Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1899, p. 4

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ft lealtn we if it was might let it cling but it is a cough one cptd 10 sooner pisses off before another comes but its the same old cough til the time and its the samel old story too there 1b first the cold then the t cough then pneu monia or consumption with the long sickness and life tremb ling lit the balance john hays big apron colouol hay was when a boy a regular attendant of the presbyterian sunday school at warsaw 111 tito sunday softool toaeoua partly con sisted of committing to memory bible voraes and to attain enpremuoy iu tlilb oreated quite a rivalry amonk the foholurs john hay waa euro to oorne out ahead from two to ave auawera aomellmaa more chlub- tbl-wo4o-rflhljiim- loosena the grasp of your cough the congestion of he throat and lungs is removed all in flammation is subdued the pari3 arc put perfectly at rest and the cough drops away if has no diseased tissues on which to bang dr ayers ehefry-pectoral- plaster draws out inflammation of the lungs itomember we bars ft medical depart tnorit ittouhvbny complftintwhat- ever andaoiro thobitmcdicl tultlce sou can poitlbly obutn write tbe oetor froel yon will rectlvo prompt reply without coit iddnuda j o aybr yloweiili with envy oonbtquently when romo of ilia boja beard tbftt john bat to wash diabua and do the oh urn log for hia mother and more thin all that ha wore ao apron while at those duties hia jealous comrades fairly orowed one morning it waa agreed by bit cora- rudes to ret him out of doors while lie hai his apron on and humiliate him by having two or three girls whom ba liked to aik litna queatlona in regard to hia housework young hay oamo orit to where tha boja vara and answered iba quesuona by eaylng that fas washed dlibea at bit mother taught him dd then with twinkling eyea he ravtbe dlabpan wmoh he had wih bim a tremendous fling god tents nod all drenching whoever happened to be near enough aud tbeo rao ioto tbo kitchen hay od his big npron were never moleit- ed after that a surprised sister iji uton fnttts thursday februabtf 101899 i nmtjj jffllltb ba mjboozlino grandma 1 thcro nerer was a grandma balf ao goodl ho wlilbporcdwhllo beside bercbair he stood and laid bia rosy oheelc with mannorrery tnuk agalobtbor dear old facb in loving mpod tbero iiovor was a nicer grandxxiaborn i knowaomo little boys mast be forlorn boauao tbayye nono like you i wonder what id do without a grandmas kiaaea nlgbt and morn i tboronovor waa adearbr grandma there 1 b o kissed he and be amootbed her mow white faalr then fixed her raffled cap and nestled in hor lap wliuogratidrjas amtllng rooked her old arm chair wbon im man what things toyou 111 brings a hprso and carriage and a wateh and ring all grandmas are ro nice just borebokissddlidtwice and grandmas give a good boy cverythlnr boroto bu dear old grandma could reply this boy looked op and wittf a xogalsfi eye then whispered in ier ear tliat nobody might bear say grandma bavo you any rooro mince fio nelraelxt journal miaa lnoy said the yon ng mr jilt with aome trepidation of manner there is something j very maoh want to tell yon and the present seem a to be a very good opportunity mr pitt replied the young lady who was kind of heart and wished to spare hia feeliogi i know what yon are aboat to say mud i have been expeoting it for aome llraerbatreallyitroaut boaa yon wiab camtit why not well mr pitt i can only be aiister to you thats juatwhat i was aboat to fay to you yon will be a sister to me because your alster mabel and x are engaged to be married mabel asked roe to break the hews to you pittsburg chronicle for piano players people tafk until tbey are old and discover the way to learn is to listen thep you need it if you would avoid the troubles and dangers that stomach derange ments bring on iodine as a preventative ofsoro flnjrorbfrom steady pound ing of he keys dally a moduat appearing young woman entered a drug etoro iu mntiisoti avemio one morning recently and wulking to ilio end of the oouutorticarent tbo prescription department mutely hold out both hands toward a clerk who ohauced la bo atauding to that particular ulaoe tht3c equally mute reaohed behind a aoroen and brought out a bluo glahs bottle from which a brush handle protuded after stirring the oontenta of tbo bottlo with the brush for a few seconds tbo olerk daintily brupl- ed the tips of the young womau llrikera with the mixture leaving a dark atuiu all around tbo top of eaoh finger nail with a pleasant nod of hor hoad and low murmured thank the young woman withdrew from the etoro and the bluo kuu bottle waa put baok in its hiding place observing a puzzled exprcfhion an he fajje of an old pa iron of the atpro who bad oome in to got a cigar tho olerk said iddine what for aaked tha smoker prevent fiogertf from getting bore raplied the oterk she id from the musi cal conservatory where abe praotioea on the piano three or four hours a day iu order to prevent ths finger nails from coming in oontaot with the ivory keys flhe haa them out very ehort and we apply iodine to take the soreness out of the ends of the fingers after they have been aubjected to three or four hoars of pound ing most piano players yon will observe havo their finger nailer ont to the quick so that no cllokirjr sound is emitted when they atrika the keys we keep a bottle of iodine and a brubh for the special nee of the pianoforte pupils of the conservatory theycoma in hereforirotmenttwo or three times a week and pay by the monlh new york times ad empty coxcomb having enropsed the attention of a company for eomo time with himself and hia petty ailings observed to a noted physician who rat near him that he oonld never go out without catching cold in bis head- no wonder aaid the doctor you alwaye go out without any thing in it y a jood spring uodlclne you onght to tako homettiing this spring to pprify your blood and give you strength and energy nothing will dp so maoh good as burdock blood blttere it will cleanse and invigorate your entire system and banish urednes j and weakness castoria ih dr snmuol pitchers prchcriptlon for infants mid clilldron it contains iiclthor opium morpliluo nor other narcotic substanco it is a harmless mibhtitiito lor paregoric props soothing- syrups and castor oil it is pleasant its guaraiitco is thirty years uso hy iviilllons of mothors castoria rtcntoys worms and allays povorishncss castoria prevents vomlttno spur curd cures dlarrnooa and avinctcolic castoria rpuovcs teething troubleh cures constpatlou and platulency castoria assihilltitcs tho food regulates tlio stonuteu and bowela giving- healthy a nd natural sloop castoria la tbo chudrcnm pauaceathe mothers prlcntl urpees seeds grow end ore always the best that grow i u proved by 1 1 ion nn ik in of trlnts nt our fnmoui forohook vakmbiiio laiucit trial gtoutidi la america urpebs farm annual for 1899 mailed free to all a hondaomc now book of 176 peees cells itic plain triitli iibnut sccu liicimlldjf rare novelties which cannot lw liml eltewliere beautiful culirl ildlcfi and hundreds of lllur rations front iinturc give practical informa- hoptjf rcnl value to nil who would raise the choicest vcrctnmcsnwl montlicnutlful flowers write a posts i card today i v atlee burpee k co philadelphia railway time table lltand tiiiimi itallway loikn wiht uoino yahr kttlla 10 02aiti kxiircaa b 35 oa- hxnrobb b 116 pm blircbs 10 co sm mail 7 lopui- mull pm nm mixod iooap10 tlllfik clohlmm ciolnb wept 40ttni and c copin qohibeubt 10 33 am anil 6 go pm this thno table wont into otlfcct ou llondft may lfltb lfluh castorfa cautorla ih on excellent medicine top cfilldreii motliera liave repeatedly iolii me oi us good effect upon tlicirclilldrcn br 0 c osgood lowell mass castoria castoria is so vcll mlaptcftlto cliildjen that x recommend it an superior to any pre- ucrlptlon known to inc ii a arciiisk m t brooklyn v y the facsimile signature of apeabsneverywbappeb thkocmtaur oompant tt mgrrv wkt wc vobtt city bbshbbbbbbhbbbbbha9hbbnbbhbviilibm hagyarda yellow oil is prompt to relieve and aore to cure oooghi oolda flora throat pain in the obait boaraanebs quln- by etc price 25o laughter is like playing a comet- prettier to haten to than to look at sick headache however apnoyini and dietrcbsiofr 1b positively oared by laza- liver pills they are easy to take and never gripe falzies celery compound ban ishes every difficulty and restores perfect health the receiver may be as bad thief bat the loser feels worse both ab the than legacy shattered nerves and weak ened hearta st john lady tells atont it lira john qulgley who resides nt 30 bhoriltst st johnnb states some timo rigo i tvria ht tacked hy a severe cold which onded up in a bnd nttnek of la grippe sinco that time 3 have never regained my health being tvcoic nervous and run down i buffered very much from indiges tion accumulation of gns in the stomach and was iu almost constant distress i doctored with some of the beat physicians in ihlb city but pot no relief until i bognn iifilng milbnrnfl heart and nerve pilia and nm pleased to say that they have completely cured jno my nppotlte is restored my nervous system lias boon toned up to itsoldtime condition and i have no more trouble from the indigestion arid can eat any thing iehoobo inra only tod glad too testify to tho merits of such a marvellous remedy as muburns heart and nerve pills for the care of nervousnesh hohrt troablo indl- gostlon etc prico 50o a box all druggists v fitomaoh troubles are exceedingly com mon and varied in oharaoter today thodsands complain of stomaoh deraoge- menti utomaqh diffionltlea are usnally manifested by poor appetite foal tongas and breath putrid or a bitter taste in the mouth a desire for acids some bare headaohe aletpy feelings oomtipatlon inaotiva bowels and vomiting of food sod bilo yiotimsof stomaah trouble manifest low spirits desdondent mind and ha fears of impending danger it matters not what aymplomsare any of them indicate low nerve foroe and point to the faot that tba digealive ay a tern is oat of gear and the blood inan unhealthy condition in order to avoid the many dangers of indigestion uypatu a b lumauu d menta paines celery oompoand aboald be used when any of the many unpleasant symptoms that lead to trouble are eaper- jeqoed a few doses of naturei health restorer will quickly set the digestive- maohioery of the body in perfect rannlng order and good haalth will be maintained if it be that you bate long neglected the troubles that have become deep seated and ohronlodo not despair the faltbfal nse of paines celery cornpound for a tow weeki will withoaji fall banish all your bufterldgs your appetite will become uataral your real and slaep will be i refresh i 07 and your food will enriob your blood making bone and mn sate and your health will be aa ragged as ever before it a cold day when yon can see the paper frieze on the wall its bo pleasant to tajie that children cry fo il but its death to worms of all kinds dr lowa worm syrup price 25o all dealers theres a smoldering spark of wisdom in tha brain of the man who knows when to go borne a knovvnothino jurv tbo diffloalty of empaneling ft jury in the early ooarto of wisoouain may be been from an looldent related in the bench and bar of wisconsin judge irvln was on the benob and a murder trial waa pending q t long familiarly known asiiioyv loag was under aheriff there wag diffloalty in getting a jury which knew nothing about the facts of the case the regular panel had been exhauited and a ipeqial venire had been issued and waa flnally retorned well mr lodg aaked the judge have you at last aeonted a snfflbient number of jurymen who know nothing about tblaaaae r yes sir replied tbo polite- officer a modern princess a good etory in told of the priucetb maude of wales after a lontt kcaeon if attending the inauguration of winka of hoapilale homes fxhibitiops and baaaore aheid reported to have paid to her father and mother what a blessing it must have been to be bora a prinoess in the days when they hadnoiriinfe to open and hbutl a senli- men t with whiuh the prince and prince ss of wales no doubt in their inmbat hearts or reed they worked him i dunnos i bin net my mony back aaid mr corntosael aa he ruefully rubbed bia brow but i must say as bow i aint goto to reaommend that concern whatdtbe matter i eent a dollar to a man who advertised bow to make money faat you didnt get an answer yes the feller saya to put glue on it there id rcom at tbe tcp but there are phado and rest at the bottom bbubtfrrp serges for sultlhgs are perfect gplor guaranteed for 2 years at the pricewb are now making these goods they are the cheapest suit for you to buy see them at renelsons merchant tailor and mens furnisher cash and one price guelph maple leaf grain 6 sizes ouanv iwer n6 1 haa iqcb rover- bloburni no a hia inch singll iorra fjtwalwtti afore it is too late stop that succession of colds that means nothing roorl lor jcs tlwrf f jtarrh stop the suffering stop the disngreenblc catarrhal did surge tlint nfo botntmjlliitngto you nnd offensive to your friends dont lee it run on until your coiilittomfaiip yo to be oslrncired ns if yoa wercn leper ponl rtejlect yourself uniilpoiiiiiiinpiion ntfikw ifntiil nppearanct case all and tbe other eix know nothloj at take badaba this spring twill purify tha system qlva fen strength- and energy bat brevity may be theaoal of wit therei no fan in being short leos like stove pipes kidney irregularities developed into dropsy- south american kidney cure cured him booth american sidney core ia doip every day- for handrads what h did for this steamboat man oak ia lincoln conn ty through exposure while sailing be con- traoted kidney discaw and ins abort while dropiy developed ao that his legs welled as large as atovepipea doctors held oat no hope for hia teoovery ha was reoom mended to nse this great kidney speoiflo with the resqlt that a few weeks treatment made him able to manse his work again a cortd mac feelin and heartier than he had done for yeari sold by a t browu i wtian a woman wante to improve mana opinion of her ihe flatten him very few people escape the enervating influence of spring weather there is dullnusa drowsiness and inaptitude for work on account of the whole system bein cloggcd up with im purities accumulated during the winter months tho liver ia sluggish the bowels inclin ed to be constipated tho blood impure and the entire organism is in need of a thorough cleansing of all spring medicines burdock blood bitters is tho best it stimulates tlio sluggish liver to ac tivity improves tlto appetite nets on tho bowels and kidneys purifies and enriches the blood removes all poisonous pro ducts and impart new life and vigor to those who are weak and debilitated iwrnot merely reheycd dr agncws catarrhal powder wrfect health it gives relief utoncc it curt j0hn51eidben agent for the above has changed his wnre- rooms to building on w smiths prppprty john street where may be asen host wood bofdjcxb and mowblts dth ha 11bearinl inrr plateia uefapriqgi irishaltere- grlod flqaand faal with i wttmrpr- alwaya liarabteed atrial ven hundrodslnuea oold shapely ft mule co limited ranttord ont and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs nmy absence mr john t elliott whe resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers speight brady manufacturers of ii dynamos electric motors water motors oasoz11ie anlt oas jsnginesrassstlron castings to order repairing promptly done qeorejotown ont everton and eden mills the place to go forthe best flour bran middlings chop feed 6cc for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont authorised capital 500000000 tenyear rpatjtrity sharps are paid in mopthlylristalnierlts of 5pp per share fpf 120 months when payments ceaser jgopn paid in maturity value srootoo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton qm mfqyeejj y011 can gcat it a parlor suite a sideboard a bedroom set ari extension table a lounge a stand a mattreiss and springs or any other article in furniture hi r9fftrp you tbcomplctc pel hnnuierplliilytlinrtlinie hu lvc iwon curul par tfu pysicinn3 hnd pronoimccil tncumble tliccnmrrlial iwilurhotlilic ntdkic riot pufy j fttnirh httt in colds sore throat tonsilitls jr fever loss of ule iclfncis anil f nlf dsla mr c g archer of drawer mqfno wrllbafufollow- i fofv ht rqlarrh for apvcral yean water would runfram toy eyott anil now for days at n timc aboiif fanf snontha aco i wis liuluced to try dr agnewi catnrrlial roilir md lncn nainir lha kwandcfful remedy i liavo not hadun attnek i would nm bo will gnowacuro or the i heart cure all camof orjraiil ot fpllcves in 30 minutes dr arncws liver 1iiu meat onco a mild cathartlc awlgoratos am qyslem renovator soc for 40 dom dr aftncvv ointment rellervasa aadafw j qyslem renovator soc far 40 dom dr aftncwa ointment relic tfr tfhblt wit rttaam and all disease of tba skin cures piles in a sold i by a t brown r 7 blf boll pity the poor man who must live all hia flays in the cold shadow hiawilea fame inatant relief guaranteed by aatng m 11- barna sterling headache posvdera no depreibfnknltereffeol lilerlersroifjrrieiirio of themselvea f ta the bad ot otberi tbsy are altar some cough mixtures smother the cough but the next breeze fans it into lift again better put the cough out that is better go deeper and smother the fires of in- nammation troches can not do this neither can plain codrliver oil but scotts emulsion can the glyteirinp soothes iind iriak i iv fox tnfimti and cliildieii mr vm j hepburn wrritcs from ccntralia ontj i can sinccrdybay that burdock blood flitters is tho best spring- medicine oh the market xtist fqirin my blood got out of order and i hj soicn or cijht pood nizcd boils come out on my body and tho one on my leg- was much larger than an ckf i got a bottle of burdock blood hitter and inside of six days when only half the bottle was taken there wasn t a boil to bo hceru i have rccorhmr nded pnb to diltcrent icople in our village nhd alt derived benefit from it i wish bbd every success as it in indeed a great rrfciina for tho blood ddb is a nighty concentrated vege table compound tcaspoonful doses add water yoiirhcl f tbe obmpnl vuo on the msutlfp1to navar gets knooked off this l wny it tbe glyoereoo in soott emuliion lootben tha rooh tid irritabli tbrotk the hypoprtotpbttn tone op tbe nerim and tho codliver oil faemb and irenatben tbeinl1mad bronoblal tabs md ftlr ell whcnimm o fieri yon loroetbior for nothiotf dont acwpt unnlmfl yoa can afford to py at leant doable tti vlao a pewlmiit won even adoili that labesco hum ooraet up to hta exptothtfon boo acbb8 1m hbalth piles were sapplnfir tha llf from hlmdr agnaws ointment cured fijr m betaitr o snuinmul midi reyi for mveii 1 imd ruttrtd from ilfifaing and protadlfiit piles 1 irltrl nl kindi of buret bakoinrt relief until i blti qu applio mrs geo shall pt considers laxaliver pills the best remedy for biliousness one nftqf nnothot- a coming forwad and speaking nirortl lniavar of tho new family modlofno rrloxallvor pijia mrs goo small bllgo kond moiihl forest nflor glvlngtuoaopllla athornugh trlalp thus oxprosaoh horaolf lnxa- silver pills are tlio beat romody x cvor took forblllottanctfs and as a sntncrttl family collinrtio tlioy are farsuporlor to anything in the market for that purposol laia- lilvor pills are rnlld in action harmleas in effoot and do not vtenken the ayatem they sat promptly on the llyor tone np the jdlgeitlva organa remove 11- healtbyacourhulatlona and nit short the iiuioii iri prlaefioo sjorea the severest jjongns and oolds of tjpnggr old quicker r re- beggar md would yoa please help 1 old soldier along who baa seen many batta benevolent lady bandio htrri a ahillibg wbero india or in- egypt beggar in tbe illastrated papers mam there never waa- and never will bs a nnivereal panacea in one jemedy for all ilia to wbioh fleah ia heir the very nature of ixiaby cnrntiveh boidr euoh tbat were tbe gonna of other and differently seated diaeaacs rooted in the ayatem of the patient whtv wonld relieve one ill in torn wonld agitravate the dthor we have howavpr in qoinloo wine when obtained inaaonnd navdalierated atato a remedy for many and grievous ilia by its gradual fndfoloae oae the frailestsjbtcnib are led into oon valeacenoo and atredrth by the inononco which quinine exerts on natures own reatoratlves ik reliovea tba drooping apiriti of those with wbora a chronic elate of morbid deapondenie and laok of intereat in life ia a dlaeaae and by tranqailizinfi tbe tier vet ditpoaob to aotind and refresh ing sleep imparti vigor to aha action of the blood which being btimnlated oonraea throngboot the veins ttrengtbenlng the healthy animal faootiona oc tha ayatem thereby making activity a oeeesaaryreaalt itreogt boning the frame and giving life to tha digestive organs whioh naturally demand inoreayod aabatanoe reaolt im proved appdtlte northrop lyoiini of jloronto hivo clven to tho poblio their qainine wine at the nana rato and goagei by tho opinion of aeientiats this wine approaohea nearest perfeolion of any n tbe market all druggists eell it tba followiog advertbemsnt from a north of england newspaper ie worth saying from obllvatlon -n- oooi stylish btoyolo 410 for ealp by a yoang lady enamelled black and geared to flxiyetgbt addrebb etc requirerhents at a liwq profit qjly all goods delivered planinc fviili8 ac o john cameron architect and contractor uanufaoturer of snah doors frames monldlnga in all styles dressing matcb2nq mud moulding to order on short notice tt aiiortpd sopk pp hapa atpflpps tpani tbeumos john cameron undertaking in all its branches galls day of night atten4ed coffins delivered prices to suit every pnes needs j a speight ob co actoa the ahovo is the name nnd trodo mark of tho original kidney pill the only reliable kidnoy pill they svoro placed on tho limrkot by mr jamos doan kingfivlllo out pob- niary18s5 longbofort otuerkidney pills were thought of their phonoruonol euccosa in all parts of tho world ns vrell ut in canadn has s brought fortb many hnltattons tako nothing tlint has a name that looks or sounds like doans always nsk for doans kidnoy pilia tho pills that quicklyand thoroughly cure nil klndti of kidney ills after other romodioa fail g00d pftl nti mo means revenue and profit to the merchant or business man securing it issriveterf for mending hame8 beltinq te- intlupttwilln tt vminrna ilrrr rli mt t stak wh rlvcusauooiaatwdltibartlcl laru itilroduowl abbiiii wrlu ftjfy it rorijaxtol priomaau tenitotj llfithprik wwtc co t0r0mto ont cawnu bupply oo pleasant kcire wor sol fcllfiff fi i iiv t cholly gave an intolkotdal leaat laat nlhl xoa dont say yes ba entertalued an idea oollo and kidney difficulty mr j w wilder j p lafrgelllen y wrllai i am stubjeot 10 aevefo attacks of oollo and kidney difficulty and and parmajeaai filial sfloid me ureal relief while all other nmodlsa have failed they are the best mediulne i liave ever aarl in faot so nrt la ilie power ut ilils medicine to oleanee and purify that dlreaaei of almost every name and naure are driven from ihabody many a man haa rieked acqairlnr a wife iu order to acqnlro a slater tjya is never fonnd byceekloj nd it neveritars for peadlog fixoveaj vearj dr itowlr balrao tl wild bean ihe brest remedy for diarrhoea dysentery cramps and colli alwyaget- thi renoloo imlusiloni are dangeroaa esvjvvvavl i thulaaffood fifany but ha it la i wyeths i wont last long i ht riin o moth 1 it li tfte beat tonic produce a copmua flow of milk and t atnogtllai the whole ayiicm clgjtxttmam mukei uie lsalila it uarofrcihlnff tonic bevcr- age gluing strenath and tone to the yatem and tnui helpinff to throw off the iltneai or k whatfltcr natur it may be r t it produced a relish for food a a dlkcative and fortlfica and- r trengtbenrihoyatcm full dozen 3bo jpoob rrinnrino means expense and disappointment let us bring you revenue and profit with the good quality of printing turn out tbrovm ohemlat v mmsil- uts mcmnllenafe wne these tvrol ogftisniat iksrinattejeiclieavr no 6thr do- al tow prlooa all momulleps are tha sold n canada they immntiliafpponltry yards trellis iwrffsjicel aik yqrtr hardwaro mar sn for mmallens goods kyouotnnoi iv of him vrito to tho manufacturer at ittott pbtortotwtb gabehino wia po pihinpj hamilton and montreal geharal agents jamatscoorsa montreal general agent for ball way rentlngs ona jrc sondnissronsjheetstofi or medal v invention orltnprovomont and wo wtu tell yon freevonr opinion as lo vfliothor it la probablf patontablo ma tnnkoa spochw aiwnp ajowoxwb8 rxmm jhnle aeltpql of eliiliiriiliim luichsiorain apstm ftctencea lnvn vilvrrslly menbers ratsntiiaw afsocitlnn tniieanwptrrv7otka assootslloq yv ritulntut vntrr votk asioe ttjsaiva uiaw otslloq saivonnrs j oltfajr ot ctrll knulnein ww tom life dtdo m0ktal ml afurtii buildiii washibotoiidx

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