Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1899, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton chaktur granted 1872 hsiao offio hamilton oh capital all paid up 1 25000000 reserve and surplus profits 80000000 total assets 91200000000 j turm3ull cashier savings department interest mid it best current rates and a t pn book to bo presented withdrawn b by simply sending in order with the pass book any sum may be nding in 1 written ok no formalities no delay the government returns show that this bank gives to depositors fourmillion dollars of security o er and above every cent due 10 the public farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc i armers sale notes collected promptly and advances made oft account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair kates every binkiog facility afforded which can tm obtained 117 the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch kbtalllltnkvovbn twsntt thabb j p bell agent the ne at home wohtly of a local character and ovorv i torn interaatlnar knox church special service the week of special tier vices in knox church oloaed on friday eveoiotf the berleawas of a very intorohting character and helpful to the hearers rev v rarquliarbod 13 a of olaude who aaalated the pxator ji an able audi tna preaaivo preaober and bia diaoonraea were maoh appreciated ijs rtnrt ttt firm thubsday februaei 10 1bw little loal brieflets w ca thoeyoa oxersof free press reporters this week yesterday wai ash wednesday the lenten eesson la hers again did yon reoeive your valentino milder weather will be very aaoopuble it dm been oar lady of the frosts lately the postmaster at bronte died on trjo 7th lost the council will meet next monday evening a february thaw would not be riutrreled with wood is corning in more freely naff tbtn for a month past twenty six degrees below zero is too obilly for oomfort in thii xegion ash wednesday servioes were held in bt josephs oburoh last evening georgetown pays 3 o barley 1g per year for servioes as trnant officer mr thomas u iuoore has sold bis lots in cooks survey to mr adam oook the oldest inhabitant is oomparing old records to find a cold snap equal to that of the past week about twenty young fellows went to georgetown last wednesday night to see mocalloob the ohsmpion skater tbe contraol for the supply of wood at tbepablioaohool baa been awarded to j l s j u warred at 3 2fi per cord mr john plctoh has sold his briok residence on park avenne to mr john walters who will shortly retire from farming and settle in town rev j k qodden m a was re appointed member of tbe free library board tot the ensuing three years at tbe last meeting of tbe fublla sobooi board john moffat liverjman formerly of acton has left milton for brentford where with his brother he has purchased so extensive livery business owing to tbe anniversary servioes in knox ohnrch the tervf oe in tbe methodist chorob will be withdrawn next sunday morning and tbe oongrcnation will attend stxaox ohurab when the probabilities read higher temperature focal anon harries yesterday morning every reader was glad of the ebacue from oontinuea very cold whfoh haul prevailed for nearly three weeks while goiog to the east semaphore with signal lamp last thursday evening charlie holmes sou of agent holmes had both bands seriously frozen he bad been way from tbe station only llueen ox tweuty minutes mrs james molrennan has kindly remembered tbe fan paxes with copies ol winnipeg papers giving particulars of the great manitoba hotel ore last wednesday entailing a lost of three quarters of si million dollars a couple of young fellows who went to georgetown one night last week lost their bone at silver greek and came home without bim he was found oomfortebly booted by a humans farmer at ballinfad tiro days later harry boucher a horns lad who baa been about town for several months was arretted near bookwood by oblet lswion and came before beeve pearson on monday onergedwllb stealing a- ring and a train of money from mr theodore dunn he nlsstded guilty and waa oommllled to attorn for trial slte the first baptist objoroh goelpbi preaobed in the baptist chutob on sunday afternoon in tbe interests of tbe missions ol lbs northwest hit pulpit was oooupied by bev w b moalpine who is spending this wets in slun assisting bev mr moewen pastor ot lhebsptil ohnroh there in special s atrstlfogh brownneo flynn died on tbe 24th nil and was borled in tbe greenwood oemelry bnrllogton on wednesday milton stanford mra brown will be remembered by old residents of this seolion with hex hnebandehs r foganom o y on the farm now occupied by the hasan kionalrd brothers fresh oysters haddlee and clfooet al s b collins a few lets of second hand single barnsss to be sold ohsep joint mnnwa harness maker p xtta di a rioh lady onred of box dsnetsand nolsei in the head by or toneatinoaletrdarni has sent bojprffirbiiltale tvjwotv oxy iondon w kngtstia v any one rerjulrlpg aoylbiog in marble ortaolmnnrsai otmtlery wibwdirtotilj place tblx mqipiho list the tipwifttoft4oiaoitigh best work lis frtsaivbriose gntrenleed rlxhi irtorurme r a worthy illusion rev j l robertson of merrltton whosi oburoh was totally annihilated by tbe oyclouo whiob oaaeed such extensive devastation at st catharines and merrltton last october visited aoton this week he addressed knox chnrch in a very interest ing desonptiou of the oyolone on tuesday evening appealing for aid in the rebuildlng of the churob a liberal response was made knox church annlveraary the fourth anniversary of the opening of the present oboroh apd the fifty seoond of the organization of the congregation will be observed by knox oburoh next sunday and mdnday bev br mcdonald of senfortb with whomrevmr maopheraon waa associated for soma tlrne during his student days will preach morning aud evening on monday evening next bev r e knowles b a bf gait will deliver one of his popular lectures tho lecture will be preoeded by a social tea yew equipment tor ballon bibea a board of officers will assemble next month at stanley barracks toronto to draw up regulations for the wearing of the new oliver equipment about to be issued to the oity corps and suoh rural oorne of ths active militia as tiave the means of taking care ot it the equipment consists of a russettoolored vislise to repisoe the old knaptaokr and belts also of tbe same color it tiiunderstood that the 30th lome bines is one ot tho rural corps to which the new equipment will be issued aafltpion eleciile uibt pioiresm the wiring for eleolrlo light is progress ing rapidly the sole leather tannery was completed on tuesday and tbe stare house at the q t r and the residence on tjhurob and wilbur streets are now in the hands of the electricians the light waa turned on at tbe methodist oliuroh last thursday evening and it now being utilized every evening for the epeaial servi oes the contrast between this and the former coal oil lutliling is great and an excellent test of tbs iroprovemsnt is the faot that a bymnbook with the finest print may bo read any plsoe in tbe ohuroh with ease tho xongcoutlnued cold spoil tuesday was tbe sixteenth day in succession that the meroury registered zero or lower at sacrise we have often had oold snaps when tbe moronry went down to twenty or twenty five below zsro for two oc three dsys in tacceesion bnt tbe long- aontinned oold spell of tbe past three weeks breaks the reoord in canada tbe intense oold was a serious matter for tbe oonaump tton of ooai and wood and it brought business to a standstill frozen pomps steam pipes fingers and noses have been freqnent and a general air of discomfort has prevailed tbe lowest point reaobed by the meronry hereabouts was twenty seven below on sunday morning evnngellallo servioes evangelist mbgardy missed the train at toronto on saturday evening and as a result both the confireoation ot the metho dist ohuroh and htmtelt were disappointed he arrived however on monday afternoon and the special servioes havs been in progress tbe past three evenings tbe attendance has been good and the meet ings interesting evangelist mohardy is an earnest interesting speaker his addresses are forceful and carry tbe convict that i h is behind the the free library roevo pearson reeleeted chair man for another year tho monthly meeting cf the tree library board wus held oa monday evening member present j b ccsr bod chairman rev j k godden aud messrs john cameron t t mpore aud h p moore the municipal clerk rep rted that rw j a molaohlan m a bad been re eleoted a mombor of the board for tho ensuw t ye w the beer coming and going visitors to and prom aoton and various other per ion aj notes znebtage presented and that atrodr faith it god is predominant an afternoon service will be held from 3 to 4 today services every 6 veiling but saturday tbli week and next wedded at st jomcphja a quiet wedding was ooni animated at st josephs oborofa last tuesday morning 7ch inst when wlsi lizzie qibboni daughter of peter gibbons esq bsqnes- ing and edward synott ion of richard synott oastio were united in holy wad look ilev father feeney officiated owing to the reoeo death of mrs dunn the sister of the bride the ceremony was a very qoiet dne tbe bride was dressed in white dotted mublio with veil and wreath trimmed whhpranjio blossoms she was supported by her cotuta mits maggie gibbons mr john synott brother of tbs groom attended hlai after the wedding breakfast at the bonis of the btldes father tbe happy oonple jef i for their new boms near oastio with tfce best wlshss bf the community for a fife of happiness and suooeei jlblributiaa grain for experiment for tbe past ien yeari syatematio oflorts bava been mads to increase tbe average returns and to improve tbs quality of ths cereals and other important farm crops grown in canada by an annual distribn tion from the eaperiutental farm at ottawa of samples of seed ot the best and roost promising sorts these varieties have been first tested at tbe experimental farms and only thoie which have proven to be the very best have been chosen for this distribution tbe samples sent out have contained three poan4s each and every precaution has been taken to bavs tbe seed in every instance thoroughly olean end true to name end ths packages have beep sent free through tbe mall those who have received snob samples and grown them with care bave usoally had at the end of ths second year enough seed to sow a largs area aud in this manner oareful farmers u over tbe dominion havs been gradually rejicmanyj inferm and less prodaotlve sorts which they nave been growing ti tbe past with superior varieties poyeessictfgfsaisgtigo m saundeif director of ths experimental farms says by instruction of tbe hon minister of agrloallnre another sodb distribntlon is being made this season consisting of samples of oat barley spring wheat field pflaae indian corn and potatoes these ssunplss will be sent only to those who apply personally lists of names from sooielles or individuals eannot be considered and only one sample in all oan be sent to eaota epplloaoi applica tions should bi adlriwed to tbe director of experimental frmt and may be ssot any timelefothe marob afui wbioh tbs lult will be closed so that all eempee awaked or snay be ssbt on in good time tor sowing arttee wh kindly mention the sort or variety they would prefer and should the available stoek of tbs sort mfctd for be ftxbaaited some other good variety iu bs sent in its plsoe ofthafubha sobooi boird reported the ehotion by that body of rev j k qoddan m a fora himilar period the first basinoss before the board was tho organization for the jeer in speaking of tho bucoobb of tha year reeve pearson said it had been very gratifying and ho oonfeboed surprising to him maoh of this success was due he thought to tho librarian her attention to the duties of the qfiice apd uniform oourtesy toallpatroneof tbe library moved by j k qodden seconded by john cameron that reeve pearson be re eleoted chairman of the board for tbe ensuing year reeve pearson demurred owing to the multiplicity of duties now devolving upon bittiabutwae anally persuuded to accept the position for another year moved by john cameron eroonded by j e godden that mr h v moore bo reappointed secretary treasurer of the board for the ensuing year carried tbe librarians report for january gave tbe following partlnulars membership january 1st 133 enrolled during tbe month 5 total present membership 138 number of books taken oat during the month history go biography 10 voyages and travels 83 soienoe 4 general literature 85 fiction 138 rellgioni 15 caibreoetptvfor catalogue a an 0 05o fines 65o cards 10a total 91 00 paid for stamps 103 moved by john cameron sraondod by t t moore that the report of tho librarian for january be received and adopted carried mo by h p moore seconded by john cameron that the following members of the board bo a committee to select books for tbe annnal addition to tbe library the chairman bev j k godden h a maopbereorj and j a molaoblan and tbe mover and that the value of the books to be purchased bo limited to f 150 net carried the board then adjourned tho fukh fness invltoa oil lta roadora toooq irlbuto to this ol titan u you or your frlondi two going away on a holiday trip or if you liave friond vlaitiug yon drop a oard to tho pnzb rjueaa the mioses tauter of mlltoq are utt of aoton friend t mr w p campbell visited friends in toronto this week mr arthur f innr rf tmnnlrt ti homo over bunday ouaaoiltur clark u juit rtjortu tj a bevere attack of j gripp mia carrie smith was home from surma m few days inst week of michigau made bis mason a short vleit last congregational union meet- intx toronto district asooolatlon had a splendid convention at churchill mr switxer aister mry vm week mr allan campbell of johnstown y spent a few days at bis old home this week mr william shaw of st catharines spent a few dae tbia week al the old home mre a hall of peuetang is a gnest this week at be home of mr james brown mma minnie orr u ependlpg a few weeks at her borne here before returning to milton mr t m sooord arrived home from hie six weekn business trip to the east on saturday evening mra b sherlock of parkdale visited her niece mr- william forbes and other friends here this wselc mr and mrs r- j lid del i and children of hillsburg are gaests of mrs n f r lake avenue mies foster teacher at hendersoue school seventh line spent sunday at tbe home of mr willi mm noble well made makes well hoods sartaparllla is prepared by ex perienced phtrmaolsts of today who havo brought to the production ot this great medicine the best results of jnedlosl re search hoods barsaparlua is a modern medicine oobtalnlng just those vegetable ingredient which were seemingly in tended by nature herself for the allevla- uua ol hnirun ills if putlhes sntf-wi- rlohes the blood tones the stomach nd digestive organs and creates an appetite it absolutely cures all scrofula eruptions bolls pimples sores sslt rheom and very form of alcin disesso cures liver complaint kidney troubles strengthens and builds tip ths nervous system it en tirely overcomes that tired feellnfrglvlnir strength and energy in place of weakness j wds off malaria ty- phoid fsversmd typorifvlng the blood it keeps ths whpto system fiealiby noou 8 pamlla is the beitin iset the one true bioool futioer sold bjr all druirglsu 1 six for s chas l nelles the it pays to buy at bollerts it pays jo buy at bollerts wallpaper man ouklpe announces that 1899 will bo a banner year in new pnpers and window shades ustere istell pleased hnnda pill curo ftl1 t ilia and viooq ft hiii5 8ick headache 26c our new storo on upper wynd ham street will have the finest wall paper show room that can be found j d mokeb tho drug- glat aoton will again be our agent and show nil the samples at guelph prices wero well pleased with the enthusiasm that has prevailed during our big stock taking sale in the past week great quantities of dry goods havo been distributed from our store throughout the city and country at prices that will be a standing advertisement and will tend to enlarge your good opinion of our store lhe sales bo far this month hive more than exceeded our expectations we regret not having sufficient silespeopli i ing si i4nlyi wast on wrr- have therefore made provision for extra help arid trust in the future that all customers will be waited on properly you can still afford to buy for tho bnlance of this month and save big monoy with every purchase as tho great the secretary states that in point ot local attsndanoe and interesting sessions tho regular gathering ot the toronto dis triot association of the congregational obnroh at oburobill last tnorday was ono of the bent that haa beou held for aomo time the sermon was preached in tbe morning by bev t b hyde of toronto who strongly urged the need of fruitbear log in tbe christian life a communion service followed whion was conducted by kav t i for boa pastor of the chorob who waa assisted by bev m s gray aud d 0 w mcoall at the afternoon meeting rjv mr ma pherson pastor of knox obnroh aoton and revs w j hind ley of gnelph and e o w mcoall wero received ascorrea- ponding members and briefly addressed the association bev w j hladley then outlined a course ot study on congregation slisra as carried on by tbe western asto oiatlon and was followed by rev h f thomas of toronto and j i mcewen of stouffvilte on various phases of ths same snbjeot bev m 8 gray a veterau of the ob arches now nesting eighty years of age who drove over twenty miles to be present at tbe meeting also sang in strong voice the landing of the pilgrims tho evening meeting waa largely attend ed and was addressed by tbe president bev j p gerrie of toronto editor of the independent and bevs w j hind ley of gnelph and t b hyde ot toronto the ghurohillobotr gave acceptable singing at all tbe sessions and were ably assisted by mr and mre wm bevell of toronto meeting of presbytery calls extended to pastors for eramooa and alma at guelph at tbe meeting of gnelph presbytery on tuesday in st andrews chorob guelph two calls were preaodted one from eramosn to the bev mr mann and the other from alma and onmnootf to tbe bev mr mclennan both of them were unanimous and cordial mr mclennan being present the call was pot into his hands and he signified his acceptance of it r arrange meats were made for his induction in the oburoh at alma on thursday 2nd of march at 2 p m in the oase of eramosa a letter was read from tbe rv mr mann stating that the oall if unanjmous would be accepted by him and arrangements were made for bis induction at theoharoli in eramosa on tuesday 28th february ballinafad to curs a oold in one day 1 i take tsxativa brotno jljuinlus tablets lu dnmwsrarattdmie maw it i fells to core vseuss tbe oold weather has agreeably moder ated grippe la still flndiog its way into tho homes around hers h b webster has gone to 4ew york on a prospecting tour it is with regret that we report the deftb of mrs molean of the stb line whloh look place on sunday last quite e number from here were as the rink in georgetown last wednssday nlgbt to see tho skating exhibition given by mooallourb they report a good time mrs b cole is very low at present tattle hops of her recovery is entertained by the doctors we are sorry to lose some of our real dents in tbs persons of the ml sees olark who have gone to aoton to live repurl says that mr mat brown of this place intends moviog to hamilton la a short time dont forget to oome and ses the drills alohg with the other parts ot tbe pro gramme fu the sohool concert and co bev b b oook left this morning for j palermo to attend tbe funeral of his grand daughter miss maggie cook bev h a maopberson and mr charles davijson attended the meeting of the gnelph presbytery on tuesday mr alexander kennedy and br stewart of guelph were in town lass thursday attending lbs funeral ot ths late alexander grant keq exmayor and mre odonogfaue and daughters of bt rat ford spent a few days during tbe week the gnests of mr george ofnlholland and other friends here mr william grant of georgetown came to town on saturday evening to visit hie nephew mr howard maaalas who was so seriously hurt at the tannery last week ths many friends of mr howard masai as wbo was tbe victim of be elevator aooident at the sole leather tannery last week will be pleased to know that be is rapidly recovering from his injuries mrs e i crawford wife of tbe pastor of the disciples churob has been very iii tbe past week maoh sympathy is felt for mr and mrs crawford who are bt rangers in a strange country having bat recently arrived from ohio mra john a mograil returned least week from a sad visit to montreal she waa oalled to that oity to attend the funeral of a brotherin law and while there her father an aged gentleman of eightythree years departed this lffs mrs mograil has herself been ill sinoeber return borne just molrl we are offering the newest weaves and best values we have ever shown this means money- saving for you because there the wanted-every- day sort of goods they include really splendid and not often met with qualities in vt- whitegotton sheeting pillow cotton ticking table linen napkins towelings shirtings flannelettes and prints- that will pleasantly surprise you as to their merits and the unusually low price youll need to pay for your choice one price and that the lowest reduction in prices will remain so until we hai e our stock reduced by mnny thousand dollars now we didjhink of giving you a price list this rime but find space will not permit so as usual every article in the store except spool cotton will bo reduced in price and some of the reductions will more than surprise you for instance a lot of blouse silks at just half price a line of highclass dress goods at half price a lot of six button ladies kid gloves at half erice extra fine linen table cloths at half price onethird off all wool blankets onethird off wool underwear onethird off mens and boys overcoats xiadies cloth jackets jlalf p anything in the fur line at a great reduction a lot of remnants of carpets in brussels tapestry wool and union to be cleared out regardless of cost now the plan we have adopted to clear out all winter goods is going to guarantee us having a thoroughly clean stock to commence the spring trade with such stock mr boliert is at present purchasing in the european markets come with the ciowd u d e macdoimald bro golden lion guelph what freo preaa mtalroua say the subscription books cam to baud jeaterday and bava given great satisfac tion many thanks p a 3 webb- wood out f rogrammes to hand tbey are excellent our treasurer will remit or them w v q inftlawcod bahona export jnhgoa on snoop al the annual meeting ot the dominion sheep breeders association held al toronto john dlokln ot milton and w 0 pettlt ot freeman were appointed eiper judges on shropshire alex waldle ot anton on lefessters and arota mokenzle of corwhlo and john har- court of bt anns on oxfords rockwood much sympathy is felt hare for bav daniel strachan and his oongregallod al brookville in ths loss by firs ol their tine church on sonday morning the chorob was a flns one and was insured for 18000 with 11600 additional on ths organ oold 1 why it was ths coldest snap in twentyfive years bev thomas wilswn of london deliv ered an interesting illustrated lectors on cannibalism in tbe south seas in lbs presbyterian ohuroh on tuesday evening the lecture was interesting as well at idstraotivs- a large quantity of very doe and straight sbip timber bat been delivered at tbs sta lion htre ii was bewsn by frenoh cana dian experts r e nelsons 6th spring annual suit shle opens thursday morning february 1 6th closes 8aturday night february- 1 8th at s30 on above days we offer you tbe choice of a magnificent range of new imported tweeds worsteds black and blue serges and worsteds the regular price for these goods is from 18 to 22 per suit- on above dates place your order with ns and have your spring suit mad up for as ie go tekms ts must accompany each order the balance when the suit ir delivered no suit delivered until paid for at any time up to the 23rd of may no old shelf warmers sill new goods we do what we advertise at r e nelsons merchant tailor and mens furnisher cash and one price gnelph r3olleiitfe 25 and 27 wyndham street guelph co henderson 8v co we will inaugurate a great clearing sale our stock is much too large for this time of the year and we take stock this month when it is desirable to have stock as low as possible to accomplish this quickly bargains will be the order of the day in all departments in dress goods millinery mfantles furs mens and boys suits overcoats ulsters cottons prints boots shoes etc- dont wait but bring your cash at once as there are many choice snaps that are sure to be picked up by the early buyers henderson co mill street acton flannelettes flannelettes flannelettes at the noted tea store and china palace you can have your oboloa of 2 doz porridge sets worth from x 00 to l is toe 75c doe china cream jugs worth from 25c to 35c for 20c 2 doz salad bowls worth from 9i 00 to f 1 25 for 75c 3 doz celery dishes worth 30c for 25c 12 doz fruit saucers worth it 25 for 75c doz 25 doz white cups and saucers seconds worth 75c for 50c doz we have just added to our japansse stock a lino of japanese trays 3 sizes small medlqm and large try a pound of our favorite blend gaffee it is without doubt the finest on the market cbt j a mccrea gtnrcfh eee what yon can get at wasitsb fresh eggs apples poultry at the aiksnhead produoo aoton highest prices palij far furs to those about to marry yeans men or old nn who intend to natty will bo pleased to laarn that lbs nw henae aot it made qrsle simple by applying- to 9 p tyoore itsoeir otniaj risre lloinsts at tpeltspsjs offlosjall swt layifcw h oeraraoojrand havs ths mesxpwqev prlrat 00 all buploesroltj nrsts and oooujenifl at rialdetioej in eveologe tbey also retlcre dutnatfirom dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a pert fee remedy for dlaxloess nausea drowxd ness bad tsstemthcatonm coate tongcsi r reeulate the bowels porehr man phi manboeo mall prloa substitution tho fraud of the day sec you get carters ask for carters inbist and demand carters uttlc liver pjhs mill street acton best family flour norval brand pure manitoba queen all kinds of mill feed all idnds of chopped grain baled hay oil cake another car corn ost in biobmist prices casb tor 100000 bvsbxls kabb kzm or ormih we hereby solicit your patronage and would like it buy your grain p hkrr1s tbted we have a graduate optician who is thor oughly competent to fit the most difficult case savage st co jewellers cublph nbllic grocery rnd ion a full llns of fresh groceries at b collins produce taken lo eaoneog ths wholesale bouse of oowant kent a co toronto waa destroyed by firs ai tviday ijosi about 1300000 joel arrived at e 9 colllnsv- labrador sod lake hnron herring by the barrel or dozen blue we have now a large range of these goods in 8 s er goods all qualities from 5 cents up have you seen our heavy woollen stockings at 25 cents a pair still have a few of those fine flannelette blankets g p goodbye co scton toronto canada the ljeading newspaper of the dominion the daily has ov 1900 more rorjlmciraoi rly 000 oaon than one rear sfio nearly jiooo oaon thai it oaows smcursa it hjmsss it has all the nbw3 evebt day 1801 and illustrated its the saturday uloatraud tores 8bo baatdestravlns lbs enrrent news ot lbs day has bseem a stinngrlwal tn the neatmonthly with itr er 19 pages every saturday its atrated supplement its many spoojar lea- is short vtoriee and beetobr artlsla fbskwmawur here wfll on tbe first op fbbruarv open in the store now occupied by louis gurofsjfy at firstclait mock of groceries provisions etc tho best goods tbe ra ketposaettes will be offered at prices mra to attract ensto a mmcjal feature of the- botlnt it ib 0am adas obaulxjbbt xtbwsfapsb son can havsltrxb olobb every day and iitcatut bxcssnutbd lor about the same prlmae yea hats to pay lor many otthamsjlar thb wbbkly olobb ttiaii the saws of ins week in oonots orm and keeps itarejjujq in otcsl tofteh with evary part of tns wevtatand on isspeetauyou own eottotry babeerlptlod nttea anafull psrueulare can be bad at ths oflte otlfils papw any news- aesuaor postosster or swd direct lo i jfeaaa -to- thb oloub toronto awada farmers and stock raisers bow to qxt soos nr wimr have for your hens a comfortable shelter and give them dp hess poultry panacea a positive cure and preventative of disease among fowls to destroy parasites on horses cattle sheep poultry etc we have dr hess instant louse killer modougalls sheep dip btiotts sheep littles sheep dip english sheep and cattle wash inseot powder 1 whita helleboper dy piickw ivaiuiv wa -use- dnstnesav the fondling and coring of pork- j jlikeraciohsovrentbatlhave ret timed acdhppe now to main i my permattenti borne avnd trasttbat a fshr tbara ol business paironame vlll come my tsmy t collin opagosd iliwed is hinijlrm tshnt8 out

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