Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 23, 1899, p. 1

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volume xxitno 34 acton oktario thursday february 23 1890 peice three cents ib rudubbed every thursday morning at thk free prcsabteam rrintlngofllce uiijtj 8tiieet acton ont teiimbofsuiibcription ono dollar per year trio tlyln ad van co all suusoriiiuona discon tinued when tho tlmo or wliloh tloy have boon paid bos oipirod tho dato to wbfob ovory subscription is naldls denoted on tho address label t adtbqtisiko kates translqut advertise- monte 10 oonta per nonparoll lino for first in- ortlon 8 oonta por lino for oaoh subsequent insertion r oontiuot baths tho following tablo bbowb par rates for tho inaortlon of advortiaomonta for spooifltkl portoda j bpios 1 iii 6 mo 3 mo lmo loinahe tgooo 3500 9000 600 8500 sooo 1300 sso 9000 1300 700 900 7o0 800 360 100 advertisements without apootna directions will be ldiortd till forbid ana chirgod accord ingly traasjodt advertisements must bo paid ioadtbqoe advertisements will bo changed onoe each month if doalrod for changoo of toner than enoe a month tho composition muit bo paid for at rognlai rates changes for contract advertisements mast be in the office by noon on tuesday accounts payablo monthly hpmoore editor ownd proprietor slaughter sale r op 1 paper at days i have bougfit icavily for 1899 to make room for tills new stock will clear tho small lines rind ends at slaughter price anything a year old goes at your own price 3o00roils ends of he to four rolls at 2c a roll tub- traders bank of canada days bookstore guelpfc days sells cheap uuhitms wixtxtotv -jfbdwal- tohnm macdonald m dcm btjccebaoe to j f uren m d o m offioeandresidenoa corner hill a froderiok streotsaoton office hours to 1030 am 1 to 2 pm and 7 too pm d rfj r porster bdccebsob to dbab elliott jjata roildoat physician and burgeon to vic toria hospital for sick children toronto office mill stroot lately occupied by dr elliott d r dryden ere eai tnnoat and nose mcleans blooh douglas sl7noar f o quejjph omen houns 10 am to l pm end 3 to 6 pm sundays 10 am to 1 pm l bennett lds dehtist a okoaaetoww ohtabjo jcoghlan ddsl d s dentist wojut cabkfdxlt done pbiobb modejutb omen over browns dnco stohb houns bvbry day from 0 to g j m bell dd8 ld8 dkhtist bnookviixs hokob ouadnitb op tobosto umivhbflrrr work made satisfactory prices moderate visxtbio dava monday afternoon camp- beuviuej taeeday acton office claiks hotel friday uockwood m clean dv uclean barrlterssolialtors notaries conyeyanoors o private funds to loan offloe town hall aoton w a mclean jho a molxan bjauuatbb bolioitoil cohvetancbb ofiicx mill btroot in matthews block upitalri t b mclveod mm bamuflrrsa golioirob cohyjttancen main btroot georgetown monoytpioanatlowostcurredtratos e j mcnabb clerk fourth division court county of hal- on conveyancer agent fire and xifeassuranco ueal sitate afiont monoytoloaooto orviobsrpfirrymaniblook a0ton ont mis cell ans0 xts henry grist ottawa canada solicitor 01 patents for invention ota prepare application for the canadian amer ican and european patent oteea land for the begiatration of trado matki send for pam phlet tblrtvtwo year ejcperlenw c1ban0is nunan b0okbikdbe wyndhfcmst anipbonurlo owwihlmniiatore aoeonnt booka of all kind made to order perlodioali of every d eaoript ion oareff oily bound balinnmbwenapromptiydona m arbiage lilobnseb h pmo0i1b prlte offlob no witnmm reflnlroj iirnod reildenra in tbo evening froeprin onoe aoton m m hbmstreet llobhbbd aootionmm or the coontiee of wellington and hal ton orderleflat the fnxa pbisb offlba aoton or etmyrealdenoelnaoton will be promptly mt- ande4to faeiredpcodfo 5 oo for farm sales alio money to loan on the moat favorable umitjd at the loweat rates of interwt in uroiof fjpo iand p wmrda welungton mutaal tire iriaurieinoe company bbtaburabd 18io inbuiiancb on oaah and matua plan any eommunua f oiin hox 688 or telephone 08 wlu be promptly at tended o john taylor agent quel ph aoton machine and itepair shops fienhy ordtdbll proprietor abh well squlpped with all the maeblnery necessary to exeonte all repairs to machin ery and agrlouhnrtl implement and to do all klnda of teamflttlhr horwiboedng and general blaoksmttblntf woodwork repairs pari onued in a sauifaetory manner we oa repair any maehlne or implement of o gnmmldff and nlinn dpn i nymst baw ar1a ivumber jsiti tihlbgle me all unit of wood in ilook a promptlj budwoet ldejl4lrti lite unth it on ami teiono4teoaiiaaolohop -acton- livery bus line th oundjjrbign ed rpoatfnliybollolt thejatron i aga of tho puhllemid lnfpxms them that well equipped and styllah rigs oan ai tfayabssooored at his htablos a comfortable bos meat trains between 9 fiimt and 618 pm caretnlattontlonryentoeveryorder the wants of oomxnorola travel lers tally mot john williams pnqpnietor capital authorized 9 1 000000 capital paid up 700000 ijciiedplhjbm we are now imuinfl monoy ordora payablo at jiar at any branch of cbarterodbaulcln canada oxoaptlog the yukon dlatrlot at tbo following rates umlor 10j 8 conts 810 to s2q 10 penu 830 to iu0 13 codu eaotoew licouts gelry oun ows hiohest cuhbent rate op intehebt fiald on bums deposited of 1 nud upwards ntereit atlowod from data of doposit to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly advances made to reaponaibla farm ore on their own names at tho iowobt current ratoa no charge made for collecting sales notes if payable in fluolpb a gonoral banking bubluose transacted a f h jones manager w barber beos paper makers georgetown ont kaxx ibnoultiof machine finished book papers high grade webkxy nbw8 the paper used in this journal la from the above nulla wm barber a bros cash paid farm produce butter onions egfgs poultry etc apples wanted aikenhead peoduce co o pabsohs acton manager om head office toronto ont authorised capiul 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are gald in monthly of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 96ooo paid in maturity value iroooo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton see what ybu can get at robert nobles flpudjstro maijmrt0tiiietorii best family flour norval brand pure manitoba queen all kinds of mill feed all kinds of chopped grain baled hay oil cake another car corn just in mobest prices cash tor 100000 busbxls kjlch icind or obaor we hereby solicit your patronage and would like to buy your grain f hrrris ihrnsoer m s planinc mills contractor uanafaoturor of 8uh door framm atouldiug in all lyle drissmo matobzna nrf troulvnta to order oil abort notfee waii siorted itoek on nond lit prlwi toanl tb um john cameron proprietor 7i jrujtjuopublloor nigh school m boa1dnototarlodktbnntadntt i s a of ft pnouoal oonrae of lottrno 4m onmttne jjl ouftlplh j business cojlt3g and g shorthand institute faiiii gbbsfoh will oommoom tua6 wpunlier otb writ or oill if intanatad olroulftn rn nf iiimnn iiiiiim mi for two weeks we will sell lamps and skates if i ha4 known in tbo morning iiow woorily all tho duy tbo words unkind would trouhlo my mind i bald when you wont away i bad been mora careful darling nor given you noedleas pain but we vox our own lwijhjookandtone we can rjovertako baok agofu for though in tho qdlet evening you may givo mo tho kiss of peaoo yotit might ho that nqvbr for me tho pain of the heart should ceoso iiow in any go forth lo the mqtulnp thataeweroomo homo at night and boarta have broken forlinvrsh wordhipokop- tuu eorrow can neejr bet rlffct wo bavecarofulthoughufor tho stranger and emilei for tbo sometimes suost uutoft for our own the bitter tone thonsn we love our own the boat ab lips with the curve impaltlent ah i brow with that look of aooru twote a cruel fate were the tflght too lata to undo the work of tbo morn smutt jfamiljj iuaing twenty peb cent- below requlab pbiob8 it meaps snaps qiir prices areusually low but now they will be lower j mbond co gu6lph snaps thorps market sq macdonell st quelph u lbs groond bulpliur uc it kpsomsaltwaso j3 glaaborbalu35o 3 salt fetre 2so 00 flue salt aoo so dairy bait fioo 000 fine bait bk75e 300 cruris bait bk75c 380 course bait bbl 8105 280 fine silt bbl 103 liand salt sb jso per ton oatmeal 185 to 9j0 per sk 11 lbs oatmeal for 25o 15 10 30 100 100 cornmeal for 25a potbtrler tqrsso split peat forso groond oil 3ake 130 ground flaotioedea50 flaxseed 0140 nor bash oaltry 7fio a 10q jrystal urltt5o al pratts poultry food 25c dr boeapotiltry panacoa 35o pearoes poultry tonlo 35o pearees ijouio killer s5o xamberti death to lico aso poaroea bone mdia 8700 and 80co cash for all kinds of grain food corn isc to 5e bush -rbimjmbbr- thorfsguelph tf speight brady manufacturers of btnrjittos szlsotric motors water motors fasolnre and gtas xuialnes brass auioh castings to orzjbjr repairing promptly done aeoreretown ont everton and edeh mills the placa to go for the r bran mlddllnks chop feed b for sale chopping every day at everlon mills and every tuesday thursday and snturdny at eden mills always buying wheal no credit hortop special sale fancy-coodsy- ygaij5t vi qda qd fide by anna 8aibldb people in mayeville alwmys ihrorqd their shbaldra when mark ltmiou was mentioned and usually tho expressive gesture was followsd by some depreoatiog remark cornea of bad itook uld jane ltennox would say iu ins pompous dictatorial manner ait the limsons ware worth iest aiid nlra lamboti was a hodge and everybody know what they at tbo hocje in whiuh mark w born and where he scrambled np to manhood wai a large farmlioaie tutubuhft to plecei tmide witli a roof always bsinj patched agaloat leaking doors without locks and with shaking hinges windows that rattled in every wifjd ctilintis that dropped whenever a heavy wud bbpok the upper rooms and furniture in the last itsye of ahabbioeaa hid father and mother were jilattcrxjly iu dreai abiclleas in household roansgemebt and the batidaome bright boy was over in dulged or neglected as their owu indolence aggeatqol but matk lam son inherited none of the leading traits of qb parents probably in aorjae remote ancestor there vr a mixture of energy resolution aud ability of which the mayeville gossips had never beard and for wbiofa they certainly gave mark no o red it it was in vain that the prinolpalj of the mayiville high school deolared that mark had graduated with the best reoord he bad ever given in be abfaool it wae qseleis for tbo lad himself to keep hie life free from blame and earnestly endeavor to do his dnly maysvillo could not forget thai be was a larnaon andhisniother was a bodge bad stock 1 as be passed from boyhood to manhood mark began the unequal struggle against fate and circumstances that waa dictated by his own energy hlilather had been unable to got bread from the farm by a lazy tillage that gave the bare neoesiities for the tablet his mother had a very small glas9 china celluloid c prices away down fine finished cffokinole board complete 66o bobity100 framed pictures 60a etc etc waters bros qulph income tbat gave the three clothing of the poorest deioription and both were in open- mouthed wonder that mark was not con tent as ibey had been to dawdle through life and make out with what they had and mark struggling to attain better things with only a vague undisciplined longidgforimprovementj met no encourage ment at borne or abroad ho tried to obtain a situation bnt employers were shy about giving work to a lamion he met but a cool reception at the maysvillo social gathering having no knowledge of how to repair hie own linen or keep his poor clothing even tidy boy ike he imagined anewsnitand gay deoktie were all soffl- oientfor a party and did not heed the frayed oaffs and broken collars at which the maysvillo belles turned ap their noses bat in spite of his fathers lssy com ments bis mothers frettal remonstrances mark xamsoo finding no employ moot out side determined to see if the farm would not find him in work ohves doas you please his father said eat there is no money for new fangled fixtngf and the land ii about worn out plenty of it to be tare bot taint worth shucks so sioglehanded mark qodertook the work of bringing op the old farm early and lata he toiled repairing fences weed- log pioklng stones rooting out dead btnraps preparing his land without one hand stretched ont to help him one voice lowith him success thorase the only man hie father employed rga vs a snrly refusal to aid opon the ground that his regular routino of ahittlou farmiog took all his time and mark patiently sabrhlteed he wan twentyone years old when into his dull monotonous life came a new stiroaluoa hops bright a a and almost ai baseless he felt in love i he did not- walk in oantioasly ormntlng his steps and weighiog his chances bnt he fell iu plump suddenly hopelessly there bad been a warrndieouhslon at the judges abont inviting mark to the party that was to celebrate essies eighteenth birthday and her final return from board- ing sohool bat the pet of the house had a will of her own and a lively reoolleotlon of marks haadsbme face and boyish gallant rier and losisted upon his being invited mark carrying in his memory only a pretty little girl found himself confronted by an undeniable beanty a face to win homage in far more pretention ciroles than mays- villa boaited of and a general grace of manner that none of the girls of bis acqaaintaoce had ever extended to him the tonoh of the soft little hand offered to greet him riveted theohalus essies face bad osst abodt marks heart and made him her stave then and there he had starved all his life for sympathy and his first half boor with eiele fllled bis longing heart wiib content she remembered all bis boyhood aspirations she entered into all his hopes and ambitions the party was tbo beginning of an intercourse thai atimojated anew every good resolution gave iiewvihor to every hnpo of marks life v there are women who carry in their own jiearle an ovei flowing food of sympa thy who can elnk self oltetly in the pteieuoe of another persons interest and throw thiirownpowsr into their nelrhbors work wlibodtofflolomnq iisandx wsu snob a wotnadyoang as aha was she oould give her whole miud to every detail which rihe liad carried to her from tbo cutting of nprom for a ueighbora child to the geutle booth in of an invalids terror of death from her moiherd preserv ing ket le to the comfurtlbg of a newly bereaved widow or orphan nothing was too deep or solemn uotbiag too transinnt or trivial for that tender everaotive interest aud sympathy that made her the idol of maysvillo as well as the comfort of her home r an hour with esulu eeut bim back to his uphill work full of new hope every energy stimulated every hope brightened he had not dared to ant bvfore her in plain words the hope of winniug her heart to anavver his own for there was all the humility of true passion in that yoqng ardent heart but he realized a new force a new spur to ambition essie never- sneered at him aa the neighbors had become accustomed to doing esnie neyerthrewoold water ovor bia plans for improving the land eiile was never saroastic over the clashing of hits poverty aud ambitions as he saw her more frequently he ventured to tell her of wider wilder hopes of some day esoapjng from the drudgery before bim arid making his way to a city where hiaedaoatlon might give him a start in more congenial occupa tion father and mother seem to need me -nowri-he-told-esbisr-ono- day llhey jite old and they have no other ohildj i think it is my doty to stay i think it is was tbo quick reply year mother could aoaraely bear a sonars tlon and in her home ehe found no one whose claim seemed to her stronger than marks the village waeeasetiliallydemooratio end the faot that ettsie was ttie poly child and heiress of the riohest and mobt influential man io trip place did not prevent her from visiting mrs lam eon upou terras of perfect equality she wua fond of the weak amiable woman strongly as she censured in her youthful strength an easygoing indolence that made her homo such afcene ofooufuftiou and discomfort and in her gentle pleanant way she endeavored tp brighten that home for mark by sugges tions aud offyra of lelp that fell to the ground it was like fighting a featberbed to try to arouse mrs lamion to anyactive improvement and rebuffsd there elaie could only help mark by words of sym pathy that were like wine of life to his love and while i am here i must do the work that lies nuder my band be said hard as it is t bdt eiaie and bu face brightened do yuu know a hat already i have made the farm pay double what it has ever done neit epriog i can hire help out of money saved from tho sale of last years crops 1 essie all eager interest entered into the discussion of the oopabuitiea of suoh a lot for turnips such a ptoh of wheat the poisibitities of a dairy the best culture for fowls as it she had never fitudled moaio or filled her head with french or german verba bat the horror and wrath sjf judge lennox when after two years of mild courtship mark took his fate in his hands and asked permission to marry essie cannot be described a lanibon 1 he oried when having dlsmlssedmark ho returned tothebosomof trl family a l eefliev-hos- band i the fellow wanti my money to apend after all his father and his grand father have squandered do you really aod truly think mark is a spendthrift papa eisie asked qoietly oes he ever lounge about the stores or taverns as harry garter and james bay- burn do i well no i never saw him was the rslnotaht admission did yon ever bear that he drank or gambled or even smoked noi never did is he not regular at church yoesiv bat oh essie 1 struck in mrs lennox what shabby halfwashed shirts he wears and his fingers all out of his glovot and half the buttons of bis coat gone poor mark 1 said essie gently he needs a wife well he need not look here for ouo growled the judge i heard mr thompson say last week said essie quietly that there is not a better farm in green county than lamtone such a palace of a house 1 the judge sneered imarkis hoping to pat a new house on the place next year he has had builders over from b but they said the old house is beyond repair and it would cost less to build a new one and where is the money to come from where the improved farm came from said beiie from marks perseverance and eneriiyrin the faoe of the hardest dib- oooragernents a young man ever had to flght eh isaldthajadke what what see what he has done said essie still in an even quiet tone that carried convic tion far more than an excited one eight years ago when ho was but a boy he pat bis shoulder to the wheel and took his play time between sohool boars to weed and clear away stbnea nobody helped him he was ridiculed sneered at discouraged on all aides he had the poorest farm in the place and he has made it one of the htjatevmyirjatedoilarlnto lennox fonod himself confronted by iliern b lowly- fur be was not eauily couvinoed he took respect into the place of contempt and after a month of pitlcnt investigation sent for mark the interview was a frank manly one the old gentleman not beiug given te half hearted measures of any kind he admitted his former prejodioec and heart ily commended the young man who bad straggled so nobly when your new houne- is fluished said the jadge yoq will need a wife- a man whq can make his way against jrind and tide as you have done deserves a happj home the judge being a power in mayeville poblio opinion veerod around as the engagement was announced the new house being completed esue became housekeeper mr xjamson gladly resign ing her fcible reign and under the new reign it waa wouderf al to see how even iho old people smartened up they bad no obronlp objection to cleanliness if some one else did the necessary work and with mark and essie to govern and direot the l am son farm and lamson honsehold eo lost its old name hat yon could soarcely ftotf today in mayeville ona voice to repeat the old say log that mark lino too oame of bad stook scotch street boys awriteria the ttray all the good traits of sootoh street hoys who she says were always obliging and civil to her as she toured through their cities when going into buildings she said she always left her bicycle in charge of the most miaohievous boy in the crowd about her and always found it jealously guarded by its watcher who would not suffer the other boyts to look or apefr at it she saye of their gallantry the bebt story i know of an edinburgh street boy was told mo by a lady who witnessed tho incideut there was a christmas treat riven to poor children at a mission ball and hundreds of littlo ones were assembled at the doors in advance of the hour of admittance many of whom were barefoot amongthem was a sweet- faoed little rirl who seemed lesb hardened than moat to tbecold for she shivered in her poor jacket aud danced from one foot to the other also what pitiful dancing tbat on the cold bard stonen to put some life into her chilled limbs a boy not much older watched this performance for a few minutes and then with a sadden impulse of protection took off his cap put it down before her and said ye maun btand on that sir walter raleighs cloak has been a synonym of chivalry for many long years bat who shall say that the little edinburgh street boys cap deserves a less honorable memory the calf stood his ground a little farce io which a young lady a bioyole and a calf were tho aotore is reported by the utioa preu a young lady bowling merrily along on her wheel oame to the top of a bill which offered a fine opportuoity for a coabt accordingly her feet went ap on the rests and the wheel started for an untrammelled cruise down the incline the coast was clear with the exception of a calf standing inoffensively in the road about hafway down the hill had it been ja mouse iu all probability tho fair cyclist would have at once die- mounted and gone around by another route or stepped into some houm for assist ance but as it waa only a harmless calf that would in all probability make room at once at the approach of the wheel j the young lady kept steadilyon ttie calf however had dirteront ylows oonoerning the rf pt wayi and calmly stood bin ground the wheel had now gained a great impetus ant debie tho frantic efforts of the pdsr it at rook the astonished calf audi in aomeunaccouniahle manner tbo young lady brought up on her handstand knees with her head between tho calfs blncl legs this was top mnch for thepajf as it was also for thefaic oyc- list and hs moved off in doublequick time leaving the wheel and its owner to reor ganize and contione fooled in a horse trade aptpmiuent eqfihsh landlord was one day riding across aodmmqn adjacent to hia preierveawhen he overtook one of hit tenants who was also mounted after the asoal salotatious they rodeon in ajlsnoe for some ml a a tea when the tenant slightly sported hit horse a balky animal where upon it dropped to its knees whats the matter with your bone asked his lordship the embarrassed ten ant remarked by way of explanation that his steed always sotod tbat way when there was game to be found t a moment later to the tenants surprise and satisfac tion a frightened hare jumped out of some bushes near by this so impressed the landlord that he at onoo drove a bargain by which lie secured the tenant barebaoked beast in exohange for hia own fine monnt perfeotly saddled with much agility tho tenant leaped to his new horse and all went well until they oame to a urn all stream where- at tbo landlords new horse immediately balked a drive home with the spurs brought it again to its knees well whats ap now there no gains here said hie lordship- true ray lord was the ready reply but i forgot to tell yon t aa good for fish as ee is ter game 1 hhhaue o t tramps are men without ftiinilics and they tiro despised and didliked even by the lowest class of women ai- the trump leaves few ilesoehdentb how is it that hlb ranks are kept no wellfilled and his typu so uniform ilia ranks have nn unfail ing source of supply for they are recruit oil from the failure of every olttbh in tho oommuuity from the hiirhebt to the low est the eediment ofvvrry generation sinks uatu rally inthernthymere foroeof gravity so long ar sooietyhaa failures it will have tnnlps the uniformity of type is bthklntf enough to tempt us to dub him a true species thero is uo national ity among tramps so far as physiognomy goes the typo can be almost always recognized at sight in every country- under keaveu a german tramp in almpat the exact replica of an irluu one and either of tbem far more like the other than he- is to the remainder- of bis own oouutryroen bat this again does not imply continuity of descent merely that the charms of a wandering and workleos life appeal tomnoh the eame type of mind and body in eacb generation and country the attraction is constant aud unvarying the repose almost equally so and as this type of tempermeut is that of the simple nomadic saivage and blurobers more deeply in all of us what wonder that even its physlquo is bo uniform any individual peculiar ities by tberecruitarejdloktyswauiped by the uniform and disoinline of the corps even bts name disappeare and is replaced by eorao descrlptivo soubriquet indian fashion nsually uncom pimentary7ae hospital tthm q iltiglo jliiftlo clear tbo way tib tlio morry raorry blofgb ab it swiftly sands along hear the burst of happy sour boo tbo gleam of glances bright flashing oer tbo pathway wblto boo thorn willi capricious pranks flougbing now tbo drif toil banks jlnglo jtoyleoq tboy go oapes and bonnets wnito with snow- not a single robo thoy fold to protect thorn froin tbo cold jlnglo jlnalc mid tbo storm fun aud frollokocp thorn warm jlnglo jingle sown tho bills oer tbo mosdowp past tbo mills now tlaslow now tla fast winter wllluot alwayslmt jlnglo jlnglqoloatytha way tuttbo merry marry sleigh school and home consternation over a darn ing needle aooording to the story of nn t resi dent of fitzroy ont ho well remembers the time when there was bqt one darning needle in that county and the only mill was a dayu journey distant one day a mrs dickson who chancod to have temporary possession of the darning needle and had it carefully stuck in her aprou in a holder sit iff ftr the mill with a bag of grain laid on tbe back of a horse thd good lady had a rough road to trav el aud unfortunately oat the darning neelde this was realty apablio calamity in fitzroy nearly twenty housewives depended upon that riurniug needle fur repairing socks aiid for other ooartto mend ing it passed from one honee to another by special messenger and every woman bad the use of it one day in threo weoke another darning needle could not then be procured nearer than perth a diitance of fio milep away tidinks of tho disaster which had befal- en mrs dickson soon ppread and on the fullowingmorning a dozen woman some of them accompanied by their children and some by ibeir huhbanda turned out io searoh three miles of forest path it becmed a hopeless task but keen eyes were bent upon every portion of the high way and st length one little girl espied it a great shout- was raised and the good news waa carried along the line of search ers the party returned home aud tba rejoioioga in newly settled fitzroy that day were great philadelphia record bound to be right its sorry 01 am tp see yez goiu so soon remarked mm mcbbanteo as her books on agriculture ivnproved roaohines good atook he has now four men at work with him good horses good cattle good poultry and will have a good house papa do you not think it will be apity to leave tha new house iu the care of mrs lfimson to f uln as she has the old one ont doors the management is all left to mark and see what be has done bat a man oannot make a home comfortable alone he needs a wife well said the jndge lot him have due bnt not my ohild still he lovcsme said essie hd 1 love him pshaw i said the jndge and he march- ed eat of the house bar proud as he was he was just be loved eisl lie had let prejudice influence him against mark all bisllfe now he took pains to and out how moon of his dislike was wellfounded grudgingly enough waa tbfsrdlot given in mk favor may s- vlludidnotwiiildglyaoknowisdge it bad bmo wrong in iis umate and aboaldore j upoqjoirk all tha faults of hia anoeiton bat tbt faota wrs atrong and jadga gnest arose to leave bhtaa ye go ikrorjga mrs mickey moylans v wad ye do no a favor wid pleasure oi wall responded mrs mcsqaatter leader of goatvillos four hundred sureithort bain suoh near neighbors ye an th moylsna would be un friendly theyre not at homo th day an it isnt tbe moylana oi want to see mrs mcsbantee explained with suppressed emotion this tnaroin mrs moylan gave me bally ho wfd her voir tongdo became moy chickens scratched up her yarrud phwy didnt ye soilence her sure wasnt she in the roight 7 moy chiokens had no call in her yarrud and ptiat could i do but stband and take phwat she said ita meek enough oi am mrs mosquatter when oirn in th wrong yell niver foind me makih tbrooble wlfl- out qt have the roight on my sold see 1 pwhat is it you want roe to do as 01 pass through mrs mcoylana yarrud asked mrs mosquatter with a puzzled air 01 want ye ter opop th kitobon door an let their billygoat out they looked him iu when they went down town sareol wall that thankee mrs mosquatter its a good f rind ye are it wont be long before that hilly goat gets over into me yarrud an thin whin mrs moylan comes home hlvsn htlp her hard lock scientist a sclent iflo gentleman told a little tale worth repeating at a british association meeting the other day he is engaged in collecting material for a book on magnet- lam and beard of a paper on the subject in a grerman periodical not knowing tho teutonic tongue be sent the article to a translation bureau iu due time the translation was banded to him and when ho scanned the lines he became very wroth indeed fortbe article was simply a german rendering of one from the gentlemans own pan which appeared jn an english paper a year before insult waa added to injury when tha scientist had to pay for translation exaotly as much again as he received from the proprietors keep your postage stamps the eooentricftles of tbe new post-mast- ergeneral are firing to be productive of a veritable windfall to stamp collectors who keep their eyes open and save even the ordinary stamps that are in olronlation these days bo the adage of the ill wind that blows nobody good holds in this oaae baring the pact few months iomo rapid chauges bavi been made in stamp designs there are now no more three cent stamps new variety with four maple leafe one in eaoh corner they having given plaoe to threes with only two leasee v the new imperial itanop issaed ohristmae week has nndergone three changes already in color shade the first being lavender the second pale bide and the third v deeper bine tbe department have- deoided to ohange the color ol the present two cent stamp from- porplo m red all these stampa id two or three years will be vklo- able and ongbt to be saved olrourastaoow may make yon poor in pocket but you alone are to biamelf you are not rlub in thought t r vttbinejp lji motntr stock takinq uy a 8ucckb8ful mecclulit iu preparing for inventory all goods should be olabsifled and cleaned up before measuringr- counting or weighing repapor- ed and rotioketed if neoeseary the measuring eto should be done carefully and a ticket fastened to tbe end of each artiole showing cot and quality allow no lists to be placed in fixtures oases or drawers to represent tbeoonteats if goods aro sold during this preparation lemhe tickets attaobedbe changedtqjihow the quantities remaining preparatory to entering lay ont the stook- aa fully as poisiblt and have it called in entered v and- called back after business hours is the proper time in ono of the largest retail business in tbeunitod states with a stock amounting to millions an inventory is taken inside of one hour after preparations for same have been completed by bis method errors are avoided and the merchant is confident that his stock is correctly taken and not merely estimated take all goods at coat when entering an artiole tbat has depreciated in value leave two or three lines space in tbe stook hook make on entry of the artiole showing quantity and cobton tho inidde colomn ot rulings and after arriving at the amount deduct a sufficient per cent off coat to allow the average profit throwing the net amount to the outside column a recapit- nlalion of all depreciation is then made and no estimated average of per cent on the whole stock which is misleading if yon have any investments outside of your business let these appear in your balance uheet stock bhould be inventoried at least bnoe a year and if you have any creditors who are entitled to a knowledge of yoor affairs send them a signed copy of your balanoe sheet their confidenoo may thus he gained and their advice and assistance secured if needed a model stablekeeper not long since i was spending a night with a friend in new york and was invited to au early rids in central tark the offer was gladly accepted aa i knew be had a number of valuable bloodhorses whioh were kept at a poblio stable vhen i expressed surprise at hia willingness to entrust snob valuable horses to the cars of any one bnt his own trained groom he said the mad who keeps tbla stable is a born atablekeoper and a gentleman his men areca i au t f log are his soles first no man will be employed who drink intoxicating liquors his men like his horses most drink water cold wateronly second no man must speak loudly to any of the horses or in the stable where they are horses of rood blood are nervous and load excited con versation is felt by every hone in tha stablo who hoars it exalted words addreisedto one horse are felt by every other bone who bears thjam and keep themall nervous and uneasy third no man may use profane language in the hearing of the horses i waa not surprised after that that my friend was willing t4 leave his horses in snob hands dumb animaz a sermon on money a colored exhorter said recently in the coarse of a sermon on money tho great evil my brothnrioi money cause mo trouble in die wort dan anyting i knows oo fao is de debit atn in de dollab i when i bee a man wlda pocket full nb money i say to mysef dars a man what needs a guar- denn an i feels dea like i taktn him home an lookfn op dat money fo him ef enny obyou in do hearln ob my voice- is got money on yopubboni bring it right heah and ay it on de altar an go yo ways an lemme pray ober it til a bleisin come to it doan wall to count it dea come foward an unload i atlanta constitution of the journal in which the artiole original- ly figured two odors the loudon chronicle tells this atorv of father b tan ton the wellknown london rlloaliat chanoiog to enter into conversation with a visitor to st albans hoi horn who bad attended tbe service for toe first time mr stanton asked him what he thought of the service the stranger replied that he liked it all very wsll except tha inoense to the dee of which be strongly objected i am very sorry for yon my friend said mr stanton the other not nnnatnrally asked whj well yoa see salovmr stanton there are only only two odors in the next world iu cense and brimstone and youll have to choose between thero all forma of scrofula sores bolls pimples and eruptions are quickly and permanently cured by hoods saraaparllla why isnt there money in any boaineai yon have your oo in inveated in very nice indeed oh miss brown i wassoanrry i didnt nee you when you called tho other day i had suoh a dreadful headaoho that i told my maid i waa not at borne to any ot my friends but of course i should have een you i punch a puzzler areyon superatitiona well yee a little what aboat it i only wanted to abk you what kind of look it is for a left handed man to see the moon over hie right shoulder cleveland plahx dealer surest of all diamond dyes excel all other dyestuffs fast to soap and light tbebo world famed dyes aro homea byes wo imvo tried to no oilier oytt but ihey did qotgiva u ntlaf6liod boanbl lglitpwlkgeot your duroodd syas to dye our woollen yarn tbo vork waa perfeot for dyalng oarpatl and cotton gooda diamond djea are unequalled mm knn tick wlndaor out r 7xjkd

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