqitlbbaljir monoyordoripayauo at par at any branch ot chartered liaukin canada excepting tho yukon dlatriot at tlio following raloa uuder10 8 coiitfl 10 to 20 10 cents 90tos3o laconta e30tooo h cants nigbbst current bate 0f1ntei1bst fatd on sums deposited of 1 and upwards ntereit allowed from dato of doppalt to data of withdrawal and paid br compounded lialf yaarly advancea made to reapon bible farmorc on tbelr owu namoa at tlio lowest aurront rates no obarne made for opllootlbg aaloa notes if payablo in oueljb a genoral banklus bulneas tronaaotod a f jt jones maaaer bring your custom logs in arid take the lumber home with you for two weeks we will sell lamps and a forego co loving and poralatont fred thrice youve prayed mo jou to wad do not bo dlaooubolate mow ill leave it all to fats on this aland ho boxea two each an anawor holds for you chooaebetweoa ltf yoaljltbo no i uo more youll bear from mo shall bo aorrow or rejoloe oft he wavora labia oholoo lookaateaob with queatlonlngeye but thoy grant blm op reply looks at bar with pleading j8o out boreyoa alto will not raise now bo graapobnf in deapalr yeslheoadsbs anawartbero blla s is froda a little apace then ho crlea with clouded face how it wbuld my joy banoo had all not bon left to cbtnea c cbno6 t aba shakes her tunny locks polhta to tba rejected box aa before fate dolgua to blots there be flnda bar answer yob i jbhtorl0tobc only h fo a this i if uu i uuu have foraaeeo it all i a yet els lo had no told her nnclo who bad supplied the nowd to the paper she prayed fervently that ahe might be able to keep the knowledge to herself for ever safely bidden from the fond old man who believed id her fa to would deaide for hoars she eat in a little room over the bank lia toning to tboperalitentnlamoringa below for fold qowrnqoh longer could it go on tn th ma eud ynntilu eozing rough iaitphcl ob miaa elaie miss elaie the bank has been robbed i twenty tbouaand pouuda kou mleie 1 and poor ma shyrs lumber planing wills naaaaweya p sayer8 proprietor has constantly on band a full line oi lumber lath shinglea cedar fosta woodjeto custom logs and bill- staff cut to order on abort notice planing and matching done to ftp bet ot rllsfre tipli- ftff5 vpfj phwp nnd nwde q suit tlie cpiitornoris pocket p savers stoves tinware eavetr0ugh1ng tfao latest deslgaie in poa ftnd wld beating and cbk stores fcaay manage eaby on tfual- tinware in proftulon of best quail at low prices ordora taken for bavetronabing to be pat up when dealred call and go prices uoneraljobblnfs promptly fl ono gr a panuabeeker mrs seoordb block aoton h ighest pri ees paid for wheat oats bye -at- kcton blbubtor car choipe corn for sale full stock flour and feed skates twenty per cent below regular priobs it means snaps our prices are usually low but now they will be lower j m bond co gireiph snaps th0rfs market sq maodonell st gublph 11 lbs ground bulpbur 22c kpsom satu f faw so flnabaltaoa 50- dairy salt floc 300 fine salt 8k- 7so 900 oouraafialt 6k 75c 980 coarse bait bbi 105 e90 fine bait bbl 105 land bait 5c0 per ton icrbk 10 pot barloyforsso 10 bpiit feaa for ao 100 ground oil cako 130 100 ground flaxseed 9250 pleutaood 6140 per duab oyster shells for poultry 73 alqfl mica crystal flflta 25c xv jfcai r fleas ooltry panaoea 85c aaroea poultry tonic sso aftreee iiouse killer 3sc javmberta qeath to uoo iq eareea bane millo 700 and j50 laab for all kinds or grain feed corn 3o to too busb -rembmbbr- thorps quel ph special sale tttu hbhstbbbt tjioihaadanorioiiiwia 7 ior trie tjotiriiiea of wellington andv balton orders left at tka faaui pa omc aoton 01 tmrrastdeneeliiaotpn l ptdpapllr at s foortdbomto t0otobabk baiolg aleo reoney to loan on the omttivimbjo i and a tlio lpwaal rates ot lntareat in weiilniton mmnu fire insuranoo company r batabunrcdlmo h b3fflskss mdedo -jobh- v aoton machine and bepair shops nbnbttobihdellrjproprtotor abb well aqnlpped ltn all the macnlnery sejessais to teeute all repair to naabln ery asdagrlopltoral impiementavand tojlojdl sl5diofstvamlltunbtloraasbeuigaiidgneral haakjmltnlns woslwork repalra pertonned fntuiaotor tnamat weoaa tepair nr maohlne or implement of any maka saw rnmlnganfllltigdon ariilrvooi iia6a0xobkn ad ilataa in an ktnda ol vfodd in stook and promptly rftsmdablo prtmb hardwood and slabs eoi stove langtb always bahand vl tslaffnoiie ooniintidioauop 1 hkf3f5is we hitch the dollar litoaa bigger coad than it ever drevy before ouh entike stock of footwear at lowecr prices tdtjaah buyers falllster while others burn tlie midnlfrhl oil in marklnn up prices pre- pnrink rorasaleourpticeago scoot ing down he loboggan slide of genuine low and reasonable prices w williams boots and shoes agton fancy goods class china celluloid fee irioei away down pine finished crokinole board complete 660 boblty80o framed pictures ooo etc etc waters bros quelph away l0i7dear itobteafl a step behind her and a low voloe tpoka her name she knew ic at odosh ii was her koodfornoihipk brothers why are yoq here again harold ahe oried when ha was standing thore in front of her when i avo yob that last money yoo promised to slay away altokather and try and get aome thing to do yel here yon are once more and this time i oatmot help you why why do yoq oime uoole john would bo furious at fiadiog yon here bat hois away elaie the young man answered breatbleaaly vqlrhe yoaniasl help me just tblaodoe i promlai solemn ly never to worryyou again 1 yoq have prqmlaod lolemnly before harold hli alator aaid bitterly i on- not help you i say we are sill mined the bank has been robbed the startled look on bia white face caused her to eeaae apeakfag la h true elsie he asked hoarsely 4s the badk really been robbed she told him what he knewhe lisleninji impatiently i moai havo money girlie i he borak out i must have ill i mast get away from here tonightj and i dont poaswas a single farthing i qaiok dear 1 uoole left yon some for housekeeping that will have to do i dont possess a single farthing either she persisted what is the matter harold wbv ia it 00 terribly neeeasary for yon to leave blaekmore tonight tbefr eyes mat hera dear straightfor ward honest bia weak and nervona uncle will be comibg back to bee about ho hank enfe be mutiored qneerly he mast not and me here no it would only add to oie bitterness of his return bui what could she do i have it the desperate brother suddenly exol aimed jelsle this news abqqt the bank robbery is still eutolaaiva the editor of the blaokmore time would give yon an anrn tor pf jwntarprla cash paid farm produce iautter onions egfgis poultry poiu at apples wanted alkenhisd pkojuce co o- parsons acton manager om -aoton- jng and always ready for something alart- jing at first band this is our only obancs dear but klsie would not eee it iii thai ligbl for a iodr long time it was not until her brother bed folly enlarged upon the rrtm qeoegeity at the oaae nol until berhadv foropd her to plainly understand tba edn- seqnenota ii ha did not hare money at onoe that she floally eonsanled logo to the editor ol the blaohmoro timtl harold mtltltnd bad a smart canning tongqe on this ooosalon he had indeed need it well as tis prophetlad the editor literally grabbed at the oopy aapaoially after he had fairly oonrlnosd hlmaell that his would be the first paper to pablltb iba slartliok news oq the morrow elsie went wearily hone with iba moob needed money in her pookel harold was wajting in biding for her and ponnoed down eagerly on the gold an hour after bis departure iheir apples manager oams to the boose and aaked to boo elsie when he was admitted in to her presence bonotlced with asbarp pang bow wan end desolate ber little faos bad grown poor child i boob things as then were bard for her to have to bear bow he wished that beooald aave her all aire and annoyanoe in iho fatnrel for with the whole of bit stoat loyal heart he loved her he showed her m telegram which be had reoelved froorher nnolo retorntng at oqoj it said keep news of robbery out pt the papers it any price till i see yoq elsie read the words or rather they chased eaoh other before her dlaay aohing yes 8ho suddenly tottered forward and fall in a dead faint neil morning hogo posters appeared from the odloes of the blsokmore tima maklog pnblio the robbery newaboys shouted it frantioatlly front one atreet to another soop a big crowd bad gathered ootalde the bank clamoring loudly for the doors lo be opened they wanted their money bank their hard won earnings and they meahi to get it thai eiolasive news sold by elsie mallland on the pravlooa elning to the editor of the bliokmore tiiati had oanied not niuph looijer 1 john rlverssaid to hi sdfiterinit nieoe mot muoh longor my filrltbey muit have piid out nearly all by now fioou they will hove to oloie the doors dont cry child ic is the will of providence suppose but its hardto get uoh a blow as this at my lime ot life i presently rthere were sounds of oheering in the street a wellknowo mjllionalro bad drlvebnp to the bauk my ood i muttered the old banker this ia tbelaat straw boglnald fairfax has torned against -me- with the rear when he has drawn hie money thore wont be a penny left go and see him onole klsie pleaded he ia so rioh he mlijht be persuaded to leave it no ohtld i oould not speak to bim or anyone else today then i will nnolo do go and send him here to roe i mutt see html regin ald will save or 1 johnluvera went bllifcllouf tnatklsio waited for reginald fairfax to come to her twice tbis selfmade man had asked her to marry mm twioe she had refused he was rioh but he was also coarse life with him would be a nightmare she had always told herself she did not love htm but now he was standing there iu front qf her loudly dressed and looking more vulgar ever how oonldshe appeal lo- this boor ish and ootnmonplaoe parveuue she mutt though she bad worked the miaoblef bhe moat right it if possible at the end of another five minntes ehe was telling him everything all about her brother and ber selling the news lo the editor he listened in tilence 8be hum bled herself to iho duet before him and begged biro hot to withdraw his money from the bank he smiled queerly you twice asked me to be yonrwlfe she wound op feverishly and i refused you would yoo still marry mo m r fair fax ob do answer if i said yes would yoq stilt marry mo the smile broadened am i to understand that yoo are pro posing to me mies maitland 1 he asked dont seek to hnmble me any more dont dont 1 sbe oried i have fallen far enough 1 tea he eald it muet indeed be a terrible fall for the proud miss maitland to offer bersell to me 1 you offer to beoome my wife if i will only leave my money in your unolea bank considering that i love yoq and that you love someone elbe it ia rather hard on mo isnt it ob dout dont 1 it yoo only knew how i loathe myself for having said all thia lo you 1 you are quite right to refuse me how dare i aak you or any man to take me under ancb conditions you are quite right to ref ose me i dont know he answered slowly if you didnt love another man already it might have been different ijut as it is xts i certainly wont marry yon mies maitland you have bumbled yourself to me unneoeasarily you oannot know me very well when you imagine that x had eonpeto withdraw my support from your nnolo at anoh a time as tbia inatead had merely obme lo plane the farther sum ot 160000 to my accouhl the public knows it already and the payinp4qto the bank of anoh alarge ahm has restored con- ndenoe v ere ahe had time to apeak be waa gone bat the bank waa saved i a man she had always despised in her heart had oomo forward and aaved it why why bad she never beoq able before to see the floenatqrewhiob lurked beneath a eome- what boorish exterior the exoitcrnent ot that day was followed by a long ilineas for her wheu the returned to life onoe more she found ber uncle in bettor spirits than she could ever remember him all the doing ot reginald fairfax elalo my girl i the old banker said glee fully ho atuok to me right through child when everyone else failed mo and his example saved the bank he had further persuaded old john rivers to make a psrtner of bis long trusted manager he was therefore in a position at last to ask for elsie band in marriage when he aelted her she ans wered yes- 8ome months after their marriage elsie reoelved another visit from her brother harold he was altogether a different person hs waa goidg to america directly and had oome to msku a confession to her he had sold his knowledge of their ancle and iba bank lo a certain gang of theives for a large sum of money but he had never known a moment of peaoe alnoe and be had never lonohed a farthing ot the ill- gotten each- he was going to america now to start life in earnest and when elals asked him where he had found the neoesssry foods he told her that the donor waa reginald fairfax descriptive livery bus line i ula mil m a n m u rttpilsi wkosrsiibcraitoleave ie u rxllo robllo or atib bebool ahould net overlook tbe rreat advant age of a praotleal eoaass of instrao- tionattse oublph basihess college and shorthand institute paxt 8b88i0m will oomnenoe tuesday saplralierrwi writ or esuu intaratted oimular vi vi psrifwnelrl fftl ill llfl ii hillsst- tffllst tllas tbe nuderalgnnlraspeetfallyaoileltsuiapatreo aseof the pobllo and informs them that wall xmlpped and styush rigs oan tl waytbeseotured atmasubla a eomforisblabu meets txalna between aim and mb n rp oarrfnlatuntiofltentoeveryorter wwrss john williams paomixton a qoktly dressed roan whose imdoth shaved bluish jaw kve him the aepeot of an aotor walked lutoan pptonnroatanrant a few evenioga agoand ordered quite a subatahtial meal he ate leiturely and at the end of the rspaat lit a oijjarette the waiter presented a cheok for 140 i have no money bald tbe stranger pushing aaide the slip pari said the astonished fiaroon the other repeated his statement add wentlmbnioltios the waiter bet itated a moment then eourried aorooa to tbe mauager and whispered in liia ar the latter itrode over to tbe table whatb the tronble ar be aabed politely onourli -noth- ing replied tbe diner placidly the waiter says yoa wvoat pay the waiters wrong i aaid i trad no money- the manager began to lose his patience do yon mean yea ahit going to pay this oheok he asked curtly i cant xbre was a pan ee and tbe t me studied eoobt other so yoo came in here aaid the manager finally and ordered a big meal knowing yoa wore broke and couldnt settle i did replied the other still perfeotly cool well what made you do it exolaimed tbe manager in a burst of exaggeration- because i wanted tbe daeal there was another pause ill have yoa arrested said the manager for what for obtaining gooda under jaliapretenbeb l3yb nlp r a tenieddi make asked tb straayer calmly oh well you cant oome in arid take oar foqd that wayl yee i oan ive jas dono it said the other removing the ash from bis cigarette the manager eoratohed his head get oat he said abruptly and dont try tbis again the quiet man reached for bis hat and walked away pufidag his cigarette id rather lose tbe anaouut thu have a dis turbance said the manager but i moat say hes the coolest band i ever htruok ih the eicoitemedl nobody noticed that the stranger had oarrled off bia oheok half an boar later it oime baok ia an envelope with 1140 in silver it was a be was scrawled in pencil on the back now orleans timesdemocrat a new abb 1 l 4dy tell astdry of ayoudg roan who had coma in from the country to the city in which sbe lived aud in a short time faualed biminlf quite etjuil to any social e merge noy ho never aulied advice upon questions of ettfquetti and iu consequence he nude many roistakos at one time the lady issued card- to an evening party and among the guests itioloded this rathor cdu- oeited and exceedingly awkward yonng a liar rebuked though very few people hko to havo an unpleaaantsceco with others in a pnblio place there ia always iu snob a place ready sympathy with any one who takes it on himself to rebuke fittingly a priggish sort of person a western paper relates an incident of tbe sort a roan took a seat in a railway oar and piled the seat by bsls aide with bags and parcels the ear became crowded and a gentleman asked the person in this beat if the other- 1 air of it waa occupied yea said tbe other thoae things belong to a man wbo has just gone into the smoking oar sod hell be bbk presently the gentleman had reajon to a napoo t tbe troth of such a btatement as be had been in the oar for lomt time all right be said i will sit in this seat till be cornea baok be proceeded to remove the bags and handles placing tbeinou the floor or on the rack tbe otber man glared a a matter of faot the man in the amoklog oar was an invention- by and by the owner of the bundles arrived at his destination he began to gather op bis effeota esoob4mmeaadtbegntleman yoa said the bundiaa belonged to taau wbo had gone into the smoking oar i shall oonslder it my doty to prevent yon takibg them alnoe by your own statement they dont belong to you the man became violent and abusive but dared cot lay bis hands upon the bundles the con doctor was called la he listened to the statements of both men and said well i will take charge of the bandies myself and take tbem to the station in the city and it no one else claims them meanwhile you indicating the man who had once repudiated their ownership may have them amld the laogbter and applause of the passengers the man got off at tbe statlso as the train was palling out but without bis baggage he obtained it in a few days bat was well punlsbod for the lie he had told for the aakeof monopolizing a seat that did not belong to ham he was to be out of town at the dale of the party and was unable lo accept tlio invitation at the foos of the oacd ho read the letters r 8 v p and was much per plexed at their meaning however ho was nbthlug daunted by hia ignorance and wrote a rioo deoliuing the invitation in at formal aud stilted terms as be could odm- mand and sigtiiug his uame added the letters m 8c o s on bis return to the city ho wout to the ladys bousa tdouhand iitahefiqprbe jof the conversation asked by the way mrs olapp what did you mean by r 8 v p at tbe end of the invitatiou you bent me why replied tbe hostosb without a note of surprise th her polite voice they stand for tlie frenoh phrase repomlez ail vouaplait aoewer if yoa please oh yes i well i was all riht then 1 said the yonor man with an air of aaiia- faction x thouyht i should hit it in my answer now that you speak of it aaid bis cour teous hoateea i do wish to aak yon what m 8 0 o elands for i cant imojrins and i cant and any one who has over aaeu the abbreviation used i oh 1 replied her visitor airily that meant miflbty sorry couldnt come 1 should think that was plain enough i tuh q side theres many a rcat ou tlio road of lfo ir wu could only btoi to tuho it aud bianya touo from thu letter land if the quoruloua huart would tvako it to tbo mmuy bou that is full of hoiio and whoso boautlful trust uuvor fallotb tbo gra ee la groan and llowora tro bright tbo tho wintry storm irovalltitlj bettor to yoavo in tbo wob of lifo a brlsbt aud goiatu fllliiig and doqods will wltliaruaily boiirt and bands that aro swift ool will inn than tonnap thodolleato allvor turoooa ofourourlous lives aauuder and til on uljatno hojtvau for ctii tatiiu uult andstw aud grlevo and wondctr ibusimss jheiig corner life insurance aa better way the time for teaching a littlo girl sowing by gfviog her dish towels to hem and abeet seema to overhand is passed abetter way has been found and she learne happily not grndglncily and with tears the needle is no longer pushed with painful effort through rongh crash and stiff sheeting but stipe easily through the little bits ot old linen and muilin that are destined to make something pretty to stock tbe little womans doll wardrobe or bed or her own small tea table she is using ber imagination as well as her fin gers and happy indeed she may be ie there any comparison in point of interest between a bi dish towel and a dainty little one for play dishes a email oblaoft cot from the whole portion of a big towel and qemmed neatly a little girl will like to learn to darn linen if the worn dinner nap kin she la set to work ou is afterwards to be washed and ironed and beoome que of her own little tableolotbs- and could hemming fail to be allniiug when tbe whole parts of another old napkiu are out into squares for small fingers to make into doll apklnst from pieces of old handker chiefs may be oat squares to be fringed for dollies ueedoo doll tables and toy bureaus ia fitting np these bueaus with dainty knioknaoks ajutle girl will employ many a scrap of laoe and ribbon and will learn to ba skillful with her needle harpers bazar hung with black the darkey has a senea of aotivjs sollolton wanted over w bare for tbastorrof tbe pbtllpplnss by moral idsobori the paslnswltk qaneraj merrllt la tha bumdltals as uonolalo lo henr konr in the a on the deok of the 6iimpiawlhlwsy xa in uf roar otbatue bejr- p taken im itxflai ifmmm aixcffftsssbsl w t rra star insnranee uullowcbioeio j book aid oradlt jwar boelia bardrr beev an appalling run oh her nbclos bank tho doors ware open at last thtprowd surged in presenting cheeks io the fall amount they had deposited in the badk they looked astonished when the gold oame over the counter in their direction clearly they bad expected to be tnrned away penniless they thanked their stars lor being the drat the bank ooold not go on paying out lor long of that they felt sure at noon elsie and ber uncle drove op to the front entrance in an open oarrlage he had insisted on her aooompanicg him despite the faot that aha looked wretobedly pale and ill v all the way along they had seen those hideous posters announcing tba robbery how did they gel the nswsf john rivers kept repeating elsie ohlld bow did they get the news it is a myilery to me ii only it ooold have been kept from ibem another twentyfour hours i oould have weathered ihe storm poor elsies hsart aebsd i have done ill the oried the fault la mine mine ob harold if 1 could england have ho snob marked dialeot as prevalla in some other parts of tbe united stales it is a fact thai they nee many words and purases whlob lo atraogert are often quite incomprehensible aglrl who spent a enmtner on a farm in norlbarn vermonl says ibal if her isngusgs was halt as oonfusiog to lbs people of that region ae a good deal ot theirs waa to her she wonders they didnt ask her to supply them with a key ose day she asked the farmer bowlong it- would lake her to go to the nearest village lets oes said the nan slowly they aint much ohoioa tween forlvllle an bklmbys oornor but i oalolate the corner may he a grain nearer how was yoa plannlu to gll there by band 1 by what asked the astonished girl by band was what i said replied ihe farmer tdonlyoh know what that means waal ijsswi you re from the oily way lepose id ooghtere aaid was you inteodln to f oot it out we alias i say by hadd bare fer it seems mat reasonable eomewaye t l man ooo and bear the silyertip bear a variaty of the grizzly is an anltnail highly respected in the far northweitern states on aooonnt of its aire power and tenacity in combat it is a feather iu a mans oiap to kill one nnder almost auy pironmstanoes and eaoh an encounter is generally not invited the hope idaho examiner records with some pride the way in wbloh mr frits vogel of clark fork reeently met a bear of thia speoiea mr vogel was walking home from the fork one night when on hie own ranoh be psroeived in tba distsnoe a ereaiure whloh at first he took for ode bt hit yooog oattlo his dog perceived it at the same time and valienlly made for it the animal tnrned to face the dog and then mr vogel taw thai it was a urge aulvertlp bear as the man had no weapon of any kind be left hie faithful dog to irybonolusions with tbe bear while he ran to tbehbusefor a gmn he secured hie rifle and retarned to the pasture alone where he found the bear and lbs dog still engaged by this time 11 wis bright moonlight the bear wis bttsipgr on its haanohes ighlttgenhhedeg t tryin t gel s or else seise the dog i but the dog evaded the bears teeth as long aa the silverlip remained sealed and aa of ten at the bear got down and attempted to esoape lbs dog seised it by lbs hlndijaarlers and forced it to torn and flgbl it was a vary pretty and really remark able oombal tor tbe dog though of oonrse not a matob tor the bear in strength was its superior in strategy vogsl watched bis obanoe orept op en the bear and when the dog had it headed in the right direction ssntabuflatlnloltabody it pleroed the heart and tba silverlip f sll dead ii proved to ba one ot the large bean ever killed in idaho one of lie claws whloh vogel presented to the editor ot the hops jeeumirter measured four and one eighth inches in length peooliarly bis own and by no meana objeols to a joke containing an allneinn to the color of bis race provided he makes it himself in a new york town which has a oolony of oolored people there is ono big darkey wbo baa acquired considerable local reaowo for his taete in landscape gardening some lima ago tbis man was emptoyed in eelting ont ehrubs ou ths lawn of a handsome eatste the master of the house waa rjowbete to be seen and a number ot the gardeoers friends were leaning oomrcrtably on tho fenoo at tbe foot of the lawn watobiug tbe operations with absorbed interest another darkey who was driver for a pbyaloian living nsxl door to the fins estate looked curiously at this row of peotators and then addressed the doctor who was just getting into bis buggy doctor wilson be said solemnly deres somebody dosd at massa joness aartinsure dead i echoed the dootor no such thing caesar i should havo heard of it if there had been auy illness in iho family woll sab aaid caesar pointing to the row of sable individuals who were hanging on the plokete if dere ain nnbody dead to massa joness sab dsn wat fer ia all die vor mournin strung along defence unable to work llfeiheurancoio all ita branobes haa been so pereistently placed before tbe pnblio that few men are unacquainted with at least botho ot the benefits to be deriyedjroinit it ie not the iutontiod of this article to deal with insurance generally but more oepeoiully with that eyeteon of insurance called joint life or fartqerabip folioy under thia form of pulicy imnoediato and complete provlaion is made to meet the reqoiremonta of the surving partner it not nufrequently happens that tbe death of one member of tho arm necessi tates the withdrawal from tho business of aportioubftheoapital theeffect of whloh may weaken the resources to a very appreciable cxteot or at least prove exceedingly inconvenient suob a oontln genoy oan be guarded agaiobt by a partner ship policy payable upon death of either member of the firm also it will prove an exoellent investment as well as form at all times a uretalaas commercial aeourily at a very brmli obst for example aay 85 and it be ttieagee of tbe persons to be iuaured the premiums required for a partoerabtp polioy or fsfioom with profits would bs abouit 33000 annually not a heavy tax on any business that can support two partners olauy merchants from experience can attest to tbe valuo of tho above system of insurance for business men tho agent oan do the rest the manly boy writing about boys io the february caatuiian- magazine the editor aays above all things a boy muet be taught to be manly in england this is taught mainly through tbe sports in whiob tbo youth are traiuod either by intelligent masteraat the groat boardiog schools or under tbe immediate aupurviaion of sympa thetic parents it ib also taught at home in america it is not taughtto so great an extent in our publid eohools because the obildrena play is nnder much looser super vision hdnce it must be tanghk more at boms the best way to teaoh it ib by example the next bcbt method- ia to deal with spedlflo cases not too many of them as they arise what does manliness mean it meana a dignity whiob makes the young man respeot bis own rights and those of others it includes si moderation in peeoh a temperance iuaotion- a magnanimity in cohduot towards others abet an earnest loyalty to- duty it has up limits no defined boundb it is a garment which envelops and surrounds the man bo that be may always be dietingauhed from tho cad tbe sneak the arone tbo criminal it fa the first and moat neoeasary cqnip menl of the man who would- write hia name in silver letters on tbe goldoo- page ot bis- tbry it is tho concentrated essence of all virtues without a traoo of impurity it ia tbebaln which makes the mans god she used the reliable diamond dyes results were satisfactory and pleasing for carpet and rug makers diamond dyei mean snooess and profit mr jot carrier victoria harbor out writes i had bbeumatism in my knees feet and elbows ao bad i was unable to work nothing did me any good till i got mllburns bbsumatio pills one box and a half completely pored me some people think tho world is getting worse becanse they are worms bothered baby my baby acutered terribly with worm 4 t hsed duo tattle of dr laws tieesent worm syrup whibh accomplished the purpose for whloh il was intended and cored him mrs w m messeoar wat ford out its a poor farm ibat oant aoqulre a iloving a carpet to make and a good deal ol coloring to do i thooght i would give the diamond dyes a trial i need them and they produoed most beantffnl oolors and i was pleased with the effects in the carpet i am a farmers wife and atter thia will nso only the diambod dyes mna nklsos wood oampbellford ont one form of oonoelt is to give your own photograph as a christmas present ho family living in a illlous conotry should bo without parraoloe8 vegetable pills a few doses taken now and than will keep the liver active cleanse the btomaoh and bowels from all billions- matter and prevent agoc air j l prise shoals martin co um- writes i havo tried a box of parmoloos pills and find them the best medicine for fever and ague i havo evor oacd han or beast i have found hagyarda yellow oil to be ihe best using for oalloused lumps and outs on man or beaat il is a splendid all- round remedy daniel drown banks p o oot when people take their own lime they generally take other peoples lime too kicked hi8 physician tub lard mannfaotnror ia oouatanlly turlng avera new leal lie haa tried it mr john anderson kinloss writes i venture to say few if any- have received greater beneflta from the nun nf p- thf t8aettln till than if yoo hays catarrh dont dally with local remedl but purity and enrich your blood wllb hoods sareaparilla a woman is a genius who can shop wlthoul spending snore than she laid lite would never leave his bed alive said the doctor- south american rheumeatlo cure doea the mlraole mr granville height of sparta oot saya his father who la a vary old man was very low from a severe attack of rheumatism his physlolan atanrsd lbs fatally hs would never leave his bed alive a friend look a bottle ot south american bheumatlo core o him a tow days later npon rsoaivlog a viall from tho doctor be ran sbross iba room arid playfully admln- latered a hearty klok he is now up and aa welt at aver sold by a t browo i hate lhavousodil regularly for over ten years and have reootnmended it to all sufferers i knew of and tbey also found it of great virtue io oases ot ssvera bronohltls and inolptent consumption a mans best friend is a auuxeienoy of the almighty dollar when yoa feel weak run down nervous uoable to work or think se yon onght take a box or two ot milborne heart and nerve cilia thoyll build np your health and give you etrengtb and energy price 50c all drugglatb he that hath a trade hath ain estate if attacked with oholora or summer complaint of any kind eend at ouoo for a m bottle of dr j d kelloggt dysentery cordial and use it according to dlreotions it acta with wonderful rapidity in subduing that dreadful disease that weakens the strongest mau and deatroys lbs yonug and delicate tlxose who have used this oholera msdioine ssy it aota promptly and never fails to effeol a thorough oure

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