Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1899, p. 2

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mauried koaticii aliimtt ac tbo homo oftbe bride ifarontu uvurtou on wodurisdbj fob fltto by itov v it boy tone atlnlo daughter of win abbott kii to mr yullaui fostor erin bynott giluiontj in fit joiohb eburob aofcon on tuesday itb februsry by kev latbor footioy edward byuott bon of jtiob- nrd svnottkafoubtlu to kllsabetb chug- tur of potor ollibono 12hj ksiiuealns died akjnbiii nnsflbhavwoy on huodtvy monildg rith february linab watson wife of itobert akins iu ber fluyelgutb tr kauna in qoorctitdni on bunday 13th inst tbo wife eijbcoto kahrs couithii atmlltonod wednesday fol 6tb lluriiard coulter aged 71 yeart mconanky at bronte on tuesday feb 7tb geo k mcoruny postmaster aged fi7 scott at tbo homo of hli fattier on btxnday foby lath jiimoi bon of william boott aged 17 yean and 1 month orkwson at crowsone corn em on monday lath february uertson of mr morgan crew- sod aged 15 years cook at palermo on tuesday 14th february magnle eldest daunbter of mr e h and granddaughter of bev r b odok aoton it itavl jfm xtm- thtjbbdax febboarx 16 1399 motes and comments mr john r barber m p p imak meek presented petitions to tho leilturc prayiog for amondment of the joacra ads the municipal aot respecting auditors and tna criminal aot respecting the costs of the trial in onsconnty of criminals- belosjgldg to anotber robert holmes editor clinton new ira liberal and robt moleod drover goderiob were nominated on tuesday tor the vacauoy in the home of commons for west huron tbefasjt biucss wiibei its old newspaper friend holmes aacoesi in jheoontest tho oalt daily and weekly btformer bas been porobased by mr john b burner anaroalmlhobtjlrwtot owatkin son toronto has accepted the position of manager mr hunt la a news paper man of some experience and takes control of the jtaormer with an energy and insight into the business which are sure to win bucosis dr jamieion has introduced a bill ark ing that municipal officers in all maoiei- palitiea under 6000 population should be eleoted blenallyvand not annually at present and that the election be held on the bame day as the election for county councillors this is a movement lo the right direction she prinolplo waa en dorsed this year by the ratepayers q acton in reelecting last years oonnoil for a second year the last two months may oertainly be termed a season of death in ontario in glanoingover the dozens of newspapers received at the world offloe one i struck by the length of the death rolls every paper has its extraordinary quota of obitu ary notices and the sad feature of the majority of the deaths that have been noted is tbeir suddenness never in the oareerof ihe horw have our exchanges shown such a sad record elderly and middleaged people ohiefly have been the viotims of this season of death iforitf neighborhood news news itame supplied by corres pondents and exohanses evehton a quiet wedding took plaoo in tho village wednesday evening feb 8b when miss annie daughter of mr win abbott was married lo mr wm foster of ktln on aooonnt of aiokness in the home there were few guests at sixthirty m iss abbott played the wedding march and the bridal oouple entered the parlor rev w h seytotjet performed the ceremony the bride was dressed in cream after the supper they left for mr fosters home we wish the young couple every happi ness in their new home we had ihe pleasured a call from mr and mrs bhanklint of winnipeg during the week they have been in toronto with friends for s few weeks and last waek were wttntheirrelativesberemr wm makings and sisters they purpose returning to winnipeg this week mrs simpson has returned home again after spending some weeks with ber daugh ter mrs marahail la grippe has taken down a few families here olhera are using preventatives and hope to eioapeitbe dreaded malady ltmehouse joe deemert who is working at hespeler won a silver medal in a three miloskallok race in preston last friday night the ontario cement continues to grow in favor with tbo farmers for their stable boors unsolicited testimonials as to its excellent qualities are being sent in to the toronto liime co and farmers are oomlng for it from lobg distances considerable kllm wood is coming in now and there is good probability of a fair tookf or next eeaaona burning being seonrsd manager john moore of the toronto lime company was in the city on tuesday it baa been an unusually cold snap bnl the mercury has not gone so low here as is reported at many places near us mr albert deemert is visiting his sister in cornwall after a long period of illness james the son ot william soott of the 6 th line died on sondsy diabetes was the ailment from whloh be aofferd and his poor racked body bar wasted almost to a skeleton the remains were interred at the cemetery near the homestead crewsons corners the extermination of the 8an josesoale in ontario promises to be very expensive bobinesb over a year ago the turn of 47000 wi voted for the porpoit bo the oxpauditurehaeexoeeded that ambuot by nearly 18000 the minister of agrlont- turt this session wiil be obliged to ask for a vote to cover tbo excess of expenditure in 1808 and a artbor asm to continue the work during the present year tho bill which mr dryden will bborily introdsoe provides jl is said for a careful inspection of nurseries and nnrserystook in ontario congratulations to onr esteemed oomrere mr w 8 dlnnman of the stratford herald upon bis eleotion lo tberrestlenoy of the canadian press assoolatiou are in order mr dogma n baa taken an active interest in the affairs of the aiaoola- tlon for years and basesrned the honorable position to wbiohhe has been elected in him the assoolation has an able prsaidlng officer the position of first vicepresi dent was given to mr j 8 wllllson editor of the toronto globe whose standing as a canadian journalist is wellknown tbroogh- ont the dominion by a vote of 889 to 01 the property own ers ot orlllia gave their ssnollon to the power trantmiaaion project last week and authorized the corporation to install an eleotrio light and power plan of boo horee power at a cost of 175000 the elrotrlo onrrent will be generated at the ragged bapidaonthe severn blver and tranamit- ted by wire overland to the town xbree hundred horse power jvlll be need for eleo trio light and waterworks purposes and the remaining five hundred will be sold to manufaolurers and other power ooninmsrs ait a price claimed to be lower than is oftered by any other concern patba aneri- oan continent manotaotorers will be offered free power the contrast between the hosubiogoftbe liquor trafflo in ontario and quebeo was shown in the provincial treaorerepeoh last week ontario received isst year from llqnor lloenies 37678 for the same year the provinoe of qnebeorecelvad m40- 400 during the last five yesrs the prov ince of qnebeobasreoelved from these licenses 12788874 and this provinoe dur ing the earns period has rooeired vlsi9- 755 for the five years in question onlar- lo has given back to the municipalities of thsprovines oat of lloshse revenues i isu- 851 quebec baa retained all the revenue for the ueesof the provinoe and has not given any part of it to- the munioijnalltlss local optionbylawsave how in operation in seventeen manloipalltles in ontario the cold snap ot the past two weeks was thnooldeai weather ever experiehoed itt these parts on saturday morning the thermometer dropped to 83 degrees below zer cellars that the frost- was never known to enter before bad f rozenvegotsbles etc dnrlng the past sek tbe present obange is very aooeplable a pleaianttlrne was spent at the home of mr thosv bamsbaw by the young people of this neighborhood on tuesday evening last in games and various other soda pastimes mr and mrs luinshaw and family hospitably entertained tbeir gueals mr henry damper has been seriously ill dutingthe past week mies ada laaby who was- very ill is now on a fair road to recovery maeter bert crejwaon fourth sonbf mr m orewion died at his fathers home here on monday evening the deoeased has been a cofferer far the put fifteen months and at time he snffered eioraclatiog patn he underwent an qperatlon in the qoelph general hospital last june and for a time seemed to be reooverlor hot during the fall be gradnally began to sink arid never rallied he was in his fifteenth yhvwatof a bright disposition and will be mnoh rniaaed not only- in hi own scient fa an interestlrib volume by the sup erintendent of farmors inatl- tlites in oiltarlo tbe ontario department of agriaulturo baejabt issued the fourth unnualreport of f w nodsontsbporinteudcutoffarmers institutes for tbo year 1bs78 containing about 600 pages and ooptoualy illustrated whloh forms a valuable addition to agri cultural literature and will bo greatly appreciated byfarmere who wibh to beep npiih ihn tlmmnd avail tho of family but by all in this vicinity hie parents and relatives will have the sympathy of all in their sad bereavement the funeral took place on wednesday to the evarloq cemetery mr and mrs jos anderson of arkoll and mr w moore of acton spent sunday at mr n forbes in hon mr barbonrts budget speech last thursday it was shown tbal the number of llqoor licenses in ontario is being reduced materially eaoh year he said tbero were bill lewsr iisensss issued last year than there were are yaars ago the number of lloenset isiued dowlnsf the last flvs years is as follows 18b34 8270 18m5 8151 18050 81b 18957 0000 18978 s0m from llqoor menses we received last year a70786 the pre vious year the reoelptwm t89s91 ae i hays beratofore stated on several ooetsiiins this shrinkage is to be upmtenl oor lloense law smendrnenta of 1807 which became operative onthe 1st of may last still further restrloled the nnmbir of lloeosea in to far as the number depends on the basle of population with tbo raault thatdarlogl898thenomberofllmpseewas lessasd byiadtvifajtnlslol sj7 dost not come folly loto operation tnlll may lofihlbiyawiwy oeoroetown the gonnoli will pay the 3len eleotrio light oo 12080 for a 50 o p lamp on ihe north aids on the railway culvert on jordan street mr joseph barber has been elboted obslrmanot ths high school board the continued cold weather osassd busi ness to move very slowly ths farmers are making good use of the little snow still on tbe reads to bring in ttelr wood theobal and wood merchants are very busy as ars also the town offloers in locking after frozen hydrants and water pipes the new pastors in the congregational and english ohnrobes have commenced thelrwork in their haw charges and have received a very hearty welcome from their people- theootn social of the epworth league on friday nlgbt of last wwk was a decided suoeseo as far as the entertainment part was oonceroed bat on aoooout of ths vary cold weatber the attendance was smaller than usual the singing recitations and table supplies all gave suggestions of eon v the iter a 0 crews general beore- tory ot epworth leagues of tbe methodist oborob preached last sabbath and leotored last monday night hia vliila willauld a great intereat to ths sunday school and young peoples department the ohsrnplon ekaler moculloogh draw a large orowd for bis performenoe at the rink last week every one was astonished at lbs wooderf ul evolutions of tiieathleter the young peoples anniversary week oonnioted with the methodist cburoh oon- linusdtbli week mrs ob- ilyan and mies mokoohnle addreesad the young women on tuesday night and mr ob bjab the young ntsn on wednesday modern ideas and discoveries tho first aeotlongivessome details with respeot to tbegrowlhand progress of farmers xneti- tuttis from whioh it sppears that the total membership of- thefle- organisations wsb 15707 in deaember 1807 and had increas ed to 10861 on july 81st 1808 there were 058 meetings held during the year attended by 120004 persons at which 8270 addresses were delivered a begin ning wan made in organising women in the rural didtriote on similar linos womens- institute having been founded iu salt- fleet township wentworth county whioh attained a membership of 80 and held fortuightly meetings duriug the beaeon the report gives selections from the papers read at the institute meetings and other contributed literature of a praotlbal and and valuable cbtrsoter dealing with an extenalve nnmber of subjeote connected with farming and kindred industries the llaiof writers includes a large number of prominent specialists and reoognlzed eolentlflhaathorltibsin -different-lines- of- eocdomld researoh aa well as many prac- tiosl farmers and dairymen who give tbe results of long observation and experience- tbe contents under this bead are so volum inous that only a few bnt of the large num ber can be named among them are papers by o 0 jemes on the relation of agrloulture to onr school syatem w t maooun on cross breeding and hybridiz- ing of plants geday oumskiug plant food available h h deant o rogers and a f mclaren on dairy matters j a craig theodore lilnis j b wood ward and d mcgrao on live btook j e orr on orchard spraying j e meyer and a g gilbert on poultry and e f helterman as beekeeping an idea can be formed from these names and aobjeots as io the character and scops of the report whloh the intelligent farmer will find replete with useful suggestions for eoonomy in management and methods by which the prcutablenees of his undertaking ban be increased a special feature which ebould not- be overlooked is an artiole on the blrda of ontario in halation toi agrlonlture by o wjtaah with 82 one iloatratione which shows the importance of proteotiog and enbootraging ihseol deatrby lug birds a bigbly useful department of the work is tbst devoted to the latest results ot bnropean and american scientific investi gation in itsbearlngon agriculture many oostlyexperlmentsare being osrried out at agrloaltnral experiment stations as a means of ascertaining the beat varieties cf seeds manures breeds of live stock eto and tbe most eoonbmipal food for farm animals- the points comprised in thd reports of these investigstiens given with doniiderable fullness of detail will be val- hed by the increasing number of farmers who are not satisfied to follow outworn methods and traditions inherited from their grandfather but desire to avail ibem selves of iheababrate scientific informa tion on such suoh subjeote now available the farmers institutes by popularizing auch knowledge and bringing the labbr- ionily obtained oonolusiona of the ohemi- oal and biologioal specialist within the reach of all are doing a great work in advancing the interests of canadian agrl- oulture hltalthy kaippy gikls often become languid from no apparent cayse the blood la a vital element it must be kept pure rich and red- pnly in thla way can younfit olrls attain perfeot hoallh in ttio early day a of hor womaiibodd ovory girl no matter what ber etatioa in life bhouhl bo brlffht noive cheerfal and happy iter steps bbodld be lifilt ber under a threshing machine a qnrafraxa young man instantly killed lout friday hloha oat fob 10i john benm of gantfruca liviog abont foot milet from klora wb inatantly billed by a threiblng maobioe uuing on him while moving u along iho gravel road he wm on tbe lowtsr ride of the road to keep the mchioe from opwttiop and bhotj uabo to do bo u fall opop him oaosfoft ioaiani death he waa about 80 years ot age and leaves a wife aod one child tq moor a his lots burqlars at hillsburo buuipnvna oat feb 18 last nbt tbieves forced ao eolradoe into he fifcneral tore of jdonaldaou a carralcbafl and mad eflf with twelve watches some obait money aud several email armciee of clothing ttbey then entered a pattersoue tore where they took 97 in- oppers and aoras clolbiak they piled their plunder into a stolen leigb and went in the direction of guelpb where the cotter was found this morning vtffst mi byfctas sobjeol was the value of cbaraoter la bdiidom lifev a urge aamber of hie old frisndi attended theleomreand appreciated very much the wliw ooamel of iui old rteorgetbwn boy who was id himself a splendid eiampu of the snbjebt of bta lecture mr bderio jaoksoo of toronto eang two selectlooa at the liieet- logon tottday atanltignd the aadlenoe was teryroaoh delighted with tit iluging mrs kitirf beloved wife of exres ve kabr died on sdndsy after lon and paiufal iunesw the funeral took place on tqesday and iotvrment waa made at bar ford dont trait yonr fa to re bippiness with a wo no an who never laagbei a frightful blunder will often caase a horrible burn soul j pal or bruise daoklsna arnica salve tbe best in the world will kill the pain and promptly heal it borea01d bores fever sores uloeri boils relons coras all skio ernptions best file core on earib ooly 25 cents a boi sold by j d mokee e br aud h li r w i glow ot henlth bin the rovorea is the hnfortunatel condition of tboneands of young girls tbroagbout he dominion they drag alone always tired never liungrybreathieab and with a palpitating heart artersikhtexercise so that merely logo npbtafra isexhsniting if a doctor is oonsalted he tells theui that tbey are anaemic the plaiu english for yhioh is they havo too little blood and an less a poworful- bloodenriching uerverestoridg tonic such as dr wuliaras pink fills for fale people ia talien to restore health decline and ao carry grave e only too likely to follow the bentflt which follows tbe nee of dr williatne fink pills incases of thla kind is amply illustrated by the following teshmonur from miii t bookman of markaville out miis bookman eays it ivobma much pleasure to aoknow- ledge the beacflt i have derived from tbe nee of dr williams fink pills my health was completely broken down i hepame ao weaktootild scarcely walk across a room was very pale bad no appetite and gradually lost flesh until i wae almost a skeleton i was enbjeot to palpitation of the heart dlzaiceia antt violent headaobee i was under treatment from two doc ton bat neither seemed to benefit me and i went on in this way for about seven months having aeendr williams pink pills recommended i etmmibttrythiilrir3e the second box j began to improve and by the time i bad ased eight boxes i was aa well as ever x had been and had rained twentytwo pobnda in weight i am grateful for what dr wilhami fink pijia have done for me and freely give thji testimony la the fa ope that it may benefit some other girl suffering as x was more pale abd bloodless girls havo been made bright active and strook by dr wuhams pink pills than by any other means mothers should see that their daughters entering womanhood are strengthened and invigorated by the nie of this great blood making tonlo bold by all dealers or sent post paid at 60o a box or six boxes for 250 by addreaslpg the dr williams medicine co brookvlllr oat owner it in a valuable property and will afford hoe sport for iho annlr iu the usar future tbe home of mr robert abtne was thrown into the saddea krieit owing to tbe death oo sunday morniogof mrs akins after lrsi than a woeb illness tbis sadden removal of the wife and mother is keenly felt and loving he arte mourn tbeir loss mr and mrs aki eii were married forty years ago next month by rev john wilkinson father of rev t l wilkinbou both of whom were psatore of etfutzer church mrs akins wan tbe daughter of tbo late kiohard watson the family baa resided in thtir present bom en tend lot 22 j3on 0 nassagaweyr ever aluce the marriage sevflu sons and dangblers blesied their home mri akins was a woman of sterling christian character and baa been a member of ebentzer obarah sinoe her girlhood days she was held in general esteem the remains were laid to rest in ebenezer cemetery on taetjdayaf ternoon why does the rogue wax fat and prosper at the expense of honest hard working men it will not pay to be always asking will it pay cupids work- is done when the baby cornea the soft little clinging- helpless mite is the crown of love its coming marks the completion of cnpida object cupid brings two loving- souls together the baby holds them together a woman is never ao womanly so beautiful so happy as when she fa a motlicr yet motherhood ia denied to some women arid feared by others the fearof motherhood is rapidly passing away and nothing has done so irnich to drive it away w the record of dr pierces favorite prescription dr pierce has held that danger andain at the time of parturition were really un- necesaary and unnatural and that if every woman were healthy and strong a nature meant her to be tbis function would be per formed palnleisly and safely tlie abuse of centuries of corsets of health dentroy- hhiar inactivity of de bilitating artificial life have made it import- bible for sonicwomcn to fully return to the pcf nassaqaweya aid ocoh j thorp purchased on the market tbis mornlnf a wolfa ikln from a farmer iu nsaaagewya he also purobas- ed ibis week the akin of a cross silver grey fox from lho fame district gnslph advocate farmers instiluto at brookvillo tbis afternoon and evening murray crawford has purchased the interest of richard corrigan in the inko atjoampbellville which they stoobed with yaarllntrsoutlaiitysar a narrow escape thankful words writien by mrs ada e hart of gorton s i was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs cough set in and finally terminated in god sumption foar doctors gttve me up saying loould live bat a short time i gave myself op te my flaviot determined if t wnld not r stay with my friends on eartbil would meet my svbaent ones above my husband was advised to get dr kinga newdisoovtryfor consumption coughs andoolda i gave it a trial took in all eight bottles it has cured me and thank god i am saved and now a well and healthy woman bold by j d mokee 60 cents and 91q0 guaranteed or price refunded of a natural state but every woman may be helped toa large de- grce theorgans di rectly involved may be atrengthencd pu rified invigorated for the time of trial and for this purpose dr pierces favorite pre- scription has been used with success by hundreds of thou sands of women it la the product of the skill and experience of a regularly grradu- sted phybiciart a killed specialist who iawhab suocesflfully treated the diseases of women unlike many modern medicines dr pierces favorite prescription contains no whisky alcohol sugar syrup opium or narcotic of any kind ahdits use does not therefore create a craving for stimulants mrs annie blocker bffiao catherine fit syra cuse n y writes your medldnea luve done wonders for rae for years my health was very poor i had fourmarraacetv since taking dr pierces golden medical ducwry and fa vorite xyeseription i hove muchtet healui and x now have a flne healthy baby dont tender advioe uotll you ilnd out what particular kind ia wanted th at throbbinq headache voold quickly leave yon if jou used dr kings now life pills thousands of sufferers hare proved their mat oh less merit for 31ok and nervous headsoles tbey inake pure fclood and strong nerves anbolld up yonr health easy to take try them only 25 oenta money back if not oared bold by j d mokee when yoa walk gods way ou may work bis works what 18 bhhoh the occasion is always around some where when it is required a generous offer we are authorized to offer oor readers prepaid a free sample of a neverfailing core for oatarrb bronohitfe irritable throat inflaenaa and suob throat and nasal diseases there is no mystery about oatarrhozonf though its effect is magical ointments and washee cannot reaob the diseased parts and have thus proved ualess but catarrhozone is oarrfed by air directly to the diseased pkr and is like a breese from ths pine woods write for a free sample to n c poison go kingston ont dont imagine a rood appetite is always a good thing spains greatest need mr e p olivia of barcelona spain spends his winters at aiken b c weak nerves bad caused severe pains in tbe back of his head on using eleotrio bitters amerjoas greatest jbiood and nerve remedy all pain soon left him he says this grand medicine is- what his country needs all america knows that it cores liver and kidney troqble purifies the blood tones up the ptowaoh strengthens nerves puts vim vigor and new life into every inuecle nerve and organ of he body if weak tired or ailing you need it every bottlo guaranteed only 50 cents bold by j d mokee a woman confers upon herself a doutfnl honor when she reforms a man by marrying hi in what thts believes i believe hoods sarsaparillia is a good medicine because i havo seen its good effects ip the case of any mother she has taken it when she was weak and ber health waa poor and she says she knows ot nothing better to bolld her up and make her feel btrong bessie m knowles upper wood harbor n b stockt0kiii0 vsvvt we are offering big reduc tibns in black and colored dress ssoxis siretc croceriesne goods marmalade coffies new prunes canned choice teas and st marriags isnt spoiled ni irano but that is often what it is mother graves worm exterminator bss no eqaal for destreytnk worms in shild sd s t ye n the gennidswhcd parohsefng the starb arepeepug says a poet well thats what the peephole in the drop onrtaln is for the careful repairing of yatcfaes is ths hobby of pringle the jeweller qujbiiph his long experience pomblned with his practical ability and close attention to the details of that part of his business makes him the besf qualified person in guelph to do any- repairs to your watch spectacles the same tareful oversight is given to the proper fitting of spectacles any defeqt of vision is carefully examined and if spectacles can be found to aid the sight or stop the headache imngle will supply them the ins and outs l- no matter whether ybu want an interior or an exterior view of your home or one of the inmates we can insurer yon a pretty picture one that your friends will admire and carry realism of your home to those absent we take photos either by sunlight or flashlight photo nstist rcton special tfv1hk wnd shtchelsl all- this week 8 stores neill the shoe man qy established 1843 february iise 1899 hamijtons favorite shopping place clrringthemhy bkrchins february with us is an important month shipments of new goods or the ensuing seasons business are now crowding in upon us judging from what have already been opened up our assortment of spring and summer novelties will this year be of surpassing variety and elegance but more of that later in the meantime special attractions are offering in every department to clear tho way read on hhi jcsbtrrrtibciuciits wanted coahhk nilttori makoru ttiuldoaud out also two htrpik ladh for tnnnory arnold mtoh acton re8iienef01t sale anew brick reside 11 co with flno largo rooms splendid oellnr under whole liouso com modious at bio and driving homo hard and soft water nice garden great bargain for quick sale for farther particular apply t the fnbklukba ofllco coal business changed j c hilu hab purchaied ttio coal business of mr john mcqueen and la prepared to deliver flist- class bcranioaooallu famaeobtovo and nut sixes prqmplyand to tbe aatisiactlon of custo mers generally i have also pnrohaaed tho weigh acales and will give prompt attention to all orders for their use j c hill notice to creditors take notlco that n brown of tbe village of llmehonse in tbe county of baltoo has assigned to me la trout for ths benefit- of bis creditors a certain policy of fire- insurance in tbo manchester fire assurance company and tbat all psrspns bavlog claims ssalnst the estate of the said 1st brown are required to file their olalms with snedaly proved ysnd statins what security it any tbey hold onor before tbe jctb dayofrtbrnsurylti as on or after that datel will proceed to divide the proooods of the said policy rateahly among snob oreditors m havo then filed their claims a j mokinnoh aotod p o sated tbis 81st day of january a b 1806 important notice the celebrated indian doctor geobqb w hill and partner will be a asnewa hotel aoton on the last wed neaday of every month until farther notice commenoldr with wednesday fifltb octobe 1 180b au enronio dlaeasm suoh as oonsump tloir eatarrb liver complaint kiddey diseases rheumatism diabetes to are onredby indian bemedles medicines sold by tbe quantity patients given up aa incurable are especially invited patients under treatment to other doo- tonerenot sollol ted consul tation iree per manent address bralitfobj p 0 ont notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of peter mann late of the township of esquesing in the county of hal ton farmer deceased notice is hereby blvanpnrsaaut to b 8 o 1807 cap 189 seo 88 tbat all persons bavins any claim against tbe estate of the above named peter mann deoeased who died on or about the 13th day of november 1896 at ths said town ship of esonoslne sro hereby required tosead by post prepaid or deliver to the andersigned solicitors on uh the 27th day of february 1bto their namsmhd addresses togatber with partloulars- ottbeir claim or claims and tbe nature of the security if any held by them and notice is hereby riven tbat after the said 37th day of februavry 1809 the kxeousors will proceed to dutrlbuto tbe assets oi tbe said estate among the persona entitled thereto having re gard only to the olmima of which notice bas been received and the said- executors will notbe liable for the suets so distributed or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose olaimsthey shall not have rooeived notice quthb1b wattguthbie qjislpb solicitors for executors dated 27th january ibm 1p abmbb8 waiting naottey on motrtgan 1 aeotarity will do well to call at jacksotta loan office qoslpn all business strictly pri vate lowest rateis of interest and moderate expenses plenty of funds farms and city nsidenoes for sale and exchange borne apodal bargains offioo wyodhsun fit opposite meills shoe store addressbox 6w guelph w c jackson conveyencer money londer guelph dont think target practise will enable yon to shoot folly as it flies 4 tewriter skjc bargains for 50c fancy tnrtan silks in seven different colorings fprmer price 65c per yard for 50c colored satin in old rose gen darme and moss green formerly 9i per yard for 49c fancy striped taffeta silks black groonds inseven difforoht- colorings former price 65c for 39c fancy colored metallic velvet eens new patterns formerly 50c feltbats f or 25c ladies and misses felt hat in yar ious color and shapes former price 75c and i each for 75c another lot of felt hats in a variety of shapes and shades formerly r 25 tof2each nsw sprjdo prints lust received an assortment of prints new desirable patterns and color ings various qualities at 8 10 and ujc per yard drsss traataros for roc colored beaded trimmings for merly 23 30 and 35c per yard for 23c colored sequins insertions former prices 73c 1 liajand 1150 for l50 colored beaded-netsrormer- ly 3 per yard jetted collars zouaves and garnitures various fashlbnable styles formerly if 75 now i175 each formerly w75 now 3 each formerly 7 now f 3 30 eac all ordere and inquiries by post receive prompt and tareful nttentlon ontario on all orders amounting to i5 00 or oier we prepay the charges to any railway station in king st east cor hughson 8t thomas c watkins hamilton ltp chibco st 4ieui8 omach dehvirlos ah0eie8 8ah diec0 8an rta1cr8c6 and other points in california alisons new mexioo colorado and other paelno coast points if yoo are contemplating atsrlpfor bsazth plaasuhx or business from aoanadlan winter to tbe land of 8unshlns fruits and flowars through tlokeu to all fforelgn points tor sasoripttws qnldes ttee tables to apply to agents ott system h 8 holmes agentv acton m0di0k8on dirt paasragt- toronto is an arilcleof necessity to every family in acton for the past years some of our families have been con tent with an ordinary loaf whloh is perhaps- qobdbread goqdauality nted at nee over but which is not tbe tempting article which can be had today bread making has during tbe past few years been reduced to a science and the result is better bread when that science is applied g westons modeltjakery toronto is equipped with the latest and best breadmaking machinery and together with the best flour the best material the best of labor ths result has been the production of the bestbiead v tjamoihwevmado 8 isat taker and it will be toypuradvantaga to try a sample loaf for saloon actonat jennie b matthews near the post office mile st p s drop a card and the wagon will call iidles and msosgirwflito perforniincottn inswwiiiw wniiiii k a grand old remedy for oougb golds and consumption used thronghoot ths world for half a oentaryf baa onred innansrabls oases of incipient oon- sompuou and relieved many in advanced ataajes if yon are not satllssd with ths result ws will refund yonr money pries so etnls co cents and 1100 sbsll lbs enemy of health and pninjssis th btomsolt boorf is k j yf your biarti hinvbiok wtr god baa uol aicauded above our needs end borrows yo rwv it m bh hubs couith aud consumption oore which is sold for tbe sdallprios of 38 oents m cents and 10f loss tjot ooro lass ihe bonis babk and si will refund yonr money bold lor over fifty years on this koarantee pries 85 osuts snd 50 osbte m nwoomb who ia anilon for jlbpwfliiwiiai on your stndtather be ifcjmiiist fcjvwllngt ilia f trr i left hint ifwoi l3 oowigrndrji whn i earns pjjoorep aptistic printing ftrfaddltlon toal 12000 machines ivll the advantages tbe only typewriter manufactured in canada- fuluy currrntsed circulars and testimonials write for them- f i sj v 7ll vtr jftnit kl e tll 1 1 7bfls jv v v ft ijismoi r the free press has just laid in a large stock of firstclass white envelopes in 7s arid 8s sizes and is prepared to supply them printed in large or small lots at a very small advance over the cost of unprinted envelopes every person whether in business or pot should have their name and address printed on thcmj9f that the post office authorities tnayfjiiir the writers insteadfofen ask for samples and makers of ths estsbi w3 meeblaes ttcrxjtfloe to sssi zvffli w are going to make suits vup at a big reduc tion during this month in order to make room for our spripgstock j jsoiifybuvneed a suit or overcoat now is your opportunity during this month call and inspect our stock r prices will be right and all avotkguarantqed first- class hd up to date ooopkr ds akins jwjs main st j- iui

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